page eight the acton fhfie press 1iii at bmaa h as dwk ars asserts la tkls li i al laili iiui nstirss as aaa ms par hi died rookes at st josephs hospital gurlph on monday january 10 194 mabel cox beloved wife of earnest ii itookea lowrevat guelph general hos pital on ttturaday january 6 1944 rebecca holme beloved wife of jamea lowrey speight at her late residence john street acton on monday january 10h 1044 marsaret helen ramahaw beloved wife of the late charlea c spelaht johnstone on sunday january 0th js44 at her residence acton ontario annie maraaret pulton beloved wife of the late william johnston and mother of reclnald toronto mrs k a maclean ger trude tilbury mrs v ii itumley allcr acton and mrs s s rus sell iwilnul of oakvtlle sister of mrs it j moore ilurllngton mrs james purvis whltelaw alberta obitudiml rjuum or til an km the family of the late a g clar- rtdfiv appreciate deeply the kindly helpful lieu shown during 1t illness of their father the sympathy shown in man ways ht the lime of his iuing nun will alwa tie gr de ft l letuemwied ck1 of til whs we w ikti itt nv ev our sincere thetnkw in the lielghltor and frlemls for the lunut kind wtinl spoken utitl tired ptfornicl dm log 1he illness iml after the tlntitt of our dear brother and unt u- john m ivmald iikw iu will iui lie grateful ll i1u llllvt fsl l sis i kit maroarft nilcks unit nrphiws jhisattd ia waste vnhr in urgently needed b miuukc turn in our stocks now the oven nlr rink u how jn op eration nnd ready for the young folk total nmount of salvage collect ed in acton until the end of 141 brought in over pooooo mm j srrlven wrote from tor onto to thf serfee league how cil j striven appreciated the league work and sent u contribution of 1 the tluy uees of nnssagaweya vent hi a 1000 donation to the war service icngue s2s0o for the greu relief fund und 2s00 for iengue work a pleacant evening utu pent with mrs angus mcdonald tuid fam ily of dolly vurdtn when n few ntlgh- low gathered to piny euchre nfter a dnlntv luiuh was served by the host ess dahrlng was enjoyed to music on the violin hy mr cnrnet key uc- compnnlcd hy miss iinui watson on the nlnno in ivsponee to the apiuwtl fron the russian relief the womonu iv ktltute uent two rurt on a of wnrm clot hint k aiimn huvlnu nnthlnir to ketid will pleimt leuve it at the home of mr kivil hunter churth st it will iw umlly for warded hy the locul womens itjtil- tute who took ture of thh work luwt yeftr i open air rink now operating at school grounds on tuctuluy the open ulr rink wiik put into ommntlon at the ichool lroundit ttiere was a cood tthst of ice ntul the llkhtlni wn adtxiunte for nkatlni lltukey lcihhiuiom for the mhool thii will ive urrnnred hy the school prltuiuilii but tho link will be umhi for ukntlmj mostly nnd n tuheduje apiveart elsewhere irekaltiii roomii have been fittetl up tn the wtoruue hultdinc udjolnlntf the rink and there in nood accommoda tion for the kkater there u tin udmlkutlon thurue and we imlertand that all that u atkel of the ktkater- li that they in thorn with consid eration for other- an well an them- kclves a mattkk ov tastk i he dutllloir want to utart makitiu whisk v aitaln some of their oppon ent nrue that out main uiipplv in neinlud for more impo taut purport h pjtrtuulurh for feed tlieie oppmonts it mind iu of kev e in the old stor two loafers in front of a kcntud court hum notlitnl an aotjualntanc- passim k one louncei idiiftmi hla quid phloophled to the other as follow a tttur noes tbat w urthles zeke brown two loneu of bread undor his nrm nnd not a drnp o whlhky tn hi houe new york woild-thr- iram kv tmht ioi tihx y a