thursday ncrvemssr blhf 1642 i the acton free press page seven indian summer hill that umu uiww ten brown knew th buui of torching aueuit iuhi now hana a haw that autumn plu ohow aoftly 11m thla cloak that twathm each ridge in acarvea of tuvaf artiok atvjvhj the vlrtaa of thin foothill world a curtain indian summer hai un furled rune down in beauty where far riven wertd tf write finale to a melons end twenty years ago if indian summer time now thev bn aorno real ummr days d ofonto a anxlou to ubujh lss st5- n d when rev h g v baugh roturn- jfrs holiday a vw yeaw head publlhln lntu t iltethodlet church died oh sun- mr h p moorettnded the d m moore wu a member 7dr brletbo- committee hu forty year of stvleo married thom th home ofhe bride parenu m a j dikd the sunday school lesson fott rvjndav novkhfber s l christian nurture in the family golden text train up a child in the way he ihould go and even when he u old he will not depart from it prov 226 lesson text deut 640 2025 2 tim 314 15 exposition i teaching religion in the home deut 640 read also 2fc25 our first duty li to god god is in finite and we are infinite and no number of finite evor equals infin ity therefore if any man shguw do his whole duty by every human be ing and fal in hli duty to the one in finite god where he failed would be immeasurably more important than whcro he succeeded evory mans first duty is to love jehovah the only true god supremely with all his af fections all his intellect and all his strength thetc words which moses commanded the children of israel were gods words the place above nil others to have gods word is not merely in a book no matter how well bound and not merely in our minds and memories but upon our hearts gods word told up in the heart will keep us from sin in our lives ps 110 11 the next thing to do with gods word is to teach it to others and es pecially to those for whom we are particularly responsible our own children we should not only teach 1t to our own children but teach it to them diligently the most import ant part oj a childs education is the education nt home alas in this day the average parent leaves the educa tion of the child to its day school teachers and sunday school tcachcra nnd shirks the first responsibility of parental life the third thing to do with gods word is to talk of his through the study of the wordi of god n man becomes complete fur nished completely into every good work the bible has been andritlll is gods meansof revealing hl will to any soul manifesting faith in our lord jesus christ in fact it is by means of gods word that faith in christ is inspired rom 1017 our tinni est work is to get people to rend the bible however we are sure of gods help if we will not only read and study the bible for ourselves but bring its revelations to the attention of those who do not know them 2 timj 215 ac 18 under qukkns covers london c p r two british babies are going to sleep under cot covers knitted by queen mary theyll go to the two mothers of a london clinic who make the best show at biiby keeping this year menus difficult these war time and folks with ailments too famotts chef tel t of not- nblcs tastcfl brooks alta cp its a tough job feeding people these days ac cording ito benjamin f brown vet eran united states railway chef who has provided men is for wendell wlllkle alf landon nnd other not ables so many people are on diet for some ailment or other and others just want to keeji down their weight its a tough job figuring out some thing that will plennc them nnd fill them without fattening them he hald and then there are the war time food restrictions the chef made these remarks in an interview here while cooking for n party of ameri can buvncs men ho travelled here in n ptivmc raih ny car on n hunting trip lie has been preparing menls far distinguished amcricnns for 31 years i started in 1007 by washing dishes in dining cars nnd just kept unletting the chefs ns they cooked he said ttio famous chef makes ids home in chlcngo nnt when he isnt out on prlvnte parties such as this ho hns n regular run on the club between chlcngo and nev v brown said mr wlllklos fnvorlte dish is bcef- rtenk nnd lots of potatoes when he was travelling wjth mr landon fie invented n sunflower cake because the state flower of kansns mr lon dons stnte is the sunflower london cp whoh the war history is written it will be found that none hnve mndc greater contribu tion to victory