Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 12, 1942, p. 6

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ft theacton pree press thursday novbmbfttt 13th 1943 with canadian editors in embattled england tm t th fourth f ft srlm written by wftluv r lfe following ths inspection of the air fore stations the editors wer taken to one of the porta where they had n opportunity to ro over one of the eitroyers they slue saw the train- in of the future heroes of the navy and a parade of four thousand naval cadets while with the navy the cdltora were taken to the victory the fln- ahlp of one of england a sreateat heroes admiral nelson thla waa the ahlp from which hla famoua messace england expects that every man will do hla duty waa flaahed aa he led the 27 enrllah ahlpa acalnat 13 french and spanish ships nt the buttle of trafalrnr in 1805 thla vialt to the vlctor will be described in brcater detail tn n auhae- qurnt nrtlcle tleturnlnp to ixmdon wfniecpnc- es and meeting wore fceld with i ord woolton minister of food hon arthur bevnn minister of ljibor hon herbert morrlaon minister of national seniles hon i s amen minister for india sir slnfford crlpps home sccretnr the hon brendon bracken minister of infor mation nnd n meeting with the hon winston churchill in his offue tt would be imporsihle to tell mm h nhout these meetings in one nrtitlc no they will he rienlt with inter all these conferences were nrrnnn eft by the hon vincent mntsqa hifih 3com mlwtonerf or- canada wha ac companied the editors on these oc cnslons he was indofolieinble in tr- tnc to mnke the visit of the canndinn tdltors both helpful nnd interestlnr durinr the lnsl pnrt of the time in knglnnd nst underground factories were visited nnd also fnctorles where neroplanes nnd other supplies were bclnr made these visits were alto of rrcnt interest and the problems of housing transportation manpower etc were closely studied those fnc torles in addition to beinc of huge size were just ns up todnte nnd of flclent as nnythlnr that could be found in america a study of bomb damage took the party to bristol bath portsmouth and other places which have been badly damaged the lesson learned from these visits was hint early pre paration to take care of raids is es aenllnl tf the damnpe is to be kept to a minimum cnnndinn cities should carefully study the steps which have been found to deal successfully with raid damnro it was now drawinr near to the time that the return journey must be made while everythlnr could not possihlv be seen in the time allotted jet a re prose ntntlyecrosfi sec hnd been seen of the canadian arm air force navy the british industrial effort civilian defence nnd so on before having fnpjnnd the editors had nnothcr opportunitv of set ins general mcnaurhton who ngnin re ctived them in n most cordial rmnnci and freel nnswertd nil their tjues linns but nlthoiikh the govt rami nt wns prcpnrtd to bring the cnnmlinns buck ho nit nnd the editors wen rend to ro natun slipped in nnd rub d other wise unfavorable winttnr prevt nt ed n tnki off and thin wiw n wiks delnv in which n h membi r of the pnrtv was left to i xplore w hatevt r wns of grinum muim 10 him durinr this witk some of tin i di tors visit d manof the most intir eating spot in r njjnntt im hiding well bristol and other pint es whlli otlurs lslttd sm li plims ns stmt fordonavon cardiff walea salis bury gloucester etc but the beat of times cornea to an end and early one morning they were off on their way home first auto- mobllea took them to the station then a train carried members of the party to the embarking point and motor launches took them to the plan which conveyed them to ire land after a atop of a few hours only in ireland they boarded the trans atlantic flylnr boat and in a short time they were over the atlantic the returnjourney on a pnasenror plnne wns much more cornfortable than the trip going over on a bomber thepisenror plane carries a crew of eleven includtnr nn attractive host ess who busies herself supplying the passerigers with gum magazines nnd cigarettes she also sorvoa the meals which are very palatnhle the night of white rolls real ores nnd other foods whiih the had not seen for oversl weeks wore tnnrlhle signs to the editors thnt they were getting near home the westward trip is nlwnvs slower than the reverse direction as in com inr wist the plnne is meeting hood on winds nil the time therefore the journev