Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 16, 1942, p. 6

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paov six the acton free press tiiujisday july iihii una isle of honey mooiiers a outre of battle of atlantic atttfouc ko hy lldfh ivmplip it may aiem ttranffe to hop hark to bermuda after n aeries of storlr on condition in britain in wartime wilh ita homhlngn and deaths nnd rations and ucitrfifler moit of u thtnk of bormudft ah a peaceful winter resort where lurk honcymooncrs no for n week or two nnd when the mien io0if from nt i faster but thin present scries of storh s in covering the loose ends when i wrote about bei niudn bcfoic it wns hurriedly nu i um nnxtnus to get on with the jtton of britain so i turn hn k now to devote nu article to bei imula hut not to dew rihe it neate ful scenery nnd tropiinl flnttors for bormudn in in the very hnnrl of the battle or the attnntlt it is an neni n state of tnfnl w m ns nn country can lie that in not brine either shelled or bombed and w lien i think of bermuda n hi not to re- tnll nink coral benches or iioiihcs of coral llmcxtono in pastel jthndeg with whitewashed roofs hut miner to rl caii the good ship exenmhion slowlv nnd cnutiouslv pit king its wn through the brond nnd iptrhate pnl- tern of n british mine field after dnrk or to rccntl ships of the ameri can navy including one of the lat est aircraft carrier and sev ernl cruisers anchored in tho hlue waters of the great sound i think too of prnnl new nnvnl hn- then nenr inc completion of pby flving honu t he famous cntallnns lenv inc evor halfhour on patrol over thoauuntli of a soldier with a fixed hnyonct nn his rifle stopping me after dark as t tried to enter what looked like a peaceful garden of the people from the censorship office nnd the british nn grilling the refugees from the occupied countries searching for the spies who no doubt hid nmong their number hotel almost to ourselves but the two largest hotclo the bermurilnnn and the princes were full of tho censorship staff mostly glils while the americans had recently come in in rye number to build their nlr npd naval hates b this tlmevvlth the hn sards of ocean travel the tourists have probablv disappeared almost en- tlieiy iteimudn is nt wnr an accidental i ltd ida m slav in bermuda was unexpect ed and enlliclv due to weatbei con ditions nonilv two thousand miles nwnv 1 vi us being taken to brltnln as fast as tinnsatlnnth planes tould lake me w hli h wiih at tin rate of two and nnehalf miles um minute bet nuidii wns just to be a wmyidde- stop the big clipper was late leaving new york and it was enc tlv ten n loc knne i uesdnv night w lin it dropped down at dirndls islnnd in the beimuda gioup smiietwo miles fiotn hamilton fit t tut grunt ship was tied up at the end of a long gangwav made necexsnrj no doubt hv the rise nnd nil tif the tide tills led to a little customs house where there was a thorough examination of t he ttaggage of alt passengers as there were v of these thnt took n lone time fortunnlely for the six canadians on hoard oui passports said we were on of fit lal business for hie tli itlsh nnd cnnhdlnn covern- tnerts ax i was an pn of- the hmpire that gave us an al prior- il so far as beimudn wns concerned as nortit decently pnwthle we were slipped out the side door nnd into a dining room to ont a much ap- prec lated dlnnei with imlf a rnnst chlrken apiece cnntelnupc with it man juice tnrl nnd toffee not hnvlng bntt anything to eat for ten hoursive weie ravenously hungry after the meal there was a spate of two or three hnuis until the clip- tus uould u away iniu una luu4- bcrmurin trying to glvn aomb idea of just how important this group of little islands is- to the empire and tho allied nations alaskas c6ws have to learn to walk again dairying in north han problems all il own but creamer fnmily manage to meet everything with profit hv wiimam i woftdkn ahsoehvtcd press staff writer faiiibanks alaska ap chas cieamers tows ate leninlng to walk again they are