thursday march 6th ism the acton ptteb psess i irnmras miss fary chalmers wms homo tram toronto for the waefc and master gary icacphenon of tor onto vlsltd acton friends recently seaman ken hasaard rver the weekend from toronto miss marjorie nelson of guelph visited acton friends on monday mr harry campbell of toronto visited his sister mrs collier this week mr and mrs ted russell of tun- mlns are visiting at the home of her mother mrs j bruce mr and mrs harold wansbrough robbie carol and bonnie oftnronto visited on sunday with mrs r h wansbrough ac2 ronald c davie who was honif for the weekend has been transferred to montreal que fur further training at mccul university ounwr teorge buck and mrs buck of owen sound visited his sis toronto cp discussion of problems has enlivened pro ceedings in the ontario legislature and one stage of the throne speech debate set off the young sessions first major skirmish bet con tending parties in the closelyaligned house ahhur williams c c f member for ontario constituency attacked government labor policies and prov oked a crossfire between govern ment and opposition benches occas ionally brought speaker stewart in to action to keep matters under con trol mr williams asserted ontario had sought refuge in the new domin ion labor code which neither meets the demands of organised labor no fulfills the preelection promise of premier drew who promised model collective bargaining legislation during mr williams address premier drew rose to express the hope that the c c p member would recent capture of momote air drome in the admiralty islands cm phaslsa a query which has perplexed more than one student of the pacific susorov war where is the japanese fleet the need tor deep co columns more than a century and a half ago he advocated striking suddenly with immense driving force to demolish the enemys manpower he favored outflanking movements with blows struck behind the enemy at the same time making use of determination and daring attributes of the red army in hand to hand combat was his way today the order of suvorov is one of the soviets highest awards for field commanders carrying on in ttm tradition against his cent uriesold foe an allied amphibious force first the weekend brought a new dev merely a strong iwcofuussance party elopment in the war on the eastern later augmented by relnforcemenu front when a aouthwestward affeo- when it was realised the japs were slve was started by a great ukraln- caught flatfooted struck the blow army under marshal zhukov which outflanked and to a large ex- the offensive has put the russians tent isolated japanese garrisons in nstrld the vital lwowodesso rail- new ireland new britain and the road just east of tarnopol if the solomons ljke other recent moves in the soviet troops maintain their position oi rman maishul von mannsloln ma pacific the momote operations cost bt forced to pull his forces back to aw m uils week cunmwc a wantofconfldence motion v zzxtzz throe years service in england busy bees club raided over 1500 for various efforts the following is the financial state ment of the nassagawcya busy bees club for 1943 keeelpts membership foes 260 iood cheer collodion 651 vlttory bond bought last year 5000 war savings st am mi 50 post office stamps 06 rat in raili from last year 34 4ft donations and interest on bond ib 45 booth receipts from dances itifrt artules sold to numbers q4s sale and bingo in octolier 85 05 brook vi lie dance receipts 641 10 victory bond draw 10105 inao quilt drauu 2975 sale of quilts and quilting 234 i5 quilts finished in 1942 too late for returns 24 00 motion wns forthcoming labor minister daley n few day later strut k back at this irltltlsm especially in regard to acceptance of the nt w fedora labor code covering war industries he said the province was riot entirely in agreement with the n w code but that ontario was a loyal province w are going to aec pt it and do everything in our power to make it work he said a jiiovlncial code could lie set up he said but it would only cuuse con fusion and create a situation which would be rldlculoun and unwork able rumania over secondary aillroadfl lie u now fighting with his hack in th balkan tvnrtioci alfl- battle more than 2 00o tons of imnib wme dioped hy amitrknn bomlmrs in american lives proved relatively light but the