paok sac rrn ffte acton pree press rmnmnav aiioiiht nth 1043 jjcavelazoesu portugese islands are large artwlk no t by lluvh ivntphn the mat two stories have baen about tht uroup of islands in tho at- untie known as thi uorinudas or more generally simply aa bermuda this wk i will tell of the othar uroup of atlantic lalttmla at which the clipper lantla on ita way to europe nobody con ul have known murh lens about die aorea than we did before flylnu to kurote we romem- hereil the flist line ntthe iwwtn that used to he to some of the readers it was about theust flu of the ilvvennr it iwuiin at flare jn the ajona sir itichard tlrenvllle lay you remember how sir lltrhnrt and hla alrk crew went tint aualnst the misfit of spain and did a lot of dam- nee before being ovirwnverel we realized that the azores were islands jtomewhere off i he const of pnrtuunl they had been used by the first- americana to fly amis tho atlantic we used to think that wan cheating heeause thoy claimed to ho the first to croaa the ocean in plane but they came down twice on the way across at it happened we came down four tlmea two or theae landings were at horta in the azores on the laland of fayal if we recall we wouldnt be too sure the are not little islands theae lands n thousand miles pr so ftom portugal to which they belong and they werent built up by utile coral nnlmala cither as the bermudas were they are volcanic islands and nt least one volcano remains on the island omuhi op ilortn it la cttstlnctlx of the volcnnlr type and ns we flew past the crater of it wo be lieved that we saw some smoke stilt coming outof it though it mny have been just the clouds aa the clipper came within sight of the azores we watched curloualy for our first sight of kurope it was a rocky shoreline with n rock off the tip with n hole in it which might have been the perce hock off our own iaspe shore clippers i and at horta ilortn l the landing place for the clippers ilf a seaplane can he said to land it is a smallfclty with most of the houses white and the others painted light pink and light blue t rue past el shorten w it h red roofs it waa quite plctuiesque the liarhor is an art if mai one wit hn concrete break wntorv xnsltle the breakwater a large portugese destroer was nnchored it had n big v on the stern hut ibis wnsnt nn allied v for victory sign hut an identification for the nnmr of the ship was vougo nearby wn a large german menchnnt ship intcrn- ed since early in the war there had been two hut the other got away with the crews of both on board tho snllors from the vougn were out on the flat breakwater drilling it was cnrlv morning 715 hyttie- a7ores time 133 by m wntch which still showed new york time night had been thiee hours ihortei- thnn usunl a pan american launch came out and took us to shore the break water was built of stone along the top ran a cobblestone road alongj it donke s oven mules and horses hauled little carts many of them had sugar cane that they were taking to a factory near the shore a soft coal apparently out oi a seam in the nearby mountain made up a number of other loads nearby there was n market even nt that early hour women with ba kets on their heads were carrying fresh fruit and fish in a nearby wineshop native brnnd sold for n dollar a bottle one canadian bought a bottle of cognac and took it on the plane he was boasting of his -bar- yaln a little spilled on a rubber tobacco pouch and ate a hole in it he lost his appetite for portugese drink boys came along with boxes and qulpmcnt for shining shoe i de clined others hnd postcards nnd i bought seeral excellent photographs of the islands w ith port ugese s t am ps to bring them back by the next cttp per both the shoeshlne bojs and the boys with the postcards knew a little kngliah tnto the ililu around even more interesting than the town of horta was its background o range of hill these were cultivated to the ver top with little buildings scattered here and there oer the fields and winding roads going up to the top theie were few trees most of them in the town hut the field were ctlmdcd off b hedges of what was said to be hamlvto for this is a ntbtroplcal countr these hectges xsere to be found some limes around little patches of cultivated kind on other inlands w hh h we flew o er lattv i supposed that the aors must be terrlhlv windv impossible to grow some out such protection there was one other that island which stood out along the top of the ridge there was a row of tall stone windmills with great nrma turning around the tpe we thjlnk of as dutch wlndmllk