Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 9, 1940, p. 5

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v tfioksoay uav hh imo the acton frhh press jtixacnaa xflm gladys huffman of toronto wo home for theweekend mr stuart uinta and carole ann arc ullln4r friend in hamilton mul delaine gibbons r v af tor onto was home for the wtoelcnd mrs u w uncll spent lust week with iter parents i alton i george wallace clothes shop 123yongesl toronto optkmlte ryrlcblrica lte norman fllluum of windou sjieiil xrvinu daa thu wrrk al hi home lirie xiua velma mini at spt i t lust w with mr and mm k wiuiui is hi wlilk iwm mr and mrs ircd luhw hml st o toronto culled on a ton ti ttl lh illll nuj the week ii mr and mrs ian ma donald visited trlftlhta in durham tnd hrpunrui ovc the week rnd mr and mrs mall p ler and of hamilton spent the wicl rnd ac ion relative mr and mm john a moure and an uria clalrr of dtuidas i lsjlixl at moorecrofl on sunday mr and mr ernrsl coin and fanitlj of georgetown spent muudu at the homr ol uielr parents line ltr ii l bentilc in in peterborough thu wrek attending thr merllnus of flyiiod of toronto and kingston presliv- terlrs mr and mrs ii a gordon and nancy and my and mrc klwood marshall of toronto spent sundu at mr o ii lunuta mr w ii sprtuht miu almt speight mn fred adsell and ml dor othea adselt of toronto mailed mrs ii p moorr on bundaj mrs idr i t a moorr mian dorothy and mat norma moore and mr and un p t ilnbtusuu of toronto culled at moorrcnift on bundav un norma 11 mi rrltt mr and mrs jumrs miwhrtr and dbuala mr and mrs wm- juaxucll of quclph spent fe liour on sunday at uw homr of mr john gibson mr john oardlnrr ulu nnllu gord- uirr mr geo mr uir rail mr john oardlnrr all of dundalk and mr duvtd oardtner ot st rhoma tailed on 6unda wiui mr uiul mm j k oard uiar jvck kinkshott joh rawleighs qi tun snes i kxtjuuts taukeij a specialty i main stitcet at bonool uub gregory theatre trioal ma itlh the roarint t enties lvld dronin ot a lid decurir ului jame catfuri prise i ua i am cartoon kresh cgrtuhlr ml a trrj chaptri ln ilangci rldm airiln stirda m itlh gift mltfct witness vanishes inscnlous myntrr u 1th wend ttarric edmund ic jeeleus ckeeieks ho ihmeri vix nru moma m hill i take this woman dramatic nimuncr tlh llrdj 4irnrrr ttiu iu itamarr lihr tiilt tti iuui stubborn mulr ouruv ii awarded croix de guerre 8 on ma 30th thr tntrk and irld broup will hold a tutltulu mrrl at at loft inrk lmuliuilna tit 7 00 lor lho imivir of drtrrnilnhwi thr ahllll if raci m in imt for a lxwwlhlr dual mrrt with ourlpli hliortlv urij r tiiiw wuhlnu to i nlcr nhoultl rndthivnr to tw on hand rrry moiidu and 1 lmrln fit 7 00 u rlork lln inl just atumt nil lino l 1 t in- cttiulnu hatnnta u ui t und urauirr prrmlt- onno toil with it u all alti nd nhoiild iliur a the flnrl american to win a krrm h decoration in the prraent uur in aruuir stratum of clifton mnjuuiohimettn a volunteer drler altlt nt arcllnn of uir amrruan oluntnm ambnlniioo corpn jli ha turn auntxlrd thr croix dr ourrrr a ith jwlm for itallajiln in a lion stiliirvttirn lnfranir oi nrral i rrqiitn contniaudlnu ornrinl o thr fynu h anns to whtrh thic m- t oti h i thr volunlrri anmhimr is ntlinhril prrvpiilrd thr droorallivit u