thursday january ixth 143 the acton free press page sevcn out maimed and uartorn of this world will crow si stronger one when blooddipped flags of hate are furled when silenced the last run out of our disillusionment a clearer faith will spring selfishness greed and discontent under it vanishing caijtcary op the people of death will not rain from planefilled gary ndlng out just how busy heavers are busy in heart of city plovstw laurat for calgary folk by bnlmia dun the i is a beaver a dozen or so of the proverbially sklea larks there will sing again teara w gone from crtevlng eye industrial amphibian have been happioeaa follow ain building a dam right in the middle of the city under a bridge over the el- out of travail will come rebirth from anguished fear surcease over this weary soulsick earth the aoothlnc hand of peace howard s ernst twenty years ago a f late fse fun of sassry 11th uc the robins seem now to have flitted to a warmer clime acton is supplying a number of oiia players to both senior nnd intermediate teams the first session of the 1034 coun cil was held with the following mem- be t in their repcctlv4- chairs j bell ent as they nonchalantly started haul- e t thelford f e holmes and j lng the radymdit fence away k bow river the beavera provided amusement for everyone in the neighborhood as they chewed down saplings and hash ed debris down to their construction project but smiles soon turned to ehagrine when the beaver turned their attention to fence posts and warprecious woodpllea onlookers chuckled knowingly when the beavers gnawed the found ations out from under a hefty tree apparently miscalculating their aim so badly that instead of falling in the river the tree crashed through a picket fence then the method in the beavera madness became appar- the sunday school lesson monday janiastv lash ims nicol with ieo ilarbcr iu iteeve uessrtl lro ilnvil ami c c hend erson w rv apimlntd nudliors at ji salary of j5t aih murgle muki 1- mv dd of milton utik liihinntt klllttl by c i it i ruin iuki rrldny morning a t hromii vuu if led t linlrmun the llyl kimlru torn minion ur 1jj mr i klnu k the commls- ttlonei let t mlki sibyl llohkltu un f itm k- wjmmi has imih dettli tutted iiw n mis sionary by the etmreymilnnnl wn niiiiv mlkkionnry stulttj mho hti klni ulll in- stationed ut almoin ii portuguese we afrit a inu toot hi y at klhit rs and mould- in- rillc tt ir- frh ndii ore mar- numoroun ittitn thtlr inmli however and no ffott has 1m n made to ktop the huh planner cwac i mmlrio ktm soldiers spirit ami sjuui glrla in khaki perform ttmt service for canadian canph and iloopjtab ay maaujaket wsikk suaa4aw htm htnff uimcr somewhere in kntiland cp auk any soldier in thu purl of england where- cunudu luiducs arc us thick as file who ih hit fuvorlle owne type chnntmmt ure if he thinks ulvonl ii u lilt imii uiy ih kiim the cun- iidlmi wominv armv corps liumdiv unit the work lonu hmiii owi ktenm- liiii t iuildrom then hand net ittl nml the ut i wont ktiiv in their hair hut tlu luivc nihil it pokiillti for the c immllitki koldltn to liuv rltmiil kmkx tlta uhlitkt mid tout unihi- uttir itiul ktwritl cuhudlim liohpltuk to luivt clean klteu nud hliiuketm iltf cuiuh wt mllmhnp in li urge hiilldliik on the tmttiklrth of tm army iatiip und hlg tiuikt m riom thi hompltut unci one fiom m umiy unit were dutuitltig moiiik lauiulr ut llu say youlli imuihumi flight to cermaiiy iuy and ttirl cnarced wiui at fetupt to kual llane frum knclbih airfield wokinkitklimd cr a l year old lay tiienilmr of the air training corp urn iktutusi in court here of trying to uuul a tlr moth dual tt ulii in 14 plant with the inlvntlon of fljlnc to cermnny with a clrl of his ouit nu the court uou told the lioy and clrl after tumping ov rniuht near an ulr- drume got into u hanscr pushed the plntie onto a runway hut failed in three utttmpts to iet the engine ktnr- ted s the prosecutor rend