Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 29, 1942, p. 3

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-thumpay- jaitoary 39th 1x3 the acton free press tl paob thrbi of interest to women winter vegetable dishes the socalled winter vogetbblei should be served regularly in every canadian home to assure i the two vogetablos in addition to potatoes thedally quota reco by authorities on food requirement like other foods vogetable must be properly cooked and attractively served for maximum nourishment and full enjoyment some vegetables such as cabbage and carrots lend thom- selves lo bolngwrved raw while others must be cooked to be palat able the best cooking methods for vegetables bakjng and steaming should be used as often as possible when boiling vegetables the cardinal rule lsruse the smallest amount of water cover the saucepan and cook until just tender all vegetables need rtolbersauedrwhhecooklngtobrlng out their flavor and other season ings suitable for certain vegetables are sugar pepper onion and celory leaves leftovor vegetable liquid la precious serve it hot in sauce soup and gravies or chilled in tangy vegetable cocktails with the many interesting ways of preparing vegetables the consumer section marketing service dominion department of agriculture believes that variety in vegetable cookery need no longer be a problem winter vegetable mate i creamed cabbage au gratin carrot strips buttered diced beets stuffed baked potato winter vegetable mate s buttered noodles in spinach ring baked hubbard cole slaw squash supremo scalloped potatoes col slaw supreme 2 cups finely shredded cabhagc 1 cup diced apple j cup finely shroddod carrot mayonnaise salt and pepper masbed canadian turnips 1 firm jellow turnip u to 2 lb 2 potatoes peeled and diced 1 teaspoon sugar salt and pepper and buttci hot milk i slice peel and cube turnip cook in boiling salted water 10 mlnutos add potatoes and sugar cook until tender drain and mash season with salt popper and butter to taste add hot milk until mixture is the consistency of mashed potatoes beat until light sealloped partulpe with tomatoes 1 medium sized onion 1 tablespoon butter 2 cups tomatoes ls teaspoon salt v teaspoon pepper dash of cayenne 2 cloves 1 teaspoon sugar 3 cups diced cooked pnrsnips cup bread crumbs the oampbeix nisters thoncahipboll sistersare featured on the allstar variety show blondod hhythm heard from 8 30 to 9ib tuesday evenings on the cbc east ern network also heard on the pro gramme aie georgia dey burt aus tin and eric wilds 20ploce oichos- tra war 25 years ago j chronicles ol ginger farm 3 saute onion in butter until colder brown add torn a tews kfnsoninjr nnd sugar slmnut until n smooth sauce is obtained place n lajer of pnnmlps in a slmltcm grenved baking dish then a lner of tomato sauce and bo procetd until the dish is full hnwnp paronlps on top cover with bun crumbs blown in a hot o n t l decrees ft iores 0 p- related vie on afterthewar no pa co fo yea after armistice he says and then lasting one bristol enc icpt a heavil armad britain and conscription for two generations after the uar uerw envisaged by the archbishop of york dr w temple n necessar if the alike are to build n voslwnr world of pence and fivetion on a umnd basis if ou are not tfoini lo lh juicitists if ou are going to hae an force at all ou must lw sure vou have nough dr lemple said it is more disastrous to have insuffhient force than lo have none at all dr temple up in red that britain l an mil get out of the rehponslbhtlen which vlclon will a upoti her lmt time we shirked it nnd america shirk it worse he snld we must not shlik it again the archbishop hoped there would be no peace conference until two or three yan after the armistice anil that representatives of alt nations including the conquered ones would attend once this peace conference has opened i hope it will w told to take its time he said if it takes about 30 years to do its work it will by that time come to be accepted as in effect the federal body of europe oemtany akutautetod felley of unre stricted ftubmarta warfare kf- tfart to starve qreat britain itv ii ik gordon canadian press staff write throwing aside all pretence to re spect for international maritime laws germanydecidtvl 25 years ago to adopt a policy of unrestricted sub- ma i no warfare tho action was a prime factor in the united states de cision a few days later to sever diplo matic rotations with germany and her subsequent entry into the war against the central powers germany announced on january 31 1917 that as from february 1 all sea traffic within certain areas adjoin ing britain france and itnly nnd in the enstern mediterranean would without further notice he prevented hy nil weapons there is llttio doubt thnt the pro gram was prompted by the know ledge thnt germany had reached the height of her strength in innd forces the growing strength of the allies on the various battlcfronts was re cognized nnd von bethmann-hpll- 1 wegs government finally accepted the