slrnltou rpirin uimthr dmmi- to mwns lau7i iiamn are idvlvtlo mrl work on ittelr la arm im mmiii oji tnrai01e ufu r thr anna lm melted in order u rrixiir utr duniaur which ha occur rrd durlnii thr v inter winter injur nut nvuu from man emiiwi inrludlnti u inter kill- inn dur u mtremr cold inmiftlrlenl anou oovrr for tlu iirotcuon of the iward or the nar of miadapted uravt aperlr amothrrtwr sv u or o alrr 1 inn in depreialoun in thr luun mirfacr hiiinu cniuwd h fierxlnu and thnulnu and dlhraar nd inn j ii bojcr dl ttlnn of pnirane plajitt orntral rxprrlmrnlal iurm ottaaa t injur dur llirvsjcr night h the ilaltou liaragt 0m onti nion ihratumuihof llu hulton unutrh of uir ontario oaraue 0rauira auockation rvachrd un all hlflh mark al uwlr rruular inonthl mrrunii held ui 1 hurda nloht ma 2nd m ur pwmrrk hall at milton tlu hard or- mu nrer ttrlnu prealdt nt mr i l mrkindlr preatdiittf tle heffiilar mrrllimis of uir halt mi ilraiuh har had nrral sun ran lnor a imhitiinliui and all uilns lohit ui u ffrratrr uitrrest hrlim taken b thr membrra a uir brunch ciuitunim to crow and pnmrr alona aimnd and anr unr under the guidance or it fnlthtul off irrr six yer alrr has alipiwd under uw urtdue ainor uir ontario oarattr ojvrauim aanxiatltm ili horn und it l loda alrormer tliuu tei be tore and la now rvcobiitird bv tlw oo rrnmrnt oar manuf act urrm joblwr uwuruiur rumpaillea paru majiufuclur rr irt hnkitl acivhu and a ureal nianv tuirr all boruuxr iu membrni ntand totfrtliri as un oryanixauon und not tmuk to atajul auuu a htrt time aas trnt m du usmhh the rrciilar lumtnr of lt branch after uir rvtf ular hiltinriw pi rtod anie ttu olt ultra hon of un i unrni an tlluntrntrd irtturr mi hmi up v ik ti thr chrxulrr corfxtratnn ttie 1n lurr uiu i ti nti1 lu mr w rihi m kri tonal intor manaiit hun kill strl ripriinl itlw hamll on otmini and mr o nnnn nru r hipnvnrntulm toronto dlstrii tm- wtun uni intrnirh inti rratlnt m 1 er much aipm lutnl in al u at end anre my k m durki went n ttl onnm urajih prraident atd mr f braun of lh oil rto autiobllr co ltd w i re miiur and both pikr brtrrtx tr of thank wai jni i h chrxir trporati ml tuul to their te prrt ntutito for tin lr rrmrt in un e inp t the halton hninci urli a m- xptrtnv and rvluiationa lix mrr t thi cvimt of u r mrithii t mm tirri ajh1 lallora rnott a buffet un- ohei inxtdid through tltr cour ev t the chnnvrr crivrhti mi md tl ti deal rr i the count i treasurers sale of land for taxes lllatr af acton county sf ilajtan to wit by virtue of a warrant luued by tha rnn of the vuia of acton betrtnc dauj ttu svoond dy of january im aale of lands in amtaari of taueaa in tha vlllaoe of acton win b held at tha council ohaznbera in the town nail to the vhlasx of acton at the hoar of 3 oclock in the afternoon on the tenth day of june 1040 unleas the ugcea and i ooite are aooner paid notice u hereby i strn that the list of lands for aale for arrears of taxr werr imbllshed in the ontario oaiulte on uir 2nd dav of march hhfl the rolloulna i uir list taxes costa total lot 33 block 11 elan 327 corner church vfc pred erlck ou faofl sd lrt03 383 h uu 3 and 4 block k plan 237 victoria ave and lot b2 plan 237 part of lou 1 2 3 and 4 block 35 plan 337 aenea st lot 7 block 14 plan 327 church