i- tirg mnwr the acton free press tltullsday octobeit 15lh 1042 dkuua mmkm f blrtka urru hmhcd i lltli tumm wlkttt ehara b wttutruim notlmi jm atul me per lte ddjuatial for pory tytwr mccutcueon- sergeant and mm harvey mccutcheon nee wlllla- lesn weaver bihie are happy lo announce the birth of their daugh ter sheron dale on monday oc tober 5th 1042 at royatl jubilee hospital victoria bc maaktkd nicholplummer in st jnmcs united church slmcoe on satur day october 3rd 1042 by rev e w btearley mrs tottlr may plummer slmcoe to mr william edwin nlchol of acton wolfeostjlander at the unit ed church acton on friday oc tober 9th 1042 by rev a w fos- bury helen lorraine daughter of mrs jnmcs chester matthews and the- date hev joseph thomas clem ent ostrander to mr john wesley- wolfe son of mr albert wolfe and the late mrs wolfe of streets- vlllo ont died bishop at her late residence ran som ave acton ont on wednes day october 14th 1042 clara harris beloved wire of albert henry bishop the late mrs bishop is resting at the johnstone rumley funeral home acton until frldny service in st alhnns anglican church nt 130 oclock interment at fnlrvlew ceme tery acton in mkmoriam- ramshaw in loving memory of cameron who passed away oct 16lh 1041 to those who knew him and loved him his memory will never grow old wife and hannah jepson yftjfflfwj no more holidnys now until christinas many of the trees are now strip ped of their foliage ideal wenther was enjoyed for the entire weekend and holiday today is the last day for the last installment of the 1942 municipal taxes 1 canadas third victory loan opens on monday lend all you can and then some the third victory loan starts on monday its your finest and best investment opportunity the tag day for the blind last saturday in acton netted a rood re turn for this veryworthy work tap days have been pretty regu lar the past few weeks and the public has met them alt in a fine way saturday- is apple day for the scours- an investment in canndas youth and choice canadian fruit new signs have been painted on the railway fronts and highway front- aojoottheplantof mason knitting co ltd good progress has been made in the addition being erected to the baxter laboratories building on willow street may we again remind you to check on your pars pans label your prompt renewal helps maintain your home town paper erin fair with a tine day and excellent show enjoyed a record at- j tendance on monday many from here were at the event secretary c b swack hammer this week has received the report of the eaton siecial prize for bacon hoiis at the acton fair fred west i won first with s mntthcxxk sorond j 1 e ivnron third and r n broun fourth i the y column at vhe y open house october 8th the ten children on the winning relay team at the fall fair were each pres ented with a beautiful fiveinch blue and white crest thnt the fall fair committee offered as a prize for the winning team don lamb was a double winner he received a crest and also two dollars for winning the bicycle race my congratulations goout to the children for their fine performance the junior boys class made use of the beautlfiij thanksgiving holiday by going for a hike and picnic everyone enjoyed the day arid all that worried them on the way home was how soon they could have an other one so i think they will be pleased to know thnt another one hns been planned for the end of october attention mothers the classes for the preschool age children will ho starting monday morning october 19th at 10 30 and will be continued every mondny wednesday and frl dny at the same time 1010 until june due to the incrensed number of days from one to three this year we are chnrging a membership of one dollar few people realize tho extent of the work which is behind the canad ian ym cas service to the troops in britain the following will give you some idea during i he month of june ym ca field headquarters issued eleven thousand seven hundred and forty pieces of equipment in september thirty thousand five hundred pieces were distributed this does not in- cludchhc vast quantities of envelopes and sixtysix million sheets of writing paper which the ymca has given free of charge nor does it include ten car supplies included in n recent shipment qyer- seas from y m c a headquarters in toronto were 15000 dozen chocolate bars 50 