thursday november soth 1030 theacton fkee press paqk 6iw nie uvbk or niiut no one atop the fiver trtowlnfi to hrmeair mettma t a ut soon muit set it free sound it grow th irotttfey anirier denied and your little dams and dike it soon will weep aside tiatirnrlhnriixrhver r plowlnato the deep falsehood may prevail awhile and even justice sleep truth may tit in prison on um scaffold aland but the river finds the sea and grinds your rock to sand no one atop the river no one kills the truui me may play the fool awhile and put the blame on youth hut there clod in heaven and there sood in men and the soul of clirut shall come and save the world aaln dousla malloch actons family album tnmbic over the potf vek by week and looking on the pitees f thoec who were familiar to many here in other years no ou nememneit tins onf- 1 he sunday school lesson for sunday nfchlimyk 3rd qprbadina the good news tniation under cover and with the ut most subtlety lut tlicre is nothtnu covered that shall not bo revealed and hli that shall not bo known gods cgrepxtem t t w 10 tlie sparrow and to the minutest things about ourselves v 30 iii iio that loveth rather or mother more rhnn mo to not worthy ol mr 37 twenty years ago from the issue of the free press of thursday december 4tli 1110 the young folk have had coy times tlus week corporation pond and fairy lake hove been in prime condition j m dcnyes was elected president of meetlna it milton honorary president the children s aid society at the annual is judge elliott donations from socle ties institutes and persons totalled olq75 for the year the seventy mile sale on saturday nlffht wrought havoc in rnany places partners in the acton district had build ings blown down and twisted in acton the new shoe factory was the sc of was lifted and distributed over the q t nrr injuring n hrnkeman on a ahuntlntf freight train the west wall and windows fell in after the roof went off il is estimated that the damage will be- about is 000 the contract would have been completed this week rev oeorae w darker of burlington gave most impressive addresses at spec lal services of the methodist church on wednesday thursday and friday even- ing a number of passenger from acton had a trying experience an saturday night when the power went on and the radial car was stalled on the bridge be tween the oevnth and sixth linos the car was stalled for seven hours mr james loutltt who has been in toronto since returning from overseas has decided to return to acton died wajjutob ax h home knox avenue on tuesday december tad 1010 ehefl- beth storey widow of the late hugh wallace in her 70th year why weeds are iiar0 to kill each weed has a life hlsuiry of its own and the reason why one is hard to kill may not be at all the chief reacon why another persists some of the prin cipal reason however are gtvn by herbert omh division of botany science service as follows 1 they are naturally adapted for life in gardens fields and the surround ing of man they might be easy u klu or would die out of themselves if they happened to start growth in the dense shade of a woodland for the same reason the plants of woodlands would be to kill or hard lo keep alive in tlie unnatural environment for them of our fields and gardens most of our weedi have come from older lands jd th nmi against last wfeks pictures tlie two pictures that appeared in lost weeks family album were the late j s deaoon inspector of public schools for llalton for many years and t james moore a son of the late t t mbora and who died as the twultronrn nccwentwhenxleerhuntlng in northernontario he was cilry clerk of ouelph for years can younamc the picture given this week answer will be given next week qufckn leads record wool demand the demand for wool in britain lb now tn times greater than in peace time tills is chiefly because of the activities ot women s working parties from hm the queens oulld at buck ingham palace to groups of women in the humbles cottage in the land many hundred thousand pounds ol empire wool art being turned every week into socks mufflers gloves pull overs and balaclava helmets as special comforts fur the navy army and air force twice n we k tht queen sits at n long trestle table in the famous blue drawing room at buckingham palace side by side uith ladleslnualting wo men members of the household staff and wives of the king s footmen grooms and other menservants the queen and her quid make- bandages and knit socks and other comforts for the forces the increased wool demand is the urgci1 the tmde has ever known und spinners art working day und night since war began to cope with it on big firm has been delivering orders of man for ages in just such an environ ment often the crops tlwj urow h arc less hardy and aggressive than thty are and can only survive nnd thrlv s ihry arc cared for by the ftrnur while the wc onlj need to be lift alum to win out in the race for light spae wotrr and pluiit food 3 an immense quantity mmd roduted l sonic weeds e peilullv b annuals ami biennials the nraulunu 