stor tllustratlnk the spirit of brotherhood in the bo scout moe- ment comc from rosalind alberta where james miner 16 jear old scout v injured in a shootlnr accident when he left cnmrosc hospital re cently with his foot in a cant two brother scouts purchased him a pair of crutches and another scout from his summer holiday earnlncs paid part of his hospital bill john mrdonaij after short illness john mcdon ald passed nt ids home it4 m thlnl une kaqueslna on wdnsdy january mh i1m4 h was a mm of live ial alexander mcdonald and uw of m family of three sons and four daughters william marsery janl isabel alexander all or whom r leceased him and margaret mm only surviving member of the family mr mcdonald was horn nearly elfihlyaeven years ajo and lwod his en tiro life on tlte same farm in his younger days be took a keen intel in athletics and was regarded as of the strong men of the district about forty yeara ago he became chp- pled due to injuries u received wlten he fell in thabarii which was tielng etmatructed on tlte farm on which he jived deceased was a staunch lreshy tewan and a metnwr of knm acton hit- funeral services was held at tlie hmiie on sat unlay after- lithtn cmtlu tel hy his putdtir ltv lsrlms tliomtuin liitermeiit wnn in lalrview cemetery acton tti palmaren were win lulthle walter llniuim tlutmioi kemied wm stalker cliarles cultm and h llurkhdd r kloial tllhiltcm lu hided the follou hm wreatli from tdklet murcnr and nuti and nepheuu kpravs ttoiu aiul win itltihie and fiimlk ltoikholdi fainlk ioitail illveil ainurik eiaitmiw hie of the lnktknowii fainiim of at inn duliht a chi rldue 1jomwi aa at iiim home on no 7 hikiimia eawl 4f a ton tm tuesday of litt uttu he hatl im4ii in iwwr health lot ytnto wisjtd iloru in teel toutikhlp near snel ll4ie ivcemlier 1ttll iwm lie um a von of the late john aiul lvan4vm olarrldtie he uptmt his you ii man hmvd at inirlewoo1 hut forty earw ayo ntovel to the farm two mlleti eutit of attan whcle he totidlaileil li kuctvuful dairy farm six years a no his lechned partmr who was iwfore marriace acnes martin pjuaatl away and n year later mr clarrldue rctlr- el from the farm and erected a com fortable cottage on another of his pro- rtls further eaut on the highway mr clarrldue was n ureal lover of uood muuc an u you nil man at ina- lewood he pla in hie methoiust or- chehtra and nans in tho choir in ac ton he nttcndtxl knm prtshyterlun church and wan keenly interested in church community nnd municipal iiltalr4 survlviiiu an six diiunhters mm u a storey nrimtford mrs o s matthews at home mrs f arscott toronto mrs o mcmillan acton mrw c tif hamilton and mru i iiriiu olenwilllamh to all of thow t mpathv of many frlenda in this dlvtilit ioeu at this time 1 he funeial wan held on thurulai afteiuonn with a pi ivate tcrvue ut the home followed by a tcrve in knox churth acton in hare of hln minister llev c forlum ihnmon interment wan nt hokton miiik cem- cry pnll liearer were meutrs fred cole s h iiim1mi ollle moffntt o w muirny jan mann nnd tlioa ken nedy flower bonrcii were miksr jink aniott nilllc aricott norman mar tin karl mm tin win llrarken ceo somerville wilfred hnrdluu stan morrlkon herb cook and hnrtllnu price amonc the floial tributes were the following imhow tho family wreath itrnndchlldren luuket from mr and mrs william martin mr and mrs karl martin wreath itev nnd mrs w i- atkltikon wreath flth hue neluhbors sprays mr nnd mrs b sluulmi durwivml and wilfred mat thews mr and mrs i spiers and frances mr nnd mrs j iiarurnves nnd family mr and mr a t mauri mr nnd mrs m m coles and ramlly the tjlei family moffntt brothers mr nnd mrs