which took nine nnd n half hours time going over took seven teen hours for the leturn trip how ever in the pnssenger plane there nre boilhs jo thnt it 7n possible to sleep for n rood part of the wnv the trip is ncnrtn11 mnde above the cloud but the pnsjengrs could not see the sunrise which is unuolly a w onderf til sight from n plane ns the sun wns direct 1 behind them one of the interesting sights from the plnne is prince fdward island which is particularly henutiful from the air nndrivnls the views over ire land fcarlv sntuniav morning the cnn ndinn editors wore gently deposited nt an fastcrn cnnndinn port thus bringing to nn end n trip such ns bns iflattor rinsttftf an iandor sherman la a nativeborn war whisperings tough on nerves of sailor wive unfounded yam of the gottltm in col clite make nlftht marer for relative of those in peril on the see by fttank lowr canaduu prm staff writer halifax cp rumor cllnlca one to every city block are needed in halifax to trace down and kill the hundreda of gossipy yarns thnt are running around looae here the favorite indoor and out door sport la whlaperlng have you canadian with a rich musical tnheri- nboul n n unfolding tance bequeathed him by hla russian l make goebbela look ancestors he has been in radlp aa to hu iiuc in long as ho inn remember and he has nnru on vyono filled n stellar role in the music life of canada as violinist nnd conduc tor jn brondcnstlnr nnd the concert field he placed on most of the lend ing sponsor d programs lh the early dns hrts been nn increasingly lm- portnnt factor in the program nffalra of the cbc in the past five years he is making his fourth nnnunl ap pearance as mush director of the children s s rnpbook tsnturdays at 1210 pm edi 110 pm adt nnd is conducting the currently populnr seionntn over the cbc southern ontnrlo netwoik monday nt 000 t t pm hr ii una rone to school in wl onve rrncks to talk to civilian friends we wanted to find nut in n city where war doorstep nnd is ihechjef topic of conversation some morale there are for inatnnce the snd cases of the dozens of navy wives here worried at the best of times about their husbands safety but their worrlea nre increnaed a thoua- nndfold when some friends say they have it from someone on the in side thnt such and such n ship has been sunk with nil hnnds service men are critical of this hlluntlon often nn nlrmnn or sol dier duo for a long hop overseas lonmto puhlw schools nnd nt the rovnl acndtmv of music in london hns plnol in smnll movlo house nnd cnl icnl v but tho irnrlc pnrt of i i il n nil iihii mtritnllii irnnin inn friends we wnnted when we wire due to snll they say under the imlnns of the worlds rrpat- i it is the civilians usunlly know one mllllll lilt 1mi1h1 111 11 ww lilt uiu1ii 1 t ronllor ho hn mot tocnnlnl of t krm nr hl rrontcst thrill rhormio hi w i pp oc ootrlllor molln 170fi pok french i p with tho troop movement woi rermnltnn1 n utile uimlnn n ell you co h nn enrlish ndores his ndopted dnuh tor cniolc who is not quite two much in common between queen and first lady zz will bo remembered b trtem ns lonr ns the live in the letter of instructions which ench editor received before leaving cnnndn one sentence rond you will be nllowed to see things which few people have been permitted to see nnd vou will he told things which few people hnvo henrd thi pre diction wns more lhonfuuilled during the six weeks the editors travelled more thnn eleven thousand miles mnde up of 1930 miles by bus t10 miles hv trnin s00 miles bv nutomohlle fi100 miles by plnne nnd nbout 100 miles on foot this wns the record kept hv the viter nnd is prob nblv the nvernge of the party hut some travelled even more thnn that b inking speclnl journeys after thist brief outline of tho trip more derailed nccounts of the nr- ious activities will be given in nrticles to follow her majesty with mrs ftonse- elt and individual traits in connection with the lnttcrs trip washington cp pioneering rtennor roosevelt nnd conservative eliznbeth windsor will not inck for the const growl out n few procllco that bit convoy go out this morning parlor tmlu however thnt vnrlcty of rumor mongcrlngr though definitely tin most dnngerous typo is not ns com mon ns the npronding of fnlse tit bits well mennlng people pitk up in parlor garb fests or in n dance hall i hen of coursi there are tho re turring submarine stories ns old ns the wnr hut following one genernl theme thnt is