thb actori bhbb rhbs thuiisoav may 2mh l4i ibstitai i la iku mmtium al ossus it lantmaiut iblhv dhu claro imittenslileirppsirrt gid4 utitlwslwws horcnvltomrr ajajimnybw 3 korea miouejnti awnaiiimuij may 10 vuti n dauahtan cultftbtftifc bxr andi mrs fallen an the nrivala natlenlls ituvjhoo tnronlo western hosnunlj may aj lmsj nus anro mwnrmsomouhrtturtv mayiflth mil mi his homo it htllcmrtidrlwv toronto charles ohrisua henderr on beloved i inuiiandi afi blteii mm henderson father ofi kdn mj- herbert calltnti arthur ofr tlnrr onto and tlnlnbi ilenderran air stt catharines onli mbamomuimi hfhilowain lavlnb rauwjjj off our dean husband nod i fat hen bdwln arthur hollowayv whonassndaway may 23th lbwti urn takes away the ndw afrrrtefr bull mevnary turn heij owro leaff bwwrnmombmmllhk his wife andi hamllyv nsiuiwtirtilavlns memory alia dean husband i and lathon gen nf who nsisedinwayanimny28lhl8iai lit left sweetl memories to blossom bearing fruit fan ww to name rnthe uvosafi those who low htm i bwjous memories afi days thati nm uaaa sadly mlssodlhy wife and i ramllyv andbiiborfcin jawna memory aci aun darling neoe gcutslnnon anden- son who uuadl awny mw 2ath 1041 sba ww a tlowen too fair fan earth sentl ihuia hull for oi whlley sodi marltadi hen when ha uawi hen and took han with a smlo aunti halani unola tttoh andi bobble brtslow anobiisonlin lowna memory off aun darllna connie who lis away my aath 1bu1 iti was just uiraa year nan tmday tli godi tooki aun darling nwayj sha iwi tea beautiful a nowan fnn thlkorualnwrjdl so ha took hen to honwin to nratanb audi lava always mlssadl by v mummy daddyj bonnlo andl bonnie uambrrovin loulnit memory off aun dean aoo andl hralban boymondl lloy uomherli who paaaadi away suddenly may abidl uwbi wma ananda am ano yean hasins slnoa death i its bloomi ita shadow within aun homiiy whom mil aeamodl andl took rmmi ua u khlnlno ilohli wa mlamthati liuliti andl oven willj hlk vacanlt nhuw thena la nana aan duwnilhm wo muumi hull notitn w m han unlnhaawnwa ulllinuwli oonlni ttvan namemhejwlllw mnthun iadl brathara slalnra andl ntlaoaai almwui tlma on tha aimuoauani off duelt lawno tnalunlol on tha madt- wava abault lawn all araiia am urowlna with ktoati apaadlhuti none afrthomiaanoiiuall tho dandallon omit ynh wolli tha maiilu wuna null in full luaff fan mw h vwhlnh la aivwum manwadi a an uarin aummun atnnti xdotarta da waa auht utt half abt aanvadl in autun sojjio induatnlaa and atonaauuira oloaadl tha mihaal hadl a holldnn hull nuwtt or th talk warn alt wnnw aa umtall buaua luuiw aolnn momlna andl avanlna on tuualiih andl erini tu taka uarkatm tn andl from actum who am v unntaln to tmwuna liuins mmnon m antsuit qunduni gibbon ofi uiu it c n wnqtn tu hlkv mouiun hum fiwmi qwuiv mu uvuo aaam tiiuituuida oti uluttai irn all i thflln aummun ulurw buti li think autanitotuamuttit tho utvit ufi any oft thuj1t mn johm nlitull andl rnmlly am moulntt to uulhi uiik wwtu owing to tnabllitof tu aouuna o houiw ini auui mn wluuli willl howuutui ttonduuti his monumonti wonh hana andl soi back midi tenth tu huidnukui aaoh dum- a bnowm lualhtin bniafi uoho uon tmlniltit imitontanti hanam- watk ntulon tmmi tha buyait untall duolith on monday twanliucj aitcoirllna tu aicoiur nlolnti mado tu tha ftouoa bj mt w van sudcini camubllwlllo tma ftoli- oa dbantha danonunanti la inwattusr atinoi urvwam av h crlnj ji snow ilmv oldi ounnbcdlj iiloydi iyoaw rufaell smith ali saundera alii members of th huuttrui itry tt beautiful inorajitrthutc waiw caitfmliby iluyd durtt lrlmw iteavay kcmnilli stuu lanutoo-wjlnuj- davjdwu ndli mr 7tuuldj andi wtwi atttut ujr the family wivutthk orandma mrarlltur aiuii fondly aimli myxlla undo