the acton free press thursday vaftch uu iht 7 wqt acton jtor ffarraa stmscurnoh ata3a bw fc j 1mm stalm m sam steel an k awa m aeairassss rtnm be a whs ra advsjttuolo ba-ras-o- s a4 u la vsrioas aslata hmdtag alitfrt wmmr srscaittfoa win w imfces a fr tar ritu uxsatr admmul to tes oliaas o las wihiuniim uu 1 ltl m be uw lor aay ttnr ta w tlmummil s himd a sraofl fl mck idnttbrami u rs f la mruimm by tk adrttrtlm sad ittunwd thm ptm fir bmimm orsc d1r 1m4 by tb ausvortaw wl with wch or comdlom slslalr a wcilta ikmm cam u u rror m soad u aot cnmcud br tb frr prvaa luuuty bll t4 kcw4 ucb ptamnwtiam l tb r m of ucb jvelimtt thr ecu pud by thr m4d wtor b o llw hou pi wocuptml c aklop iuiis ejllor telephones- edllorul and pinr oilier 74 ku cr ifcmt let it be said that we failed officially the red cross campaign ended yester day but unless you have contributed your share the books are still open the task is not hnishcd until our allotment is reached and until every man woman and child has had a part in making the ob jective you dont want a man to come back home after the war and tell you that some of his buddies might also have returned with him if they had re ceived more parcels while they were prisoners you wont want to learn after the war that lack of medi cal care cost the life of your neighbors boy because ho red cross lacked the supplies that your contribu- ion would have sent thisc are days of glorious opportunity thj need now next month it will be too late for you to have your share in the victory that is just around the corner your dollars riven now whether they be many or few are the encouragement that our men need before the big invasion dont let it b said that we failed them give until it can be said that you sacrificed some thing too in the cause v some sacrifice while ouwrs iyolu one of the problems that require u cleanup before the post wur period is the abnormul consump tion in canada of intoxicating liquors in spite of the fact that outward appearances would indicate p shortage canadas liquor bill is 250 millions a year increase in the use of alcoholic beverages has gone up by 40 per cent in the case of spirits 50 per cent in the case of liquors and 30 per cent in thc case of wine canada is consuming live million gallons of spirits a year as compared with one and a hulf million gallons in 1030 instead of 40 million gallons of mult liquors in cluding beer we ure guzzling it at the rate of al most 100 million gallons a year t there used to bo about 250000 permit holders in ontario when liquor was rationed the number of permit holders increased to about million it could be mathe matically proved that almost everyone over the uge of two years in ontario has a liquor permit and we hnd the liquor interests ready to sponsor advertising appeals for red cross war savings nu trition or anything at all to give the impression they arc back of the war effort theirs is only one in terest more revenue and more sulci more custom crs with an appetite for their brews last week we find the city of kitchener council sponsoring a resolution asking for more beer tor civilians playing into the hands of the liquor pro fiteers some people in canada have made remark able sacrifices to win the war but it isnt those in teres ted in the sale of intoxicating beverages and apparently no government is big cnoughjo deal with the question juvenile delinquency is on tb3 in crease so is parental drunkenness the two go hand in hand v one exception noted the barric examiner noted last week that among all the daily and weekly newspapers large and small that came to its office only one paper last week did not give hearty support to the red cross compagn the exception was the new commonwealth party organ of the c c f careful scrutiny of its con tents failed to reveal a single mention of the red cross society victory fund is featured in large letters and readers arc urged to help raise 300000 to form a campaign fund the objective of which is to attain victory not over our nations foes but for the c c f in the next federal election foremost in the minds of most loyal canadian there is these days only one victory the victory over the evil forces of the world as represented by the axis powers victory that will ensure peace to the world and a restoration of the freedom of which suffering millions have been robbed not one thought had the c c f organ for those who sorely need the services which that great hu manitarian organization the red cross society provides this attitude however is not surprising it is quite in keeping with the record of the cc f for indifference regarding the war effort and the various activities carried on by pur people in connection therewith v lunk it over count your blessings the words of the olj gospel hymn are singularly appropriate at a time when one hears of beefing on the home front apart from mental anguish suffered by