rnlklr pwp j r taok cdc the acton free press thursday january 22nd 1w2 oale rawson laughed vic toriously to himself thoy said t wu a blind plunger hi cold lips stiffly framed the words while theyve babbled ive acted and accomplished thats the way it has always been act first and talk afterwards its sure success he straightened up from the han dlebars of the sled cracked a long whip over the tandemhitched string of malemutes and the procession jerked forward we pressed the dogs hard after ujolr short breather until the sled runner fairly whistled over the hardpacked snow that was like date jrawson 0 rjverandn hard one little wa to be seen of the man aj he was well shielded against the white sting of a late alaskan wlntei a uool helmet covered his head and across his mouth and nostrils was n protecting scarf the eyes which were visible were clear hlue and pierced whatever they beheld above them arched shaggy blond brown be low them hidden in the mufflei wideset jawbones swept down to n pointed chin his feature were large regular he might have appear- 1 lenlth low to the southern horlzin that night he pitched his tent on the barrens and spent n bod six hours all that while a howling wind ran sacked every nook of the frail shel ter and dale felt its icy fingers through his heavy sleeping bug at last be crawled out nnd made n quick stort in the dark it mattered not whether the day was white or black for the few hours of sun were only a scratch out of the twentyfour he did not slop for olght hours after that start not until he was so weary he felt his very bones would snap off in the cold an jhpur later he strove forward with a fwsh start he wt thankful that it had not sn6wetanthecould slllinfolldwthe trail half nn hour after a blurred sphere came into the heavens where the sun should have been he came onlo high fcrltty snows where the winds hod swept out all traces with out that trail he felt lost now he must rely on his own judg ment and sense of direction and hope that he could pick up the trail further on frpm then the time dragged and hours seemed to hove elapsed before the sun pniscd its 1 to travel through the night he must keep on for he was likely going slower than the other and his only opportunity was to gain while the other was stopped for rest or food many hours passed after the long night settled over his head ahead the vostness of creation was a blank mass except where the snow stretch ed out and maintained a pale glim mering over its surface that and the stars overhead which seemed a large as arc lights with their near ness another few hours of light wore nearlng when he came upon the camp of the man ahead dale rawson halted his own sled a few feet from that of the man and hi pitched tent ho was not ex pecting the young face that came out of the tent more readily ho woild have nut in its place that of it hard ened old sourdough whoso skin was windburned and- dnrkonod by ex treme cold the young mnh who stood before him could tw no older than himself he was slightly tnller than dale because of an unusually long pair of leg he wo slender and hut for the heavy furs might hnvc appeared spindly however all of that was of no consequence now i m taking your dog toam said dale the tall youth s g died on ed young handsome but for a pre mature age set in his face even so he was young not more than twertty- four years old gee you dumb brutes he shout ed as the sled swept down over rol ling slopes he was coming off the mountain range behind lay the tanana country where he had made a mining survey for the consolidat ed ore company ahead he was go ing back to the outside dowrfiinto the states back to the office where jeal ousy and doubt had gone with his venture the men down there rankl ed because he a youngster only two years out of college was given an imporlaklpijiluiiiulbthtywh old at and tried men were eager to make the trip sure pull was needed to gel ahead the men had known that ivecause his father owned a large block of stock in the company dale shrugged his shoulders let them think whot they svontcd he could not be deviated by them he saw humans only ft automatons who sometimes stand between one and his point of purpose in the next hour such thoughts evaporated from his mind like a cloud and dale became absorbed in tho trail his guide he had left on the other side of the range as he