nun mx the acton frbb prb8s thuraoav august stth 1m3 general de gaulle romantic figure akt1c1lk na toy hfcti tewphal last wmki ftlory twalt with some m the nrraons and othera in high positions met by thettun can adlan editor who ftew to britain last fall this work i ulll mention a few more just picking them nt ran dom i have already desrrltvod hluht hon rlrendan bracken sir malcolm uobtmtson sir hurry itrlltnln vis count ornnbornr jnrd snell and a few other tho story of a meeting ulth prime minister winston churchill ha nlreadv hern given one would fhlnk that being prime minister would ho n strain nt nnv lime hut pnrtiutnrlv so when tin umpire wns nt wnr loens of rend er mind hnve remarktnl i don t sen how churchill ever stnnd it 1 yet when i met churchill i found him nlmost tmvtshlv enthusiastic nnd he tertninlv showed ni stent of t train thnt dn on the unmc da i saw the prime minlst r during th inst rival wnr david i lovd enrge is stilt ft member of the ilnuse of commons nnd looks vcr will for he must he getting to be nn old man i wasnt talking him hut j met him in n lohh of the house of commons nfter chun hill had spokt n there wns no dlffieultv ircngnlzlng him he is smnll nnd his hair is whitt as snow hut there is hlill n spring to bin klep nnd he wns walking quickl tun famous women around tin savov hotel in i ondon we often saw the widow of nnolher former prime minister she w as undv aso tilth widely known not to n notorious as the writer of hooks of gossip under ber name of mnrjot asqutth fprnnouneed mnrgo i she looks like n i hnrncter she must he qulteold too nnd she somehow reminded mi of indy macbeth in the shnkespenre piny posslhlv heenqse hhe ook d like some actress i hnd onre seen pln the part her gowns were nlwms long giving her nn ap pearance of height w hlch she doen not possess there wns something ghost 1 nbout her nppcnranie lsual- ly she w as with someone much younger than herself usuntlv nn of ficer nnd not always the same of- flrei j supposed thnt she was stiu trying to hie in the world she de scribes in her hooks another woman i met nnd tnlkod with was vnsilv different she wns mrs pearl hde the heroine of cox- entr n citv where the heroic must hav e been common enough se oral times mrs hde was in n khnki uniform a- the offloer in charge of the womi n s voluntnr services of tiercltv that is nn orgnni7ntion which seems to hfte grown up from n small stnrt in brltnin during this wnr taking oxer more nnd more jobs ns the need nrose thc started i believe bv doing sewing and mending foi soldier nnd such humble jobs as thnt now the are tin ones who drive tb canteens serve the meals in blit d uties heln the air hald protection scrks and do n hot of dangerous iivihnn duties mrs hvde lias linn deeornted b the king for hei brnv rv dm ing raids on co n tr sin was outspoken in hei praise of hilj v rit from canada food an nuls hdhing and the hk nd tin p oplt of coventrv wen out spoke n in prnw of mrs hd a firsi in niv mnmcruv i sup posoi that kind of woik was dom b th k d cross the organization of w hit h wt hi ar most in canada mr hvde was tin firm to disabuse m mind on thnt subjev t hut other ad ded details ih wvs stfn to- be financed in part hv siu h funds as the lord mavors fund nnd tin simi lar one the queens canadian fund and bv other in the rntt sta but services art mostlv givenvolvin- tnrilv as the name would suggest i usjmmtcd more than ome thnt tin re was n certain rlvalr between the ued cron and the wvs but the latter is undouhtedlv the more active up to th present of course if there tie an invasion of the continent or something els to cause soldier i as- unlttes the ked croxs hospitals will become far more busv than thev are nt prtw nt pijhlu oplnloh in tb- ihimnetl areas is innfelv on the side of tht v s and i report onk wtmt 1 leiirnitl without taking sldvs 1 hvth v nntwrr nft tr you really see ceneral he oaullat they dont uy t hat about anyone