i thursday jolt 13th ims mr and sirs stanley c xadde of 09 j avenue tasatfiioiemma baxil- tlusnllal july laxx the aim hospital kuytjy 19 a tbe rssaul est an acxioenl norm isdaugblxn te lovias rjacsnory or ttiasai jaclanetoin who cued july xstn 1m1 sundays p suxfe mt ereeprax in costs ansae he svas w-pmr- iebraaale adage mrt novermg err tofavte htan assay from esucldy cacre loviacty demembcnd by wife and family tiues in lormx mooary of edvand 1 amay jury 13th st yluvba dacta smile has cone forever ea c aanda are fa couch w shall as la w rnemories of the one we lowed ao nmdi ajbaaya tw i by the pakjur campbell tn loving memor of tallin e campbell who pasaec soray july 15th 1942 calm and nawefiil he ia sleeping swee test that fouoare pain we wrho loved hhn aadly mifa him bat trust in god to meet again ever remembered h loving wife and family mere tltu the ou cray hare f am witt fifce ueial aabe recall tin deweletpaaeal of sjveedy travel i have seen ia a eoaaapaiadtively few years am a lad i tesaeanber the travel of the trains through juton and top the heavy grade many a time a heavy freight tram would he ctt in two at i trm and half of it brought to acton and then the engine return for the other half the pasfirsygir train didnt break any record either but they awes the fastest travel available atcbetaer or berlin as it was known twohour trip at least 4 to c alone he pxeetryterian sunday school picnics i don lesaemher the old wood- buraiag encincs but i do recall when every one of the engine had to take on a new supply of water at nearly every i and always at acton after airmf up the grade from the dolly txa told thai it was no trick at all to catch freights in those days if one was c up he grade ive known fellows older than x am who made it a practice to came home by that means after they had been vis iting their girl perhaps tn george- touo or umehouse or dally vaxnvn jor points east gnmmmndo labor from toronto in milton district as t stood down tat the v slavilaad field the other day and saw those moaquito fecanbers soar past a miles an hour i oraddn help butiatw with roor prospects cor gram flaying tuis been in full swing in praoticalb all sectiotu of the county during tie statf m week the hay crop general i ieavj and w4rre labor is available good prognwi been made and a lot of ekoeurinl ha baa been aved on a large perors- lagc of ilalton tarcnit tivr farmers are without help and needless to add- undcr these oandiliaos iptogiess la y slow this is mud unfortunate at any time and under present oondi mr and airs- fred kxantx and f wish tatbank the many friends and neigbbors for their kindness many ways during their takep away these kindly i the sympathy expressed are in gratefulh lemembered- election da a ontario it thas t meeks aay sjsj sccetecoe has had potatoes stdss vtt heear garden by now owstrs c garden plots are find at tne coss of lrng somewhat re- tfaced ties daym seet chemes at s250 a small basket are not going to be popular was bousewtves for preserving w the flies went in the winter time theyre back and just as crawly as the were last fall atost folks found thai with straw berries at 30c a quart the sugar al lowed for nf was quite suffic ient canada alone is turning out 80 plsnes wry week and uunching she or more vessels cargo escort or pa trol while the rains of the week have been helpful to the gardens they have interrupted the haying opera- then t recall he ortt automobile thai i in act n of course ue had the steam wagons and threshing machines on the roads before that in acton but they were never noted for speed then too there were the liver stables of john widiams and sam keyee and others where a good horie and buggy could be rented for a g 4en party trip or for erin fair and there was the carryalls tor family outings and the twin but it was a sure and safe means of travel that lacked speed the lawns and flower beds at the wool com plant and the beard- more co plant are indeed beautiful just now the annual convention of the volunteer firemen s association is being held in acton on july 31st and august 1st- monday was the glorious twelfth of july but thv war made inroads on the usual demonstration and orange walks there is uttl excuse for the har rowing of the neighbors paper tn fssx rasas is on sale every week hi five news stands in acton toraorrow i the last day in acton for filing appeals for names to be added to the voters lists for the provincial elections next month if some of these summer temp eratures could only be carried over to supplement the threatened fuel short age of next winter it would ideed be helpful the employees of the wool combing corporation and the can adian wool company wilt enjoy holi days next week and the plant will be shut down apparently former premier hep- buttr has had some lonesome mo ments at any rate hes not yet leav ing the provincial field and his entry gives the globe and mall one candidate at least among the list of successful stud ents at guclph collegiate published this week was margaret somervllle of acton miss somervllle secured first ejaae honors in special commer cial and a spatial certificate la typing ccaratttteltasnv that first automobile x recall came from guelph to acton and was op erated by some dyeing and cleaning plai the first intimation i had was when a boyhood chum harry bell came back home from a trip uptown- he was almost breathless as he told that there vas a wagon uptown running around the streets without an horses attached more wonder ful still there was no tongue on the wagon or shafts or place for a horse jceedless io say we lads followed it about town as it made calls at var ious homes and collected work for the plant in