page two the acton free press vw iiiuiisday januahy 20th 104 qh arumjfrr bb pwbukhsd etv tfcrsir t artott oatavi subscription ratesm ta united sw a4aloal steal u w tdditum sboom be ama chae jjf l rqwtd advertising ratesoa pplkauoa od u la various rahnui bsidlaa mor the pm p ectu dmtlio u u tb 4otudl tkt li 1u o b- lubu urn r tmv to r dtk publlhd bk4 ot mli ditl l u mqumu4 ta b the idvchimf sod rlurd lo tfc fr olftv duly lsd by dwtic d rlth och ror or rwrtio plainly ol lo wrtlbtc brn ny error o noted 1 not vocwiej by tu fr frwa it llkblllty hall proportion h tnllro coat of wuth iwcvtlmrnvnt m h ftpc nlrl iv lit nolr1 rror wbol p occupied liy tuh lwcmrnit o arijop kmis kjitor telephones klltu11 il time lo consider some time ago we received among the circulur mail a petition to sign and an invitation to get other signature urging support for admission to canada or a larger number of refugees wo didnt sign or use the petition because we believe the question of admission of refugees is one that demands very careful study and no governing body should bo co erced by petitions often signed by people who have given the matter no study but just a snap decision many splendid citizens havc come to canada from other lands and are playing an important part in the development of the dominion we believe that the important thing to find out about these new citizens who come to make their homes among us is their willingness to forget the customs and political environment in the land they left and adapt themselves to conditions in this new land our way of life without a doubt canadn has plenty of room and opportunity for many more people but wc do not want people who bring with them the thoughts of strife that have made so many countries battlcllelds this north american continent is a peaceloving world we live on such splendid terms with our neighbors that the frontiers are in normal times little more than an imaginary line folks here are content to leave it that way canada can look after many refugees provided they come to canada with the purpose- of becoming canadian and forgetting the land from which they itavc taken refuge we want to be sure and not urge on any government a wideopen policy without restriction- remember what happened in holland after the last war when homeless german children were befriended and later turned on thir friends tbis country would do well to examine carefully nil who seek admission in the postwar period and make sure that they intend to start life anew in the new home it is no time for advocating a widcdpen policy on the grounds of sympathy alone v enlightened and convinced wc were rather interested to read a few weeks rgo an extract from an address by a mr leavens one of the c c f orators and to get in one para graph some of tthc aspiratipns of this new party and here is what the speaker said the ccf is de finitely socialistic make no mistake about that as soon as wc come into power at ottawa we will do three things we are going to socialize canadas whole financial structure we are going to social ize the national processing plants the trusts and the combines we arc going to socialize canadas natural resources the mining am lumbering in dustries that was a pretty clear cut statement and easily understood by us because twentyfive or more years ago wc gave some time and study to socialism and are quite tree to udmit t hud its attractions but socialism isnt new and its been tried under a lot of names and none of them successful its a funny thing that some of the things that the socialist party urged twentyxfive years ago as drastic reforms are now in operation and they didnt come into being because a socialist party had ever been in power in ottawa or on the north american continent we doubt very much if a new group of inexperienced idealists could have put this reform legislation into successful operation no we dont belong to the ccf party we dont condemn them for their dreams either wc need folks who dream dreams and have visions