Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 9, 1940, p. 6

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the actoti free press tllullfiday may till 1mh menu hints emiijm far nw aaj nl dum hanuhau ituas mnd sufftttum hints on fashions uotlltks n cooks n ilclij han in all rulht mother ou nin ui ng aiid chut with mrs clieer jusl tfivi us half an limir and up ii have n rtlniu r fit fur a queen and rcmemlier v mf mr queen on mother s lias keep mother nun fr m i alike mi uus da u f hers prepare i dm di lit unix meal far her and w turn her eje h1 sparkle ivrhaps ouwn i iok as well as fijir but with simple eciis like che foloa ins either man or teen art fflrt should find it ris to pnparc a vrrv dlltthlful surprise nuul nr mot hi r ham with oilanofc iberia tit fa yninns fried ham i pound- 2 tablespoons tl un cup or aim r jum parmej 2 tt 3 navel nrunittt it ui r ham add flour to 2 tables ooiu 0 fu from frjinu ham und t uk until 1 uhtlj browned add orange juice stir- rum 11 to avoid lumps co k 5 mm uiivt r until sauce u thlrk pour tauci around ham on serlns duh oar- nish alih jvuli aid orangt fit es mothers da a4ad 1 cup cooked dried umas 1 cupruis rhupped tonuui ur ham 3 hard cooked cbga sliced t tomato purled and slued l cup rhopimd pick ira l cup french dressing 1 head lettutc sour rrram or m uinals dresing prepare and conblnc meal eggs ai d pickle mix ului french dnvuanu let stand t hour in a cold place pllr on a bed of lettuce uid kbmuh mui lhr slued tomato pmfcappie biiiawneiut cream 1 packaec gclutiu dt vri pliicappl flavor t 1 cup botllnii water 1 cup cold water t cui cream uhlppcd cup confecunnrrs mitar 1 cup strawberries shred disolvt quick et ting k claim ui unl uik water odd cold w itci ivur into m sherbei klaswrt or a larv serving bwl and chill until firm jiim bet n urmnk whip tin tram then odd to t i ir and tin sliced tr nlvrrfc put hn nful u thli straw btrn n mi mivt irv n top f uu tttutin and ri i lsh if w u tllxu itcllv of the itall a lad mam rvmiiih frucka art- mikinu print rd fabric u 1th solid colors and the nviultfl arc cnclrantlim rcod to he p thr a rarer be uie belli of uie ball u tliia frock in fllmj chuton the top li of black chuton draped around the bod itc m flattering foldi point iny upuardi in v luw in front and dipping lo a lower ualstlme in back thr fullj flared aklrt falls in nrccful f ld tile dialun is or black uuvtb contramlnii dramatlialty uuli ih mum u hit chiffon round ith viiitti nun oi m juki i rah 1 baiiain li oi efc h u 2 ta ipxn n- p i rf i mix van 1u irnin t p 1 1 ui k l uler oxik siimnk c nsui ul iiiu thick ai d i ir ti i m n uu1 ru ulcp ltli cnlslifd iviii u i uld i lld dtih nilxtun c 1 ii u k atnti until stm k it n hat y d n t ilii mmurt chill sj b pxnr ppt4- hi isth pie cup butitr h strt sou fiinst til h1 iiik i- iht time for ruth hniaiholdtr in canada t lii plans 1 r hl nun an nu il prl ai witr in u inch iht batllt cr is tat that fl thi htallh l aifiic f canada udvimhl it dji oit n u li r llu sutx ss with ahull lh i siti n us inmtt nslti una k ipou huu ls iln hum f i nam it tru htht i t h r uilli mt u ui itik ui b ton hi 1 tx pec tod a xxl aa in witxk hlh plaiii it tl is mm u l piliik limn uu nd nil tr oihtt niiuiiik porli tn 1 ui h nit iv k i iush m d ihon iikhlv i 1 h mmlu u ils tlu iiuidi cir t iv i tn inii hi kt i i ansli willi mi tit di mi 1 1 ml uuli ul mint ig t in nitli w miilwil s i nibblsh r k ulitk llutil ix- ll ted l i toluct in i w h n n in i i l ills iu p in k ih t utli i i sh ill n d k un1i r ia hi i ptttaibi ioi t t nt ihii in li nmli h in- t kk- m nih lsh i id r im th it lhr kr th hut h it i i i fi d ts ui i h rth iltjw tr 1 n