1he acton niee pkess thursday mat utfc ims press sees womens work in wartime england lm ajarrna itoeav k only an dhaagjc et bms aund he meubvts irifcrtt co- fawl and acts both as 4wbmr aast fcdortr- tn saxc- bad iql ijbr bm aw bambt bo thai bfce dkiawffdcw ia faa a tulle bnml by tusshrttf affffliowt owe tbr es gjae m bw were to noblvf tbr euvc tar bom wowm ah have to he rchaidl- tfcr tarikrfl cabkwkrs are all w and are rawany off tbr- drivers in the cities oonibases ttnv re- pswvd trantts jvara aoo w umm cxifs llceaity au tbr niadtortan an- wa and iis fcs vey hard wwoil swta ibsax as raying thr tare when eater- v sthl ji m lac a bo oo- lqam s apjojealy un- 0111311 laomtn over there they do not law a ftal bit- as two mn- or three jtbe sunday school lesson iktktt 1nd john iflkacm to samawrraks cfekva tnl 1jh ap aa aad ut aa ur arab im 1 ma i ma ill tt- r- kfcpaaliam i- iv il bnl ais tar a willi stranger in our mibl mor wftm iw- martd mp ua 1praacaia ffcwiliiiwi d awla ikm- mtana al auujac anr aa u fhatl ik ollltil oaf a laa nnrlta at ike 21 ttaalaa iau tar uklc artacaad fly uhhmt af i91s nokct la lav ana xur jtar aaecara autn lanmr at la tarauo lavir armllred la aall fc nand car la la la araadcairf 3 u 11131 ttp la ian liaii iw ctunra aram uuiorty la fcavr ava woafkard la jk- pvabaajr fkvr la anca au kvalaratf aad iw- p ewty war baa nuihadml tb need for r la at aaa rare mat- la nruast for tha aualed iak an caauaaa caartray emry imi baa ua aaota aff btraac- kvwai taaacb yoar aaataar aaay bivr taacbt yom aot to aprafet to atraacr yaa m aatat i tbraa tba alad of raaruay o aoau i uav ta iwvtr adlaowl lanbaiiaaitag j mnfa- x if a araaaaa faltrrtad aska jroa a j ftlr1- raabtati jma talur co aj i bir la tru br vyotmmu f m nalty baaar laalrad of altac bar bruaurly toward a tb- ulal arta f r ttadvv tfcr 3w of trajac aail iv- okaatbaaa tvrw la zorral ra- giaao- of tcarirvfl- stmsrtor w ibr four onfaloax tb- 2aji saw bravy ncbliac fca tbr balbty tirtmab offraidhrv of uarrb iw april kor so days hr 2nd imvbaan was d- tacbrd froaa tbr vmps aad brtd a tmmyard front ea tbr itcrtnrtur vuassr j bruaariy t polkaraaaa or if you wr a aii lo a luain or uallon tliurxuaj aiklb a prrvtkli aad rnl ibr vuay wrrj m y fc4c nouldal you bad a band your arm wont j aad bolb ou and aba -t4- ajhly atitl frrt nturb bapfhlrr til nrvrr forcrt tbr woman woo wnt a hand to tbr bravy 1ravlluu bae that 1 was strucjeunje to rarry in a giortrr brn i tlvanltrd -vvh- j aajvanac rfeft troopc iwrol of cbrin wa oami bvnfmohal proaxnr- av 18k not ywt otwnr to jrfrt fruitioa bat of irnxtaawj loay arr rfabm toal jjt tw u ibror rfarrrful aonnptam- of adovxl dwlb arrwd out tbr pur- bardiajl aad ibriir nnorrv drunr ta do ainartbaae mo faroa abdwr all ifary uv a woadtrfful uasjporaaiioa lo tbrir j osrtrfon hxjc tfil0 na vfc to br ai urabout tbr rfforlb j t vaa l prvvah ud to tbr wstyfc- ii liirirt nci isrnrtbr tbr ary of br rrocr of br mrij zszssss szz bk favabuur wac icaria1 iarxrd with didiactioa brkpia to rr- raacbuur a aaaniltly a u kf afnau drixr w aalfttt powrr of tbr iloly strit aad aym- paaird nj aub kiin of oootv ab pnmal that tbr nudlitudrs c- brrd wttfa mm- avord unto tbr thine that avn- itpolkra by rallip tbr de- honatird wtv drtnrvrd ibr baric an braird lief wocfec rautrd crrat joy a trur rrtxal awa dorx ea any rity- tl ooavrrta ftrcrkr tbr lloly chad llt i tbr apoalb arot taror very best knra to fostrr tbr arork irr aadl jofe on tbrir arrmol found that 9 none of tbr converts bad rrcr tbr 1 iloly spuil- crrtainir bascbl probably aw doffrrrat to-dav- fc party tw cnininv to end or if mi w- a tatrancrr aland- ac aachaiard and alonr in a rathrr- ajf couldnt u pauar- a bnlnutr to akthoucb thry had brra ihaartrd tmk mhlqtin aonrthlnc which in tbrir attrmt to dnridr the bru- latet rr akvf rouldnl you araaon all of u with a unilrt evrry- tsh aad frrnrb tbr in tbrir and sir j fmmcvrful iafuctrd thr attira in mm cuac aad rquifmoaral tbr ibritlxb army wa badly wrakrnrd lkouchn ilaitf called ror knrnlx from britain tbr italian front aad as ear aflrld as wtrsttne and adraopotarnia ererythuu poasiblr was done to re inforce the british army honu- jjbody nradx a few thrw days suannxm trxrmaate anaoac this cosnpany of baptiard hrtircens tbrre we are dntinctly lou that x yet j cj03dok cf there arr kroar- jlatt nuroaarinjs juxt brnralh the hiaurface of british poulaos which knayjj dwehs of the bnxhlrfa aaraas ron- j forecast the end of this countrys be iloly spirit bad fallen upon niar cnnlinnoaijy up and doom thr jj juetoral truce and eventually the of them they were precisely