vluxu3jljfclnalibi njpy- nunc two the acton free press si artoit jta bb ruuuw yr taurnlar aatan oatarla t united mn ie atmhiaail mania eolea slsf uueaaeea asould be iten h ekut adilrese u requeeleil i cancmxationsw ilnl tliat aaast aciltiera ptir not lo hi their euliaeelpllona h4 in eaa lhay tail t i bate tnlrslua- while eu- acalvuoae i m h a vssll nelod eel ualeee wa era notltuj lo mm the auhecrlher wlehee the aarvlee continued advertising battson application sad u tlaen in yafituie column iteatllnbe alilmuli evrr precaullim will be taken to evnjij nor the free preee accepte eilerlleln in lie calamas on the unileretanilliio lliel ll wui not be ilahla lor any error in any atleerllaeroent piitillelietl bereimiler union 1 pro i i inch ailvrrliaemenl l renueeletl in writing tie the ailvrrliair anil returned to the tree ireae litieineea ollke ilulr einnl li lilt eilverlleer anil willi aiith error or wrrtliiia plainlr nnleit in wrltlnii lierm oil in trial i caee ii any error to noted u not couerleil hr the lree preaa iu lulillltv ahull not eareeil audi a proportion ol lh entire rou n amli ailvcrtlaamant a the apace occu- plod by ihe notnl error hear lo ihe whole apace occupied by aitch ailvcrtlaement j f awop 11113 editor telephones- kdilorlal and rueineaa olllce peaklene the week at ottawa ctuiajfy wriiuh tar vwvavua ty ifllaal wy my douoiaam taauocn camalnat ava huh writer well doffr again the third victory loan campaign is completed and canada has given again the answer to hitler that the fighting forces wril receive in ever increas ing quantities the war materials they need to- finish the job of his extermination final figures are of course not complete as this is written on monday but the minimum objective was left far behind nnd re turns show that the lonn exceeded the last lonn bv service at a time when other demands nre heavy on quite a margin cause far ihe first time in the three years nnd more of the struggle the united nations hive found them selves fn a position to take offensive action backed up by men and materials that give assurance rhat the forward push is not doomed for a retreat again the driving of rorrtbtels forces out of egypt and landing of american forces in french territory along the mediterranesn coast indicate that from now on the march of the aggressor nations will not be to conquer new lands btrj rather to relinquish lands in which they now have a tbothold and the task of the aggressor will be to hold his gains against a cause that is gaining in strength raja it would be folly to consider for a moment that the day of victory is at hand it must be remem bered that germany has a strong hold on many lands all that has thus far been accomplished is that germanys drive into more countries has been halted and we have evidence that the united nations have now the strength to launch out and put troops nnd materials at points that will enable them to re gain the liberty of the present nations now under the tyrants heel there have been dark days in the past three years many of them there will he times in ethe future when the news is not so cheering there will he disunity lists that wdllstrikc thnusnnds of homes he- lore victory is won victory is far from won bin this week the gonl seems nearer- may we n6l falter iwfii maintained by nciinloniil visiih this time until the job is finished l pm v a time for chtvwinr municipal nominations arc just two weeks from tjf3nsrrow and elections if necessary follow a little over u week inter the tendency during these war times is to avoid nn election of nny kind not only irom a matter otcxpensc buj from a point of dis turbing the public mind and detracting from the war effort that of course is a matter for the elec tors to decide we do unhesitatingly say thut those in council und municipal bodies have during the past year done n splondid job for the municipality a review of ihe financial condition ot acton and a synopsis of the miiintcnavice of the various services will bear out this statement acton affairs were never in better condition than at present it hns taken much of the time and attention of these men who have given this canadas diplomatic rolatlons are undergoing extniilvit ehansm and mora arc exnoetiwl shortly follow ing qulrkly on tlin apoolntmont at mlnutors to russia china chile anl a new high eommluloner to aua- tialla nnw a hreak in diplomatic to- intlnna with the vlrhy government announcement tiy prime minister mackenzie king that canada had ter minated her diplomatic relationship with vlrhy ended n rttiintfhn which hiih subjected the govrirnment to fre quent rrlllclunv canada wn the last member of the rirlllbli commonwealth to nlnln n re lationship with the vichy government nnd the hreak enme 