proceed ed to the coast alone hp vim alone with only tho dogs youth and dogs were breaking aongover theshow atn -fair- xa when for np reason apparent tho driver called the dogs to a halt he stood listening a famlllnr sound strange in that place came to htm it come now a highpitched muted whine as dale looked nnd ponder ed tor direction n gaunt female dog came lno view around a tlump of hushes twentv nrdn south of him hanging from her month h the scruff of his m c k n limp pup giv n distressed elp as vexation low red dales brows dalevwtts still lost from the trail art he plugged on he became aware that across the lighted snows a black object stuck out of a white mound besides himself and his belongings dale saw nothing else on the winter waste except that it struck him pe culiarly it looked like n tall silk hat sticking up from the snow he knew it could not be that his cur iosity was aroused so he stopped and leaving the dog team went out of his way to investigate the mother dog to whom he had nttnehod the name tarn followed him without warning she bolted ahead acrou the snow uttering a low whine dale tried to call her back but could not so he set after her rapidly top ping the mound he saw turn hump ed over in the snow nnd sending it flying with herforopnv8 he looked about nnd recognized tho black ob ject at this nearness it was a stove pipe and the mound he stood upon was a roof no smoke came from the tin cylinder still down there where tarn was digging a frcs path was dug out to n window of the snowed under cabin his eyes followed the tracks that came out of the pnth and onto the snow they led his vision to the tnarks left by n dog sled so tho man he was after- had stopped here then had gone on dale went down after tnm to get her back to his sled as he stooped hlsoyebcameon a levelwlth the window inside it was dark and a warm repelling odor came out of the broken window instinctively he listened hli enrs were sensitively keyed to the slight est disturbance at thnt he only imagined for a moment that he heard i a sound from within striking n match he pushed his hi ad nn i should n through the win dow the sight uhirh met his t i s mused him to gasp the mutch hurmxt his flngi rs and after it drop a tug of svmpnthv for the little fel law exposed to tth i rui 1 old luggidjto the floor the dog follow d to nl his heait pale railed to tin collide- with him head on mollui dog she walked foru n 1 miovtnt her away pal nros nn 1 uiutiouslv as hi mnde no move i strut k aiutihi i mutch it show id n mit iame up to him nnri dropved hit tnhh with i burned out tnndh hut pup on thi snow inum dlutt 1 she turned nnd trotted quu kl hoik from whenct jdio had tome drtle ph kid up tin pup w hit h nestled down into tin two palms of his hands he tould not he over two weeks old he was a skinny little fellow dale put him on top of his hhdntnduhettapefujmb ov i him flythat fimn th mother dog dog his lips and ho stammered lvfytlog team whadda you moan because youre yellow you even doublecrossed n dog that was tet ter than you arid youve caused me too much bother already without- waiting for an answer dale struck him sharply on the jaw tho blow cranked loudly in the shnrp clenr air the young mnn was flung back through the tent where he lay still with his feet protruding below the waving flap systematically dale went about his task of taking the strangers d6gs and hitching them in tnndcntnlicad of his own he was ready except for tarn he searched for her but could not find her until he looked ln4 through the strangers tent there she was standing over the youth nnd licking his face dale saw thnt the dogs first master was struggling to consciousness vnlnly dale tried to call the dog awny but she would not come so he carried her to the sled tarn growled nnd snnpped at his mittened hands grently angered himself he cuffed the dog nnd tied her to n strip of lend rawhide so thnt she had to trail nlong behind tho sled in rendlneas once more he cracked his whip his voice commanded the dogs nnd he was off he wanted to get the scurvy stricken man to tho station ns quickly os jie could make it for he knew the spark of life was endangered on the socond day nfter their time ly nrrlvnl nt the copper river station dale entered the sick mans room for the first time he felt rested then after eighteen hours of heavy sleep that only a bed