Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 13, 1944, p. 6

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the acton free press thursday january 13th ims aweeklv ottawa iroca front bar duties now get a kiln the clothing industry s wtr the p f as ctlmhntnif cbanc la c on auml- rjr conducted lop in ma big job of making clothing wwmy lour see- unmb places hear italian h ror can la fighting forces and help- fvsimss tv a variety of sculpture in other untied nation too but iwi iu1uiixk the boys art- coins tojjtnty cannot prwnkse civilians that l bey wijil notice much chance in the supply situation this year ball i mm of the ims world agriculture deparli a national poultry conference la ot tawa about the middle of january lo study caneal and pouww produc tion and marketingf problems- canmnan t combined lesplle the well it did happen careful cheek which air kjnea maintains al all airports at the dominion experimental u- la stowaway eluded checks and guard lion at scott saslu feeding records land wns carried from newfoundland bowed 10b7 uml of grata is required lo the montreal airport al dorval per pic marketed this kitrtudlng feed ror sow for 12 months and fcs for one litter of seven ptawts per year thai mount represents to crow each pic 181 bus of wheat 22j6 bus barley or august lineal p o than the same month a year- agftj lmi while freight and nail increased cor- oats ter lofttocpr and ru ror i months 193 reached a blab of sc7ijkana two and the prewar comparison in 1908- crvtl aircraft carried nearly lljooo new tl special poem for those- wnose si ijii i in 90 didnt top s3jmo is simpler anon- that bracket it s n utile more eotnpbksrted the tl snecbd is 4f as before nut the 7 1 -n- ptr v l gi rf- oprfseo tnoughoul canada recently inst twi are taken up with showing jtts capacity for endurance of the chi that requires some explanation the story tarts at candor new foundland where a group of winced members of the air forte were anxious lo cet to canada for christmas fur- 33 bus oats to determine value of 1 touch expectations roaa blab aa these- cnlm marketed through hogsjcapt j 1- rood senior tcla pilot the number of bushels required talks the dominion government traas- drrtded into the returns of s2420 njv- j atlantic service operated by trans- inc ike following values ax pic feed u canada air lines dropped bis huce s t6e per bushel hcmp made a nal ton widr check alone on the ocean characteristic patience and various income etc i in connertkon with mobilization regu- t 14 and you be- confused inks lime by thai 50c re- of lav due because of the utwns bn poolrooms beer parlors ttombd in the episode told brtef- zsjltws 1- hor jb sua bbc ud kews reel answered instead nf 14 and you wont jtzzu thai 39un men wtltaam alfason describing in- rql 3mi detained tern- lh ho1 poranu of this number 51 krh in the tropics the charged en court lh attempting lol- j b a chinese- an or- evade militao callup 16 with f- umary simple hard working ur to hol chsno- of addres etc 1 1- hu lob quick aj llchin hus whdr ios deserters wr- nsbbed cfcu k g t y found without awmlul occupation ul were referred to selective irx-lr- st was to do hi job with the ooim i smooth effortless ellicieocy of i the best type of oriental lib fchlp in futur r farmer cannot appl u jlb tnlw the me silent for bes rnchner- o replay url efftcse-o- akh h shudder vhkh b- sold until hr has filerf m nnd u torn by an ami lorprdo lon statement desmhinc the used m ctunery and reasons why he sold et lie must abx get a not lor from the with board represenulfivv that hi applies t ion will be approved if the desired equipment is avaltabh- cspilal notm prune- aluuster w i urkeuv kinf wenl into lux h yvmr on december 17th- alleodmir n hrls4cabusenwincblcojleacue presented bha with an illuminated sjobe their nanws inscribed 00 the rlns the diplomatic colony fe- havbu housbu problems m ottawa too there are- 15 ministers in resid ence two with emergency quarters at the chateau laurler and four more- blue cnsnrado spruce- on sir itoberl bordens grave in beecbwood cem etery was found fay pooce in a barn about four miles away it had been hacked down some interesting figures are re vealed on women in employment in canada and w knenn figures liter ally women employed in our indus trie increased by tujuoo over the pat twelve months a total of 5iq7i5 the increase in malex in employmeniwa3r lea lhan a thousand at october 1 1943 337j2s1 women were in manu facturing wjxm in trade 3295h ir finance and 2sjbi9 in serviced com- huaicallonx transportation con struction mining and logging to gether accounted for about xi 130 or only ist per cent of the total ontario and quebec of course were first and second in the number em ployed largest increases in number of females at work were shoun in british columbia willi a rise of 345 and b alberta when- a 102 increase was indicated over lill the