jn munii the riarln famlh tin specialty shop hatous colle stieet tore officers nnd e- ecutlvts of the atfon and vicinity win senile league bamiackhurii womhv institute ijiknldi chaptet i o d i toiin uiin mimosa hiinllves in mlmota luivo teiuniml of the pjihslnv ofjohh heed a foi- mei uellknoun leldoitt of the loc- nlit at ihe home of his win john henr lleed kindmslev sask at the ailvaneetl aue of nlhet sl jenrs ttie late mr bed was burn in nas- kaiavma hut spent the greater pavf of hu life in the mlmowi dutrltt he wi at one time postmaster and ton- keeper in the vlllane and also tnuyht m ihko there and at bcluood iater with his partner in life margaret june cransle he farmed the trnris- le homestead now occupied by fd- wnnl cox the tine build inns which are on this property nro a monument to mr heeds lndustr nnd skill as n farmer upon their retirement from the farm mr nnd mrs reed built n fine residence in the vlllnr nnd took up beekeeping as tlpro limbic hobb mrs reed tiled in 1920 at nn nje when most kope would think of tnklne life ensy mr reed went to saskatchewan nnd acquired n xnlunblo troct of land in the klnd- orslev district later no nnd his elder brother nathaniel resided in fergus for a lme always bleuted with vlg- oixus health mr lleod relalnetl ills faculties until tlte last taking a keen intel ettt tn world arfalrs he took an active art in church work and was very t4nierate in his haldta never u- ttu tiwcxi or intoslcatlni llquitr he was a hrotlier of nathaniel lteel wlm died recently al tlte ace of 07 while imuh t their lives had been smnt nmrt lite two brot iters were fantlllar kergtts figures cthitln- ually engagel in outdmir actlvllles their fallwr henry lel enllitletl in ttte llrlllsli army anil was al water loo wlten tu lok his lls lutrue in quebec be ncteidl a grant of loq a nn in naiumgaweya townmld wlrv the two brot iters were imtrii le is survive by mui john enry ueel mwthlue 111 thre ilaughtenc mrs itirue laeltn lrelte sak mrs keiiuetb quar- rle fergus aiul mrs ijivlna ijnduty trtinlo i i1m funeral was held on monday with interment at mimosa cemetery -aw1nity- twins skiauatk ways ionimin cli hiiiiuiiii nml oik inuilx 11iiii utdnlly luhil lull- iii iii i lit lhl uiiv iii lulim iiuul hi hlii iliilklim ii lli wlm t of hi ii univ iill y uuiiii diiiliimi i jiiiiiiihi ut tltiiliin iiin- li i if iiilimlkli ulill oik h- lllllltsday januahy 13th 11hs weekly war commenuirv by vtlanm uiwe tanadlan lliss klaat writer iihmiiii iiiiiiiiiii fill i ill kl lllliliiu ok- ttraiiintl auction saie i tiknlllutl- anik itkal fr4lal tlu uiideislttucd auitlnueei has re- ttlvtml histllli thins fioiil the line u- ioim of the fulnlo of ihe tale j w cantkijiftn tn wll by public auilion at hit late resident c court ktiid milton on hatluiay jfanflauv tt at i ut ii m the followltlk fuitninnu i iisi nuid suite 1 ph44s 1 dliilui boom suite h nieces a wrltluu ivkks 1 inrwe klee- ttle ituliu 1 steel bed while with springs mid mattress 2 single steel iteds white with sprluk nnd imit- trkiu a dressers j wuuhktauds 1 chest nf drawers 2 cedar chests camp cot hat tree hall back weveiul small tables kttuy chairs fcevcrul rock i iij chairs oild clialrs fxlentslon talde sewlni machine electric llmiue with wnrmliiu chuutt hot point fleilrlr washer dishes silverware cook it itr lllentillsj klwtrlc toaster irons tiunntlty of canned fruit inwn mower garden tools other items too numerous to mmttinu incai estatk at the same time and place will he offered subjii t to n rterve hid a tuveuroom hrh k house with nil mojlein convenleuiek iiltuut- ed on ii cholie lid on court st south nf main stteet all