could have brought him- the sick man was conscious nnd feebly regaining strength under a doctors care hello dale bid the man softly feel better youve improved in looks slnco i brought you here th be all right follor thanks to you a won smile crossed the mans lips my names pierre nnd if you ever need help remember to call on pierre ive been wanting to see you ever since i came to myself wheres stilts thnt s my pnrdner smith i always palled him stilts with those funny long legs dale looked nwnv from pierre as he spoke hnrshly i gui ss you don t know what he djd the oung min ing i nglneer dehmnted in full whot hnd happened on the trail since he 1 flee partly right anyway one old- timer had told him that if he wanted experience alaska would give it to him he felt fully now that he might have been wrong in taking that mining survey job over tho heads of other it had turned out all right for he found the mine as he had expected if it had not a more experienced man than ha would have been needed to accomplish the task he would have mode a bung ling mes of the whole thing dale laughed ironically mend his way ye if he ever got out of thi jam he would he must stop to think he called to hi dog nnd a the sled came to a standstill ho slump ed down on it with his face in his hand he knew not how long he sat there when n wet tongue licked his hand ho looked up and n dog sprang back away from him tom cried dnle coming down on his knees before the animal again tarn sprang awny and this time started slowly nwny from him dale came to his feet and looked blank for only n moment tnm he repeated ihot dog love her master sholl find htm if anybody can truly enough tarn led big dnle rawson to her master as it turned out dale found stilt only a fow mllos away where he struggled on hands and knees trying to get to the copper river station in ono mittened hand he clutched a pleco of bacon rind he had been chewing bn for food dnle bent over him and cnrrled him to the sled to bundle him in with heavy robes thrown over as he looked down into the other mnn s face he saw despite the grim hours that it was n frank boyish face i m just tuckered out sold the prone youth smiling feebly up nt dale is pierre nil right thats swell thats all i wanted to know as dnle cried mush to the male- mutes he thought of that smile and i nothing could hnvc made him feel more penitent j britains seed crop set up record in ut clroat britains extensive augur beet wor crop has been harvested this year entirely from seed grown nt home before the wr almost half of thu ountiys sugar 1moi setd came from nhioad the war ban ho devi lop ed home production thnt britain will continue to suppo h in sugar ixet when pence returns ihi venr with fewer woiki and repinrknhly iml weather she is pro diulng n larger acreage of all kind of vug table seeds than ever before the dun nnd for them when i vi rv household r in digging where he can for vhlniy is without priced ent the most popular seed is onion with tnrrot lw t nnd pnrkhip follow ing osl luoreover the mid for shlpplnftuipare has cnu n great in crease in the wile of seeds for nnimnl feeding stuffs like mnngoldu tumlpi swedes nnd knje scientists nnd covci nm nl rlepnrt ments have co opointed with the for mers and distributors in setting up this years record for british scd pro ductlon look out a sick liver is dangerous i yu trtursi y ftou mattlc mlns in mu and jasfttst a faulty llvef i i iy rftm isfttst d wau ttsnw persistant ha arm in i i datglna tern- serious iii haajtfi may result your llr la thalaraaar organ in your bod poriantlo your health it itipphe nutcui tissue and guna if srtdmoaf important to your health tntrxf to mutcui tissue and unhealthy your body lack this energy snd hecontea enfeebled youthful vim disappear again your livr pour out bile lo digeal food gel rid of witlv nnd allow proper nourlhmenf t reach your blood when your liver get out of order proper digestion snd nourishment vinp you re- bojioocd with the watte that decompoaea in your imettltiei nervoua irouhlea snd henuilc pain a rue from thi button you hecomeconitipated itomach and kidneys can t work properly the whole vitem it affected snd you feel rotten bead- achy hackachy dly tjrd out ready prey for alckneli snd ducato thousand of people sr never aide and have won prompt relief iwttm tbeae mlserle wltb improve fruit a live liver