ft v j rasktvyo the acton pree press thimspay july lblh 1643 initllliad every ttouaaar- at adas oatarle suascairnoh rattsee ar yaar la adv uallad stale aae umlllaaal slale eaale te bm old id aaw addreeaea ctoum ix ttaea whea ekaae of arfdree la requeeted cancxllationswe had thai ml ol oar ab- ecrlbere areler m to ton their ubeflollaae leterwalea la caie ihy ull to reealt helore eaplratlae while aae- ecrlelleaa ni aot be carried la man over aa leaded aerted jet galeae w ara aotllloil w eeacel wa aauiaie ika ubieefber wuhe be eervlie eeatlaued advumstnc kates on aapllcallaa aad at tjlvea la various eelumb haadlage allheal every preeaallaa will be lalea to avoid arror tha prat praia accept advertllai in lt colnaiae oa ih uiulcretaedlae that it will aal ba llabla lor aar arror in any dertfeinenl eubhhr1 hereunder aalea a ureal ol such advertitemeat i requeled in wrlllna by the dvertirr anil returned to tha pree pre bualae oltlca duly ncd by the advertler and with such arror er correetloa plainly noted la writing thereon and in that cee ii any arror ao noted la not corroded by the free preaa ita liability hell not eareed auch a proportion of the entire tnat of uch edvertliatnant aa the apace occu pied by tha noted error beara to tha whole epace occuplrd ly lu by auch tdvertlejnent c arlof dills editor telefiiones- edltorial and bainea office residence to be conpme we need help while rome barns housewives who are called upon to abide by rationing restrictions motorists who must curtail travel by gasoline and oth r and citizens in every walk or lire meet this curtailment gladly but find it difficult to understand why the sale of intoxicating beverages has free rein yes even seems to be encouraged in 1941 canadas liquor bill was 232000000 and indications arc that the 1942 ex penditure will show an increase of about 25 per cent over that figure exclusive of bootlegging or approximately 290000000 every year since 1938 has shown an increase from the 173000000 spent then how many airplanes boats or war materials that will buy could readily be calculated if canada is in the war on an allout basis surely it is time that governments stopped passing the blame from one to the other and made a serious attempt to lower the amount spent on intoxicating beverages steel can be converted rrom nonessen tial industries industrial alcohol is useful in mak ing smokeless powder and as a basis for synthetic rubber motorists are warned to retain their anti freeze as there may be a shortage next winter recently the canadian temperance federation how many from acton and dlstrlot are enlisted in the active service forceap how many from thla community arj serving overseas thes6 afe biu two of the questions which are often asked we made an attempt to keep a list of ill these with the addresses and from time to time published the list we found however that this was contrary to censor ship rules and it was discontinued the explanation is that publishing such- addresses gives tho informa tion as to what units are overseas and those still in canada but we do feel that a complete list should be made of all those who serve in the army navy and air force trorn this community with that in mind we are preparing a second list discarding addresses and simply giving names and numbers of those in the active service forces we know the first draft of these names will not be completer when published we would like the help of every reader of thb free press and everyone in the community in maw ing it complete if you know of a name omitted write it on a slip of paper and drop it in our letter box or mail it to us if you know of someone join ing the active service forces send in the name and the unit they are with for the weekly list of acton boys enlisted which appears on page one each week in this way the complete list can be kept uptodate some day after the war acton will have an honor roll of all who served the list compiled now will help in making that final list complete may we have your help the first draft appears in thjs issue if a name is omitted give it to use with his number if a correction should be made tell us about them v all servirur the public u sometimes persons in official capacities are sub ject to criticism and sometimes too these persons cannot take it as well as the newspaper oftentimes it is the job of the newspaper to quote what the of ficials have said and in so doing invite the wrath of these persons also they forget that they too are serving the public they forget that what they say in public is public property they sometimes