u btatement hv the ulrl in uhlrh whe said the imy uw n pro naxl and belittled every- tlilni urltlsh the hoy denied this before lielng remnilel in ruwtoily food is pressing neeil of britain 1 ilousf of cumnuiruf told country must concentrate tm mruint trow i onhon cm- itiitiiln miikt ion- rentrale on uroulni cropt even ut lite emith4 tit ii4i ikektoik hertli until the danger of uorld famine hut lw4ii uvertel w mahime iurliihient- aij sim ntarj to the mluktry of poiul told the iloiikt of coiumotim ilk uonk uert u reply to it j g llontht conurvtitke u ho hml moved an iinutidnient to the klnnu elitrnnce u hen i vultitl tlier the kpeei h leuieltiii that the govern trutku then uekeil up hlllidlet of clean bedding und clothing the htiltt- diy woikw on the et haitre yttem lte jean muiketule of oart- mouth n s wnt wort i n ir the laun dry n it imurl in under wutter- klon of cpl agnes mri iiiiimjii of windsor ont men of the service cofw were put- tlnn the clothlkii into the steaming uashers a different one for differ ent hinterluu from the u usher th t lot hex ure taken out drlpptnc und put into the murhlne where the unter is taken out lt ortitv hunter of toranto tech nical office in charge of the laun dry was theckliik machine to make sure that nothing wiu luhiu dam- aited nod thut the water hail the pio- mr miwntuko of cleaning fluitk and disinfect ant at the ironlnjk hoard lte iteali speinvr of london oat with oihratlug a huge alternating ironing iniartl she would plate tin arm bhlrt neatl tttitilghteiteri out on a hoard then prei a lever i he ihtard would swing anmiid under a huge prenttuiv iron and ft oat he- uetitli the ihiurd emerged anothei hhlrt pivtsed la the stock loom ite lena ooulel of kegina eheekexl bun lien of towelw whlih weiv teud to go hai k to the hospital and on another tabic in the white coverulk ull the girls who bundle finished loumlrj kuth allen of unity snk und pt ment had no tpeirit- plunu for deal ing with the world food uhortuge it wan iloothhvs contention that the re duction of llveutotk hud been ovei- done other mcmlicrii urgoil that britain needed more meat for home tori kumptlon und cattle und sheep for ex port their argument being that big ger herds of highgrade cattle were emutitlal now if rations ure to he maintained and europe to ih saved from hunger mr muliane however made it tleur that more cuttle would mean leui wheat und there can he no question of encroaching on human food crops shortage of uupplleti wau food fact no 1 wo long as the feeding stuffs nltuutum remained unchanged there could ik no diautlc increase in the herdit uecutite it wan neeesmiry to pro duce all the meat possible in the country for the uiltkh food supply we have concentrated on quantity and not nuallt he augured the house that the al lied goveimnetttij wetctuklng early action to meet the world food short age new savings campaign ionuon c1m ihe tiekt war kav- ingti campaign in uilaln has letn immed salute the soldier 1 he wear pte totnijiign scheduled to open in lbn- j murth j5 will be almllur t anna sobexuek orriliia checked worship and wings for victory bundles of sheets i weeks watting for clean bedding wre w l4avtlcnia rrnrltr pte gauthier andrlen of montreal war navinoh bencftt and cpl walter witt of winnipeg i weymouth england cp members of the r cam c v ho were bristol woman visiting here loading the laundry lilto trucks to be shocked into buying the equivalent taken back to a hospital or ji500 00 war savings she lost in the midst of the roaring mach- her handbag containing 400 pounds inery pte fred j ull of norw ich gave the finder a reward and inveat- ont put the blankets that had been ed the balance in war savings washed into a dryer nearby pte til lie hancheroff of leroy sask a motorist walked into a general look the dry blankets out to another store and asked what have you in machine the shape of automobile tires its nice to have the