the acton free pbess the sunday school mjcbsokk twenty years ago covsftsty idttosc r mta af i0o kunk aparty- 1 o bbv mv b tka a may at thr etuifer a tar lor actaafc anr calac sad maarigd obfcw tmrava 4aam acokbeaaks forth haw do tw en amy arilk ariftbj ttat ema yoiar o iaar tbaar aat oa tala to bil 1 at l yv- hear of thai stafe am fflutwi if ik iwanuaar prtras oad tkadr boar at ottawa trfae la wtp nad th aa- ktng la arlaa aa pmdajr xl hex ta mr bui m- i- gmtc johnston oa tinl at tax i tatadbj- maica zt ir itfaldnac 1st am ttaroato s father af n joan latbr saxaam to enjoy food avoid jitters over vitamins anl to ttdtt j pant attr fetis of hnhlqr i fttta f ar baftnsar- mei is vanrly a woman said to me the other day fl try hard to give kny family a well balanced diet but hn kthuncd of lmpt caal i re in all the foods they ought to haw- ttw answer fa why should you try vuunbs are part of food food at what you vat and enjoy we hope thnt yt- should have a healthy and wellnourished nation ts oar of the most hnpnrtant nscelttort for win ning this tnr the achievement of that coal need not he an overwhelm ing solemnity relax hotowtww and use the simple basic knowledge that scientists have worked out for you as imply as youve learned it we neednt make a fetish of vitamins- just reme that they are a pari of food which bt one of our dearest io mlnni ani getting dear every day as further scarcities come upon because of these scarcities it is more than possible that we shall have to give way in a few place on the tremendously high nutrition stand ards which are set for us in 191 under an economy of plenty we thought was ours forever lefts take a look at bow we can begin to substitute for foods that were- abso lute musts in the nutritional yard- stork mm fevaa milk is the most important slagle food we have its extremely hard to find a substitute if the suppl is short in fluid dried evaporated or cheese form what there is should be erven in large portion to children and to prospective and nursing mothers vitamin c foods mean citrus fruits and tomatoes to most people cab bage is another fine source and so are many salad greeus we can still get at least one or more of the leafy g or yellow vegetables in most sections of the country theres a wide range and v we must simply become accustomed to using those that are obtainable often rather than demanding the wide variety we used to get as for the other fruits of which we were supposed to have two or more arrvtngsn day we must take what we can get po tatoes cooked with the skins on can fill a larger part of this demand than they haw done the british nutri tion standard call for the consump- tlom of a pound per person per day fill ta wish whatever other fresh foods you can buy we could sat a good bit leas of meat poultry flab and other pro teins than weve been accustomed to and still be perfectly healthy of cereals and bread wo have so far abundance and there seems little reason to suppose that we shall have lata wo must learn to eat more of labelled gestapo and such thlngs he realises of course thai an in vestigator ba your region invested with might throw his vetght lttle and by gosh batte ftomarb but sup- try of kble fcs thin says dr mcgregor they keep check- on the check er ev imeslt takes time find out if- a- mkjslsecmr we cant ride local cases in an ivory tower in ottawa be satdl whether it on rentals hoarding or anything else they do try to get an honest statement of fact from the en forcement c in di and they do insist on get ting local color- with it circumstances are taken into eonsld- all the administration does i he says t pass on a rase to decide whether it should go to the courts tlao igr 22k great cure fe lbs 25r 1 thek 41 tzv shut were no harriers to the eat- of the resurrection body of jhftisi strangely enough the first re mit af the appearance and words of was increased fear rljuke 2t 3t the heart of sinful back- from the supernatttral tensity rebuked their determined un- hebef and hardness of heart mk is lt- vahebef ht not n nifnihm tf be pitwd but n sin to be rebuked and repented of to o thebr per sistent ujsbehef and to convince them beyond im questkm that it was indeed ills very self jesus showed unto them llis taftuaccjnrc ftnil bxad spear- pierced side uuke 2t 3sa 4l3 the evidence of m literal physical resurrection of christ are overwhelm ing the dhatiples were at inst con vinced and gladness takes the place of fear they were glad when they saw the lord there b m other ghvdness like that which comes from a clear vlstau or the risen christ fetal it necessary to repeat ills of comfort thebr un ad not- taken in having given them peace lie next gives them a commission first peace in our n w p- own hearts then a commission to from those whose toes have been others the form of the nsmmbalon eppi on who make spite charges was thrilling ax the father hath i talnst