jjk k4 aluftbday mndajtt bth 1m2 the actqn free press taok fflvb l mia wanetta smith spent christ mas holiday la toronto ihn barold hamilton spent new years with friends in toronto corp wm coleman of toronto spent mew years at his home here mr and mrs john brush of hamll- ton spent new years with acton relatives mr earner mcklnnon of pickering- pent new years with mr and mrs g w masales miss nora kenney rno toronto has been visiting at her home here for week or so miss marie clayton returned this week to her studies at notre ame academy at waterdown miss pat scott of gait was a week- end visitor at the home of rev a w and mrs fosbury last week mr and mrs jack bell and wllva oftoronlosdentnewyersbtthe home of mr and mrs g w masales mr harold kennedy of detroit mich is home for a few days owing to the illness of his father mr john kennedy mr and mrs angus mcklnnon of brecebrldge were visitors on new 1 years at the home of their daughter mrs g w masales ac 2 elmer latby graduated from the calt aircraftschool as an aero engine mechanic stationed at man ning depot toronto mr and mrs harry burns attend ed the funeral of the late mrs george mills toronto formerly of acton on wednesday of last week mr and mrs glen sample and sgt lewis sample of harne texas xjs a visited mr and mrs i b weadge willow street while in canada mr and mrs w d prick and fam ily and mr ross allan of toronto were in acton this week for the fun eral of the late hiram t gibbons mr and mrs george bishop return ed yesterday to their homo at manl- toulln island alter spending a few weeks with mr anil mrs a h bishop mrs angus mcdonald and messrs sandy joe konneth russell archlo and normnn of dolly vardon spout now years with mrs r currlc and mr and mrs edwin currlc and bobby at milton heights george wallace clothes shop 112 yonge st 2nd floor toronto take he elevator and save money specialised optical service at moderate w 7 ephead bedstered optometrist guelph ontario mr and-mrr- prank day rock- wood mr and mrs allan smith and family spent new years day in tor onto with tholr brothor mr r w wansbrough and their mother who is snendlng the wlntor t card of thanks wo wish to sincerely thank our friends and neighbors for tholr grac ious words of sympathy and the beau tiful flowers and cards sont during our recent sad bereavemont they will over be remembered by us mr and mrs a j murray mr and mrs hugh mccutcheon vbkumley chairman 1942 school bodrd continued front pago ono and w jvtjnnlnga on the continua tion school watt road by the secre tary the attendance this year la the largest for eomo time building and equipment wore satisfactory the teaching staff was quite satisfactory and discipline was good tn fact the report was a sntlafnctorv one from all angles it was to he given the prin cipal and teachers for poruiittl and re turned to the secrotnry for filing inspector skucei report on the public school expressed regret tn the loss to the board of mr r m mc donald socrotary for so man venrs nnd tribute to the efficient service he had rendered the board was also w mlddleton as n worthy successor to gregory theatre friday jtanitabv one night in lisbon with fred macmurray tho flyer from texas a madeleine carrol tho beauty from lon don cartoon way of all pests unusual occupations chapter ii drums of pu monchu saturday january 10 matinee at 500 the penalty molodramn with lionel bnr- rymore edward arnold barn yard follies gay with mnry lee rufc davis fox nows monday january 12 the mad doctor werc9 chilling with basil rathbonc ellon drew sport ice cnpors cartoon dizzy kitty band hnl komp 4 orchestra iem j chronicles ot j dinger farm i written specially for the acton free press by owendoune p olakkk i jomm wrmcdonald mr skuces report or the teaching staff was very satisfactory here is a concluding sentence it is n plea sure to be able to stale that the principal and teachers have always shown a keenjdesire to cooperato in all matters pertaining to the progress and wolfare of tho school tho inspector s report compliment ulmer nesza cd thcj3oanlontlietranaformi-ap- pearance of tho classrooms and said tho school compared fnvornbl with tho other school buildings in the count a flno hlstor of the school had been prepared bv mr t j moore and attention was drawn to tho fact that 1041 u the hundredth nnnlvor- sar ot tho first school in acton nnd tho fiftieth nnntvorsnrx of tho bullcl- inbofthbbrlcksection of the public school mr skuec also compliment ed the janitor on his efficient ser vice he regretted the tendeno of parents to doprlo children of tholr rightful mlurnllnn and nir tflt greens m want call us fob fbesii stock green spinach greon beans 2 21c 1 lb 19c bunch carrotts a for sa solid cabbage ra washed carrots 4 lbs s waxed turnips for solid parsnips n lbs 