sixlyflfih yeiir no 20 acton ontawo thuksoay nrcfmiei 2hih will unlit home print vaga i ive cents elections in nassagaweya and esquesing townships ccmtmt for uv council and school trtsat in naawy rv and council content in eiqoaftlntf howard may k dtmity4tmv by acclamation rmw geortf gordon rotlrea front munielpal affairs in nm- aaoawtrya pyidaylaat wasomlnatlop da in the adjoining township of nassaga- wy and lbsquoalng tliere was a keen interest at both meeung and plenty of candidate were nominated or all the pott following were the nomination la nassagaweya jor reeve oeorg plnney oeorge ootdan and wm u vanatakle wmt omumiuom j p aulaon john o blukloolc john carton william w oeatfge ptnney d mcdougall tin pictures in tin frer preaa family album to make room for the yearend review thl week of local picture uie family album picture have bean omitted they a hi be hack in the usual place on page seven- again next week tlie picture publuliwluit weekwera lire tluim statham reaktent of ac lin for over w yeara and pt w wills a ypung man from ac ton who paid the supreme aacrl- nre in the great war of iouib the ploture of the school group pub llaiied a few weeks ago was quite a punier to many rev dr t albert uoore in renewing hu peas pauu aub terlpuon write your picture of tha people of olden time are moat interest ing 1 think i have located all of uiam fmrfautendir chappy thanhs for the past best wishes for the future happy new year to all daiiy house and equipment cloverdale farm destroyed hinahart oaoa fttokaa john lump on annie service william u van- akltle vox trustee for school area ho i itom carbert john a early joseph jtramk charles ljuby duncan uoffat lira catharine ninahart t ii bnydsr o j vanoooaeji bwood wluon and dr an young tha candidate had until nine o clock on the following day to qualify and the following are the name on which the aleetora of nassagaweya will vote on uooday mm uckvb oeort finney wm u vanaiekl ro covnoilloas four to be elected from the followins j p allison w w dredge d uac- pougalt ajes near john robertson afehto aervtoe john simpson oeorge located i p moore a k nloklln a b uatthewe oeorge llyndi alonao wor- den and myaelf the girl bothered me moat but i wai aura of jennie cameron uaale kennedy alice speight haggle laldlaw and i think a few other we have had eeveral who identified a few in ihla picture but dr moore cer tainly name more of thu group uian any other bio attendance at acton high liool al home school tbujstus ftve to be elected for school area no 1 from the following o r carbert joaeph frank mva oathartne lunehart t u snyder o j vanoooaen and di b t young with to many oandldatea in the field and a lively lntereat being taken in the affair of nauagaweya the ratepayer will undoubtedly record a big vote on monday poll are in three subdivisions at oampbellville at urookvllle and at knatohbuu k8qubbing township following were the nomination mad on friday at the nomination meeting in btqueslng township reeve seorge currle n a robinson w a wluon deputyreeve oh may w a wluon councillor oeorge currle oeorge cleave liume currle wm cromar wm oowdy bdwln harrop o h may a w murray the fallowing liave qualified and the elector on monday will choae from among three for the reeveahlp and councillor in kbqueelng townahlp llovard uy wa elected depulyreee by acclama uon tlicrjmjl however be a oonleet for the reeveahlp and oouiuslt- por ree n a rcblraon and w a wuaon par council three to be elected from the following oeorge cleave oeorge currie ltume currle k harrop and o w murray forces rowijtlrfl makk decided win tuesday tlwt poroo howling team defeated tlie aberfoyte team 1 0 on tueeday nliht in a ouelph commrrcjal howling league flkture- the win advanced the force team from eeventh to alxth place in tlie landing of u league although in alxth place tlie forca team are only four point out of flrtt plaoe aa only four i j- n poinu aeparate the flrt u team with only two week of play remaining in tlie second aertea anything may hai- pen jim adanuon led the force bowler ttlth a9s triple and a 350 alnule euntn and the