tablet the liver ia toned up the other organ function normally snd lasting good health result today improved prulrsives are canadas large selling liver tahleta they must b good try them yourself now lee fruit live put you back on thai road to lasting health eel like tew person 35c 30c ajty le fafr buffered e ran rbu rttle i could hawdty walk upetaln e com my hande affer taking vulcmtlvm fo four dttyajahe ewlni ln my hende nnd i wd bl to ellmb imditwt i have no more hnthr with rhwumattum p neurltlrf and 1vim any pr aunwind i have to um svult tlv thfy lw quick relief sick vm vmtsj im ha mawrw v hef a had eaae of blllune and eonituht hearf- achwe and baek ache i becamtt ao lit i had to jtatf m hoepiial noth lag i trud would halpualil latartml taking frult-a- tlvaa in a vy dcm or kackaekea and t do my houaewnrk without help e atlantic linf l new measures to affect sale milk and cream ped he wrijjhd inside to roll henvllvjhitd first found tnm with hi r pups hen he nunin looked into plern in announcing n hoard ord r of tin milk control board of ontario c m meek chnlrmnn todny stnted thnt on tario housewives will lenrn thnt n number of wnrtlme economy m n surcs nrc to be introduced into the milk industry effective februnry 1 this order has received the npprovnl of the wnrtlme prices nnd trade board the fluid milk industry wns ad vised some months oro by the wnr tlme prices nnd trade bonrd thnt every effect must bo made within the milk industry itself to meet its in creased costs of wnres supplies tajes etc rather than increase the cost of milk to consumers mr meek stnted the new measures announced to dny nre accordingly the first war time economies of fee tine tho consum ers nnd will probably be followed by tjther chances calculated to reduce distribution costs after february 1 there will bo not more than two grades of crenm nvallnhle these are known ns whipping cream nnd cereal trent heretofore in most markets then have been throe or four grades of crenm nnflable under the new orckr quarter pint containers of crenm will he eliminnt ed in all markets qunrts nnd pints in most mnrkets leaving the half pint j tbe itnndmd container for ircnm anothw measure of unrtimt irononn effected concerns tin num in r of deliveries of milk to ston s tjifiryu tfh vancouver london 7a os north bay 4s wndsor sj i gray coach lines a fri sh um was beside k he to ik it nnd lit it in the feeble glim of light lu rt sled his eis on the first object he hnd seen a mnn from npp nr ami a fretuh canadian hi hunttud in nv rs on the w nil bunk he hnki d together the dog this man and the trail of the sled out- uuie 1m men had iveen with that fnrr hesnw tturen himnting hmk of afti r itbrunr 1 tllere will be onl- horroi oni dtlir to stores nrh dn nnd its nil a mistnki filler phiie stons will no 1oik i lm ih pri irnnknt ou don t know whnt hap k of n turning unsold milk pro p tied stilts hnd to have the do nnd dints to tin distributors hi r pups behind hi was trlng to fhi um of sjm i lal c nps oth r thun git mo to tin stntlon he was only the caps used on standard hntths thinking of mi the dogs plaved out i hi hi distontimutl no mu sbi s or the tuuldnt pull me nn farther we j sbnpi s of tnntaimrs for milk oi returned with another pup dale put him with the first one and follow d the mother hackto her dump of hushes 4 there on the other aide were two other shivering mltei dale wraped all four of the pup in his robe and with the mother dug running alongside he struck out again he pondered nt length as to she hadcomeltonw ailhuuterthatwojidor rhanged- teom i h one riding amv an w er low on gruh- so he left mi nt tin tnbln with whnt little then wns to i nt nnd struck out for flu station to get help pale rirovrnth g n t i rrumi will hi nvnllnble gun s paraffin was ami aroalstotilbmrytluithpurjsrt other walking- lh one who walking eitlentl lift tuhiml with her pups and then this slek mnn he swept a hand over hla hrow as who was helpless ahd suffering the revelation hrought fll tnss to falo opuld not be above gulnc this j his mind he had been terrihl man a hand in his short stny above h vyrong without looking hack nt the flftvfour fort lint the unwritten laws of on 1 math the northern lights stood wnuhlny though dnrkenid hli 1 1 to brooding anuef as he tame smuu the fresh tintl of another dog sled through his mittened hand he shook some