persons they may have a seh toe even so tlsn c1u3 grudge against many many of which mk- it15- having given them the kave been investigated and discov- commlssson he gives thr empower- lo unfounded and in the nwnt for it iukr m29 ar ttz4 5 converse he showed me the file and sia 3s the dtsciples thd not n wemo whvre be had iust that day tuatry receive the holy spirit in his personally telephoned an old foreign- fuuwtts at this time ar js 24 bortt la montreal to apolo- jao 19 ac 2 jno- 1gt tiw the actions of an investiga- jesusr breathing upon them was a tur wn wl too smart altogether symbolic and prophetic act by w couldnt hanale the job of en- breathing upon them and thus at- 1 ittvremcnt if the public didnt co- sumlng to be the one whose breath operate he pointed out hut thank is the hvtnr spirit jesus claimed beaven 9s of the people are uolng most uanustakahly to he divine ign real enforcement job with us a srx job 3d 4 px 53fi rom 8 kmall percentage of course are de- b reaxon of receiving the holy nd kont play ball some of it spirit they were to receive a potter be claim is pure carelessness of uf spiritual dtsceranient whereby they regulatlotu to he observed in business would know when men had truly re pented and believed and so whoso ever sins they forgave- would be for- what of the future i asked lie hitched closer to me to emphasize the point as he warned that more dif- guen and whosesoever sins they rexjttcult times are ahead with dangers talned would be retained it was notl black market etc tell the b virtue of any office that was to fceopb- ny only helping them- descendupon a line of successors selves and they can be of tremen- buk by virtue of receiving the holy dous help to us as the more critical spirit that they were to be able to loes approach we would rather rorglve sins ar 139 10 8tk3 1 have compliance than enforcement cor 54 s 2 cor 2e10 thonuu hy time full of doubt and selfwitl was not i from dec 1 1941 to dec 31 1942 with the brethren and so missed meeting bis risen lord the other disciples hastened to tell thomas of the blessing they had received by this time thomas should have been convinced but be was not he had many reasons for believing matt 1621 30 is luke 341333h but thomas would not believe him iutless he had proof which in selfwill he presumed to dictate thomas wtlful- they had 152 prosecutions for the whole of ca and 1438 convic tions you and x who know whats going on can reason it out for our- ketve whether they are a gestapo gang or ah administration to check firmness raaaw sstamtlan x hate to hurry on with so much material of interest available but the series is just about finished i might hess comes out in his words i will b you m f thousands from dr not believe the only kind of evi dence thomas was open to was that which came through bis sens- what is told of thomas here is in perfect keeping with what is told rationing all part of the elsewhere ehs 1116 145 thomas picture we had he explained g e brltnell economic adviser of the foods administration tousled headed earnest fellow whose office walls are covered with colored charts butter overall figure was not the kind of a man to believe it out more lunch palls more sand wiches more civilian workers armed forces ked cross necessities alas kan highway usa troops in can ada commitments to west indies and newfoundland why the use of fluid milk increased by l0i over the prev ious year our per capita consump tion of butter in canada is 26 lbs e some impression hue that of cheese only 4 lbs and the next lords day it lakes two of cheese to make one of upon insufficient evidence in a resur rection that did rtotrealb take place ii jesus appearjs vtao thomas 2629c jesus had bidden vhe disciples to go into galilee tmattaltfklo but they seem to have waited a week rather than leave thomas behind their testimony had upon him for be took pains to be with them the butter wonderful grace and pity and lohg beef yup he admitted a tight suffering of jesus appear in ills position there but remember that in words to thomas and ills whole treat- general there is nothing in its over- meat of him thomas was fuuy con- all position in which would vlnced at last and cries to jesus with dictate it if we had no reaponsiblu- one of the most remarkable ascrip- ties to the united nations it is obn tlons ot deity to be found in the uious that we cannot maintain higher bible my lord and my god jesus consumption levels of meats than accepted these titles thomas out- other of the united nations say the tripped them all at last jesus gave united states thomas a very gentle but suggestive n is unlikely that we will avoid rebuke for his persistent unbelief he neat rationing in the trend of events pronounces an especial m upon he says and that takes in beef pork the one who does not ask to see but baron vesjl lamb and mutton with believes upon the naked t ins af the new