thtuntoay august 13th ims the actolffree fcress vacua bbvkn t vymt ooukadb cd glwnw4heiiilhiiu tuy7 glv m heart that hai the slrcnsli to ink thti ehanscd world in iu stride a hurt that has the cournso to do- elar farewell to yeaterrtay farewell to all the little comforta and detlre thaf onvsti held no dear vviirewell to all the prejudlre that bound my horizon god let me he reborn on these darlc dayt i have not wit nor cburnue in my- self i am not brave or loynl nor ran i nee the plan for which my feeble llfo la butthltal leaat my father i can ay give me n heart that eatter and a heart thats wllllnb to fnco any tet which you may aenil isaac practices peace golden text bleued are the peacewnkeni for they shall he called sons of god malt 51 lesson text genesis ablb11 head from v 11 time about iflno n c ptnres phlllstln beersliobn exposition i isaac among the phllltlne 1122 we find isirnc nmona the philis tines it wnii a innrerous step thnt isaac hnd taken in coins there ills mh f it i iohlne- father hnd fnlled at the same place know nil its part ofyour own death- 1 and isnnr failed in the same ivnj v 611 rf eh 2121 it is better to let famine nnd wnnt drive us to the 1ord rnlher thnn in the philistines for thcsundjr schoc lcssoiv mr minijav augtlfit there fl servants rilkired a woll xietiwvu pti ho hnd moreinfluence upon the phil- j ill i ijitlnoathanwhelihadwell among tofjf them i v 2831 v j uiy i for publishers new tires for old loss flame l hold my hnnds god my fopllsh feeble hands and rive them trenath twenty years ago from the iue- of the ivee press of thursday- aunist nth 1022 acton is a pretty plnie nnd its homes are attractive is the vitdlcl of visitors these dnys messrs r 1 kerr nnd a b mr- lenn were the first lo drive n one- horse rln over the new hljchwny from acton to crimsons corners nnd at present they nre not much enthused over the roadway the meat and provision business of allison sons in the patterson blnck bna been sold to mr w 1 patterson who has been ronductlnr n wholesale butcher business in acton milton georgetown nnd acton bands furnished our citrons with n delightful musical evening in the park when they held a musical tattoo similar functions will be held hi the other two towns this month born wilderspin in acton on wed nesday august 2 1022 to mr nnd mrs jack wllderspln n daughter died brown at his home acton on tario on sunday august 11 lf22 james brown aged so yenrs campbell at his late residence acton ontario on snturdav august 12 1022 robert campbell in his 71rd year british troops like old songs help rut going to the philistines in nnt is hnd as going to egypt tor help nnd ood permitted isaac to sojourn in oerar nirt promised him blessing there v 2 hut this hlesslng was coupled with contention nnd strffe from his surroundings isaacs pi ok pcrlty wnsvorv gront ho found in the snmo year nn hundredfold it vns tohovnh who moused him nnd gnvo him thin increase rf 1 for 1 6 thr blessing enme nftor the lie nhotit roboknh hnd been utrnlgh ton ed out isnncs prosperity continued to incronse wnnrtei fully vs 11 1 1 ct prov 10 22t the prohperlty of clods people nl- wnys arouses the envy of the philis tines nnd sols cods icople into trouble envy is the muse of most of the strifes nnd wars in this world occlorlnllonl nn well ns polltlml rf rh 1711 1 sam iro prov 27 d the philistines hnd stopped the wells abrahams seryants hnd dug it would seem ns if the philistines would hnvo done better lo make use of the well themselves after ahrnhnm left but thousand of old tire n month nre now being made new for the british army in n pottery works in stafford shire 1nng strips of trend rubber hehei in n storeroom which was once the docorntlng simp covers for glnnt tires me being vulcnnlod over pits whore chlnn rlny used to bo left to keep it dnmp the finished tires nro stored woth tires come todny from the armys trnnsporl lorries motor cycles nnd trucks not to mention i from the other services nnd from buses nnd the civil defence orgnnlza- tlons with n frnctlon of the