o thursday october 10th 1os0 the acton free press nouqufth to tilt ijvino when i quit this mortal shore and money round this artfi no more dont wcp don t sob i may have lit rude u tn iter job dontgouridbuya lame bouquet ton which joiil rind 11 hard to pay don t mope uround und feil ftll blue i may be better off thin you don l tell the folks i wu ft saint or any old thlnu that i aln t if you have jnm mkc that to spread pli ase hand it out before i m dead if you have roses bless your soul just pin one lh my button hole while i in ollvr and well to day dont wait until i tfe gone awsy twenty years ago from tha vmu bf th free vrm at thunaay october 111 1010 mrs john a carson or salem oregon arrived on saturday to upend few day at valrvlcw waoe with mr c e smith knox churoh oholr presented mr harold wildgtist the cholrmutur who has resigned with an electric reading lamp plor to his removal to london the i learnt government u defeated and the farmer am in th lead xj o have 40 seatn liberals 31 conser vatives m and labor 11 the poplr or ontario voted for a dry province with over 300 000 majority even toronto gives 21 000 no major ity acton had a majority of 307 and die county of halton 4 m0 tho lout act in thr raxing of theold storey aiovp leather tannery on main street wan consummated on satu diy wlten uie big brll htmney wiu felled tn polled ttgflfivetdh fltmh can ahiwtiux 7 jr v nver t 3 378 in acton the vote wan cleaver 300 i nlvon 300 and ptard do vikd kbwton at hlfl homo lot 33 nfth concession umohouse crossroad un prlday ortober 17th 1010 william nrwtnn in his 73rd years mcoarvtk at the home of hnr daugf lor mm ii s whit on sunday oc lober 10th 1010 mrs fdr mcoarvln fnimerly of acton the mill dam was competed tlmt madtf atorgr hi brother 1 coitldn t beglti to tills splendid body of water the dam nnmo you all the ullage hoy whod be luieked up watw until it covered eighty- in these big shinny games but usually eight acre as it doe today the there d be jjm nleltlln bill mid dick flour mill built by the adamstw stood thuricll austin tubby and oeoriic j wliere lindsays mill u today aiml the tom culliont dac lluhlheart lkc demand that it be curtailed if fcloyd in built by the bete l mncdoiutld nboul thirty years ago when he pn piirl to retire from farming on the iu cond line i know this is hasty sketch but requirements of hie book saw nillftllstniuinni seventy yrant wo wntpy alex hwnr- was just below where the present cinrgi ilyniln ed mtoorun and tlin ciminl waste way and overflow is slu- or four of thr hill boyw john and jim ntrd nucl charlie and chester when hi urew lmr about fifty yearn fairy lake was nd there wrre the llghuwart hos always referred to as tho mill pond sum and jim a and arnrgi hmngi r eventually mrs sarah aiigusta accord nt tn johnston boyf and inrk who settled here in the sixties an edu- ham i ivlngslnni and jaek huf coted woman of an aesthetic tempera- r ii jack urstbiuik anil ment gradually nicoeeded in nenniwuna othru i annot now ronunurr our cltlkens uuit an xpnsc of such clear crystal spring water with the on- vlronment of wooded hllu tmd cultivated farms arft pretty pillage homos and home riirroundlnfiji should drop its common place name and be honored with a rnoro dignified cognomen mrs second christened it fairy lake and fjry lake is the euphoneous name it has ctrrled for the pant sixty years in my boyhood days the sliores of fairy lake were thlokly voodod except ing where it touchod uie village from the southerly corner the walters farm hail its quota of woodland on the lace shore than there was a section of each or the dan livingston the william waldle the thomas cameron and the james cameron farms adjoining the lake which were covered with cedar hemlock and hardwood the stumps tii lit about the imrltt y of to day but it uann t to uo wmparod with tr shinny ttnnieu i nm sure imnt of iu who nnw tin m f t ulone playing them would i ver ndnilt thnt hockey could compare with rthlimy for i mlnuu- tor nul enjoyable all round in til thy good nn lured sport vis niirts luirn pretty well confined to acton park nud tlie old cum on ns just si ems as if thry never got really v ry far removed before 1 leave tin park and nilry uke i should till you of the homes on park av nue and ijike avenue stnte hi lh section woa in the early days all nm bin i lot if uround f i aim ihe nrsl h nine ui be built iu thin rectlon was that occupied iiy mi and mrs d ii i indhny nud 1 nnhevt it