rise unless it mlsht he winston churchill i saw the general several tlmon i met him first nt a party ulven hy the fnreljm correspondents in lon- don which turned out to lie the most cosmoimlmnn affair i over at tended the oncrnt evidently had n most klmll feeling towards canad ians prohnblv bet a use- he tounts on the supiwirt of the people ofjuelvee he invited our group to his rooms far thowxt evening but i wns unnhte to go thnt night i was si heduled to hrondcast a message lo canada a dls- linttlon x didnt want to miss the t holce on thnt ocmsion wjts mode inslei for me hetnus the cienernl smnjajiule rngllsh nnd x understand even less from h it wns one more time when i deplored m def money along that line however the nest da ccneinl he ilnulle invited us all to luncheon nt t be snv ov a f lerw nrds be spoke klowlj in fremh and provided an fnglish translation for us to follow and that tombinntion enabled me o know v hat he said i ooktng ovei m souvenirs i find hie following tnvilntiou 1 e enernl de laulte chef des kram als uihres lous piiede lul le pleasure dnssisler nu dejeuner qu ii donnern en i hoti- nem de in press le jeudl 2 tobre mil n n beures n u snvov hotel it s v p i carlton garden sw i i general de onulu hend of the free from h nskk v ou to glv e him the pleasure of assisting nt n him li en n which he will give in honor of the press on thursdn october nd mi at 1 pm at the snvoy hotel put awav along with this i find the menu on the cover is the coat of arms of the savo hotel in gold with the words france ilhre nnd the date the menu was ia melon ou 1n mousse crnnd suctes le perdrenu poole sur cnnnpe bonne femme les petltes pommes nouxelles en des 1 e mariiots verts fines herbes le blhtult glace nu relnes du verger cafe i doubt if mv cullnnr french js goiml enough to give vou the fulf tinnslntlon but thnt grand spread evident u began with n choice of smokeipsalmon went on through the poullrv vvhith i think wns pnrtrldge nnd ended up with coffee ihnt wns surelv something in wnr- time britain with its rationing of toodnnd evidentlvtheeoffern of the free fiench hendqunrters is b no menns emptv the onernl is tu and handsome i should snv he was severnl inches tall i than i nm nnd that is more than six feet he looks the part of a romantic hero and i judge thnt he i a fluent shakei without the use of notes 1 have ritfier copious notes on the speech general n laulle gave tint night he lainn d that this war was no n w thing springing up suddenlv but wis still tile same war that was bijiun in in with what he called in entr nc le i he stakes might b gi atei hut thev were himifur i lie impli merits of d sti ut turn had he- t ome faster but thev were refine ments of old weapons it was onlv too true that france wheat rations toupweights of beef bfc prairie exped lay ouiwwtu to inwmm meat qtulily of cattle and ttftdue sur- pliw wtoat vim wlpt cuflllknt sask tcl to increase the weight and qunllty nf beef from prairie farms ft vital no- cosilly to canftrtns war effort tho jvtmlnlon kximrlmentnl station hero has mnde study of tile effei is of vnrlous tyneii of feed a tvurt ikuued from the stnllon sas that in view of tho urgent iioccn slt for improving western cnnnrina beef shipments nnd duo to tho vvhont surplus when tan be marketed more piofftithlv nt trescnt by utilizing ilathe political feed it urged adoption by far mers of a definite feeding program increnxe of hoof enn hesl he obtain ed v improving the quality not tho qiumlit of tattle the station iv- poits and the importance of supple menting pilhtuio feeding incroason steadllv during august nnd septem ber when pastures gradually decline in nutritive value whole oat at first the stntlnn rot ommended tho fol lowing prat the foi farmers on the prairies for the firsi few ilnvh feed whole oats in a tiougb on the pasture then gimlunllv ndd coarse ground wheat w it li a small amount of oilcake ln- creaxing the qualltv grndunlly