thnn the women of brltnln lnbor minister bevln said in an address jmeat now and then gome will augment our meat sup- jy ontarios department of game nnd fisheries hns made adjustments in regulations so that nntlve wildlife from ducks to deer can do its bit the moose nnd the whttetnlled deer the bulkiest of our game can aid ma terially in the present emergency the woodland caribou is now too scarce to count there was n time v hen other large hoofed nnlmojs roamed our province the wnplt or amettfoarl elk oc curred in southern ontario ns late as the seventeenth century thous ands of years ago the large long haired arctic musk ox was present according to dr m a fritz of the roynl ontario museum a skull in the museums collection was uncov ered in n glnclnl deposit on weston rond nenr toronto during the glnclnl period arctic i nnlmals advanced southward along with the changing borders of the great ice sheet the glacier paused for a considerable time around what is now lake ontario herds of musk ox roamed the terrain whore our great cities now stand meat and cold storage were not lacking in thoaa days l ughtfl wat pail london cp to help save fuel the cinema exhibitors association has instructed theatres to cease il luminating nirtycrtlsemonts in foyer and to extinguish unnecessary lights during the daylight london c p womens hlgh- heelod shoes hnve gone for the dura tion nnd louis heels that is heels which curve into the instep arc to he hnnned from nov 1 heels are to im of wood and must not exceed 2u inches in height s m pt home lot 20 words in the home life when thou artoersonrm w on tues a in thine house nnd next we tl022 john robin- houm tnilcof tnem ns wc wnlk with ade n hlb 62nd yenr children or vvlth others the even babys pram mggahedup to britains aid hounewivcr may have to mart field kitchens it is hinted in new conscription of defence resources in old land 1y alan randal oansullan press stmtf writer london cp almost dally the brttona conception of the word con scription is growing it started with men it sprend then to women and time nfldeven to dogs now britons are being asked to place their furni ture and household goods in the cnll- up category n all over the country invasion of ficers nre cataloguing virtually every thing that might have any awe in the event of enemy attack nndnijtlzens far and wide have receive queittkm- tilrc the answers to whichwill snow lltt just what u available it mennhn nnd grandmother or th calling up even the garden spade and i h knowledge of the thorac the bahs nernmhulnthr i nui v wlth others the i inst thing we should think of when we lie down nt night is something god hns snw in his word and the i flrstthlng we should think of when we rise up in the morning is home thine god hns sntd in his word v 7 this verse should be pondered word for word nnd then scrupulously kept dnv h dn the more strict jews look verse r literally nnd hound pns- snens of scripture on their hnntls nnd wore them in little boxes on their foreheads it would he well if mnn of us would tnke v 9 literally todnv nnd actually put what god hns sold upon the dopr posts of our houses nnd upon our gates ii studying the scriptures in the home 2 tim 3 14 15 pnul has just warned timothy ot the lomtng increase of religious im postors v 13 and here tells timothy how he con be perfectly safe against the seductions of these impostors no matter how numerous subtle nnd evil they become t the way to be stiff ngnlnst nil the delusions of tiny nge is to continue in the stud of the scriptures tlmothj had been tnught the scriptures from bnbhood b his nt owty a the ln aalon officers letters nsk for official registration of the house holder hlsywlfo his gardening tools w irelesk set jmtumhulntor kitchen utensils and how mun spniles sho lhotka pluyi jmuhets burrows buckets snws hummers and tools nre in each house how mnn ladders and how nurnj rungs in eat h can llnuewlfe oou how nuinv rooms in the hinh lie how suitable are the for emeik billeting van the housewife took well enough to nmn u field kltt hen how mnn enrs huntunrts horses bu voles bnslnets wash basins are nttnohed to the houve will the householder allow gns casualties to wash in the bathroom what is the length of the garden hose how big is goldfish pond all told the answers to the ques- ofthe two holy women from i whom imhad lenrned the strlptuies- would givelmnioth faith in th strlptures the5pripln tu wonderful power