tlir rtlruar uhich i a inu cool urulhrr l knoun a- llus dteavt li niutil in uhlih uroui onl uiulr r t oiittltlon1 ii nin mvui full ulnu r or pnnt uliut duriuu iiiru spin u uion li mi illnu in llu n ot thr dlvam- arrua ot lull covered a tlh a ahltr cotu n tali r on dr liii uione urius tvonr trn uli in olor atut if uc dumuur is i t n tlu urusa l killed break lnu up the white couonv rrontlia an thm up lrar tn rukuui or brilshtnit with i ilift hrimim ulll reduoe uie amount of tn- lur to some extent lu i ui ui iiualti the denrult4lll of rat h tmi and iprl in thr memlirmhlp inkititi uiuiuitnui of the camp itapk in ordi r thai uhm camp ume rolls around ion uill liavr aaved up your camp foes oul irotmlr luar plent alktut oump from no vi on imm ntur uma uremia tit mss much more quickly at this season of uie vt ar nnd july will be upon iu before we n alla- it hou about maklnn u definite effort u save lor u week at the vrry i ftt llu naxhrul mr bobbs rrmed ut be recrhrd rry favorably on tuesday nulht and llirn uiu a tint audience the jiiipporl of uilii eftort b the olubans of our town in inderd ery araufyina and a real inspiration to those renponalble for thr pla ma ue say thank you one und all for tour ipriirrous upport merchants are permittko ihsliw oi special card men hnn is and ollu rr iat riutt h tourist trade uho will accept uniltd slutra curr1lc will tie pnnlt u n- plai an official turd pnnliird lt hit ninliiu kxilmnut control boor i nir card brarlim thr crest of the domlnliui of canada u ill h iillaltu in two mzon 11x14 und v x 7 llu innr r curd u hiilliuile fm window di plu itoui will carr llu minit huend llnltiil sin tea tutrtmj u iu n pusl hie it lli oltlilal piimium mi 1i tlu i r i ltn pvrhanki control lloatil what is luiuiiu the oltuhik l for wool la monl pr ittmki a come touttr 140 i ilh fo put nhri pmrti axki d l t inn u for ci o in ui elicit k tin ward win in i a l tom ther 1 dip a a imrniim ofhn ailhii and tho ar iik iniu n1 if i on nitur huh on n knuii us a n hull nhurihl nit lllltlu pr nil u un in 30j 40 33 35 423 84 is 103j st ut 33 plan 227 on thr north jddr of ourlph st 237 7fl 15 12 252s 48 74 utli treasurer office prbruarv a d 140 c p ijcattoenxand 2 07 17lh 40 71 day of villas of acton i ah aooii as uie soil ik dry mioiibll crrmit uork uie laun should receive lhoniuuhh ruklrui in ordrr to n mo thr i inter a aocumulation of crtrls to comb out am dead rasa that nun i im present an ueeds uiat can b i detected stiould br rrmofd at uiia tlnu thin and bare areas ahould then tie thonnikhl scarified b rnxjiur and re needed ullh suitable btassea a mlx- ture conslrtlrui of four parts b uelitht i of kentucky bluecraaji and one part of i colonial bent ti hltfhly aatlafaclorv for rewrrdlrur in most locations up to prr crnt of whits dutch clover seed mn be added to thu mixture if dilrrd thr seed may be corrrd by llfihu rak inu uir anil or b covertnn t uriiu with acrerned ton noil it may be necis aut to water newl seeded arwctn occo atonal since the soli ahotild not br allowed to dr out until the seedlne broonw u rll estatjuhrd when a n ter tnn n verv fine spru should be used tn order to avoid uncovetinif the nrl and uaahlnr it awav tlu lawn thould in tin arl iprtuu hi hmiir whit h has u tirn thls