wn con htruclel for john pleuch i cculd tell you sonu storl n about most all these nitltihl off1cml4 wfar x0 and now to get on to the park its iwhwim n fifty and fifty flvo years ago tluit tlie land now known an acton park wan purcltased from the late william ec smith and became acton 8 fair urounds the first exhibition held here wan in a big canvas tent thai uun im fore the drill hall was moved from bower avenue i think j b mx oarvtn ws the secretary treosun r or the fair at thai time tlie drill shed wont to the park about forty five years scaled specimens of tlie correct shades ago it occupied a place where the or army khaki air force blue and ad arenn now stands until that bulldlnu mlralty blue have been sent by the war was erected about ten years ago office air ministry and admiralty to p ulp mly enttunoe to jton the british color council tor official n p wllk by wtty ol plt avenue untu istratlcn in their dictionary or dolor lwenty nw or ullrty yrww ft u stanurdn which in the recognized re uvliiui kna as knox avcnuo stopped ferencc ror color determination through lll lhc n trance to uie diurch sheds i hin proj rty uiis a big pasture tuld ait tin world these officially approved shades are un owned by tht late john r kennedy being copied on color charts and sent to twrnty years ago mr ken textile and dyestuff manufacturers and ne4y guhdlvldod the bronerty uito build large and small tailoring concerns all otb ttnd x ink uie late hugh over britain and tho empire thu will eliminate tlie waste in materials dyes and money which occurred n the last war when in tlie absence of color standardisation many uniforms were returned as useless simply became thuy were not uniform in rolor said an official or tlie council in 1014 there ware for example sumo 30 different siuuioa or military kluucl now only two ure in genamii use and w have registered thorn as x 30 for uflio- rrs dress and z 31 for other ranks through tho color council britain has ttuan tlie load in tho worldwide standardisation of colors and hi advising on color oomblnatlonb for fashions fur nishings paints and men unsticks and household dustpans now war has come tin councils services am at tho dls posal uf voluntary orauulsutlons as well an the three services to insure that tlie colors of their uniforms shall bi a credit to british industry i wallace was the first to erect a resld enormous ontv herl wnlc bt owned by his daughter miss hannah wallace tluii alex bell put his fine brick residence next and jeremiah bell built a oorafort- uble homo for his mother when slie came to town from out tn nassugawcya tlie subdivision was popular and mrs sllll in tho lake and some on die land homes but spao demands that i stir bear mute evidence of this fact ui un details in the subdivision of the adams farms 1 the next h msc on park awnue 14 when clon wua largely nirveyed into ru by mrs ciiwii ai built uy am village loui uie penlnnula jultlng wit brow mecann alwmt twenty years ago into uie lake westward from the section nun the home occupied by mr and of lots on main street was securwl by mnt bralda was built by john chin miiui a iwtbewofyrfmmdnnlm toullrtn wh ir now lir milned wt aitoetndyi itcrcl iifnn- w olrto wooded ns i con rememlwr quite nnionttgr john clllnhnlm was uu dlntmctly tliere were cedars and birch builder uf tlw houii now occupied by and wild rhi rry and balm or giltad and mr and mrs tlios rumley i was bannwood in those we boys- arter a built tor cleorgi dills and it was hen dip in tht loke at the present oht swim that thin family silent their early re mln hole would regale ourselves with mortice nfter thry cume to acton from chorrles rrom uie black and in clu rry uu shores of jke krie trees and with carrots trom uie field or th h uw 1 n the conn r now owned white currnts which wan invariably tin b mv w j hi ally was started by crop then grown by old ransom on charles olebe a mllh r who came to hli loiifl whlrh now comprises acum alton financial matt rs went agalimt public park mr adams always hal a ntabh fu iif horses used tile crop carrots li ft by the boyn after uillr fiummcr feedlnw ui fued during uu winu r iii mthh w lh lionyi in those early days there was ftm trout fbttilng i tin qld mill pond stec- kled trout and no amount or abounded uirri lln re wi r tin builder and wirry drove him to toiiimlt suicide by uliiu to the station 1 arl mil morn inn nd placing his luud imdir tin whcibi of the train tht building wiw ciimpliod