they ran maket wise unto tuuxntton through faith which is in christ jesus there is i rtthur mronehook that rwwil jumi christ nnd leads to faith in lesiis christ that book is the dibit uf i horn 10 17 the r v changes v 10 in several ftrset ts from the trans lation glcn in the a v all uf tluse images but one are waironted and nre suggestive nrifl iilpful tliat one change is one of ihe most unfortun ate in the h v and has done more to discredit the r v and retard its m teptunee thnn prohnhlv nn other c hunge in it there is nbsoluteh no warrant whatever in the greek text for putting the is after inspired of god instead of before it even if we t ttml of a no riant i imtamont lti vll tl ml crnti tlon rn hi brithd hu hou srit w i i nu mnvnl thu- lin or ar- luuitlle invaders aserrtaln krnoutor lhe ahhlsmttoe of all old and miung alike is requited to ascertain i timl our retount s botl cf peronnl ahllltv and itmik nvntlahle the invttston of flier wrote in their letter with the uiestlontalre it will tw appro luted that there will 1m plentv of motte- fen active ns c tcki ol viiiii11i ii- i olv metunnd thus impelled or car rled along hv the hou spirit thene men into whom god hreatlnl xpoke ivt 1 it atn it was t lit spirit of lehov ah w ho spnkt v them and it was dods word thnt ens upcui their tongvies cj sum j iheie is oer helning pioof that hi bible iut m relv contums th word ot i od but is tin won of i ltnnf coder condmems of modern ltk tvruhing written in tlu- f when theie u no static or d pmfittibh it is profit i achnmlng front but rapid ini h fot fivethngx 1 teaching rtiiu n s roumns mimninnnwd bv an hone one book to which to go mci j ud the defenh hn t bible j keprcf or ui must bi exacted that small area- tlon no hhk in all the world has vul fmm me to time be cut off the power to producv conviction of from whilrqurter an mjhnt the bible presses ccf ac surh area must w able to eel along under its own rtsources for a time r glasgow tcp- a woman pawn broker has claimed exemption from farm service on th ground that she ts already doing work of national im portance pswnshlp she argues sr vital necessity to the poor 2 1 and note preceding context ij correction that is setting mnn straight w hrn he has gone crtmked or upright when he has fallen down 4 instruction which is in rihteou- ness if one desires discipline in righteousness there is one book to which to go for it that is the bible 3i equipment for service t 17 niversary lorious deeds foriiuxnanhy have brightened the vears of the centurynriid a quarter through which the bank of montreal has lived and served canada sordid deeds of treachery and tyranny cannot detract frorn the record of courage ijuth ana achievement made by democratic freedomloving nations and peoples canada in the 125 years of the banks existence has grown from a- pioneer colony to a state great among nations in wealth worldwide activities and influence born when canada was still a wilderness with here and there a town the bank of montreal has marched worked and fought beside canadians of all generations since 1817 assisting in every field of endeavour to build and preserve the nation as on our 100th birthda in 1917 we now find canada to gether with her sisrtr dominions and her allies fighting with all her strength but confidentlv for freedom and all that free dom holds- i b a n k o f 3rd november v we rededicate on thiour 125th birthday all our accumulated experience knowledge technical skill ahd financial strength to the service 6t canada and her iti2pns always serving canada when the bihk of montreal began business on fjovember 3 1817 the only transportation in canada was provided by horse wagon stagecoach canoe and river packet there was no means of communication excepting letters delivered by courier there was no common currency irtl942 the picture of canada pre sents a modernly equipped rutttm with gigantic industries networks of railroads and motor highways great steamship lines continental airlines i instantaneous communications between all parts of the coun try anil with all parts of the world and a stable system of banking which gives wings to commerce in this picture builded into it for twelve and a half decades generation after generation stands the bank of montreal now with hundreds of branches strong with yoiithk experienced with age still serving canada in this latest tune of crisis o n t r e a l a bank where small accounts are welcome y