gallons of maple syrup and some six hundred cases of such can ned goods ns evnpornted milk pork nnd beans tongue pears peaches pineapple grapefruit cherries toma toes cornsalmon peanuts gum nnd canned herring after dieppe seven ym ca ten cnri served hundreds of gallons of tea nnd in numerable biscuits and sandwiches to cnnndlnn nnd british troops return ing from the grent raid on dieppe i y supervisors in chnrge of the seven cars worked all night and the following day at docks on beaches and recept ion areas i allthlsls possible through uie publlc support of the ymca in cnnnda who in return provide all these things for our nrmod forces where ever they may be such as india china africa iceland great britain and every army navy or nlr force camp n canada from labra- dor to alaska so you see in patron- i izlng your local y you are not only supplying yourself with fun and amusement but you are also giving our fighting men many hours of plea sure that they might not have other wise had mrs johnny gray weekly war commentary- speeully written for the acton free pree by by ii ii gordon canadian preu staff writer the nazi radio has given the gcr- mnn people n foretaste of things to come by the admission for the first time that americanmanned aircraft are sharing with the rafjihd the rcaf the task of attacking objec tives in the lands which the germans have seized the admission came nftor last thursdays bombing of the rnllwny yards and locomotive works at lille by 100 fourenglned american bombers escorted by 500 allied fighter plnnes most of them belong ing to the ra f and hcaf prev iously the nazi propaganda system- had ignored 17 smallscale raids in which the americans presumably were getting the hang of their new job the raid was important in thnt it inflicted henvy damage on the fncill weekend thnt german attacking forces were being withdrawn from the stalingrad area nitzl rourccs had said previously thnt the assault on the grent volgn city had achieved its objective and tho dive liombers nnd henvy artillery would be left to batter the defenders into submission moscow reports told of fighting continuing with unabated intensity within the city while to the northwest german forces counterattacked fur iously but without avail to relieve the pressure on their left flank in other sectors on the leng battlefront rus sian troops were reported to hnve re pulsed german attacks enrly this vcjol4jie gcrmnwis re sumed attacks on stalingrad but bat tie front dispntchos indicated only single regiments were used compnred with ns many as five divisions prev iously thrown into the assault rus sian military authorities declared the defence lines held firm in the central caucasus soviet re ports said the germans moved fresh divisions nnd tank columns into the battle for the grozny oil fields nazi forces wore thrown hnck tnrllnn number of areas russian counter attacks gained ground malta strikes back aerial defenders of malta liny ties with which the naziscan move mediterranean stronghold shot down 1 1 oops and supplies to its righting no axis planes sunday and monday fronts nnd gestnpo police to rebel- nd emmnged about 50 more it was llous occupied lnnds but it was more j believed thnt many of the latter fail ed to reach ithelr bases the battles over malta may indi cate thnt the germans are attempt ing to send big supplies to the axis armies in western egypt or that the united hat ions are sending supplies to the strategic naval base in any cauc axis airmen would attack brit ish aircraft to prevent their use far out over the mediterranean it s naval losses announcement was made at wash ington on monday that three ameri can heavy cruisers quincy vinc- ennes and astoria had been lost in the enrly stages of the occupation of the solomon islands two months ago this brought the navys announced losses in the solomons to nine ships sunk three cruisers two destroyers nnd four transports most of the personnel were saved but there were stju many casualties president roosevelt in a columbus burlington falling about 15 feet from n pole lie was climbing on cnrohm st k on sundn brit simpmtn martha st hxrlro worker suffered n fnuturel right arm tuts nnd bruises on his t hin nnd fare nnd sluuk wiille turning out of the cnnndlnn cnnners driewa on tuesinx ninhi bi circus to play for benefit crippled children