the acton fhee press thoiwoav wwb wlh ims of interest to women menu hints kmw far hew 1 nml acs4tiw thk halao howl not overyaho la privileged to watch the first ahnota of green coming through in a vegetable garden but algna of spring jn city markets are bunehsa of crinkly fresh lettuce orup red radish little white aoalllona green creaa and tender asparagus tip there are a tev pdlnl lo be romnm bered in creating a salad from these freah food 1 oreena ahould no dry trlsp and cool 3 the drenlng nhnuld oic thoroughly chilled and added just in fore serving 3 if othir ingredients art used they nhnuld bt out in attractive small piece 4 a urimii salad should bu lightly tossed with u fork not stirred a variety of greens muy be iimnl lettuce is of course tne common one and green leaf lettuce hi more flavor and food value than the bleached varieties chinese cabhauo watercress endive young ahoola of swiss chard beet toie spinach and delicate ganun cross arc all excellent naiad greens the variations ore innumerable slic ed rudlnhc ncalllona raw or cooked aaparagus strips of celery and carrot cubed potatoes hard cooked egg emm bled clvihuu blu of cooked meat or flak ed cooked flah may lie blunded with any green salad tin amount of those in gredlenut should bo small in proportion to the greona to keep thu naiad of thi crisp rathor than heavy type some apodal nalud recipes arc recom mended by the oonaumer section mar ketlng sen ice dominion department or agriculture lettuce roll salad 1 package cream cloc v cup ground ooaked ham 3 taulnstoous chopped pickle mayonnaise 1 large lettuce leave math cheese and mix thm mighty wlpi ham and pickle spread a thin layer of thl mixture on each leaf of lettuce form into rolls and ohlll cut into one inch length and place three or tour of these rolls on a leaf of lettuce serve with bolkd dressuifl luncheon salad 3 heads leaf lettuce 1 hard cooked egg sliced 3 stallions sliced verj thlnlj 1 cup cold cooked potato diced 1 cup cold boiled ham diced just before senlng shred lettuce mix all ingredients lightly adding french dressing as desired chiken lbtttuck mould serve ot 3 tableipoons gelatine h cup cold water l cup mud v4negar 2 rap boiling water 1 teaspoon salt 3 cups leaf lettuce fine shredded oup plmionto finely chopped 1 teaspoon flnelj chopped onion 4 cup sugar soak the gelatine in cold water five minute add vinegar boltlnff water hints on fashions vyrnrt should the farmer produce the minister or agriculture answered this onlonirogi and alt sttrtulaquu4cawurda solved strain and cool arrange the lettuce and plmlento in a wot or -can- fulb greased mould pour the cooled mixture over tlila and chill serve op it ttuec leaves with salad dressing french dtlttssino 1 cup olhe all v cup vinegar j teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon sugar w teaspoon paprika put tngrodioutt in a acre top jar shake well before using keep in re trlgcrntor and shake each time it in used although win around town in the cool gf the morning the red flannel jacket la ulno uh opular as ever with vaca tlnnlhlii the one sketched gets its now look from four bellows type pockets and a belt which start tram each aide of the side seaming wear it as shown or slung sleeves dangling over your shoul dors white straw fubrtr moktn the easily packed hat edged and banded in bright red felt ktp on p you have done producing as lien j o oanlinar minister ef agri culture bays war effort dee not atqure rapid flwitehtag from one product to another canada s agricultural policy in rela tion to its war effort was disclosed by hon j a gardiner at rome rngth in discussions hi the house of commons lout week when the war came he ixilnted out inert was in canada con sldorable surpluses of most farm pro duct there was a very large surplus of wheat and even now it is the largest in history there are also large ur- phwea hf pork and dairy products at tht present time 1 mr oardlncr nald that those who have studied the situation estimate that larg er quantities of products would be re quired next summer because of the en hutment of farm hands in the arm and other causes boiled dressing l tooioon salt 1 tablespoon mustard 1 