Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 17, 1943, p. 3

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thursday june 171b ims the acton free press page of inteyel to women ihemiungmmfl in bbutakv ffualtb hello ihmernalrers as lot tunkes the hare fields the cattle o forth to gran nature provide the nutrients and the hero ol cows silently and steadily crop the tender snoots of grass to give us that mosi important food milk each evening the veteran dairy fanner opens the gate and hla army returns to barracks without bands or bunting although his field uni form is faded from work and weather in canadas military strategy the far mer ranks high for men must eal before they can fight nations must have food with their freedom- and niluno bestbalanced food is milk in spite f labor arul machinery ahortajett last year ontario mad 3k million pounds of clw4s export ing j25 millions mad 1 million pounds of butter and uaid flour and a half million pound of milk in other ways the average consumption of butter in canada is 72 o ier person per week in 1942 butter prxwlucilon wa lower than the previous year while cheese production wan up 34 mr cent estimated needs require an increase of 6 per cent in milk pro duction in ontario this province can he proud of fts farmers for pitching in and produc ing bumper cros of corn wheat meal and other foods as well as milk for working longer und harder farmers wives too liave been do ing their share i cup canned corn i cup bread or cracker crumbs 1 cup grated cheese 46 tup salt j cups scalded milk 1 tb melted fat 1 tup worcesterkhire sauce 2 ths chopped creen pepper optional 2 eggs combine nil ingredients except egg and milk iieat egg yolks and odd with milk fold in stiffly beaten ccg white place in creased unking dish and ovenpoach in a moderate lec- tric oven 330 decrees until set about 40 minute serve 4 to g cherae meallop 4 thti fat 1 tls floury cup milk 3 cup grated cheese wilt and pepper bread crumb 4 cup cooked spa- ehettl or macaroni olt 4 hardcook rkk and 2 cup spaghetti potatoe celery corn or peuc ok i cups cook ed vegetables oh 2 cup spachuttl mul 2 cups celery corn cubliago or make n rreuni wiuiv f ft flour hcnsoiilni and milk when rooked add grated chew place alternate layers of hpachcttl etc und checke sauce in u greiuutd baking dldi cover with crumlts und bake lit u moderate ly hot oven 375 decree until thor oughly htiated u to 41 minute serves t- takk a til tlu core of milk u very lmtortntit- llere are direct ions for the home- maker to follow 1 provide u receptacle for milk man to put bolt leu in 2 tnke milk lido the houtc n mhjii ubstbltc keep lrl rn cool pluce preferably jhe elect rio refrig erator 3 wipe off top of bottle before uklng pour out only enough milk for each meal keep leftover milk in a capped bottle- or covered pitcher 4 when empty rinse wash and scald battle return dully t1ie questlon nox mrs t b suys there has been u big piece of enumel kuockotl off my electric range und when the oven door is closed it checks more what will prevent this jtuwer obtain special enamel from your electrical merchant and apply mrs j la asks how do you can ftsh answer this method of canning flan keeps well scale wash and clean fresh ash whltettsh lake trout salmon or haddock cut in pieces sprinkle a little salt on each piece pack in sterilized jars and add 2 tbs vinegar to each quart to soften bones adjust rubbers and cover partially seal place in water bath and let water boll gently for 3 hours remove jars let cool quick ly do not j invert wrap in paper if storage room is not cool anne allan invites you to write to her care of tsoc acroar fan passs send in your questions on homemak- lng problems and watch this column for replies to smash subs london cp a new plan in volving a complete change of policy and methods to smash the uboat menace has been placed before the technlce1 advisers of the cabinets antluboat committee- by a lead- ins british technical organization the rjmung standard says the voice of r ii i stewart is a familiar uw to sunday night lis teners of cic weekend llevlew widely recognised as an authority on world and canadian affairs dr stewart has un imposing record of tlutukltt ami travel behind him lie is a graduate of kdlnhurgti niul ok- ford und a fruur lrofesor f moral lttlhkmkphy hi the university of ilcl- fa4 since 1 111 lu liaj uen wltli tlu lvmrtment of l at dal- houxie iiilvervity untl at present it also kcdllorlnchlef of tlie dalhousle itevlew ralioniiig time timc cllp ttiltj out nnd kthp available ttlffki kk tka 4lre44i ooumm i 2 1 4 s ft 7 and s now valid j1j couimtns 0 and 10 valid june 2t valid until teclared void kncli good for k o coffee oil 2 m tea hloalf trinll couiuuts 1 2 i 4 5 g 7 anil h now ulid couimum 0 and 10 valid june 21 vulld until declared voui kadi goul for one pound of ttugnr canning sugar coujions marked june now valid stirrtkk burplel couons 12 ix 14 and is now vulld expire june 30 couimnr lo and 17 vulld june 24 kfcplre july 31 each good for 4 11 butler meat ktuff coupon pnlrw 1 2 urul 3 now valid empire june tfl ctumn pair 4 valid june 17 ex pire july 31 coupon pair vulld juno 21 ex pire july 31 each iialr giuul for 1 to u lha meat few tools needed for garden plot ottawa cp the iigilcultun department which kop un eye on iilkhit 1mwmww tupiaro mllon of farm nnd in canada iiuk turned its nt- vntlon to tint 12 by 12 foot biick- yuml gatxlen from the summit of its knowithlgo aurlcnlturul conditions devlcu and strategy the department promptly dliuouraged the opinion of tome amateurs tluituti urkeual of garden- itr hiulpjnentlsneidel for -success- an nirrlcultural supplies ivoaixl pub lication on the wartime cardon