ft thursday itkaou 7th ims the acton free press the conservative party whither away by w b oivens mr w r divans formerly publisher of the kingston stan dard and a prominent member of he conwrvatlve party in ontavio hero sets out his views on ir wantons present cam paign tor thr second time within the last down years the conservative party in canada has slipped its ancient moorlnks amd bewt by contrary currentii la drift ing bomowhat uncertainly to an unknown destination clinging to the hope that that defunfttlon will on the mmny side of the stream quito frankly i thin it wilil be found that here are many con scrvatlvw who feel that this hope will not if fulfilled and believe that on a party vt would have emerged from thin com inp elecllcn much stronger in number nnrt more uplifted in spirit if wo had hi id font lo the paith of the founding fathers and remained loynl to the tra d i turns and the principles or thi ir party it u the boiler of those men and i share that belief that wte should have t m dialed the example of the gallant officers nnd men of the rawalpindi held fttit to our oolorn and nailing uiem to tin masthead itoep them flying to tin c iwl no matter what the odds no that if h rftwbnlndl we minds mut surely ltnpru upon dr manloti how necessary it 1b if he hopes for sustained support to name the men whom he purpose mid who have con sented to act with him in the new party those from ontario i those from quebec those fom the maritlmos those from the middle west those from the par west manifestly that is not too much to aslc especially as it may not yet bo too late to satisfy doubt ing conscrvaltlvee and swing them into line that certainly is better than aslc- ing thtom to vote bllrtdly and should pro- duee much more satisfactory results from a conservative point or view i were that donewe would not feel that uo were like a man buying a pig in a poke without opportunity to examine the creature but whether it is done or not we cannot hope to win the election b tbuse or by destructive criticism to say that the king government has mndt- a nhocldng mess of 1u conduct of the war will not get us anywhere because any none man who has studied conditions and followed the doings of govcrnmi nt know that is not so the tlrltlsh ovcmmint flow not think no and our contlngmls nlreody overseas and their splendid con dltlon reinforce that view pully a- much to the point in the declaration of the last conservative minister of na tlonal defence hon dr sutherland who only the other dny in a statement at woodstock deploring the shocking rwiolu tldn of the ilcpmirnlsed ontario leglnla ture sold i think the government has been doing everything that could possibly be don i am convlncjed of that here in nn authoratlve voice- and n conner vatlve one at that that cannot be laughed aside should have won a glorious victory even in itefoat evidently howevtor wi arc not inadi of that stuff and juat as evldontly under the new party our flag hereafter is to bo lilct josephs coot or many colors fip- jxrcntly we are to turn th ottawa raocalft out by turning many ol our own number out and thereafter divldi purtj responsibility with leaders as yet un named and unknown and who c p lirien 111 wise arc unknown w limk at thi record or tin pa i 1 mil yum or thnrluboubs and i il bflnnm and uie continuing of die drift whlih if it progressi much rtiruu nm it conm tvullsm ill fium lu in as sorrj c indlllnn s t ibi rnllmii u in on at nnttiln tlu first drlfl hum under prmilir b inn tt and will ilk 1 gi down in hlu r a thi ohkiirchi i drift ln il was in this period that premier urnni tt ihoni n us lcodir in winnipeg docldt d that the ntjit kind of lriullrahln was u ignort tin partj whhh lu wua in lead it rank and he tin 1m ul li adorn its parllamtntarj n pn rttntatlvcs and tven oil cabinet mln lutrn and put on an amaelng oneman mvrrnmcnt net tn whteh he nnd he onlj ww at once party and under with all others but files on tlu whcu the bur rowing result wi nil of u know only k well not n singu cons rvnthr pro uncial premier in tin wldi widi domln ion and in the commons a mi re skeleton it u partj not only that but we are loft iilmoflt leaderlesh since under mr bon iirtth one man domination no mw i alters wrrr di vt lupikt whiu th me w o might hc romp alnni wi nt down to their political