Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 8, 1942, p. 7

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gwfoalfo january nth una the acton prbb press paqb skvatn ttt jchambt ctbba bom they wrd the voice of the hutn- 4xso work to my vineyard today tan to the lost ana the dying i m ui truth and the way noclalm tar theperfsbng million sreodom frota smi crushing load so thy let their all to answer tho call of the christ of the china road their ald g to the homeland to laved onesland kindred all they responded at once to the sum mono of the macedonlan call they entered the whltend harvest where the precious seed was sowed to gather sheaves ot the least of these for the christ of the china road 1 lie sunday school lesson sunday january 11th tut the idols are gone from their places superstition and fear have fled for the hungry have found in jesus the true and the living broad what joy some day to see them when they reach the celestial abode each shining face will reflect the grace of the christ of the china road i o haw ripe ere the fields to harvest and the reapers o how few can we close our hearts to tho vision as it oomes to me and to you 7 ah not let us really to service whether at home or abroad let us work end pray till the close of day for the christ of the china road dedicated to all missionaries b vyvtam wiggins humberstoneront twenty yearp ago from the issue of the ve preu of thursday january 12 ltttz tho popularity of tho rink is un questioned these fine winter night new zealand butter aoldaln tor onto this week at 38 cents a pound mr roamlte who has been conduct ing the parisian store in georgetown ha secured a store in acton and will remove there shortly acton hockey team gave a fine ex hibition of hockey when they defeat ed glenwhhams 4 to 2 on saturday evening miles a livingstone 65 years old of saginaw mich died tuesday morning he was born in acton the on of daniel livingstone and went to saginaw in 18715 the family lived in a house which stood across mill street ot young between tho pres ent residences of messrs robertson broa and mr h mllllgan botem colbeck at acton on christmas eve 1021 to mr and mrs j l colbeck a daughter okkd bennett in georgetown on tues day january 3 1022 robert be li ne it in his 78th year london shows newjeashions infancy and boyhood of jesus golden text jenuk advanced in wudom and stnture find in favor with god and men luke 2 52 lcuson text luke 2 2533 39 10 time a d 4 a places jerusalem nnd tjnznreth exposition i simeon waiting on gods promise 25 26 we arc told four things about simeon 1 he was jjust le righteous 2 devout 3 waiting looking for consolation of israel 4 tho holy ghost wns upon him there wns not much outward conso lation upon israel when chrut was born the faith of abraham had been spoiled by the doctrines of tho phari see and sadducees simeon hai nothing to rest upon except god word but that was enough he had been granted a glimpse into the future to cheer and sustain him v 26 cf ps 25 14 this revelation hod been made to him by the holy ghosts nreetlmesln threcvcrsc is the holy spirit mentioned in con nection with simeon it is ovldent that he was a true son of god god never leaves him self without a witness his truth can live nnd flourish evert in the most unfavorable circumstances there was n lot in sodom n danlol in babylon a jercmlnh at zodoklnhs court nnd in the last iniquitous dnys of the jewish church there were righteous pcoplo like simeon in jerusalem it had been foretold to simeon that he should see two things death and tho lord christ but that he should sec the lord christ first he was wait ing for this it is evident that simeon uni n student of bible prophecy nnd thii had much to do with his looking yothexcmsollttorfhsrael- felke- slmeoti we today ought to bo look ing for the coming of our lord the hope and consolation of the believer titus 2 it 2 pet 3 12 r v n faiths fulfillment 2732 note whither it was the spirit led simeon v 27 it wns by going to the house of god that he met jesus hnd he not been in the temple ho would have missed the blessing of that wonderful morning we qfln nl- wnys meet our lord in tho house of god the singing may bo poor the preaching dry but jesus is there uniting to give us his blessing mnry nnd joseph obeyed the mosaic law in every detail v 22 cf lev 12 2 3 4 6 8 jesus came not to destroy tho inw but to fulfill it the child jesui wns in the house of god becnuse his pnrcnutookhl there the p the eye of faith saw the lord christ the fulfilment of gods promise which ho had spoken by the mouth of his prophets the child in simeons arms wns to be the salvation of tho world to lift the moral and spiritual darkness thnt enveloped the whole of life n might to lighten the gentllm tho glbry of gods people israel in the old testament it is to jehovnh that these nnmes nro given that in to sny jckus christ occupies tho same plnce in new testament thought thnt yehovnh does