the hnsle producers in the northernmost daily in the world l theyll he nllff for a few days and nxvkwarrt on ttieirfnct but lliniue and his stnff not forgetting mrs charlie are glad to see them out and t tying thej were n little tin d of looking nt those same cows in the stalls whtre they hnd bee for st ye months la the hrond tananft alley here there nre many businesses with a slmilni farthestnorth ustlnt tlon a hnnk a movie theatre a commercial ladlo station even a city street de- pat tment with a couple of blocks of paving to its credit but craemors 10 000 n yenr dairy buslnesahns pei- haps more interesting problems than the others he sells his mlltt and dairy products in nearby kairhanks i he cows thnt hnve to learn to the week al ottawa alwiully wruun for th aetati pr pttmhy nv avan iiahvkv tantlun irmut hunf writer s at all events even if the nvore qut- spoken reports of party ontioverkv4 other spi c leu is the tommon have no basis in fnit the prime mln- inters seech mnrks a in w phnse in t he i w i1clnndw ooly t mm i ipt inn de- hnte w hit li opened june lo when bill hi was sulimltted to the house i he specific purpose of bill 80 is how to rid houscte or ant nuisance kspoclnlly in summer time nnts nre frequently unwelcome intruder in homes nnd garden there nro mnny species 6f them a common nnd troublesome household species in the tiny reddlshyellnw phnraohs ant which originated in the tropics but is now widespread in cnnadn an- hlnck inrpenter ant which h normally found oiildonis mstlnti prim ipnlly in decalng wpotl but frequently it oi i uis in dwellings partlt ulai l fiann houses and stimmet cnttagefi and may t a use mut h dainngt a tr enable the gnvnnmenl o intio- j thlnl spet les in the small vellowisb dine overseas const rlpt ion h older- hi own lawn ant which in sis in lawns incouncll thrniigh ellmiiuiflng clause nnd gnrdi lis and often etittis house of the national utsnuiies mohill- wait h if hod ballon am mr king said in his act circling in hie hlvlsion or 1 u- sjiect h a few minutes heroic the tomolngv science siivite dominion commons approved st i onci rending of lepm tnu nt of agriiullun ihe nmsi t lihir-hinl- if his administration j wttlsfm loi v mat ei lal for destinvinr ever decided to pass an order extend- jnnts is wxhum flunride snld ly drug ing conscription to stivice nbioad he would see that m tubers hnd nn op- pnitunity not for a sec nnd debate on the question of ctmst i iption but stoics in hit form of a fine w hi powder mils powder should y uttered or blown wilh an inseitl- c ide pirf fi r or ilustkitn in places lit hhovcingntieir confidence or wnntwre the ants occur and should not of confidence in the administration j removed until the insects have dls- tvtttk nil overagatrr eiirrt kpnnu are only nn example i hese 00 bosslts go into 1 he big dou w nl ste healetl hnrn enc h october nnd stay there uptil iviv they stand up all w inter hut the y walk so utile thnt their muscles ate stiff and their graz ing habits broken before they get into the open nlr agnln reading problem 1 lie cold that keeps them indoors also complicates the feeding problem althniiirh um innnnn irn is ennh speech tintcml stir some political strategists believe that sjiirte of mr king s colleagues nt e insist ing t hat the gov eminent should hnve power to invoke over sens conscription the minute it he- comes necessary without reference to paillament cei talnly tlje spt ec h t a used no lutle jjjr nmong members ihelr w nrry seems lo be that it would le tlifflc ult lo ihtrndute a vote of con- itidente witlutut pnvlng the wav for jaonib debate nn conscription an- othtr point is precedi nt an author ity oa house piocedure report eel that cmly once ine confcxleratlon has a i canadian government introduced a resolution asking for sue it a vote in lojfi when the late justice min ister ernest inpointe then acting house leader asked for appiovnl o the gov i a in nts holding nffn e with out a leiu i mjorit in the house appeal d howtvii sodium fhinritli is a