deatlih tn tlu nlwiliin imlo caust that the bennett dictatorship pn olpltatad uke it or not these are tlu farts and thin is no giiinsuiug thi m and now wi are in alio tlu i drift u drift slnguliuh i nmigh ortnsioned b hil nt turn of tlu nrnn chosen bj thi ottawu omuiexvntlvi tonvtutum to lead tlu con m rvatlve part out of the w iklirnihtt ruunply hon dr mnnjon tliat was tin uuuidate and llivit only to 1 ad un coiucnutivi paitj hi hud no nmnduli u do otlier no mandate certaliil t hvbrldtre the partj or change ltahui ironi u coiimrxutlvi to a cluum iconic otlnr or its u uin from miltd omscna live to u stit of irnz quilt plttliwork hi rt mniin u liau a inw nuindtiu und oiu man du lulloii un1 utlt uhllln mu v tlu part followers un mcnlj uotwt ti pplng inti mm no inittir what tin ir personal ft t lings iioososteiiplng jiut no uu did unfit r mr ihntuut gimistnitp ping to aunlht r difint for it iuuit ih ilear to in thinking man tii it if wl ier hud u ilmiki in tills i let lion u wimld ha vi bttn a n lkonnu uuiitd fttthtmg vawj and not as one tiiddenh lumblwl togitlur iiudtr tin uuimr of iiauouallsni it is qulli trui as noun conttnd that mutters might b ifttrmt if dr manlon ttiuld tell us who nro to u tin uwitr vnth hlinwlf of thi mw pnrt then t nt it wit wi would him wmii justklcuti in or tyuic lot junmlng omrboaixl mut taking a iluuur on tin uatir bcln warm we do how know of eourw or so wi aro tojd that iluwi itadirs mi to b 111 manifestly then vitriolic insensate abuse or the king oovternment will avail or profit little the government to bo mire has made mistakes tout what qov- nrnmentrhosnntr in any event to say that it has constantly rumbled the ball and even has been guilty of criminal m gllgctire is u make friends fur it rattier hum enemlis because such charges lire nn prt posit rous as thty un piirtlhnn h we cannot bt filn if t lis ul liast not iu silly n n no 3 nockwood february lolh hj40 dear mr editor it has always been the practice of political parties in canada to keep tho affairs of veterans and soldiers out of politics nnd to adjust anj matters re latlng to them in a nonpolitical way both the liberal and conservative leaders in the past have agreed not to use ctcrnn and soldier problems as step ping stones to political glory then fore i tako exception to the conservn live candidate using these words von have hlcn the treatment artorded our gallant troops and the neglect of thi ir ulven mothers and children for toe information of mr at ins and the public generally i wish to givi the reniltn if an investigation which mr atkins apparently failed to maxe in draling with enlisted men in the forces there arc quite a number of caifl uhere tnc domestic tat is docs not rinii true on their papers and these are held up for investigation of nuch things an common law wives divorces blgnmy separation non support of parcnu wivrf children and many otlier things which msk up domestic tangles these things may seem at a casual glance to be of minor importance where mihsburnec is arikod but they involve huge expendl hires of pubuc money por in ionn where a boy who lias or has nnt main tolned his parents gets killed or wounded invalvrvi the payment of p nslon for periods of years again win re a marrietl heads swedish army ovkhskas men oo to school bvery opporttmlty will be given on leers and soldier or the cabp to nvall themselves of educational facllltloa pro vided by the canadian legion war ser vices xnc and the canadian association for adult edncnllnn with the stipulation however that their military duties must not be interfered with courses are- divided into main groups minna continuing normal education and leading to entry into university and those of vocational nature for civil life courses are divided into periods of four weekh at the end of each period credits aro given for permission to complete the course certificates of matriculation or pmflclcncy will bo given successful can didates and will be kept in the records office of file defence department in ottawa thoy will lie available on dls rharge chlif of staff of flwedin army is aeiural ihr sylvan sweden tin wnr brought home to lu r by fall of red bmnhs on the swodifili town of pnjalu u uldd on tin queitlon of npi n mililnry tuuiuit auce to in ighborlng i inland many ob servers nay if i inland fall