w ni tin t aiili i i untu ik uu i m t t m ipliksli ftiil titt mi in it i ir ik ii nt r hi ip in doiiik m mv lkii u stiu i k n thi h i h i mil 1 mas mci chi t1 ii novmir in hl halm- f h i viiik in 1 li tin 1 1 it th tlmiks in i il int if i l chronicles ol dinger farm z wrltun hmlajly tar yha ac tan i- r preaa tundounf v cuirkb iif tn iitll imdlnix a as in full suutq thi early part of in ttrk nd jurmcr et r uluri n lofclnu vtrj little time ntlttng tilt laud worked up and tlic wed drill on the to durlnu uniae das n men men ol many trades make up hie air force mm otiituh nvhtjo to kih tjil i1iot in tiij air in tlu xlrrtkh cmiinoiiui itlth air iraiuliiit plan it k ratlnmlrd l hat one in in uliinin forming llu tomprminl of a llluhl can qm t lackcl ui pll oran ivad ion and administration repair in ui liup4clion of ulrintk and iipllp mi lit ai nmuutli ul di inpmejtt and a miiltltiidi of othn diitlit iilksortt th mtv it ts if mini nun vital u tlm actual tlj i nil opi ratlout i hinn aldi arii tj of occupation i un 1 iradih u ill he in nrporaiiil into uu air pun i qiiullllil inns for h urn ol i tlu m illustrnti tin hikhl npt ilij iiulun of uu uorl aim t iiin uu h juiit- allh a thoniiiiih knnulidke of in ti rnul ombustlon t uriiu s and familiar a uh iht iiuthikts of lltunit b urtiik pkilnn und plflton rim- vahi ijrlndlnk i lit tiikni tlmlnit nr n quired to ktip th iquipment in lop nhup itu n thin i un urminunt urlllurrs tin m mu t b uijihli of overhauling n mlriii itutl u muiik rlflia mat him ipim lomtu u tmian u ould hardlj dart aik for a helpiuu hand to moc thi kluhtn suivr or shift uu piano dear me no hie tpruiti nikh uu on und cer minute counted and tin n dame katun took a itund and the lu a ens let doa n il stt adv drizzlv of rain st for all their rush und anxlctv to jet done the farm rs lud lo lak tt the horaw blood iinl and oua r iqulpmnt iutd idli in the ntuble uu drill ttajinl m tht dm inn slied and uu bin prln rush uut tenikiniril atuipeiided it w n ulli rather f uiu but a great linmk for the hoiuwclean inn lutttxru hi durum he uel niull ue uhi douii the ininu room ivcatcr cleaned the kitchen sto e phxfl fixed up a plact for the brtmml inns and i dldn t have to atur overmuch if dlniur were a quarter ot un hour lale sonu timen of courm uhitt i mean is that partner on account of the u en tht r va annmd to help utth all thest iieceaaarj jobs in fact i be lieve hi uceau to mmpect that i wus huntliih joba for him becatuu one uirtfi he conu inlo uie houe and said van i sit down for a while or in uu rt some thlnu eui ou uont done yc he tald it just like uiat with that rcfltffned mirt of look uiat men utt around house- rlt uniinr time naturally i lvua imllff iitutt sit down of course you can fill down there sin i a thhut for vmi to do in the house that i know of a utlli lait r on i did imppen to mention cas uall that thi uvliik room door latch needed a unit fulnu but i dldn t rtall ask purlin r to do it nor did i thluk it wits koluk lo ix a blk tb until i saw htm conu in with tu ir1 all tlu t mis from tlu toolbox will it null uus lutlui wit and dls tttrct abli for a ft a dins waiut il tut i think mat pcoplt an at red thai thi run did mon ktunl than harm and ni d iubi tlw land will b r to work uriiii b motul i ci rtuinlv tin ram h is broimht thi v in at nid piustun 11 uls iloiik muuiifulh pi tn vboul ii armament artltuir should also havx u workuik know lettiie of orplonlvca and undt rotund thi um of mi tal workliui imiehlnt rj cooks imu1 havi not onl a thurouiih know us ui of cook inn hut iimi of nu ut 1 1 limit auiriifit or pcrbilutbus und dc f oslltik of meatf and fbih mini tukt n on as clerkh uuisl hi up