imwntxt awauantaaon nt thb actohjfheb press pace aggro hmkiwnbw psco forrtfcw bile sunday school wpwrh qlrgsn qbli imtswi wkltk between tlwiworauki jtfto uroaiviinraarohh on tim road iba fofci edioway artluiaa aftbmjwvjtoschaitiom through urajjus swnand restoration s1 1w thn i antila mlnur tv afurchli orevetr blbjdjir uwwt7 sssj la ha pcsoidsnitikti tho uonlilaalow anger nndiabiuujanti in lavlnglclimti itoiiuib unknown before pes forgiving iniquity anditransgres- donind slon noro i1 thlomjo tolwghto voice but l tc 32 710 34s 49i knows not where xjtf t motion u jehovahs wroth where aver u yeti mf frwnajj against idolatrous israel 710 u 1h n fullirooon potty days have passed since the ato riving of the law ch 21 18 dent utwhnmereaisuver where tbvldn fo 9 the neopje hod i sold auiunt in ik lhmu iehoval hoth sppken will wo do roc hnr the boom oli battle tnougni w txmm violation this bavoalionjlylicrlclcete chirr law at one oi it most fundamental atnaoihi bombbifl moon b foil mi wimlt on illustration of the lows where j- iiocoltfiuness nodi despprate wlokedd tl stisr iuwoiiltahuijmtthoiutiuer 17 0 here sithtoirltoijs landiher love the backsliding loisraelwa unlvorr roust know sal netavalce won mined 1 1 a protest the tooth oideamii wwh row or njtiev thb volco oi aoron ami the the dtosoky th0 p vcnty whnhaiigon upwithiocs tomatot ll roounfaln undimet ciodi v qf i plane andivcswllloatj ni is j clu 24 ou they aun with jtl cost inttwos oi go or their frltfull proposal to the very smvoothe coatiloteaoj om whom moses had left in harge nooft caniroorfc between their to jehovah ch24 1 saeruleo moses won la the roounyf with owl tub woman li nfld their behalf ileb 7 25 ondyet itatoettsswiljitt hey w we woti noti whet is bo- pflwj w o htal v tlfiy oiwt thll nrvook iwniilteuo- fjod i nnd l soldi that i it i was moses who brounliti them autt oil flcjypti ls 10ft 21 they wonted as nnoliecti oi worvhlp somethloit they could liwo o purely spiritual iworeltip is impossible ju imim otftrw wrrm r for the natural l hearts buti itils the only worship thatl pjeases codl jno 4 241 i aaron tudinotl like their proposition but i hod noti streniztbi oil tharaeteri pnoualt to btajodlajseuastilti v 2 trhe people made the eoldi loto o cnlti v 41loilmltotlonioiittu worr ship oil euyptj godo recenti judk- meau uponibayptinjotillts rods mode iti utterly inexcusable fori them to imitate them wheni they saw the cold they had i themselves made they sald1 these bo thy rods which hrouehti thee m outi oil the lndioi 5jabolle b ijong uwventj tseaufr ago the w hlghyw now passable for ueillc from acton to oreweons mnt robert t holxoes and iher douahn te mm mlttoie moore wtunwd butt week rfoni bdmonloix mrs- moore has beoenitabdaii o member oldhe teactdos stairioiiactonischoou mr b 3i bmryoiisaultiste marie mlh vlslledi acton i friends on moon day mr andimrqwarilsmondoiison wmumi rrolieo aju o lr acton lh scyptv v 4 wmhe butimen sexwir the oxriiualntanceslnps ore prone to ascribe to the worh oi trmbtvears tlelr ownihands whati oodlhos done etoil4loha returnedlfrom aaron studied l to he ahxaadmalnded ntriiruiliurhe elves anortlron flberojilnhls theology he uiiht to taucopjnionioiihtissuii future mr mac mcdonald 1 secured i second prize onavmleioiirtdlonexhttut ediatlthe luterivitlonalishow oiujladh ouatl the qac quelplx last week harror n day aueusti llthu 1023 to mr ai mrs bdwinharrop nisottrcdrk orqtrn atithwoewrolimospltiai toronto nnisaturiuw aiujtlth 192 j morcareii uanalda mcnonatdj wife ctrmliantj croiti oti uurr tiambbufi atltlw home all lu dsuihur mrs wjluauv mwriu of hichkatt onimonday ausunti 2tjthj wwtmirthahtuhle widow pti the lite hevli liamwrti formerly oi auoni imuertfath year ldlynmiill luur tkn- if othwan faibihiig oobmswativo ajrktuturia- gam nitttu whft qurificationi of i uriuthtrouty ileaeom mil ombine the oldi namea and i notions tvlth hu newrfaueledlrellsjont he sold tonmorrow is n feaeti to jehovah whatiaaronicauedlafeastito jehovr m jchovahicnarnclerlzedlby soylnic they have corruptedi thenuelves they have cone quickly aside outi of the way which commanded i them