thursday january 22nd 1042 the acton free press pack snrro 1 courage theres the courage that tiervca you m starting to climb the mount of success rising ihrfi and when youve slipped back theres the courage sublime that keeps you from shedding n tear these two kinds of courage more strength to the word are worthy of tribute but then youll not reach the summit unlets youve the third fphe courage to try it again i i twenty years ago from the issoe of the free vmm of thursday january is ltz the mercury got down to three de grees below zero again on sunday night at the annual meeting of the hydroelectric commission last week w j could was elected chairman for the year 1922 succeeding georfco hynds who was the first chairman mr frank spellvogel has com menced the manufacture of a very attractive line of gloves under the name of halton glove works reeve harris of burlington was honored with election to the warden- ship of halton county council for 1022 sidney j orum of toronto has been appointed chief of the fire de partment of st catharines shney spent his boyhood days in actor and his acton friends are plcnsed to lenrn of hlsfincappolntmcni i he sunday school lesson for sunday january is the annual meeting of the acton farmers club was held on friday and largely attended the officers for the current year are president w g murray vicepresident it l davidson secretarytreasurer n n brown men mcjdonald tn acton on wednes day january 25 1022 allan mc donald in his t7th year r1pton at gloversvlllo ny on sunday january 15 1922 waller n rlpton husband of maggie eb- bage formerly of acton in his 62nd ear itvmoreankle in evening wear shorter sldrt for after dark dctihite comeback experts declare is new york cp to jinklo or rot to ankle that is the question- it s causing a feud in the fnshlon ranks becoming n cause celehre among the stylists bringing ronrs of disdain from a scornful younger set the ballerinalength evening gown started it all after years of flntter- ing romantic floorsweeping fonmnl the temptatiqn of jesus golden text for we hne one liint has been in nil points tempted like as we nre ict without sin hife 15 lesson text mult 1 111 lime a d 27 place the wilderness exposition t the first tempta tion 1s the moment of loftiest exaltation and clearest testimony is immediately succeeded by satans fiercest assault the baptism with the holy spirit bj the repeated temptations note well that it was the splrjt who led jesus up into the wilderness to be tempt- ed to the devil mark says that the spirit prove him into the wilder ness mk 112 the temptation was just as necessary a preparation for jesus work as was the baptism with the holy spirit- cf heb 2 17 18 4- 15 16 also note that jesus temp- thtton was by the devil i c it came from without not from within and it came from a person and not mcrelj from abstract sin the pettonality of the devil is clearlytaughthere it also tenches us his cunning mnllgnlty and defeat the reality and com pleteness of jesus humnn nature are plainly men not only in that hewas tempted but nlso in his hunger and also in the way in whlclt the temp tations were met and conquered he met temptation as a mnn ani con quered it by menns that nre at our disposal the word of god and the power of the holv spirit the pre ceding chapter is closed with a re markable testimony to his deity this chnpter opens with nn equally re- mnrknhle attlng forth of his true humanity the temptation covered the entire forty days luke 4 1 2 the three temptations here recorded are the cllmnv of all and are typical jesus met temptation in suchn state of physical weakness as would mnke re sistance to temptation most difficult and failure most evcusable hut he did not fnll and so now no mnn can plcnd ndverse circumstances as n jus tification for wrongdoing satan ap pealed to jesus through the medium of nn appetite the gratification of which would be perfectly right if it could be gratified by right menns nn i methods the temptation was mosf rnl because jtsus was most humnn nnd most hungr the devil introduc ed this temptntlon ns lie did thntof eve in the gnrdon b suggesting n doubt of gods word god hnd snid this is mv beloved son nnd sntnn snvs if thou nre the son of god k4mp c the nnklo length skirt comes j uort s uherp ni ns nn j shork to mnro women it s hard to prow accustomed to showing our ankles once more in nfterdnrk nttir on the other hand skirt hnftths cannot be allowed to remain static or there s no news for the fnshlon writers chief antagonists of new shorter evvnliuj gowns are the debutantes nnd the collcgo set their protests nr loud and vehement tootoo utterly revnltnn strictly for drips simple utter- 1 oldhat these uere n few of the comments voiced by style- ronwloui coeds at a recent showing of the new ballerina- tenet h evening owns serious style prophets however taj the shorter skirt definitely is on the w8 hack tor the evening they sa the oungstprs are slmpl reac- tlonimts who cant accept changes the state that by next ear the