consumer branch xvorlitiw lances and trad- board kuggeslk ih following new year resolution for ever home in canada 1 ln ho higher than the celling prices tz buy only what 1 nhsolulel necessary x buy only for immediate ua- 4 oh- were nil rationing regulations tlrtct- 1 s liemake and make do to saxe buying new 6 waste nothing 7 dont be a rumourmonger chock liarmfu rumours r buy more vic tory bonds and war savings certif icates in the armed force cwacs ma now carry a suitcase or club bag when travelling alone to get wounded canadian soldier to hospital quickly supply trucks can be pressed into emergency service as ambul ances special set of harness now are being manufactured in canada to pro- ld carriage for stretchers sol diers in italy temporaril relieved um finds himself hurled into the sea kor two hours he struggles through the scum ofoll till he comes up agalnvt horned owl the ijsncaster on the runway at- cander on his return journey from great britain after delivering three tons of christmas mall ror the boys and the girls of the canadian forces overseas it took only a few minutes to assure the group that cap bood was not then carrying passengers and that he could fly the airmen to montreal pro vided they obtained authorization and their clearance papers were in order they were and presently 23 members of the it ca v were on hoard and a few hours utter they were being disembarked at dorval then it was found that while 23 fliers nad their papers in order there was a 2llh tiler without a hingle doc ument not only that it was dis covered that he was not in a cabin but had chosen to fly in temperatures ranging to so below zero in one of the air duds in a wing when dis covered by f he inspect ion crew he glared with eyes ablaze but he was nlually taken from his place in flrt alany of us think of india as a vague place related to canada but do you know that export of can adian products lo british india this ear aggregated about 5i0fkouu as compared with ss1gq0o in 1d03 and thai we stand lfih among jt im ium ta cpcd on fish he ua nhle to snatch from the water collected rain in the covering of nls life jaulc at hut lie was found by a raft ami manage to drag him self aboard dawn show him an other ran with six others of the crew through the day the two rafts dnlt the sun sinks in tile darkncrns inmwi lum is once more alone and he remained alone for four long monlhv of hopo filled day and dreadful bights willing stoically on hu raft for the first fifty days he managed to make hk store- but out tourccs of her imports we mild them mostly motor vehicle and parts anelats tea chet malt rials news print calcium carbide vie ifrom india we are getting tea and gunny doth mainl also some crome ore peanut oil castor oil shellac ami skins of interest to farmers breathing of potatoes during steady cold weath er is very hu to it u suggested nil ventilators ami doors en hulkhngs used for winter storage of seed spuds be closed ami well protected to pre vent freezing never overfeed is ine of the principal rules for feed- ng dairy rattle but feed according to tlie individual necdv nnd dcirv of acb nninial and there should he reg- ulnntv in hours of feeding ami oliar- ticter of food liny with n moist ure content of about jh er cent lias a fendenc to dicolocjind lx come ilust in the bales a sur vey is to he made of mnnpouir need mi canadian dairy farms in un effort to increase production of dairy fro- lucts but in the campaign to have farm workers take over seasonal jobs care is being taken hot to interfere with yearround workers on dairy farms celling price lias been put on used hags bagging and baling material if a dealer sells u mixed lot of used bags he must take the maximum price allowed for the lowest priced hags a fixed by the order multiplied by the total number of bags in tin- lot according to government nuthoi princesses dig for victory some fishermen thc were umaxed that this shrunken body still had life ive waited a long time is all he said but the talc of 1001 urns fortitude travelled lie how shows with pride the british kmpire medal under cover men architects nnd designers of busi ness places whether the know it or hot have cause to be worried pres ent trcnu threat n lo bring nlvoiit the necessii of compmclv overhiill- ing orthodox rivinln methods co into n grocerv store on almost tiny corner and youll tind a prospect ive subscriber to the new plan a steady star customer arrives with a list no longer docs the grocervmin pick items off shelves with n nourish that displays package nnd brand instead he reaches quietly here nntl there endeavoring to give service without undue show or fanfare a good customer gels his canned stuff raisins currants rnre cheese ahd in quebec his beer and leaves the premises beaming tie customer u happy the grocervman is pleased at having satisfied a cuitjner but if it keeps on wlmt about the poor