thnt n submnrlno bns been captured off this coast nnd in the pockets of the sailors were tickets stubs from one of the city thentros though nil know v bonis hnve been close enough to hnllfnx since the wnr started to prnctlcnlly hi nr the trnfflc hum n story of them nctually being here doesn t help nny and every time the big guns on britain lively shopping early for christmas small muffs and muff bans mak ing hit in battlescarred london though pur price away up london cp drltnlns women shoppers nre nlrendy lonklna forward to christmas nnd in lontlonii west end shops chrlstmn buying ntreadv is in progress hnndbns which need no coupons alonewith the purcbe price are nmons thftbetl telling articles though in many cases price are high av erage price for v stood bag is between 15 nnd 18 with plenty en hand at double these prices reduced eup- plies of lenther hai increased the popularity of baga mtade of other ma terials felt fur and fur cloth and other textiles hat and hag dress pnlrs consisting of hat and bag to match are a fashion note fof women this wlntor a little hnt nnd a matching bag of felt mil for aa high aa ss muff bags mostly made of lamb or other flat fura are being bought a well aa plain rather small fur mufm fashion expert aay that judging from the number of women who mihie early autumn purchase of muffs a larger number of women will be carrying them thla- wlnten than for the past 20 years in london purs generally have increased en ormously in price since the war but the demand is considerable especially for fur conts nt anything from 250 upwnrds the return of big brother il iirmi of dlgnitniifs nnd or llnory pi jpi nitd outsid on the platform of r nnvonture stn- thii in monln ol i uisilny night for the first gllmps of tl nturning wounilid hi roi s of dieppe n younusti r snt in on of i in cars with in r lug iirol l i r shi wns hormu bnnks sisti r nt prlvnto allnn hnnks ul im kiinl i inildian arm corj s shi hn i n hu hut with hi r soldk i hrotlir hofori ho was mini 1 to itis h nn in montrtal urr mobile library v bin suetets a fdmon ton cp totnl mcu intion ot tlu stiiat tai branch of fd montoni puljllc iibnry hns been mnri than 71 txx during its first venr of operntion i his tnohile ilhpirv tmrt rtrst ofrrs kind- in enntoln- lommon interests during the current procedi nt shattering v isit of mrs roosevelt to britain both are possessed of apparently limitless energv bath have a deep nnd sincere imterest in the wufnre of tlu common people i he queen doubtless will tnke joy in showing mrs roosevelt thedny nurseries nnd salvos stories ride over hock fences nnl through offices nbout n big nnvnl engngement off tho const let it get in the hnnds of n ronlly un nerved person nnd nn invasion as started love not spying supplying of submarines istilso nn the communftyltitchcns of britnht i ollr kood subject for the gossips the organized wnr work of british i shl c into port under women nnd the wny englnnd hns oolc arm cs stood un under three yonrs of totnl hmmedlnlelv beenme a grim traltor- war mrs roosevelt certainly will crnft caught rcd handed supplying enjoj seeing them i oil to n u boat truth wns the both queen nnd first lndy jinvc tnnker wns being escorted in nfter managed to jugrle their private nnd being torpedoed public lives with consumnte skill sn 8orips nr n6 common ns slighting neither both nre devoted robbl ston but tho prizewinner wivis evcellent mothers neither was hp ono nhollt a r w 5 icvr hns been known to shirk nn of pd ni from htr room i firinl dutj looking tho harbor queen fliznboth hns visited the mimrs the fnctorv girls the work ng mon of britnin just ns mrs roosc i she was investigated and it wns found mililv to bo n case of i vi conquering nil the slgnnls mi nnl vlt hns mnde friends with everv tr dartmouth swnin could comi over sirvts in tlu out l lng dlstrit ts of cnldi r nnd north fdmonton a total of ot loan t ird hint hoi n issued to ndults and t hil in n sum oct 11 1111 vtrntum of amenrnn llfi both nre as pn uni ou i sovbean can di n j pslappers very ersntllt rcctnt cnrs 1 1ms found variou tauten tin fitit ud is more of rm livll i t tviriwi rv kldunllst thnn the queen but vere j1t i their positions nnd traditions rivers i td it would not be surprising to think i the solunn is of ellznbttb following mnn of t in crop in same pursuits b which mrs roosc- an important place in industr sns lt has upset precedent in am v dimmock division of