i toronto oct 15th clowns nnd equestriennes hon tamers ami high wire ni lists the re uli going lo entertain ihtldten and adults alike at the loth annual indoor tircus spon sored brmeses shrine temple of toronto at mnple leaf gardens from ott kuh to oil jlth inuustxe luhisinds of ri ikpl il ami uinler- pnxileged i himren xxill see the show fiee and the proceed will all important as handwriting on the wall the raid was completed with loss of only four american aircraft de spite the fnct henvy fink was reported as well as considerable fighter op position from the germanst i two things should stand out in the i nazi air commands mind the new american planes even though some of them do not carry the bomb loads the biggest british aircraft do are hard to knocjt down they will be go ing over injlnprcaslng numbers british advance attack even before their arrival germany and germnn occupied countries were taking a fierce pasting from the roynl air force nnd its associates from the dominions more than 1000 bombers hnve been used in some of the raids nnd block busting bombs of two tons have been hurled down on some of the objec tives thnt was bnd enough to mnke hitler nssert in his last speech thatany broadcast had something to sny he would retaliate against britain i on the question of a second front he he probably will but while he is snld thnt the high command of the doing it the- people he swindled into united nations had agreed on the national socialism will he tnking a j necessity of diverting enemy forces fiercer pounding than they hnxe ever from russia and chlnn to other hnd to suffer before theatres of war by new offensives they may hnrk back in their ngninst germany nnd japan minds to goenngs assurance when i for obvious reasons the president the wnr stnrtod thnt no bombs would ever fnll on the soil of their country- thnt assurance will be small com fort xv hen the american force of bombers bnsed in britain grows to the point xx here the pounding they have taken nlrendy grows in propor- tlans lwlce1hrcc times four timc and so on as the aircraft production capacities of the united nations groxx s shackling prisoners proof thnt germnn lenders are jit tery over the trend of military events is seen in the hysterical assertions regarding the alleged shackling of axis prisoners there are many in dications that berlin propagandists are plnjing up the claims to divert the attention of germanys popula tion from the stnlemnte that has de- xeloped before stnlfngrnd nnd the groxx ing militnrt strength of urn tod nntions at the xxoektnd the rev capl rawson guest speaker at y opening friday continued from pngc one declined to be more definite hut he scored nrmchnir critics and other strategists not in possession of mili tary facts nnd declnred thnt the plans for the wnr would continue to be left in the hnnds of milltnry lenders churchill- in commons erts on his audience he was al lils- best nt the opening of the y on thursdny and his message of en couragement to oung folks wilptong lie remembered mr chnrles klrk- ncss on behalf of the audience ex pressed appreciation of his visit to acton president e s force in nddressing the nudlenee nt t hepftitl tqm of the ymca xvork in actofi tls year for th first the y pfogrj carried right through twelve months ttjcre vjprt need for the y in wartime nrfijtrvcton y would do ita utmost to filrthnt need he complimented mrs gray who was so efficiently cnrryjsig on the- pro gram during the absence of her hus- hnnd there was hoxvever a regret in connection with activities mi t gewecke who hnd done suri splendid work ns chairman of it he speeinl fen- tures group xxns leaving acton everyone regretted his removal but wished he nnd mrs gewecke continu ed success in the nexx home nt gloh- vlexv ill mr gexxecke who hnd chnrge of the eenlng told of the joy he hnd in living in acton nnd the regret he felt in removing he conducted the program nnd very happily introduced rev cnpt rawson ns the victory loan speaker who had overshadowed the piny sponsored by the ys mens club last season another interesting feature of the oening was tho presentation by mrs gray of crests and prizeswon by the junior boys and girls nt the arena performance of the acton fair j mr w j beatty chairmnn of the membership committee briefly ad dressed the meeting nnd outlined the