v the actom rbe press hom qltpzzzjttrb tm j e flrtorq lending library hjl wjjnotow sat aloos haojl wajnotom sat u hi fcsitaf th counia of bar lattdln library and surveyed tha vwu f pajsmrsfay through ft plabe- window ttobody wants a book aha thought and w- wabsd hi bar haart but why should auyon want to read to- ntafel hsra tt is nsw year kn and everybodys on tha way to sow party r it was ulta tru ttw world aaamad bm on partytnc 111 window loofcsd rt upon tha lobby of a hotal ralhar a qufai family total usuallyand even thai uantntloua plaos was thrcutftd with psaple arayd tn ala f roots and dsnas coats none of tham wanting a took to read in the whole of the city 111 si- ad tm the only person whoa at loose and aad than ahe lauthad wryly raal- hdnc that despite her lack of ootnpany ahe waant in the least at loose ends for the hotel management had intlstad that her lending library be leapt open until ninethirty idly for want of something belter to del40a bftgan to sort the filing cards wkkn afta neatly alauwl in i utile record btuc the oards contained tha names of the regulars clients who borrowed book at stated times she was faintly amused to see how uie books ran true to form her regulars didnt take liberties with their reading they went in rather generally for de finite types of literary entertainment old ura cahul for instance eighty ii shr was a day and rustling in her auff victorian hilts always asked for a brank new romance she actually de voured novels that was as light as meringue miss funt the smart young stylist in the cltys largest department store invariably took out heavy tomes on financial conditions and economics and merchandising sally doris the pretty highschool girl who by ac cepted standards should have been ask ing for the sum type of books mrs oahill read was literally uvtng in a world of inspiring poetry she had nearly rxliausted the library a supply of vmv so it uent the boy wlut appeared to be entirely frivolous luce a collar ad wanted book after book on englneeruis and mechanics and the young hus band devoted to his wife and family was enthralled by adventures involving international politics tt was only iteruey olbson lllas finger wire oddly gentle as she touched the card thai held his signature looked like an explorer ue was big and handsome and bronasd and rather silent and wore the nicest outofcjoorsy sort of clothes and the books that tie- read were books on far places books on asia mostly on the interior of china the oolrt delsert the great famine belts with a atari 111 xulngton glanced up for somebody was entering her shop with an almost guilty movement she slipped thr card she was holding bacx into the record box tvahott u aftly on x havent uvad her long myself and tha few people rve met of approxfoaataly my own age seem so purpotelat does that aoahd priggish x dont mean it so ttut i was brought up on an isolated farm and navsr knew many young people and practically from the time i was bom i had to depend on my ideals and am bitions or companionship when i was left to do for myself an uncle who has an interest in this hotel gave ma a chance to run the lending library and she mads a futile gesture with her hands t put away the ideals and am bitions and accepted the library with intense gratitude henley olbson sat down in the lend ing librarys axtra chair lie had tha air of an invited guest a staying guest you re an interesting girl he said incidentally youre the most interesting girl i re met since i came back from my jab ftay rm afraid im beginning to sound like a district attorney with my questions but i can t help being curious to know the nature of the ambitions and the ideals that dldnt come true leila ellington said of course 111 ll- hljl tflw make it a fair exchange suppose you tell me about this job of yours the on uiat you will be returning to ilenjey olbson chuckled what do you think it is he asked and there was a gay twinkle in his eye 1low do x appear to uie crowd 7 now am analysed by the clever lady who lends books leila said slowly 1 ve thought from live first time x saw you uiat your work wasnt a cut and dried affair ive told myself that you were out of the ordinary and i haven t felt so either because of the books you take from my shop it in the very air your career t its in the strength with which you carry your tuouldera and in the set of your chin henley olbson spoke with no sense of bandying im no end flattered