1hihmuy junk jst la the acton feb press pace saten the sunday school lesson second prise letter contest for hal ton in county council bad beee ptataed by sftns ftem be- ctttrar of deed then we hi to the eowneo room bw we re mained until the session adjouzaed during the dlixasilnw of h transection mr j blair safjodnced keeping wtlh uiwu ec- ksu we civ a latu ore shadows oa earth and thickly screes battawm tost seal cnr arwey vabeys am veor hnfct fade twenty yews ago mint ancwumlr is even a aw tlrery to it- rev g s camumit b- a preach ed ida farewell aenaon oa sunday norasg to the bbeananr coagrcgat- ftoau h i far a new charge at delal a unlet weddaac look place on wednesday june is when saargaret auld fulton youngest daughter of the late robert fulton and airs pull- on n united in anirrlage to ckaries f norrtah aon of the- late air and mn amos norrish rjassa a prett wedding was solemnized fan knox church on saturday june 28 when florence use daughter of mr i and mrs duncan atcarthur esques- lag was untied in marriage to mr ed ward oreeo of toronto- good crowd attended all the events j bylbe ball club on dominion day in the park air james chalmers is moving bis family to acton and will take up res idence on church street we present that week the letter m m iwrltten by jack gray burlington on issri ly vtatt to halton cbon coos after a beetle 0 mln- joshua to p j fay utea of debate the proposal warn fta- entering the promised land cjy coanco in this contest and aqy voted down chk a ti it ttf mtrtis id j a r will pobthb the erst tree of these mr smith county engineer swg- cnurnce be not afrlchted neither befiettere one letter will appear eectgestrd that ten prise should be gffe- thon dfcanayed far the lord thy week en for the heat iss on sty vfcdt to j j u lit- j i hallon county council jrith vt rtae josh 1 ft i on april istb hut the halton 10 douara te-jeh- 1 l9z m 13 county council cave to a group of here i might add after the u 11 b c and 1t b c- siudenta re the public bad ended with the national anth psareby the lordan and sche- schools ofthe jji ity to attend a regular session of the most profitable and enjoyable that i go for- council after arriving at milton at i eierlenced keedleam to y approximately ten fortyflw ajm wo i feel a keen responsibility joshua bad hitherto been ssotwst ewere mfau to the very large eoun- aereant by faltafumess in that low- 1 euroom and were seated m faencnea ebool at an annual nation ry pocltloa be had prepared hfaweu bewf the- members representing the for tarerr service tuokn is 101 and various mu throuchout the an the rail came- the death of moses county of halton hindley at his home evertonron sunday june 39th 1931 joseph hlndley in hhi 19th year the grasp relaxes it is unlikely that le relaxation recently announced oy mr donald cordon of w p t b controls on business expansion will be followed fay an immediate increase in new con struction there is no evidence of depression in the building trades and even if labor for expansion were read ily available many muteiiabi in new construction are still ui short sup ply the easing of restrlilons is import- nnt as indicative of a belief on the part of some of the riliector of our wartime economy that business can be trusted in matters that come with in us own province one sentence of mr gordons announcement is mem orable and may come as a surprise i to those within and without the franks of administrators who hove iteen pre dicting the necessary continuance of controls of all kinds ahcr the war has been oa the sentence reads the board believes that decisions concemlnc the nature and timing of new business enterprises can be taken better by those who desire to under take these enterprises than by a government agency there is something familiar in the thought though at first bearing it sounds like heresythe printed word might have appeared nke a great bin i at the opposite end off the room dranre to their eaterlag the hndjlhere was a large ushaped table but not so in god and the death around which the members were of a great leader hi no reason cor glv- seated the warden and clerk were hmg ttph great work but a call of seated at a comparatively long table god for w ebw to arise and facing the councillors abovetbem take his place moses was a type of bung the latin inscription meaning the law joshua vjesux beb 4 sk of pin god we trust the gospel jno- 1 to the law sj the meeting was opened with the now passed ihe time for the gospel j saying of the lords prayer the had come the best way to keep the minutes of the last meeting were people from getting discouraged over rd by the clerk and approved by moses death was to rail them to co i the aroui councillors forward the best cure for despond- sevr letters were read which ency activity 1 kl 19 1 w comnsratkl uninteresting to il was over jordan that they were i w to go into the land a type of passing e w- t thrush ih h rfiit rrl rv v whofc- tend w e o litty t z culml fc- rtlr fhh it m lu of e- koidecful mnib jlehovftfa eve jtrahua v s it belongs o us u a uruion folumtd cooremlnt tnuch u to him rom 8 sl it lofld itoa llh several hoslnc prombr nra nd cod kn t iclune ol he kt it rh 6 27 it brknci to ba dhwnmi nulurrd hy ihelr ruow also 4iib 13 5 fi fmnet utd appealing to the coun- 1 ii senret of christian succeax b- ell for the to brtome n county 9 troad thu question was finally con- three lhm- did jehovah command tldered unettled hy ihe council until joshua to be strong and of cood knore details could be procured ac- courace thej- were to go asalnst cordlnc to the discussion people greater and knlghtler than mr cowan representative of an themselves deut 9 1 2 it would insurance company wu then given have been vain to have bidden josh- the floor stating the changes in the us lo be 4 such circumstances given the assurance i vih lie ullh counrff and its guests should retire thee jehovah gave joshua to more juh resume buslnes at tio reasons for