idenl home real sale teinis on real estate miule known ihe day of sale tnbms of ciiattiis cash j a niiorr amtloneet fred leohliisnn oik ill 4 iak1n4 auction salk in iiitin township iaum stock tllan4b imli- mkntm i he underklcniml hnti received in- ritiuitions fiom ww k1cii1i1n41ton to uiu hv public miction at his farm lot 15 k con 2 kltuate1 on the second lluif of hilii f mile above osprliik h mondav janiabv 11th commonclni at one oclock sharp tho following hobsesbrown roan clyde oehl- injr eurri buy percheron celdlnu auxl cows bed jinil while cow mllk- itiir well bred octolier 28 red and white cow mllkluu well bred june 2fl black cow nillklnc well hied auuimt 21 red heifer bred sept 20 bed heifer bred sent 22 rid heifer bred sept 23 1 steers rlslut 1 years ll summer calves hoos 2 sows ready to brocd lfl weaners shekp 2 crude suffoi kwcu 7 oiade suffolk ewe iii uhs iikns o rock hens implements fordsnn tractor on rubber vilth ferguson lift plow and diaw hai m h binder ii it cut coekshutt mower fi ft cut new dump rake 2 section dtau cultlva- toi set ilnriouu intlnow dibc ll hoe seed drill 2 scuffleis fhnn v 21 plow stniiehnnt fanning mill fleuiv blsstll pulper set of krnles lumber wairon with box bench sleight with plntform cutter buunv tint has ittiiks snow plow sheep rack kuttetiliii ciate wntei tioiich extension eaddcr wllufle- tiet neckoke bacs etc haunessset of tenin ilnrntbb with breechlmrs st of back band harness set of single hnrnesi blan kets collars hte orain 100 bus of itmj mixed oialn 100 bus fall wheat 200 bus cartler oats 10 bus so bcnns 2 bus red clover seed household effects mt clio y jewel ltnnto with wnrmliur closet and rehcrvoli quebec heater kitch en cabinet with ennmel tnhu fi kitthen chnlrs dining room fxtin- slon table 7 dining boom chairs buffet sideboard bedroom suite bed with mattress nnd springs 2 single beds dressei wash stand i ollet set rocking chair cnrd table 3 linoleum bugs wringer with stand 2 colemnn ins lnmps citlemnn on lnntern pots pans dkhei etc milk palls dalsv churn m ii cream separator 160 egg millet imuhatnr terms cash no articles to bo removed until settled foi no resene as the fnrm is sold nnd tho proprietor is diving up farming red cross lunch count er on tle grounds roy ihndijcy auctioneer r r 3 acton phone jl5rc erin cioulng of hte polish boiler by onrufclilitii it4lariiiy lroph uiuler n niktlal fv valullit upmai to liav tl twoway effect- on hie for tunes of tlte united nations lids soviet advance in common with all ftuccvsm of ituvilaii army was reeled jultllhlttly by limtst ailheivnls of the allied muse but lite other side of tlte phture retteiittf iktskibc- irxmhb in tbat itussh and poland wlto at tlte present tut luit maintain dlphtmatlc rdatloiis dct luit ayree wltere tlu uusslail polish itorder is located ttie frtmller rrommlby hte 1st tlkralnlan army ut wek is the imm width keturulhl iim poles uitd hie soviets itefctre the nnxls invaded po- iwnd to htarl the wur in the fall of lam but ihe itlisnlanw huve ih ii bdniliiir hint tiddly ihe hoid i lies lvl mile imyonl ibis an h ixtill ho sptw hit notice of the i musing iif th edd fionlhr was lak ii by russia although it was halted uio ery- wloi t im in uultel nalloiim clrchs in stpttmltcf 111 hy ndlllaiy and ludlthal paitltion of pcdand ulti 1 niaiiv kuslii putin d h i polkh front tlei bia 1 in a juki d ln lauihii iemiallv fiom lift to 210 mlh s fat thei kie i ihe smhtx since hae ludhabd in ailoil uiii thai llie ton idei lliiu taw teiillmy tm ltu sian mid still to he lilefial d much of the polish terriloiv taken bv russia in hh1i foimeily had im u russian uudei eai lie