in stairs usually the bus fat crowded j of the coalition eoverninrat uhe poulion of nvany fin the church arakhb laaani it that much more diffi- the difference within the coverntalay they bad believed the truth coll rorthean with no many stranr- taeat have had two distinct outcrop- b eoncernine the fct godaad jcerman thrusts acalnst the british era in g they have to keepiipuu durtac the last few weeks and in the name of jesus christ bad hero had brm nullified on ifercunand boa tolthourfa they have been rninimiwd haptiied but they bad not received foca bene of the allied arn- ifay a bulk of the puhiic because therejibe itoly spirit as a distinct and per- lex started the task of bulldlne up his i was no prratuvnrnt rift the party isonal experience so important did i ceaeral reserve in preparation for the truce is an unrasyoofu 1 jthe aporflri recard it that bewevers day when the british and rvrnch rj should receive the holy spirit that sammies loeelher with the ra svurhed cradua1ty the lines were stabllixed and finally the germans re directed their efforts eltt the french to the aouth- strong attacks were made in the champacoc but here ajeata thenemy was repulsed after ksinine ronsiderabw territory tearty in uay alter the strongest rrnch duterent points they have to watch wrbrrr they are call out the stops sienal to start and stop the bus and make sure that slrnncer does not to past bis or her destination the women on blmrx really work hard a laree number of women are do- apldty- first open indication of that major should receive the lloly spirit political difference had returned to i the first thinjr they attended to was jjcxowinc american army would be able the coalition imrne minister churchill jj this they evidently thought that j to undertake the offeuuve that was has headed for almost t litre years the way to obtain the holy spirit was to carry them to victory came over the caleruur bill it wasjjhy prayer i is cf iuke 1113 it j vaulted by lfaea en fire watchlnc duties this uiual- 1 backed kerenuouy by the ovemwas noar years after ivolecost and rurin this period the services off toent throueh labor alinlster bcwbt still we find the apostles prayln rorijfhe canadians were in demand but but 116 conservatives voted aralnst jj the holy ghost jporh had other plans nominally the ly means stayinc up all aicht and pa- trolliaie roofs and alleys when 3 ctanadlan looks over the skyline of english towns and cities the first thine that strikes turn is the appear ance of the english roofs which are usually rut up with all kinds of tur rets and chimney pots every build- inr has anywhere up to a dozen or more of these chimney pots they add considerably to the difficulties of 1 propert pmlrolliae the roofs ijsdi ders are often kept on the roots so thai any part can be quickly reached j this work is most important during raids prompt handling of incen diaries on these roofs makes the dif ference between little damare and staceerlnc losses about the time that the ilotnhrr ires arrived in england thelhm- merbert alorrisoti made an appeal for many thousands of extra women fire watchers there was a great deal of i criticism at thr time as it was flt that this work was to hard and dang- j erous for women rut thr answer was that knore than double the num ber asked for volunteered it shoued lite determination of the women of england to do everything they could to help in war work the following appeal appeared in lhe september issue of the parish magazine of st mary ludrlirfe church bristol without question the greatest material ttvasur in bristol is st mary redcliffe church 1 now- ask the women of bristol if they wui help in guarding it against fire we tnant two at least and three better stilt to be on duty every night there is perfectly possible work for women to do and they will not be asked to attempt what only men can do women between 17 and so will be welcomed and if you arrange with a friend or friends to take on one night a week you wlll be doing great service now is the time to strengthen our band of watchers before the win ter begins it must be remembered that in all probability the women who lake on this work will do it in addition to working at their regular occupation au day at all the air force stations that we visited there were vaafs doing the cooking washing the dishes wait ing on table operating the telephones and radio controls and doing clerical and other work women appear to be doing nearly everything on the railways except driving n engines most of the guards at the stations are women and they may also be