tablespoon flour 2 taiilcapoona augur jf egg vulks 2 taulchoiu buttei t- cup ot vinegar speck of cayenne ncpttcr heat milk in doubu biiller mix dr lngndltnts and pour hot milk over re turn to doablr boiler and stir constantly tor live minute add egg volks and ur until ihkk add uegar slol ill heat cd it luoiins the time add butter and stir until disoed constantly salng and we think the proper thing to my tlat tlu farmers nt canada can btnt nene tht inuntttfi of canada and uu lncntit of the allien 1 contlnulngf to product those qtupli product which they ucn produc ing imfort tht var ntnrted 1 hat is tiuiofur iu tht w err pnuluclng u in at thc nhnuld continue to pntthik w heat insofar as thej aert produclni dlfltrent tsih of luo fltock the should continut to do tlu rt might bt some dirtlcultj hi marketing some of the icha staple pro ducu such as fruit even during the lauir leant of t struggle in which we were thgiiuid ihe mlliuur ihtwigllt tlwn ceitalnly would be dlltlcultj dur tng he earllevycarb but tho aoern ment fnlt that those who had been m gaged in the production of staple pro ducts should continue because those ueav the products which wtre t hxg to oe nuw needed throukh tht wur ptriod if pojwidlc lhe hhoukl tr to do it t belttr tfllct lw wild lhi shoul tr to product a bttitr product und u little more or tint product if they can but thi should not attempt to saltch rapidly from tin production of onr thing lo thr product uin of onotlur mm chronicles ol ginger farm -w- wrlllaa bmullr for i tlu asua ptm hw j awkndouni ip cuuuat i lfsmhassa thnao are anwinua days for everyone and particularly for those who have people living in the old country ift la only natural when we hear by radio of air raids over england ami scotland that we should wondcalf our own folk are hftfo and even if those we know am mm red we kill i hate to think of tht peace of our familiar country being nhattord and desecrated by murderous bomra and shells to evory old country person tlwre l some particular stot that is especially dear perhaps a little bit or sussex downs the hills and peaks of derby shirt of suffolk meadows or it may even be the old familiar streets and hitburlw of london lllghgato peckham rye flnchley or hampstead heath ves ood gave all men all earth to love nut since our hearts are small ordained for each spot should prove beloved over all and then we think of the children the little innocent children being mov ed back and forth from one place to another how in this war affecting them shall wo in canada lie able to make those little ones happy to help them in some way to bear the parting from mother and home at least we can try we can love them taaavt catfe for and treat them like our own for the poor wee souls will need all the loving we can give them yesterday we sent two cable to eng landone to partnors people and one to my married brother offering a home to any of our young relations that they might like to send over to us we itave no- idea whither an of tht m will come but we feel more comfortable non we have made thr otter if none from our own families arrive then we shall be prepared to take any little strangem who may med a home and make them hk happy as we can yen we in canada will soon find plenty of worlt to our hand on monday the budget comes down and heres hoping nobody blows up whtn iui contents become known i rather funcj thtrt has already been barn is and barrtlh of gasoline sold just rttenl v in anticipation of an tncreone in price now tx t that patriotic it gas nhould go up and nobody knows whether it will but if it ahould lsn t that extra lax a means to raise funds to win the war that being so how hull it profit us to evade thr uix what was it churchill said i can onl promise you blood tears toll and sweat in each instance we in canada havt been fortunate up to the prewnt oven to casualties according to the bbc there have been only twenty one canadian casualties and none of these were killed in action a regards toll and sweat we ha been clamoring forthe chance to work for weeks and months the cry has gont forth whv docwi t ihe oo eminent do something wh don t they speed v- rer why d n i ihe mum more guns