rubber needed lor they go hnck i rejuvlnntod fit to do ngnln the mllengo tljey hnvo nlrendydone j tliree hundred workers hnvo been mined hy ke men from foi t hun- lop to do the job of letrejidlng two- thirds of them nre women in the moulding shop onto n pottery store nie miners dlschnigcd from the pits for physlml dlsnhlllty i the polterv icoplo hnvo not sur- lendered the whole fnctniy in one shod the dnmp clny spins into lit li lt y tencups nnd they nre still mll- mltig clnv in flint for the whole rnnge of utlllt potteiy canadian weekly edkoro at hbh- katoon convention thin week tackle three day hedule saskaioom cp with the theme our pnrt in hnstenlng tntnl vhtoiy the 23rd nnnun convention of the cnnndlnn weekly newspnper assoilntion is being held heie august 1t1r heprosentnllvo- weekly publlshrn nnd ixlltois fiomnll pnrts of the dominion nre in nttendnnce wnlter ii iegge ornnby que indermnll is president mnjor wnlter ashfleld cienfell snsk sun nnd h p mnr- ienn kdownn bo courier vicc- phithnn nnd c v chnrfors brnmp- ton ont conservnlor mnnnulng dl- reclor nnd serrotnry wmniii hpeclnlly invited nnd wel- ime nl nil sessions tends the pi lut ed prugmn n recognition of the in- tensing pint women nre plnlng in the piodiifltnn of newspnpei s in wnr- tlme the opening dny thuisdny pro- ginm opens with nn invocntlnn bv uev a 1 hirrljes nnd welcoming ndfiiohses bv s 1 doinnn secret my nnd miinnger snsknttheunn division mayor s n mackachern a ii tsljiorrtniull tiech ilenco m p nnd 1 s woodward managlngdirmjoto llin dally lloslkri tv uliekr phoenix wllfied h goodman plan- i j aging editor of the ovinnlllan publish ers war finance publicity commit tee will address the publishers nn lets keep the illlnds up and john atkins administrator for publishing nnd nfllcif imlustilcs of the wnrllme prices nnd trnde hoard will discuss publishers problems in wartime varied hilhjeets kl mays schidllle includes addresses h it lnsh dlleotoi of public in fill null loci nn cltben uespnnslblllty in wnitline anil cnpl rlllls purcidl- geneinl sllhllnlenilellt of the cnnnd- inn piths nn flrndllni ihndnches oipl pill i ell won fllsl wnr cuirea- pondent with the cnnndlnii corps oversiiis in 1 mil nnd n member of li cell a i l mennughlons stnff in 1011 hi 1 s thomson liresldent of tin llnlveillty of siisknlchewnn will discuss llnllcd clulstlnn kdlicn- llon advnnie nnd misitnyilii hope snndera of the wartime pi ices nnd tinde ilimid nddl esses the lwna 1iophy dinner on ilie consumer looks nl price cnntnil vet nnn kniiwlis of monlrcnl pub lic iclnlloiih ioiiiici of tin cnnndlnii hunkers assni inthm mid ot m m mni odium of the national wnr i-in- iince l cmnmlllee will nddicss the i onv fill iciii nir snlurdny picnitcr w 1 vllllelholl ik the i hlef shiikei nt llie i omptlmentiii v dlnncl tillitihd tile pultllsliels l the piovlnic of sioiknli hewnn as cnra rcmihoimi m rey mure already hnck on country itondn nnd ahx- parked vehicle come out for wartime service iiv iiiank kahkv tokonto tlpl lots of motor ms have been drngtd lo the hope vnnl nlnie the iiiinidisn of john dunn- set i hlnrksmlth uiih nt lis hejdej hut ullh the uoveiriment tightening leslrh tlons on tltes nnd gnsollne be hopon fni n levlvnl of the piospotnn plush i mrlnuc em mennwhlle mimv nn old dobbin hns been t ill le ed fl oni ptensnnt pastilles and plint of huckhonrdh re- ondltloned fnt leuiilm dutv on coun ii loni of mij yes s been pietly t illicit foi i tlliieth like invself ntu mi dun neit h hnslieen nuinli urlng horses hooves foi moie i luui ih mmiih in his simp nt llie illy suburbs if it en i foi fin mei s hnkei leu nml itnliles i would hne i n 111 the pool house long ii go dining the inieixlew lu look n ted- hot lion lint fiom ho foi ge nnd iny- ing it on ihe mull linmmeied it flat showeilng hpiulcs in nil dltei lions pnitslng lo wipe his blow lie onllnu- ed most hlnclismttlih supplement their horse shoeing imxliieai with uililjng jplw nml nmchlno rflpnlnt nnd thite nre mnnv smlthh wo on stibconlrnct foi wnr indu t rj e country blncknmltlm