of better conditions for all experience has taught us how ever that it isnt these dreamy folks who conjure up these fine programs who have the ability to bring them into reality- folks all have a lot of talent and it all seems to be different which is perhaps fortunate we need a few of those dreamers and we need a lot of those whoriavc the initiative and the ability to bring dreams to realization some way or ether we seldom and these two elements both in the same carcass were relieved to have mr leavens interpreta tion of the ccf and the assurance that the party is new in name only some way or other new names have lost their attraction for us and we find wc are i ike most other voters in this respect although the ccf isnt the first party to try out the new name theory just read that paragraph again and a grain of common sense will tell you how little mr leavens knows of realities as soon as wc come into power jgar ottawa we will do three things and then mr coldwcll tells you the ccf plans will take years the orily difference teems that mr coldwcll is gaining by experience and has been at ottawa re forms will come to canadians just as soon as nil canadians are ready for them and capable of con ducting themselves under the now cbnditions three initials and a lot of promises dont add up to sweep ing changes as soon as wc come into power at ottawa thanks again mr lcuvcns for that little paragraph of elucidation v wage comparison the average earnings of iniile wageearners uus 1141 in urban centres ot 30000 population and over according to federal government figures re cently issued while male workers in places having u jopulution ot 50w to 10000 averaged ruw those in centres trom 1000 to 5000 earned an aveiage ol 1005 and under 1000 population the average pay was hi for employed female workcis the annual wage scaled from 510 to 5l according to popu lation at first glance the statistics appear to favor em ployment in the larger cities because of the com- i nratively higher annual wage in urban localities examination of the tables however shows that the difference in pay for dwellers in large communities i not n great deal more than that lor workers in small towns rf matter of only 5 per year between the two highest male categories and only 30 be tween the first and third male brackets women workers in towns from 1000 to 5000 population averaged 87 per year less than for their big city sisters the cold figures moreover do not take into account the lower cost of living in small places com pared with expenses in metropolitan areas for instance they do not show city workers spend 3750 in a year for streetcar transportation to and from work in a great majority of cases restaurant meals are relatively high in large centres rents taxes and other normal expenses are considerably higher in the cities and even the cost of a theatre admission is greater in large places to mention one luxury the householder in a village can also have the advantage of n garden fruit trees berry bushes nnd a few chickens to help reduce everyday costs in a small town too places of employment stores the theatre nnd the church arc often just around the corner affording the saving of time which is a factor in economy people in small towns may not draw cityscale wages but lit is safe to say ordinary economics more than mnko up the difference v editorial notes nazis imprison premiers wife action taken as reprisal against inrifah government leader in london ijonixdn cp mme cecilia mile- olojrzyl 43yearold wife of the polish prime minister in iondon has been sent to the mott notorious concen tration camp in poland on tho er- konal order of helmich lllmler ns naxl reprisal against her husband- at the oswfedm camp sh has been subjected to tno most cruel treat ment he inillsh telegraph agency here said it harf been informed u added that illmtnlera henchmen who carried out the orders will be treated ah war criminals mme mlkolajcsyk had been under arrest for ib month before her re moval