11 lut urn of the soil requiring years of ch lining tven ir nn nun plants are al lowed to go to mid 3 uiii sprilis haw vluorius p pen mal root njtinu thistles dnudt ia n tt 1 which nmw growth unlll repeated dtwtxuruun f uu lop at every fnsh appeaiancc starve i hero 4 many w rtt have ingenious iidap tloiis a hooktd prtku tumble weed and plume form of gmwth etc for the wide dispersal of their seetj 5 sometimes weeds persist for th simple reason that farmer w ill keep on re- seeding their land with crop seeds containing weed steds rather than pay a little more for pure seed e weeds may seem harder to ktl than they realy are because we half- ktu them and then forget them until they hava become troublesome again kurnal vigilance is the prte of safety 7 weed control bl sometimes rendered dlfltcult became neighbors neglect to do their share and the arefu farmer suf fers with the rvst cooperation is need ed well said the reporter was interviewing a nros- peru soap manufacturer k it u i wellknown fact he said that you made your fortune out of soap mr lather now to what do you attribute your iuocws to clean living my friend to clean living was the reply agrkstamkk ahout iv country yokel in city cafe 1u have two poached egg waltreu on toast yokel ay if you havenl any pistes bet w cm 70 000 and o6000 pounds tt wool a wek in consignments ranging from six pound to srveml hundnd iwunds each nearly all order art for khnlcl air fore blui novv bin and h isplt il ri u pric havi not tunttriull m cmiwd btit quality woti ik lid iti iuiu c imputed with 7d just be fori ihi w ui tht prlci has r at heti it d un iimtf li taet tlin futun priccn will tl p nd to sme ttnt on tin autrulinn clip winch lu otnirnmini ha takn mr tnokil a mason working tlu bust of u marblt crow ht hati found whnt h thought ui be tin best face and chalked tn it in black chalk fmnl the boas looked at it for a bit and then said is this the way you spell front charley he shuffled round put on his steel rimmed glasses looked over the lop of them paused a while and then looked at his boss and aald well it doesnt spell anything ile flectric horses petrol rationing und increased taxation has given british manufacturers a chance to show what they can provide in models of electric horses for heavy haulage and runabout vans and private tnrs driven by tlectrlclty from ordinary mains at the outbreak of war fewer thun 5 000 electric road vehicles wcrt turned out annually except public transport tpcs deptndlng for current un overhead wires now the industry is planning wartime utility designs and preparing for a potential output up to 50 000 vehicles a year they run ut it an than one third the cost of a pttrol car thi taxation is kss there is no wastage at stops they start immediately in coldest wtathcr and thty art ptrftcti silent said nn official of the british ewctrlcnl development as m atltin five of london s world famous storis hnvc u cd i lee trie vans for many years and th u sands of overseas visitors to tan ian take buck vivid recollections of tht famlllnr blue und silver vans of th savoy hottl ont of them has been do lug 1 1 40fl es-n- ayfllncel 92 1wl til t ut ovtrhaul dt signs an now being drawn up for privuti runabout cars suitable for shop ping expeditions or for professional or soclul cnls they will do 35 miles on m tharn und blackout hours allow mon thun i nuugh time for n clvirglnt from th mains mipply in thi guniftt golden text ho that hcarcth ltt him say come revolution 22 17 lesson text matthew 10 24 30 i head the whole chapter time spring ad 20 place ciiuw kxrcsltlon 1 jesus scndn rqrth the twelve 3 jo in order lo undrsiand the printed partiqri th whole chapter should be rend tour lord was sending out ills disciples as his messengers to the lost sheep of the house of israel jesus made choice or these twelve men after a night spent in prayer luke 0 12 13 there was grtut diversity among them in tem perament previous history and native nbllily they arc an imprenslve mlui tru titn of thi differ nt types of mlii jtsus can um tor ills work mattht w in the on viuiiicllst who in his hut of uposths n cords tht fact that tit bi longed to a tlsplsl clu s the publlcnui tlu otlhr uirtt lover this fuel up matthew humbly writes tht fact and thus nuignl fles tlit grnvi of ood in culling him in tuch of tlu lists judas incur lot is men tinned last and his disgrace us the irullor is noted in tuch the apostle nn grouped in twos in the lists the method follow d in the graurtng is worthy of iitudy the most difficult question that arises in rcuurd to the why jesus chose and sent out judas 42 our lord jesus is prlnct or peace and whin he nlgnn peace will be unl v rjnl but he brings confll t before lit lriiibs peace he divides families come ii 1 1 1 him nnd some reject him and ortintlmcs hi the history of the develop ment of the wort of christ on earth a man b bitterest enemies have been thost of his own household wciny hrsltate d uccpt christ for fear it will divide lii m from their denreit friends but christ ulwnys involves