opt rati m ittththiu dipitwls i ttx vm it tlu milt ltlat i ounti i unvd r mlllr in tun i ltd out dilatullil or war 1 hi kit n w t iltitr mirrou lliui lh ir miuhliotn uim niilmmnrd uu it i lip to llu o oh in i iv wool oroutr ot 4 to ci ntn v r itoiind mon uiati th tlu ins hiv i ul ij t t si linu it ouirluht ul miiiiuium linu just uhiit uhii will im woilh hils nil l n oll riu1 d until 1 slut im tin sin i p mult tan rt si uumnd hi ll k t uu- uvi rune prlci for the year if hu wool u inurketetl to ixratliih lut l shptt mbrr tin cunudiun wool admin lslrator suiblislwxl ti fixed prn i lor woil immrl 4k- pr rli an iwmnd ilia ordrr n cuiutlli d in jantiao md it li anticipated thi 1040 canadian clip uill be allourd to find lt own h n 1 from du to da in keeping with out side markets tin- fact that onvlhlrd of the cn nudum vino clip tn itni iftis hundlrd b tile cooprrntur w 1 oniwers indicates lhat u lnmi rinnl atie of the miial tmixirtunt sheep men have learned from eapi of expert em that thev net more on the avernirt foi thetr wivil clip b marki tutu throi h t tn tr own owunlriitliu than h murki i hut through un other chaniu i it vou arr rolnb to kt the most out if vmr wool ll ia imthtrtaul that um n it in market cooperutptl but thul flu i in tied pnmrl ind to thls i nd wi w ml 1 liinllid ou tltil ui in snui sa ks iml pjiprr tutni ft t if 1 utk nun uu kruuiturul oitln in milt i visits secretary httu ymca plnyrw aain srorr a continued front 1jb one in uivni a ii ul two hour round of n- li rluluiik ul lll wlnn is hi ot kallirilni ii uli imiii a iiitu uil miv lh i it omntiit i i mitll k ii ill i hi h in si im mi liiu s l- mis wlkitlns lh i inllilv mis i c mallh wr till dili it limp ii fiish mun pi i tin i mi hs klikn s i s vahlllah i n mhl ti i i ml t il i i aim i slsmans scamper w oil- khll ph i mlsk pilmr mlnlntir mm kenle klnn is pit i niiil iiiii rlnu tin u s huili ii pai l- tn ul in washington in puv lib irarcl uihtiuthit 1 htun cord ii hull the ciuiudiun i j gul ion ml his lstt a ilh hull wus mi ptnut mil on un old filt nd taim hicsteit midi at mito n stiiriu iiutigiii citmk r ot mr malum i il m i i hit hi hi d ulth w is s i ii hk ii t ul ll i lit lh ii isht i mi mmiu ukit in thulium a 1 1 iu m h h mow amu llolmrs muisl hi llobhr aiiiv 1 jiiiih l il hushliil mi n iimiii mm lout mrtlu vanli iimil ot tin m ul- mim muriel hlcketta illlli hit in in h iillllil ilu lull lvi nil uu h hint hon mia i maltln wn muki up mt i savuui pnipertlos mlftsara m nutj o will ii sirlpl mian u m nutili mi i mileuhli tin m r mr w i munou liirtulnn minsm a ilahihli v vunwii k htaur iirnlah tn foliiialoiu und itunili uuhfluu mr ciiiia w wluiin liming uie luu rmuvtion and rlor o lh phiv a hiiift slusfit was glvrn all and uu old mmus were uuirottirhly rnjnyod h ull with art paitdeii of loroulo at tlu piano nnd leadliui tin t cully had iilhualaam in mil renin re a ihiin trio itiiniu i by illll vim nit ltnnald pvaiw and jack stewart wiu un olhr h ni that npmbmuwl hi he en liiiiiii ut of uiin real gooil prouram i iu tuiuls auriml from uiln vi nt uir to go to un enntp fund for the opera lion of the boyn and olrls camivi uus aiimiik r hi vmca llnarxt wtui un ilm to ihuiikf thin prijed and ttu y ilim is hint usalihsl hi make it minnllitr