the acton free press thursday aiiul 29u isis 3 mm lwefar atti oif advekttsimc sateso pellctl ktb i- abxf diua eaa telephones- edhorul j bj itfw choose your way j you are going to have callers during this week or the next few weeks and you are missing an oppor tunity if you dont ask the caller in and secure the information he can give you we have during the past few weeks learned a lot about victory bonds besides the need for providing the funds for bring ing victory the salesman who calls knows about these spec ial features that victory bonds provide they can be used as collateral to secure a loan at your bank in case of need wt a very favorable rato of interest when yqu become a holder of bonds your credit be comes better and the moro bonds the bettor your credit wo are told that those who previously purchased bonds are the ones who most readily purchase moro bonds on each issue very often these purchasers make a larger purchase the reason is very sirnple they have round out the value of the bonds how pleasant it is to get interest regularly and what a fine backlog a few bonds are in case of emergency they are guaranteed by the dominion of canada and there is no better security added to all the attractive investment features is the fact that the loan of your money now buys the supplies that are needed to bring victory withhold ing your dollars from the war ehorr and subsequent defeat would mean that your carefully hoarded dol lars would bo worthless the nazi method is to confiscate when a country is conquered there ore just two ways you have the matter of choice in canada you are asked u loan for your own protection a place in the country one or the wartime trends in largo crtjeii is the increasing desire on the part of city dwellers born and bred to move to that smaller place out in the country heardihurban circles probably more than ever is the expression of a wish to get uway from it all crowded streetcars lineups at stores theatres and oftices cramped living quarters and the general rush or a wartime city the thought is driven home that a bustling city is not always both a haven and heaven there is the fact that there fire attractive spots to live in other than in a city cubicle true much of the situation is due to war conditions but the constant daybyday epetition or congested movement is making a deep impression on many city people hence one hears what is almost a cry if we only had some nice little place out in the country still another factor is the prospect that postwar living conditions in cities may not be all that can be desired there is an urge on the part of some fam ilies to find a home in the country where the family can live more cheaply where some foodstuffs and other necessities can be produced independently and where ones existence is not so contingent upon what is brought to the door by others lnauso of the war the soil is calling quite a few city residents and they are not to be classed as gentlemenfarmers who buy estates to be work ed and maintained by employees there are com plaints from the farmers these days but there are grievances among city folks too and the situation serves to prove still once again that there are always two sides to a story and maybe rural or semirural life isnt sobad after all the experience of a long winter with a large snowfall has evidently convinced most every rate payer we have met that councils decision to pur chase a truck and equipment necessary for plough ing out roads is in the best interests of the commun ity true it may be argued that all unnecessary ex penditure in wartime should be avoided it is therefore wise to examine such expenditure to see that it qualifies as necessary acton has nearly a dozen industries many of them are em- pl6ycd on vital war supplies during one storm this winter when all traffic was blocked two of them would soon have been closed if traffic had not been opened in a day at every industry transports call for deliveries every day in acton these iudustries are not in a special lection of the town but scattered it therefore becomes necessary that most every street be kept open for traffic in winter to avoid waste of gasoline time and effort they must bo kept free of snow in summer they must be kept in good re pair and opened promptly this can only be done by having the necessary equipment from every viewpoint this expenditure at this time appears to meet the test of essential v helpful workers needed for those who may be critical of organization necessary to conduct victory loan campaigns it would be well to be reminded that the office in acton serves all the north end of halton county and was opened with a view to conserving travel its fur nishings have been loaned without cost from various industrial plants wherever available the only work ers on the victory loan who receive any remunera tion are those who are devoting full time to the work and on one evening during tho week the voluntary workers outnumbered the salaried staff by six to one and are always in the majority tho county and unit committee members all serve without remun eration and pay any incidental expenses they may incur out of their own pockets tho office here is ft division of the former staff in headquarters at oakville records show that no other organization in the past has raised nearly equal amounts of money with as little expenditure as is made in victory loan cam paigns do not spread falso rumors and injure any war efforts unless you are prepared to meet the facts canada needs dollars to carry on the fight and is going about to got them with the whole hearted support of thousands of hardworking can adians who are patriotically giving their time and errort so that every part