to the camp lromem solved when people get into hard places nnd meet difficulties there are us ually possible solution for their trouble to im provided by intellig ence nnd good ndvlce oommunltlen are very npt to run into dufltultlett 4iiuum by chnttgem in the field of iiiihi- or luck of fuillllleu cxitecled in x pmurctttlve town vlieie 1m ainiol iikviim a milutlon for tmrh problem if hie people miuly wwm- klhrntlmi cinefully iluilt iitm ntivini often engiigo he mivimh of expel ih to nilillwe their opeiutlnit nnd iin a i euill of nph nrii lie thej tilttlln lieu piopeilly so a nmmim- ity doe uh lo have it mhvlllex nnd poislhllllieti iimtlvyed by people of except inmil intellljieiicc ahum t ill wuh they cull tell a nun how lo i on lo hirretimd tuccetn vktkuan scientist to itkckive medal ioniw3n ci a 71ytmirohl rtrltluh mlctitut who once lived for ueek in a wen led cane to tdudy the ef- feclti of the lack of oxygen ban iwcu chtthen by tho kloyal society to rec eive i he copley medal wlilcli origin ated in 17011 sir loiveph iliircroft hak repeatedly rlkked death to adil to the ttclentlflc knowledge of breathing lie once tented ptuuulc ndd by staying in gnu- filled chamlier with n dog tim dog died within a ml nut o but sir jo- mih continued to take notes nnd walked out of tho chnmlter lifter ten minutes uefore the war began ho tented blunt by flitting in airraid hlielteru while itomhh were dropped ueniby the week at ottawa bv ivaiuv imnnku osmtrlhw fram hlalf writer ottawa cr wartime growth of canadas navy is reflected in navy minister macdonnlds announcement last week tile hoy at canadian nnvy udloru arc now in training lo tuk over two new medium cruisers of the latent typcisliu from tho hoyal nnvy tlie navy minister also announced a switch of naval chiefs of staff and revealed that canadlun knilorw lire going to man two itoyal navy escort carriers lie will the it c n now has a lersoniiel of approximately h0- uhi comimred with t7ml nt lite ihgln- ning of the wnr in the staff kultcheri vuvadmirid ivrcy w nelles wood will leave foi ltndon to uhiiutiie the ttcu cuiiiulluii tank of senior flug nffieei and wuc- reeded wi thief of the ctilliidiini naval ktaff by hear admiral u ge c u toimw fotnier vlicihlcf the new move hi in line uritb invas ion phnih whh li have mii hlefh for aitny and all tliffti lt w ken neth sluai i and ah mm ilmll i ibeiidnct to ilrllnln n entl ml mfiionidil mild admiral nele will reaialu mnutrraiikhik naval r- and will huv i all fanmthm geneiiil iv jit foi iicighi the liill a 1 1 li nun inicuis imi hie win m mipplle at tiiih uir im hag ifmiiiu h mm dam iiikoii niniket of leveillie fot the hum- plodipew sllli emlv 111 tv ariee to liuv canadian uut until hum by aiil uuui minlnli ciihiiixt vvhci he aiiuounud that die itoinhilon gaveiiuiicnt plmu lo pav hog pkmtnieik 1 n head for giade a or sekrtu and 2 a head on jtfl giaile at all planth imjieeted by the govcinnient in making the annimm cment ml cardlntl wild hint negatlallontt lire ihing loiutlieled witli lite united kingdom to see if the prcmnt two- year coiitiact for a total of lmomki- wki poillidh of baron ran be extended to four yeatj with potilhlv whttwhi- hm pnuadh being whipped annually itecently mime farmoifl uwllchcd from hog ppoduclng to cuttle riili-ln- when lliev feared thai the ilrlllnh bacon market would he mint off to them within another year or ihoitly after the end of the war in europe lainent of tliiremlumh will m- gln an mhiii an arrangements can be comphleil undlhty will ccmaljn in ef- fe until tax monthh after the end of ihe uui in uroi csmrt jump whul hacoii means in dollars and cenlh lo oiondns expuil linde uiih evented in klntltlcs rleiim1 by itade minkwr m klnnon i1i- vlat- ihtleh rhotad lll the value of itucott eihrts junihhl from x7on00o in 1hl io siirtmrooo last yeur when ek rt trndi- unu lie highest in ihe countrys hktury tlie value of vihent ximrtx al shrmiooouo in lllr wnn v2144mlooo in lljl iiim- ehmitt valuel ut sujootmmj ill ilvj wete worth