hintthat what they say should be glossed over and softenod down so that it will not be as hard as they said it sometimes it is hinted that the press should be excluded rrom public meetings so that officials can say things which they would not like the public to know uboutr vet the public has a perfect right to know of these things these officials are servj ing the public in the same way that the newspaper is serving the public in many cases they are more re- sponsible to the public than the newspirper because they are directly handling properly and matters bc- lottrrtifhheputflic thcncwspuper is ce british jiemgr must grow more to assure food wainintf given uut ewwtul suppilm must come ltfar and more frtat wilhiit britain itself by fortrr hahciaav iuuluut pru ntff writer london cp unloiut brltntnn 311000 former trlvln to kinp thariobulhl n stnmk frami in ordi nntloria focxl btnn ittwkwl inrrenwsfianni the blown of tin pmnlnit linn nbrlcutturnl production tho hritlnii house wife wilt find nr houtukocilhit problems inrrensimt nnd britons koii- enlly will linvc to ulve their nlrrmly tightly drnwn belu nnnthrr ynnk eauumtlnt food luppllot nt prttunt nre jircntfr thnn n yonr njio but whether the public will hnve to adopt ivtyaore tikui nuatertty diet depend on the current homefcrown crop fto- cnute imports mny be further re- ktrlcteil through uijent nrerin of the flrhtinu nerlci8 crow for victory wim the theme 6rn mejunite h s hudson minister of agriculture gave- fnrmers n he wnrned them the jtovernmeht would hnve to mnke further demnnds owlnr to chnnces in allletl strntecy he did not elnlwrnte his reference to strntejiy but observers believed he was hinting nt the possible opentnttof n second europcnn front for mich an oerntlon every nvnllnble ship britain nnd the lfnllel stntes enn spare will be needed in this event it is likely importation of food would hnve tc be curtailed for a time shin xtnslrd the ministers forecast of intensi fication of agricultural production contained something more than the consequences of the brittle of the at lantic commented the dally tele graph and morning post it would he- reasonable to assure that our agri cultural iollcy i to make use of ships for something more than the bringing of food to these shores farmers already have been naked to produce this yenr all the milk used in britain at least half the beef nnd mutton consumed all the wheat used to mnke flour bread nnd cake and all the necessary vegetables oats nnd sugar if this tnrget nnd whatever new demands the government mny mnke nre attained the fnrnerswlll be feed ing four of every five persons com pared with one of three in pence- t ime i ncrensed food production coupled with rationing hns saved an extirpated s000000 tons of shipping equal to handling over about lwhi ships fur fight i ngpur puses useful hintejlit pruning shade trees one reiiilt that will follow when newly planted maples hnve had their topi chopped off eight or ten feet from the ground i that bad crotches will develop nnd decay set in to cause the tree to be ruined in n storm says it w oliver division of horti culture central fxjerimenti1 farm oftmvn trees like children require careful training and feeding in their youth two main objects first to improve the structurn strength of j the tree by pre vent ing t he format ion of had cratches between main limbs mid second to improve the appearance hy promoting good balance in all young shade trees the ideal structure consists of a single straight leader or trunk running upthe full height of the tree with lateral branches commencing n few feet from the ground anil evenly spaced around and up the trunk at regular intervals of one to two feet if the tree tins leen well grown in the nursery only minor pruning will ih necessary small branches spring ing from the trunk between the main intends slimitd be removed nnd any large lateral which is growing out of bounds should ho bended back to a tddelirnneh growing in the right di rection aiho occasional small branches need removal to ercnle bal ance nnd openness when the young trees has teeh properly formed only nn orumloruil 1lght pruning will l hweftsnrylo hejp it retalnlti jood nluite here are a fmv riles on prunlnff that should ih johserved 1 when n- brnnch is removed th cut itirfnce which is left rinuld he smooth flimh and in line with the parent branch if nny hiini or stub is left it prevents the formation of a healing callus nnd allows decay jo enter j never wr- mltthe formation of hartrfojiehos he- twoen main limbs these 11 split nnd allow tlecny to enter