guelph then the pas senger models gradually came along the early ones as x recall were owned by fred storey ronald sinclair anson thurston a m smith jas h held and some others that may have slipped my memory speeds of twenty miles an hour were talked about not on the roads in or about town but down on the racetrack in the park it was free ly predicted that the young men who drove at this speed were sure to he killed and as we recall the tires in those days its a wonder they werent the automobile was in fairly com mon use in the summer months about the time the first world war ended it was during that war that the air plane was occasionally seen and frequently heard about perhaps some of you will recall the marvel of a fighting machine that carried u knarhtne gun as its chief weapon the yur that allowed in the de velopment of the motor car and tlu airplane or common knowledge to veiyone thlrt ears of nge and i don t uppom tliok undt r that uut rvad this column at all laxt week u watched mowjulto bambini attain u kpved of 350 mil an hour how much fasti r thty can go is still a military trt it is far cry from the sngle engine craft of the last war to the two 1 250 horse power motors that powvr the mos quito bomber and fighter of this war it s different from the tingle machine gun to the four cannon and four ma chine guns now on this type of air craft travel has undt rgonewune radical changes in the past yearwand speed have moved up and up those mos quito bombers will fly to europe at most as quickly as that first automo bile mme from its home garage in guelph to acton and return but as i looked at the instruments and gad gets that were used in this present day method of faster travel i mar velled too at the development of man kind who has mastered the handling of machines that travel at such tre mendous speeds it iv a calamity if the bay wop is not saved ilenl of good bay next win ter is the basis of milk traduction -tim- is riunr down badly fat her cheese agreesnesil with britain this is largely due to increased milk con sumption in canadian towns and cities a rnednrtion in milk production in fluid milk areas and a consequent drain of milk from the cheese factory areas to the larger centres to be used for fluid caosksunxption there are still a few people in can ada who itate they see no danger of a shortage of food supplies true can- ads is psoducing ample food for her own needs but it should be unthink able to all rnm that we are to m our own rations at the ex pense of those on the first line of de fence in britain and russia this situation is definitely not the fault of the a-atl- farmers who with few eicofptlons have done outstanding job with the tools and labor which have been left at their diiposal urban dwellers have an equal responsibility with the fanners in seeing to it that crops waste in the field while conunando workers have been going out from ilalton urban centres the response is far out of line with the need and far short of what was ex pected in certain other urban cen tres of the province it would appear as if they are taking the matter little more seriously var example in the town of brampton one firm is letting a percentage of their em ployee go out dally to the fields their wages are still paid by the firm and in addition the workers are re ceiving 250 to 3x00 per day their meals from the farmer it is not suggested that such an arrange ment could be put into effect by all firms butltdoes indicate at least that the management of that particular firm appreciates the seriousness of the situation we understand from agricultural representative j e whltelock that 16 commando workers from the city of toronto were placed in the milton duttit on saturday last farm workers from saskatchewan to the number of is have also been placed by mr whltelock with as many ilal ton farmers during the past 2 or 3 weeks this however is only a mere pittance when compared with the de- farmers in this district who are in need of emergency labor should if they already havent done so make known their needs to f l wright cooper bldg acton phone 103 resi dence phone 95 as everyone knows the labor situation is bad and white commamw labor from urban centres is not a solution to the situation it would help out in many a tight cor ner urban dwellers who are prepared toj to out should also leave their names with the same official indicat ing their phone number when avail able etc fellow citizens the need is great will you helpt burlington weekly war commentarv canadian soldinrs agutiaf with vederans of che urjtith 8tfa and t4 airfmies and american trootw ou bat tling uctrtbwanlii over sirtha mown- tainous terrain after suroetutuly in- vadlng italys island outpost in the medueesanean in spectacular land ings aong 1o0 miles of ouaitline the ostiadlat- and britub forore e driving up the east coast of the i bland from bridgeheads established early satunlay morning on the left flank americans captured key points some miles ta the west from which they are inoving into the interior rapidly overcoming all orpotdtion at the southeaster extremity of the ulsad the british and canadian troops swept up the coast to capture historic syracuse and the port of augusta 19 miles to the north was reported taken tueadsy driving in land they stormed and captured ragusa 25 miles northwest of pacfa- lao where the first landings the newly formed american 7th army fought in the region of licsia and gels where it pinned down axis forces of considerable strength the allies in sicily are known as the 15th army group and are under the direction of geo sir harold alexander with the canadians are famous divisions of tlje british 1st and 8th armies