wild hlniply only u few ulmplo taou are netslcil for km nil garden otut each of the following will he suffic ient spade or roimdmuicd shovel digging fork rake hoc plnntlng trowel pluntlng line a band dunter or sprayer wluel liar row and wheel ikh nil ure uiieful nnd necessary in u large gurden but may be used in common by a hunumr of gurdeners inlts introduction the booklet said that there was greater need for home production of vegetables than at any time in the war it advised that every available bit of land be put into garden and bugcested that those with experience should help their neighbors who wish to start- but above all production should be the goal just having a garden without carrying it through to a suc cessful result la a waste of materials and manpower seed fertilizer sprays materials and tools are available but we cannot afford to waste them the department says vegetables to be grown should be those with the highest nutritional value and because of their vitamin a content it was desirable to include spinach squash and carrots the beginner would be well advised to buy plants of such crops as cabbage cauliflower and tomato gardeners were advised to have crops sown or planted in long rows wfth consideration given the amount of shade cast by taller growing plants which should be planted to the north side of the garden as thick sowing wasted seed and increased the labor of thinning the department advised that there should only be enough used to ensure a good stand and appended table with tug- bested dates of sowlns of various gar den crops qironicles ol guiger farm willi i a fsjirliljy car tow aeassi tjwkniaoun a seeding la always a busy time but i doubt if farmers have ever worked with such feverish intensity as they have this past week the air was heavy with the hum of tractors some of them working day and night rtelds were worked up and sown and then lit tractors were at it again plough ing ground ready for corn yes somehow or other the tractors hwn- aeetl to cover mthtl of tlte ground but not all of it oh dear no if you drive along the country roads you will e- big patches here and there over grown with nravs d weeds wet iot that tlu tractor couldnt touch yj will also see rough fcpoti when i in- tractor tried to make the grade and couldnt in wmim one tractor would he called upon to pull another tractor kut of a mud hole or erliais a truty team would pressed into service to rescue tin iron field hticm and of course therts re times when the ektra heavy work iblw llu tractor out of com mission sad time would be lost while repairs were made tliat wan ihe tmuble we run inw liere lariner just got nicely stnrted when tlu tracttw aluukhitely refused to run on oil rflas yes but as soon us the oil wam turned on she balked and stoppinl we got a mechanic out nnd be cleaned this and adjusted that went a couple of times across the field ami announced the tractor to be working in terfect order ilut wutn ufter lariner got going again it was n duereht story s then he dclde4l to druln out all the oil and put fresh in in case titer might lie dirt in it tumuwhere and then we found the real trouble the filter in the tank was almost broken off such a little bit of a thing about two indies long ind yet responsible for ko much trouble which just goes to show itrf the little things that count nil the time after that was fixed the trac tor purred along as contentedly n you please and partner finally got iiih ontu kown nfter losing the best part of u day we still have irnrhy to put hi nnd then the field work will lie done that in insofar as weeding is concerned one- day over the radio v hoard that ilalton county was the worst bit in tlu province for retarded seeding and unother time someone predicted that we would lit in for an early win ter we lived out wetit for a few yer as those who read this column may know am u matter of fact both our children were liorn in moose jaw and around in that district alkali lakca were a familiar part of the prairie hindscape tlie water wiw absolutely ukcics and the lakes wore a menace to wandering livestock n the lake stinren nnd alkali beds acted like quicksand horses would tdty away from these sloughs in terror hut occasionally one would get caught and that would generally be the end of the poor creature we oifeit wondered whether the iihciill beds would ever kerve any useful pur pose it almost keemed as if they mimt lu there for a purjvose ijist wtmkwe read the answer to day tomi of sodium hiilphate are be ing shipped out from the lake ihmih after undergoing n dehydrating pro cess the sodium kulphnte is used for the manufacture of kraft paper re fining of ores manufacture of tex tile muklng of leaded glass photo graphic supplies dyes and veterin ary remedies the lust mentioned reminds me that in the west we never had to buy salt for our stock they got all they needed by just licking bare spots on the prairie where there were small patches of alkali utilization of these natural re sources is just another result of the war much of the material that is now being processed was imported- now that the imports are unavail able we get busy and make use of what weve got and of what we have had all along it would seem that canadas natural resources are by no means exhnusted mr litekeni are quite a puzzle to me these days i bought them as mixed chickens but recently i have been convinced they are all pullets- a friend who goes- in for chickens in a big way thought the ume thing so 1 asked the man from whom i bought them if some mlstnkehd been made and if he had sold me sexed pullets but he sold he didnt have any sexed chicks in that hatch and now i am wondering if they are all cockerels and