said x think had sv wwrs ir and the beads that passetn all uncwundmg but you might meet wltbhrhlp and fear and eio daath juuasal willing to face anything llenlay okbson had risen to his fssc and as ha stood erect turned away from tha shops plateglass window tha shift ing- throng in the hotel lobby making a tapestry behind hhn ha resembled or so tails thought a young knight atart- maron a crusade whan ha apoloe than was a depth and richness to bis voloa kiss mungton ha said ho lua when you wans guessing about my pro fession x said youd hit on half truths i am a salesman and what x sell is tha story or 4to masters life and ills love tha prtos i ask la faith x am an ex plorer x go into u far places seeking human souls that haw gone undiscov ered and x find them and they are marvelous rm a foreign missionary leila and i return to my field of en deavor tn a few weeks it was an odd moment for leila fclllngton to glance at htar wrist watch but she did ahe said slowly and irrele vantly do you know it ninethirty so x can close the lending library lets slip away from tier you and me ha said lets find a place we can have something to eat let talk and make plans theres so much talking and planning to be dona it works try it on your friends some time she so next year is leap year again he yes next year christmas will be on a wednesday and nevtyttar day will be on a monday she aw gwan christmas is al- fllibnioak new yera ita lets look at the calendar they look at the calendar and find that christmas in 1m0 is on a wed nesday and that new years day jan 1st 1040 is a monday clung to the kilt although the kilt is no longer fashion able fighting garb in the british army it is known thsl one scottish unit sail ing with the xrst dlvslon of the can adtan active service force wore the beloved filibeg however this garment will later be discarded for the new battle uniform in order to establish and main tain a standard in dross at the moment an tamest battleby letter is being carried on in the columns uiat youve thought about me at of london papirs regarding the merits miss ellington because in the lost or otherwise of the kilt the majority of several weeks ive done more than a participants in tin controversy being aiding finland ssgkf ihotured at his desk here is premier john nygaardsvoll of norway leading light hi the attempt to organise a scan dinavian bloc to obtain material aid for xtnland in its gallant fight against tha soviet hussion invasion despite frowns of natl duupeasure and implied threats from moscow the scandinavian countries are quietly doing all they can to aid finland without actually sending military assistance u the sunday school lesson in hope itoay ww not illaslipotnud nutthey w m them to vwuy the ood of imi v id both the 0mk al ctubt that at sdmlu kll who u1 tut ftuui la him twenty years ago from the lante ef tha free frees at thursday january 1st lm leap year opens today xlev j c wilson bjt lias received w la all little thinking una speculating about jou leila was flushing but despite her em- t arrasjnant she hruiied on i mean she said you don t appear to be the kind of man to spend his ufa in on office behind a desk juggling htfumi or writing hems into a ledger or balancing sets of books you dan t look like a salesman rither not in the or dinary sense you might perhaps she hesitated ever so slightly sell big tilings but not shoes or wap or magazines or nccktlei i e told myself that you were an explorer uiat you uent to far places and more marvelous discoveries ive thought uiat was why you seemed so anxious to read books on china and henry gibson was extremely interested there was a bright intense expression in his eyes and yet for all the bright ness there was a gravity in his manner in a nay he said youre correct about me youte struck what might medical men all of them are positive ly pro or con a 1th no sympathy for the opposition in the midst of this battle of the post an interlude was furnished by a present day prascr who furnished an extract from an ancestors diary written dur ing u inter operations at quebec the officer ancestor one of frascrs regi ment wrote of the distress caused by lack of trousers in this terrible cllm ate he added that the dreullne nuns had been generous in knitting long woollen hose for the comfort of the soots soldiers church wiqwa- stipend of tnkoo the reports at the annual meeting of the methodist sunday school showed very