pin llllons to poland but was imoiimtaftd into an liuleireudaut poland aftei the fitst tlreat war hitleih luvailoi of hit kin was tipiuni in june phi fiom the russian set 1 wilder the russians pictured thtlr own evpinihlou into po land us a defensive nlep iii niltli imi- tlon of nai invaklon lde kvcudikllsuo thf poles u p tear to have taken a frankly k rtximlhtlc view of reaching u lecoiu illation with russia on the day of irosslnu tho lioider tho polish newspaper published in ijaiidoii descrllad tho itushlan thrust iim the most mi lous iiolltlcnl and mor al rlsls nf the war the man in the sliced in iindoii or new york is asking himself who- ther the russians are coming as lth- eratois or invaders ihe newspaper tmld one polish niuikesman has ex presses tint belief thai pollidi guer- iiiiih even though thiy foiicht the termans would la token prlsonei as the bed army plutud deeper info poland allot hot spcdcesmaii tmld ihe pcdlsh toveriiiueut in luindou con sidered eastern and western iiiil- torlal iinestioiis tepeialcdy and that poland was unwilling to give up tertltory in the east in teiurii for pionllseu of tompeusntlnii at cer- mnnyu expimuc in tin west i bolder iientlon or no harder plen tiful the fait leiiiainu t lint ihe run- 1 slims arc pushing the nahi haik red troops besides advancing fur- thei into poland have opened a new offensive to the south where the 2nd ukrainian army under ceii ivan s konev smashed the inuih line in the klrcwogiad sector a bewilder ing seiles of ivtannuevres in toss tho steppes mid thiough ukraine village brought about a junction of rus sian forces which have beou operat ing west of kiev this brought about the uiiclrcienunt of klrovogrnd capture han vlttor the cermans still nre putting up a terrific defensive battle in italy but allied forces continue to move for ward wlowly united states troops of t he angloamerican fit h ai my cap tured sun vlttoie fermnn bastion six miles from cassiun and british units rinithecl the edge of the cas- slno plain after forging up the car- igllano ulvc r tlu americans captuied sun vll- tort after a hitter housetohouse battle which raged for nomlv 10 hours ihe her mans me deretiillng these key villages and towns ten- 1 acloush ovldem o of this being seen in theh fight to keep thu canadians out of oionto and the anuulums out of san vlttoie i on the adilatu end of the ital ian battle line snnw and cold ret aided piogioss of the british kth at m enik this week the rlissinn attit ude in the rusopolish hoidei dls- pute became known i rtlssln offered poland the cmvon line as a boundary leaving o rus sia all but mv00 sojuatf miles which the red aimv onupled in 1010 and lit the same time suggested that pol- mills wosicrn boundaries he pusht d forward at german xpense includ ing apparently fast prussia l 1 he curon line drawn b ihe al- f lied powers whlth je established pol and aftei the flrit great war and which vi ns superseded hy the treat v of riga in l21 when poland defenl- ed a weakened russia woultl give russia the cities of lwow pink vii- nn arid tnrnnpol it runs from grod no iso miles south to brestlltovsk and thence nlong tho bur river i poland wjis invited bv moscow to join the russianczech mutunl als- i tnnco pnet i mennwhlle tho russians continued to ndvnnce beyond the 1939- frontier in the ttccteir vet of kiev and tlte naxis after evaiuatliiif ariiy jl1 llllbs llltdile lhl iedniul were itiieut- eneel willi en ire 1 meld at ttie e hy eif itetvim 5d miles miulbwesl in hmii elitve on samy en vat- lltlns nit n e ut two lines feeellng tlie ebstu4 warsaw railroad and mue44sd ilernians in the upper dnrlper