fornte intn quttn nnd first lndy both plnnts central experimental fnri shun prttinse both believe in being tlu ripe seed is processed to txtintt tlumsclxis nt atl times and to nil tlu oil for wbith n great mnn uses j tojle both are quick to si e through hne bet n found 1 lie sobtnn oil i nn nninjji ss flntttr both nre jos- nienl or thnt pnrt of the bt nn whlrh stsstd of n itndy wit jimnins nftt r the nil bns been p t j 1 hough both drtsa with dignlt nnditracttd liktwis bns mnin us s j tum heitht r could hi cnlled n fash- sobtnn oil n titllled tn uie mnnu nm plat clotlus art incitkntnl to faitun of soap ii is also fin ling nn mon important indrtsts in the li of imh both enjn lb sfmpio llf and hi first l d no doubt will dim on filt and i i s with tho qtioi n as n thusinstualh is ci ori nnd hln- knji simpiti ann i nan lint dols with ii i poos v its in llt park p- mitieer itimuut sticks itli men pilot of an kcaf klttyhnwk fighter illmha nlnutrd his plan before jgolnr aloft on a patrol in alaska canada aliimn hi ing nrilth those of th united b intern in tlw noitberu outoalia ha alrvudy drawn jap blood mt it using usi in tin pit i ai tion f paints nnl nrnlshts it is n rli b vdiirt t of li i itbin w hii h t nt rs into tht making of u n nm i uid uos nn ties and otbur ai tubs it finds its wjjijuij tn hmini h 1 1 kitib n in tlu fm m i t n salad tl pi an i ma nnats sin rt ninj uul mariuin it nin h pi till is i itnstiiuitit i i hnolt um wbhli covers tin floor lh kt t bulk it4 stub in oil nn il is usi 1 as a souut of j r it in f r lii i sink ft ds manx pi isl i tun iinds ilniurporati sovbt in n i in md inl 1 1 1 nt i uiholsitunv has li n vnin school nj tiusiil finm so b an ii 1 1 in i umr nu b mad uthi r from s bnn m il or fiom hit btniis tlu nisi l s an i in i in hyw or low in fat t onti nt in ording tn t proli i ct ss sian mill is llkiwis im k frini titlnr tlu till w holt b nns its k t hit tnktn pnsoner is hnpp lies not t pioptitis h made it aluohle as a 4y mtatd uwn from litbos dut in louiln iukt of jnfant fid in n tin i rmnns moved tnpturtd i inj of fict ns to a stpuratt tump from the limn col ntwnjnn nskul to ih allow td to sta uiith bis nun und was krnnttd tht rthjaist he can now earr on as rofeuor of building and contrails in a school started amonjf the pristmurn colonel ill continue with other ranks prinoners i in german i 010 klv it till n t w nym t tu man w ho it d oni mandos ukalnt m nziiirt and wasimal ilht i tis oi jana ii3 tht uuihta pig wftiriminmtd ram belief thnt the amijll south american rodent found in oulnna wa actually found in guinea on the african coast a veteran at caoa vroum joo ola thai mpa nar uf duan wonii till vital ob u lh r c a f wotnvn dtvuiuo lout ng mu loi ait dut luciult ai nld atjm ib a 40 physically lit with at lot higb school oitaotv many u la an la etna it og ab awa yoo no ipnn ld th air taico will tiftin you quickly qk youtlnc wilb catija i full inloimal oo atony air b c a fv luciull n cntt write au3if wlow lor booiul back from scores of bombing raids over a dozen countries this young airman has found adventure in the slaeal just out of his teens an eager youth in yean hes a veteran in experience hes a first line fighting man trained in the scionce of war at 5nuiesaminutel he and his buddies in rc af airscrew drejeammates gunner wireless operator bomber pilot navigator all work together as a 8mooth attack team in a giant bomber their targets accurately surveyed in advance by daring reconnaissance pilots their flight protected by the blazing guns of fighter planes the bombers wjing their relentless way to bmash nan nervecentres the expanded air training plan has room for more men who want to be with these fighting comrades of the skies right now applications are being accepted for air crew duty at rcaf rscxuiang centres throughout cpnada if you aro phymtclly fit mentally ttlort over vi and not yot 33 yod aro eligible if you are over 33 but havo exceptional qualification you may mttll be considered lack of formal educatiait is no longer a bar to enlimtment royalcanadian air force riohiino comkadis or thi jkiis for ttluututld booklet giving full intormmtaorxwritm dtrmotar af mmnning r c a f jnokton building otlmtr or trim rltmrtif of thmm f rmaruitmf cmntrmm vanaoaitr calaanr edmonton saskatoon ragtna winnipeg mortk bar windsor tonibla ottawa montraal qualwo uomoton llaulaa v liwmlll

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