various ngo groups nnd activities that weroprovided the support of exery citizen was needed in the y nd there xxas n place in the program for everyone in closing the program mr t gewecke stressed the privilege- hint folk in acton have in their ym ca he was sorrv to he leaving the com- munity nnd thanked the friends xxlio hnd made their stny in acton so pleosant cards nnd dnnring were enjoved for- the remainder of the evening and the membership committee received n number of applications from new nnd old members i wlucjt shall ft be victory or defeat the wnt of victory is blond sural tf mru ami treasure rut the cost of defeat u kvrrvtiiino from everyone shall it im vlrtnr or defeat ever canadian muttt givivhis answer- in terms of nutting evrryutllar he ran nowihly spare into tticnew victory hands the money you invest in vic tory itondn ulll rnme hark to ou with interest but defeat u nuld oast you rverj thing joii nun jour having ha home jterhaps nur ver life nothing slattern now but victory shl victory bonds the mason knitting ebbs acton ontario royal palace guelphs leading theatres friday to monday th years itost mystrry thriller the glass key with brian donlevy alanxadd startixn ttfsday ortohrr 30th jennette mncdonnld robert younsr in cairo tiiirnday to hatitrday thewar against mrs hadley with fay bainter edward arnold tiesday to thiiftsday jeorrc itrent krcnda marshall in you cant escape forever prime minister churchill toldthc house of commons tuesday that ihe germans hnd violated the geneva convention by chaining prisoners tttken nt the canadianled dieppe raid aur 19 he said that represen tations hnd been mode to germany throurh switzerland urging rescind ing of the notion if tlie nazis agreed britain immediately would cancel her reprisal measures reports issued ot washington bx the united states ritfvy shoxx that n f japanese henvv cruiser si -tiestrox- theers and one transport have been sunk in the campaign in the solomon s- matter had land area txxo destrovers and aril developed to n point where thousands other trnnspoit are listed as probably of prisoners held bvhoth sides x ere j sunk affected the germans hold more united states forces have damaged t xx o airci aft carriers one bat t leship tlnee heaxv cruisers 1j light inns- i than 100 000 british jx lcnton umw jondiul uiihmuupj lhu r t ippum ehtmivn and jnckknifed and upset kortunntelx little damage x as done to tin goods but some inconvenience xxas caused in reloading the truck xlarmeil at a gieat number of failure- in the flrt two forms at the i high school the board member in iregulnr wftsmn on mondav evening dnst viewrd records of the last rnrs term a presented bv the principal nnd detded after some lenthx dtn- cuiwion on the subject to arefullx ktudv the rrports an pretented an 1 then hnxe a get- together xx h the mnff next tiiesdnx exenmk to get their reacllon on the matter and if tome nolutton could nut be arrived nt to the problem donald kdmondx iteenvenrold non of mr ami mrs colin kdrnonrt vxho conduct n nervice station and store at theorner of the iiiielph hue nnd nexx stnt xx tis almost instantlx kllltsd jihtut s oclock on ft idav ex ening inst when he was struck bx an autorriobilv while riding hi hlcvclr down brant street just wmutt of the central school and was dragged ovit two hundred feet bv the car roder ick men who wjis xxith edmondu was also hit but escapl with n ihhk- ing up the drivr of the cnrdtd not stop but continued on down brant strt gawtu j nex ni em e kepoi ts sliovx that ox er sit ihh crippled children have been tilted li the efforts nf ibis orguni- hation col hob morton jtepinl master f ceremonies will le u k x it h tils meat i ring i ircux wiph set north ameiuan renttd for indoor atlend- list xeir in torimto this eat is julded to niva attractions to ot the fl he i m us 1- in k and hi an 11 big tind king thrill ikiiviiat dnnand ivejav ens datim stunt artist will xou ig tin is he spee k dow n a toot i amp on a hit x i le and son through spu e to hind in a tuik i or laming less than four feet of x ite with him are ilee kx le and her hla ing fire dive ten tons f mi uigt r elephants the new allatiieri ji fag lei higti xnre a t and manv ntht sit unr nttrai tions ahm- median mlwwsfor liullea comfortable anj reasonably immsj4o a d rachun acton and canadian pi isoners compared to 