14- cooking onions lb head lettuce n lor nj choice tomatoes j lb celeu hearts a for h 4 19 child labor the supply committee wore in structed to secure a cor of coal when required the property committee were re quested to investigate and tnko such action as deemed advisable regarding the painting of anothor class room to make tho schoor uniform in color texas grape fruit dalliiaiu apples 1q jumbclemons c7 choice oranges fresh grapes ic 619c 1 b 15c no i spy apples bskt q peanuts i shell in 20cl r in great uemand pot bauley b r whi te hjvans lb sftll pl as lb a bab mm as lb h uim lima beans lb w r o macaroni lb bitlk sodas o ft well i never knew it to fail i as sure as our township election dny rolls around wo get rough weather and bad roads and tho road wo have to travel on our way to tho school- house where we vote is narrow with two nice steep hills thrown in with banks sloping down to the creek ah the time 1 have been driving a car the ono time i sot into the ditch was on this samo road a on election- day so today 1 was only too glad when a car nnd drivercame along to take us out to vbte a car that was far less likely to toko to the ditch than our own because of its size and v eight and x was especially glad because just tho day before two cars had met ftt the crocsroads and neither belnabhftoirtop orrthelco there was a proper collision i havent heard that anyone was hurt but i believe the cars were smashed up bit it is too bad when weather and roa3condi lions keep people at homo on election day became one natural ly has tho fooling that no matter who gets in it hasnt been a truly representative vote of course some people dont bother to go out what ever the weather but on the whole x think rural people turn out pretty well on election day the pity of it is everyone cannot be satisfied with uie returns one mans meat in this case is bound to be another mans poison i might say hero that as i write the returns have not yet come so naturally no pergonal refer ence is intended however we can hope that all men running for office hove one aim in common and that la a sincere desire to serve the com munity they represent to the boat of tholr ability by eliminating unneces sary expense keeping committee fees down to the minimum nnd by keep ing the township free of debt if that be possible on the other hand we as taxpay ers should not be too exacting in our demands for jervlcc nt lonst not nt the present time low taxes nnd good roads dont go together removing snow in wlntor grading and gravel ling roads in summer is expensive work first in he initial cost of ma chinery to do the job nnd second in the cost of running it you net what you nay forls just astrue whon applied to township york ns it is to the shoes you buy or the cont you wear the polling booth for this district was in a new school houno the old one having been destroyed by fire some time last year as we drpve up to the trim new building i thought the little red schoplhouse as granpn knew it is sorely a thing of the past here was a modern building windows on one aide only doubledoor ontry cement basement complete with hot olr furnace electric pump for the water system hardwood floor in the classroom a roomy ontry for the girls and another for the boys there were also easily accessible builtin cupboards nnd a builtin unshbnflln complete with running water in the school itself the lighting systemls not yet finished but i understand it is to be modern indirect lighting all things considered the new school is certnthly one grnrtd place for teacher and pup i in allko to struggle with the three rs we were quite content to examine and ndmlre the now building nnl its mnn good points because ou see we don t happen tn bo in that school sec tion so thnt our admiration will not suffer any set back when tn time comes around again as i wild be fore you get hnt vou pn for but unfortunntek you nlso hn weekly war commentary continued from pag 5ne new positions following the landing ofjbpanesetroonj on both tenst nnd west coasts netherlands naval units have done remarkably well in harassing jap anese seaborne traffic in the south china sea and united states bombers came into tho picture january 5 the american airmen operating from an unnamed base scored three direct hfts on an enemy battleship sank a do stroyer and damaged other vessels at tho sou thorn end of tho philippine islands maintain prwusure retreating axis forces in libya and russia were hammered from nil angles early this week in north africa tho main bddy of rommels armored divisions was whittled by im perial troops attacking from the south and west while concentrations at solium and halfaya pass near the egyptian bordor were engaged after tho capture of bardla russian forces continued to force german armies back