imwevor keep up n ntendy trnde shnejng plough nnd wngon horses i lletueen littervnls of pounding tim iron hni mr i mmnot t snld if w nr lonllnued for tnore thnn n yent it wns prohnhle depnrtment stores nnd othei imge firms would dellvei goods bv hoise nnd wngon wheidiluhts nre nil endv f looded wit li 01 det h to re model hiinpheiip wngoiih fot fmmein he llooked for wide use of home- dtnwn stetuhs in the iotutti next wlntjw ml dlllinett sold theie weie few fill tot ick mihtlllfllil illliu huuules aside mom thill he hitlil poking il wile into ihe live miu theiell he double getting enough hoitos i beio llie few i llllllllfo iliiine bteedih left nlld leitiilnlv no hotsetl ddi i s hut who knows he shouted mulling himself hennl oluwe his niivll horns of hnmnieilng blown minbe lirosfieikv is nroumt the lotnei and his fixe fllsiippeiiied hehlud n loud of spin ks cut cam h9 old chum curtint eeiaa0jrrts envy nnd hntred nre very hllnd the phjllstlne king recognized isnncs superior might v lfi hut he did not rerognfe the divine source nf it until tsnnc hnd thoroughly sepnrnt- ed himself lenvlng the philistine country nltogether nnd going up to neershebn tvs 21 2628 filled with fenr nt isnncs increnslng wenlth nnd power of 12 lib ablmeloch be- vm eches isnnr to leave go from us be cries isnnc diiplnyed n henultful spirit of pence nnd yielding of his own rights he dopnrtod thoneo isnnc hnd a right to dwell there je hovah himself hnd snld unto thee nnd unto thy seed i will gle nil these lnnds v 3 but true fnlth never no posterity ballad yet out of rights fou its riodciven rights u present war but theyre tryinff bv atan randal ouuuuut prfm hxmst wrtter trusts clod to fulfill his promises in his own time nnd wnv the wnpnns of its wnrfnrc nre not cnrnnl isn uncorn goes to work to reopen the wells thcpphillst tines imd stopped he showed his re- london cp theyre still spec for his father h calling the hunting for thnt posterity song w ells bv t he nnmes by which his whlcheveryone hopes will come out father hnd called them the ho of this wnr but until it comes nlong the nvnilnble tunes are working over time one oldtimer my blue henven gets nbout ns big a piny ns nny on the british rndlo although there is n tendency to thin out the henvlly sen timental songs on progrnms for the forces thousands of letters rench the bbc fou lines well in valley isaacs pood fortune spirit considered this fnct worthy of- especlnl note isaacs servants dig ged in the valley nnd found a well of springing more literally nnd fnr better living water thnt was a joyous day for isaac but there is a better fountain of living water for anyone who will hnve it today ino 410 ix h it is very likely to be the led s- from the troops outlining just what the bovs uould llkefco hear onhes- only vy nnd sirife on the pnrt of tra lender jnck pay says nt con- hp philistines thej claimed the re- certs i hne gin for the troops pc slu of lines labors for themseues found thnt the old ballads k the but isnnc wouldnt fight he carried best reception in the touise of out imoo on the mount olntt aiming ttumi programs for the forces l s nn nmvod on nnd digged an- one son tried out wps croon to 1 ot wo nothing in his youi balloon thi was espe lnll vwmg for the men and women w ho man barrnge bnlloon posts nil o er t h count rv but it was no chol ihls hnllnd about two hnlloons swing ing high up in the sk n bo bal loon nnd n gi4 tmlkan mint vaui- cbnttlng nwn about one hung and nnotheu and lo e nuisth lo reeu llnl city i isnnc epnssed his experiences in the innd of the philistines h ihe onrscl nnmfs no k ts contention l nml enmit this is wbnt the chris tian ma espet t in this world i j no lfi 33 1t 10 still isanc did not stike the philistines gne up iuar- reling w illi n mnn w ho wouldnt unit el huh er properh isjuu dtd not atlnbute his peaceable pos- lesbe boose i hah man nf tin session of his last well to his own perfoimtng sonet repoi ts i 11 peat cable spirit but to jehonh in walk beside you is the most popu- this isaac saw an earnest