any as cending branch mny cut hack to a secondary lateral which in growing in a horizontal position 1 never lonve wounds in the bnrk with horizontal oi- ragged edges all wounds should tie pointed top and bottom in the form- of ammat pointing lengthwise of the branch so as to permit the fjhw of sap along the entire mnrgin this encourages tin format lop of a henl- ing callus i never use ordinary paint lo cover wounds paint the edge of the inner hark with orange shellac to prevent drying nnd cover the wound in the wound n the wood with some waterproof asphalt i reef dres sing to prevent decay the point to guard against is that io unprotected wound shall be left in the surface through which disease can enter or weaken the trees struc ture itoad okatii dklthawkm london icp bond deaths in britain totalled ror in may compar ed with 7ui a year ago blackout fahilitles were seduced from 1w to 4i the number of children khled wiis11 iii porting the proceedings and happenings and has no real direct responsibility to the public other thnn as a news gathering ngency the gleaner huntingdon quebec editorial notes as for the inconveniences discomforts and hardships that you and i will have to endure why fanners alert i feel the farmers are on their toes and car see t heir way clear to meeting the demands mr hudson said bur they may have to do a bit more in the bargain a fifth of the countrys farms are producing al most the maximum of which they nre capable another fifth are classed as efficient producers who can pro vide five per cent more food of the made anappcul to kt hon mackenzie king una rnc members of the dominion parliament through a full page advertisement in tlu ottawa citizen in this page of facts it was pointed out that since the manufacturcof liquor is under government control materials for its manufacture could be rationed as has been done in britain and australia while the advertisement was published on jjine 20th and copies put on the desk- ot every mem her we ruic heard nothing ot any discussion o the subject surely the facts presented deserved more attention surelv all canadians and not just a few are c- peered to take the vlar and its needs seruuislv money that goes into liquor doesnt go into ar su ings certificates or bonds a sobercanadian people can make a greater uai effort- just ho close iu total effort are canadian leaders prepared to lead canada- or is leadership oiih gicn bv empt uords since writing tje above the increased sale ot in toxicating bevjcriigcs has been brought to tl- at tcntion ot the hihisc ot commons b hen mr hintmt kexpiitit mr hanson its constructive iind a gteater part ot the war rt lot t than the io ernmetit jeenis to reahe v may thtrir kxit lie hurried hajiiilun ts one ot the places in w h i c h tlu ouuef and operarin swt niahtien did not beheve that jvttone- eut tl co nam w c no lis in hi an pounced deteimtnatien typut the machifes uit t use and mitiuud to have them in ope it in ihev hav e reason to blte e jther ise keccntk under the dncti n ot inspector oovlc ot loroato lihit uorth u machuts ninirtv seven in all were seized hnc lcptntim rv rhr- hnrrni thr rambling bumiies givi a month m ial and required to pi fine j fts tid ots itsii- it no aprai int that muhitu are ownedbv wealths in j -dual- or corporations diid leased to private operators the business said to be er protitable certainlv it is not a moncv mskcr for the oung people who in- tt tile runt hi vt hu mn half ii w hav eve gu m nelson v its surprising how savings accumulate- when made regularly and with the present plan of hav ing war savings stamps available in every store everv one can participate y canadian tnanutacturcrs emplov ed more workers and paid them niorevn wage atmv 1st this car than at au prevjous tune in the countrv s history ccorduig to cimumnn rureauot statistics mdex- v vei heard one parent sa that the curlew law w is one ot the imest things council had done also heard somccomincnis from thoseutnder years that werent in accord- with this viewpoint iuii surelv parents know bet v i am a ianadian and bv canada i mean every part and eveiv province ot canada jnumn van- couver hahtav winnipeg just as much as i mean tjuebec ar minister tower declaring support tor couscnptitii in the house ot commons v is ad ihat a trmc is tin ioit u pttnuajc tht- liininioi initiuwcin 1 pulmiir a kmitnin-ni- inj lilmij tupiipcr piiui ihlu nit uf llxauim ii its a- a uil of th other i callij rutiut tluu jt titr bi ij n alunu u th it sure it mulls k nt in a inn pm iluctioii by it per ient unit uu otficr half liy ai t iinl