ontho central tvontrawd rapldwovcs in-ihosouth- may force tho nazis to withdraw from tho crimea soviet troops sal lied from the longbesieged fortress of sevastopol to aid their comrades who had already overran the korch peninsula to the northeast fall of manila after stout resist ance means that a second allied pa cific bastion in this 124th week of tho war is held by the japanese at hong kong canadians indians and britons fought a brave fight before tho base was yielded at manila americans and filipinos wrote an equally brilliant page in the worlds book of courage and heroism to tho people of the united states loss of manila is h sharp blow psychologically for it is their first taste of reverse thoy have yot to become accustomed to the daytoday war news some bad somo good thoy have yot to toach themselves that reverses are but incidents in n long war ond that eyes must not be de flected from the ultimate goal and the inst battle tides of pacific with manila and hong kong now in japaneso hands it is to be ex pected that the assault on singapore will be redoubled and that sooner or lator the grent battle for the nether lands east indies will start jnpnn must take these if she is to make headway in the wnr but she still has fnr to go meanwhile there are slgni that in washlnrton great projects have been put afoot by prime mln- later churchill and president roose- from volt to wrest the initiative tokyo in the pnciflc even as in russia for six months the soviets had to fight a continually losing battle only to turn the tables with a vengeance so in thebnttlc of the pacific the tide will turn in good time the same was true in libya the new year may very well mark the beginning of wide democratic of fensives that in the end will make manila and hong kong seem like very hollow vlctorles indeed to the jflpanoce although gen douglas mrtcaftliur hnd been compelled to surrender manila reports at the weekcrid indi cated that consolidation of his forces north of the philipplnoi capital of fered the best chance of continuing the fight regardless of the outcome of the battle it is believed the united states will be able to maintain com munication with the southwestern pa cific to hold singapore the longer british united states and netherlands forces hold out in the arlous attacks beinr mnde by the japanese in the south china sea and the pacific ao much the bltter for singnpore on which the big allied of fensive in the tar east is likely to be bned slrto a distance of approximately boo miles bardia one of tho few remain ing strong points hcldy axls troops fell to a bayonet nttank by composite forces january following a bom bardment from land soa and air five thousand axis prisoners wore taken and 1180 british prisoners hefd in bardla were released the main force of tho retreating cermnn armored divisions stubborn ly resisted brtlsh attacks at age- dnbla at the weokerid but british advance units ranged far into tripoll- tanln and evon rome admitted at tacks on posts hot far from tripoli 1 the war at sea loss of the cruiser neptune and the doafroyors kandahar and stanley wore announced by the admiralty january 3 the noptune wns sunk by a mlno in the modlterrnneanond some of ha company of boo rescued the kandnhnr accompanying the neptune was damaged by a mine nnd subsequently aunlcby british sailors most of tho 130 offlccn and men aboard were believed saved the stanley a former u s de stroyer was sunk while on convoy duty in the atlontlc with her went down the naval auxiliary vessel audacity formerly the sk00ton ger manmerchant ship hanhovec but against thlsthenavy destroyed three german submarines ami two long- range bombers the action in the atlantic occur red shortly before christmas when german propagandists announced the destruction of an alrcraftcarrlor of tho formidable class and severe loss to the convoy actually 28 out of tho 30 ships in the convoy reached britain safely erin alexander hillock 70 lifelong and well known resident of caledon town ship died on saturday at his homo near the caledon club lieut j m abbott of- camp borden mr mac abbott of moncton n b spent a few days with tholr parents dr and mrs j m abboft mr nnd mrs wesley robertson of guelph received a letter from their son robert robertson r c a a f who is stntloned somewhere in eng land only six ratepayers all of whom are members of the council or school board and the village constable ap peared at n ratepayers meeting cal led for 7pm mondny evening in the village hall advocate ctvtl1an aikcttart manchester england cp beverly bnxtor torontohoi n brltrsh m p impressed during n visit to canada an u s b the dovelop- mont ofalr transport has suggested that some thought should be given in britnin to the building of civilian nlr- craft like going into iieul