girls work- to which the proprietor replied lng here said pte jul they do we have funeral wreaths ufa pre- jesus answers his critics oolden test blessed are ye when men shall reproach ou and perse cute you and xay all manner of evil against ou falsely for my sake matt 5 11 lruon text mk 2 333 6 time a d 3h place near cap ernaum exposition i the sabbath made for man and not man for tm sab bath 232sl we have here one of the many indications of the poverty of the dlsclplea and th simplicity of their lives more apostolic simplicity in our lives would be conductive to more apostolic fervor and kouer in our preaching and apoiitollc efficacy in our prayers the critics always und fcomr thing to complain about veti in cod son ami cods word in i he pretext oaw i liey had a gcxl dow of reason ol thoir vbh t f urtlon of oirkls dliulples m- llil like u violation of nl lit the mt r of ihe tturh comkiinudm lit ivul r 14 kv 11 1n llu- trtthlmii of the phnrike- ihough npiuireillly st ripl liml w nw after all foundl umui nit imomplcle kuowhmlge of the 4 1 iplur 1 siiw anwrtl hy bringing a loiu- jilcle vbw of strlplure ajauiwt a on hided vbw a view of th u th ing of i be llhle aw a whole iigalntl the vbw built upm koluled pittng h showed ml that ciemoiilil pie- tt rlplituiti must give vvti liefoie tin net tk of man whith they were or dallied tti tiil rie in illustration of thiw jesiim brjnga forward tin au of david 2 i bat ihe demundfi of 1 1 tuple servlc weri kuprlor ttt the preu ription of the gem- ml law matt vj x t he iilmmdf was grentr than the 1 hi pic being the one in whom cod really tulwrnacled tmatt vi jno 1 14 and of whom the temple wuu only a tyie the suhluith law inuj1 therefore give way imfore the necessities of christian kervlce 3 tliat mercy waa moro than sacrifice and to ceremonial de mands must give way before the de mands of mercy and compassion i hv k a profound principle the full slg- iillicance of which many in tho church have not even learned the phari sees did not understand it and tut con demned the gullllesv 4 tliat the suhhath wuh made for man v 27 2fl and therefore the ron of man the consummation and head of the race was iord even of the sabbath thlw hikt pilndple wait out the krope of which wn not fully comprehended until after ilk dciith and resurrec tion y as 1ord of tht suhhath lekiiu hat ent irelv nbrogatetl t hi kevent h day sabbath whith waft tho shadow of things to come icol 1 17 and whith ludonged dklitutly to the old creation- 10 now we have no right toudge anyone in rekpect to ihe sabbath pa col 2 ifi 17 a with i clirktlanw iielonglug to the new i treat ion i imn with clnim icol i 1 we keep the lords day itev 1 10 the hi u day of the week ac ll 7 resurrection da tiiom who are i j likely it wa naturally impossible to do tv 5i but with the will to obey came the mwer to act jesus chrkt often 4utimantbi tlw imftosvlhle tut if we will just believe lllm he will ive the power to do tit- impossible imk 0 231 the command was simply a test of faith the man acted tils fail h and t he deed was done t he hand was restored wtwle faith is timply uepplng out on ctirist wotd wmi pr4mhilini may ilsr reduced synllshic fihnn making ihrowb into auntralian trad anreima 4cil synthetic fibres liave already made dangerous inroads the australian wool tratle and may force reduced production after ihe war say woolmen refore host hit us auhtralla new zealand and south afrit a formed a wool secretariat to conduct s entitle rsearcli antf tu fmtat competition from synllietus but aihllclly will have to im latkutl in n i4ggr way w hen f lrcumhtan mrmlt ttw taint advnnced wax mhmmi uuudu siwiiwmh but suth he tllue inter- utt were kmndlng rwlooo ludintls tslmmhmtm u hi- llu wnr haw encouraged ntaiwtwd gltiwllig tttlliilrifu to hettane helf- miffltbnt in fabrlot aol if thin lluat lo wtutl thvlttps huge iiifiiu hi ihe aiihliallan iuhiiid will lie tlcptipuliitetl