abli if uiklntt dlruttlon at llu rate of 7i w or js in r mluu le and lo t pi u i a ril of 40 words h r tiilnuu du must hi familiar wlui fllliik bn terns and 1 1 m nil uccoununn 1 hi tt rm dltclpllnarlan has tx u ap plltvd u men who uill have cliarin of the ilwlcal tmlnlnu of recniltn tliey must bt comp tent in uu instruction and supervision of phicul tralnhm closst s itflve u knowledffe of mllitan drill bt proflcltnt in ftnclng boxluu and gymnastics nd tw reudj to taki on ci uchliik dutlta in various inrnis of athletit uicirulans in thi air itrt an a peeled to luit a working know ledge of molors kt nt nitora and battetie and a pnu tu tl knoulidiu of miurtnu iimd m um trudi iu 1 1 ctrtt ian must 1m uhlt to diagnose faults in clrculu and i lit trit ul uppiirutus and rt ud wirlim tfiaurumi nu fabric workir musl bt rumlllar wlih i u l unit mar hi n ini tud tlu tlttiuit of fulu it lo aircraft be capabli to oewlna b haiitl und of uppmuk all ivju s of painls dous antl varnlshth a kiioaledk tin heat tnatiuiiit of lools spruirs and instrunn nt parts ls a iiectisarx quallflcilion for livtrumi ni n pair rs thej milst know thi phv mc il prokrttt of materials used in instru ments be ublo to ivad working drawing iuivi n know rrtri of iliclricit muttnet ittlur in ui h hist w i fain lin k ni nil plivsus and methuniis it is aim isl m i than lu tun hi ir to 1 hi mat lintsl miut kn iw unit hi it tin lrattoi standing idh in uu drlv l p inttlti tv profit li nt in tl i inn uik lux i sikspt ct ktiuik luick to m hool link iuuua mlllliik miu lilix s vim t wiksn t imu h fun tf t r tidliu up un 1 kruuu r mtl plain rs hi si ild it ljind i r ilnuii un hi id all duv tr fur thi ira i r lias i rforunxl v i r wt 11 imuiiik oth un discs und ban ws ul uik hind it it sun ovtris u lot of kt unl in t in tit wluli i don t think purlin r m idi am misia t in buvuik h and if it m ikt s th ut rk iuu r in huu i am 1 11 klad hi k t il h iui n r thi i p ivm f tin iritl i hius rutin r put i t rimp inlti m set n i ambitions for the futun bin sintt piiuur did not ut uu t mu know unv hung atmut mv m en t nk draw uik imibili ins n i in t in bl uutd foi thai nv i nu tu p lu i i 1 khl nut li u ipprxl tn ul pit rnj inv 3 culio mined pt fulfil cup liquid srit ft ii il i viavn melt butter 11 s aik mu uiortrmli riw mut ipr into warm b n j p- van rh 1 mil ftrni then dram pmeni pie cbd ii oh i ktlutln in 1 h it hq od kid remain ink hq ihl tul i ti it bey t thlckin rnuiki itbe- in lrl p ur tn welatin hill mtil r s t wtupid cream te m pr ml ifcfwft ci mmu i iii tlwvvon suil 1 ptukai1 v anil a n ijjl nir t i uleyl nxir ha vv- il i i vi 1 pint milk 1 cup xpr niu r f 1 tartlepoin uniiiri leuspiv n ktmn1 innvniv tabfvtv buttef 3 tutteiumvn en on juici olt iemr in urn tube pie li us wrt cuul lakt rrunet it ini j ttltlltf to dlrttlvn in pai k on pot at mte owr the itxirs t mi i tl firm about 10 minute- thi n hi 1 m refnucrator when i i iv t r vp mtth oinnamivn saim cinnim w ban t hi i 1 rnt ir h svith i of the pear he heat nvs if in i t bollmu id i xvnwtar h mixture md tir tint i natuv ihms vftd tl tcken st r t itnnl tiur bitti r ani1 em m hi nu xfck minute 1 ni chill ilnfwrve 1th i till til kmr i vet ru- tml th di 4m k- nns uli h thi i mv muikiiid picks ip ui s ii i mi unl limru k s durti tl a slnult tla tu would ki t dit wni lew f ibr i i run i ni i m p rmitted t lint n mlv i i tin tk bn mo s nimtnr- i en v iu huu tr mi luik annmd h ik it tml in ls not nist nltibll k iir irm i s t it hi mt nuilili s mr r xiirkit ties i dr if fl ud from hi l n mv mm it th silk u it i n h ai m k 1 iji s i nlcr is it tw ur mi put up flj tcreenjt and r eudl w nt j w ttli ttn i it t 1 