liend area lmtwfeii tlteutselves and the 2nd i ikralulttu nrmy under jn konev ttie ottesica- warsaw railway is hmt last major eimiuy est m route into threatened itunianla llulgnria wh glv4n umr eemte rel eviileime of the war wlten allied plan m wulloiel hi sildlal sria lu two successive islels and fellowlng auotlar meiewiuito raid on lleilin llw llrlllsli air ministry announed thai it hatl e-rtine- to lite coin lualon lltut tlie nasi eapltal nerves centis tbrougli giiiiiuny rults euroimt had leeen vir tually whmi out lu 4 arlier kiiuttnlve ullaeks feliitliut- bt ilerlln while tlielr main fhve- slruek ut muifeleburg ulel llttl- imtmtull bmi lolbs aouthwetd of tlte rmuil eapltttl ixan3ers of tlte hjtt nib air fenee this we k piee ipitutl what wits elimribeel us lnif of ihe gi litest sky tuittht of all tbif lltt main fore ef t he armada stiutk in daylight at magdeburg and hallieislaelt whllccdhei laavyw ights slai tel a ellvt isloitaiy iuhl on berlin hm if tli- hond is wt i aeeomp- auled bv loni iiiiiie lihtehi ihe nau slating they used new defcielie ladleh inline the anai- liami hit 110 ptfineij huhidliu 121 fulll ulllii l imhiiim iji ov man itivr la ltt drained ircal ijhiliiuiiu ircijvct will make kurmm for rjmntf mi isy jnskill 4 4hi1um ahmm utwl irehs writer icpi ut c i baion rouge li icp it c lam- allou nf a iiotiiitlal agricultural em pire laigei than the eomhlued areas of delaware rhode island and the dlstrlil of columbia has iw en unsign ed top pilorlty luting in a ltulslauu luistwar piogram to icasslmllate ser- vlcemeii into civilian life tin piogram already blueprinted anil appralied aiul given paitlal np- loval liy ihe u s corps of engineers prnjuue u to diniti 2whi000 acres of mississippi river bottom laud to bring into immediate cultivation l2tvi farms of lo0 acres each with a future pros- mu t of lucieasng the mimtmr of farms to 7000 the land slrelches nvei more than 700 htiare mites in noitheast oiilslmia extending southward fiom the arkansas boundary farm v pertfi say it is potentially the rlc best alluvial fm inland lu the world iluiiu complete state puhlli uoiks le hnl inns nn- tlouallv recogiiltd exptils in drain age and hood eontiot hccail e of the topoginphv of thell state have eom- pletcel t nglnt eilnp plans foi the pro ject and dewltl l pvhiiru director of th stale department of public works has anitnuuced plans for plac ing proposed fnrms with rervhemeu vi ho vvjiut ta return to the soil the hi ht ljno fauns pyhuiu says will sell at sit to v0 an acre slops aie being taken to assure the tlnani lag of land purchnses ih this area thiough local leiullug agencies on a longterm basis rat hoi than through federal agendos technicians insist the drainage will be no trick at all just a matter of money and mnnimwir witters fiom the swumplnnds unci marginal areas within the- pleccofplc shaped section between tin mississippi liver west levee nml ihe quuchitn river east levee will la funnelled into the gulf of mexico via the auhufnlaya tloodwnv a vast low urea of unused swamp land in the water shed of the states south central pnrlslus quick uciulelatlon already the ii s engineers have approved the impiovumeut of the main ut reams within tho drainage aiea major petition of the task and woik awaits lifting of wartime v ou st rue linn leslrli lions ibis part of the pnject will cos an estimated smutood pyhuin savv and an ad ditional voou00 will be mided to complete the piorram the stales planning expetls how- eici piedlct sw lfl 1 iildatlon of the otlgiutil cost nnd tonsuei the pio- jt 1 1 ii dhi c t and sli abb linn in postwar in rt as s and sinndards of living savs