of je- lar song toda with two older songs tuuahs fulfillment of his promise to the hol cit published nenih t his fnltiet nnd to himself tch 17 r tnrs ago and bless this houm in fi jh 14 the mnneiup positions he lild the ii isaac in berrshebn 2131 popularttx of bless this house to iwwu s troubles in cerar proved a the fait it was an unconsi lous praer blessing the droe him to beer- in this tlnu of dunger shebn he is now quite separate the times lumtmt disi uvsing mr from the philistines and tohowih booe sr5tement nv i bre hrev ioeelt-ldm- jhaviiiojangir mfi- songs don t bae the sime imsmlng as when down in erni 1 will n toda that lippeinr once had and with thee but admits a dearth of war songs that uf s 1 nnd m stli the imagination but the songw i uliik hien ate tr- ing not onl at home but in the thick of the fighting hex j k i palmer n nnxal padre at clbtaltai has wnt- teil a song about hitlei tet tluui i am vitb thee it is in oui si para- t in from t he w orld t hat w e enjo the full munllested present fellow ship of ilod ij co i t 17 11 je- imxnh speaks that cheering word to isaac that rins out so often in uencsin and in e er book of the in your sights and till the bos out bible kehi not to dike awa there are reported singing it nnd i isaac s fear jehovah reveals himself in north aricn i am ihe in of abraham cer- inughing about it the lw8 are singing bourn ing bat k taink the one who has tlv to egpt kea1 kteiian t h chippenham england ic p d of abinhnm for his ilod cannot far nt h ism 17 7t the ptomlse of bles sing and multiplied seed is repeated tod loves to ring the changes on hts glorious pi onuses it was all for m servnnt abraham s sake we have seaman hobert mi donald is i real n better suie than abrnhnm even etcrnn at 17 in thtiw two enrs he son of uxl himself the step he wirnrmied the sinking of the bis- ikiuic eperienceave notable 1 marck mtrvked the sinking of the he went up from thence j je- prince of wntes nnd the cruiser ho ah appeared unto him the same cornwnjl took part in the fighting in night ill he hullded an altar malan and was one of the hist to j there d called upon the name of leave singapore jthe lorxl si plkhed his tent xmimmmmrmmmmmw it cant happen here tliereh a story being told with en- thuinsin these days hy many of the news papers tt lias been priiited in several of mietn and andy clarke had it on the air asuiiuayjiiorjung some weeks ayp we do not know where it originated and probably sinebody made it up in the first place but it points an obvious inoral just the same the story is that a merchant in a small town wouldnt advertise in the local paper lie said it wasnt read prohablv some slick salesman old linn a mimeo graph that- has happened the merch ant docs his own printing until the results get terrible as the machine wears out j tile editor sent it 011m0 the hoys in the hack shop told them to set il up and run off a couple of hundred handbills on saturday night lie had them distributed jjl1j tin- ears alon tin jaiii street ami thrown on a few porches jt is said that the merchant had been suffering from high blood pressure even before his daughters wedding it went up even higher when he found out what the editor had done but what could he do the answer is simple tic con hi advertise in the newspaper nothing else can carry his m esstgertoa1 hbepeop l h nt ihcommtm anwa this merchant peddled hi- bills around and spent nothing for adver tising in the paper it thoroughly and satisfactorily as the newspaper can take it then his daughter got married tie brought in the account of the wedding to be printed in the local newspaper all about the prettv but piiet wedding and the bride looking loelv and all that you have seen handbills blowing all over street and lawns you have seen them sc over the post office floor but you dont se the local paper scatter ed like that it niav be used ill time to wrap the garbage or go out with other salvage- but vou can bet it was read first weddings and advertisements alike the acton free press acton ont bhb tb j i