aeroplanes tanks and ships well thi oovcrnment 1s doing some thing now and for that olorj be but a halt er is done him to be paid for and w e hat the budget unci it up to lis to show how wtll we tun uiki 1l and heres n thouglrt surely the people a ho h e been belaboring the m i rnmt nt so mcrcllessl for poat in iictlll surel thej couldnj be the name oiun who hae been laying in a suppb of uils that and uw other against a rxifislble increase in price when the ntudget come downl that wouldn t be logical would if and et i wonder urnll thn unr in pmnoe is over at the sunday school lesson fofct hunow junk llh jonah the outreach of aoda ijovk ooldt n text salvation u of jie lird jonah 3 0 lesson text jonah 3 1 10 read also 4 10 11 time about m2 bc place nine veh exposition i preach the preach ing that 1 bid thee 14 the word of jehovah came unio jonah the second time it waa wonder rul grace on ood a part unit ii did ood does not alway give ua a second chance when we refuse the first inum 14 40 4ft jonah waa i imply to preach lh preaching that ood bade him iv 3 we am not to preach what prudence die tates ttr policy suggests or what please the people or what u e have reasoned out or what w think or guess but imply what ood declares u matters not whellu r mt it w iii ht ur or forbear iknk 3 7 wt are to prt ach nil oml lids us preach jcr 1 17 acta 0 37 tlte llelirew word translated preach nieam lilt rally ui rry nut or rah out and sets forth the intense inrnestites- and insistence that is necessary on tin lrt of the true rereitciitattve of ood jonah proved the geiiulneneiui of his own rrpenluncc by immediately rising and doing as he was told he went wltliout asking any questions tlte great secrrt of a happy and tut rul lift is doing at nee just what ood bids us do nineveh was a vast and magnificent city v 3 hut its vastnesn and magnificence did not atone for its wickedness there worejunany things worth seeing in nlnoveur ajm jonah did not wnd his time sight seeing he began at once en log yet forty days and nlnevrh ahull be overthrown tt some it would have seemed hetter if jonah hod given a few preliminary discourses on the authority of the word of ood or in proof of his own prophetic calling or on ue agree ment between his message and current aclcntlftc and philosophical opinion or the argument for the existence and re trlbutlve justice of god if someone had raid to jonah vw want argument and not men assertion he would simply haw cried again y i forty days and nineveh shall be overthrown tlw form of the wanting itself showed that the fulfilment of the prediction was con ditioned upon continuance of sin those forty day were das of testing and op poi tunlty for repentance pvtrly is al ways the number of testing and proba hon in the bible this warning was in tended in mercy and not in wrath and so are all ood a sternest wamlnit the unit indent preacher in the world is tin one who slurs over ood s warnings and speaks only the smooth things warning nnd opportunity for repentance usually precede judgment in oods dealings luk 13 n 3 jonah did not hosltatc to uppcil to fear and no true preacher tver docs n the hepentance of tin men l nineveh 510 tim find step in nineveh a rcpenlume was that they believed ood that is alwkyi the first step in true repentance by believing jonah who was god s pro phet they had believed ood himself john 13 20 it always pays to bellwe ood 3 chron 30 30 if there had been am higher crltlus in nmneh they would have tuiight the people that jonah- a warning should be taken only at a poem and that they should be on tlelr muird against slavish literalism nnd must not take jonah s prediction too llternll they showed tlury believed tyd first of all by humbling thonwivwi before him prom the greatest of them vonto juilcastoftc4nthcyfiiated und p it on sackcloth tiding of jonah s teaching it la t pi netruled i ven to the palitct and th king lso believed ai might a king n he was he recognized tlte fact thatthin was a preatrr klnt three element if repentance were set forth in the royal drcret humtltatlon of self pray r turn ing away froth sin the prayer waa to be intense they must cry mightily unto ood that la the