new york cp guns on brlt- l sh in convoy are now so well plnced and manned that german air attacks on them are like going straight into hell said a german pilot speaking over the berlin radio w t patterson ro specialist in ere examination oitboptis 1s windham 8t- ouelpii pboae mas completely equipped offices below maher shoe stare fashion show acton town hall january 15 8 pmdst through the courtesy of mr r h elliott a demonstration and style showing of wabnsso products will bo seen in acton acton models will exhibit the fashions and the acton and dis- trict red cross receives 10c for every lady attending doo prize invitations nrcbeiiig mailed and eachtiiay attendihgwho- returns the card has a chance to win the mno door prize of a beautifully boxed bed set invitations are transferable there is no admission charge models will receive an attrac tive bunny savings bank refreshments the ladies of the ited cross wilt operate a refreshment booth nnd serve coffee sandwiches and cakes remember the datejanuary 1gth iiir werk hkaiboh liverpool cp a runner who was charged with dosertlon told a i court martial he had left his unit to join the nnvy becnuso army life didnt afiree with him get in shape for the new year if you are becoming figure con scious come in nnd let us fit you now with the foundation that is best for you with materials used in foundations becoming increas ingly scarce the present is n good time to get your requirements we carry an excellent range of out standing makes to suit all figure- types b d rachlin mill street acton y gen ir henry powall imjwrinl to pay i commanderinchief in the far enst for what vou k and that is some- nns s thnt every inch of ground thing wo dont nluays realize until it comes time to foot the bill llauppoap janunrytnorth u nibe coming along all too soon for some people tli at lolng the dny when the next draft reports for duty when there is only one boy working nt home on the farm and ho it called it u certainlj going to make it very hard for the parents i am looking forward to the time when the gov ernment realizes a serious situation is imminent if farmers sons are cal- led indiscriminate qf co i nm in the malay peninsula vu be con tested jbojt9tnonts ar on the way for the british defenders rostst- inatlnckji ontfic cast nnd weat coasts of mala a nails flounder highly encournrlng news came from europe and north africa at the weekend even adolph hitlers pres- tnce on the eastern front could not stem the retreat of german forces be fort moscow nnd in the crimean pen insula further south inthhrrounteroffmihrnorthand outh ortlrso lotcapita kettarmy spearhead have been driven deep be hind the germans attacking at mozhaisk nnd maloyaroslavets uest of moscow more than jooood nun of the ihvdlnp nrm wore in dire straits with tin russians attacking from the flnnkh nnd tear ns well as delivering tremendous fiontnt nsmiults unusual banking in these unusual times ginger snaps 2 ta 25c barrs jiothlnkincoqur n my hennve our bo did not want to stn on the farm therefore lie were not depend- inu on him nor uai he drafted into the nrim he we of ills oun free will but there are many tnsis where father nnd un have worked tonetlu r for n number of enrs and now if the bo is tailed how is it possible foi the father to larry on ns before i oh well mbe it will work out some r h it 1 1 i suppose it stupid to uorr ft u naz hut reallv i hiar eviv do of bo k th lni bein iallnl for jlrnft or famem h provslr on s i icavlnt to work in the utj of farms i belnkjoldnndlotuler it lauu 41 f lirvnt farming country the time will come when there ijl rnlk be n shortage of food 1 think ou people f v nrn r marknhl in town had better dig up yuur front dini achieve tawm antl k pole beans and potn- mtfu lf tuul roo ri urt toes nnd keep hen or two in u n bak yard if hen dont iuy you lr can rat vm nnd if they re touch urltlih forces in libya now vlrtunl- maybe jour better half will say onro1 roul r the eiryp- some chicken somo neck i tlnnllbyuu frontier to tho gulf ol tornniutlohv tn the polishnuvslun fiontier while the russian icunter- as canadas war efforts gain length of stride and speed of step business in general reflects added activity and increases in volume as business increases banking activity also increases our service keeps p wit i rw o ciisiomrrs al nm- sionally they may experience slight delays owing to wartime depletion of our staff more than six hundred members of our staff are already in the empires forces by experience increased effort and uptodare equipment we endeavour to compensate for reduced numbers to avoid delays and inconvenience to our customers and to conduct all banking trans actions however unusual with everyday efficiency bank of montreal a bank whire small a co n t j a i e w i i v i tot fcai