for thtee weeks when the animal should receive onehalf pound of oatmeal nnd 11 pounds of grain a day n ratio of two parts wheat to one part oals a self feeder enn then lie placed on the pasture with the grain ration four pa its vvhent to one part oata l he oilmen can he mixed with grain nnd ench animal will consume about tot birds of n pound n day year una gains if venrllngsteers are placed on pna- ture in aitgust with a supplemental feed as outlined a dnilv gain of about two nnd n half pounds a head will he maintained the report said steers w elghlng mml poundh in august will gnin up to 31 pounds n head in 120 dnys the mniket weight being nbout 920 pounds the snme practice enn be followed with two- vcnrold steers w hen feeding period will be itss and tnnsilmptinn of grain higher iu1uh arniu humed offtulv in kffurt t infllrt ikeemv lftcat i u fore aid ha6kd atu- trian army sawdust and shavings for insulation dry saw dust nnd shavings are used extensively for the insulation of fvverr houses nnd other buildings in some unctaofconndanctori1lngto the forest products laboratories of the department of mines and resources a survev conducted recently among architects engineers builders nnd lumbermen thruuguout cnnndn estab lished instances where these b-pro- dui ts of the woodusing industrie s have given efficient insulntlng service foi periods of moie than fifty vents it ippt nrs thnt their use for this pui- pose is increasing pa 1 1 itulnrl in w estern cnnndn although the et client insulating pi op rt ies of sawdust and shnv ings tiav e long b en i ec ognie1 s ill lurther extension of their use has been hindered in vat ions fears and piejudites which n suits of the sur vev do not confirm it is believed by some thnt the prtsome of tlise mn- tei nils in walls provides favorable n iiv a ii oounon camullan rew hlaff writer italys cnmimlun ngalnsl auatrln was pushed with renewed vigor u5 years ago for two yea is jiflor tho ilecliiinllon of win against austria tit may hhn ilnllan offensives had blow ii hot nnd old nnd leneral lulgl cndornirs ntmles had failed to strike any decisive htow s allhmigh enemv strenglli was waning iiphoiival in ittihsla and angtofienih demands rnr ital ian at tlon slmultnnejitih with drives in frame nnd flmuteis hi ought cndornns aimles to life on the llnln- sln plnteati in aqgilst 11117 tin italians struck before enemy rein- foi cements relenseil from the u- lorn fiont were exmcled to prove a factor in the austrian defence the italian tnmmnndei earlier hnd requested his westet n nlllert to send men nnd guns to hls aid they re- tognled iiih neid of it oops and ef- fet lives on the inrtg fiont nlong italys nm thenstcrn ilm but were able to send only artillery slxt- four ilrltlsh lieavjes and l from h were used in the summer attaikh italian guns boomed from monti neto to the sea iml a few houm nflei pope denedii t inuni bed nn ap peal foi lento parts of the army were nffet led hv tho pojiom plea in which ho referied to the struggle as uselehs slaughter on august 2a president woodiow wilson of the untied stntes rejected the protkinnls ns ton lenient on the enemy karly victories monte santo nnrtjto oiila was tnptuiedby tu italians august 21 nnd their initial successes in the re newed thrusts inflic ted severe tosst a on the austrinns i he gi enter pnrt of the bnlnsiva llateau was overt un and the ison7o river crossed in many places bet ween tolmlno nnd plavn despite these gains the auslrlans managed to mnlntnln positions at several key points on tho long front in september enemy forces were strongly reinforced nnd ienernl ciulornn learned n counteroffensive wns planned he suspended opera tions nnd ordered preparation of de fensive positions four weeks fighting in august and september 1017 resulted 4n heavy it- nlinn casualties forty thousand men killed 108 000 wounded nnd mote than 1h 000 taken prisoner casualties from may to septe had been thunderstruck