freezeup came and j low i rural hockey schedule lor the acton league christmas mail set new record at acton post oftice durlns the clurutmai week 31 000 chrutma card and letter wrrr mal rtl at acton poet office till wa an in creaae of 3 coo over the ume tiertod lut yrar it can conservatively br timated that during that aame period a similar number were received and dl- trtbuted from the incoming mall add the tack of parcel to thu and you may araap omrthlns at uie magnitude i 1 ten of the talk that confronted the poet j office taff during uvu week the mall merc heav rujht up until ohrtatnia morning but on tuesday they hod drop led away to almoet nothing in apltf of thl deluge of moll matter pofctmajtermallhea and the staff came throush smiling it wa again a bis jotwrll done prmntatlon of proficiency shield and athletic shields and medal to puptlfl the annual high bchool at home but thursday evening had an attendance of pupil enpupua teaching ataff and frtflnda that filled the town hall to capacity it indeed provided a moat enjoyabls social evening the presentation of awards to pupils was a big feature of the evening the presentation were made by mr j m mcdonald chairman of the school hoard and were aa follow proficiency bjiiklds the a t drown shield for oeneral proficiency in orade dc dora wood the wm cooper shield for general proficiency in crude x margaret mc phall lllnton shield for oenrral in middle school marie drunelln the dr oullrn shield for proficiency in middle school bounce rlno nralda the dr buchanan shield tor pro ficiency in middle school lanuagea helen watson the dr mfcmvrn shield for pro nclency in middle school knollsh devrrlny arnold tlie p s slow shlrld for profic iency in middle school mathematics mario drunelle athletic championship hhikldh intermediate airl champion by the acton beauty parlor marie clayton intermediate boy champion by field electric krwln mckeown junior boy champion by tyler transport clifford young i school championship lloom tu the 11 1 il nm ti iirsl hookey practue on ntrulay night denmbir jflth thre was a preliminary uinlvr tor both inlermodut end junlurn and what a bunch of starter i oxer twonty out for the intermvdlaus and then some absentees bio v j suit the master of walker lodge lujttullulliin if utll rs was a big ruutiiru lasl ii tub t at wulkir uulse ac as ajkl wlwin tint following lirethran wtre duly tiuiluluwt in thw vurlchl olflrns j for dm yiur 1 iim w llro it a wlnioii wm w unt v j hh h w llro it p wulsnii j w llro j it mu arthur heittury vr w llni 11 m mi doiiuld irtukiirir llro w k iruliam cltuplin ver w llro w m cinipi r i of c w llro c w wilson h 1 uru w o muliliiiftit j u hi- w m near io urn p w peann hi hro m j huel t7i irro f ifnlwlff six ivamtt in tho iroup plwt iumeu are on january 5th medate to puplla orywust llro v altkrii o o lint j ji unliib 11 impresslvo installation reremnny was in liuruw of tlie lat master i tllfiwliiif llui instil hal ion refreshments i wnrw served oiul a fraternal time spent luirly miiriilnir fire itttrnw new imunt in oirtutlon jm than u yeiir neluhlmiru did splendid job in saving adjoining hulld- inuu umm itetween lmm and lmm 11m wlili ti won flint tllmovcnd shortly uftir mvtin oiumji thu morning nun ilu ly drutioyod the dairy plant uml emiitpioi il of cloverdale farm owned iiy mr a j murray ajmut mile n irth of alloii in ut nit all hour tlu wlmlw liiilldlng uiul plant wus a mass of smuti rlrrluu ruliui u u ihoualit the tire iwuitnotl nuar uih iwillur of uirt uusleurlslug tjulmaiit ai it was in this aeclloti when flm il mivenul as was uniiul tlu nru had been jiut nn in the holler and ur murray mul tiu sou had uoiui ui tlie imtrii lo do the milking hiu lisd not uii quite completed wlton tlie fire was du ouvervd hie building is situated imtwuen a impv lltipltimbj i nt pndlut fibrin and for the juniors eiuiuuh for two teams more than largo cnngrogulion al cjuistinah muhh i at si johcplfh final meeting prospects pumis1n hr the nkion j short coitrses the annual one month short courses in agriculture and home economics mill open at nelson on tuesday