24 hours after vichy had tinriouncitt her relntlnnahlii with ihe tlnllell sllitih wiih nnd followed hy n few bourn the aev- cinnii hy mevlco of her dlilnmiitlc link yllh unoccupliml frnncc cnnndan wtnlncl will vlrhy hint them a vole of thanks would be in order but their it is indeed a satisfaction to realize too thut our i payment will not he recognized that way but own district or acton nnd the covinty of hnlton ns more ikely only in the satisfaction that they have u whole were n vitnl pnrt of this dominionwide ejjione their duty ns it has presented itself fort to give hitler his answer never once hns the municipal office may ut many times seem u thnnk- community faltered in any task in connection with less job the criticism it curries with it makes it the war effort it is n record to he proud of it is a record to gunrd carufully taking a locnl viewpoint we know that the objec tive and the fine response was only obtained by the foot that everyone did all that they could again it wns thnt community spirit of nil working for the common purpose that made success possible such has been the case in the past and such will nlwnys be the case of successful effort the various units and communities may seem small just as the indi vidual amount mny not seem to count much but added together it nil mnde thnt mngnificcht totnl for cnnada of nearly a billion dollars it was a tnsk well done but just as driving rommel back fromcuiro is not a final victory so is this successful conclusion of the third victory- loan not all the tnsk but like the- egyptian win it if a much improved outlook v voters until show increase voters lists for 1042 for acton ore now being not the position for those who are wen k or wnverinp it requires strength nnd determination to faee the situations and do the right without fear or favor in the direction of public affairs acton has been for tunate in having men of this culihre in office not only at the present time hut down through the years when emergencies arose it is to be hoped that such men in sufficient members may he persuaded to continue the various municipal duties under such direction the municipality will have healthy growth and continued prosperity but a few years in hands that are not capable can create a situation that often the years cannot overcome nominations are at hand they deserve the interest and careful thought of every citizen of act an your decision is import ant not only to the present but also to fhe future v more scrap to win scrap articlespubtished elsewhere in this issue and last week tell of the need for more scrap metal if can- udas wa effort is to jceerijrojlingtt throug out halton county next week the countrysid prepared and first posting is scheduled fotalmdayt with the assessment now prepared in august and september itjncans tmm the list for next year can be prepared at this time it will be interesting to manv tulearn thatthcustithis year cont ibs names more than that of a year ago and there are now a r u scrap even with an cflicient and regular salvage the voters lists for this merely is to be comhed for this scrap many farmers know of i unused machines laying in field corners that can now be put to work in the war effort last week lit tin cfinmllnn cfntlon nt lnrtn prior to thf icrnmn invnuum who now ih htnltnniwl in ioridnn item itlntilliuflut fnnrh mlnuter to cnn- nrin lonrnrfl or oimndist trctil on when hi w summoned to mr klnru runt hlnrk nfflrr when mr kinj iitlnounrivl apiiolnt- nunts to cnnn flus diplomatic stuff n fow dnyii tic unlit further nn- nnunwmml wro xmtihj shortly rubltrr and ttmtar the problem of contutvlng nnd fairly distributing cnnnnnu nuppllei of rulilmt n comtthutlty vital to the wiir effort hns found recognition in the ebtnbltshment- of-ii- -rubber- con trol branch under alun h wllllnm- non formerly kiipplies tcnt roller for tin- munltioiik remirtmenlr- mr willkiinikon huh mtsuniefl nlo the dutien of llmlmr eontroller in hucthstmi lo a s nicholson who re mains with the timber office ns ukj tiociati com roller as deputy rubler controller mr j willinmiton htiji j a marlui prev- iously a tipuly controller of supplier r j cm koko of halifax and j o god- rm of toronto now are hervint as itssociiite coordlnalors of controls under henry borden the co-ord- inntor mr borden mr fok and mr wl- j sim have important roles to play in j ihe tremendous job of curlnlhiic hon- f 4ksential ihikiiuvvs in canada so that more men and nmre material may j he mnili nvaitnhle for war produc tion in nreonplishlnjy this tnsk one of the iiksociate cobrdlnutors will net ns liaison mnn iwtween mr borden nm ionald cordon chairman of the i f rices board and the other as liaison nv m a tft kitty thurtsday novemtlbit ljlh 1042 