bv a superior breeding pint es for v rmin but no mihtarv svsteni but thnt did not v idem e lins been produced to indi- vvifle out the desire for libertv he tftte ihnt sawdust and shnvings offer pit dieted thnt france would again anv pqrtic ular attraction to ins c ts or take her place in the fight crushed i rodents similnrlv the idea that the pillaged and hettaved she would use of these mnterials encourages the again aris and prove the confidence dec a of timber is not confirmed hy w hit b rntain had in her temporarily the records ovrthrown allv little hv little he most serious deterrent to the use leclnred n vast french resistance isetf sawdust nnd shavings in insuln- forming and it wns to organize that turn is the alleged fire hnaril it resistance thnt the french national tias been shown thnt a wnll promrly committee wns working to restore pat ktni with tin se materials is n to france her integritv and her great- much more effective firestop than n ness and advance the cause of all the hollow frame wnll in this connec- other peopleu who are fighting tton one instance wns reported of a hhortw jfne in a printing establishment i gathered the impression that the width destroved the mac hinerv in the h ople of england view the general huildinr ns well ns the tpe nnd other lost with sllghtlv mixed feelings thev isjuipment but did very little hnrm to used lenched the totnl of 02000 killed nnd 22g00o wounded sickness nlso took n heavy toll during the autumn cortsmand of the forces of the central powers pas sed to tlermanv and on oct 21 hal- inns were muted nt cnporetto tn this battle the austrocermnn nrmh s nullified in a dnv or so nil the italian gains of the previous twoqndahnlf venrs following the disaster britain and france sent expi ditlonaiv forces to italv five thousand glas eyr ctums from unique kntflnnd fac tory ijwt year 20000000 eggs gold duflttsliapezl for old britain cftiudliut yvoduti or um poultry yard ivomwtd into powdaf to conuerve atlantic khitvplrtu hihc hy maihiaij iiatkman caiuuiuui lrvm huw walter wtnnlhg man cp hlx plants in vaiiruiw parls of cnhuda are busy iranufninillig eggs into dry line yel low powder ho ihnt itrltam can be assuied of valiinhlo foiul during the wnt the homlnlon department of agll- iiilluie is now shipping the powdoiod egg food hilliiln in wooden ham is instead of liiilhe hindi in tales lb egg hour taken only one hovoiiiii ii mm h whipping npn e iih vlnn hhlp ped in hiiciih inpeila hay the powdfi in iiildltlon will ennble itiltaln lei receive it freidt pi oil lie i wliet ea jgft in the shell will not keep fremh for a long pel lod uivichs np ial ntoi age piei iiiiiioiih are taken al the drying plant in winnipeg more than n doen glin work eight hnuih a day shelling and tenting eggn i halu the initial proi enn km h gill hiiciih t hi t eggh into t e up and then enrefully tthiimlnoh tb- lontenth to see that nit hpolled mut ter gelh into lie lonlnimi the i on tnlneni large polls me temled foi fiehhnehh again hefon being pul into n mking mill wlili ii lmaus dovvi the olkh mlslns lreik the iplxlng mill whl i mnki s a battel of the yolk and white also n niovete any shelt that mn halo llp ped into a untnlne i i he battel patuieh thiough two more hrreeiiing procinses before being foiled through a line spray nt the top of a huge cone hhnfxd drying oven 1 lie oven tcm- mlatiire ih j50 egieen all unit iff lost in the drying pro okh ih wnter the sjiraj e egg uiriih to powder ns it ilrops down the tone cylinder nnd is the n dinwn tiff on n eoincjor to he packing department i he woodi n biirplk lire jin d with two layers of waxed paper nnd em h wnx bag is settled befoie the lid lrfnten- d fat h barrel ontalnsthe eitiv- alenl of 17 cases t2m eggs tli poweler ontalns no more than ive per cent molsluie and a h bar rel is testeil through a laboratory process to make certain the moisture content is not over the live pr cent mnrk iiijc shipments thlrls