willi undi atinti ifnurj iiyk njthi nndt nithov m1umu mour jumi nndi jim ituddelli tlw uunti luh auuli ndlo njr no akilt fnmlu wawaiai jambs ubul gewdandi jarot uellj 75 welli known in the cleaning huln4y and l formerly for lb ynaro caoldiwilh the dj o sunti merit a clewiandj ohio wa hurled in lutho view cemetery larti week i mr uelu a nallvn afi artnn canuda andia rwadenti item for uiywara dlodi all hla homtv 1311 h walruic huadj ptnwlandihelklita- he w umtunua oti the masunle orden ndi it ijutrltu- member ui tlie qrenlon i bauamk iiodsey ho alw helonkedlto tho halrr inountl lliwauytariani chureji sutvlvjnu are hl wlf mnt jane beiu to 4iaini lie w married i m ean a dauahten mr- ituela blbw two aooa llerherti j i andl liawmnoa s belli andi ihma hrnndchlldtwii uevi- nrley belli andl mary itoui andl john lnmt uttbtuj mns aoiihu bi wbaonj aftnn a hrieff lllneai the death oi- cumidl in mlllon untvate llonnltali on sunday may uati afi mont ann mobauherm behwadi wife afi tha lata inhnibt wllaun she wo a daushlen afi nell i mnbochern andl many ynungi a hloaean family afi brim tnwjwhln lien huhandl nradooeawdl hw twontsv lour ynara alio- mm wjlaum uvadi in i mllloa andl vjdnlly fnn the lati eliihloan ynara andl wan a memhen uffsti llaulla tlnllodlchunit bealile jmnk jl m nonlwundiaurah annaund marlon alio leaves to mourn htm lout hmi alatura mra jl w blluhti and mr- john tkunvalll rite funemll touk iiluoe wednesday aflemooq all 2 oclock from the home ufr hen kuten mr jl w bllahtl lieu jl bl moor onlcjolji aaamedl hy how john blddelll inlermenll was all brln cemelontv chaltubs c1iiu8jhr hbnwbnaon many friends in aotnnandithla dlt- triili went ihdeadi miewidl to leant afi the naailnb all his homo lfti mlllaresti onlve in inrantq off mn charlea e llendnraon on bnldaki may lfnhi mn hondenun has been in iioon health fon auma time charles christie henderson was the aaundlauniafriha into hon andl mm davldl hendaraon mo was bam in anton andl nasldadi hum untlli about tlftfwnynam am when ha mtlradi in itamnln wuiem health itermlttedi ha was a fmomenti visitor in tha homo imimmunlty andl mtalnadi always a itoenlnltimslilnuilsaummunllmwhleh ifi onlnlin uuldeniw would noli lui illilirlk curuaxvii aitewtrii elilixniiulr fi 63bhu aiull mtiill conllnutuli ft1im it4 otwk wa lindinowm itullttn tiwk wa budi ihaw iinkluoadl t maciilmiiuni until wiurlly itufnm hut wnn ividay out hmdmtlon lm luuivy kunftt m into tmw afi thauwands- our production in tnnkta run into thouuuitu nndi our nroduttloniofi machlnw uunv baa aubi tttnntlally uiomdiwli ioqjpqqj lena tbuni anttthlnli afi canada wan inttt dmtluni i kvwjuyli to urm oun own fomul tih mwnalnlnii tw third of our wart tirodurtlon io in oun alllcu canadian uuna andl mulnmftnt aw hiunu uvadion vw battlnfrontr in th wirjdi todny a at canwminoi of thl treumuuuiu ioduatrlali txnunucit undi out inch ofi qricnoo mltvtakti w4utm inttvjtabttt i ilhu drltlui wan exitfendttuntni commlttfw andl alii u ttifaiinli mr mllttwk boldialliofi thttln munoa lu fcjtrwti him in canada in the oarjy dvm off thtt cammlltdo many oft un thourlitt thuti a cntddtirabl rti ofi aun wutk cmtuldl bu dontt int ttublln htiawnuh nndilnitlui uujly day ofi oun oammlttoe wt huldi public mhtinum- lfnw4twn wa wtw nati nntiaisadt ltt thin work long urttlli w found thuti tliti tititlfch nwctloo wju tiuhtt andi fori tbti ttaalt two i andi a half your moui ofi nun mwdlnu hawi haarn htddi in mm nuti jvila nmcuoa wa not follow- 4vdibmjiuta wo hadianvlhlna to hldu hull i nolo nnaaoni la thati w found tiy ourjtmtt wo oouldi achlovo mora uffnutlva kwoilta mmi aacnrtt imtaiv inijr wham hnarjna am lm tuhllo wltnoaaaa ana inollnodl to baooma tw tlounti andl