in old testament thought the inference is inescapable thnt jesus is johovnh manifest in flesh there is a note of exaltation in simeons song of pmlne and now having teen the promised one smon in ready for denth his departure wns peaceful the grave had lost its terrors for him he knows where ho is going and is ready to go if our departure is to be peaceful we must first see gods salvntlon faith in the promises of god as fulfilled in the saving grace of jesus la the only thing that can enable a man to iuty i depart irt peace iii prophecys objective 3335 the words of the prophecy pro be- intt fulfilled dally mary and joseph were exceptionally good people but they jtnd not understood simeons words v 33 simoon seems to have modern thelr had voldntarlly jnld aside divine glory i that he might become rear man and share in all mans experience phil j2 6 7 mk 13 32 he libs stood in pur place we may feci assured than he feclx for and understands nil our humnn needs jesus sanctjfles every ngr of ii iv hy his incnrnntlon spring and summer goods in shops and war or no war fair sex tallca of semi- pastels and such written for the oanadlaa press tty aluhon stnrtle london cp economy imposed by clothes rationing governs the lon don spring and summer fashions nnd because one coat must now go with any dress in n womans wardrobe the feature of the season is for multi colored pastel giving n clouded effect in the now tweeds this is notable in nt least one col lection biscuit tones are blenled with pastels to give an opnquc back ground jo tho colorings pnle blue and white blended with biscuit is one tweed example and another is pale yollow with white nnd biscuit after the clouded opaque pnstcls come scmlpantelfl that is strong but light colors all of which are made in miniature sports patterns and in the lightest weights an example is n blend of a strong but pale yellow with black and white th reals in miniature checks pinks and blues if you ask the leading designers what are their strong likings for the coming warmer season you find that almost all mention clear and pretty pinks and pale bluei as their fav orites with more and more women fleatlpgbi uniform and the ove of the factory leisuretime ctolhcs becohelttonblynilnlne one designer has set the fashion for vivid hat colors expressed dur- j lng the winter in velvets as well as felusn will be used for aprlng as i well as for evening wear tlietiecul tlful trlcorne hats of the women of- t fleers of the royal navy the wrens in the inspiration for many tr i come shapes which women are wenr- iittetaurnlswu4i ctother known whnt some socathy scholars ennnot get through bends thnt while mary wns really the mother of jesus joseph wns only re putedly his father whnt simeon tolls mnry nbout jesus v 34 he hnd learned from old testament prophecy cf in 8 14 15 53 3 if modern theological rcholnri would study the bible more they would know more nbout jesus to every one jesus is set either for his fall or his rising up one would nnlurnlly suppose thnt ho would bo received with appreciation nnd prnlse but it wns prophesied nnd history has fulfilled the prophecy thnt he would be n sign that would bo spoken agnlnst isa 53 3 8 14 those iitiis h rep tesmff w shipping 142 locoijiotivcs and 1000 war supply waggons frontbritain for russia duty of parents todny is suggested in this nolo exnetly whnt simeon did with the child v 28 all the eje of iense could see wns a helplecs bnbe be received just ns jesus wnn jno 15 20 25 simoon wnrnod mary thnt n hword would pierce through her own soul this must have sounded strnnge to her in thnt day of hnppy motherhood nnd bright anticipation but it wns fulfilled to the letter when jesus hung upon the cross the pur pose of it was that the thoughts of mnny henrts might bo revonled 35 the flnnl tost of the ron thought disposition nnd character of n mnn is whnt he does with jesus tv jesus obeying nnd growing 30 40 jesus could grow because he wns n ronl human being some people ennnot conceive of jesus because he was divine passing through the gnme experiences of growth and develop ment ns other children have such people forget tihtthe fact of he in- cnrnntlon meant thnt he submitted himself to humnn limitations thnt he possessed j mind nnd nn inner de velopment thnt wns truly humnn he shipments of vital wnr supplies to russia nro being speeded up by rail way and road transport equipment sent to iran from britain since the begtnhlng of september n total of 142 locomotives nnd 1000 waggons have been or nre being sent to iran to strengthen transport focllltles es pecially on the transiranian railway a number of lorries have also been sent and will be operated by the united kingdom commercial cor poration one of the most remarkable rail ways in the world the trnnsirnnlnn line pierces mountain rnnges in a bar ren wild earthquake stricken coun try ttjmotlnaccosbiolomastqthcn forms of transport mnny grndlonts nre as steep ns 1 in 36 