laur by jolin llarvty who lived hen for some yearn tin ji una hrothi rn william and harry in r flili built tlw next h nw at least i ncull number 11 mi u tin tlrsl occupants and hiivlnu or boau and punts on uu jxind uii u m t tiun j 1 uu bulldirg for uie manu tjwwi fiullluited uie sport of uu fisher fucvun t it loves and mittn the liouse men when in qucnt of speckled beauties t ihe conn r now occupied by mr and vei uil inrk and uu old mill ponu mr ni 11 mcnubb was built for wm an pri tty cloii ly rilated fjouadayn fcpuiht who now nsldin in toronto tiny planes fok hpciax dutirs conimuiilcatlons aircraft set aside or tlu use of high personages and of ficers of uu fighting tunes play an lnitmirtant part today in the mechanics of goveniment monunlis dictators and business executlvts cmploj to an in incmislng extent ufrrruft for ttrgtnt juurneyb tti coiuniuulcntuuui at roplani is a specliill equlpied and furnished verali n of an txlstlna ihlliuiry or clll aircraft and tlu unltwl klngtlum utrcrutt in ilusr produces u uiulth of airoplauli wlilch can in adapted or an alnudy mallubu oa uvej suind for siieclal com munlciitloii dutlln an idea of the imreasliig value of communication aircraft jnay be gain 1 irani a suney of same or the jounuys undertaken boforewar btan for ex ample the secretary or state tor war mr hortisbeluha made a quick visit to malta and back in an r j communi cations atrenjit s uie undcr-scrc- tary of state tor air captain hi ii balfour made a 13 0o0 miles ltghlnhi tour of rap units tn egypt sudan kenya palestine and malta in less uian a month recently too the government of india acquired two twinengined low wing hiuiioplanes for tlie personal use of the viceroy a similar type of air craft oi a different make was owned by uie 1at ring ohaxl of iraq and an- ouier of these planes lias been delivered to the civil air board of australia for special duues pluy tlulr lurllnu und hocki in uu tint anna in uu pur but many a hni iiiilmu ind shinny came has bet n iiijoyed un fairy lake tht mrly dcolch uiltr in tboia duyn and their eng luli and irish 1 llou cttixtiui got u u not tinlj inuristfd but 11p4rt in uie nmrln garni i think uiere was only one pair of real scotch granite curling stout in town at tha umt but jolui row johnston had a home hero and faul ltt uriied many a fine sumi out lawrence williams built a new housi t nilk ma u und miut aptlu iuumi on uie other side of tho street ohiausr thl ttlln iron handles and wtlghts plank erected the cement block house 11iu l n and u10 late frank bayers built the nordi a hi igis of two brick bungalows and jas mcmu- hyhu r lan followed with his fine bride house i then tlie last remaining lot was secured by i h hun uolnu on down the nouui nidi l4ikt avenut in a frame house built by llnbcrt campbell he erected uiln urn und tbne ollurs on uie street i in lliri t uuiern were frann onos too and tlu him uim on uu north side of uu ntn 1 1 of count uie last one un t there nou as it dlnupimarid to make wuy ft t that line brick rcnidtivco of fairly recent construction owned by wm landn borough i the brick house ownod by mrs sprowt wah erected for mrs john lair mibnlllut and j allan not many years ago john chin in ouliuj to being holm wa also tht bulldtr of uie ni xt uu curlers played u longer uh brlrk now owned by wm r e blair tmiiiu no difficulty in uils on und family the cimi nt block adjoin optn pond tlw nun of acton and i mg was erected by the present owner uie late mrs minnie moore tor the t md wh played in u10se and occupant allan o c smith thi erection or the little bungalow for liar- uumuhl nothlnb ot flilctltlt wl niughcast hows an near as i can recall scu and her mother nearest the church b or two a week at this great uas erected for thus cook but mm mludb id gunu whin the ice was in u cki coi scott and miss mcdonald have had a but how ie wundixed trom uie park dltlim amoi g uu player 1 renumber iwy luunt here for many years now tlu opening of knox avanuo had a wen liu man mcdonald charlie symon tile lant luiune on uu south side when bearing on uie park for now uiere were john wallace mike speight cduurd and mr and mm peorge mason renldc was two entrances an uie knox avenue di njamtn nlcklln robert coatcn john i rocud by wm wiuu a hardware mer way was popular for all those went of hull rob rt swun james mutuuwn chant here mill street and a hit shorter j william flrstbrot d falm anderwm i i tuvc already teild you at the build about twenty