to fanani uflj wo hawo baldi many oontahtlau inuiiltjoa whunn oilnlcm afi afaoiala iliffiiid jmntlv andi wo hava brauuhti touuhti many honomtt mltdalcoa im tutcnab altf jtlnaa wjtnnwuu ana wjlllne to uo fmnk undhiandldi butt much ofrvalua lnitha woy off in format ion undi lm tha wjiy ba know aowalliandilnwhkihibo watt hlahly nauardadi chariio ilnndamon u tho mani ofi bla aao famlllarjy know him wu borniandlnalftodilniaittani an myoiititl man i bti ontorodi tha aanenall ktom hualne hum off bla fnlhtuv hbna bu andihta hrouitm d mi now ofrgaltt oanrjadi on uila bualnma untlli thay auldi to mnaant conwoy andt molaani ttho hualnuua la now own mil by blllulli qrothum andl has buum known i fon yaam aa atitonta luadlna uunumliiuomj whm haaldlns m aotom ho took an actlwo intnnaatt ini oomm united alyalrc aanuadl nm tha school i board andl wau an i aottwa andt intoneatodi mumbun of tho trnaabyinnlnm cbunchi andl intnn uti tho uonaummauoniafiunlomofrthe uitr lioltcburmhiwhor ba aumumliaa ublun nbutyt wiann fnw tihaaoa off ufa ini utu oomm unity that did nub find htm iimady to halj lhu homo hu built lm acton i la now nwnudi by tho unllwdi chunuhi andl la tho ltuiwmnrt ini alr on ho mnny now iuduali ofi aduiit c c hnndumm mny nob b known butt to thoao off utt who haua twaulihli hunt fonaara undiknuw hlmiho wulli ihu willi mm id hi an idonli ofi a flno cbrjatlnni iiuaunmani honoftttdi andl no- huofltodlby thn uommunlttt utt a wholo ini huv tnuuilhui bla wlfoj family hw thuha andl nlhton hnwu tho aymnnthy ofi many fnltmda horwt i hit luauoa bualdoh hla wlfoj tho forv- mun klla mnu iqrjnndi natlua of mhh torn ono diwahton edno mr harr- bunti colhna- andi two aona rnlnb of stt cathenlnaa andl arthur ofi toiiotr tiii ttwo bnothonn ohdajjo alatan nlr- m twmaint u milton of gnltt anil ithomaa off woudatook andl mm 1i miiknaicuo ofi wlnnljogi surndtto waa hold on monday art tin nooni att tha av w mlloa ffunerol chanult in tononto and intormonti uuis in mount tluaannti camoturty cbcii- kselkil tho funorall ofi cocill kuulun with huldl from hla luto homtii erin l owur attlp laab ifnlduy aftornoon whun knu a oi w horomun conduttodl tho oh- abouldi ha invomliiatodj in hu litr aanoa tho qnoaulon mwnbera on hrlnttlna urn mattw to a pubuc hoarr lnu ttefonn tha itubltq aoouunta com mutnn fnunditlhw wata in error andi iltdinutt nrocwodi furlher but tlda tx- amilo qh clearly provaa my aaaturf ion in ht rneardj iiltallava vvy t4ronclhttt all pub uc huaihu uiuuldi lm trantaactodi in huhllr ohj nubile ari doely intwr- twlndi in tho mtutiuir in wliuji ilior momty u 1hm awt itulduity ia mtvmi uilrrtnt lo wmnedo rn wirt it no onu ho jmio nil of thomt viow mom htniuuly m i do in tbia ruardivni ktlllibovo all of iho nonnuli machinery for the iotottlon ofi iho unhiir ituno iti u tho duty ofi iho oiutoaltlon ondkba duty ofi iho warllmo infnrmatlon hoard i to kotit tho canadian nubile andi t woihl jumlntfrdiwjtlt nlluiurllrulnr ofiihla oauntry wr offorti ifi uiom altould wruniidolno undlwa or wury proud lofitho fact i that i wi bavo liadino aoi ioua acandala huti iff thani ahouldi bo wnmudolnil iimua 1 tho fullwdi riuht to nuhllr triad bofnra tho ifubuo ac- oounta committor andi jmi hum li ouldluku to malo thati if i any anno i ion mumbor ifi any momber afi tha ham ofi common itoluivoa that wwaly war bk ui1n c hooct itmw htaff i wrllm iho irm inovo in ttio flnul pbuia of tho unltod nalloin to uu4iy iihi mtim uuity iimi to huvi tttiuii mii44iuful in that ihti alliod r nr- ni and tho hrilltji mil army imvo ifulwrid tui nazitu ouluv lltto in italy undiaui uill hi iho way to da lnu tlt laib ihlnu to tho itumy mil lino of dirnw tho ilillvr una and lot wmik4di advumml