cost to japan is heavy in addition to v battle casualties tokyo finds thousands of stationary troops cut off from the main supply liases being left in the words of n recent allied statement to wither on the vine it is impossible to evacuate these j forces with their equipment or to keep them adequately supplied ult less the japanese navy emorties from its hiding place and offers battle against allied naval forces which have gained control of broad roac lies of ocean formerly dominated by jap- a peculiar iee of facowlnc h r was indulged in by the tokyo radio lost week wltnn it said the tmiwrlal cuikabuno auction sale in township of erin jakm ktoc mhvwkb ktup- mknt gnumjrmicntv 41 a v oka1n flcdcx fnkquhur olivtr former liberal j lielng for t jr wtf as wotlnti sell by auction at their farm lot fleet hod not elected to light yet too- j5 otli line erin township 4 miles cause japans admirals wanted to dls- north of lrin village 2 miles oast of appoint and baffle amateur strnteg- hlllshurgh on 1 1tu1uay majbclm jjth ltu commenting ut it otilock shaip tbe following holtskk ltoun guiding ago 14 vinrs black mare age j5 years dray mnre ngod bint k marc aged h w uto good in all hurnem uoitn ists in the united states irefers jleetajftelng 1 hu transparency falls to obscure what npoars obvious that the jap anese prefer jto huilntuln a leetln 11514 40 ktpwiih c od che r eu poutngi jh71 advertising mi seeretnrytr asurt r hiutnlies so hooth kupplu 103 85 tu kets for dmu 151 quiu materials 94 10 1- quipm nt 11 w auction sole und lllngo 1vj orchestra nnd kloor manag m ts kl xittory ftond dlnwi 0 00 clian uuil uoa ovom as comfort u 143 is mimi unneouk ro dahcofl 4 10 alton war sprlco lcnuui 90 00 nnlvntlon army gu lull b0 00 nnv itauut im00 kst criuui s01w crvk itoll 1 3500 itrltkh outr- kund 15 00 okuu vrnnu chwr fund loop oiiiikm r ilof 500 v 1109 11 uuhk iittount 1jik7 lttnl noto 1110 wnr siivtnc stmn vi qulltw lllilulu 1 too lat- for r inmii 13 50 l iimii on luiml 13 42 wilfute mlnlst r und knemlm r for gray south thnrged monopol- ullr control cxlxts among ontario iinrklng plants and sugcented co op- ratlvs tuny lie the answer to the breaking of this control he predict ed a bright future for cooeratk cs und uriol estahlubmcnt of packing and ktorage plants in northern ont ario und creation of how industries in rural communities after the war he also said the liberals in the legislature there are 13 of them would support any legislation for the uood of ontario nn assertion made previously in the debate by by liberal leader nixon w a dickson perth lllwral kail the farmers plight was not quite as hliuk n it had been painted how- t vr in- belleveit plumi should be made to help jouttg returned mon to net eslabllslioil on the iimd he sutfkrkted n farmers linhk or perhaps kome nwulon in the present financial sstem to allow farmerminded ser- lrmen to get postuar loans at lew interest rates mcnnu hlle government strength in thiliouw jumped from 35 to 3fl ult it the urrlvnl of hon cnpt a w how nor proiireskko consrvntlve m mlier for dufforln slmcoe just return ml on leave from chaplain dui le w 1th t ln canadian nrmy in ft au or kt mu mj nw uti khk hi nil harnohs lloun as ihwtslble bofoio ihtlulnn yiny rjhltig t years roau iitmuilul r my immt ntt ring decinlve soa battles lie irian horse colt rulng 1 yeai it would seem lokyo is waiting for covv4 white cow frohh in jim what irmls to the most ndvaiit- jj k a caw milking ncaou of urc lefore 1h- f ft ttijjtut tlllc tlw allied invmltu nnd in tlio fool iiuil cow f r ull ulf nt font nu untlmp folfl thnt tho cxutonco of uonn cow frhli cnlf nt foot 1 how- it dfounlvo fwt slronir nouih to w v fts i j iklllkiml hod ilolfor tall ut foul momico nny omonrtvw auiod nillon r h tulf bt font a hod iiol lu in itujlf n utronc dotorwnt to lmf c ut foot all durlium biotid- mcdluto auiod advancca iiik yhlu tlwory of tlu value of n f loot- younc cat3 lb jr liutulior inlmilnc lx not uluitantlutod by roeont 1 mmw nnd mortkjwi i rmiitf liltory in tho tlrt great wnr cor- s rlnlni- 2 yoaru 2 holforn ru- muny hold itor floot in nort only to int 2 yonrn 1 utoom rlhlnn yoar liavo tho crow mutiny und tho vot- 1 holforn novon hiontlw old 1uro z tit 2srsi scuttled in tho second great waijfyiie the numerically superior italian navy pics kheep poultryipuro uau liottled up hy