but common apparently to many euro pean countries they were up wher and it was things w ith- fcature of the wind must blow continually and someone told me they were used to pump water arlnd stain and even to develop ejectrlelty in thla modern wie my stay at horta waa brief in a little over an hour the luouumger wore back nnhonrd the cjippw with three addeil to the number a ynumj poi t ugese couple and their baby ten minutes later the clipper movod out of the haihor into the open water of the atlantic and after only a two- minute run we were in the ah- the best takeoff i bad seen the clipper make for moie than half an hour it flew over the coasts of an island which la probably pico the uhiml must have been 75 miles long and it wasnt the largest in the group icumnjif that with vh mlleu for the length of the mala inlands at bel miulin there werent many inhabitants the shore line was high and rocky an oil tanker waa making its way alonu the huri the fields looked tiny and they mid their hedges or occasional ly a atonevvvall a ijvat opportunity the skipper of the plane sat be side me and we talked about things nreonnutlcnl he asked nm if i would like to go upstairs with him to see the pilot nnd the navigators at their work i assured him i would like nothing better and he told me that w ben the ptane came down to the water again he would look me ti it was against the niles to take tho passengers up during flight the chance never came just nt t moment there was a change in the rhvlhm of tliemotors we both heard it and looked out number four motor had stopped tin sklpier said oh oh nothing mote and waa gone and i didnt see him again the clipper turned back towards horta the other cllppei which had left new yoik two dns after we illtt was sitting on the water before we came down the gasoline was lumped into the atlantic someone told me that rxh gallons went to waste jn the interest of safety we came down eamh to a perfett land ing nnd piled out into launches at horta for n second time on the bieakvvater six othei can adians watched proceedings with in terest thev were the balance of the newspaper patty who had left new york on a later clipper and had now caught up to us there i first met threeetlhoii frohi veaterncanndn two from quebec city nnd one from si john we left the dixie clipper sitting on the waters of horta harbor with mechanics working feverishly over that balky engine while- the atlan tic clipper soared into the air nnd ten hours later came down on the ingus river opposite ilhson san miguel six weeks later i saw the other side of the aorcs group this time ii was from the water level nnd i was on the excamhion sailing past the high and rock coast of the larg est of the islands san miguel it must lie well over a hundred mites in length foi we were within sight of jtfor hours tl iv mountainous nnd onlv here nnd theie were there signs of life the occasional nllevs coming down to the ocean usually hnd villages on the coast and a few houses hack in the vnllej rnllvvnvs would he impos sible perhaps travel is mostly bv boat towards dusk we pnsse 1 a fairly large city well lighted some of the european refugees on bonrd stood out on deck till the last of the lights disappeared under the horizon it was their inst sight of europe when i hear of san miguel 1 will think of dolphins a number of these plavful animals for they are not fish followed the excamhion that da jumping oulof the tops of the waves and playing around the boat i could understand why so mnn old navigators chose the dol phin for a place in their conts-of- arms the appearance of dolphins mujst tune been a pleasant bienk in the monotonv of long vovages the-week-al- ottawa spatially wrltun far the aetoti fraa waa by i1v jack wiujtamh feiuulltt thuu waff writer prairiefncing storngeprohjtmr bv aian iiarvkv canadian treaa wuff writer a pretty sure atun that the- military chiefs of the north american con tinent are catehlnu right up with ltiltnln in the new thuory nfnffon slve warfare can ho found in the an nouncement that canada und the united states are joining hands in an unprecedented undertaking to train troops for combined operations the special combined force which col unbolt t kredeihu- of the united states coast artillery torn- tuands at helena mont is of course just a beginning the roots are there and in time combined tralnlntf may he the keynote in canadaunited states military methods it seems safe lit prwllct tlnt the foreesnf the two good neighbors will he increasingly pooled for ui enter ef ficiency anil economy of operations the