those who have lost loved ones overseas canadians have comparatively little to worry about those at home may grumble abour high taxes rationing and ofhex things but they know nothing of the suffering and privations of millions in warravaged lands canada remains untouched by wars physical de struction our people have not been made homeless by enemy bombings and families have not been torn usumer because their cities towns and villages had becom battfchclds and because of the war many of thos on the home front have been given the opportunity to earn more money than ever before in their lives canadians also have to be thankful for the fact that they live in a land of natural plenty in itself it major blessing uch u blessing if available to all other nations of the world would act as a brake on warlike spirits for why should a people endowed with plenty of natures gifts want to live the hard way the warlike way and in peace or war canadians always arc free from fear of such catastrophes as major earthquakes and floods which in many countries from time to time have taken huge tolls in life and possessions truly the physical annoyances canadians art called upon to put up with as a result of the war boil uown to petty pinpricks the joy expressed by re turning hghting men at being home again and the amazement of newcomers at the fullness of our war time life should make beefcrs pause and think v a tribute of more than ordinary note speaking in the house of commons the other day air minister power paid a tribute to the cana dian air force that will stand being lifted from the pages of hansard and given more opportunity for general reading here is part of what he said eleven thousand does not seem so very greut a number in u wur which has engulfed so muny million lives nevertheless every single one of these gallant lads taken away by the grisly mechanism of war was the pride and hope of some canadian family every life sacrificed represents un irrepurablu loss to the canadian nation those boys came from families in every walk of life from rich and poor ulike from those in high places uud those in low from the farm from the city from high school and college and university we ourselves in this house have not been immune six of our members have lost their dearest and best they were a cross section of the youth of a democracy the least professional of soldiers tlu most gallant of citizens living their young livt under varying conditions in different atmospheres in this canada of such divergent views and inter ests they found a common patriotism and a common purpose they on the threshold of their manhood de veloped h magnanimity of soul and a lofty and heroic love of country looking at the future as they did jth the wisdom of ages peering out of boyish eyes iheycaufbr lho cost tnev calculated the risk yet remulned through it all serene and undaunted let their selfless endeavour their common patriotism their unswerving purpose be i ample to us in our canadian task v editorial notes 1 think anybody who has a net income after income taxes of 15000 a yeur has far more than hi icquircs to satisfy every legitimate need m j coldwcll c c f leader a study of the income tax uould indicate that the liberal government has the same opinion adds the editor of the smiths fall- recordnews v t whether we agree with him in his stand on nil matters or not it must be a gratification to all those in halton to have a member in the house of com mons such as hughes cleaver who has the courage of his convictions to make a stand its a pleasant change to be represented by one in prominent pov- tion on the government and not a backbencher v the elora express concludes an editorial on skating rinks past and present with the follow- ng paragraph in spite of this it will be with a iceling of relief that we see the last load of wool go out of the elora arena and its return to the use for- which it was built we have a promising bunch of boys lined up for hockey but you cannot build a hockey team on dry ground any more than you can sail a ship and elora folks arent the only ones that feel the same way about it qttlcm knoimk chamob om only ten bolts need to be unscrew ed to remove the complete power plant inrludlnj- cnslne propruer and axweaaorlea of the new f ourenslned constellation aircraft a chanje of power plant can be mccomplulhed in 30 minutes per engine pour enalnes can be removed and replaced in inu time than it takea a paaaencer to fly from montreal to ottawa and re turn the canatellation u one of ihe most uptodate ion ranee transport aircraft and u helna developed by lockheed corporation a a uoreaor to the vtotid famous lodestar aa usrd in the transcanada air lines fleet aus8uc chops vary im yxaz1t season canberra 4cp- failure of ea tln crops from lend lease seed h bten reported to the australian gov ernment but the director of agricul ture said the fault if