alilm lfadtiuarloi in italy njioriltm that ajmi tlio hitlor lino dohuni hru4jir uli tho wamkiitod innun forou ltad nraitarad undioixunlod a now wihh lino ihu run from ifhdntoo 1hmuih ifoitttmmtrvo oodikondl to t ivirhunlan sa ati ivrratina ilm llltlar uno followed ilia mttiht hautu from ldudmontti four mllu wid of cahadno lutltorodi nal ltatlui token by thu hth army laui wook lo tfoatr 4tirvit iluti from thora aouth it ran thtim u any foundation to tho clark throuttb tho aurunul mountain ranua bouti rhara be ran anonaun tho to hlti tho noiuti nuar kormul chansu from bu aoati in im ilouvo iw s of ifri the adr oficammona ondithoy wllliationoa h ajiiod troon lakt wook did invauliiatodi by thu ituhllo auunta nut crj tlto hltlur una itethanland naoantily wnoht thuv i nati only vacy kind andl worthy afi th bastt tnadltiun ofi scouting bub mtkh aomathlns which willi ahdaaii jjuc qaaqbi to tha naofriit or uounnd aitan- tho war- la qkoc ynutr oountsiy baa ainaady dnn ao- moohi thnwsfti your hoaolbajlby tn nty family andi jt ymw ihtlqt to quit aoldtam aaildra antt mmachnnb nawt tba situ ofi bh cantiarh itoy snouts tn our bv anr- obhan- ncoofr off tha- caaji umhitntendlng h otur pavo andt wuli ba unit frtn ttataai dauar avallablo ati liubllo buawn ithunt too tbom la anothor foalum iwiiiohi muidi ba mmumbumd ifraa jtitully alii ofi oun industrie am honr aatly norformlhii wondoriuliwun watk junti a aooniaa a narjiumuntnry oomr mlttou wiiuldi ktahtt a imhllu inuplry into tho ooiratiom off an almralti fnotory on u khliiyardi thu uuat4jon wouldi ah onou uriko in thu nubile mlndi aa to whati wa wrong with thnti induwtny am imnllimtlom would ati onou arjaa thati thorn waa uomit- thlnu whttnui hi oun mouloma worn in nubllu your uommltttht wouldi huali tula to monti imiulrju with huitot to an honumti indtudiiy ihinformlng an hm hurtantt wan takk butt undur oun nritir- ontt ttmotioa no munh dutonnunti okui wt hnvui vlkltodi many wan blant in hi oounlry vuu huvo unoarthod honoati mlatakuh andi hauo mndo m- oontmundutlohit whloh haw rokullodi in thu uaidna ofi million ofi dollar all i ofi thin hua bthin dono without mnmi to thu wan ofarti andi wjuiouti injury ia induatry li am rtimlndudi thutt ono ofi our flmti itmnlrinh ofsubr oommlttuo no li woti thu orjtiah corm monwualth ajti llnalnlnu sobuma tho luhttuati uln training aohuma in tha world no on a would uiiiiaidf that thorn wau anything wrong with thla umlurtokingi ofi whluh wo am all bo nroudt bud wo did fjndi in nugnrdi to thlu ohnrti thati honottti mlalakoa hudi boon modu ondiwa didi further the hugotiation off oontrocbt- in mnnooti to tlni ajn qbatimum sohoolu andi in n itouti to tho etumontory itiylhg itnaln ing suhoolk whluh aohluuudi uubstanr thui oaulngk io kum utr thu noaaona why wo hold aun motitlnuti in miciwti aio li in aooroti mtnitinga wu itbtoln all ofi thu jtuoto imjcrtit niootlngri do noti in any way barm tho ntoralo of honnui n duabnlua 3 whun minolntodt wu wrt nnuhidy inatruntodi thati our nolo took watt to ounrvh for uconomlok and tiiut wu worn nod to function a a public ulvounta or tnonaganda uommlltoo i7h urltifth commlttoo waa n ti aoquiaa lm tho nrutuincu of a laruu givun tha jowr to chock into naati numban afr fnlonda andi rolatiwon duk ukitondltttrun wo wuixt gvan the ing tho aumuim mrs lonaldl mnlh truwan to ihmk into naati hpndltur4 aaon andl mia muriel aklfco aang in hub on oun oniolntmenb were ex thu gordon nruaaly hold that tha only raamin why oacaoaad oomu to an untimely end we ahould iheok into nat ukponditr laab nokombar sth when ba won uroa- wah to luad the way to nruaent drownadi in mimlaasmltung lako oconamlaa wo howo no itowar to noon porti lontng ontario