agnlnst the normal 1 in 200 nnd nlmost every known form of tunnelling is used tho bulldmroxtliolqqo rnllwny wnggons wns a great feat for those concerned stnndnrd gnuge 12 ton steel framed open wnggons their construction wns divided among the various british rnllwny compnnles one works cut out tho limber pnrts from logs another stamped out the metal parts and furnished ndditlonnl timber while the southern rnllwny were responsible for the assembly with n staff of 130 men 10 boys nnd 22 women working in shifts night nnd day 50 waggons were completed in 14 dnys nnd the whole order of 1- ststlng of 1800 sepnrnte pnrts completed every 37 minutes where to duck in an air raid london cp a booklet issued by the ministry of homo security snys the safest plnco during nn nlr rnld is n shelter nnd next to thnt nnj plnce thnt is out of direct line with doors or windows tho safest posi tion for n person caught in tho street is lying fnce downwnrds resting on elbows with hnnds clnspcd behind the hend nnd chest slightly rnlscd from the ground croydon fcp this borough presented acting wing cmdr john cnts eyes cunningham of this city nee nightfighter pilot withnn in scribed gold wrist untch the week al ottawa specially written for the acton free proas by bv alan iiarvby canadian press suff writer oitawa cp flnnl prepara tions for the opening of n now parlia mentary tension occupies n major pluee ou the government ugtndn this wet k ns off it in 1 compute the pro gram following prime minister churchills dopnrture nfter his his toric visit in the cnnndlnn capital the new newion the third session of the 19th parliament of canada since confederation will open janu ary 22 the second session is tech nically still in session but stands nl- journed to jnnunry 21 the session will be prorogued when the members of the senate nnd house of com mons return on that date but thnt does not mean interna tional considerations have been push ed into the background prime min ister mncken7le king is not expected to return to washington for furthor allied conferences but the nrrlvnl there ofthethreecnnndlah chiefs of stnff seems to guarantee ndequato dominion representation in talks on the nlllcd grnnd strntegy high officers in v 8 tho three military lenders lt gen kenneth stunrt nrmy air marshal l s brendner nlr nnd vlce- admlral percy nolles nnvy nre in washington in consultation with brit ish nnd united stntos military chiefs the expectation is thnt the nllm discussions will develop into n series of stnff talk now thnt the brond lines of strntegy have been charted by mr churchill nnd president roosevelt also representing cnnndn is lclgh- ton mccarthy minister to the united states who signed for cnnndn tho moni some time after it reassembles january 21 praise from churehul canadians meanwhile received from mr churchill himself tangible i vldence thnt the dominions contri bution to the war is not being over looked in the course of n hnlfhour speech to member of the house of commons and se nate memorable more for ihelslve idiom nnd deter mination of pitrpose than for nny far- reaching pronouncements the brit ish prime mlnlstrr npprnlucd tho cnn- ndjnn wnr effort ns mngnlflcent lauded the british commonwealth air training plan nnd the merchant shipbuilding program ihn he ndded in n few months when the invas ion senson returns the cnnndlnn nrmy mny be engaged in one of the most frightful battle the world hns ever seen on the other hand their presence mny help to deter the en emy from attempting to fight such n battle on british soil an announcement by munitions minister howe monday night said thnt mnnufncture of passenger auto mobiles in canada will be stopped ns soon as existing inventories of al ready fabrlcnted pnrts nre nsnembl- ed by the end of march or enrly in april in the meantime production rnte each month will be limited to onejinitjliejioiirate the new order wns described ns n future direct result of nn ncute shortage of steel rubber nnd other strnteglc rnw mnterluls wnr financing is expect ed to bulk largely in pnrllnment pro ceedings hut mnny observers predict the speech from the throne will fore- enst leglslntlon extending nnd strengthening provisions of the nn- tlonnl resources mobilization act hihliards kxplolt promotion of lt cmdr i c hlb- hnrd of hnllfnx to rnnk of ncting commander disclosed in the roynl cnpndlnn nnvys trndltlonnl new years promotions list brought to light n memorable episode of the wnr nt sen cmdr hibbnrd wnn on the toonnotvckbtn wa nf canadian des inlon hns joined 25 other united nn- tlons president roosevelts own phrnse in n dcclnrntlon binding ench to full prosecution of the war and nbnegntlng the possibility of n sep nrnte pence canadas effort in the nbsence of lmmedlntc officlnt comment it wns expected the grnnd nllinnce will hnve the effect of still further intensifying cnnndn a wnr ef fort tho very phrnslng of the first clnuro of the dcclnrntlon implied thnt ench government