feeding program however the word of god heb lit 1t19 30 m why john recorded signs related in this gospel- 3a 31- jesus wrought many works of dl- luke 138 45 a be is certain we will nave more beef there john recorded ho had just on purpose in mind convincing men that jesus is the christ the son of vine power j signs of his being sent god in order that by bebeviag this of god as tbe messiah which are not t from the heart they might have life recorded in this gospel nor in the in his nam the best way to get other gospel in selecting from all that faith in jesus that brings life is lb signs that jesus performed to read that gospel jno 77 as i gat wp to leave hess mk hands with a few words about talfsbag with foods ad ministrator gordon itaggart who was shortly jtfavinr feus job and to sit in the agricultural s us gm- again his staff lactones men of knowledge of the various food com modities directly from farm and var ious food processing and distributing iavfbsstrtes the food adairalrtratlnei and much of the action which follows may he carried out by regional offic ers of the board you see food supply naturally u- vhfes itself into two gro foods of domestic origin or imports when do mestic suppty is threatened as a re- salt of lower price established unde- the exiling either of three things is done the article can he removed from the celling entirety as done with of fresh fruits and veget- the price ensttd he increased as wtth beef lamb and some other prodoct which have a seasonal price range and which reanired blgher prlcea to maintain supply or thirdly sdwtlrotes were added to the you remember how the latter was done expensively in the case of milk dairy products and a num of can ned item such as tomatoes action vrfth respect co nsalntenance of supply has been taken mainly in conjunction wltb or in cooperation with the department of agriculture in the case of essential imported foods he pointed out the same gen eral principle is applied to ubsldlre imports if the price celling threatens supply or to lift eeulngs from the threatened products there it u in a nutshell and 1 hope theres a kernel in u- and he added did mr taggart that the most common practice of im port has been for the commodity price stahlnratlon corporation to bulk purchase at the best pnauble price and then aril into the domestic trade at whatever price is necessary to ntn lelllagi the title nil not ion of requireeneafts aad the nvsaagentent of distribution of the id keep up of food for the crviuaa popul dlon and to as sist other gover bodies it also acts to requisition or otherwise ac quire food for thr soldier hoys and girls and other priority needs in cases of particular commodities which are la short supply mr taggart made it d ao- buns- drum that i lost my appetite for din ner and theres not a secret sub sidies are not handouts and tbe trade gets no special benefit from them they are only paid if there is no other way of securing a sufficient supply of an article without exceed ing the ceiling price and are limited only to essential consumer goods and next weeks article concludes the ser ies ilk fe the klttth mm n nerles m arttese by mr creiamal vancouver c their skill to salt the needs of war undents at canadas first csan school which has been opad fta van couver a london artist major j n c lewis and captain a b ct rhodes well known in eaw4savs as n writer are looking after the artting up of the arhool mtu many tommmm w1nnipbg of lo tbe canadian army corps h mj a survey of records disclosed i members of tbe unit hero write or speak about 15 saagtasgaa be sides rarilsh inehidfatg praneh ice landic polish nor final ih belgium dutch german ilebrew roumanian russian and ukranian what determines the value of advertising space reader interest determines the value of advertising space advertising experts all agree reader interest in a publication is the most initortant factor in determining the value of advertising sjiace when suhseriliers get the free press they read it they have paid for the service the free press renders and for having it delivered ad dressed personally to each and every one of them it is not thrown on the door step in the hope that it will lie noticed as are handbills and posters hut is directed to the personal attention of every householder who has paid for receiv ing it this payment is the guarantee of its being read the free press has that local reader interest of that there can be no argument the free press carries a complete news coverage of acton and district as well as other valuable and interesting features it is eagerly looked for every week by all its readers liecause it contains hundreds of individual items and stories about the people of acton and district when you place your advertising message in the acton free press your are sure of getting reader interest and territory coverage sweet caporal cco cam m tssoud