whlla on i rroaaouta anyone 11 we find wrong- a hunting trln the body waa dlk doing we afi course report lb bo the should we or uny commlttoo ati nubllo boarlng any meuilton who mnktoi aurh chargo- loaoa hla mwti ifi tho charge ana nod auvtalnodj tho fncti thati no aitpo- mlan mumbun ha dono thu cloarly tdiowa tlto umounti ofi ronfldano whlrji thay buvi in tho clark jiors- aa iikaldia momuntiago thu wan e- nendltuma commlttoe a nn addltlonu ammuto ovn andi nhovo alii off the normal hafoguamla ofi govornmonh wo do hott aiiendi any money our takk to tindt mtonoinlok- wo warn glvan euordlnaty nowoha andl w warn cjoarjy toldi now wo ahould i en- omiau them iti u an undlanutodi focti tlmttwa hava off actedl million ofi dolt tar off waving fon aun wan effaflh now coming to tho mason why contain grouna in thla country wonti to do away with thu wan kiutudltura committee slnoo wa have aawod million tt off dollnrm fon canada war effort iti i ml to ovidunti thati thla campaign 1 noti aponaomdion patriot r iti gmunda ono largo dally nrintod an editorial i making dellnarata unr tnuthfuliatntomant afi fort to mlaloadi the puhlla li wllli glvn you ono off thum in thla editorial i undan data of may 3 ui la atatad il quota unfortunately the ifuhllo aounta commit too ho bean dormanh for yuan andi tho spoclali commluoa on wan bxnandltune waa oonoadedi by thu govarnmuntt aa a auhatituta thau atatementi la nob tnuo won kxindltuma committee wa nob nn hi in tod i a a aunatlthtn fon tho 0uh- llo aocount commlttoa tho tfuhllu aooaunt commit too la nob dormant t tha commlttoo hultli many tdulngn laati yoan andi la now in aeaalon uu yean obwoualy thrau untnua tttalo mont am mode to mlaleaditho publlo now let ua coma io tha facta tho monuy whluh wa havo aavadi fon canr ada a wan effort i mean thati thla mon y la nntt going to indlvkluala and companies by way of profib you know jut a walll a if do thati when you k tart i interarjng with profltn juti a aan aa you touch a mana podkoti book hu an think up a lob of goodimaaona to attack iti la true that no one ho budi the courage to arjti itilko u dlmotly for the money whlob wo have auvodi fon canada u war f fort butt ollioffthu altaoka hnva imhio flank attook aii thu pmuenti umn a doll bora to attempt la being mudu ia ktin up public indignation over tho fanh thati our meeting am inraaoroh our opponent know full welti thuti publln bearing wouldi nullify thu tfr footlvenoka off oun work keeping thew faota in mind li am quite com tohtt that tho public uliouldi maob their own oonolualona while li do noti for a momenti auggeafa tha motive which ba lnaplmdi auoh attack 1 do state without fear off oontrad lotion thati ntiempta in aome quartern to do away with the committee or to nulr llfy it offootiveneaa ha greatly ohuenudi u in oun endeavor to check woate in mgard to the war effort undi ii believe jl can wifely aaaum all who do hot llko the way thla comr m it too la functioning or who would like to geb rid of the war expendlt- urw committee that thla commibue will continue in ita atruggle to check waata andi greedi until the wot la won tai naaoonaa bo an oan off tha boy suouhv avmhdotinni ofi canada tu pub- uaht oubtthi book oot scouting fnn tha snouts ofr hnllnndi a a giffc tqim cani adlam scoubv ffrlnc- banilutcdtt ofi bha coweredi by m guide who we- with tho proper author tie i time fail in thl duty the evidence hunting party on may 9th socondi aoiuofi tho late mn and mrs- cannob be concealedi because it 1 giv henbanti kjaelan hu waa horn in erin en in the preaance of oppoaition mom townahin ffbr the paan few yuara ha bar andt theaa membera armed with wa managatr of a large farm near the facta can theni