210o1 cer- mans held bx the british on the i oilier hand some jfij 000 italians nie held laptivebv the british i announcement on oct s that 1 37fi canadian and british prisoners seized at dieppe hnd been fettered led to a british ultimatum that tho ha iris of an eual numbet of german aptixes would be manacled at noon oct u unh s the order were resnnd- ed when no x ird was leceixed at he time stipulated that germanx had xumliedwith t ul the canadian dcpnttimnt of natfonattie feme gave instruitions to start man- ii hug i let man prisoners of w ar in ianttla several thousand nii pris- iners afe hell in the nonunion mrrnethrn hmrw tie iinds of friendship hetxxeen ctnnl anil britain and the im ted states weie tightened last week with thr annoum ein nt that the txxo greil westrn nations wen- willing to r mutni c all extra- tern tonal l ights in ihiuathe news brohght lejnumg at ouingkihg the moxe is spettei to li ix e fir- rea lung i ffe ts i ndoilldellx the lines will looperate ex en more fullx with lii r alius t piemt lap- arii s tonunatuti of tie fat f tst hohtion of the sxstem t sjm i il lights under whuh fereigrt wiii- ments have lnniiml tluir own i nurts m i na am eseri es eth r pi i n ges mh h is gatlisonmg i roups on chilli se soil has heen otli of the pr im ipal aims of nadmtltsj ihuia since the mil revolution the gesture w ill not o unnotn ed m india xx tii re bntain lias offerei helfgnxernment afte the war and in other lountnes seking politial fn- dom on rumsian front there wnn no indication nt the ers stx destrovers three plane ten- dels four transports two targo ships and four miscellaneous ships against this amencnn losses hnx 1 eeil three i misers ihiee destioveis and four transports some amcii an slitps haxe suffered damige in the solomons hut ttie parthiilar ships and extent of dam age have not been offu iillx n potted extept that the navv desi nbid it as miniu lo moderate iiohkki li johnsldnk mel ware ont uiffn tt lit in e oh nst on ri t ui i mtlawan s inil teivhei dropped di ad foi a h itt attt k w hile 1i ing ihikis wit a ftieiii t hi im 11 11 sfid iv m gl i mr ntin latigl t si hoot uiitl th h i iii tg 1 the ist wtr lb nliste w it t i mi itit t tin in in w is wi it v 1 ip lms h wis i ii mhe i st 1 m- law sutvtxmg ire w tow mts ien t otiw iv oltst n in t or hr t t u v fton m liw it w 1 patterson jl 0 sirlalit in kp kiiiliistln orthnpttot 1 in wtxdiom 8t oielpii phontls cumplflrly equipped otrirflblou mshrr shoe starr canadian farmers you have done well wartime production is still growing hogs during the last jour yea rs sept 1 to aug 31 396 551 759 838 you produced millions yunons millions millions 0 this amount 1 fxporti co our allie v mainly to britain millions 2 remaining for consumption in 556 millions 22 6 251 74- 282 millions millions millions millions inipcctrd luucblcr dov not idiludr pork proajuctl utni nnhtmt or mtm dirtn from firrai lo comumrti imall butcher tho tu locludiog umy cimpt abip nurci mid grol retail di unbutton the popl of britain want 70 more in the next twelve months than they obtained the last and at the tame time canadians want more cattle durhtgthr lait lourjeansept i to aug si you produced ibs uef hi siif ibs mlf ibs biif 502 482 534 61 0 millions millions r millions 102 72 tt4upns of this amount i export to our alliei imimljtijibeusa millions millions millions 86 428 millions 2 rrraaimnjt for iiintumptiod to t anda 400 41 0 448 482 millions millions millions millions laiword tlucbirr plus npatt ilrtmomj wicbt baatt dot mat locludt bh umd hi fimi orsww ditki rota turn to rmwi ra0j bwtibfr tbops mi i irmjimliaa army cunpt tbip hotm and amnl mfi l the united states will take your surplus cattle and at the tame time canadian consumer want mere mr farmer you have increased fourjpork production by 1 19 per cent you bare in created your beef production by 20 per cent you fed all the grain rou had latt fear there ia more feed gram in canada thia year than can he fed there ira market for ail the boft and cattle that tou in feed this year average prices for host and cattle during the coming year will be higher than the average for the past year ve know that tou will continue to produce all you can ymmr spundid umv iffl u pfircufj kj csnstu 4 th lmiud yfwm dominion department of agriculture ottawa hwsourame james o owdlner aeuew ti vts