january 2nd j we understand that prospects are prom- utng for an excellent attendance in both classes announcement ha just been made by agricultural representative j k whlfaelook that miss lulu row of i championship mkdaul junior airl rena bralda junior boy clifford young intermediate girl marie clayton intermediate boy ffrwln mckeown senior airl mary cutis enlo bojr ken blow doris hull orchestra supplied do light tul music for the dancing and ernie pucker uas tlie floor manager during the evening refreshments wtre seried ptliirlikal and mrs m m leltch iu ji bell and mls f jaoluun were on the hccrptuui committee llle ft hole cculnu pntni a most enjoyable social e cnt we missed tlie intermediate worx out but thiy tell us jack kentuer wa first man on tlie ice and showrd tonoitlon that hud some of tlm utlur boy with their heel dragging coach and manuuer vic itumley was on hand practues will be likely quite rrinilar now as there la a uood ahei t of sunk holmes has u reul sortinu joli uiul a task oonholing tliose who dun l ui t tlie first try out on tlie lino up he saya he could dress three teams but uie problem rluht now is u let enouuh uniforms to drros one team secretary jut k crnlvhuin uu us he has had word from a alt that the entry of tho air force team won t be able to play the first game in acum next wed nisday holiday leaves havi disrupted the quad and it was imixwslblc to net n leojit here tlie irume u 111 in played ut a later date tlie juniors are booked for tleorae town to nlgltt and the iramr u on bolton is dun la play the junior here on january 4 th acton intermcdlate are scheduled o un ut fergus cm january mh hhht hound january thg 00 hornby vs hut toiivllle 0 m mlluin ilrulns vs nor a i monarch 10 00 oeorgetown pirates v uimo scots january oth a 00 ueorgetown pirates vs norvul mimarclis d 00 hornby vs mil ton bruins 10 qo lnut soou vs huttonviue january 13th 8 00 lome soots vs mldnluiit muss was teubraled with a norval monarclu 0 00 oeorgetown ht mujui ctirutmah at st joseph pirates vs hornby 10 00 mhum bniliui churth at uiti hie church was crowd vs huttonviue ist to the diwirs it belnu uie largest january i fill 00 huttonviue vs conn rral ion ever ut any ilevotloiu in oeorgetown pirates 0 00 urno scot ihn history f tlie iwruh at 1140 the mlluin bruin 10 00 norval mun- chlulmn s choir sang christinas hymns arclie vs honiby and at 1 ms the pastor rev falliur january 33rd 00 ume scots vs j mt bride with the altar txrys pnxeednd hornby 0 00 norval monarolia vs hut ut the trlb for tliu unveillim at mid uinvllle 10 00 oenrgeunvn pirates v uluht file altar wus lieuutlfully do milton hrulus ttirutel with nd and unld fbiwers and hhoonb ul i nik illihtod ty many lsjuius hie choir januaiy jbih fl 00 honiby v hut- whuh would do credit u any city parish unvliu 0 00 milton ilrulns v norval wclul mui tlu kyrle o lor la miman in 10 00 oeoruebiwn pirates vs luime portunately there was lllllu wltul and willi ilia lislp of nelghltom tlie efforts were rewarded by oonflninu tlie damage to the dairy building a tracuir and hie truck stored in one end of the building wera taken out and mt damaged but noru of the dairy equipment could be salvaged llie loss to mr murray is a ixuvy one tim ihuuurixluu and dairy equip ment was a fine new one that had just tieen in operation sines january of this yeur a new refrlkerabm luu since been built and other equipment added to moke the urn i modem ui wery r pect part of the hulldlnu had only rtmynlly lieeii constructed l4tm will run lietweeu 3 000 and 4 000 txwilde the inroriviulriue itulldlng and equipment ure purtlully tmered liy insurance ihiiulahh attkmit i hrkakin at norton auak next week ouhl hockey storlis to ren mmi nul esqiiesiiig conneil bylavts passeil coinim in nclison i township for munirijkil honors ear- end lltiftlncnh concluded relief accounts are 172 95 thanks to rece robinson from council week op prayer services in the acton iuiuihs moiul i hervtce in hit aiiullcuii church tonducled by joint younu i mi pie societies puesdiiy in tht prrsbitcrliin church bpinkir the uc o o ulfli rl wednewlnj