poison and should not be exposed in plates to which children aiul pets have at t ess anot hei m t ho i ret omnniiiled as particularly ffec live a g a t rv t phaiaohs ants c onslsls in using a pnisonedhait trap i ins is made b pun hing s veral htilcs in the sides of a smnll in can with a light lid antl plat ing in it a small ph i e or nonge and a qui of vrn pn iuhintohhki family ixtnkn kngland qp mm bert lick and her two children lived to tell how they were blown out of their house 41 feet through the nlr by n bomb huddled in n morrison shelter when the homn hit they nnd the shelter werj blown out into the debris of another hnmlted house nenr- hy mkmouiai to 11kk london cp a nntlonnl ma- mnrlnl tj the duko of commught former lovernoicenenil of canada who died in january is to im erected at the uoynl albert school nt cam- iwrley in surrey ihe school is q menmrlnl t the dukes tnthet thti pilnte consort whouns presltint for 1 1 yenm pnred l mixing i ohui s of sugar and one nunt of hone v in onehalf plnrnf 1v1 wad t and afkiing one- hnlf gram of sodium arst nite i he worker ants an griallv attracted to the halt and c at ry it to their n ts to feed the latvae ant the cjuec n ihus the whole colony is dstrod in preparing tiiis bait it must he re mi mtien tl thal sodium nrsenite i ver pojmhjpus to hum m beings i if due to war conditions dlffil ill l tic s an e in nnd t nht mining i butter is four pats o weehnsrfam 7 hltmcit rliiihc iuih itklrail of imltor so th nazi lai otitis r must catrh up and boat thrii tho tirturrl people to mukr llinit hiivc w mtimt save willinl so it up to uk each tie of um to ono- mizc of our own free will to eeoiioniic and buy war saving stuiuph no that wc can outstrip our onrmich with planet und tanks and guns and mliips ho that our soldier may be hetttr iquippfd than the bermuda is not one island hut a group of coral islands one of them is much lnrger than the others and it stretches some 12 miles in length nnd for hnlf of its curving length is not oyer a mile wide no part of it would be two irjiles wide so thnt no body on bermudn lives more than a mile from the ocean at each end of the one hlg islnnd the re are mnnj others w hlle the crent sound an open hnrbor in full of smaller islands then- are no high hills on bermuda such ns one finds on the azores and ntticr volcanic- inlands nr- bermuda again hut thi re dldn t set m to he anv thing to do hut wait 1 had some keen regrets that i wasnt going to see anv more of bet mucin than n few dim lights in the distance nnd the duskv shndow ofa bjg han nenr at hand ihe door of the hangar wns opep and i could see a hlg british senplnne inside possibly undergoing repairs under its wing wns- a little ameiunn seaplane that looked as if it might hnve tome off a cnnler ship i started up the path to take a closer look hut at the gate in the wire while it inslh creamer has to begin feeding giain in enil september and c onlinuc into june i hat with nnts nt siofl n ton nnd dnirv mix nt about the same price he grows some grain himself but with only a oodnv senson the 320 ncitshe owns nnd the 200 he rents for fit ids anl pasturees don t prmluce enough foi his needs sllnge must be made frdm oats and peas sawdust insulates walls and ceil ings nnd bent is automatically con trolled so thnt the temperature of the horn changes less than two degrees even itiougn ihe outside may drop from 30 degrees above bero to 40 he- jaw in a single w4ntocnlffht some political spiculnllnn also was prompted by mr kings statement thnt if the moment for c onset iption ai rived nnd i should be in ofmcc at ihe time hi would ask his followers to join with him in seeing thnt par liament was immediately informed the phrase if i should he in office at the time lias been intt rprntud in certain quarters as a hint thai the prime minister mlgrl not remain in his present post much longer others took it to mean he regnrds conscrip tion as still n long wn off to explain point cln uf ti i points run be expected in the house either in