jelmvah speaks oil israeli as thy people they luull coascdl to by my ivonple he took isriwlmtithtlr word uulr haldl sihlch thou hrouuhtist up d v 1 jehovah was indlc- luiuti not imrely t hat i they luidimude u multtn inlfiiindiworshlppjililt and kucrllud to iti buti tliuti they had tuktn hu klory and roodntis nod imputtditlum to tlw wretilud work ri thelri own hands uaylni ihe im thy m1s oitsrml whuli luouiiht thee up outi of i the landl f hcynti iht people deseivtvl l to iwrlbh and jihovnhs wrath waxidl hoti uuulust them hi iti hud nuti iwen fori the prayei fi moses tho whole people would have boon destroyed i for their npastauy ill tho covenant with israeli re- ijoncqn cn rtkn powerful newedj 14 1 49 i7 28 ccaworvatlve rarty fiarjlamentary mos went up tho mount a ei and xsuml commltloa has- spentv time then he received a token o baiuwrulrujofimemhorsoiiiui the itrosewa of the lor in a cloud nattles on the kovernmentls attitude of klory then the uor1 passed he eklu a wtrwr acrlcnuuruli pun jj jj- jjj puned hu tjjjrg wucasutulva paworfuli because i stooe the commandments wjro it hwmovmwthexs insn what are aitalr jwxl un moses warahlped jo- aumuteiwllltodkedt conservative iwvah and confessed the sins of hi aeratiajioowrrehtuffmmrrlm iwople israeli then came the renew tosmi vilth a resolution al of the covenant between god and eex ountl wl lr moses wrote use on ita axutstty about the sovernmentls tahleo stone j w 3titn iitrl nians mr sons in this imporlanti inudenti 8sslhs5fels aftar the intermry prer houw oi commons to make public f moses hud been answeid he ow fflg r oir wh titrst t from all parties andi in urd vjhh revmli himself to the re- dwstsuirtlne the conserva nentuut one- meruful w ch sijirsr ritrk tmitw cabinet e consider and mean gods willingness to show dl- anirov lonjtnunw plans in other vine avor to penitents as lone fwdnutfltaianta on for which o suffarlnu- wllcl means his patience xto nai w- introduced in parr with tho eonver wh le he grows in umenkhv can the same consul rmiv1 a abundant in soodness and elanbrihovvnthe nation farr truth which means hattoda ro v vldence andi teaching wlllibu without ts hutuom agriculture minis mils in response to the heltevert ttiotttwsrdiytrtartafitneatr trust tack sine the party reaolutlon aimed 2 associated with tho revelation lt disappointment andi arouety at of god urace is- th warning that hlmhutsourcclose to the revolt in the imnenltont will be punished to ttatcrtltormmsotentarycoririhh the thlrdiandifouhhgenoratlon this at thati the raalitrett uvthe hrime la solemn warning which many perr munlstar mrt hudson they say haj sutent alnnoradlsregardi but the nranarnd a plan thati i bain haldi impious can rtbver be happy here or h 1 nenafion basentially it mean that- uphy the cabinet sam cahineti itnnlater ara said to the grace of god i rejected it fbki nlin mmhi areater sin can be committed havet- argued that final plan regard ing roufwar farming cannot be reached until international agree- mentss am- reached on other melon influstftia tre- alltpariy manifesto submitted- that the- policy to which britain com mlttodl itaalf r at tho- hot spring food oanfnrnoonb implemented only upon the- heal off an agriculture in duatry asaurediotf stahlo market and rasnuntrttive- bc wt akdi than a white- burarr b intnoducadi lnor- tnaiatilmwtt the generali una oft thee ayws lonatarth rfimtm for arhmltursv iir ainwa m xm1 h wo greater sin cam be committed than this it it adellberoto choice to con tinue on a godwlefying courae such a thing uv alii the morn blasphemou because it add to the sin committed that oft the rejection of the mean of salvation hah 10i 2630 3 gcl ha recorded hi covenant concerning aun salvation in the bible itr wa a particular act off grace for him to make any contact to save the weak and worldly israelite and it i equally grncauofhlnv to cause to bt written for our learning the oovenanti off our salvation li beti it 1823 2jbt 1 1ft 16 hals 2 lr giricwtkublue mfoihamrsihi euttiairiarmi rbqteofiwracotijki lcw wedsgounw aii hi mjs vitdtr ioc ncwnayysujuv bv dcniml daunmiffl tiasswisin yes