german admiraltys view thnt inteo- 1 slvc submarine activity might piove successful in the first two yenrs of war brit ish shipping losses had been offset 0 the amount of new shipping built at acquired gcrmnn naval authori ties believed thnt an unrestricted submarine campaign would reduce brltnin to starvation by luly 1917 but their calculations were upset by the successful nntfsubmarlne cam paign devetoped b the british navv and the remarkable shipbuilding achievements in the united states had big plans gcrmnn eperti estimated thnt sub marines would be able to sink 1 orto 000 tons of shipping n month this figure wns nevt r realized nil hough the menace proved to be one of the gi eat est ever offered to the snfei of the british fmplre i he monthtv average ir shipping lost h british alius nnd neutrals during the inst foui months of lolfi amounted to jm joo gruss tons in jnn 117 tin figuie increased to nj04k nnd in februaiv jumped to 161000 march show 50c 000 tons of shipping smt lo the lutttom german submarine s met with their grentest success in anrtl when 831000 gross tons were destroed from thnt mon thu thrt t lied jupremncv on the high sens steadilv diminished as the mensures taken against the submarines increas ed in effectiveness in jul 1917 the gross tonnage lost was cut to 3 jo 000 in the first seven months of unre- strlctcd submarine unrrnre allied lasses amount h1 to about 1 500 000 tons equalling the total allied losses from the beginning of the war to the start of the intensified campaign feb 1 1917 written specially for i the acton free prese by gwendoline p clarke well now bow is your sugar supply or rather what is the nnr- mnl sugar consumption in your bouse have you got it flguiod out yet t doubt if there are many people who reallao just how much sugar they really do us 1 cant say that do we generally buy our sugar by tho hundred pound bag nnd we use it until it is- gone nnd thats nil thcrtj utto it tomorrow i nm going to weigh out our weeks rations 2 lbs and then i shall know just what we are uslng and what a tost of will powor and honosty that u going to be for we have a fairly good supply ofsuga on h right now hq there is nothing to stop us using moie thnn our n i lotted share excopt our own good faith but well play cricket never fonr in fact i welcome the news thnt wo in cnnndn will nt least have an opportunity to share some of tho inconveniences thnt mother britain has suffored so long and really once you gel ovor the first shock it gets to be moro or less of a game seeing how well you tan get along and what you can do in the way of surprises with your regu lar ration i would imnglne this rationing of sugnr will undoubtedly put n crimp in tho beivink or fancy cakes and tarts widen have boon taken ns n mat ter of courso nt somany social gath erings cakes nnd tnrts thnt just nhout choke you if you stop to think how much we hnve n cnnndn nnd how little thej hnve in fnglnnd knough yes they hnve enough to keep their bodies functioning proper ly hut not enough foi the llttio trcnts thnt eveiy womnn likes to mnko for her fnnllly onco in tiwhileiho enke to celebinte n blrthdny oi anniver sary or the dainty delicacy to tempt the npnetlte of the convalescent and yet while rationed supplies nre n drawback yet they have tltoir com pensations too sometimes you get permission for ftn oxtrn allowance in tho case of sugar for canning or for christmas and then that oxtrn pound of sugnr looks like n million dollars i had such an experlcnco last sa turday partner nnd i had been looking over the tlies again on our enr nnd we found that wo were still using one tire thnt was in pretty bnd shnne i was rcnlly quite worried because whnt is the use of three good tires if the fourth one la likely to blow out any time t so i went to see what our service man could do about fixing things up nnd wns told that by government order ho wns nble to sell new tires of n certain size while his block lasted the size of the lire foi our car wns included in the list did i buy one well i leave vou to guess i told our me chanic i never parted with money so willingly before this time inst eni should i hnve got any pleasure out of liuving n new tire not a bit of it i would have spent the monev most grudginglv so it renllv looks as if n revaluation of our possessions would be quitt in ordei j t nre gtttlng vci happv letters i from our sotdlt i son in quebec he k vi iv well satisfied with life ns he flncis it just nt present as he tins been pit kel out to serve ns driver- mi c hanic in his division whjch hie nns thnt sometimes he will bt diking an nrmv true k nnd sometimes woikfng in the ami garage appnrentl he has nlrendv done quite n bit of drlv- tngnshe wystkcrenspirotyonrun neednt worry about epaulets bat good pood and forego plea- aura of pills u a leader adviaea 1 washington cp dr mlnnlo l maffett who heads 73000 club- women in the united states warns american women against a brass but ton complex in defence work wo dont need green shirts or any other