encouraging results the mission ary collections totalled gaag ob mr frank kennedy resigned as superinten dent and mr ii p moore was elected and accepted with the understanding that mr kennedy was to bo associated with him nominations for reevo council and school board resulted in acclamations for reeve and council and five nominees for school board with three to be elected reeve george barber coun cillors wm arnold dr ii a ooxe john lelshman and william ritchie the ballot for the school hoard will bear the following names stephen gar diner rev i m moycr jamea syman d c russell c c speight on friday evening jk hotlycontested dame of hockey was played between the town and tanneries teams the tan neries won with a score of bt on tuesday evening rockwood juniors vanquished acton juniors in a score of 02 horn blow in wton on monday december mil 1010 to mr and mm fred blow a dnughtcr died warner at the residence of her sonln la mr o ii anderson niunec on christmas day melbua oarruon widow of the late a c colebrook and mother of mrs ij b shorey acton a rnnckds and fobs of tin kxhodom golden text ye are my friends if ye do tha things which i command you john 111 14 lesson text matthew is mu 14 14 ib 3931 time ad 30 flaee uacharus exposition l the xmfflcultlss before tha king is mu jesus own country was nssareth and its environs as is evident from mark o 1 and john 4 43 ills own countrymen had rejected 111m once luke 4 lflso lie is determined uiat they sluul hear his offers again after all our lord loved hu own people and greatly desired their salvation they uere to him as sheep wltliout a shepherd ills heart was full of pity for them even though uwsir unbelief was so stubborn we are not to be too easily discouraged in our efforts to win unbelievers since we know their state better than they do themselve we are to persist in working for their salvation naturally they were astounded at j us wisdom and his mighty works they said is not tills the carpenters son v 6ft they were familiar with him and his brothers and sisters four broth ers are named and a plurality of outers are mentioned it was evidently quite a familiar family that thay were in the presence of something phenomenal apparent they allowed their hpn tbuly yg easts and disease worried people were ills follower they were not a body to be admlmd tha proud scribes pharisee and bsdduoaes would have scorned such a poor and unclean mob not so jesus new american mystery plant oh mr olbson she exclaimed i he called near truth i don t sit at a dldnt expect to see you tonight or she added anyone else for uiat matter its new yrara eve and the whole world is celebrating thr young man smiled at the lugu brious rxprrasuiu of lrlla t- ace when he smiled he nu verj attractive i m not a great hand at celebratlnu mlu ellington lie sold im rather a solitary chap im afraid i ve gron unaccustomed to our big clue and their crowds and their brand of excitement 1 wonder if you have a book for me preferably on leila finished the sentence for him desk and add figures and write ledger but i am a salesman and what i sell is the blbgest tiling in the world furthermore i am an explorer and x do go to far places and in each of the far places that i ve visited i ve made a marvelous discovery teilft leaned form ard until her face uu quite close to tlenleya fact then she said you 11 knqw ft hat i mean ft hen i tell you about the am bitions that ive laid aaa in in laven dcr x dldn t plan to spend my life doling out books hi a lending library when i w as a little tot a missionary tiik gknkkax mtays a certain canadliib eusume aviator in uie world war was in attandanos upon soma official business in chinas capital and tn uie courao of ids visit tiad an opportunly to meat oaueral and madame chiang kaishek unable to fulfill tha matter they had in hand madame chiang extended an invitation uiat ha hare their evening maal with tlvem a lie prepared l to go oaneral chiang said must you go immediately we would be happy if you would slay and join us in our evening devotions tha gsnaral began by farting sa scrjpttma then tha threa joined la prayer tha feaoaral leadta mays taw canadian x never expect to hear such a prayer again in al my ufa triegenera b wlufcafci expression of thanks for their personal safely than ha added thanks for tha ochlrags of tha nation under fire then ha prayad for strength for tha matt in tha field and along the firing una lie prayed for