at the end or llltl auklralia ran phnwtuh v and although they tomprlul lew lhau one tklh of the wot hi t lolal thev prttvldt d una than a quattet of ihe woibluwotil lequhvmt uih apltal invt ktcl k ktlmahsl al vmmwmkuui ptiuimk 7uhhu1uhi in 17u when tltov w tv 1ut sbh p in auhtiallu the uverage jlcld wau i ioimdw wr hluti in im it with mivie than it jiounik width gave a production of tvwm luilew of mlft utntdt each average annual dip k wtirth tvootmwwl luiuialwvlu- iiooiuut in a grohi primary production of j30mui4ui imuutk immmmmmmt ui rjjnrn aukh hv man milk milk und hieiid mlk eggs hieud ami wjt iiu h oatmeal bread and hullei uietii apides and all lay utkers le 4 rt am htxla and hot ttogtf minute steak fried imitatoes tffee and apple pl roulllun tttaht luk tallotms1 pot atoes reamet brimxoli fruit halad divinity fude demitahve iate tie fob- gras weiner arjinlm i ntal44- larikl nite ejg plant a 1 ipera 4lemilass4 and ltotjueford fltolled eggw itutst und milk cra kers milk poi1uot nactttfyiat i was given command of sil six 4uadi4mi after an all- auadlan outfit thk was rattier ularming we luul two free krendi two llelglami iwg south africans two 4r tbre- auhtralians a couple of new ztalamhrs an amerltan some can- adians ldes and crerhs ami of- tmiurw kngllsti ttie lurkchat an yiu nu imagine was simply fantas tic aotl hanlly stttppetl laujfhing lite wlml line i was with ibem with ttte ne xealanders in ilrftain a 1iim talk by wing commander c e malfroy ie new iikljii with svkmio0o acrm untler irrigation and 7umkl inlhx r water channels built ut a upllal outlay of bikiu ssahhmtut india oc uples a premier place among etunlrl4m wimiv altlfitlal irrlgutloti hus ih4 11 dtvelottl ihotumhmul gul- ituim 4kf wutr ti minute pa tltwn the tanalu ttf india day utul nlgbt turn- lng dewrts intti gankiim famine areaw intt lundti of abundant t rttpi hi ing- ing ftmml where iht le would have imj m ktuivutlnn iirlfallou hau imh ii pno i- iwd on a kiiiiill wale in india ftir ollllllbij hut ii wau the nglneeiw of ihe covet limenl of iiullnt litigntloii b paitmetil ftiundetl hy ind iial- tl lisle about 1hu who ruiktd the ef fit lent of the tauak ami extended iht li k u fltu lt va i aieiej ivioi that llnie ttiltivuttu had to dep- id lart elv on be moiimtaii lalnfall uiitl htliatiaii theii titipu when the liillih faihd the wtlk tliietl il and t tut ttf ihtiumiatk of nope died nf htaivatloti am late af lhui u ovei it liiilliou futqile du tl timing the gteat famine in orkha tlu m tlit atlful 1 1 mew aie bioiigbt to mlpd hy pit ken famine ttiudit ititih in india whit h would he in ut h woi u without the itcuefft of this vio1 lirlgatlou uyklem whit b iiuk lirtiughl plenty and prou- ptrlty to a gieat part of india uomhav tte higteu miuage leaioed by an indian warship stands to lle 4ietllt of mmi jumna lite idotp whit hjtlttrf down four japaneite immnltent in lluleli eaut indies waters early in 1ml ur tally of m17h itilletl 14 piewetits an average ttt 1 lo mlli a tlay ftr tw ive months anaiuav hfvtfth in bsutain surrountted by humlmds of trophies tiittl wtuvenirs of itte lute lord badt n- iowell fouiuler tf the boy scout movement cana scouts in the armed service in llrltaln have form- ed u canadian overseas rover sout rtw ttiey met in ludcniowehva room at imperial headquarters in isttuitm in a body hey attended wt ktminster atbey wtieie tley were welctuited by tlie han iter3tmy visited ttie kss ibsvery in whwh capl seolt sailed 141 itw houttj pole lite hkoovery is tww owned ny ttie iuy eouls association and is umetl ss utialrilng hhlp fr sea stmits nkw yltk during the fir- nt 7 monllis of 114 1 amerltan sliii- yards deliveretl for kervlte a tonnage 4f new nwn hant vtuuk efjulvalenf t tlie entire meungtiing ttuinage of lite american merchant murine prior j to ivarl harbour i italians heli against nazi pmure hy ladlo frtim algiers pit lure hhowm italian wiltllerw hi iplug ihe alltt