the hrnzeti bluffing bred york sow ulth litter d weoki of admiral sir arthur cunningham y i of f ag hi itt tu m v cltunku york boar york sow nnd his units the fleet surrendered i mnt yoru sow dlf a largely intact when ituly capllulnted 7 o grade suffolk ewe with lambs to the allies laid summer at fotit ornde suffolk ewew yt nr uut nlthougli one lannot bo alto- 1 9 a sunder brooder kether convinced of the ulsdom of on 3etlln on ntemday out of ithe raid developed one of ithe greatest 1 nlr battles in ijlntory and h76 oer- 1 man fighters were shot down ibut the offensive cost the united states 68 heavy bombers and hi tighten- 1 later in the day german defences were called upon to meet ithe attacks 1 j hy british planes in various parts of france and germany i establishment and maintenance of the 5th army u anxlo 1 beachhead south of irame has i boon costly ihusl ness a v alexander lfirtrt llord of the admiralty announced tues day the loss of the cruisers janus and inelefleld and five fmajor assault vessels loss of the pentalqpe was an nbunced jtuesday by ithe admiralty disclosure of tlie other llosses ihad boon made previously on the oceans the allies lhav shown remarkable progress in ithr battle against german undersea and nlr raiders mr alexander reported that in 1041 one ship was llod nut of vury 3r1 that sailed in 11042 one uut of every 2xi and in 1041 tun- nut of every u4 but he warned that victory nt tu 1 u not yet finnl germany he said hiui n many huhmarlnos as she had ut tin- ktarl uf 3 1h i nnd th11 hot the slightest evidonce that th ntimy hnu in nny way abandoned i bis intontlttn lo ripple our uia torn- tnutili atlons if he possibly can mr alexander rev aled for uu fitht time officially that the mod lit 1 1 an an route to the east is in full use and that bh iw cent of aruooh iniund for irussla bad got thioueji be dlttchkmrd thnt hi brit ish unrhhlps had boon hunk on iltuu sltin t tmvoy duty tw members of the yugoslav guv iilitont in exile have ni rlvod in loi don and rehitluns imitweon ibrltulr luul the balkan nation umwrnr to im hearing ti hhbwdown trhe mtnlhtiim went to ltndoti from cnlro on hln- uruent invitation of the brltlnh rov- ttruhhtut i lie lit it uti arc urging en titration itetwoou the yiitttiilnv uvornnuitd in ule ntul mamluil tolp 11 ho leadtir of the yiiiotduv anuy of liberation i lit urltlsh titdlo is uited aw siting that king indet hltuhtdf may n to 1 ondou i he youtur king und lilu premier llohldnr 1urlt so far have failed to in t opt muruhal 1 ho and unit sm tluy do it is said the yugoslav gov- tirnihtint mny forfult allied recognit ion a major nhnkem n the rabln- tit if predicted in culto unless a sal- utlon for the dealock ifl found ckmi meaicluuitfi hear stailtjer fikmb waitinie pnoee boanrl cost of administrating ithe price celling including all ithe expenses con nected with rationing is approxim ately x1js jper year ifar each person in canada about 10 cento per month tints statement was made iby 0 c olbrlen of ithe wartime brines nd trade board s management service lulvutlon at a meeting of acton dretall- titv discussing rthelr wartime iprab- lems when we recall ithat in flodo ithe canadian consumer was paying 22 cent a idound for sugar and about si16o ifor four pounds af jam ilt ibe- comes apparent ithat ithe advantages of tiirlce contrtd outweigh ithe cost many tlmos tdr olbrlon said htle hu osw v htch has been achieved is due in no nninll measure to ithe ready t ooporatlon of the groat majqeltjf tif mnrchnnts warning ngalntit unjustified optlm- uni ihe dutilnied we munt condition tiur thinking tt a continuation nf itry- ing ctmdhlont uf hhorl supply ifor many month to tome alt nvallnblt infornuitltio intllt ntea thnt moat retail morchnnts in canada have not wuffmul finnnclnllv during thi four yi urn of vai in 11 it many have sutiht anthill v improved ithebr ptihltltm h hald in uiuaworlng ttit- ullnrk tu ututnt rilutlni lo migrating piolilentu tin to wartlmi t ondltlonf k ill lilllotl vha chatrtiian nntl a- lnut if atdttn nteiolumtk uuouded th ntttitltli on uutmlav ouoninr in th cttiintill chumlhir an infoinuil dlucusslon perloil was held nflerviardri in vhloh tlw- moroh- unlri xpitd tholi ttplidons and oxkod tutlion m jlm4 40 mr irwin little mrs c v oavonport auditors itii club hud u considerable kutn on hand at the annual