strength for himself and added a most aarnast plea for guldanca and wisdom that he should not fall tha people but the most amasing thing in hfc prayer was a plea hat ood would batp him and help china not to hats tha japanese people ha prayed for tha japanese christians and all the suffer ing multitudes or japan whose impov erishment was making tha war on china imsslbla in he simplest and humblsst terms lie laid himself at the service of tha almighty qod and begged uiat ha might know uie divine will and do it on the morrow dr hoy l smith in ui christian advocate reel o oownfown on china 1 she mid and uondered came to ourchurch and conducted a uhy ahe had ceased to feel depressed why her heart was singing you arc x know uhat ou ft ant yes 1 hate a splendid new book on uie orunt it was published today ileovy atbson laughed lughlot he avebumed yes joure probably one of thr fr women in uie uorld who remember a man last and cater to it by thr by miss bllngton do you mind if 1 ask you a quesuon youye not a mjovnvr in a strange city 6o why arent you celebrating uie coming of the new year n lsua her eye on the young mans handaomr face mentally echoed his words she found it hard to thin of this asocial custo of hers as a strang he had been coming to uie library for it five or six months ard i woncer he and he and his literary wants had taken earnest in this buslni ierte of meeungs she ft as a foreign missionary and i ull think she uas the most aondrrful ftoman in uie world she gale me the desire uiough i was scarcely morv than a bab to follow her footsteps he made me want to be a foreign mufclonao to earn ood s word to distant peoples through my rnure life leila faltered for a moment and then went on brovelj i have planned to go to uie foreign held but a hen my parents aere taken away x as bewildered i dldnt know uhat to do or which a ay to turn i hadnt any special training i only possessed a call and i was afraid that waant enough when my uncle offered me this job of course llenle olbson also ft as leaning t or if youre of bring a streamlined as a bullet the new vultee vanguard plane cleswnrd as an interceptorpursuit ship is shown in flight at las angeles the greatest ictcy is maintained about uie testing of uils plane which it is said will travel at better than 400 mile an hour it is lowered by an aircooled radial engine of radlcuil new design the ship is all metal and designed so uiat it can be manufactured rapldlj in large numbers v missionary or if youre taking it out in bit lalktng because if youre just talking an 1m being to pick up my book and aay j goodnight miss kllngton and rspalr a real place in her life maybe when youve been here longer youll feel j ojltry murm but ijjazrrluhlsy oibmin i aont fo m room and read in the new year 3jty stay in your town u nearly over in i out if youre n earnest fact rm leaving in a few weak but quite unconsciously and with no spirit youye not answering my question iu coquetry leila fingers rested upon u y6ur iflp i urgrmty asscta paam mail oo nation tojayi so little childrfn may play once again ivsrywasra la ostsrls are uttts tklurs easa 1 crlaalsa vaa aaw walk taaalti ta successful aglesj sail kaspllal cava at tka ms4a4sl far sick tfcluesa tv ceatwuaace tltu auaallsl uue tervlcs dsaaaa a fyajs csaftututsd by ckarilaahaiiaasj oatarla cttlueai the asv eaa casta ae atttec aauree bllngton why arent you bm fesuvs tt new years un leu felt as if her heart were stok ing to the bottom f iter boots ao this charming man was going awayj ably forever she said slowly the sleeve of the young mans tweed coat she said oil indeed im as earnest as earntwt please go on llenley gibson aent on you have 1 security he said in this llttls book- lined corner the hospital 5ick children l mutt lf u ttuv w j unul iort eontmt- huutlrty vl ll only ntak now i you wr to o to ui mlutal hodlnc wh vam tit ttw h n- vou would toronto tit13 space donated by the acton rtttee rrkss ment tlie result was that they refused to see in a man so much like tliem- selves the son of ood and tlwlr redeemer hod uuty been wise uity could have nloried in uie discovery they are not the first liowever who have allowed unreasoned prejudice to seal them in unbelief for uie very realism of uie high prlesuiood of jesus lies in the fact that he ft as in all point templed as we are yet without sin lleb 4 15i 1u that lie was a man among men qualified him to be chosen tlleb r i j their unbcllof