staif i writer london cb the women a royal navy service like every other women s array la britain knows no bounds girls in blue ore dolmt lust nbout every thing except sail warships nndlln the navys air arm many are radio mechanics aircraft checkers and l doing simple maintenance work very soon however hundrds ol rlrls wlui be flocking to fleet air ami stations where they wlltibe em ployed as air mechanics prepared i to work on every type of lalrcraft in ser vice witn the navy the flrsti iwtch uf these mechanics has graduated i from hms pleilglng one of the navys newesti training sta tions after an ihweoks course they were divided into four categories air frame electrician cnjzlne and onln- ance this first class wire alt i volunteers but pnch hadlto possess a schoolicor- tificate to qualify one ofi the most surprising aspects was the lack of previous association with aeronautics few had i flown and one had never seen an airdrome their keenness anil anxiety to do well in the ww venture were impres sive instructors comnientedlan their adaptability andi conscientiousness andthe factithatithelr powers oi con centratlon were better than those oi the average man undergoing the same trauungv monthly vsenu the course was divided into dlfferr cnt phases with an examination every four weeks the girls were ellmlnatr edvand l checked as to progress and capability by tho examinations marks oi 40 per cent meant failure nndiso per centi n warning ifm rlrl falleililn any exam- slu was putiback a week or two and then tried again only two failures were nltowed boslc training for each category was practically the same the first week was devoted to aircraft nc- lualntance this includeditalks lec tures history of flying types oil nlrr craftf used by the naval air branch- airdrome procedure and practice flight routine and l explanation of aeronautical terms the next two weeks were spent acquiring kkllli in the use of tools kach ulrliwas handed n tool hox which she used throughout the course and which she took with her when she was pasted the airframe nuchunlcs learned to use hand and oweroporuloiw drills pruuued rlvetlog klntple heat treat ment and filing undue mechanics learned to file saw chip drill tap haw to ube mumpers uultremavo studs and nut the electricians and oriln- ume reciultt also heuan with elemen- taiy tntlnlng and with the others lushed to more difficult tasks lhe onlname kinup for instance delved into muuiluekiins when they contpu ted ibasic training they learn ed uhouti every tyiie of i run in service with the pleotialr arm they were taught to take the guns aparti repair clean and t reussentblo then the dif ferent ammunition and recoil i syt- tenuv and about things which can go wrong and how they should bo re paired best mtah aksonben bltstimlilrtcoolen tho ntrwiyuti which milk un w cimitedidertind upon tho rote att which th hvati contained in tho milk can bo tmsnodi on to somo thing also which whlinliorh honti somo materials ab sorb hout much moro rabidly than otlmrtt wat or for axumtle will cool milk 20 tlm frtster thun ulr air utaorhs heat vory blowly conso- quently if w can of warm milk is laid in a rtifrlcoratthl room whoro tho air tmhraturo u ut frinulnu polnti it will lo uluiut 111 hour bo- foro tho tumyoraturo of tho muk htxs fallen to so dpkrtw fahnmheltt this oxilalns why attomits to toot milk in vtjntor by kottlnie tho tan in a snowbank or uxnoslni thorn to outr loor tomporaturu often lead ta trouble becauo milk must glva its heat to sutrnundine wator tho lartjor the vulumo ofi water and tho lower us temperature tho quicker the milk willi be ooohsd andt the coollna will be btill in more rapid when the water itv kepti in motion for arraiuy ay the national i war finance com mittee calls attention to the advan tage ofi investment in war savins stomps which may be converted into certificates these are it a direct obligation of the don inlon oft canada payable in 7h years 2 interest compounded at 3 3 redeemable after alic month at a definite stated price 4 interest noti taxable 3 registered to protect you agiunst loss nonrattachawe- nonttramfer- able