hwitlin will be huajhiii n next vi tim ttla ll fort with it during un hot wi atlur and wonder uw wi hiul iloiu wlthoul m long whlli kiluiw the l homi this week 1aflt fl n tllo ovon afnetoryi tin boys brtikt one of the lrj riintilra cmib wll accordinaly bo and nnd linvi li itaf n optr four days mo iii tlio decision to introduce summer timo in brlvnln lhln month february instead of in april glveji british fac tories approximately two dayn mora day light than they hud last year if as is expected the government extend summer time as they did hut vi nr from october lo november a furthor two days light will be added lo the years total in short the 3aa days of the present ieop year will liavo an extra four days or light under the nnw arrangement the blackout will not be i n forced before thi ovi rhhiulowtng duly in tore ut i lft ommint is u l our hil is elliyms of thr rmplri lo inlp win the war for win it we must can we do unit in ller i by putting in powi r u new party whose i li men tii and pollch nrc as j et un known of nliould we enntlnui in power i the king oovi mment alnady will along ki jiarnto cnllr for such thingn as vi rt in its wnr work and in rltise communion neat i in or blrliu il itlhs nmrrlukc limit and understand fkft willi the oovtrnment aecoiinl employmi nt eourl prcwuillnrs of uie mother country in other words and 100 and 1 other uilngh whh h mini can a yet unfoimed party carry on better up the langhs it has bun kn n for children on his death or injury pension must be paid and it is powdble that taking the extreme of a long living de formlty case in one of the children that pi nslon would be paid for ninety or one hundred years prom this vi rv meagre sketch tin pnblutcan net that the goi ernment ih doing a giod job in s eln that all llhkf who draw dipindenci ul lowaneis thoroimhy timi tin m at 1 riirthermore only a hint 11 or 1 i icpenilenn ipplluillms nri not u mlinl immcdtali 1 of ih s ht id up it lnus lnen found on entitled t i al m m i ntlthtl u p irt all w inr mid u lit tii more than o not i ntlth 1 tt any iillowaiire invt it igators invest ikiit ln t in se emu a an not forking fn m n to but in and 1 iv 1 mi w rklnj uuit nnd da most of uum invcstikiili ins inoh s or it jjsll rv lnrr wni tr b nil in hip 7 io lind iitftinauu piece of w workera hftv0 to b und spend under lhey got im ur lighting those of uiem whose bourn havi been altered by the blackout a m w on ltiiitm r look most of a day ash trei in tlu river hat it tiad luitunil irook but wow too largo and had wl nm return to a mon normal work to tn kpllt of count it had u he split 1b j milod uiwi to thou u clrbjiilil ntlek xqr jrh i nf thatransportsorvlcm will also be notably easier and the total effect h ft a hli lgh runiu r out of what uius minn job whlih ttnik motl if ui- iittu r tiny ixtwiin t lions bill in splto nf nilllui btlng ei hi mis uxi mi n o i it i ulith tlu inadi n ally a k m j and it iirtulnh 1 iks hki whil it a liilindtl tti in hil hit it bun a saw mill iinjwlu n will n mull i wi i r nioio tuiunrs is iti lim bin wiun out and till wimmi u spin of tin additional light navlng u oxiiccuhi i klvi smoothi r worthing to brltlnh in duslry as a whole he heads swedish navy u vj admlrol oosta nirerutwnnl chler of tho swedish rloyal navy is pictured aboard tho sweden flagship swidm is iwilfilerlng her mililnry might just to moko miro biic will not x ciuight napuiim nn hussla iribtlui hi r in ighlmr i inland swuliih rniluiim m hi i hliw lmi aln nlj ljoiifl iniitnittiohs ui all untinln nifl unit in un imntry t llr iihin fuiy ih hilary plafti s m i irilyiiigovi i whiinii tiiihfviy thr nrttrrs followcvi the tioinblng of tin town ol fuj ilu by it us tun ll inr mul in night indignant d iniuitl in the 8wetllii pnss uuit a muwt u mwm be f illowisl liy inslsuiue un totniieiimitli n uwl iumn inn imilnsl tlmllikr n iielition iii md un xk i in li in prul nut twin lulfirs ono nil iil1 i i i md un rt i ami than one alrtady in the middle that is the nil important quentlan for canada at uie monnnl it transc nds all others and removes it quitte out of uie sphere of partisanship a t dr munlan then produce hut men and they tlu ir policies their plans anil tin ir wares and thus give the people of canada a full and fair opportunity u judgt of the rtflpecuve merlta of this presently nebulous party