business directory 1 l i mknioai dr w a c kennev iniysman tutaltluraaaa sucohsor to nr j a menlvan ol hem in hymnn dlnek mill fltrmt acton ofgm itaami la tualdarlm taral 81 ptieuw m dr chas d shortt iysleiaa aikl muraaaai isuccaisor to dr e j nslasa fnulartnai hlmat piionb u ortlca hours 300 to 400 pm 700 to h10 pm sundays by apnolntmant only iu wm 0cuiiun lmcc- ihyalrlan ami kurtoan oftioo hours 24 and 70 pm sunday hy apiwlntmnnt mill stroel nihr krtnlarlrli stnmt ialopliona 12h courtcy of llin windsor star rtrgenl wluuit for northland expertx say hb ilet variety after teflth in actual conditionja cvftawa tcv itiijinl wlirnt one of km- niw runl-rvhijilrirviirli- lira iiviim1 in ricinl yilirs hy tin- iioniliilnn kxmtlnwnlai frm wna diturilmil itficuilly by tin- akrl-ul- turv ilitir1iihiit in tllkliaililfdly lira imm viunly for nitilliiiii in- llirlo wlifli first lihtcil til lhi i lomlliloli kmrinuiliil sljilirm itl kiiiihtsith- inj clnl jiiii iniimihiilcly ml- lliifttt nllinlloli nt ii wiia amoillt liii iiiillial nt i in- niw alrnlna it whs miily llii-i- nr four tiny later lluih4truiiiil in ciirmi llir nonrul rraiktnnl vnrtalia ihin in iiimmiin iihi itftnt wlifitt ih ii allfffclrnwid viiiltly miii wlilli- rluiff mill rod kntin ii iiuilurii nt kujiuiikiihinu in iilimil lnr iliiyfciiml irinluiia n rimi- hiitmlil iilliiii-tivi- hnniili uf uraln of komi nualily on- ilipiirlment aid lliiht iihislntiif ih vtry liiimirtiinl in tin- illaliht it iiimiii lurlnj tlnilil tt ihh i llhl lilt rnuaiil hiriui lohih in miiih- hiiihona anil iuih iniurriil niinly iviry yinr lull inn hit- hm flvt- vililh itikilll lias iiiilitliti ciiinii ainl hrwnnl li mt fttll in lllllls iii lilt- kltjlllh- lithlni sliillun ls stivenson wafnlir camiiikijviijj iint limn- mlllon illri aflti iii mi mlllon ta offlrillnuri h0 u in 11 i in 7h ini kuiidnya liy aiinlnlniint only dental ok t ii wylie tit torontu kluu chnrifn of dr nuchanans irartlra for tint duration far om 1rraont ifflr llauni ajtt pm every ttiurnuy prtday and haturday omcrcteiepiionrc mh ta u dr hugh s austin daintal huraaan mill straet corner frederick acton offlro ilimra 010 am to 510 p m lnnlnb hy appointment tlphoni 10 uh1ai c f leatherland b a liarrlatxr ami hollrllnr notary lublu lanmr of mnrilitijt ilrnaea ittljlalriir nt lllnlm mnrrlniia uaatlia atton dfflm 22 1lioiiia lleialdrnoei isi mnn hatwean the controls po-ordlnn- lor nnd elllbtl m utile director of nnliunnl salectlve service appointment slisknlchewnn has n sieciiil interest in ihe naming of mr justice 1 c ilnvis ns cnnndns hialh commissioner to austriilia in succession lo maj- j wn victor oillum for il was in prince allien susk his lialive iily thai mr lusltcc davis htkan his po- liticnl iureer r j hi- snl on irincc allierls city-roun- cil when ont jt nnd was iib mayor i iii 12 inlicti he vlis elected lo the saskalchewan ijkislnture his wnrk two young men ttuti frtiti in ttetuielve before thlcwar twoyouog graduates in chemistry faced the future with no assets buitcchmcal traire- i kenneth m iangoon itarrlatrr hollrltnr notary iabllc qfflcta iniiiji rrennry liiemre uulldi acrilln over t keynuika cafa fur aplitilnlmentii -imiiiln- acton 65 or ijleorifelowo hh ofllce lluura aclnn tiiimluy and i tliurailuy 110 pin lo i ijo pm even- iiiick on riijuehl vetkiunaitv b i young js bvsc vrteirlnary huraeon i office ilnxikvlllt ontario iliune mlllon mfirt f g oakes vs bv sc j wtrrlnary kuraeon office am iealdtn t- knox avenua actiill 1lione lll i aicnovrrjth frank petch auetlanrrr and llrprcarntmtlvr f tl- inerrlal life aaauranye ca iliune wn fiiarlea htrert iararaataaaa collection in operation for over n year it total of lfrm names on l p t i roes to show that there is always more scrap avail- 124 of these are entitled to vote ut municipal j l no 1 able if there is the inclination to bring it out of the elections with ss4 in polling subdivision no i i hidine places j- and 0l2 in polliiir subdivision no 2 this com- halton has- just completed a successful victorv with last vears figure of 1 18 for the total i v j i loan campaign theje must be no slackening of war effort if we are to win halton will again mea- re u nd get out the scrap to win the scrap elections to the legislative assembly i the west side of mill street hastt of 7s4 voters listed in the three parts und the east side of the street has 88l voters listed ofthese 125 are pares at municipal elections there are 307 names record ed in the part designated as entitled only to vote at j against hitler kd remember its next week it is need- nonresidents 6t acton corporation who own property in the editorial notes it is the duty of the elector to see that hisjr her name arc properlv listed there is a space of twenty cne davs