compel production cnorgeumutv j of the facta through the regular ha la aurvlvedi by hi atep mother channel- ofi government and hawe the ttwo brother robarti oft caorgatuwn mabbar tnquiradi into by the public gnn hotmewfth tha canadian army account committee tbt la nob juab throe aiaham mnrgnreb mrs buru aurmla on my parb becaua there- u beery jean mis harvey ifeawoy om record ani inatance where oppot chjh mr b ifujlar iblon member dldi bring up matter intenatanb wa made in the family umiartbedi by the- war expandtiurej plob ah bxtun ceimtbany tha nallbean- committee which they though tt ilefttnon in that umo hunoa the hur- rltdi ntutdi fori hto mwiiii lino rhu mutn ofi tho now dofence ttokitlon la kviughly kouthwosti of t ifontocorvo kondl la in mllo northwoat of oaeto intlnt audilvirmrlna u 1h mile wcwtt word i along thu coaat from caetu whub fell i late luat witek to otlvantv ing sth army for meanwhile tho cerman appean u itavo nuutralbcoditho anjeio lhiuhho4d hub alllodt tmupk there are mpartnu a oagerjy awaltlng thu words to ktriko ati tho nazi mar toartlaao worry naau andi another mojon worry fon hie now haraanudi carmona la the altuatr- lon in yugaalavja whom thu lfarlan campaign bo fomedi the enemy to make a fullratale offorti tu cruah mnrv ahalitlto hard f fight ing petrlota wiio um threatitnlng tha railway linking auatrla with bulgaria andi itomonlnt thuk the carman high commandi flnda itaulfiforoedito otinaldun the wla- dom ofi relnforhng it jo dlvlalona in italy afi a time whun thu naxla am fating tho invoalon from thu weationdi a now itukdan drive from tho eatt ithu allhtu have made their find movo on the giant wen cheikn- boardi on thu wladom off tho nazla nukti move may depend i their fnto in tho mediterranean andi iterhapa othur thuatma fon iti la now lnimualhgly oleun uint the lmtrhdlng invaalon from liritaln thu uaatorn fmnti and thu ampalgn ln and italy am intjmutely connutdi in the ah llodi ktrategy but in any event thu nunh blow whether mi be on umu ted bumpu a weab eooati or another ilrlvo by tho ituwlan atoamrollor or u omblnulion of both will be juit unothon majtr ktp in e mommotii overrall i allied wan atrategy plan wbli h oitunodi with tho latitat itallin ofenklviu dlatiluauro that canadian infantry andi tank ware in tho thbk of thu new drive with thu hlh army wan madu luftb wuk thtr canadlana thua worn engagedi in their first major butllu ajnco they captured ortona on tho adriatic oaab in lecembar can nlliin artillery wau olwi in iht thick ofi tlta fray andi took part in the ureal burrago which pmded the offenulvo and whkh did ao much to- numb thu nad for the tank and infantry hlow whlib followed i mtt oil tkwfalafta allied trtkipa in the kouthwet ioc ifin um heading hut k to soerajab tlw important java be they vna famed to reltnqiitkh two year ego a llriliatit american uircraft carrier fortw laat weeh niatlo lite flrat tilp tmtmo auault ou tltu idaoe whlcli now l jaiuut a printjpal netherlanda ind- loa luiko liio allarklng f h uaa heavily overtul by unlta from kat aalu fcuuthtttt4 und ejtlral iatjfh om tuundk and l muikel thu fhat time in wlihii the flhik and mtamen under ailmlial tomir w mini i it adntlial ltul iuia moutbullcit and oun ftyugluk macarlhui hud jolntd fatea in m remit h imrtutfciuu uacti itio alllua of oir- twnte iramjpm ejei tally in the eaat waa revealed in a diktaliji front i v on ly yloit whiih luld t lite ih ind ian division itulng movtml j30 milea by mvial roop 4jiriiei from iho ar- akan fruit in india iniphul plulna during tite uirjy taiea of tlto imph ul amimlgn lite movent at a rdnuilng ajr- nlioa with it tmipleiely fooled lite jniuuefce waa arrje1 out without any in iihid