n cross luch one iiiib his own cross thnl is tht nlmmc und sufti ring liu vltnbly connect d with his following in the footsteps of his fliuitrr what is ofttn full of holeh nothing a bltve ornithine if t chousing und n ndlng of tlie twelve answer that it had been predicted in the ot that one of his immediate circle would betray him ps 410 55 1214 and that therefore jesus chose judas whom he know to be a devil john 0 70 71 in order to fulnirthls prophecy the simplest and most natural explana lion seems to bc that judas had quail tics thac would admirably fit him for a place in tlie apostolic company and tlie luu lunihlpot the early church if they had been sanctified oruce gave him the great opportunity but he hardened his heart and brought upon himself the greater condemnation and infamy the twelve were prepared for the work by the lords imparting to them power to do it lef acts 4 5 0 the cammls slqn was at this time to israel alone the middle wall of partition was not yet broken down eph 2 13 17 atter the eras the commission widens acts 1 8 the apostlia had a flyciold commission pkach heul tlie sick clcanst lepirs raut the dtud east out demons tills is substantially the business of the mis slonary of christ at home und abroad to dav our mission is to sou and body but christ put die spiritual need first but the church has u manifest mission to the sick etc but it is moral lepen that it is our nrt duty to cleanse nnd l hose dead in trespasses and sins that it in our most important mission to raise it is to be noted that this work of inning wus to be free any divine heuler or christian scientist who chnrgts n fee for his services thereby shows the cloven fool and this applies ulso to those who will only declare tlie gtupel on cqndltion of a stipulated pay ment jesui must have been divine if ht ceiuld bestow such powers upon others v 1 it is evident thnt demoniacal roastsslon is something more than a mere form of dlsense for jesus c w t a maefadvkw who has been promoted from district euptrlntendcnt of the bank of montreal for ontario to assistant general man ager for the ontario division resident in ruranui imeiawiistiiff 69 comes first in the major market thnt s wh the home town weekly newspaper comis first in the rending and buyjng minds of ho 7 7 so 000 consumers in cnnndn s smaller communities who mnkl m of the country s retail sales the wttk y newspaper is the one pnptr thnt is read nnd discussld by the whole family us home town news is nhout people they know its home town ed tonnls deal with matters of intimnte in teresi to them its home town advertisements by loenl denlefvnre based on frjcjidlv knowledge of their needs the eireiiliition ot cnnndinn wteklv newspnplts in cnnndn s hl home town mnjor market total 2 800 that i eovernue tor you bui coverage is only hiuf tht stor the secret of the success enjoyed by ndvertislrs us hr the weekly newspnpers lies in the fact that the weekly ncwspnpcr nnd only the weekly newspnper enn olter the snles making friendly intnhluclion which builds regular users of a product cnnndinn vtixkly newspapers nn ftnii in rinnw in terest und lirat in sales influence in jnnndns 09 jmijorjiullkm canadian weekly newspapers association c v charters mnnajfinprlmirhor i brnmpton ontario tilt stittlhs uvls tht uir i mi s f fivur stltchc we hut n ill ur tinis tetdny art irncis n l ul thi i nibroldi rv the i irnit rlv eirrltd but of the difltrent m unit r in whleh glov s wtn then mudt tht kustt- bttwim tht nngif firm ilk thrte v nhnpr on the bnev of tti hand utd t bt earned much further n m to tin hand than tiny ari and mushed ll with enibn idery plttiirth if glints worn m the lx uentll and sen ntee nth ce nturles show oils vtrj clearly nnd prov thut tht oninment onte fcerved a useful purpiwe that of coverlnu seams and was not always put there out of mere fancy as it is now though dress fashions change so quickly u still cling to old habits dlstlngul his between casting out di m ik und all milliner of discuses nnd all niunntr of mckness etry kind of disease and sickness was to yie u the powir or the apostles i these jmwirs wtre nol confuud to the tu hi a post lit i lull 111 1 10 mirk k 1 1 i cor u f jius is i vt do nol liiar nun h tf uiitsc of tluc nun iifnr chriit s death lut that dots n i at all pnvt that their work wail liimknincum itt f hum mm wen i t tiled from ihi lowli st positions in s eh i j tht ubs i int i of their uuchiiif v in t bt the kingdom of hiavtn ts l hand j tm and jesu- had begun thut ministry with tlu sunn mtagt mil j j 4 17 and jtmli tuve the sunn intssakr to hi uwnij tluke 10 ii var ye not thi n fori 0 31 l one of the must frequently occurrlntf mes nij s both in the ot and nt is i rear not our lord wishes ills dls cli cs to be without fear and it is their j prlmhee so to be our enemies may bt 1 ery sttond and very unscrupulous but j we n ed never fear them god is on our side mom ii 3d our enemies may i try to carry on their plans for our dea- muggs and skeeter iooh wuats vdupcooch and ptels by wally blohop ik