rom- mltteo stage of th bill ofjn third sect a idi s a mixture of iinl pints of powchpft lora oi hoi n acid and py ret brum powdt r mav in substitut ed ibis has the adv tillage of hi inc nonpoisonous to hum in beings invention go morr practical omhjn kpi the war li is n of in vi ntions submit h d for t i tents w iv ii pali nt officers say the war li is reetuted thi number cntiny thty iiuvt- to ciiitiir womcnmuhtjifclp hymmonhving4nthcr hn bcen iiuilt up over the ages h the little coral animals working undcrthc this coral rock is n limestone nnd is quite soft the stone is used to build all the houses nnd i never saw a frame house in bermuda the rot k u cut out of the quarries of from the foundations of the houses with ordlnnry crosscut saws it hnrdens in the nlr nnd mnkes an ensilv wotk- ed and quite satisfactory huiltlnc fence a soldier tn kilts stopped me he had a hajonet on his gun nnd i felt like a foreigner in shn but 1 f irrfu irtn i ao any tiling else i roulrf titsrhnttnltnetrmnydatry farmers reading mr king muimwiitie lias mainly because most aplic ntions tame fien countries now overrun hv ninnvr m hn sn mnterlnl ev en the roofs of the houses nre mnijc of coral rock phi v are douhlv important not ttnlv do ihe roofs keep out the weather but thev catch the precious ram w hu li supplies the drinking water for bi r- muda has no wells the mutual lesident population of bermudn i levs than that of biant- ford or kjtt hencr or alnnit toooo of thew whout 4jmmmns are white nnd most or ihe iesi an pun hlomled negroes tjulte bint k yi t tt is nn independent t olonv with a cov entor appointed bv i ondon and a mmill parlmmcnt one of our pattv of canndlnn editors was tailur ur itnstml almost stuuued in fact to lead in an off u inf guide bonk that bermudn was not n rtemotracv i hi vote is restricted to hrsoq iw nitu nlk to him ho turned out to be n srot from olnsgow heartily sirk of hanging nround bermuda on thii kind of duty after an hour or to word came that the canadians might get inside anlly rnre here the gate even then i didnt tr to enter the hangar but sat on a bench ami looker atiuiud the tiny plofnf dont bother crnemer although most alnskn cattle came originally from tuberculnr stock there has been no t b in his herd for more than 12 j ears other bov lne diseases are br4aihiqld4ohe given a description of the govern ments policy w hich may become n catchphrase not necessarily con scription but const riptlop if neces- snrv there were other imnortnnt de- vtlopmtnts in th commons as die sitting drew nearer to the summc- journmint expcclod lau 1 ms month members awaited a statement from nav v minister mnrdnnnjd on a re- pott brought before the hon hv j s liov old caspt i tl it tli ee sh s bntain s dogs nre not allowed to t a 11v s i mivm r ioi ioeij hiirv their hones these ckivs collect- tn the st i av n pivi r luv r mr ed from households antl butt hers j ftov said he h i i in int fr n n- cm- hops the bom s aie now produt ing stituemv thnt tin nttni k oi e urred chat in the st law- help to make aircraft sheila tanks and ships tlrieelup grass with tnctus plants nnd rhododendrons nmuntl the edge along the bench were the shnpes of half a dnen big flvlng boats or so i supposed later i found out thnt tin v weie thebig cntnlinns t thtie was just one other little tlimg 1 icim mher on posts about fivi fed high weie hung jnfx full of toalod with a imp nmmgementoi r n ne opposde cn iliie inspiiational invention liis given place to matteroffnc t fractional de velopment mostlv t arrietl out b teams of si te ntists wtrking in gov ernment or universitv lahoraiones on war hornet kitchen hy patching and darning hy shoppinp carefully and rutting out waute make up your mind noir to iuyone two gveor tnre vtar savingh stumpn every week you can you must ntk kmcit for st iknt k ha s kanwvun t pi engine r antl s lentils gave up tiding to ln- tate watei for tin municipal airport and along came sam frnff pinm or t itizen w itti ins fttrke d stic k dig here sivs sun when