sxi- luhltrimi inkt mi tlie ionilulon lluientl of ktlilullin rehrlu that on jun 1 the caliudiaii reaniery butter slot ks wen 4k7h- loj luiundh lotuimireil with nfr7r7f tn jnu 1 iuki yiar but a r4tullon nf iyi70ommi tiiiu iur 1 holdings the bunail wiild that butter pio- dui ihtu in jvcemhcr wn i2l7tirti ioiindi it mdiutlmi of 17 mt cent ft oin the hame month last year ilhei ilaard offh lain mild i nllv that imperii wioi felt ovei inalnti n- ame of the ptu lit btithr ration due lo tllug louhiimptlou of milk pro- iliutu and hmeied piodiotou dnilni ihe wlulii monthm lltdiue ktarae 4 lmru- news of tplil lilehl to vehfeiii fa i met i was the anntiinreinnl of a xdiiuiuti in iioinie iaii4t mi fialn ill we let ll t oilllll i lev lit mx i lie illni- iiimi e of n- 111 lll f a lit 1 iimik i a in olinliv el- valoi v i i i ili l in one- i tllli ol i iir n h ii ui otv ihii iii in l iuuiil i v mot w ii ion ikn mi- ihuiirel i lii iihluniik i iiint i it il ilii the niiii ultiimil mipplhm i mihi l- thai ihiiik nilaliin mil idlt will he pllmthle n totitlifllul f- i till i ft irie on all e enthil field oihiiid or illlhll op- in the five ill n hi ho- vlihe and ilihkh roluiiihla inst vein mlhi dleu werepavahle onlv ill f ei e0tu i lie milmulleu will allow faimeii lo ohlalnfetlilier at luaithallv tlie same ol whether lltei are nni ui fir fiom ihe fettlt- lei plants business directory medlcal dr w g c kenney rta msmi amw successor to dr j a mcniven- offlc in symun dlock mlustrt acton otflm missis 7 stwldroc laa dh wm g cullen lmcc offlotf hours 24 and 74 pjn kxcpt wednesday and sunday mill street near frederick street rtionk isa dental dh t ii wyiii of toraaia taking charge of dr buchanan practice for the duration vtur um lrrent miee hours avos to a m kvery thursday friday and hatufclay ovvick tkikiaionk mr nit hugh s austin itantal hurarttn mill kll- 1 aitnvr krilrlik arlon om- iioiiia iitii um i r ni im liv iiliilk ity apitolntiitciit fmlai january nukht well he teamed formflllini month and euch year seems to find another one added v it ii said that many women use less than 850 words of basic english but as punch remarks theres a terrific turnover v all the legal holidays this year fall on weekends dominion day is on a saturday nnd christmas on monduy no adjustments will be required v the price offered for the return of empty beer bottles has according to announcement been in creased and we suppose some folks will argue that as u reuson for emptying them foster v it is snid the new uutomobile stickers will be leady for distribution next week i quite a con venience to be able to secure them locally even if they arent us heuvy to carry home us the usual plites nxonder who gets the saying v vho would have thought two years ugo that ttationing of any commodity would be welcomed but now it is considered by most folks us the fairest method of apportioning goods which are in short supply v the financial post is carrying on a moid effective campaign to stop thp racketeering in worthless stocks surely the public memory can go back to 192030 and heed the warning now or is there a new bunch of suckers ready to be fleeced v this section has to date certainly enjoyed a de lightful winter and indeed a pleasing change from last years variety of heavy snowbanks and blocked loads roads are- still splendid for wheeled vehicles and no sleighing by midjanuary is quite a fine record imnttkaaitlkkd okdkim oithku won oho london cp lt col malcolm mackwen of the itoyal army medical corpw refused to obey outers and won the dso us a rehiilt this is bow it happened on march 17 ww the north afil- enn advanced drohhinjr station was at ameia the kiirrotindlnu area was hhellerl and divebombed rontlnuoitly during the day at the end of the day during which lfm cases were treated there was not n sgunre yard of the hlntlon hijht untouched from bomb or sltoll nplintcrk although nil personnel were oidereil to take cover co mnchwcn refused to leave bin post nnd kept on attend ing the rorloiirly wounded