in the iluptlxt church sa iker hi v h i lb unit thur day in the uniud church himukcr rev ii o baxur uinit fuou i january 30 ui 8 00 ileorueuiwn itr lilrn vn norvul mm arclut 0 011 hornby 1 i milton hrulut 10 no uinie hruts vrt hull uivllle ltjinmry ittv r oo iorne hctits vs norval monarch 0 00 georgetown pirates vh hornby 10 00 mllum ilrulns vn huttonviue j fthroary dili h uu hulumvllle v oeorurtown ilratiw uo0 lirni scots i vn milton bmlnt 10 00 norval mon i itrclut vn hornby kilmiury nth 000 uirne scots vs lloniliy 0h norvul monarch v hut- lonvllli 10 0o iroigetown plraten vs miiioil hrulus hrinlnual- hlr i mid tlilrd teams in t tuo nut of three gumee seooml and roiirlh it nun imii iwo out of uirre uami s plnau for ftinnli y cup winners of iilfcivn hcmih tumt thne out of live same in iiuu if hi n in point the team with tin tin ml ui uln c ret he winner luit prlduy moniliiu ajiout live o ulo k immlars attempted bi break luu nor ton mouirs karuge tiu intruder smash ha nl us henodlclus and agus del waa j j n rjir yloss in uie front door mr fiom tlie mass of st basil and the norton and his sons were immediately credo from the mass of fit aloyslu un and the burglars mad a luuly i he itetesslonul hymn wo very sweetly url bwby wltlumll entering uie building rendered j itie ear driven was a 1037 dodge and hie imistor after ehprctsinu hu attempt was made lo catch uie christmas ureetluu sjxike on the text nittc imii uki big a start had been from st laike of oood will ivae on earth to men he allowed lluw tlie i loie n first letter to the world gave uie reasons which led b uie present m idem i vlln and to warnamely dental of ood secured it went west a new ulass was put in the door the hollowing day and this new one was shuttered by a caller at uie garage who hod over ludulued in inujjdcathig liquor the divinity of christ which led to uie the proprietor u just wondsruig wlwn it will be safe to put hi auollier new via in the huor imii mi paitjt toph t1ik i ikt i ppnik ui hot of canadian menu in turlnu indiutruk with tht largest net thr iikfimtrlol department of the cuu aliif is pulp utid pairr according to udiuii nation u mittluays it has oc t iplcd hrtl plue in thl respect since tuo and ulm hruds tho list in the iu e of wutiea and auury distribution sin r h j j lack of the universal law of morality hits led lo lock of human solidarity end charily which u grounded on uw 1 uulural and our redemption tlie other i vll was the divorce of elate authority from uod suuiurlty which led to tlie denial of thr rights of tile family these led to unrest breach of uie plighted truth and to war uie preference fur fupe utid armaments tlie holy father pleaded wtih the world to return chrtt tti klnu to his rluht place in the wi rid be dec laird by by all yoong iuid old and tin nturn to tht true christian way of living mawi on chrutmas day was also elrhruled at r 00 am model airplane buihliiuj al acton vmca the icnhr aimtlns of quiln munlcliml nomlnuon or th town currlu wl t in chrj of the count towmhlp council wai hekl on rrldy p n hcm t in itome branotnlct which u1 be held isth init iputynw w a wuon in uie home of hurls bell mlu ko oounduon c ii my o w uurriy hlp iuu on friday lut ttltli one ot the lartreet crouxlji o rattayeri in at- lu will meii clotlilng hu hid a and bdwln harrop were pwent rw dance for aeveral yeara including a irntuiy enjurlence in short oourau in n a itoblnaon prealded at thl meeunet home eeouomlfs and id olru project oammunlcauoiu were read trora werte she will be- aaauted by ml v cluon co tjw 1uncn camp- number of ladle the meeting was quite lively at tunes many ratepayers talcing part lnthe ducuulans the blanehe utoener of burlington who wtl bell department of highways oanadlan f i principal teaoh nutrluon aleit mulr prominent ugton jenkins a hardy w h belyea ton wnu o dalrj farmer from near woodstock wul and hydro bectrlc rower commission n township assessment and ln- assut auh the class in agriculture i ouelph cmue ln lh i w which is being held in the township hall i uoved by murray and lmy that the d mr mulr we understand has also