and the liberal i party n w in power only under such conditions can consorvauves determine whethir un i r puxrendter to or merger with this new party will prove to be bitd for canada and un empire nnd unmire victory over the common enemy that now nunacea the world wlui its brute force one rase to lake over 20 different uill by iiuu llgators nnd it hah betn knovm for iarents with pemontil incomi s of more than i boo per year to claim to be entln ly dependent on a son who niver old pi evm towards his bo ird i ho that anj cnndldnte mr rditc r will take uie ttoubh u bo sure he ls right bifon he utlllns the problrnu of soldlert end thtlr dipindints us a slep plug stone to a scut in ottawa arthuit c paduuhy mmmht eutiinih a nthb btimeuiing of the coiiraii and forll tudt of canada n nun nt si u minn thing r ih wlnur hnixlshlp suit ro both by j mv idal m mntmill md orkr dinir vrkk lwisa as i n ad the nt wspper thejic duys then is bo much interesting material for uiough luld inforniauon that it seems rather like using good space foolishly for just an ordinary letter the coming i lecuon u ill require considerable apiu e for dibati and like all thone preceding has little to cause real arguimnt itu situation hi tho north here is much uu same as in ilalton count iioth mi mbt rn an liu raj and both greatlj mspcclod but the other paruis are beglnnliuj u get bftfly two or thrtn uum of tlu nu reliant marine and of the iun and nump thing of thtlr urgtnt lhtd of knlttid suppllca and ixinifoits fnim hoiut uas it it tiled this ut t k b ctinuuniuitr d w funm r ucb naul hrauch dt imi tmt nl of national dt fins ottnw bpi iklii tt a wtmh atuntltsa nut i tin f tlu mm n s c omniitu i of un naw luikui of ciinada oiiuuio dlvf sum t in ronmlo commnndi i pin nier toinimudihl tin woik bt tnt titnliiiiktu tor nav nu n b num wonun groups in this pithtnct and from him ilu l aun rlnj prtvildts on r b mrs h c muttluus wirt of tlu hon ralu it c matthews heard first hand of tin wirn of uiost tlunisandh of canadians whi duirn 9111 monil stipiiort and upbuikl tug in un fun of 11 tiutk of imusiij t daiikt r una r mrs matttu ws dtrectt m out working up till uie discord uuj can inllutiulnt tlu finble minded and gt n inillj puiudk the wool bo it wt uld be gthkl ft r tvir t hough tftu peivui lo shall tin bluiuuoii th inny hlj tuul hil tounlrt f tutd and not allow hmth making to bt tlu dttktln fnetor on how larlliijiu nt miam bt minimis a red tiirn oko whin tin mull wii tin mill and liuniii tuul uit ololx uie olobe botli lirmusl in stpiiriitt build ins in un morning and uu fatur and n ly al nhht i had lliiu and opptirtunlty to n ad both miles tt all the xilltital dlscilsslon and took imrtleular j in a nal argument nnd flui hil tin ttsl f u but i found out ui it bort of atvumtnt inadu tnuuun no i i tnki no hidt and don t anjin lid job of mlntlmg ont s own busliuv is a big om iuhi inn in the north wlnn lu wliitti ih sti long and stvin lilttr old niklit tnil il i ol dilllid unit lriulualu w ikiud an dlid kill un ouur four uirn hi ift rs and a mnli tuo hlniiif lualun filliwk wi ul tin t liil t tin muni ihini o iwiiih mi polly nnd molly inn othirs jiitk luid jill o ir chhl is not hki tin 0111 mm ci irkt tmuks uboul hi a qulu gtnlle and no one iuih yi t had t nn for dir life wlnn ho wus oohi but lhe bent of them need 1 watching for w ul won l bt reckluia i lumocrlng lh almost iliilshed the mi 11 mid teams art coming back inim camp this industry ls btsromlng mechanlztd too trucks and trnclors a c being unsl to n gr alt r exit nt each year to haul tho jjogn wlilch maki horn a less viluablu tills in turn makes leas hay and groin iieccsfivry and as a consequence surplus i is luirdir to dlflikc of hay was never 1 ut cu ip in thi country before 7 00 tier urn has btjn the uvi rage prlrt paid for pressed hiy 1 ither dillvensl or po ii fniuhl tar bo u luu ban lj paid for haul in muk prodiubu lh on tlu inert use an uu noriluni towns grow klrland lake umijn noranda and umu rs fartlu r eayt and north take irt nu ndoun quantities ul by both train iuui tmck and 2 45 pir iwl is iimriun prlci tliu is one ndustrj that is pmucitsd from soulhtm iiuiim tiiion shipping rates arc prnhibl- the but for moht other product mioji as butu r einis metits and nw ta 1t s ctmmltl m ls kitn and prices an ktpt u10 lou for uib country