new twonation forces will he groomed to strike und strike hardens the popular design ion aupux-com- m and oh implies when it has knock ed off the rough spots jn training the first special service force will take the lead in any north american fighting if its detachments are not sent overseas to fight on remote fionts canadian trailer u col j 0 mcqueen of cal gary imbycarold native of medicine hat alia is secondincommand and the first canadians assigned to the force which defence minister hal tdon says will take various pluises of its training in canada and thounlted states nheady have arrived nt helena essentials of futme train ing will he parachute attacks murine inndlngh mountain righting and des ert vvaifaie a l hcotetlcally eer canadian sol dier w lilt a thirst for m lion tan join the supei commandos lust ruc tions have been issued to all canad ian arm establishments to seek vol unteers ftom among men already in i he army it is baldly a coim idenee that the announcement of this new link in in tel national relations came just a week or so after formation of the canadian painehute battalion was dis closed it may lit that col kalstons reorgnnlat ion of the defence de partments headquarters staff de scribed to the house of commons just before the summet recess may already he hearing fruit farm cnnitemtlnn in nnother sphere of international cooperation selective service offic ials in cnnndmtttd unemployment of ficers in the united states are formu lating plans to assure that equipment and men do not stand idle alonu the international houudry while there js work to be done this busy hni vest senson as outlined here the procedure is for a farmer whose crop is ready for harvesting to get in touch with the selective service- office if he cannot obtain labor in canada if men and machines are idle in the united stntes island is decided- houndnry area special permits will he given enabling necessary machin ery its ovvnei or lessor nnd not more than four assistants to enter cnnnda ns long as i days canndlan harv esting units may travel to the united states on the snme basis income tax collection the government meanwhile is for bumper crop dumber hhoriajre adda lo diffi culty fu farmer krect irun arte on their own parma jvlnniimotj cp with only a few weeks before the heavy work of harvesting sots in prudent fanneis on the prairies me making the best use of time available by eimtluu granaries on their own faints during the past few weeks j liny have hud f air winning fromsevmal sources which agree that unntn 3h ihhiuh bushels of wheal will have to he stored on weslurn faiuih tlds fall because caiindas storage fai ill- tins me alieady near capailly the ihimlntons stoiagu hpan am ounts tn tmimuo bushels hut hei elevators already hold ahoiit -hhimh- 000 bushels leaving only about 200- 000000 bushels slot agn hpaca to handle the new crop fniccast at mom than 10hhm000 bushels lumber problem the- problem of farm storage has become acute hecauso of a critical shortage of lumber on the prililcs western retail lumbermens associa tion threw the spotlight on the lum ber shortagejhree weeks ago in a statement issued here width sad that 200000000 feel of lumhei would he needed to store the gialn a delegation of western lumhei men this week placed the problem before assistant timber controllei i l itosenberry in vancouver who hald lliltlsh columbia would mnku- a des- petate effort to help ihe pi mi i h hut that the west was only one of sev- ei al big markets asking for allout pioductlon from ii c s lumber mlllk one grain authority who called the slluatloti nil leal said what frightens us la the disposal of the tivvujjiwjiiiitinweuuju luliail lt the only answer authoritative snuitoh offer is faun storage i um ber ulmiiagn or ho farmers will diave no alternative keeping the grain on their own farms iurm 4 j ran r hut tvpes of farm granaries wlili h will appeal in pioftwthui in the wheat- fields dining tho next two mouths me outlined foi funnels in a hand- hiiuk storing ratu on the farm being issued by the manitoba agrl- fiilliiie ihipailment llihl issued last year the publica tion now is being ledlstrlbuted in huge itiantllloh it provides fanneis with full details of viiiioum lypeti of gianiii iiim theli cihihi ruction ad van tages and i iml in lahot and niateilalit based on eugliieeilng espnrlmenu made nt the uutveistty of manltoha ceneial nhiamvfllldiih made lir1he booklet an that hi sipiaie bins me moie ei oiiomtcal mian rei tangulai ones i h a ttrculai bin is the strong est shape anil e tall bins it hose more than