li ihivti ouiig piiplr to have this mit- i ih l mimm lw hmvu i t huiing itth t i uw i lug k pi iiiullng on ih s if llu mllllll iifin at lunl lui i pulloul lllkl shlllllll 11 lllt 1111 l l linn y ins ilu s going i n i n for all tlte fcuttilf tlv tuiyi an i gul giiwn up loo lllll llmppv il trv font oinfort in slamaiii statu 3 out sliitin scam par tiav tit unjqua iatntd tonitrucijoit ijmii for ilia la hat in ilia longua nu tnatlon liy pallants clotiiini store mill slrwl a inn out general insuranc lift ilke aijtomoiuie and all cibhhoi of insurance f l wright 4 mica f oapar llldg phone os pill k mt ouq lm of w lft iii f t hi iph tl arrl d inl mn 1 in itl iskitklnson illin at st aiiians iii im ii tit a mm is r i kit ill ci un it at t n waft i 1 s tltltf 1 i prt mi wtst ding w ilh llllllt ir itiu ns lust tliura dui w h n wllfrtxl i mai diiuiihtt r of mr ai d m s in un id atkinson brcantr hit hr di o jatiti s vi sli v crtiim of uir innm o si ittlsh hi glnunt mil of mr und m rs w it t nil tiro lui rt v e a ii units rrc or of 8t ahiu offlcluth und mr s o simp win o kuiiiai pr lttrd thr mtlitr lh hnd wits given m in irnugr by h- r fa li t i 11 t un if tin 1 m in w ir slu t ikd loi h in in all tn hin dttis r tilulti lmljls 1u cxm ml gfchai itnd r t 1lnvssl t th d rsit titxl and endoimi irhdrr tor cal ail it tixniixl until 12 o rlnrk immn idavllxhl uilnxi hednemtat may vtu ttie i th mpph if oat and coki i i uu lvuiutii ii b tilidtuks thtoitt t nif tin lrninn of onkiu ill no rltis mlhtifc w ill t ntls vnd if lo sol ui pudlli xl l wit 1 u h akii hhit itu i nil 1 h u int duiuui r ilr tun coudm t of stut1st aki oniiklfauicr vm don t kno ts to ix oid and bnit prandson no hut x kntjw i to he suno and broke rhat it u tijam to go ne oh by th way time it is ah fwry bcd oorit ask tlonf carry a calendar i wonder what limlir with s ituatloiu and condition- attached ran be biatnixl f u mt uu ihirxhuitng xtent deiwr mem f puhhc worka ottaaa and thf suix r lsin rrhiroit 3 xdrlaidr est t4it lmtnu ctit tvmtj aiiouu hi mad m fie firm supplrxl tn uu rvpirtinrnt an 4 n u eordan i i dyurtnieut i m ii tlotu u id i millions uta tlu it to whr the amount if a l ujrr r ixxla thr mm of imh00- ulirthrr ft br tor orii bcfdmi oi h r m tt thr trndrrx most attach u lh ir lender a wrunvd cheque on a hartrred bank ua canu la md pavablr to the order of he hon- oa e the m ulster of publl mt us equal it lit xr cent f thr atnoi n of uie lender or bronr bonds of the iv m in mi i canada ir of thr coiuidui niioral bailwji comp un i id i oo i ntiimt cimivinin uiiciuidiluinallv uu irantrevt as to principal ind uverest b the dominism of canada or the aftrenirnuiyied bonds and a certified cheque t require- to make up an edd anuajnl ithr depurunent also rwnn the ruiht to demand from any sicoesfiil tenderer ji apcurvtx drruiait tn the form of a certified clieqite or bond as above iqunl to 10 per crnt of the amount of ht bid to tus ranter the proper fulfvment of the contract if order j i sombbvrlle secretin department of public works ottawa april 30th imo t is3 i i nx t stons in tin nw i t pdtiaslni with chilli w di pr n muv lt irrttd m lximpoet or it m l n soil in uir our of lamer depressions ii ui tx uectar u lift uie sod b itld up tlu urea ut tlu- desired