any aeera4 to lie vuth the climate this year thl la the craziest season i have ever known he said and the am erican seeds are not used to it even vecetables from welltested austral- ian seed are hhavlnc strangely- some seeds are new to australian growers but lettuce and carrot take kindly to our soil a yield from american carrot seed of 35 tons to the acre gave on man a small for tune r xj national st ix on ve sesvice if you employ male persons ffatw tlity all iijjiivi iritfi tin- military callvp lindeeamrd4rjiujuijuaullt4rlly tf im nmiimmi salrol scotuw itlwlilllkmllum krgulalhmml a eery r atpluyar ot male ruipluy mw miuai suake mu utai4tlm of the buvunacmth of titrate rmolayw a ltd forward adklee mi tliiiair wm fall prudum tauacwnarulai 4owlia smi mlaualiust under klolalu aurilwi kisulallottai 2 this vxauuuatlou buual l wmiulelrd ly may i iv44 x faihoyem litrludea ltjulrul aitd oiuerhl 1uplttyv and alatu farm operator 4 male kmmjovwcmlud all male ser taurkl fw yoti lucludlust eetsllwa v g a bookulkmpljovi-uls- ui1ivm lri lu l and e4mmerrlal empluyrwat a lluni ot r4 itaai uim fai ft if you employ any male pcraou and hate im tu rwtiurvl tt lheurey bytaooal ment and sraeelwe gvrwiee fkfurm and ajt fur the luoklrt hlrt or port card ewutact the t ft l-lnipttty- y oulaallon to knaae llae vumliiallon rwt on rack and mry vrnploye- of male perwnat aiul rmployrru nnu art b rvnalllea are provided for failure lu arry out litu rumlna- um ami foe male rmpluyrm falllna lu 1 y rwfuml tw produce lorunmul department of labour iiumpi1rev mitciirlx a munamara vitt mtlj j44tlt4 su4 carrolls ajrlaaar dehydrated beans w nw rl cu a beams bl inr msmilml ftm ml mm f mini m bnibl waiwul iuw w ark iw ayiatkr dchvdaateo f beans l ta a 3 tins 25c a i rimer iabt food tin 7e mfow anns ilakes nkr aw pag cakes mkm la- ti jr stmro beef cubes z xse h crm dry icnti1 oinoka alb x u hu 2el princess boap flakes u osmsy toilet soap 3 ivory soap x helns vegetable soup s jewl slad dressing m as 3 le re re bom an meal pkg x9e sunny boy cereal u pk e hsxwell house coffee ui 4se fresh boasted peanuts xc quaker muffet x pk 17c marmalade i cereal aylmer bitter st fluid ounces m newpoet titjftb pfcay hit i lam e srjaft bkg 7 gcwaii cocoa quaker oats 1k herring aksft- lc haddie palmouvc jt dant w nam thm lifbt to limit giutltln of u marduusdlm sweet caufornia orances siie 288 dozen 31c size 220 dozen 43c fresh green celery hearts 2 bunches texas cabbage 2 lbs for 27c he fresh spinach tomatoes radishes bceu carrot pineapple special prices rnut m trtatl fticm aakjmt to rafcrt imiiilli sugar 14 to 28 teaorcoffm 14 to 2 ei- 4 sets p 1 to 1c butter so to s3 business directory a w g c kenney llimnaw a dr j a- mcnhimu oloe laayaaob block m or wm a cullen lmjcjc wgmttmm j mrmm otocm llour34 ua f pa bxospt wedanday and suaaay mill sir uur trtndmiek stnat dr t h wylie laklna cliars of dr bucbaaaaa practlo for ut duration for tka hiim ooka uxnl saa to a pja bnrjr turiliy wmmv office telkkjione 148 hk hugh s austin mill strcol comer frederick acton offlro lloura d30 mn to 3 pjn kvcnlniia by aitolnlmtit a rjbuai c f leathehland ba barrklor ud imlaior notary famlo isimjr of marrlao lloeuaet hrurr of ulrth marrua doatho aurun otooo n kenneth m langdon bmnuur bolkltor notary r olltcr orirlown gregory ttieatr builds acionovr t seynueka oalo for afpolnlmonta iltono acton gtt or georgetown uu office hour acton tuetdoy and thursday 130 m to 4 00 p m kvenlng on itequelt vetmunabv b i young vs bvsc veiertnary huraaob oflicti ilrookvllls ontario photiemilloti 146 r 4 f cm oakes vs bvsc vetarbtary huraesi othcv mul hiilluirrj kttbm avenlie- aftoi pliotk 130 rlkal kmtatk willoughby fakm agency ijiriit ami oldost auvnvy in canada ii ml ottlvtt kent lill toronto ceoricotown lciriunl stive tom llattsom ltoni ilroraetowsi im time tables canadian national railways ijolna- wrt dully xfit hunday knuntiy only dully vtitviit kuiuluy monduy only dally emcojit kuniluy wlyvt at clvovitviown dally itxciit hut and sun klytir of outrlph dally e- ropt hut and sun ilolng kmmt dully tfkceit hunday dally except hunday dshy except hunday sunday only flyer dully cforgctown flyr dally nl guclph 0 01 a m jj9 pm 748 pm 12 0 sjit- 114 a m c33 p m 1v2 pm 649 am 956 am 650 pm hts pm 9 25 pm 859 pjn cray coach lines coaches leave acton 6 41 a in 916 am 206 pm 620 p m 9 1g p m b9 51 p m uvctbound vlo 53 am y23u p m a5 08 p m 1733 pm b8 3h pm k1128 pm a to london b sundays and holidays only x to guelph dally lo kltchensr sunday and holidays y to kitchener z to stratford i w t patterson ro specssjufal ers rwsmlssillia im wtndham stt ovaxth risssks sim completely eqolppsdl ofllcss dslow matter shoe stors cholwma ufucusm bombay cp the army medi cal mobile centres operating in ben gal now total 50- cholera is declin ing throughout the province and the incidence of malaria has decreased by over 50 per cent over recent weeks