floorlength evening ttowjwlll look definitely outofdate it s a serious question but per haps not so werlous ns whether any body will be wearing eetifng gowns at all by net ear he is grrnt nt putting ifs before gods rtntements for jesus to hae done- what safnn chcllenged him to do would hove been 1 to have b some otlur path than the one god doubted god s word and to have ought confirmation of it by a token vz his ability to perform a miracle 2 to have taken himself out from under those human condi tions and imitations under which ho hnd voluntarily placed himself for our redemption ihll 2 fib hob 2 14 it would hnve involvml the throw ing up of his entire mission viz the redemption of mnn by a divine person who nnd become renl mnn essentially the same kin to which satnn tempted our lord is committed by mi n today when they take them selves out from the sphere of sac rifice and of buffering in which it lb necessary that one live if he u to have saving power with his fellow men 3 it vyould hnve been to have distrusted god jesus would rely upon god to supply his needs in law ful ways jesus met this nnd the two other temptations with the sword of the spirit which is the worfl of god eph 617 if lb wrlttoh was his constant reply all his citations were from one book deuteronomy no wonder that the devil hate that book and has stirred up such nn as sault upon it in our day but josun christ has endorsed it ii the second temptation ft 7 in the second temptntlon the devil himself quoted scripture but an usunl he muquoted it ho left out nn important clause seo ps 01 11 42 one needs to watch tho devils quotations of scripture very closely hcjsjlkely to auotcnenrjy nn it reads but not exactly so this istruc also of vnrious teachers of error today for jesus to hnve accepted the devil s challenge would have been 1 to have exhibited doubt of gods word by making nn experiment to see if it upuld come out as god hnd said that is tempting god 2 nn net of spiritual pri le a mere display of trust in god with no other end to accomplish by it iii the third temptation 911 in the last temptation the devil comes out in his true colors he seeks worship for himself that is the very essence of devlllsm the devil would have the sonof godrcndcrto him that worship belonging to god alone was there any temptation in this for christ in a sense yes not that he for n moment yielded or was even confused by it but satnn offered him the dominion of the world by an other rond than the cross our lord jesus dreaded with deathly orony the rond that led through getlisemnne and over cnunry but he never left thnt road and we must not matt if 21 21 could tho dovll hnve given what he promised jesus him self tells us that he is the prince of this world jno 14 30 the anti christ will derive his power from the devil nnd he will hnve grent domin ion the temptation was real hut was utterly ineffective we yield to es sentially the same temptntlon when we seek thnt which god hns for us shorter shirts but 1000 old one a week are beintf into new millions of yards of cloth may be saved for britains war purposes by a new idea for repairing old shirts instead of putting a patch over the worn or frayed part which apart from tho difficulty of mntchlhg would use up valuable material the whole shirt is token to pieces and re built as new except tltnt it may be an inch or two shorter not nn inch of extra material is used ond the fetalfcharges range from is od for n new neckband to 4s for n new front a czech and an austrlnn both nnflnokls have made this u contribution to britains war effort they started work a few months ago in a single room backstreet work shop with only two sowing machines laundries mens wear shops nnd drapers were quick to see the value of the iden and in seven weeks the pnrtners hnd 12 mnchlncs turning out 1000 rebuilt shirts n week so saving the country 3 500 yards 6f material right away now they have moved to larger premises nnd the authori ties realizing how much shipping space and labor can be snved by reno vating old shirts instend of making new ones hnve allowed tho concern to purchase 12jnorc machines tho invenfor of the system n czech shirt manufacturer who intro duced to britain n process of shlrt- mnklng which increased the rate of production sixfold ho joined forces with an austrlnn who hns been mak ing shirts in britain for some years past the partners cstlmnto that if every mnn in brltnln hnd two shirts re paired instead of buying new it would save 1 15 000000 yards of cloth appoints via calvary the three i temptations correspond to the three- i fold temptation in eden and appeal lo the lust of the flesh thn vain glory of life and the lust of the eyes cf gen 3 6 1 jno j 16 josus was tempted in all points like ns wi are t mptntlon found no re- simniu in illm not for a moment notr j gfw1mb iwy even in thought did he yield to sin he could hot sin because hln whole will wait not on pleasing god and his whole delight was in doing it cf ps 40 7 8 he was absolutely with out sin