architect and hxure man ii going to have the problem of design ing nnd building stn iktureit that will allow all the ttock to be kept under the counter stowaway lo make an unauthorized flight in a trans canada air tjnes plane m1k4s coax bbc news iv pmttbrs a british mrgeant serving with the itoval armoureil cori l remote pnrt of indiu lias n novol method of keeping tho troops in touch with tin new w newspuihis never reach them uiulit thrih diijfl old w to feed tin ir hunger for news the toru nnt form- tilv ti laout nutti on 11 munchst r tuiper bns titwlliud hlmsclf their war rtlhtctime lilor lie takes down the 11i1c nvnit ilulmln thn liuws it hint it lu turnt it into puturo- for 11 willi newspaper facli issue descril the war evonts vv itli htitdhnii uiu ciitch phrase- ouhuumi we wnnlel to discuss n burning mailer with the geologists of the itovai ontario museum the other day and as we paused down the orderly gallery to his office the nice big shiny black specimens of coal in the clean coses appeared very attractive we got our information alright and hire it u with the destruction of the forests canadians have become more uhd more dependent on coal now the main fuel for both domestic and industrial healing wood because of its water content has about onehalf the heat value of high grade coal a cord of maple weighs about two tons and hn iss than half the heat value of ono ion of coal ttull and freight cluirgcs mtke w ood an expensive fuel except near its source pctrbu rum possesses from one and onehalf to two times the heat value of the same weight of coal and como of the dutluatcs cold as fuel oil hnve even higher heat value natural gas has much higher heat value than coal gas and where available is one of the cleanest and best fuels known klec- tnclty has proven too expensive for general heating rvalhns long been used in ireland and some other countries nnd dried and compressed it makes a bright fire with plenty of air such as open grates but other wise it is very smoky it burns nwnv too rapidly for use in a cold climate there is plenty of peat in canada but when taken from the bog it contains 80 to 90 per cent water and it must be dried by the sun or artific ial ly clow nnd expensive operations resolutions in coloured inks i he newi bulb tins th n hplnoied on walls stuck on lug other to lo without iwkauso of 1 to smile ahd stop grumbling n- hout petty wartime sacrifices 2 to pay no more than celling prices d toconsorie everything about my house by using it up wearing it out making it do or doing without 4 i resolve not to spread rumour by repenting them to others 5 never to 1m 11 hoarder t iii never accept rationed goods from my dealer without living him the required number of coupons 7 i n solve to keep mvself well in formed on wartime regulations 8 when shopping i ii rnoptrncd with my grocer and help him to cany 011 his business despite win time dlf- illlltis 0 i ii never lie a pimlthuver grab bing up foods in short supply fori slnce the outbreak of war princess elizabeth and princess margaret have been digging for victory in their allotments on the east terrace of windsor castle the east terrace which u about the aire of a cricket held was open to the public on certain days before the war visitors win remember the magnificent show of flowers in beds laid out in a decorative pattern surrounding the central fountain today the vast area has been converted into a pattern of vegetables picture shows the royal princesses catherine a splendid harvest of dwarf beans from their allotments at windsor castle the princesses have an allotment each but they work them to fattier the crop of sweet corn shown in the background is not quite rnady there are also potatoes onions carrots beans beetroot and lettuce my greed 10 i resolve to invent my savingi in vkiorv bonds because i know ev ry dollar put aside in bonds help4 pre vent inflation in canada lka e ulxililkkmknt biscuit tins or pinned up on tt when th unit is out on night nmn- iwuvers the s ri ant uses his tunk s st to gallur the tuws he drnwt it afterward bj the light of a tamlle in u tent once when the nun were cm the move bv train he thouuht hi hull tin would ml publication bui with the pressman s resource- oxfokd cp the fact that fulness he found u way he heard 11 there are more jobs than there wireless set at one station and berore are people to fill them nt present the train hnd moved out he hud got j says sir william beverldge is u his main points of the news striking example that the level of em- on one occasion he ran out of ployment depends on the level of paper in response to his sos n fam- 1 m ndlng after the war he ndds ous indian newspaper sent two nun- 1 it will lie the duty of the state to dred weight off to him his most see that money is used to create more maybe noah 5 laughed 5 at these s the english tell n story about reluctant conscript asked by an