yeans ago a very sue- etui t remember whither sandy orient u of uu ilrnt houses on the flnt threi ctftfltul cclebruuon wan held in uie purk and the kt nnedya and uie kelson und lots on uie north hide of the avenue commemorating actons fifty years of trirktmoru filayed or not but i fancy tlie buck house owned by miss ben ulcorporauon as a village stnenge us uiey would be in the gnim with uie nett w ltl ertcud fur her parents when 7 jgy i was afelol wlien i married you hi said bitterly ye but i was in lovo with you and dldn t notion it ott warf it a fartuir wun gloomily reaanllng hie ravagis ot tlie big flood hear live tlvflf sam shouted a neljihlmir i h your dittli wm all unipcd down ayi uim tlu rt ly how un lit own n intlb i hi y n hoiii too and irwin yn oh will raid bam 1 lu 1 ring up it nlu t an ixid un i thouuhl ho why worby mtdlco ask uie accident vloum what his name is so we run notify ills family minu a few molueuts later he ssya his family known his name taking no ciiancffl holierta du1 you count wlui a dauor in tee it lurk loves you uulh no indeeel it lnlgu have tum- t out wnmg i used a threeleafed i low r it may seem a good bunk bulunci wut loft after uie uflalr was over and it win decided tlu park entrance should b tmpmved tlu tences were set back to tlu 11 pre hi nt location and uie bund stand and ticket ufflce and sunu pillars wen eroded iirtlier ctlibrntloiih sup piled uu balanek of uu funds necessary to eompleu uu work about ten years ago uie grandstand was moved from tht lot adjoining jatui mcarthurs reldince to uu went nidi o uie park the arena was erected tn lllp but un story of acton park is not other seouji hearties and hockey tn uiose early days the cnvsdi wireut sptctuuin when we usd to pi i tn tht t id mill pnod cxirybody wns in th game why hi uie tood old lunifv ot shinny wi eued u have on tlu big pond tuty boyi und young mm could j liny eunu ui aettn u retire trum farm life b jtrtmlah lit ii 1 he roughcast housi owned by richard ruwson was i think tncted for tommy miller at 1 11 l lh u is the find family l cuu roca 1 it iditu uien the brlrk lunihe on the xt 1 1 l- anouur comtxiraitvely m w present play ut one 1 and tiny txiuld all play at ikum and uiu built by the the naim unit and skul uw and uie owmr john me arthur pluytrs wenn t confined to tho vlllato or rtiuni you ull recall that tlu next boys either on saturday afternoons lot un only iuunt one on the utreet lota of tht furm boys would net into uie u u tht pound lot until u few ymrs ui gunu ui i remember qutu well when and a as s id by the corporation to tht both uu cameron boyt charlie and lute john r kennedy tin next brick tom played alld uiere were the luby wtt built by thus moore und uu complete without someuilng about fairy wov jaek and ciiurlu and some unit 1 r ttj uttlw bunuluw adjoining was luke which forms such beauuful sur one or two or uie gordon boys would be tiected u fu yurs ago for the present mundtngs fer uils ftno ground its just over and tom lee und jack odonaghue occupant mrs r ii wansbrough tlie 100 years uuo uils iast summer since and zalimui hull and jack smith and house on uu conic r now occupied by j auggs and skeeter the murderer escaped itrhiips yuu dldn l ktmw t tin t thin wns a inurdlr iiimmittid ut mill strltl n aliom in iiil f iirly dnys vtiy ttw nnw rtsldml in acton could icintl the urcumstnnccs actons i nrly days isit n imirdir thrill book but it docs record the story of such u crime nud where the hmm whs locnted and the tntrh circumstances in connection therewith 1 this houk ol reinjnfslcnces nnsweis u lotjij uihci nucitlotis ctiiiccniiu a ton s i nrly hays hl tue enn you nnswer wlwri wis llic first store loealedv who puriliascd the first land where did mazo l- la kihhe re side 111 aelonv what was aetoifs first name wi10 was charlie wiegar who was the first precentor in knox church who wore walter lieanlniore pluhat in tlie calitluiniman parade where was storeys buckskin academy and mr ross kid tan nery you ii delight in reviewing these reminiscences you will wnnt this book for a reference concerning acton nnd the fnrly days i we ve only touched on the stories it contnins 300 pages of recollections nboul acton and the district if you know acton you will wnnt it and if you waist it book your rliuirimxnts now to make sure of your copies of actons early days do not send remittances until the book is rcnd just order now the acton free press phone 174 acton ont by wally bishop