meeting 1 hey donated 100 00 to the nassugnuca ltcd crowt drive and 00 to at ton war st r itx s lwcacuu for tho milk tor britain fund the 1041 o rf leers and commltttod werv ull reeloitod for 1914 as it uim ctnerally felt that each had done lu r job wu in the post ear and ciiuld ilo even bttr pulling together again as in the uiwt one they are as follows ivesident mrs c e davenport vieebresident mrs joseph frank sec trcas mrs j j kennedy askjttant sec treai mrs stan koblnton quilt convenor and committee mrs j frank mrs margaret rob- inmin mrs wilfred kennedy mrs william serv ice and mrs jennie howard boy comforts committee mrs stan robinson mrs wilfred ken ned mrs w service bos cigarettes mrs w e brit- ton booth committee to be chosen each month by the hut two acting mrs stan robinson and mrs j wardlaw were elected for march the merchants who give the best of what is asked for and a refund besides those who buy quilts those who come to dances bingoes annual auction sale etc are helping to do nate money send cigarettes and boxes and comforts to the boys as much as tbe club as they couldnt as you know do what is done without una help and to those who read this as many of you will we want you to know that we realize this and de pend on you and your ihelp we werent as you tee dlssappolntad in 1043 and hope with your help to do better in 1044 a floyd smith jeweler uakiiks cunenn jkuklfjtv 7 quoluc street wul guelih ont gregory theatre rbidav march 10 whistling in brooklyn a 1 id hot taugh rot with red ski hon ann rutherford comed tern of u jam car toon canine commandos chaptt r 1 secret service in darkbl africa hattttwav mabcji 11 matinee at a0o always a bridesmaid andrew sisters patrlc know le boots and saddles gene autry fox news monday mabth 19 no time for love claudette colbert fred mac- murray canada carries on target for berlin miniature ode to victory cartoon the truck that flew house 10x12 bcatty brooder stove mx tliltk apnttlty knnue shelter harness set of double llnr- ntkk tet of clow jlurnnkk sut af single hnrnthh set of chime buiih odd collnrw nntl bi idles lowkit kqdipmknr 1011 1 11 c farmall j rat tor on ruhlter bnl- tt ry htnrter nntl hihtn modi 1 ii lllnthl ii c ensilage cutter u b i ii c throefurrow and the other chhf cunrdltm of vt li- 9 l p 1 plate m h mtlff tooth irnotor ciil- present japanese naval policy one 1 an understand japnntse anxiety to keep its floot out of joopardy tho inner circle of the mtkmlo a 1mpuo may continue to stnnd for some thno after the outt r circle hus liecu erusod uut none of the japanese homelnnd nut long exist once its lifelines ore cd as new tut the lifelines is tho myuterlouu now youmieitnowyoudont japanese iti inivy htopped at attxla a costlv failure was the official label applied to cei man attempts to dislodge auiod sth army positions in the rome beachhead at anlo hnt w eek in throe major ottat ks tho nazisfive divisions of them in one thrust wore held until tin ir push w eakened collupbed they left the field littered with hundreds of dead and smashed armored lehlcleu with- drawing to lick their wounds and u r- hapt to try ncaln col gen kbcrhart von mat komcn had 30 divisions of his 14th nrmy tlvator jwhotl 1 rat tor ivtilliu iw tires with platform 32x7 fleitrv blust 11 10 grain cliopper new 100 kndltks rublver belt g im it l ply cab for 10 20 t ii c irnttor hay grain etc 1 jon of ml- d hnv quantity of mixed grain alnkku oats and tworowed uailey tit for kood 100 bniru of katadln io- tntoes cootl mmhi houseiioid effects kilt hen range with w aiming clomit mnster- plec fktenrlpn table 2 small i ablet g dining room chain 2 at m chairs odd chairs 2 beds w 1th springs 2 preurs and stands client of drawtrs vlotrohi with rerordt ironing bom d set of flat it 011s dishes crockh nnd fruit tain imfumen s mt cormlck peer ing binder 7 ft out lu good lepulr mtcormltk deerlnr corn bltult r in geo isimmsvn niotwjd anton ttsnusda cvcnings utd allixl kililli anay carttkb ma jor iivr itairier adwuulng uttough mud towaidu sutigio an ttth atmy bulldozer worklpg 111 water lo tlear the dtbrls of a bloun brltlle pttparutory to making a ttmpornty ford owr tho rlvtr jilgno tin r huriler bt- fote the snngro on the t nkt vaunt of italy j lu driver ik suppt r e s mould af 3j ilttmham koud xittlehumpton sukmk flanking the 10wquaremlle allied good