u lire btilihrh in ihe rulllh of fatit4hiliiaii niiilet on the toast in i hi on nuyl gulf 4 k iipjiplip under the law may keep the seventh hay hut let thou who uro under urate- keepi the fint liny cal 101 not n flay of lunula ge hut of christ- ian illhirty and privilege ii the proer ustf of tho sab- hath 10 it was jcttuu uhtom to fretjucnt the bnugogue on the sahlinth luke 4 if the day upon which the jeww hllll gathered there in large numboru tin question is it lawful to heal on the sabuath day malt 12 10 was not ukked from an honest desire for information hut h get material for an accusation however the question win none the leku important and re- cvlved an honetd and deeply signifi cant answer it is lawful to do good on the sabbath day mutt 12 12 meicy ami love me more than rio- monieh ven though those ceremonleu la of divine appointment got i will have meicy and not uaerlllce matt 12 7 love i the divlncl thing in the universe 1 jno 4 h there fore the demands of ceremonies even hough divinely appointed muwt give way before the at tlvltiou and evlgen- t ltu of love which k itself divine lower law must leld to higher law ihe pharisee themkelvei atti tl upon this principle when it concerned sheep matt 12 11 but not when it coiuerned men they had not learned that man is of much more value than a sheep the pharisees hod no pity for the poor fellow with the withered hand all they saw in ids misery was a chance to entrup christ they were very retlgiour gteat sticklers for ihe letter ut withered in heatt jesus was angered nl them and grieved at the harden ing of their hearts v 5 he is just the same today the pharisees at tended to the minute and neglected was i the mammoth matt 22 23 jesus did nothing he simply spoke the word of power so his enemies were completely baffled- they could not accuse him of working on the sab bath day for if there was any work done god himself miist have done it though the pharisees were silenced they were not satisfied they went i out and took council how they might destroy him very religious but murj derera at heart the method of the a good job here in the laundry and servers invalid cushions and dough cure win deeply significant he com- ti fmanded tho man to do what quite theyre nice to work with nuts ipilllllllllllljlllflfl if its printing it can be done locally we lake pritle in the fact that over the year- we have made a careful study of the local requirements of printing and have built up an equipment that can meet coinletely the printing require ment of aelon and milton and district rinling plant often folks wfitttfikt the time to visit our li wonder at the amount of equipment that is in use not always can we show them all the machines in operation because we do not maintain a staff sufficient to operate them all at once they are ready on quick notice to meet the special printing needs of custom ers for commercial printing alwaya fl ut qood pnintinif were always glad to consult and give the benefit of our experience zue ut v0atui we ure meeting your problems and continuing utmost the same service sometimes its difficult hut we still likestvinu printing problems and can relieve you ol mostnof the worrier connected there with we dont ask you to share our trouotes in mciing unusuul situations of today thats our problem und if it is printing it can be done locally in wartime or peacetime loe jake pfude 7oa in the type of printing we do for our custoin- 6rs- we like it to look right when it is put in ser vice or when it represents our friends away from home it doesnt mntfer whetner is a sale bill or a line two orthrce color label or catalogue if is bears our imprint youll und it ncnily printed easy to read and designed specially to lit the particular need vce dont expect our customers to make any excuses for their printed material ih q j 5bdu puuidu mill street acton ontario main street milton ontario phone 174 phone 220