colored shirts to work for de fence says dr maffett a houston tex gynecologist who is president of the national federation of busi ness and professional women wo dont need to vfcorr about brass button and epaulets think how much brass it would take to brnssbutlon sevornl million women anyway we need to be giving thought to the job to be done not how we look when we do it most women will make their grentest contrlbutldn to defence in health nutrition and education by taking courses rind using what they have learned in work for their fam ilies and their communities we have sensed the importance of victims as n defence factor hut most people are more vknmlncnnsclouh thnn vltnmln- wtae i believe that 100000000 a year could be saved by eating good food instead of pills where strikes taboo glasgow tcp eighteen bus dvyvers and four conductresses were each fined the equivalent of s4 50 for taking part in a strike without having submitted the dispute to the ministry of labor driving around in quebec because it u nothing but snow nnd ice but nothing tins happened so far our son hllthel remarks foitunnlely for mself i hnve long since given up worrying nhout the bo nnd his evlce driving although i think be stutids n good chance of breaking his neck an dn of the week but he is ln the nrmj now and partner andrlolh ivallie that a certain amount of recklessness is j looked for and encouraged in these i voung fellows who are in the aimv seivlce corps for of whnt use would n driver he in n light spot if lie were the tpe habitually afraid of taking v o j changes- i dont think we shall hoar neutral sweden kefienee itaiailanycimpuintimuut uurbovon that fihtifi mtmi get new beaiih i trow n variety for the services stockholm cpt the entire 1941 crop of brown beans ti as been reserved for the use of tlu armed score by the win were ou wondering how m lame blld was coming along- well ihe u almost back to normal and wa returned to the hen house a few das ago previous to juscosof s ado theelvuun nonu- that anytimepartnerwnsworlclnff irttion will have onl beans from older crops and some imported beans the announcement added this being an alternative to a rationing of yellow peas it is also a that ef fective immediately all baking hour must carry an admixture of five per cent of potato flour or potato flakes round the wood pile we let biddy out for exercise and then we had such a giand time catching her we thought she must be able to fend for herself in the henhouse so back she went and now all that we ask of her l that she get good and busy and lav an egg a day for england mj carrolls wm ay aylmer rf peas 5tsrl9 stock up mi sum- smm1m lri ef kcb vr us tnumrmtk aylmm- cammd uoi au tfcu j prkm vanv uw buy sw sml klaelf jmm feta4ry with luu ub 4uliy iamlj toto catsup hex 0 hti c 1 p real flavor carrots t 9c spinach rllc aylmar tomato catsup z he xylmf chsle bariuil pears 17c aylniav chbu apricots i isc aylmat tip asparagus l 17c aylmar goijn ckoles wax beans il ayfntei rotsbud fauey beets ir i5c aylmsr chutes for pi cherries isc special aylmer pork beans z 20oz tins 15c special 1 aylmr in brine kernel corn 16ox tin ioc special 1 aylmer peaches q ikox tins 25c special aylmer aspplejuice 20ok tins 15c special 1 aylmer sieve 3 choice peas 16ox tins zlc special aylmer choice tomatoes z 21as tint 23c i dupus cream saifdwleh biscuits pounj 18c m all cora brooms keuosss corn flakes with free clsii tumblsr l se l atsc aylmer crasked pineapple aylrtsr tijbi pineapple ayjmar red pillsd cherries aylmer 15os tint applesauce aylmer for salads fruits lc 18c jivlmeit infants i ciiopp1 poods i food 7c jsto 19c chopped foods aylmer choice tomatoes aylmer 15c tomato juice mr 25c aylmer corn s it loc aylmer tasty asparagus cuttings aylmer muted peas carrots 2 25c aylmer for pie pumpkin aylmer irish stew aylmer lamb stew aylmer raspberries aylmer vegetable juice 2 19c aylmer st21c 16ob 2 2 25c 2 um 25c 2 27c 21c isoz tin jumbo peas 25e cheeelala drink teddy 2sc 45c lutween meals drink ovaltlne 39tt8 aylmar suecotasb 2c hnd clsaaar snap lee buaeh laverene to qc swuts pork 3pmisuy- prem lr 32c mspi ui soap flakes pl 19 a houseltoltl naeauily sanlflush 15c bsblults cleanser c 53ms c corn syrnp ase cana cern starch pt 10c itotherparstev tea x nw low pri custard powder loc salad dressing 39e tftour li x9e tsr 85c lemon pie filling ir chriuui date loaf -j- x5e i shredded wheat lljarmalade cjtusiu 14c cwrf-u- da- fj ie chocolate cake tillnisusis sp3c bartlett pears ais 2 sic frnltcoektall i-u- 21c pineapple aisuj the i fsclsl ssap woodhorysvl je sab 4 tlkm 240 r romar offee llb ba 39 dandee u coffee 32 1 ft camaiahs 0hiv lawnnn km uk 6 weekly contfits dxyddl vaotaoe 9i2465 ivory soap 213e juicy navel oranges bozen 27c choice spy appces 429c crisp hrm head lettuce 3 new green cabbage 19c aluo uf lettuce radishes onioiu carrou sainaeh murr and vegbtamjs muces good tux satukday nscut 1 smjs is wihfcr fciway rmstbmfs 1 iwu wlsu 11 hll i al i

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