surface snow into the tnuk un 1 at1mateil it ctuld not te nion than tntn j the stool upon which he wns sitting 1 pierre h stumbled blindlv from thi room out thin in the howling winter waste unprotected on the hnrrens new invention help hriuinu ircraft output aitnmanl h did not tiki to he de laveii tlilv wn in accordance wth his nervous i m rfi to c t on he de cided to take the slrk man on to the copper ulver wireless station where irnwlwamethat p invnt follow p h m linmrlsiuvdfngili nning da old ko that was the stor v lsdihand th hind the nolher dog ahmetn that wilderness with her pup she had been abandoned b her owner be tause she was useless to hlm lree months in alaska uil d u vtmld he full ntttnded on hu way once more willt the additional hunlen of tlie mnn date felt he was doing hen nil thnt he j here he was going could but he wns far from sat tiflnl toward the hum m culled him stilts was fighting for his life without dogs to guide or carrv hint oi food to sustain him rwn davs had parted now dnle felt su k as tht truth dawned upon him in a ruh pale gather d what h needed and hitihed the pick of the two dog teams to his ihm without atng farewell to anoie or stating h struck out british engineers have invented a- mw more efficient wa to wash en gineering prt parth ulnrh on thi aircraft side it is a compjut and u if i nntained unit from which oil u sprnyid from a pistol tpe gun is this matuia1s aie vita1 to was u46ujtiy atrfalststslt sags tktlt fays and i0nes uxunllv i1iimm1 in tnnki nf paraffin ol or jom dtnr ftoutnt a proiiia uhlrh clirll s ihr parnffln b th niu mithoil tlw itl m uirnll from tht paraffin uhhh tontinu ouik rof ivtl b n i i ntrlfuiiil lur rt r tht m inl trtrl an put on n foratitl tnhlo nmt unshtt uith prn jiun iti luwst paraffni rll dralm through tin urfnratlnn anil n ill wtr inrfmrrtm bd pan halyiqppytfab handnilt ol rmtp pound oi rqf toa oi rags aodi pr wufaoul rag wtpara to daaa to cuttliio lubrloaat iion punaa aullan dillla latkaa canadian war woikaft amvld ba tnatfactaat thaii output radnoad taaur atfort aamparad wttkout raoa aiploain plant would alow up aaropuuu ladorlaa would bnd tnaur production cut and wkaala ol akall lactoftaa would dawdla start an oldlaanionad lag bag in yaau kouaa taalay all klnda of old warnout loo null and othar wtaa milin garsanb aia badly naadad by war taduatrlaa avarytnlng iroio cotton undarwaar to cul aklm and uaa iraai grandpaa rad flaanali to grandaont aaatlaaa corduroy pasta tnaaa an raal unawa ai war wnlcb v can aupply ivary rag in your noma abould go to war induabuu tnrougk four salvaga coaunthaa claan and claaa wv c ihltlarl m riip chachnhco in ills lioait achml mrnee nrnlnut ihe irtlwr iw prabtmod tlif mntr trnlmi to on ompnrtmnt nt j h iin that man ullli thr mnn ho u cowi durtrd flmt hiwrml h- bcnmr ho m not paraffin uppl tank rouplwl to th any tha tied ahaad had oommittett an un likrasnamftrm ahnt tlnu of te santmant arxuu in him doga on thf trail were man h trat car because that nam man a life was dependant on tils tied does the dou and her pupa nnd then ihiaa umk haluo but aureu he did nut i entrlfueal clarlfler the paraffin ma on the trail in addition jve knou thu country nell enough to pumped to the clarlfler purlled anil fretted at the pnaiihle delav thu ad- tind a1iine man out tin re on the returned hj nay of the tank anlii ded burden might eauae him an- barnna doum panned bifore he fin- paraffin uppl tnnk enuplid to ih other automaton wa in hla wa and ally admitted that he a loat pra un ho meant to teach hln a lasting lea- as he moved resolutely onunrd his the feature u this denning unit dai stopped over long enough to son of what happened to men who mind wandered back thoughts car- which an easily he carried from one owr rmaew it away nm rr ay nmmi ioi coltbctioh tuntrhtjht- 128 acton fthu new charges and dashed on got in hi way rle htm hack to the outside down se th daa- alwlahaad a day e was again fojlowlng this manu te coiuoluutod or company in l kl a wardand trying margin trail and this llm he meant to kaap the united state mayb the men ttllttu ow ln until heovertook rlmh he had m been right back there in of- part of the fsctor to another u that the impurities ore never allowed to accumulate in the paraffin whhh4an be used over and over again department of national war services ottawa mmiim j t tfcir i4rtis m 11 jwsva