his sink stirt td trembling 1 in tint mil round m ajipan nllv uft xistihle supplv buy pw sating stamp rant hank pant ajjtrr trtrptutnr njirrm ilcpartmtttt mtarr lrttggit grttrrrn tnlmrcttnint txmiu mtarr antf atiwr rmtail tar national ar t inane e- mnuttrr piopertv wttrth silki tr moi e inti that rules out mnnv of the untivis il tliough there nre some ntgio nu m imrs of the house of avsemblv before the wnr bermudn was i ttturlsts paradise and an txpitisive one at that not onlv was the fire lo tin island tairlv tilgh init hvin ttvit at ua of tlit thttlv oi mon tourist hotels weie expensive hie big attraction was the i lininti tin temperuturi averaging about it gitcs ut autumn antl about 7 lt gieekiii aiiiux vjuui i uk thei 1 1 mtti septemlhr it wns too i turning about tht end of ot tnt uilnwns pouring down sti idilv all night and i dldn t hottui to k m tin ship part of tht thaim tif bermudn has been its iiuatntui ss tns u du 1t tteveial things i tie ni gin popu hit ion plnvs a part in at intet lure is disttnt tlv iiiffient i nt il amerlinn armv and nnv tiutkv in vadml tht islands fie weie m motor tiirv i ru k don t carrv tit- ense plates vet 1 tuff it in bv hu w it hv huleien tlraw ing nl ihiiuied l least plane catching hugs and a notice thnt a in appearante of japanese heetles must he leporttd at once to tin authorities ii was with a fet ling of sadness that i rlinihtd hack into the clipper 1 thought of times in the futuie when pi ople would lie talking about ltei mud i and i would have to s i e i was the ti oiu iifght but i di in t st i it phi ntxt dav wednesdm at ifi minutes befoie nooij the tippei dtoppetl tlow r again in exattlv the same pi u i aftt r flvlng sevtn liund- ttd lining ot more into the inst dui- ttie night the clippt i had for high explosives rent one ton of salvaged bones gives 2 he was piomptlx tenuiid bv tht cwls of grease melding nitroglvc 1 1- pnmt minister for m ung his st it me for shells lubricating oil for guns mc nt without consulting the nnvv nnd tanks and cwt cf glue in the nnistcr making of aitcraft tanks guns ships htstniv wns node in the common 7cut of ft t dingtm at and whin king peti i of ugnlnvia in coffep shop on wheels speeds kail war service ott iwa lor a brief visit became the first teignmg monarch to sit in the spe iker s allerv in tin jrt i n t h im i imt latt i tlu lsenrold king told aj press ctuift rente thtt the jugoslav at tin hu h wovild n vi nt a ian 1 a7on s ntl shtll iionemeal providing tip- protein lion foi i pigs foi one dav or s hio bins for one dav and 0 cwts of f r- lillt r sufficient for lu acres of ian i lot hi authorities in britain are re covering bones at the rate- of over 10 0o0 tons a vear ihe taw bones go armv waging guerilla win tate in the to tin fnctorv w in re the first step hills of his homeland under n in older to ret over the tallow is to diaja milhailovith will go on flght- irii iinu it fnt material which is ing as long as it i an n long as ii tinned to bermuda because of hnd t mt ited seprtipttlv ihe sorted bones i has something to fight foi ate thin crushed and convevtd me- oti au a ccpi for the se ond ihanltallv to large sti e vtsrls hold tune in two month nnvv miniti r ing 10 tons bculnt- vapor is passed maedonnld lia annuimud in the tirrough these vtsstls to sterilie the house of comments submarine at- htmt s and remove the gitase the tht ks on shipping in the broad rent in s grease is recovered from the benzine of canada s gieat waterwav the st bone hiw rttnti kiver and ftulf of i his latest announce nient made hast tan be told now j candles soap uui ghtenne mondav on t hat trip the window blinds ot the hone is next tonvtved to a n tiie c hppet weie pulled down ns ihe volving drum which tubs eff the plain appioiuhed be rmud i and as meat and fine bom ibis is collected it h tt the isumd- j hut wu to ieep mil made into prutein animal fmil anv em m agints ttoni seeing w lull and hope meal fertiliser ihe pol ished bone provides the glue so essen tial to aittrnft production