pledges itself to employ its full resources military or ecunomle ngnlnst those members of the trlpnrtlte pnet nnd its wllurcnts with which rurh gov rnment is nt wnr so fnr mr king has given nohint of n j ordovr t opmnntirf orcn n ndn forthcoming from the nllioc i on- ferences prenumnhly some furtlier word of the washington dlscuhsions will be given to the house of com- british farmhands win long campaign granted wage increases theyve fought for through 22 years london cpit wns n 1z year- old legal secretary of the nntlonnl union of agricultural workers hntf been the driving force behind a enm- pnlgn to obtain the iqulvnlent of u so wekly for mnde inrm work er recently granted it represent ed n weekly increase of 2 c4 squabbles nnd disagreements nmong county committees forestalled flnnl action time after time hut n few weeks ngo n majority of tho committees reported in fnvor of tho proponed wnge scale the matter wns plnced before the cent ml agrl cultural committer the little secretnry confident his long bnttlo wns over told the board of the central committee the coun try thinks wo should hnve 3 a week youve got to give it to us board members put their heads to gether then turned to the chnlrmnn lord roche give it to them they urged let s show our nppreclntlon of whnt they hnve done for the nn- tlon x lord roche nodded his npprouil skeenn senior destroyer in the cnn ndlnn escort of nn unusunlly large north atlantic convoy when the es cort wns faced with n sltuntlon more serious thnn hns been met before in the history of uhont wnrfnre sonse merchnntmen were lowt in the ensuing gohour struggle ngnlnst whnt the nnvy described ns ft wolf pnek of nnzi submnrlnes but nt lenst three enemy u bonts were sunk motorists took n fresh blow when nn officinl spokesman disclosed thnt production of nutomohlles nnd light trucks is being drnstlrnlly curtailed with the nlm of virtunl stoppage of production ut mnrch tl some form of rationing ho snid would prohnhly hnve to he worked out to assure mnln tennnce of the nntion s trnnsportn tlon svitem hut buying automobiles fnrpicnsiireiivingmifd bndefin itt ly out pht production stoppage move wiirj oindch with gnsoline rntioning slnt d to go into effect in cnnndn april 1 strike vote a friend reports thnt nfter con ducting n long hut lowing nrgument with his wife he recently consented to hnve two rooms of their home re decorated arrangements were mnde with n contractor for tho work to be gin on monday morning on the sundny evening our friend wns listening to the news brondenst to tho nccompnniment of remnrks to tho effect thnt it wns time he began clearing the pictures nnd furniture out of the roomsmo be decorated when n pertinent item caught his ear tt wns thnt thtnnlnters nnd decorn- tors of his city hnd just votel to- strike for higher wnges there my denr he snld lennlng bnck in his chnlr we probnbly wont hnve to clear out those rooms for a week or two next morning grentlv to his sur prise two workmen arrived nnd be- gnn unloading indders pnlnt and pnstebrushes our friend hurried outside howsthlh ho nuked i thought ou chnps were on strike i dldn t know nhout thnt mister snid the si nlor workman mny i use jour phone aft r n short conversation with the office of his union lie reported yep we re on strike it turned out thnt the workmen hnd been out of town for the week endnnri hndnnthenrdofthrtirrlkp votv i hey finished unlondlng their mntcrlnlft stored them in our friends gnrnge nnd drove merrily nwny printed world people dont stop i buying even if conditions are changing tliey keep right on doing things day after day week after week -moiith-aftetljnonth-just-like-they- did lastryear andlheyear before rr theyre playing working buying wearing out and replacing all kindb of merchandise this year the sameas before and with sur- prismffl little v fro they food purchases are regular too druggists cant loaf much theyreplace ceothing and buy new articles for the home tmekvr fkliriea cottons ust the garden lilnks and snrden blues seen in thicker tsbrlcs and slso have good rnnss with lime yellows and lime greens touched with black and broun for they fall into two duunct olassea the sweet cot- tons aivl the rich kafflr prints which may have as many as 20 tone used in one pattern cotton has- however given so much to the war tforttkt the women ot britain need not expect to see much cotton yard age or sal during the coming year month to month so folks dont stop buying they buy things consistently the ycarroun d consumption is steady month after month the busiiiesisistheretwelvemonths of the year so keep your adverti- in5 going i order to secure your hart minkstfi oo to jail burslem england cp two former miners who ailed to return t colliery employment whan direct ed by the national labor services were each sentenced to three months in jail why advertise spasmodically when customers buy steadily

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