rendered lllm liolplcss dlil not many mighty works uiere oocause uf uiclr unbelief he did some as the parallel iiassagu ui mark 0 6 ui 1 dlcatos but they were utile compared to i what might liavu been done this is sull our lords greatest obstacle people are content to sing hymns and uttcrd religious service but uicy are not as i enthusiastic to become great bcuovdrs j oreat betlevlug makt great chrlsuaus a strong fulth in uie lord jesus chrut enabled paul to battlt the wild boasu at bphesus it cnablud morrison to seek uie conquest of china it enabled carry i to ojcn india to the oospel and it em- iuft red livingstone to lighten darkest africa the da of gnat btllovcrs needs to be brought back matt 17 20 ii tin ftur ul vui amislatc icing 14 14 at last lhu txport of jaui mlglll deeds trachea tilt polnct mid uio court is agitated the consciencesmitten king is struck with abject terror his slm come out of uietr graves to haunt him j tills la john tlio baptist lie cries he u rbuil from the dead tills had first been suggested by ouicrs luke 0 7but herod s guilty canscltncc had readily luken it up there had been ouier ex- ilanatuiiin uf jiu poftxr quite as plausible tluke d 0 und herod luul been in deep perplexity and agitation about it and longing to see jesus and have i al uie terrible uncertainty settled luke 0 0 but conscience asserted its sway and herod settled doftii u ttus jphn ft hum i beheadid he is risen mark 0 14 10 john will indeed rise to neciuu lltrod u will evcri bllu4hal la not covered ft 1th uie atoning blood to uccune over sinner the royal murderer u as haring a foretaste of hell herod s present agitation soon passed away luxe 33 3 but the remorse to como ft 111 be endless imark 0 4ft 411 john as a model court preacher it mattered mil to him that his liearer was a king all lie saw a as a alnnri a sinner who ftore a crown was to john not essentially different from any other sinner john did not miner words lie ft 111 save the royal adulterer if he ran and pointing at herodlo hr uiundcml it is not lawful far thee to have her brave faithful servant of ood such men are needed in every age but john got uir prison and uie headsman s block for his earthly reuard lef matt a 11 13 luke o 36 john lost his head but he saved hlmsslf from uie awful guilt and condemnation of uie roauvnger of ood ft ho is recreant to his trust exra 3 111 hrrod had a wholesome fear of john the lattsr had awakened that awe in the bosom of uie former uiat righteous and holy men often inspire ll the hearts of those who would do uiem harm mark 0 30 camp 1 kings 31 30 1 herod was touched and listened to htm gladly but he did not give up hu sin and so there could be no doubt as to what uie ulumate outcome ould 0 there is no hope for uie man who is simply interested in uie truth and listens to it gladl but who doen not forsake hi ni the prlend of uie long 15 30- 31 lnaving naairelh jesus rams to the shore of the fia of oalilse there j la renewed uie tokens of hu power and fkklnesathey broughtunultunths lame blind dumb maimed and nun others and cast them down at jesus feet and unhealed them v so hera were believer thy thronged tojlllm you go direct to downtown in every town enroute when you travel by ttt ooaoh when planning your next trip consult your local agont for all travel information harold wiles phone 88 gray coach lines carrolls ataruc dry ginger ale spftcimll deposit extra special first grade creamajry butter lb zsc roquefort cream cheese pi isc our creamy old cheese lb zse plain or pimiento velveeta cheese mlkpki 15c philadelphia cream cheese m pa 15c special tiger tomato catsup il loe queenland sweet mixed pickles sse melarena stuffed olives 3 i lie mclaren pain olives a jr loc special libbyi tomato juice 3 1901 tin xoc canada dry sparkling water olwi mincemeat ik x5c paper seaviettes pk isc crown corn syrup umb ii 7je assorted ffih n pastes ii c s0c king otcar sardines ii 17c brunkwick sardines il s mccormicki or christies b sodas s sse i special shrimps tin 37c p golden hallowi dates x i se pitted sair dates xse tabu riol pks- 1 mclarens freei- exe fli sse mixed nuts l i7c mixed candy iae jewel sharteailns ubit sse chipso pbs 9e ase ivory ulwt j cumi mm i special carrolls dandee coffee 1ib 27c f ijuree fresh head lettuce 2 for 17c 23c extra ljtrge juicy ukanrea dozen 35c bright red cranrerrjea lb ne miu street free jftsllvery freeh while celery a hearts per bunch 1wc phone 188