seen handling trucks with express and baggage in cidentally the traveller in england today 1 e to took after his own baggage not only while on the trains but also in the hotels the mobile- ca so many of which has bona pvoyiflsd by tarlous it- the catering bill briefly is a ilargerase attempt to reform the cat ering industry make conditions bet ter for waiters barmen everyone down to the lowliest snack bar wait ress the opposition lobby was sup- ported largely by chain restaurant managements operators of large ho tels and brewers scext came the government an nouncement that the beveridge plan would not be accepted in full censure for the igaverninent stand was voted by 119 labor hackbenchers who thus disagreed with the stand of their cab inet ministers and created a labor j party crisis which ended after two we cannot improve upon their i corps was training in methods of method the reception of the iloly i open warfare but actually it was pre- spirit by these samaritan converts i paring for much more fochs was something so very definite and pets as the canadians were some- marked that simon sawlt it has times called were visited several been argued from the fact that the i times by the famous french com- apostles laid their hands upon them rnandertnchlef that the holy ghost can only be the datnlalon soldiers did not let given by the laying on of an apostles foch down in the last victorious drive thry formed the spearhead of the british attack gen erich iokdendorff in his book published within a year after the arm tit ice singled out the canadians for hands and as the apostles are no longer with us the gift of the holy ghost is not for today this is ttlrange logic and contradicts plain scripture teaching for it was not an apostle but merely a certain disjthe part they played in smashing ripw who laid hands on saul when through the german fines when the he received the holy ghost ac 910 allied drive started in august 11 the household of cornelius re- 1 the english colonials and the ceived the italy ghot- without thejfrehch broke deep intoour line -he- mretings with no announced agree- laying on of any ones hands ch- 10 j tuven thr somme and the luce meat on future conduct j it i where our fresh divisions were cam- the labor party thus is placed in the samaritan btlievein did rtotpletcly overrun ludendorff wrote the pod t ion of having supplied the have to spend weeks falling for their the eighth of august marked the largeat opposition to a government rvntecost it came the moment the downfall of our fighting strength and measure since mr churchill becamo conditions were fulfilled it was so prime minister with no promise that j everywhere in acts after acts 21- it wont happen again j m an impostor uncovered 1825 labor sources say that the labor j simon desired to buy the power of members who voted against the plan j imparting the holy spirit his heart are notsattsfied with the information was so thoroughly corrupt with sel- 1 1 no gall so hitter as the gall of sin which probahy was given al one of riuinrss and covetousness that hetthere is ho bond so strong as the the secret meetings during the crisis j would turn gods gift into a way of bond of iniquity jno hrti simon destroyed our hopes of strategical amelioration to continue the war was to start n gamble the war had to he ended stockiloitm the german paper 12 uhr bum says haf pilots get s225 for each night raid a pilot officers pay ts s3jrs a day k the story behind meat rationing food is a weapon of war and we must share our supplies with those who arc fighting to keep the war from our shores after all special wartime demands are taken care of only one half of the meat produced in canada will be available for ordinary domestic consumption at home m supplies for our armed forces must be itemed at au costs but has hot been confirmed official- j unholy gain this brought a stern ly that the labor members of the rebuke and awful warning it is nil cabinet tried to convince the govern- j very solemn are there not today men to accept the beveridge iteport those who are longing and praying in its entirely hilt were overruled by for tlw- baptism with the holy spirit for their own aggrandizement or galnt such a view of the matter reveals an irreverence toward god and a selfishness so profound the conservatives in the cabinet under the present political setup the cabinet presents a united front on such matters once they have been threshed out in private so although j make pardon almost imposslble kfome secretary herbert morrison may have advocated full acceptance of the plan