more literally apart from sin heb 4 15 when the dovll hnd gopo the nngels came hnd minister ed unto him kypt ilrltuh nbvsj feorcr busy bur in krl months of 1017 no plsace like home coalville england cp a magistrate w ho refused to go home in the blnckout here adjourned n court case while evidence was being summed up i have never been out in the btnekout and i m not going to sit here any longer he sold ns he it ft the bench nv h ii gorion germany decision to resort to un- riflrlcted submarine warfare was not made effective until feb 1 1917 but for some weekirphoi lo- that date en emy oftorntlons nt sea were odjustol to meet the hew conditions bottled up in its home ports the german fleet nevertheless remained n flet in being and the british grand fleet was forced to remain concentrated and ready f6ji action but destroyer flotillas were active off the east coast of england and in the qover straits a sharp destroyer action in the early morning of january 23 resulted from one of a series of raids by ger man naval units directed against merchant shipping nnd naval patrols off the english const in this en counter one german vessel was bad ly damaged nnd driven into a belgian port nnd onolherwns forced to put back into zecbrugge the simoon a british destroyer was hit in the bow by n torpedo nnd sunk fought in otuknew the nctlon took place in darkness when a british force of three light cruisers and 14 destroyers out of harwich met the german 6th fio- tilln on its way from zecbrugge to hchgoinnd bight a general melee nt short range ensued njrid this de veloped into two encounters the gcrmnn destroyers wore damaged in the first and the simoon was destroy ed in the second which was fought off schouwcn bank german destroyers coptlnued tholr raiding tactics throughout the winter a halt wns called after the nctlon of april 20 when the destroyer broke under cmdr erg evans sank twopnemydestro nndtotpcdoed a third the fight brought fame to the broke and its commander who was awarded the distinguished ser vice order high flight pilot officer john gillespie magee jr nn american citizen born of mis sionary parents in shanghnl and edu cated nt britain s fnmed hughy school wns killed on nctive service in britain last december 11th he was id years old and hnd the cause of frwdom in ms heart pilot offlu r mngc had poetry in his heart too nnd in the form of a bornet he left n mesinge to youth which his imrenfs consider mny be n grenttr thing than nnythlng he hnd done in the wny of fighting the sonnet was composed intt sep tember as the exultant freedom of soaring 30 000 feet over the earth made wordpattern in hu mind these words were scribbled an the back of a letter after he had return ed to earth iiioii moirr oh i have slipped the surly bonds of earth and danced the skies on inughter-sll- vered wings sunward ive cllmbcilbud joined the tumbling mlrih of sunspilt cloudi nnd done n hun dred things you hnve not dreamed of wheeled nnd soared and swung high in the sunlit silence hov ring there i ve chased the shouting wind along nnd flung my eager craft through footlc halls i of air hn emblazoned it across the entire country we are think ijig that this mnv have been a greater contribution i mm anything hemay have donen the wny of fighting for surely our armricnn youth must enter this con flict in the high spirit of idealism nnd faith may we thank the r c a f for nil the training and help you hivvo given to- our hoy we wawr n te- m ndou change in him when he re turned to us from his training a hnnge thnt was all for the good we do not rgr t thnt we gave our con sent to his going nnd will be forever proud of him pilot officer mngee iked in shang hai for nine years nnd then wns sent to england forhhtedueatlon atu rugby he came to the united states for the first time in the summer of 1031 and there won a scholarship which would send hjm to yale ho was entered at yale in september 1040 when having attained his eigh teenth birthday years he felt he must fight he enlisted in montreal early in october and on completion of hut training at no 2 service flying training school at uplands nenr ot tawa he was commissioned from the ranks in june 1041 nnd proceeded overseas shortly afterwnrd winter gardens two- way relief delirious burning heights engle hospital girls are recognized ministry of health fixes badge for good service london cp domestic workers in hospitals in england nnd wales hove received a distinctive clrcuinr badge with minlstrv of hinlth in silver letters on n red enamelh d bprder and hospital service in blue on a silvered cross bar to quallfv for the badge domestic must frve at least 96 hours n month up up tho long hlue i ve topped the wind swept with easy grace where never inrk nor even flew and white with silent lifting mind ive trod the high untrespnssed sanctity of space put out my hand nnd touched the fnce of god pilot offker mngee sent the son net scribbled on the back of the let ter to his parents reverend nnd mrs john g mn who n live in wnsh- ington