t i it i i uik t i rv n lljvt ip lioti f mil ha i jnl xiuhltik mv objixtlvi in it sonn linn htd ub ait uu nttirv t last prmcipli- ttft ol tltt h1wi ell aleei u hls bath thus murn in i ji lhr uater runnm- did the- bath ivrrflow st fortima he lrep with hi uvmith open might r tiiat- i am quite dared b tlu repeated reqiimu for hnine that come from m bo wrltm ft rdr fiuffertntf frorji touch of in on ewentt ix u know i us tun tins spruik mv duit tdlls and uircksi n tr i hait all llu bulbil taken up and prtrutu lud in lu ii sluidv place win n thi tnpabli i ikhts t t tsdd i was afraid of frosty ai thi i puked all live bulbs up und nuired hum hum in i lv in the woodshed wtii n ihusiu itu tiun ca m i sit tin m oui lutain i f i ind ill uu bulbs had sturted to unva md tin rtnils win ill mut ted i tout tht r h h it i taiikh uiev wi rt m i separ ud ttnni iks b1 i could but i planted hi m with it n little h in vf suoctui tlifs spn k after ttn snow hid oni i i xikixl aiimtvlusii f r teiidir shoots u tin kro nt ihit in t i slim if in i u id i six t o pt in 1 1 nx s a tun i bubs ji id n utn pi vint 1 cunt ii i li tlisapfkunlixl 1 was nt the th i irht that all mv met sprint tlowi r iiw bulbs wirtdewl twn nu t i did have i liiilv lu ihit uiank civodnim tlu w n n t ilea i the are t omii k up iwn ah uilt lhe p i e und u lot of hum are in tmd w tuu the ones that wn nit shifted are in fnt til mm pi r- hiw tlnv wen lit t ins i pluved tum th tie ti ir p rh ps tlu dml do aa well the flrtt year after the have been mowd whatever the reason i don t know but i im crtaml uiad fo kn a they are ull alive w irttliik draw inks unl limb r i um of micrometer vi niler iirfuct mid th pth kuki innsport irurlimi s lu suit s pruiu ti i t in n patrliik unl nt rh iiilinu iniiks tmisi huu a kiiiwlidki of nup n luluik pohci und hihw uv n tful it i ns tin until workirs and tht mi lal an fr mu mi t hnnic must be fumjllar with tin u und malult ninn of hand tools und simp equipment uudi rntand w nrk and t it mt ntnn ki nmelr ks appltitl to sheii mi tal work hue u knnwl dki of rivettliib punt i lean i lunlshli k flunk ink bmliik uut soft soldi ruik and atttvltnt wildliu win li s- und electrical mi i h mu s should huu suitirii nt knowbdm tf t u irtrltltv mant usui and rudlo tc maiupulaui wtrrlewi op n inimni ndliik and n tf ib wonu lors is am itt ailed mu it c p i i ni rkii u d pholokr i pi iht air i it qll llll us ll tin v mast bt iv ink m rst r inn utt ir nidlo t find m uu l f th ii bllt is of v lul imptirtuni i j in m deni warfare to ph itokraplu r tht rit nut sh mid tw fanilhir w til uu hlmorv and chant wrik ot liikts and filters havt hud i p r i1y bi thi use of different tv n if onii iks and printing equip rjl ht u d undt rmand the hand m u 1 ctu mistrv of film deveopunnt ttn uitmin ttikuki 1 in l i irakis una nit pnti ins w ithin thi air p r i muki un miortuu cmtnbutmn t t ie irainpil f ptl us ur ituiit er nut t r ilisi rv i rs fowfeign exchange acquisition order important as announced by the minister of fiiiaikl the ioreijrn kxciinnjfo acquisi tion order 1910 irh ihhmi enacted 1 ordorincouncil under the authority of the war mensmus act unless excinptiml 1v hit ordoi eeii lesident of canada who on may 1st 1910 has am lou ijrn tin renc in his juhsosaion ownership or control whether m canatlt 01 outsiik canadi is itiuiit foithwith to hell such foreign curieiilv tn an uthorietl deilei ie a biaiuh of a chartered bank for pa mnil in canadian dollais at the official buvinp rate of the forelflm kxchanc lontiol ilnaid foieifim ciimncv for the pin poses of the ordei means an cur rency excluding com olliei than i anuhau liiueiil and includes bank notes