although one bomb exploded neaiby and niiciih burnt all around v maiimiani h a itarrkter and holli her notary ihllle i uuiet of mnriliie iheuui itllhlnr of itltlhx miuihigeii deaths arin orrjr ll iiiine i ii 101 iiij on cluwkrilv aii mwn irr ceiling pri- vvu for lips tin lire m plates and glauh lumlders liave been fted in a nothe published in tlie tuivernment vij- ette the prli iwilimi ffe live deiiinhei jo klinnktii m langiion klarrlster hlllur ntury iuldlfl offline eorgeownregory theatre liulldtf acivjn over t keyilufks cafe vit apitollitnietitti ihone acton or ceorgetowti uh office llrmrm adoii luesday and thursday 1 hi p in to 4 tto p m kvetilngn on ilujuint vktklunailv b i young vs bvsc veterinary huriceoa office ilrookvllle ontario phone milton ufira saiim was 1rkialtkd kvi when on tka1n walter leggo writing in tho gran ny londormall of a recent trip to tho maritime provinces tolln tho follow ing btory on one of tho fast trains of tho canadian national kallwaytt between montrenl and halifax a lady uan trying to get into nn upper berth but the porter could not find the lad der lady he said x have been i porter for eighteen yearn and thin is the first time i ever lout my ladder i had it right here a fow mliuitch ago an english pallor popped ills head out of an upper berth and said til lend you my ladder til morning he had pulled the ladder up into the both with him the porter commen ted lie must ijnve thought the tinhi might lie tnipedoed and wanted to be pt enured carroll chipsoi- asc ovalttee j bf 9 lvory soap msj bar he rice pouj txc 8ink0 tia 5c kofysub p 31c v g oakks vs bvsc vtriiiary hurkfoii officu nnd hewldiiice knox avenue ailon imioni wi ijoiirlon woman a war heroine london cpi mm j eastwood of tuhurlwn cnmberwell had three sunn a husband and n houe when the war begnn one non pte john eastwood rec ently repatriated from a germnn pris on camp enmc home on n stretcher minus both tegs now he has riled of wounds six months ago a second son wounded in itnly was repntilnted home from an itnlfnn cam p he ton enmo on n stretcher minus both leg and he too died the third son is still a prisoner in germany mrs eastwoods home was blown up in the blitz nnd her hushnnd nns been in the hospital since but mrs eastwood carried on to keep hor second homo together she works ns a postoffice cleanor palmolivesoap 3 icaie princess flakes xw 9c old dutch cleanser h- ftoe hawes fw wax 4sc qnaksr oats oki i v 19c pure lard 17c chesssaronl p 17c marmalade sjs szj 33c quaker mullets p- 7c sweet pickles aim 2 peach jam sterjik isj xsc roman meal k x9c creamettes m t iiurai p 9c tomato soup v c 15c carrolls own tea un pi 38c k9 dog food mute zih pk 19c shredded wheat x pw- s3c w tamm tb ricbt lo limit quuititim el h m speciju navel oramil s sue 288 dot juicy ijcmons size 300 doz mcntosh no 1 apples 3 ibf for firm fresh cabbage lb i fryll i and vtrlahlf prices until stunljr nlht only iikai ksiaif wiiiougiiiiy faitm ailncv lurjil mill olihhl autiify in cunuilo ilial orilc knl llllir tllllilltu irnrwtovjn hfiimhilllntlvo loltl iliutuii 1flixltt ilritrurtduii 9sz time taltles canadian national 7 icaii71vayh onltlg west dally extept sunday 0 01 am katurdiiy only 2 jo pm dally except suiuhiy 7 18 pm monday only 1j0h am dully except sunday ill am flyer at georgetown dully except sat ulid sun ir pm flyer at ouelph dully ex cept sat and sun 712 p m 2oln kast dally except sunday i 19 a m dally except sunday im am dally except sunday pm sunday only hid pm flyer dully fjeoriplown 925 pm flyer dally at fuelph u no p m cjttay coach lines coaches efave ahon kaat hound rki a n d 1 a m smi p m 626- pm 1 1 pm hm pm vrtlhund vloftl 11 m yw pm asfw pm 7ti pm hhm pin xll lh pm n to london h sundiijn nnd holidnyh only x- to fluelph dnlly to kitchener siinduy nnd lloliduys v to kitchener to stratford w t patterson ro hoertaltxt in ky ksaniluatioii orthaptut im utndham ht 0iexjll phono cim completely equipped offices below maher shoe store ic0bac 7irbctcco for a mild cool smoki