ininovotheri security camyoui obr talniollitho above ftbatures noti only rromi oi natrtotlc butt from a practical standpoint saving- cannot be invastr edi ta betteir advantage gohltmbite fon bbth miinthanb gustomer while merchants today are finding it necessary to limit sales la many lines of merchandise they should en deavor to retain the goodwill of the cuatomrs so that they will atay with them after the war is over this is a difficult time for the merchants the scarcity of suitable help and short ne and rationing restrictions art some of the problems with which they have to contend customers should appreciate th problems under which the merchants oie tmlenvoritig to carry on most tf the custonuers are cooperatlng with tlte merchants by purchasing their imnietliate needs only the feolden rule of do mnto others as you would be done by should be an axiom for hath merchants and customers mercliants who wont to hold their trade in the postwar per iod will follow it and customers who despise hoanlers will observe it in ap preciating the efforts of the merch ant wh6 discourages the attempts of tin few who practice iti mkbbi1jl ulpan internationally known nt nuthor playwright nnd hruulcnstr merrill dvnlson is wrltlnir the twrlitn for the dramutk f ature some while uefore the dnwn ihnr i sundays over cbcs natlonul ntwork at hm pm ed r mt p hi ad r vofjk town paper the country paper is getting bet ter and better as time goes on the number grows less but the quality im proves once it teemed that chances in the means of transportation might tend to destroy the local papers but the average man wonts to know what happens round home as well oj what is coing on in europe and asia town and country people see thine more clearly than do city folk they um closer to realities the atmos phere is less disturbing in cities we do things in tho same old way but in the country tliere are always means for infinite improvement tho former works with iving things why dul jones have tho best ixttatoea at the fall fair there must be a reason jones should tell how he did it why does sara parks al ways set select cr ado for his baton hos its not pure luck the editor might talk it over with sam who haw the first robin can any boy or clrl tell us how it manages to find lt way ha k to tho same mut each yar7 thero are miracles in the country real thing happen the people ought to write about them there are improvements in farm methods from year to year the far mer should let his neighbor know how he does things the town weeklies mlffht well con tain more discussions by their own readers on questions of national im portance this does not imply po litical questions politics warps judg ment but issues can be discussed on their merits the t wn paper is a real institution it should have more help from tho community tlte suc cess of the country paper depends on the interest ot its subscribers birrnab- rationcs hit australia ont more british dominion aus tralia has found it necessary to ra tion butter official announcements containing the detollt tit the plan re veal it is almost identical with the scheme adopted by canada last fall although stocks of butter in this country have increased ovi r those of lat year no chance is expected in the canadian butter ration allow- hitting the mark suppose you threw a stone at a mark and missed it what would you say would you say that there was no mark to hit or that it couldnt be hit or that the stone was- so misshaped that it would not carry true to aim or would you he candid and say that the failure was due to your own lack of skill and if you really wanted to hit the mark would you make hut a single throw would you not keep on trying until you hit the mark probably a a consequence of improved skill in throwing stones yet tliere are men who use advertis ing but once and who when the hoped- for result are uot instantly obtained de clare that advertising is no good or that the paper which carried the advertise ment is no good persistency and skill always wins advertise regularly in the acton free press its hafam county largest newspaper