postal notes iutiic oideis chetpies tii ellt is chtspus piepaitl let ters of credit bank diafts and othei sinulai instruments payable in anv currency othei than canadian cimenc and also includes an amount in foixijyn cut rem of which 11 resident has i i ijrht to obtain payment bj rei- son of a deposit ciedit or balance of am kind it ot with a bank sin mjjs bank trust onipam loan coinpam situ khiokei m est men t dealet or othei sinulai tleusitti lheonlet tines nut nipiiie the sale ut am fuieirii senuitns the oldet does not affect am ftmijjn cinienc deposit 01 seem 1 ties of mi nontesulent of i imida and foi kieitei teitamt the oidi e- piessh declaies that a nun lesident visiting ihtnatla foi jmsmess 01 pleas- uie tor a pei io1 01 petiotlsnol exteedinu six months in tlu eu totitinihs to lie a noniesldent foi the puijvoses of the oidei unless suth pei son enters or luu entered canula with the intention of becoming a peinianent resident no resident is requited to sell am loieijjrn iuiieiu il lie satisfies the i oteitfn uxchaiurc cuiitiol itoud th it he ht id stub ionian uiiiur on la 1st 1910 soleh ns trustee oi njvlmit lot a noniesidenl and tint the noniesldonls mteivst therein hid not been uqtilied fiom i lesident since septembei lth 11m9 except in a niannei apprtncl bj the hoard undei ceitain conditions stipulated m section 1 b of the order a resident who is not a cuiadiin uti7en mi be jyi inted exemption but onlj after application for exemption is appioxed bv the itoud no life insurance compam iiicui ptualt d in aniida is lecpiiied b the order to sell anv foreljrn mi rent whuh it metis im the puiise of t ai i ing on its business outsidi maila fjirthei partuulai nun ik obtametl i nun hi inches ol hnterett banks am lesident wlin has am toieipii tut tt nt in his possession ownership ot control on mai 1st 1910 itendless ot imount should ton suit his bank at once in unlet to isieit iui the extent to which be it affected b the onlei roiicicn p iiantl lomimh iki in england and prance cyni rrii g ultli nrttlsi and hntd with mutnr ci tu nil crerur cl in nil btiilf of flu lymt h ml ltur and ixihtuul it idt rs dinir mum iinud m mill ui hi udquarti rn u ft and hon vlmeiit nuiniii murtcod rnrs ls pi liied lit 1 1 h tils i on 1 in t u t i hikh c n ml imu r tu ijii ion ltltit lirn ririnan uoiuimt frll i 1 1 1 nnionvrr iqiipmivt ihjots kim ncipti n f t i ttsfi mi i if i t u im c mnmiil i lmunt t ep i sin h ks i tv iik i a it tied ilnt t lu hnl h c mm ft weult i ir tr i n uik pi i ls pr udt tl hi uu f u tt i mi iv ks flftun stores u i htm m rtt o 1j0 feti utl lw rnsted m win inpetf tin her witirthns f r i ru mil unm ililt mau rials what lj rolrtb to liapiien to ttn n st of uie ffardep flower i don t kn iw n catue the hern ore maluntf n nsulnr tluit bath of my border lamt veiir the emclcmia hardly came near the oiirden but thi jsjmtr they make a beeline fir it dlrmuy they are let out iliutv mil mabf the heits will stnj awai from rm cfuuit uim tf i tu him to hut- he jibm garden partner doen t think much at catch thm and puju thetr feathni aruuidrii but x im wire the honwtlll out and that will nr do enrcalh do lean riamaee to hi field than he j a tha hw ar laying vlt x u j do to inj jardrn 1 pnrttijr b hum up and net some gram sown ni r uie hen house and liven theae wrrckfd houea in tovnr or the m detmr1 by uie exploaion and are whn a qermah lleli 1 bomber loaded with ovftnt fell at cctun on the kisex coast the mine were detonated by uie impact f the h tfiree ctvituuu wrc killed and mora than im ijtjrfd 1 if bombing tana was blown to wu and uv i r of nnn fllen died

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