wlnn we have a short biimnior sinson iuid jong told win ter poultry haw been almost n loss tills year owing to low prlct s egrs him rt tailed for wis- k at jit and bujars i iin nly 10c to 0c ptr doin but afusr all we in canada haw 1 ts li it tlninlfil ftr hatttik nth it ti iiir u rtabb nirt frit cmutr to llw in and an n ulj and willlui mir w i ntvshlbli to lulp and ntrlw for pi act w n th mi h olihmd lo prouli for war lit snstfull yours k w iohnson it it no 1 th inilot tin lhsi biaius and tlu bt st uunds or tilp 00 uur perhaivt t w n ihosi two polliunl itnis at pure 4 ri wnw premlir htiuniru of ontario and ex preniln diijijcssls of quebtm t i i bt in 1 hided n in brain trust thi f imer wlumi set ins 10 think his ur lh pnmiur ktui of in tti r importune than the work war and tlw latttr who ip iiftreutlj itws not bcttie that canada should be in theiar ut all tlic nure surrender of fconu of tlulr long cln rish- d principles would mirtl be us nothing to ooftservauve as cimpared with uie blessed boon and prlvlltge qf being cheek by jowl with these two distinguish and brainy gentlemen i the very fact that one hears mention of these two men a uuouff the eit wunun section of un now uugiu ynu ll ni l uioueht to preiwre 1uu imsuu ill lau xtr nf ls ulsjst pnvbl ru wew bis11 bceed wlui a wonderful itwu unir mttution w makt up 200 wintrr na bad sujrm ftnd vt r dltt uum for ontario ludu strvlng in auvlx il b down to lr xtv canadian mj iiuuad of uiat ro ttto or tlu tlmes arl ln ltw numbtr more than 2 000 uius at an uien umptratun nse tidy wa m a slj ist mini tt iii ml 1 otnrs oit mthiiis mjrrb tlol u set a llcwlllitr 1a kit 1 ilatrs and i lrrntes nqrrxtnat n if 11m btjond mitrth 31si fir plaus and llct n t s a ill bt h is of tin 11 jo a rugi t aim or s ptr bag haw been tilled und defctuuhml actordmt ttt ln lt luu rtmer thftd once to tin n port of e trank trimble ot n fanott cftnu i- or good sleighing 1 nil secrelar of the ontario dutaton of nnrr ntu vv rarmers and lumbtj- the nov league nun hftve abic to d 5ll their imul wluun the prtst few wteooi many lmr wlth tin gathering of fiul women orgiuusat ion he oftyied uietr btwni hardtr each year as the supph- at rviriw find- are now working for uu bwo farther away this year part of na league in centres ummghout this u aulut lfl mlu 1 the return trip province and this ear it u hocd u u dav ttort w fortunate to more uum 35 om ditty bags will bo wvp ft btt on wn place but made up for our bovs an the high seas b w re trylhg to save it to women of ono ontario town liave btow iar wd ore getting as much ai olrwidj ordtred 400 pound of wool for vm uier wajs while ue can tlie uie making of navy league suppuavaa blh mt a nicc at ulil wck doxens or other grou are intetosurup a bdrln lak jtt few mile duj- uiomsehw in thrlt3guei projecu i nnt the block were 28 thlci so i we need tlielr help to help our men ycu underttand it took ome cold at im oftlclals of the ontario naiy u to make it we got a small j- lmffue organisauo declared recently frlgeralor but year and hod vreat com- in mnirt 1 h n j p l mi ihir is ir ptr while 1 pr tluir mw bu a ll giklstmi urj alljniiitorists to s un 111 its and llctivis mmnliili many tax own is thr uwhout 1tu1 inw alnudj mcttnd hmo plaits nctrdsshow that uuretare thousands who ra tut prsikvl of find ing thrills ut in the hutminult rush m th uuj at wiihnit i la officials at the motor vehlcli 1 branch dei are that tht motoring public could nulls a 1 ri tin im mvunlence and an ntnuut of waiting in a crowd its job uiat will take a few minutes now but it mttj take hours later on tne ofriclal stated we hoie the plate and leihses rcadj it 1 now up to the motor- lsn tut march aut is positively uie deadline special first grade creamery butter 2 bs 57c for friday and saturday only special sliced side bacon 1lb pkg marmalade blueberries scotch crisp biscuits soda biscuits c tender lealf tea pot barley ft s sunlight s io49c ox ydol i vixls lifebuoy cake jc crlolic saup it ff veribest yk lard 1 a 8 j charcoal 2 25c poliflor im 29s 49 floor wu palmolive p 2 lie pontiac matches carrolls cleanser heinz ketchup green beans a red salmon bu rwk golden corn 3 box 18c 2 9c is bu ibe i7oi tin t mux street n tree deuveky phonk 118 vull and vfirrunls prlcea itnlll halurday nliht romry flptcuii ou rate unlit mobuy nltbl