under comm of gen sir bernard montgomery while the american are led by ugen george s patton first sftyvstaoni stary luiti llunra canadian press war correspondent whose 4spatcfae fron spitsbergen and dieppe thrilled the world earlier in the war iscooped all other correspondents tn sicily with a vivid eyewitness description of the qi- landing ibs story writ ten late saturday afternoon was t4 msmmiat gaartl ready far ofteststre i the fact that those t n 1st sol diers from the iwanmiae wet i chases to add their blows to those of the p brtll1i and american armies tells without words the story of their fighting ability but bark of tint dramatic story is a bigger one of palienoe and plain liaid worit it involved transforming the gknaneful fihrraietn farmers mln mu cleatis and factory workers of canada into a fune powerful roouch to tlay its full part in the moil dang 4tcm operations of this war it meant taking men who never handled anything more deadly than a hunting rifle and jmmiing them with the lust to right then keeping them alert and kern during the long months that stretched into years while they were taught how io fight superbly it was a lengthy tedious process while thousand of canadians chaf fed la britain proud they were the living shield- that in 1910 kept hark the nuj hordes but aching for more direct action a program that began in canada and was put in practice by fcjtgro a g i- mcnaughlon and his staff in fngland slowly shaped the army into a deadly machine now honed to an amsrlng keen ness they are out to prove defeno minister rafatona contention they are probably the most highly mech anized and mobile army in the world first reports gave bo indication of what part of the canadian army overseas was involved in the sicilian attack and there was no word as to the canadian senior officer with the troops vital statistics for the town for the first six months were 7 births 17 marriage and jo deathtt a uautlful plant known as tho cereus plant which blooms only one night during the year was vkwed by several teople n 1 u uluy night at the home of mr and mr wm ward st puul street ixsptte tht vtiong disapproval ex- prcsmd uiuinwt tlw proposal of tin truste of kthool ar a no 1 nelson towntiip to fix up u cuiiroom in tht basement of strathconu tliool tin trutts decided it wuw tlu only solu tion ut th premnt time and in structed tin utntary to cull for tend rs to flic up the luiununt room as a temporary classroom it wa bound to happen and tlu lust stronghold of the male sand and gravel pit trucking has fallen before the fair but notboweak sex at the howard sand and gravel co pits nt aldtrshot mrs madge henley ami miss june brown both of hamil ton are the quick careful operators who drive hefty trucks in the gnvtl pits they bark them to the loading shovels fill them up then take the short run to the conveyor belt where they dump their load gazette hour ahead of other eyewitness re ports received from sicily uunra told of the enthusiasm and dash of the canadians and their sur prise at the poor axis defence at cape passero but as the allies marched northward differ opposition was encountered and it u believed that axis armies will make a strong stand north of and inland from ca tania on tuesday canadian and british troops were pushing on from the coastal fringe of southeastern sicily along a 40mile tront based on pox- xallo and syracuse the stroagth of the canadian force in sicily has not yet been disclosed but the fact that soldiers of the dom inion were chosen to fight with mont gomerys desert veteran speaks volumes only the attack on dieppe broke nearly four year of training during which the canadian citizen army was made over into a powerful striking force sir bernard montgomerys army was reported wednesday to be hear ing the plain of catania where ob servers predict that the axis will launch a big counterattack the area is suitable for operations by tanks and armored unit and also is out of range of allied naval guns which protected earlier coastal move ments in support of the britlth advance warships on tuesday bombarded the catania airport from the sea on the western coast allied naval guns shel led axis troop formations and tank columns in bupport of the advancing americans this force announced wednesday that nnro is miles in land from the bridgehead at ucatn had been raptured a continuous stream of wservea nml supplies is pouring into allied bride lu adit nnd aircraft are raining de struction on sicilian lund tnrg ti- axis shipping around the island und airdromes on the italian mnlnlan1 it luiu hn disclosed that the nv t i i i i i t ii it 1m nivn nut htiilml that sr x tn h ubt true there are accidents at these speeds of three to four hundred miles an hour there were accidents when speeds were considered reckless at twenty miles an hour we who have been privileged to grow up in these years have witnessed many changes alas the more time is full the faster it files it is only when time is unoccupied that it hangs long and heavily on one s hands gounod 8th army but the iinmi- of the com mnndlnj off te r him not been r v altd for r uwotik of security aft r nearly tout yars of truinlng nnd waiting ulth the hrl f urlm in terlude of dl pp to wpur tluin on canadian troopu nr finally in action ttwjrwmv in th vanuuurd of the in itial full nalt ukauh to ht thrown against hitlers furop that tk wher thy wanted to be nnd where tlu ir peculiar trnlnlng n a powerful mobile striking for- hat i fitted thtm to be first nccounts or the uchtlnk from the rft ith filled island of slcilv told little of the part played 1 the don inlon troop in the storming of italy s strongly fortified medlti irnnean dut itast but with the