only kind of prayer that coilllu with got tjer 30 13 acts 13 i uv dnmaim 16 30 j3il 4 13 13 r v having humbled themselves and rrlod to ood thej wen to turn every one from his evil way mere humilia tion of si if and prayer will effect noth ing ir tin rt u not a mercitlts dealing with win tlte very euenoa of repentance u turning from sin laalah s n 7 tho sin fnuu which wn today must eseclally turn if our nitentaiice la to be acceptable lo ood is uie sin of re jtrllug jphiu christ acts 3 30 30 3 14 id the men of nineveh shall stand up lit the judgment with this gen emtlon and ahull condemn it luke ii 13 one fact gave jonah a preaclnng such power the fact that he waa prac tically a mun who had come back froni the dead tin fact of christ s reaurrec unit takes away all excuse for rejecting him the purpose of nlnoveh a repent aitce was to induce ood if possible to repent nod luni away from ills fierce anger tv 0 that tlvey might not teruh tlte men of mneveh had a barn hox that ool mlgnt repent nnd turn from ills nnrr we have an altsohite t ertuln ty founded uitou ootls own word that if we retrnt ood will turn from ills ung r uiward us lacth 3 10 i tike l 7 101 ihe men of nlm v h would have bten great ft oh if tht y hud not actud u the ban iiojm and h u much great r tool any man t who iiimd not att upon tin ctrtiilnty today what otx1 looked at ohtecktlly in their rt pentaner wun tlu ir w irks the fart that they tinned from tlivlr evil way u 10 when nineveh turned fntm their evil way ood turned from the pun in turn ut that i was alwmt to visit upon them an ood u uncltaiineabte in character he must t hange inm tlte attitude thai in initefut to him to tin attitude unit is accepalile lo him it may- iw said that jtwiahs prophecy that in forty dayn nlnevt it wouli e destniyed had failed but ood predictions of ruin by his own stati ment are never absolute and imcondl tlonal jer 10 7 10 ktll i itmniirht irukiahinc in tawbian a1u tic with uir numlm r i reindeer in the canadl til arctll now estimated ut ulioul 0 000 head c inuda s ruudu r industry ha- mndi jiatlsfuctory w igr hs in tin flvt yiars miict tlu orliihtal herd of 3 370 luimuil uan di llvennl trmu alusku lit iorli hi this vt ji n uwnlug itctl rt by hip l mrtiiuiu if mint m and hi fumn i n otluw a indicate on increase of uboit i ill fuwita u uh nmln herd now on suinuit r riuigt in rlt hur i a island a filtort dlstunre iff tlie arctla t oust itiu brings tin numb r f unlm nls in lliii hi rd up to upproxliuiluy 000 in addition tin fawn increase of thi u ulvc lit nt locutt d in tht an draou luitr area about no miles east ward ts callmai d ut too hiud making a tlal of appmximuuly i mm reindeer in thli h rd tin nittvi htrd witi ta uhlulmd in dtcinuttr 1030 whtn about 0 detr uerc tuitutfi rrod from ute mall luid untl plitctd und r ivklhi i in in ftgi mi nt s iliji lt u k vt rnini nt sup t i kloti plaiu lutt in n mail fir tlu eittli unhmcnt nf a necond native hud in tin horutu rhcr urea aoout 1 01 mllta tuit of the llrt natlvi herd ni xt win ttr about 000 rilndcir will ix m puruted from oe mam herd tit the rtlndur station and htraed o trlund for uboui 20 miles under ure direction of thi gavcrnnunl thlef herder who sucti ss fully arrled out tlte transfer or th first ii4ulvw herd onjuxlvalat tlirrr uew locuuaiv- thi rclnuetr will lx in trusted l th militant merit of tv- t vs kimas nt of whom has served as an upprentm herder at thi rebuilt r ta tlttuld ilhii nativi in rdn will iw tin ji r the supt rum m of the nov riiinint chief htrdtr rftiirnanle juit put thai back wlure u ui k it from ua tin ounu 1 d suld to tin duriik o ing m in wh hid itolin it kus rcnvr in training witli it makes a nicer cool drink saladff abvhmai hstuyajlity in imlipirn whanit 1 he polish government in euiflaiul pursues iu bitter task of assembling evldnnrt of qi rnuin brutality in oc cupled poland there u no look of re volting reports which ore confirmed by rtllauli witnesses iallints in mi ntal hospitals have lute ly tutu treated in the aernian way a inilhh nffli lal atutt nu ut gives some tie tails if a nrisaiirre in chi im i ubelskt win re the uurmann dihldtd to nqulsi tlon thq new and nia lous nu