mr mngee is assistant min ister nt st johns church ifnyette square the library of congress loarlng of jhc poem hns requested the original mnnuscrpt for inclusion in n collection en lied poems of faith nnd freedom which includes works of burns dough longfellow walt whitman nnd shelley after learning of his son s death mr magte wrote t the rcaf when my wife nnd i nw how deeply lie felt about the situation in septem i btr 1010 we go our ons nt and hlessing to him ns he left us to nter the rcaf wo felt ns deeplj ns he i did nnd we wtrn proud of his deter mination nnd spirit we knew tfint j sift h mws ns did tome might tome when his sonny ripened us we felt then thnt it had n messnge for am ritnn voufh hut did not know how to gel it before tin m now his it nth provide green stuffs for table and makes hobby worthwhile the clfveland ohio cp3 war- consclaus town nnd country folk ar turning to winter gardening for twj purposes to provide vitaminfilled garden fresh vegetables nnd a hobby that affords relaxing exercise to temper anxieties indoor or cold frnme gardening is of tw o types one provides greens tor winter tables the other gives vegetables nn early start so they may he trans outofdoofs w danger of frost is past to produce- earlj summer gardening vegetables u s farm security administra tion winter garden plans for both city and country l welters recom mended for their nutrltlonnl value and adnptlblllty to indoor planting httuce beets and radishes tho combination gives foiu vegetables for the tops from fresh joung beet plants make highly pnlntnble greens pnrsle tnnbe grown around the edgts of the garden jt is high in vitnmin bl hns wldt use in gnrahh- ts nn i for flnvor other plants ndaptnbit to indoor growing nre indive nnd mustard wlurb mnture quickly nnd make good greens spinach also is good hut it taken more space crops not rctomtmndtd for winter gardens nre cnrrotr cauliflower ter corn nnd enhhage i merit new elect rie locomotive britains first mixed traffic unit doa 65 wlpjk in a way i n a way o speaking the buying public owns ev ery retail store in our town it pays the rentb and the salaries and all the other costs of all stores in our town it informs the owners of these stores what to buy and at what price to sell and it demands from all retailer a communication er- vice meaning news of what retailers have in slock and w hat their prices are mjuf course it does most of its business with those retailers who report loltegttlarlv and f ulh by the ageiuvfallverttsv- hient in our newspaper ami if anv retailer say in effect ill not give outhe real owners of my business an information about my business then the buving public sa in effect right ou s for us we shall go in largest numbers to i an kiu4effiful tosls have betn cnrtw j jniil ulth britain s first clixtrlc imtv j nmiiif for mlxw traffic dostum d j for tin- mamhihter to sheffield urn- i wtht- a wide dlverslt of tfaffli lal- ltd or a standard dfsln of looomo j the tanault of haulinc all t lasso s of trains this unit was one of 70 undor t tonttrurtton nt thr nuttnvak of war in ttmntillon with tin luctrlflrntlon j lii n i of the lwndon an n otnreaftr k work on gjgj those retailers who communicate to us regularlv lhm uxomulnfi was susnndtd r- nra 1 ct in th tas of the nrst whkh it 2 iuuatelv ma the iixmuuih of our local news- was dfeltlil to finish so that whn eleclrlfuailon is resumed h other 69 might incorporate anv modifica tion shown to he necessarv i equipped to elve 1 wo h p at the one hour ratlnir it can haul an ex press train at 65 m p h on the level and an express freight train of sflo tons at 40 m p h up in one in 13 grade or a freight train of 700 tons at 2 m ph up the same gradient this engine is of the articulated douwsogl thifslmplest and cheapest form of electric locomotive known and a design which in sdme overseas countries has proved diffi cult to run smoothly at speeds around 60 mph in this particular cue however tss have shown perfectly smooth running at an average speed of 65 m p h v paper this way of putting it is not just fanciful it is sern fact retailers who decline to maintain com- munication with the public via means of the news paper which it reads lose business to those who are faithfully communicative some retail business is languishing today un- jrs necessarjly its attitude to the public is wrong it ga says in effect to the public you come and find 5gj u ami the publics attitude is u tell us about jjg8 your business ami your merchandise you arc our employee reporttoiis regularly and ade- qiiately on how yon are sf rving- im if you-con- vincc us that you are faithful ami efficient j sen ant well keep on employing oii will pav von well t4ievn mk tot ing it healthy is as plain as isthenose on ones face 33 it is the waj of maintaining a steady communica gfl lion relationship with ones employers via the gg one effective and economical agency our atrver- tisement columns 23 fhe agton free press advertising that attracts a printing service that pleases v