renalr mccormlrv derrlng foothold such strength that only overwhelming air superiority and un tiring artillery work enabled our land foroes to hang on during tho final attack an estimated 1 600 allied plnncs formed a protective umbrillu six were lost meantime gigantic bomber f let u manure snreader doerlng mow foot cut frost wood mow fir giant k ft cut masfev hnrrln rnke bar liny loader mawuev harris side lie- i livery itakc deerlnf kulkv dump hake mkk4y hart lu seed drill u dkc preston fertllntor to tit the above drill mnnwy hnrrlu eed drill 1 11 hoe teel drum roller deeilng spring tooth cultivator 11 tooth from baln jo raltuvon m j gou nrln tui they soukhl to butter german nlr rm eurekn weedcr nevi nouer on the eround day and nlcht rockshutt ituurnr moulder new mr- ralda in unrelenting fury ept over cormlck dnerlnk 1 rovy finisher ii t a iiiv irufler m v with weedr uttnrn- indwtrm targolfc haminered khlnplnc mi n mnw ilnrrle w ad btabbed berlin again and again tier kanuaroo jrurrow coifckhutt throughout the week plow jleury tiltiill walklnu plow i evidence of the effectiveness of this 1 neu mecormlck deerlng hltandhltagah strategy i found in i iy ltstl reconnaissance photographs recent shots lend weight to the opinion that r0 per cent of the reichs twoeng n plane productive capacity and 60 per cent of her singleengine capacity has been destroy od khades of suarov as soviet troops closed in on pikov i at the end of last week pushing to ward the baltic a moscow army stra tegist remarked that tne art of alex- ander suvorov brilliant russian mil- 1 cowhide robe itarist of the late 18th century re tains its vitality today suvorov in a lifetime at war was never om defeated won 63 battles he entered j berlin in 1760 in the course of the seven years war with germany he brought the key to the german cap ital perhaps symbolically back to russia where it rests today a mus eum exhibit suvorov was critical of german mil itary science he rejected the ger man linear tactics stressing rather rows set of 1 section harrows wngon with flot rot k truck wagon with flat rack set of sloon sleighs l with tint rack and side good nit new bonrh bobsleigh with box linht bob sleigh covered bucgy portland cutter democrat wagon chatham l fanning mill with screens and bag- er turnip sower turnip pulper wheelbarrow stoncbont set of gov ernment hog scales with crote ren frew cream separator ith stainless steel disc new anker hnlth cream separator heavy logging chain ilogglng chain 2 potato scoops forks shov els hoei nnd numerous other articles quan tity of irv soft stove wood quan tity of cedar fence pouts sounre timber for barn frume 24 xo 2 sop boiling pojir snn pall nnd splle terms cash no nhlclr to be removed unrll settled for no reserve as both farms are rented nnd the proprietors are elvlng i farming the hpisburgh tunlor wnnen s inttut will con flict n refreshment booth in aid of war work sale will be held under coyer in case of hsd weather roy hinple jack mcaltster auctioneers n a dcarlnr clerk b now in ihe time u buy a bouse far otir oua twe or tor an inxwtment ekijoy the tuappintuj ana oioietuwioe f i log our on itostte we itate ood ntauusitaj pvagmtitai at air priced all kuitahlf for iaenisneoi and usstfort wau tenanted kee these two stort kolld brick dwell ing in good locution rosedale put i lot garage furnace but h and all modtrti tonvenlences two tlor brick doubu joutu tonvenlenets both side well tenanted lake avenue two stony triple brick sus iness blotk kultable for stir officers apartments clubrooms or factory two sits insldi stairs front and back beautiful poi- den and large parking vpace with garage idealy situated easily heated and well tenanted would make a splendid manu facturing building two storey stucco house on bower garage hardwood floois all conveniences furnace nbint ot her houw u hullubh for working mt n retired peopl or as an lihitmttit indude iouhh lough rutt main mrttt tonvnlttit v houl hoqff single tnd lutrge double ctiurch street double rough main street lough tat house utkt frame house ust ho use frame house f jke single avenue other small holdings in country also choice farms f l wright insurance tad bcal emale member ometph oj pliti that eitote bsard auoelala mirnti fvjini aimmtiatum seal erfaia bauds aueiate mnsmostaii sssrtihm baal estate b mmaaw aff fbw as