put with kihwl top mill and replace uie tui t i satlfiuton inhlerdruinatrr jrn ix u- t n nx ti- pi luvinu a suit ait i sstm tin 1u is i tie most common causr of ixvir luw a t- i tw oil frrultt adequate ftitillu hon it u ver iitin port o i s ut at- liia t maintenance pror mi tin a plla im m uie eurrsprir yfji to 10 pound ix r 1000 souare fnt pf i loi 4 oi a i uir romprte it r il t r ls r iminm njid there are a m mx r of gttxl law fi riltrs ui lh mirket luh will pntdure atu tor n ults if upp led at thr rrcommrndrd ttr tlir fertitwt should te broadrnt uni- fornih oer the lawn ut uw flnt signv of acme irrowth it li vircrssar to wafer the fertuuter immediatelj after appllca- uon in ordrr to avoid burnlntr the leait the purpose of all sprtntf oieralons 1 to encourase a dense deeprooted health turf which win withstand sum- pr ii i iwrtti with i toll in si i cj ntrolltiik initinil ixtrvdhs m n stakuk d tniistriti ns wlunv muv tn tenu d thwi l ith r in w 1 s piln u t f ir iu r infnnii itl m n nisisl 1 illations t r control if intenu iiii ihltml toiipx ltss v ln atkinin nd in ir i tn in his or th t tus ig ct i i rijtit ti e tit ui sn i rt s rrrcw is x ui tin ilue inn nd hr itsai1 it scarlet tinned rom s it rt u in i sw ii it i mr tim atkui r ii d mr h v f i ls iintln rs choice shiuildii kimsl ikif ptr lh llhuli ki im iuli pir m i tjui kill and itnskct mmlink hil pci lt lean iiamhliui steak o l fill 35c ihiill kiimp kiuisl hlci i ir it hmcl il iiiil kihs l isl lucf il it 20c 23c rislt 1 1 it ids uhok of swm 1iiklcd ntliikl rolls iti or half pir lb 25c lltlsh siisah i ai i 1 his c sm ill ii 11 lr lovell bros imionk 17m lromit delivkkv minns mrs i 1 i i iii ml us is iii scotts scrap book by rj scot1 p- mm la t h tn i s wi t hr i n i irt iii rs s t s n nurttnnit p nsi n it 1 i 1 1 brr tutsn out tri t t in ihul ii o w i iiilrn t nr qllllm- i id tw 1 n i s tj cllr r trps in n sti ul proi uu hi ol m 4i u t urti ha irtux iuh dgtt llu i s u d 1ls ls s f mud i iniit si n mi v i m ner ti i ill n im y t i wutue jerm n i in tin f in ti i rnd it t i il 1 t 11 u r m il s r ui in i in p m n ii it ix tlt ml j i l 1 nil wi hthfux his i tr uned corps 1 n t i in t tn th 1 m work rs uil w i rail r s s li 1 nr t tt unrd b t s j l i n b i of 11 in 1 v ti ht ll t r il sx im in sunt i- n it nl i s rt tsuri r u t sidney ist join quebec anooui r nh- a nat ami uri print r t ann ter dm ite- i win m lie 1 ut 3 d iv s thrr s hiailucl ru iou i imli it 11 11 ess i r j j in i uftirtxl auvtiolieer id w ha ou blc dauahur prollctliesonln au fiie tui i file- there are wia njw ioas of wrutht tsiimrii chill suiau aid pr s iratlims the deithmle u it ho tt 4 r cent rabbits are ofrn tneced but mer runt and drought and compete with dollars a year a car and a houw tn tjuvjjufice rooklm destroys uie disease uerm summer weeds the necessity of start ing tawn work as early as possible j therefore cannot be overemphsslsed ueured autloneer rnthuslasucallv the use of infected rahblts as food safe in handllnn uiem hawr rub ber b loves sliould be used ttlallv fxrf1tf rf waf avf jlmtp vjofcmc a at sitn tmm hatf makjtsnh qeumiui fa a ma tut pr m ohl inch biamkfaa fkav ter u wvjpbut imclv iuac ru ale u

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