allowed from the first posting on saturday in which errors or omissions may be corrected lists will be available nt the municipal offices after saturday of viewed at the post office it only takes r moment to see if your name is properlv listed it will save you a lot of bother perhaps- when vou come to vote flora has now passed u curfew law and children must he off the streets by nine oclock v just six weeks until f hristmas and vour shop ping can hndone best hy dojng it earlv and makine tor to i a v as cliairtmin of the hoard revievlnk the farmers creditors arrangement cemn 1 nan the year in which he was appointed lo the saskatchewan court of hph-iii- made him widely known the province whose citizens will tm with his elevation to a diplomatic iost as the crownine ioint of his yenrsof service in puhlic life other pomta the npiiolntment of l u wilgress formerly canallns deputy minister of trade and commerce lo the kial of canadian mlnlsjer to kussiii is re- karded here as n topical one and nn indication omhe extent to which the dominion is foltowinh practice of nnmlnk cnrtmr diplomats us her rep resentatives mr vvilirrem lakes lo his pnsl tv lonp exiierlence as a trade commis sioner nnd in the irnde dejlarlment durini which he vtsltetl huvsin tin several occasions cen otllum cinada first nunisir to china spenl seven nmnths in aus- tralia as inch nminiissiiiner anil fur nlmtis iti enrs commanded ih- sicond canadian divisinn overseas warwick chipmnn prominenl mnn- itaal lawyer willi is lipptvnlel numb ing and unbounded faitfi icf themsclvei 1 key planned to capitalize on their years in college hy manufacturing a certain chemical product but well need some money to get started they said lets put it up to thebank their banker decided that their faith was well founded in character ability energy wfll finance you to start in a small way be said make a test on the local market first presently the product was being sold all over canada and exported to the united states and oversea now it tills s wartime demand the enterprise employs a large number of people this actual example illustrates bow this countrys chartered banks help creditworthy people to benefit themselvas their fellows and their country under the democratic system of free enterprise kusseii jhnsn ijreliaeil aucuonfertgfthj 1 dlatrlct it it 2 acion time tables canadian national railways teolna rasal hlle ill relieve hon w f on the forward march we have in thesittrlitorial columns made little comment on the various wac situations relieving such more fully covered each week untns headed weekly war commentary vour gifts of the usefulkind v it ou werent able to participate in the third victory loaii remember that vlar savings certifi cates are uvailable for smaller amounts and several of them will make a victorv bond v i a turcton canadian minister to the alien inc u ho ni uim accrediied nt chile ienhoe ih- nammi of a maneiit irtiusler tulluil iounlr illti wklralik 4b tpilm- j tonka lllus aiay athsa bwmlaamfv aaiml baxauao thy akravial aaas- vtc wnkk cawamunery eiaaals is willing ta stay aw a rata wmch will yistst raanannkla aaejaflr oiaaaat iemb profit vaiejpa taaa twain ana nan aaf earn aaar taait m yanr nn tnsml atsaaah fnw t any amanr buajaxman ara nn as small a aaialn hs est jt hlisi ci one wartine women work- ins tine of transtmirl -r- suiwrvisors she looks ten by canfutan press writevs each week for the portunities hence it pays for peopje to devote some after m hus eonductree and fair press surely however the evints 6t the paat in our col- sihen vour home town goes ahead all the people ri ls mariaret jenv and writj f the town benefit from better advantages and o bordlfrt z ek for the it the paat week retteantening to all who believe in the allied time ana effort to cooperate with improvement pro- irl and plans apd auiasrvnat jects i roun 6arab where they carter l d of c a is a o bank of moatrval tlw bmak oc nov scotia hw btuk of toromu tbt provincial bank of cmaada thm r bank oi ctmmtwor thm hoyml bank of canada tfcw dominion bubmqcmiai national imperial bank of cana4 barclay bank canada can rvat iiaily keiit ininy b 49 am iail xrpl huirlfty 9 to am ijaily txifpt sunday bib pm muntloy nly h 19 pm kit at 4jrtetown 9 24 pm ktyr nt iurljih m pm ionf wa ijnily y t sunrlny 1 if am- imily itjt sundny h50 ajn stun1 ta 1 h pm flyr nl ifirifilowri ix- t sjttijrlnv nnd sun- 1ii 0 2 pm yr ut iiri 4xt j snlurli nni sundny 7 i5 p m f til x p siindir 7 i pm sutt irl 11 11 p m a iv coatu lines fs ikak a nn weurntund llll a iii j ill p m ii ii 7 ti p m i i st pnv 1 lavattmhinj a 1 it ii- am i i i pm 9 01 n m ii a t 1 unn t ria jltatln e ei sunday and llou- tfava d sat sun and llol to kltchaner only j y to suauord ostty h l