that would bo worse t guess time will show crowded bexjgium belgium is the moat densely popu lated country in europe with 710 people to the square mile by h if- ooumn mm htaff wrmsr gcrsbssnys great offensive on the westets vrpnl in the spring of 1918 had hardly been halted when another threat to the alllea developed in northessfc italy there the austrian hjjti command using some 40 divis ions opened a strong drive ost the aslago plateau and along wave luvrr to the adriatic sea in the opening phase of the- offen sive which started june is 1918 the austrian made some headway along tlw ihave and arllcubirly in ihe river delta hut i hey were held in tlie mountains lo tlw north eight days ilespcratc fighting mued and finally the etwniy was driven back in dis order to his old potations strengthened by ii rit lull ami kreofli cuttingntk sent lo tlu mountainous liattltfront befoie tlu caporetto dis aster eight tutinths befoiv tlw ital ians fought courngeoutily d were ixd by flotmls ui the plave which wastied away hritlgts ami brought tlie austrian near to outright disaster although italian morale was hlglier than at any that lufore in the kind creitt war it was feared at ihe out- et that tlie tliemy advalkv wtiuld itult in at least a tenimrary o-cu- iation of mote itallnii territory con taining rich industrial und agricul tural areas whhh the ctuutry niuld ilt affonl to itkse isatulnatd tarn air the supremo cmnntaiul had know- leg of austrian pvparutlmu ami fortunately the retrganlzttl italian lutelllgene kervlc ihtalnei a4nurute information regarding enemy plans in time tir defensive measur4f to lie taken italian and aiiuni ar forcts stiurlor in the air played a large tart in defeating the alms of the aus trian high command austrian force captured cm sll mi the 1lave deltu 21 hour after the advauc staritl nnd they were also succtssfut at the montello hldge to the north they galneil little ground in the aslago plateau sector where italian and alllel troop lt up ktubhorn fight the llrltlsh divisions uiuler the earl of cavan and french trooiw op erating in the aslngomonte crapim tuclor had a big part in staving off the austrian attacks and at the end of the day the allies took over the offensive on june ltt the luittle hi the mountainous section of the front decreased in violence while to the south the italians advanced and re captured culto slle my june 23 tlie austrlanu luul ben thrown back across he plave nnd the montello itldgeto their old positions some 20000 prisoners weiw taken by the allleu and austrian casualties in killed nnd wounded were severe in octoltcr lolfi the eiuiny attempted another offensive at vlttorlii veneto and again met with decisive defeat letter from germany under the forced labor policy of the vichy government in france frenchmen every day are bemg sent to work in the factories of go mumy in uplte of their courageouj efforts to resist this plan men nnd even -french- womciinrenowhelngrouiid ed up in public places in restaurants thcitrck and cafes ami with imrcly enough time to say good by o to their families are being shipped in box cars like cuttle to work under appal ling conditions for the nazis naturally once in germany any news which they send to jtlielr fam ilies and yrlenditls carefully censored they are unable to give them any true picture of the conditions urulor which they are living or how they are faring combat one of the many french underground pupers which have reached the fighting french infor mation service in ottawa recently published the story of one ingenious frenchman who was able to solve this problem drafted for forced labor in ger many on the day of his departure he warned his wife 3f i write to you in blue ink i am telling the truth if i write to you in red ink you must understand the opposite of what is written a month later his wife received from germany the following card written in black lnkmy darling we are very happy well lodged good beds excellent food very friendly treatment from the factory foremen never a reproach never an alarm never a bombardment moreover the germans have very good morale and are certain of victory in the storei we find everything we need absolute ly everything except red ink irolltumsahnwihil ogdens cicafii t n robaccq x hei tifyittffaatfgt j jtani pend half a day a day or several evealaas a i local farm during the baying and harveuag thii summer join the thou of farm coav raandos who close up shop or lay down their sooli to make raids lata the country and help fanner take their crops horn ths land farm commando brigade are aprioghig up in chamber of cnmrneacay board of trade semes clubs churches and other mens organizations all over ontario townsmen are getting together to make a direct pstrlotlc cont to the war effort by nelplae co save the crops farm commandos ax paid a ifm of twearyshe cents so hour sod many commsndo contribute these to favourite war chsrinas ii there b no farm commando brigade sbcsshus la your tumi in locality take it up with your own mens crganrratlnn and hilt get your local brigade started at once wawtatfb every possible eaaahour must be nut as during bajeatlnaj wmviur to prevent irrepuceable loss of food thajis t to the allied war effort and to canada heraclf i help is needed now volunteer in a farm commando brigade and be ready to help when harvest emersencje arise for full fatbrmatjon forma etc wrife io ontario farm service force parliament bulming toronto at once 1 dominion provincial comait7ee on farm labour agriculture labour education acton farm commando headquarters cooper building f l wright be8iimence phone acton in kuiavrfe ila izljjis li ii vva

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