or uln raft iiog ofi r the divli4in a uuitm were en nag od urouitd tlkbrul in lite indian man- ipur hlnte lite jaitunee continued to plu the dlvlalon on the arukun frnt ht miuth ilunim mt n mill mountain uuna mlu al iulpimft and jteta with trailer of ammunition went piled into the puntt in i haunt thaiimtiuu of men wem tiithtlng on u frmt whlth would have mqulmd wwuk ht real h by a gmund movement hath britlali and amerltan iteraoantd were involved in thu traitkfer of the dlvlalon andj while dlwukung the war with jfuiuui it mlht imj well to report that an uutihirltullvu allied utmmary haa dot ianel that thu jpane eio fighter plaint la ktlll more mono uv- rahlo than tho urjtlali spitfire or the american muatang but added lliat in every otltun partit ular thu enemy air forxw ho failed in burma however iti wa atated that the jap anuku advantage of being able tu outr- turn allied i fighter wa affected at thu mat of other fai tor auch a giv ing tlte allied plane aupurior aueed limbing and diving ability and great en armament fire ikwer and atreiigth all of whlth itermllled ta tlral aup eriorlty htajj beloa thrailmd htulliuttion that tlte oermanx weia taking a beating in italy waa more than tonflrnied thla week by brendan hratken urltikh mlnlklut of inform ation who mild the naxu on the ital ian front am motiving one of tho greutetd thraahlnuh in their malory mr hratkoiiu do luratlon tame a hu ttttmy committed hla hut merv- oa in tout hern huly to the battle aouth of itomu and announced tltoy hud ova uuted hlci tlte lost north ein buktlon of the kwlth line mean while a connection twtween tulvam- ing allied troop and thoao at the ao- ijo imiui hlteod waa kpe4tod momenl- orily on monday u cen mark w clark of the mb army visited the buat hliead and ektahllahed an advanc ed pokt thum it alao ho been reveal ed that canadian infantry aa well aa tonka la righting in the praent drive ihu miiuuw communlkb uewkpnihtr irravdu aald tltot the breakthrough of thu hitler lino hua taught the cntr- muna ihtt alllek are 4 apahle of break ing any defame and iwaaemt auffio- lent forfk to do uj iravda aald in vaalon from the wukl la imminent but uilded that ptekent inutillutn in italy are regarded not aa on laolated alteration but ak the beginning of a geneial offensive in thla theatre and that la what alarm ihu germane ko mui h in tlt meantime the 12 day lull oo the itukalun front appeared near an end with both sldeu mukking troopa und armor in the aouth bnoobmk oahouwjc covvona warning la- given by the enforce ment counsel ofr the wartime price and trade board which la reaponxlblo for enforiemenb ofi the gnoltne ret lonlng regulation off the ou control ler that motorlat holding gasoline ration hooka now valid for uae may find themaelvea in trouble it they fall to follow instruction that each and everv onoof theae counona shall be immediately endorsed with the motor vehicle license number all coupons in each book must bo endorsed in ink before any one of them becomes valid for gmotta books found to contain unendorsed coupon are aubject bo beings picked up by police or other authoritjes stanley park erin bvkrv roiday kvbrx wednesday harvey itishkva obchestka old time and modern imvcino l n1 ajumlmfllom oee miiw ax rusvbk new delhi cpindlos forest services have aupplled direct to thu defence department about 1000 000 ton oft timber year for auch thing a hutting timber bridge timber pile tor jetties pontooh boajt etc real estate and insurance now isuaiumvtolmy l twfjkwoaya mm am ac an inylt ki i h m eoenkw of owmfe yimut om hbaatv w haw o mlwaillil ihiisiiui at tmit gricm all wiilabb foe bombam amt oamtatk tt iimi fl boalts wright atswukmtdssvbablcb