of every dollar raised is de voted as largely as possible to winning the war wo have heard theso rumors repeated sometimes unintentionally and some times to throw a smoke screen around the limited effort of the indi vidual who put them forth the point to get in this war is not what tho other fellow is doing ask yourself if your efforts measure up to the best you can give canada needs workers to help win theres u place for all to work on many war committees your criticism and help wflt be welcomed if it is constructive v editorial notes the week at ottawa flpectehy wrtttoa fss tshe aetott ftwe fras by douglas green ctamtum rnw staff writer dont blame the weather too seriously it has at least been a deterrent to that upsetting time known us housecleaning time v these are days when you can really pass the am munition to the boys on the front line buy victory bonds and then more victory bonds v it is estimated that if acton is to reach its ob jective many who bought bonds in the previous issue will need to double their buying and more new bond holders will be required v u you were one of the fortunate ones who in vested in the january 1040 loan your 100 bond is now worth 1035 in addition to the interest drawn during the three year period v isnt it tunny what a difference just a few days make remember tho monday of just last week then the friday and saturday it was a day later this week that the snow came v if you huve any doubt about the security of victory bonds just compare them with the money some folks like to keep in the sock without interest both are promises of the dominion of canada to pay the bearer v the nazis in europe and the japanese in the pacific can be cracked in three months apiece once the shift is made to concentrated air attack but trom the time our mind is made up it will take two years to do it the preparation period requires time maj alexander p de seversky author vic tory thru air power v when a man bites a dog that is news and so it is news to learn that 27 women stenographers in a cio office in detroit have gone on strike for higher wages they are members of the cio of fice workers union apparently the union was more determined to get better conditions for others than for its own employees cheatey enterprise j pint order of business facing the senau of canada when it retunws sitting may 5 aftr the twoweek easter recess is that of cdnalderuitf the income tax amending bill which has still lo receive the approval of the upper house it was learned iterc however that the delay in the senates approval of the measure will hot lutetfer- with the wlminlstrallon of the act as am ended finance allnuuer luley will thus be able to send out income tax forms which taxpayers must com plete jiy juno 30 the house of commons took nearly throe weeks to consider the bill in it resolution stane nnd though it re ceived third reading there in time to permit the commons to adjourn april 22 for a recess lasting unll may fi the bill failed to receive royal nvwnt mndlntf emtttldcratlonhy the senate the deluy in putting throunh the measure was criticized by imme min uter mackenzie king who look hi parliamentary colleagues to task for holding up the presentation of im portant government measures through long discussion of other mutters home of which the prime minister describ ed nm trivial lulllom comlna p lie fore the hnuve when it rckumet will he the war appropriation hill of s1h9o4mm00 and the main nonwar estimator for the current fiscal year however interim supply measure liave been parsed approving expend ture of onesixth of the sum naked for in the war appropriation bill nnd the same percentage of tho main nonwar estimates another item stated for early con sideration by commons is tho jlot-o- 000000 mutual nld bill designed to as sist the unltednntlons in obtaining needed supplies nnd war material from canada before thin measure u taken up it is likely motion will in made to establish special committees on war expenditures nnd radio broad casting the consideration of lion- war ekllmntes will give prime min ister king nn opportunity to make nn early statement on foreign affairs in contrast to the dnyu of peace the easter recess will he no holiday for cabinet ministers commoners or kenntors since most of them are ex pected to participate actively in the fourth victory 1onn campaign minimum objective of which ik 1100- 000000 cfctue export tho prospect that canadian cattle men may before long be able to re sume exports of beef cattle was held out in reports to the federal depart ment of agriculture indicating that the run of cattle to markets ncroks canada had improved to tho extent that some points were reporting slight surpluses the export of beef cattle has been halted for almost a year but if and when it becomes possible to resume export it is not expected hero that this iw carried out on a wide open hauls shortages last year led the prices board authority to take the stand that domestic requirements should be met even while prices ac ross tho border made tho export of cnttlo attractive to producers enlarged cattle runt will however mean no change in the moat ration ing program expected to become operative about may 24 canadian food production is part of tho united nations pool to be drawn on by al lied nutlons an well as by canadian themselves meat rationing with a limit of about two pounds per jwrson per week will permit certain outside re- qulremcnts to bo met the larger tho canadian production the greater will be the contribution to the food store of the united nations canadian aircraft worker doing bio job canada aircraft industry ha 80- 000 worker and on the basis of the canadian population a production re cord unsurpassed by