will am g xelmai c the state deparlnu ut winks and bend of the subcommltt of the economic development m mltte of louisiana it is one f th- gnalett venlt prodialnr projects the slate has ev envision d kin41h immttmt eultth nkw romt in1m1n cpi sir henry llash- ford houoiary physician to the king has tteeu apimlnted medlel aelvlser for ifioo0 meuiliers of britains ivtl rviee he tielieves people lo- ing wtiik hint inleiests ttietii are gin tally in tietler trim than tlese imiieel hy llwlr wofk mknion unless tte autltoritb s filed it okiitile to lelas the kerosene piieeilty e ullow lerndts to lie ttrel foi stable and liyio itmlei ms in great britain mllkmjtlds will leave to milk ews in tlie dark ibis winter iipuukrn mhiraijckh i ve seen itatclteh of ornuin let- leis found on the russian front from htttxed german areas whlc h make highly diverting reading to those who m menilm r liow goelihells prided him self on lite invention of that ghoulish verb lo coventrate actually fondon eeiuld take it and coventry ould take it but tlte huns nnt perhaps be es use tlteyve a hlaek eeuim iene or leaus our itomhs are lieavler and more tiumerous hut the fnf remains that they sueal as no one ever mueeloel in kngland tlie ullcs itusslau ominentary by alexander wertti iith army mvn slorm railway slrtuijioiiit 11 h army m n rrloim o mhhiieii tallwity station whl it had eilfeieel tli m leilslame while im i tti ud a a sti oiul iv ll atlug e in my foites in sli lly ihe allied wldlis mlvinwid ftoin a elsusee tallwav utlliit inkitit ailvaiitnj of oni olftud bv u wale i owe i am inllwny tun lu afte r pioloiiie d n si time- infinity lie slleiieeel the t lie inv ami the lallway station was i u h d and taken ihe ae hem is an t sample of the way wasoiieel o h tight lis adaplee ihe him ives to the new battle liehnleme hihhaiy on their tietw i train obtaining possession of italy w malta lu the spue et tf tl elivi pie lure shows hlh alloy nn n milking a bayota i charge up the hue royal palace caikullh ijcadinc tiikatiiks tdllav tti mniiav toiiav til mlsiav llcllc diivis oislm unij johnson in mirium hopkins hi cu aceiiiaintancir ckazy houkir 1 khiiav t tiiiiihuav 11 rhjav iv iiiiiiihiiav vvitlllllll iowcll in anotiikic thin man tlii leuis und his orchuslra in is kvkjtyiumv iiaiiv illjh illis lom fjonwuy in nonnn sliliirlt in hscare tub fauon ani tiik cjokir insurance and real estate iikk kihk adtomohiik itllkolauv citk iaks accjidknt und hkaith itolljkk und all cluiwvw r ckneuai insurance aiuavh lkai with a iucaitob tonhth f l wright inhurance and real entate member guedph and dutrlct ural ksute lleiard asmtclate member fwiadlaw association ural kstate boards associate memltrr ontario association ileal estate boards member of fire and casualty insurants agents association indian woman ltroalrass from lontloii contiibu- j in we tilth bairmtiti of publlt i ondon ihe rnrt plae ii wo men nit hltee t in rial britain u winning growing rctognillon ihe proportion of girls among tlu stud ents al the school nf art hltoc line hns im reased from 20- before the war m 50 toelnv women imhltetu aie maklnr n vnlunble tontrlhuilon to the wnr e t ort doing good work for ev- ernl mlnstrus on the constriction of fat torlt s camps aerodromes hospitals nnd in tu field of cnmouflnge wo men nreilso busily engaged on tho planning of postwnr building mrs saxltri itov who presents in english programs of gramo phone music in the brtl- brondcrsting cororjtion ovir3en short wave service j she bis lived in lnrlnrd for some cars for the education of her children two are stjll at school but her eldest son is now a captain in the indian arm