in private he eventually became chief defender of the gov ernments decision- ills presentation of the governments position swung about 50 reluctant members into the governments lobby when the vote was taken young terrlea there was minor unrest within the conservative party itself over the plan about 40 members unofficially bearing the tag of young tarries put their names to an amendment de manding immediate establishment of a ministry of sociaj security if at any time in the debate th young torriea had made common iv 221 the one who thinks that gods did not want to draw near to god himself so asked peter to pray to the lord for him- he dors not ap pear- to have been so sorry for his sn as he was frightened at the pos sible penalty the apostles did two things they testified or vfhat they knew themselves of the lord cf luke 24 48 ac 1r and preached tfe word of the lord their task was simple it was not the compll gifts can be purchased with money jcated inefficiency which one finds in does not know god nor the methods of ills grace all of gods gifts are gifts indeed they are not to be pur chased bat received tlsa 551 bom 623 eph 28 horn 116 simon had believed philips doc trine and had been baptized with water v 13k but he was an unre- generate man tvs 2123 v it matters little whether our hearts are right in the sight of man the question is are they right in the sight o mm by the power of the holy spirit upon him peter saw that simons heart was not right and declared him an un- forglven sinner as a splritfllled man he retained simons sins and they cause with the disgruntled liberal j were retained cf jno 2022 23 and labor elements the government almost certainly would have been forced to revise its decision the op position would have been too large to override instead when it became apparent that any concerted action against the pnrenunents stand might have endangered the government it self the young tonic dropped their amendment and voted in the sovernrnent lobby- there was but one thing for simon to do repent and pray god for for giveness that ls the way that for- flveness is to be obtained by all who are guilty of wickedness luke 18 ix 14 we need forgiveness not only for our outward acts hut also for the thoughts of our heart simon was in the visible church but never theless he was 1n the call of bitter ness and the bond of iniquity there much of the christian ministry to day with its overdone instltutlonalism new testament preachers were zeal ous to preserve their ministries for faithful preaching and fervent pray ing ac 6 24 look out foryouruvui ra3m ilavai ttr 1r fwiitat1vis grct britain km to depend more and more on canada for tunplics to maintain even its present low ration rate of 28 cents worth of meat per person per wreck since the wir started the consumption of meat by civilians has increased in canada great defense projects such as the a lean highway and the shipthaw power develop ment have created new and large demands for meat in areas where practically no demand existed before canned mcac it required m large quantities by the red cross to send to our boys who are prisoners of war otuviy j places like newfoundland and the wt indict which previously tecured their meat from other source must now depend to a rreat extent on canada the many extraships of the united nations now calling at canadian ports must he furnished with meat rationing is inielligent foresight intelligent planning coupon rationing is the only way of ensuring equal sharing of the meat available for civilian consumption in canada those with lots of money will not get more than their share and those with less money will be assured of getting their fair share rationing will help prevent local meat shortages such as occurred last year from becoming widespread and continuous throughout the whole dominion the incentive for panicbuying which empties butcher shops carljr in idle dayj will be eliminated the meat ration will be ample for health and nutrition fortunately our meat production in canada has increased so although only half our production will be available for civilian use it aril mean a reduction of only about i f to 20 in the average household consumption the proposed ration of 2 lbs carcass weight per person per week has been approved by the countrys leading food and nutrition authorities as ample for the health and nutrition standards of everyone regardless of age or occupation dates and othm details aegauhng meat ration inc soon to coome efftctivtlm canada will se announced utet w a i t i m f prices a n p tr aaaaaasl ri4afrffe