any united na tlon the worker come from all wallet of life few had previous experience in aircraft work their adaptability is shown in the aircraft suggestion plan whereby workers are rewarded for ideas on production shortcuts examples are many one worker a former golf pro nan already saved the country 8200 by an idea simplifying an op eration two other ideas by new workers ore effecting a total saving of s29000 a yenr mnny nlrcraft workers in canada ore now receiving aircraft produc tion hadces the badges are round with colors of blue red and silver the centerpiece showi a silver plane over a red maple leaf on a white field at least three months of steady work is necessary to qualify for a badge hebes an idea oklahoma city cp in many towns and rural district of this state schrolchildren fcre going to school rmlfanhour earlier than usual bo ai to be home halfanhour earlier to work on farms and gardens i f national v sblbotivb sriviol b v order pvnsuuat watusi al selective servleo civilian regsilatl cksutge la stew iti ts the tassse eff perssuute seek ssjjlarstfsli after april stl ims pemtt snay be wfsfscd to stajr suit lcra froas laofl to ib44 nrttuiyev who baa tqtata i moiem to mwp mtufartory widriwa of oosnpltanca writl motsuibtvusst iksilstkhisv it one of tbe followlas tetntmi is 4 wfwf of duemmram from uu umimttfm fmi mrimg tui wmr or b m rvjeetiom up iummj bp tkm army m application for wmfitltmmtj or r ccrttfitls mf stcfi mmmmi frm fl luguttmt of afouiw- tam boarj or j pomtpomrwimmt r mtifmtm from h ttrgutrar of mobiuamtiom boards tf ban from i ww to 0o mtcfsmtw afsafery dormmrmtiem m form mtvasfauf t mptopmwnt offtae uuf k if mot m msv emraon itadw if olutfo bffmatitmt dorumruu in l tutd above bmcxi im prcmiuj dy umi irt titim a prrtmt ist smajtbt after april so ims unless tulsxl for ly vlhiv hvi ww ikrumeats la r and d jbutt iiiuitbtprrartiuh cad haw m pmnlt is applied for o mat prrtotu appipimff far permits vg mail ultotdd fofmrd wtm tavtf applications tk avidtme tw- a iultifs km ohicr may fmu prrmu wtmttut firmt hinff ma mwimkv rw tka appluttmtg tf artf regsttrmf for immm amv ptoytrttt or wfttft prrmii s jtvf for fc mau hit m fm tk vidtae muh bs praimtrd to tk jivjvwt rrrvit officer uur umuou within tlllthk davh f tam um of tks permit all knen born from 1902 lo 1924 who lusva rearltrdj aye 19 are urged lo eooperete with your empboysnrnl and selective service office bring your document with you department of labour huuniuv miruicllt a maliiumamik fc save waste for victory carrolls van camps tomato soup nouridiina- appetirina- m tins tea mms m mm assmay csirous own pinar teas maxwell ho zox loc lie 14c i lb 43c 19c u coffee carrolls romar coffee x granulated or yellow sugar 8c on saturday uu coupon no 8 for carroll butter c ib 4 fkksii california cahhots hunch q sekdless fijorida oranges size 250n dozen fresh green beans 29c ound deijcious eating apples 3 or 10c sarluj whbat 33c catauis macaroni or patt sr toe catsup r s stml bria ebds pa icloc pard do food s zz 9e pears l 2 auc sauer kraut loc cocoa cowans 1 lb tin i oats quid qul l pit f odex soap 2 lie javex rssr w- 14c w i uw riaht to umu a el all mttmmmu v business directory dr w g g kenney succeor to pr j a ucnlvea office in symon block mill street acton oftlce fhn tt im ibs dk wm- g cullen lmcjc office ltoul 3- and 79 pjn except wedneaday an4 sunday mill street near frederick street 1ione its dfsntai dr t h wvlie taklnff cluuse of dr buchanans practice for uie duration far the rreaent office ileum s sea te s pjn eeert vliarac1ay fliliajr ofk1ce telephone 148 uu hugh s austin dental 8urscu mill slntt corner frederick acton offtte lloura 030 am to filti pm evening by aipolntment uoual c f leatheulanu b a barriaer nnd houcuor notary fublkt luiuir of marrlnue utfnmis liullror of ulrtha marrlauei ixalhe s aciim office it rnonee uealdenea u kenneth m langdon berrklter holidlor naiery coatl offlcea ceoraetown gregory theatre builds action over t seynucku cafe for appolntmenta phone acton 63 or georoetown 88 office hour acton tufaduy and tliumday 1 30 pm to4uim even- intfs on rtmiueat vetebimabv b i young vs bvsc veterinary murseen oklie llrookvllle ontario ilioiu mlllon i4sr4 f g oakes vs bvsc veterinary kurgeum otliit lihrf lleuidtnf khok avenue aclon plume 110 aiktionce8m frank ietcii auctioneer nnd uepremntntlve mm nierelal ijfe aaunuw co phone 301 cuerlew mtreet oeoraetowo russell johnson mjernaed auctioneer for ttua imstrlrt it it x acton ukal ehtatk willoufahby farm agency lurtiiit nnd oiheut aieenry in canada heiul office kent illdif toronto feortlown keprekentatlve tcmti ifewaon phone oeercetown sit time tables canadian national railways iltlnmtkmmt dally trxttt juiiliiy ljom dily oxtupt suntluy a pm dully 1xctpt sunday 9 40 am- kumlny only 819pm kl4r tit georijotown 0 24 pm flytt lit outlph h 53 p m olmtf uvt dally fkcipt sunday lotiam dully vxlviit kunday h50 sun katurdny only im put dally kopt sunday 7 24 pm sundny only 1154 pm- graveoacu unes tuasok aw time table effec tive febswakv mb coaciik5 leave acton kulbotuid f 11 ii n 9 16 a m 2 06pm 6 26 j m 9 16 pm bio 41 pm j wrstbountl ylo 51am y2 18 p m a5 08 p m zl 13 pm b9 2h pm xl 1 51 p m f ii to london b- sundays und holidays only x- to cuidph dally to kitrhener sunday and holiday i y lo kit henvr lo si rat ord o if it doehnt bain oxu nld was in hls most sentimen tal and extravagant mrod he was urljjnc a letter to tils sweetheart dearest anranella he wrote x would swim the mlffhty ocean for on dance fromyour eye i would walk through a wo ii of flame for one touch of your flny hands i would leap the widest river for a word from your lovely lips your own oswald ps ill be over on saturday- night if it doesnt rain