army oculist lo read k chart what chart asked the draftee just sit down in that chair and 111 show you what chair asked the man deferred be cause of bad eyesight the draftee went to a nestby movie when the lights came on be was horrified to discover the oculist in the hex seat excuse me kald the conscript as calmly as possible does this bus co to shipley well uncle joe the real estate man said lo an old negro who had just made the last payment on a small farm l ii make you out i in deed lo the farm now hint it has been paid for lloss the negro replied if ita all d- same to ou i wish oum give kne a mogage lu de place the surpruecl ri al estate man pro tected that lrwlt- jo- didnt seem to know the difference lielween a deed and a mortgage well mebbe hot said the negro but i owned a fahm once an v had a deed an the rul national i lank had a mogage an de hank got de fahm he and iliil you like the hook i gave you for christmas she i love it ahd vou left sucli a lot of letters in as hook marks my wife 1m christmas km al dinner certainly ltl chap shared your troubles cooking iwr first will you come to i have always small hoy in hnlkerdahi ry i want n collar for fathers christmas preschl clerk one like mlm small hjoy no a clean one mother num no more christmas pudding peter youre too small to eat so much v ter im not so small inside as i am outside maid to master the man who is singing carols in the streets wants to know if you ran help him sir master immisslble i ennt sing n note 1 the cousins met party new regional office of the oil controller at hamilton ontario 1umiaiclkiiopaltemu nana ib- l null to nmn lol motor mnl luullri in tbtt f aeoatteai kant unc4xm waterloo haummand norfolk wellano halton oxford weumqton wentworlh ihcdi department of munitioms amd idmt mmnunr o d iiowt umain victory salvo in moscow nt n christmas vjikui going lo he married soon 211 jane her cousin looked sur prised gracious she exclaimed in uh- ladylike tones how soon as soon nn possible replied the other coyly 1 i tflk hol view parents khnuld see to it that their children attend school ami get all thel education they possibly can not quit school to cam n few paltry dollars i now and loso lifes greater oppor tunities later on 1 picture shows ihe city battery of moscow saluting the heroes of orel and belgorod by the capture of these two key towns the itcd army turned germanys offensive to u retreat cpr sends scrap to war in murine engine grinder regular reader is his brigadier a copy of each edition is sent to him before being pinned up sometime the pictorial news achieves the dis tinction of being hung on the line the washing line between tents work nigeria breeds pigs lagos cd nigeria now has five main pigbreeding stations and is making progress in a new bacon in- bradford this city collected duitry a new development is an nearly 723000 books in a recent book african owned piggery in may 1041 recovery and salvage drive nearly the number of pigs at the various 2h for every man woman and child stations numbered only 160 but by in bradford school children collect- the end of march 1943 the total ed 400000 books number was 2300 slscards which had done a big war job already before y were considered ready for the scrap heap were resurrected by the canadian pacific railway company at its angus shops in montreal to make the improved grinder pictured above for grinding tnu radial contour of motion linkri for main marine engines one of the war contracts on which the c pr is engaged at the big shop which are under the direction of h b bowen chief of motive power and rolling stock and where h r naylor is works manager it vua john a hope shops engi neer who conceived the idea for the machine which has eliminated many hours of labor required to draw file and scrape the radial surfaces the motion links must be finished to meet the high standards and close tolerances de manded by the royal canadian navy for engines in its escort service the entire machine was made of discarded material as shown in the labels on the different parts in this picture the main base was a discarded iron cast ing originally made at angus shops for an erection jig for th more than 1400 valentine tanks which were built thera for ser vice in russia on an earlier c p r war contract other of the discards include the connecting rod of a locomotive back in ser vice now as the radial arm of the grinder after once earning retire ment with a record of many thou sand ton miles of freight to its credit 80 it vent through the entire list of materials put back to work in this important war lob with an old style motor m discarded grinder frame and even balance weights from a furnace door being utilised in the m which saves precious hours in the production f msrine engtna power tor the hulls eeing fahtfz ctd in canadian lu7rda riwawr vrvi

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