and lesldue left in the vessel nec 1 one r a se nt iml i miw and in ai d in be i mud i thnt dav and the next and w hat i ti lined on the return tup bv boat ieltei those- dnvs but ttrmt tulutiuii and purtfiedto give lot be- i has mail a different e part of 11 at i gi ase for tht manufacture vehiile the one railw av i an t nunc than jo miles long it the out side and it runit down the tentre ot the mam tnt of hjcmilton the uirgtm cltv the motive power is supplied by gasoline cjigines phera nre thurche two or thm hundred enrs old id a lovely cnthtdral thnt wn bcrmudb in tvact- time tha thinjts still remain e tha the number of touriitshu fallen off but not the number of inhabitants we had the famous belmont manor tlnv shlhlldn t see and a lutit to cuheis to keep tuut ahtuit anv thing that mikht be oing on for those vlu hail had time to wandet about iht islands tt teemed rithei uselesi picraent to cattle food the glu hut in tlnw- dnss the i mted tntrt uidin shellcase and fuses hadn t uiteiel the w ar offn ill nt miking firei esistlng and cumotifl igt- but the nnvv and its ships ami paints nnd in the production of w7u tn it and no doubt about thousands f miles or gummr tape peihaps that was the big set n t foi aup purtses camel as which hut been taken one fnctorv alone in england pro- en- dun told of the tormdoing of three ships of the i nitetl nations in the gulf about a week ago with casualtn s eif four kill d and four mining ngninat 9 saved he guve little details e xi e pt lo sav thnt the residents of the regi m in the which the sinkings ot c umtl had used to shown the highest measure of ch ir make bone flour fe rthsjir or n sup- itvnncl kihdhness is v ivors in mr mnemonntd s disc los toward the sur- iim two months to the elnv aftei ins last announce merit ot miiuii irine attat k pint wis on miv n wlnn he an nounced that two vessels hud been sunk in the st l5wrtnc iklv fio tons of grease r ttie other major development of back khie 100 tons f fedihg stuffs recent dnvs on pnrlmament hill was f minister mnckenzie king a soirnn assurance wpr members of the house will b nswuiivote cohfl- dence in the ministry before conscrip- bath england tcp two awav from the pnvseugt rs as the ten d t he clipjer w ere giv t n for the stiiv in betmudn but onlv on tid 30 tons of bone fertilizer the understanding uiatail tiimt w-r- to bt tumed over to the authoiitles sttottie recxtvicrkd lie fore departure i hese vcere to bt- s to canada tor development twid if any- of them disclosed emu ihev after bath ma bombm a crosabnd hi prom 6t a vote seem to have wouldnt be reutmed i scot tie was rescued from the ruin come as a urprise to name pf his red iparty colleague nent work ill flnuu the stury of of a house the dog recovered mr tunc cconditkjtn dcmanjin- v ceit r iltntni aerv ei h r mt n 1 1 jn tela rinen fun and civ ill in uficn tre 11 ni wrrcat 1 d hv eiert the c anuelun n i in d kuhj who dtttigntrel t li im table eliner er llie trt- fie 4iila tilt c ir ut tuallv n c tfer ikp on vlitcli hrllh unlit irv miu civtlun pamtintr in tin 1 irmcr ho n sl i rhc ci rrreo tnrflil tdbler for ti end four iwca- strfttrcrenrmovicj i tuatandard dwetif cam and rrpuihl by two table the kngth of the car acatmc 54 iiitettud of jo or 36 thus grcmtily militating meal tunc aervkxlor vacrrna chuml i m wok armv men in thrcafc cara fcentrc hnh htjuit been puctd m nrvicc by the cnr m mrali jrc tervere at moderate pricai agiin the convent tonaj tabic haw klvtm ray tocofftaa ahop tabltm amnged aloof the cudea of the tdta- ing eomparttntinta tba tsar haa a akittthea u tba tceatni with a dinlatr omnpartflmat at each thuf and provides accommodation for 40 pcnoni at orw uttink jhvr ut are of ajlattael tconatrufctitn and aic air tsoaditiontbd fltjor plan of the cmscvu thown balow kinrrta of tka natioaal system alao dcaiipits1 tba cotnmiiry kitchen car for preparing mull cm troop train thect cam hart bean in aarvtca am um cn jt uatt for over two ycara

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