pet son mostlv girls nre i mployc1 al the- winnipeg plant turn out tt barrels of di n d gg- a day alieady the plant has shipped a carload to hnslern nnnda fir ship ment to he irnited kingdom the powdcrid eggs have- imi n fuund tu be excellent foe baking- purposes said th plant manager and the can also be used to s ramble eggs scrambled ggs ruiro on ilffh powder nnd fourfifths wntr hi dominion government plans to ship 20 000 001 ggs in powder d form to the united kingdom hv may m i he drvmg plants me oprnted under the spim ial products boiird st horo in tho icoy to tho f monthly plan which h brink- in adequato lifo miurnncu protoction to thouniindo who novor boforo cpuld nfford it inxtoad of payink tireubunl bin annual premium youum tho form bhown above thib in nimply twolvo chfqutm koch one is to be mndn out for not iohh than tioo ono clutiuo dated for oach month of tho year thih plan nnvin you i hi nuinnnco of monthly billh n nd poyminth your chequcn are automatically dapoaitid when due and u rnccipt hint to you ench month the coupon wdl linnif you i iiiiih vaur 1lf aasuraim imilmr9 ar lnvsl4 la vletary ba4a north american life iikai1 orfk ei 1 12 king hlrrrl viorimlo oi without olihtlim tlaamt anil m th format loo at tout yitur hprl1 ilutlirt 1ollry uutlipr with frta vast iorkt luhatini ihuuc v howard graff representative jsp phnij litililv for furniture oiwarhrids l believe he 1 a great general who in the walls and roof whleh were insu- an authorlt on mee hanli nl wnrfaie tut eel with sawdust and shnvtrfgs partlculnrlv nnd thev npprec ite his although c ertnin e it ies have tegu- miutarv w but wonder nbout bis lationy restricting the use o viwdust tcrmnn prisoners nr among the thousands who have been given glnss eves b n uniciue lovernmenl fnt lory in the north of england it issued 5000 eyes inst enr nnd close upon fioo of them went to civil ians wlio hnd lost nn eye in the ntr raids hie fnt tot y supplies t he naw the arm nnd the hak the allied forces including the poles the fighting french the norwegians and the cet hs the ats the vv a a f s and other womens services thev have even wnt eyes out to the troops in the middle enst i he fnc lorv wns working in n mnll wnv in ptnte lime for men who hnd in ee in the inst wnr 1 hev to get their glnss from ter- coniidian editors did not melt mnnv uidleh n trip wns for husinots not rt social event ihe few with whom 1 talketf w cc mostlv in nev spaing work or wive- of the officials who entertained us or relatives of some of our patv and thev wt rv few i he shinl events were nenrlv all for men ont grnrral tuuie iw ullr x started to write alniut prins with titles bul hne been talking nbout those with other diatim titn j than rank or juue and before going back to lords and sir i might men tion one famous erternl rnetoubledlv one of the bestknown names tn the world lodav ts thnt of omyal charles do oaulle lender of the frv french forces he is the molt namnnttc flcure tn this war so far often in spenklnc to friends of the ifclhtnrs 1 taw i have mentioned the rujune of the general and the re sponse is rather surprising oh 414 amhltions after the war ihnt mav elo the man an injustice i give it onlv as mv impression and would not have nnvone twin w that anv man in the eovornment oi close to lr ever snid so i thought tern that cienernl ie gaulle hthnps has more imng tnntion than the nvernge british gfn- ernl or other high officer which mnv i names and shavings in the building it ap- iears that one ofihe main hindrances to their us lies in the lai k of n sp t ifuatlop vv hit h would ensuie thnt thev ace srttisfai tonlv pr pared for the purpose lending forte to this statement in the fat i that phiverired of si rrened shavings sold under trade are used for insulation in mnnv it is made in britain todnv the glass tomes to the fnctnrv in long tubes and rods a glass tube is hep ted over a gas bur t wotk bultt ed off be something thai v