j tlms as high as wide ate mote economical than low bins suggested grannrleii ran go finm climttrnui cltcular inoders to rough shlplnphuildlngs with strnwthatched roofu one temporal y type to whh h fanners may have to result unless the lumber shot t age iiiihuh onslsls imply fit woven whe drawn to a inb and lined wdth heavy weather proof paper or sheaveh lkhs hani molfk oai 1 oni hn kti stnpflenm guv- i nmeiit ad in i he london pretih kaity vhtniv is oiii hope use less water with yoiu houp the point is it takes powei to pump walet and to make power in hiltaln ii taken fuel al a lime when t on is senxe clear telephone tines for ailout production yiur irlrplion i pan of vul infitorltint y eirrylng an abnormal warliiua loail lonl lal naaillau tblaw holil up nimigr mi uliirli iiruiliirtlmi uunry mar riapanil s m tactics te 4 ijhi owii ak i i llilann ii f 1j pin im sjsv pin gwt seeking to ease the pain of income tnx collection under the most burden some budget in canadian history late this week the notional revenue department will issue tables to em- plojers showing how much income tn should be deducted from ench emploec stnrtlng with the first sep tember pnvroll the tables will provide for deduct ing 90 per cent of the income tax nn employee should pay leaving 10 per rent for adjustments when the taxpayer flics his flnnl return in sep tember 1943 it sets out the nmount deduct able for life insurance prem iums principal pnvments on mort- gagtrrmprimnuhlon and pavments to trade unions other thnn w ages ah 010 canadian custom murh c4eteotfflaniii it is probable thai vou would far wither spend the rest of our davs in a canadian prison thnn on the bleak shores of san miguel or some of these other islands but thev are coveted b man nations right now oermanv would like tohuve them thev would supplv submarine bases a thousand miles nearer to parts of noith america and south anierka noi ts it onl iermnnv which could use the azores last october before the united statevwas into thi that country vas quite unmi poxutttat the reason w as simple 1 he unit id state hail recent l nc quired naval nod air tass on a chain of british islands tvnxn ntw foundlnnd to south america having got these i earold airwomen of the iraf imsiv thev looked for more and the coastal lonyiianjl thev are hou- eves ot sonie talkative senators felljkeepeis of a t ommandsquad- on ihe aoies with thoso islands ion and each day go to the ration ip our hands thev said we could store and i ollect tnixes and bundles the war ipular in they housekeep for a squadron three auxiliar air fvrce girls have bijr johe on their hands liverpool icp few women have as big a housekeeping chore as pat frames and bessie three jl- whcn our pioneer grandparenta had a big jo to do they called in their neighbours a barn ruining brought help from mile around skilled barn framera took charge aidea were choaen and com petition between teams lent intercut to the work this old canadian custom waa revived when canadas national war finance committee waa formed und went into operation under the icadcrhhip of the nutlonul untl provincial com mittee men experienced in the organization and conduct of finunchl operutionarloeal oirri- mitteea were fqrmei in ull rummunitim co- operation and competition charncterixed the work the bigfet ruining in canada hutorr got away to a magnificent atart r got a big job to do now tee nr goes on the national war finance committee carrie on some will erre on the committees organized to promote continued ales of bonds war savings certificate and stamps 411 of us must continue to buy these securities we must sstc every dollar erery cent we can and lend our money to canada we must provide the money required to carry on the war the money required to trln the war nore sihi our fighters must havemore siwih and tanks and gunsnd planes tbeymuat have better ships and tanks and guns and planes than the enemy has we must all work and save and lend the safest investments we can find for our savings are bonds war savings certificates and stamps and they wul provide moriey for us to buy things that we will want when the war la ended support- your local war finance committee luild off erman attaiks he fore the had nuuh more than left kuiope the argument was true enough there was juat ene flaw in it the azores helont tt portiffent a neutral nation nt pienent dolnc harm to no one and ou can take mv word for o food for i heir airmen 1 that over in lisbon the germans wetv doini theln utmost to spread the sain of these tocmnjkatlve senators in washington s v hrftfe