made treasurer pay uie relief accounts as clerk j a pettlt presided ror the quite a reputation for himself lth field presented by the belief officer i17j0b nomination meeting and the following crops twine and poultry and incldently carried i candldatea were n uas one of the protmclal winners in the a bylaw to grant permission to uie reeveiohn mcmlven leslie kerns home improvement campaign sponsored neeve and treasurer to borrow money qvorge thorpopaul ptsher and chas by the farmer magaslne i n meet the current expenditure of the lieadhead the last three withdrew we also understand that plans are township was read and passed and uie leaving the contest to menlven and laid to take uie members of both clssses i blanks filled in with the sum of eight kerns for a trip to the ontario agricultural college and macdonald institute on january uth and a further trip lo one of uie packing plants may also be in cluded for the class in agriculture this would appear to beawonderfal opportunity for uie young people of meteou district to further prepare uiem selves for their life work thousand dollars carried deputy reeve wm j robertson and bylaw no its to provide for holding charles readhead municipal bectlon lor the yew 1040 luum u tedvfl ju l tr ne pme roster mrma8letui egsskta tl ivertotmsmlu john allen rrreummgrurer zez 435 milfh of diamond ukiujno if all uie footage drilled in canada by diamond drill ojieraujr on mineral deposits during 1031 under contract were jollied together it would represent u depth of 3 ml l scoordlng uj tlie natural heuxjrces deeartnienl of ute canadian national hallway canada is rlrh in mineral rrsourcta and the in iays play an importsnl part tr mwtr development thr jiribtmuh sitvirrn at tlw initfd lluinli chrutmas hujiday dcntir 24th a fraught with aoetllonal interest at uie united church decorations of ever green and polaetua ln addition to a tirllllsnt christmas use provided an attractive setting well suited to lh oc casion the choir in fin vole renderad reverent selections bearing uie chrut- mat message th anthem for morning inomiiiulions and elccuuns in the inearby icnlrcs ml i ion trafaler hiiluliure ami otitet nomination rmuiu hiujihuiin police vlllsge trustees 3 e arthur hart prank gray a n barden tom worship was arisel ihlhet by t c keenan h c dowea and fred ucmluln usrkham while a chorus of women s htttxrrhville i the angel i song in thrre reeve c h falconer gentleman xmt soc lama lion councillors 4 c e canulon coal the candle light processional eoff stlluted an impressive introduction to merouuif a b rice well driller ii f tltln lh jrvenlagjtha oodard salesman w potts supertn- awake sndt attailamauon w jt j beauy rendered the solo yltlent klght and urt wm makwell irulh olaean sang bethbabew town the junior was by motions instructed to pay uie toonehided on page bgtall and utwrencej bell did not mudify wenlybldoy paruclpatlng in the model airplane building oroup at murray memorial v m c a instructor nell menabb jr la caught by uie camera explaining to some of uie boys a few intricate details praeldenl oeorge mason caught this camera study public uuuuee commission i w c andrews merchant o 11 battle aalea engineer i -v- choi added to the happy servtee by lend- itmtuxiaa in u kquihfui volcea to uie des- fleeve w hoirtifarmerec4a- oanuiuithe pust heel euatylhe malion choir and congregation twputyreevew al hsil poultryman inline sunday ajchool also there was acclamation introduced an attractive progreks f oounclllbrejl w b beatly fanner christmas carol v numker of beau- i a si croaa uhil colored slides the singing was led by mr k j moore and the orches tra the minister uie rev o cttfton oh- ford brought fitting and helpful nee- walercommsrilo r w t it-eageev- therecrlal saesnofrat the vwo- sttuth farmer aoclahauon area no j tog rehearaed n ghpping raahlon dr w ll morden gentleman engineer ifmmerson ford farmer an tieth ollee farmer p d salter seed r alan phillips poultryman j h walker traveller 3 russell lawrence gentleman aoeleme- oontintted orj page ftv llenrv van drkes winsoeoe mory of i the other wise man hr hi