to lulp reach i he kovtmnniciit kal niort hwiil il lavi- to hi- ri- tlalnihl and iilovfil anil lahhits rau and rooks whuh hav iratil tiao anions jrops vill fa to i- tio- d siimix mi lafriii inmon ii ill- iit t ominiitt wlmti inrtiii 1 into r in i tlons in th- aumiuua il i itot ial s- ii mi t iirls at- s i 1 list u tiv iaiiist so mil i in iahti t tliv join- i that niifiv lm m shii liil tun out of tl- in if 11 hull fitty thnn h n tli sv illlsll business jdirectory mkoioai dr w qc kenney phyaman auul rurmh sucmwor to dr j a menlvn office in symon ulwk mill strmt acton orlfm phnim 1 rmmrnra churah bl ib0h lie dr chas d shortt phyalrun auad 8uramh surccaaor to dr e j ncljoa kmlarbib rtrwil puonac m office llotjra a00 to 400 pm 70q to 830 pm sutulnya by appointment only dk wvtg cullen lmcc ihytleun ami rluneon office hours 24 and 70 pm sunilnye hy appolntmont mill stroet nenr fredorlrk street teleplione 120 drs freed and stevenson flampnruviiiji phono mlllon isr1 after 10 pm milton svv offlio lloura 89 am 13 pm i 7r pm suntlnya hy appnlnlmont only dentai dr t h wylie of toronto tnklnu chnrun of ir quchananv prnctlre for tho duration tor the preaent offlra ileum s ajn to i pm evert thuraday friday and saturday office telephone 148 drthugh s austin dental surgeon mill slrfl cornit frtmlerlik acton offli-i- mourn 930 nm to fj10 pm bwalnai htr ainlitnint telephone ib lrdai c f leatherland b a barrlater and kollrltor notary pnmi isauit of mnrrltikt llrittnea keulatrnr of nirtha marrlnucs deatha- acton office 23 phnnea kealdenea ib1 kenneth m langdon llarriater snllrltor notary puhtle offlioa 0ocle potc77at fop oafcyjjz hoafmiy heres a chance for you i a life assurance buy that combines two moneysaving plans to double your pro- -tection-up-to-age-607- the 6nmonth privilege banishes big hardtopay premiums if you want a lot of protection for a little money a policy that will protect your family when they need it most and pro videforyo late y to croruotown crkory phrnlre builds acton over t s cafa for aimiintmonih iliohe alon r or tjiorhitoiill hm offtro- lliiurti acton tuslay an6 thursday ltli pm to loo pm even ings on tiusl vbtkuinahv b d young vs vsc veterinary hurtcron investigate this special north american life arrange ment send the coupon flat t an 23 vaier ufa aaaaraaee aaflara or lavaatad in vlctery banda north american life iikah office 112 kin trrrl w toriili onl wtlioul olliution fiifaan ind mt informntkin arniul your nouliln inliitioi inltv tdirrllitr will ft vrt itwkft llhiltiiinu jlcklklah ajdi utua- llrookvlllo ttnlario clioiii- milton 1 li i f g takes vs bvsc vrtrrinary sirkti fxfifi- and sidii kn avenue alton iliune llil aittionkkks howard graff representative rank phtcm ant tinniit ml iorcfiitair 4 otii- nirnml ilfr atmirmi to chut- tu 4 imrlrs st rift rtirvrtuwo ii mk rmims canadian nationai railways at at i avi i hit savim iilk tjtol 1 ill y it sinln ill nrsiif 1 iiilv wl sun tin oiiil ijj fi at -ii- 101 yi at iti nod itiittjort to- of oiiin- h th- jn anj u 0 th vs irr 1 u ttttkl hi dl v r itt lll ilil riv aj v a v 111- i lienor ir wok did not n an nimd ut- iji- a jyt ti hi hvh tnark- d oatrihuti- to tho air iffir iiiti- was ntbrtl jivcrtvi vrsl thctr money irith ortctrt a hunjred chance of winning gooj work i- being june by the attorney- general officer in their effort to remove the gambling devices from the province birrie ex aminer m ntractoti of ontario lienor lyoimaruin regulations in11 nt advirtiini ironi romrnmiit itk-om- an jsurpiin prottt tave- into newsprint inj tvporaphv and rcti jopatriotic sentiment people who- push liquor sales either in time of peace ar mi time of war nre not erving their country well jtd when such people advise the public concerning the v effort they bring bona tide pitrfotic advertis ing itrto discredit newmarket eraexpress preaenlc-i- to thcff caf by olifmen of 1nnnii tint new spitfire k heme tilote1 hy 1ilot offier gonlon moben fnrrfler royaf canaillnn mminle1 phe fsr li in the 4u i o llalmii liad been n bomber pilot but at the retiueal ol the offiers who rniaed ihe spitfire fund lie no int to an operational training inlt for a apenal rourae ai n lighter pilot i holien served ulh the it cmp in toronto isaakatoon reglna and wtnrtaor rrantullin wnajnnrie h sir ilillii came commlaalorfer ov the metropolitan police of ijndm tandlni nenreai the coittplt air vlcemarahal hnlold ulannk air officer in chief rcaf overaeai iright accepted the aircraft 111 lav i tmulny al llolilnts iall v pi slinn and holl- a s 1 sal sun nnd llil x to kllrhener ftrily to stratford only t