ty need he is some municipalities where sawdust rnther bitter and outspotn in his and shavings as such nre prohibited references to the rowd who rule jn n hv and who have if i ncll put a price upon his head blows through ii and make in the middle one end is snnpp andvork on the eve begins phe hulh is agnin heated as are rotis of colored glnss which are pros sed uon the bulb to form the pupil nml iris crstnl glnss is worked in for the ornen nnd little redeins are mnrkd out with tlnv strnnds of reel glass it is often a dtlfkcult job to mntch up the coloring for there tsho stand ardization kach ee depends upon thenatieat himself llass ees nrr coming in for re newnltat the rate of 250 a week khlnil cnbinetm and kniok- knnck tables might ns well ho forgotten nyh ex- twii and all shoddv w out lt alan uami amulimn lrhw musff writer 1 i ondon cpi when britain s i brides of im i g around to furnish- ing their homes with utllitv furniture i the ii buv chairs and tables and bed room suites designrd b w omen the women are mrs fmmri win i horn an nmple mieiille nged person who remembers when she was a bride furnishing ber first home ami miss klialmth oenbv a specialist in the i planning and equipment of 1owot housing 1 i hev nf memlwrs of a eoninuttee appointed u hugh inlloi hoard of hade pr sid nt to sv to future fur i nit u r ib sign etving w iih them is a tlirgvmnn liev oiatle i nklnsmt who tuts had to du with housing st hemes ami stv ol h r m n r 1 havro m uvrs ionixn icp henrv teorge blogg 65earoid coxswain of the cromer lifeboat was awarded the brltlsh empire medal for saving sw lives in f fierce gale when six ship w ent aground he already had the oeorge medal the obe and na tional lifeboat gold mwlal r vf training t cominir to top j l ondon ecpl tlroup cnpt c u beamish famous 37- earold brit ish airman has been promoted to air commodore the first raftpnlned ond front has caused netherlands of fjcvr to attain the rnnk there arc black markel prices to drop conalder- four raf ranks senior to air com- ably aas vlrjl nederland the modore and almost without exception dutch feeling ifthe british come aool the mrn in thoae ranks came from there will be plenty of food for ever the navy or the army on british an1 bread london icp clamor for a sec i shall haw to start thinking nbout w hut voung brid will want said m ri vv uibiri mot hi r of tw o suns in the armv and two rfaughtefe she has hetn workinga a ook in a lanle n at tug multtpl store and hold that everv voung i otiple shoilld ha vi a home iven if it is onlv a l d silting room ii r rht f adviser i her voung st daughter lwwnrolel marjone solid thinas it mro lnbrn s filling that wartime brides aim forget about fan v knick knatk taides co klail cahinets or other i uxor v furniture thrrc should be nei shoddv stuff but rnther good tlceahie furniture whh h will stand thrwenr of jears j what voung couples want is a solid polished top table some im fort hie chirtrs after alt een tn wartime we want a fwr chain in which we can relax a big enough ardrobe and comfortable bed she lid i tell my family that a long at jack it overseas well eat hath and ilka iff w l- iu nt war it ronti loth to win it wiklllfl rant everv tiling to ifhtt s i tfiit figtirr thnt iwtnuwr w- immii hiv u rinll jiiiiiiiint ut miiiilmr muvirih i uii fold tiv liuntu utiel nu k that no ir t nome kih rnuv nrl roriiiilvorv euviitgn to nuyr ptomrthirikfor thrir own uimmi hut thlh the minimum im out t nmvr ail i ran to buy wur suvinspa manrim and rrtifiriite to help win thr war and havr kumethiiik ulimtiitlul put hy for thr day when there- wont be all thu work and overtime tvt ckh s sl my paffcaga rn hwar odleyalia it tits worth anythinp 5 ur sunns tmmm ftom drutgimtm mm slorvs jrorara tbmrenimia ajuf mtkmr ttait scores crtificmtmm mmy w pwchmawd for immwdimtm tuuwmry in tiwtominmtimi 5 19 35 from hmnhm trust ramp usst ajhl affitmm nausmal ar riauar i avoid waste save salvage