ntal lion pltnl in that city oillciiils ol tin tlttitupt first ordrrni all iloturs und iiuims ut i uvi tin bulltlluu tlnwe realatlng wire expi hert by ftim ut tlu toiut of n vulvurs afu r ttaitls tin oi stapo xilli i i irked thi doors and with their revolvers shot dead all the patlenta who numbered over 100 die stair of the hospital drawn up in the stmt under a heavy guard hward ttie deialrlng crlm and groans of ute victim with hurnir as they were hunted down by die murders having completed their terrible work the kllkrn lift aftfr stating the ho pltnl in vnrated von must immediately nmovt nil riirpsm twcaiise we almll or ropy thr building within two houra wikul tin tlestniki i rt the building it wiih nsn rtulnetl hint in addition to tin 100 laitltnts the oermnnn shot 40 children war orphans who were tam imrurlly gitt n shelter in me if the lioa 111 jk i wurda it hits bit n nsrirtlneil ihut they stmt m puiltiits in tlu h wiplul if owlrukje in ir li wmn will as all the patients it tin dslekanka in onlenio food mileage i tiding the household machine is un iniportont itlm ihtse days after all on the roid of daily life most nf us have lo jet the tlil lost mile out nf every dollur we spend hifh fond in i lea f c menus careful buying thoughtful selection of the foods that mil only suit the tastes und physical needs ot the family hut the pnekethook ns well that s the value of advertising rvcry week here in ytuii paper are presented new and interesting loud ideas new wuy uf prlpiiring ol j reliable favorites new couihinatinns ot the foods the family needi it ways they ii like standard unvurying quality is the out st und ing feature nf adverrised merehundi-n- in general and of food products in par ticultir quite u factor in getting high food mileage ra m jiead the food advertisements in the free press they tgiir show you the way to high food mileage tlte roal niv in eiirkunl f r i rillv mhidind r1ncw in gthstam hiiln now cutting diwn on wedding mui a nptdl dtmuiuiwitg gold aupph is in ol otrnian s troublf o it it la disifc publiahed in tie frankfuiurj intutu nmul the hitch funning o j hhirt f tfimd thit the ocrman fountain wit uuu no longtr bt fitted with gold nibs una gold u not to be ued as a mount tor precious alone and even ro mantle leuchena wedding rlissmut be of no more than s cart gold lat the ijrlde ahould be teropuo to keeure a- iwiavler wedding unr anather decree atena in with another verbouwi sqr the tout weight of meul tn the ring la also limited isauvs sallies slof ti luh u hm mu w uwu imui trti u lenst oni phaseof lt is over the peace pact has been signed peace what a terrible misinterpretation or the word rather ahould we say fighting ho ceased toow at last britain knows where ahe rtanda with on her own roll to defend and we- al know how braacly she will do it our immediate problem just now is wet weather und what to do about the halng also ute budget nun been made known and it is no worse than one might hat txpected i hnient a doubt we shall be ubv to bear up under it a lltue mlule ago wt had a rrplj to ope or our cu les the meifcrtgi ran tut pl gnilt ful matter undi r con- mdtruutm fto rum w aau further devilopmiiits th funn part of it is me iuim been awni frttm england so- lone wt rtttlh don t kno hoa many small rtlatlon we htts so we ma nnd ourselves with quite a family if nil ichs well also kfrccnvr dlahop and i suppose you flrat learn ed right from wrong at your mother a knee candidate for ministry no acroaa h fathers t a portir of offloftra f the royal oanadlnn toaval volunteer heaerve now in tratnuur at a south ooaat depot tn buiund wllh other relerviau ttw training of canadlap naval officer with the ttoyj navy doa not introduce new principle toecauae many or the domniloni prmanentnaat officer have m undergone training in england they are trained oh ekacuy the aame line mlsthiiiktajs u offttjera of the fooyal rlavy an old oerman torpedo upper tft make u ideal seat or aome of the officers a thy take iwianii from amaphor slonala an part ot their training aome or ui vo4unierar ahenm riant rigging up a whaler whit other at ahowrt tiotlow left in traium a a iun ew loadlmr a 4lnch naval gun s c v t