tradition built up and sustained during tho hloody tnuag merits of th first or at war banked the invasion of sicily started good weather under a bright warship escorting the allied troop ships made their way through the mine field and defied strongly placed enemy shore guns at the weekend axis sources said fighting was underway on the south ern and eastern coasts of sicily a british war correspondent reported that the first line of allied troop made lis way over mines and bar wire obstructions to attack pill boxes and machinegun nests the action that opened a new and vital phase of the war was announced saturday at allied headquarter in north africa in the following special communique angloamerican canadian force under command of general eisen hower began landing operation in sldly early this morning land were preceded by air attack naval forces escorted the assault forces and bombarded the coast defences during the nsjiult bot irani afa tho action followed a week of cerlal attack on the island when coastal defences airfield and com munications were pounded without let up it came eight months after allied forces first landed in north africa and two months after axis forces had been ground into submis sion in tunisia there is little doubt that the invas ion of sldly will be followed shortly by other move on the mediterranean front a british spokesman said sa turday that the action should not be regarded as the only landing or even the principal landing planned by the allies general elsenhowers percoml statement broadcast to europe in english french german and italian called the sicilian attack the first stage in the liberation of the contin ent conquest of sicily will be no easy task for it is believed that at least four german nnd italian divisions with tanks are garrisoned there peacetime population ut hie ldnnd was 4 000000 p rsomt but the in habitants ore said to he nntifascut and thin fact mny work in favor of the allhs russian forcts have clucked the cermiiii offensive in the orel kursk- b iiorod sector on th tastim rront at th wknd the utnulim admit- 1mi tlmt fh no hattlt s w r mi itiu in tlu ntvn but wtntul that tlu ut xpund tlu utdce made nar belgorod iimik cloth britoik have to j sideline draamakers right out in public shops these dtayn and plenty work mindon tcl ihe little drs mnki r who omv worked almost sec retly at home for a t w shlllinj da itt doing much letter right out in puhllt iihopj n british women are forced lniriaslngly into remade tlotlus die work ut home tmjimntrehs had pi nty of john for khc pay ik fore war the vlcur s daughter the in travel being oldfashioned we were just as pleated that part of the program on naming the mosquito bomber did not call for any of the delegation to go as a passenger on a trial flight t by gad by the drive and sptciallzed training colon i h dauthtt r or evtn the duke it rect lvvf during this om 1 may b daughter might have home mndo taken for granted they wire among dresses but it was seldom that their best friends knew it because it dldn t do to have it known that the dehu- tnnte s gowns didn t come from a the first to leap from assault boats in the landing made snturdny morn ing in a confirmatory announcement from ottawa prime minister mac kenzie king said units or the canad ian army are a part of the allied forces engaged in this attack mr king said the canadians went into battle exceptionally welltrained smart couturier or that hiy ladyship was hulglng a bit and her paris mod els had to he let out but now ah classes come to the little dressmaker for help in stretch ing war weary wardrobes and even compete for her services british royal west keitts rout italians be luilich quraets own itayal west kent recbnent aitfved at slllana and moved foreaid ihrouch robaa to relieve a french unit la the line in tunisia tney started to advarfce and continued te so throughout the rollowiras y c company carried on the advance and maintained contact hh the enemy after a rvere xbruiaje by 2s noundvr the enemy acatn retreated and on th 29 a the lloval west kent lost contact wtth them the positions re- kajnrd were ihn handed over to another french unit the pic ture shows a british zj pounder coioe into action on the djebh hancuu front home and farm owners share these 70 mfflkms between april 1 1935 and march 31 1913 ttirect financial benefits to municipal tax payers from tne ontario liberal government totalled s754303305 ntae are tke swrissi far 1 osssvars of halt0n county municipal subsidy kina ilikhwaya township and county roads mollim- allowances old ace pensions and pensions for iraueenls in sanatoria s14h4ji7 7618238 45t058joo 5178900 5710100 isi38aoo 5108704085 every elector in inu ridlnc has a direct and vital interest in maintaining the nixon adnunulrauons policy of everincreasina relief for municipalities front iftuli iwjirdcna keep nixon at the wheel for progress and unity vote liberal aug 44 issuco sv thf omtaiio iihui association elect blakel0ck haltom north africa haiidoncl axis aircraft picture shows a smashed hangar and bulletridden italiaa flkhtcr aircraft on ihe edge of cartel benito airfield tripoli with allied planes flying overhead thousands of shattered and aban- ed axis aircraft have fallen into the hands of the allies in north africa they will be put to good use part of ths maul from them may go into new british aircraft some may be patched up and used by ihe r a p for experimental purposes similarly new types of air craft are thoroughly examined by allied experts to uetermlns their performance etc a considerable amount of scrap iran ac- m crus and la relumed to be made use of in various ammnl sftories iaas 1 rreoutv1t jl aa jjht ifetmaj