strength and courage 11 p m hra i u k jl t j ill k i -l- l 1 county councfll pounds buiter8aved the action of the prlcea board in postponing a butter coupon originally intended to be usable on june 1 will effect a saving of about 5 butter production in canada is be low last ears at this dale and in or der to ensure supplies for the months ahead when production fa law a tempor reduction in the ration bad to be nude woodford england cp while allied invasion armies moved into prance with the latest weapons the home guard in this essex town held a parade in which a v c of the last war carried a pike it was to symbolise the dearth of weapons af ter the last time the british were on the trench beaches at dunkerque ntclvsuma m boot the man in the high collar took me to his office at somerset liouse here the records of are kept and we talked he told me of a will written on a bens egg to may evertthing x pos sess and it was signed stmply j b that was all it i of bat ras proved legal m a british court of justice and may got every thing j b was possessed of henry james m a bbc overseas talk the man m the high ool- stn blooo rott bed rotvra tftusvillepa tcpl a tuus housewife advertised will the lady who is richer by 0 red points taken from my daughter la a local market please pay for them by contacting the local red cross and donating a pint of blood o nave otooen tiosn- the lloor staling ine cnangeo in iw courageous under type of policies held by the council i ea if god had hot mr j blair then moved that the thou shall divide this land for an in heritance upon this people hi 1 during t h lunch period u hlch followed vie vmm entertained to the tt ullest tent of the ahllllles of the land unto them for an inheritance there was one special direction in hklch joshua was commanded to be strong and vevy courageous no observe lo do according to all the council mimbtv and the ladles of knox pivshj terinn church aflr an excellent meal kerved by the laiue e v ere entertained with sev eral muucttl selections including rrlce ceilings are set for the first time on canadiangrown cherries of all types effective june 19 and on chsrriss bnported during the period from july 5 to sept 30 according to f j l seldoo wptb prices and supply representative the new ord er brings cierriee under the same price and markup control as is now in effect for most of the other dom estic fruits and vegetables it will result in consumer prions slightly lower than but year but higher than in 1wz submionon j sntawbuuty contemncing monday june 36 the ceulng price on strawberries will be much lower than during the earlier hart of the season f j l seldon central ontario price and supply representative an nounces that quart boxes will sell not higher than 27 cents and pint boxes not higher than 6 cents the celling price for quarts is 26v cents and pints 15 cent when sold wlthlng 15 miles of growers shipping point u the berries are sold farther afield transportation charges ma be add ed vordofcod it take courage to oh- t s ey god 2 tim 3 12 hevas to a- m mpet ilos lo himself no latitude in regard to 1 n flowed one of the most in- the word of god be must hot turn terestlnc sections of the eutlre dafi from it to the right or to the left program member of the council and the result of this absolute obedience ecrol other county official addroa- would he good success whithersoev- lhp gathering ei- he went 1 kl 2 3k joshua v as mr skuce public school inspector to go to the written word for eutd- for the county of halton was the ance iua b 20 2 tim 3 1417 ac first and in my opinion the most ln- 20 32k the word of god was to be terestlntf rlls discussion of patriotism i in his mouth as well as in his head 1 uas hot only concerned with its dlf- pet 4 11 joshua must not decide ferent forms but most important the on what u essential and convenient different ways in which it affects the the only question was what is writ- school children he claimed modestly ten a further reason is given in v that he came unprepared to speak 0 jud 6 141 when god commands but 1 might add that this short but we may be sure that he will clve well presented address clearly demon- power for obedience we need hot to strated his ability as ah orator and afraid neither be dismayed the most important a practical thinker final reason was jehovah they god i mr macdonakl present reeve of u with thee whithersoever thou go- 1 acton and former warden followed est matl 28 20 joshua acted at with a discussion of education and a once upon jehovahs orders general outline of mr skuces work sbjjc jehovmh dw por i his honor judge munro gave a speech which acquainted us with the lon b i various courts of the county he wasi followed hy mr dick who briefly outlined his duties as crown attorney in connection with the trial of a criminal mr r smith county engineer then explained the maintenance and re pairs of a county road after these addresses we were dis missed for the church room and we returned to the court house at this point we split up into two separate groups the first group a party of twenty- six entered the gaol and were es corted throughout the cellblocks i am sure many of us were enlightened as to gaol conditions 1 feel quite sure also if many more children would see such pathetic cases there would be teas juvenile delinquency our party then entered the regist ry office where all property deeds and official documents are kept the entire premises were thoroughly in spected after the process of filing mobile markets in johannesburg johannesburg cp johan nesburg municipality has instituted a scheme of mobile markets where produce is sold at a fraction above wholesale prices these mobile mar kets at present serve various sub urban districts jahanneeburgb market master g c poultney amid that the city was imobahlji the first local authority in the world to introduce a scheme of nobue markets each market- con sists of a three or fiveton truck 1 by two women end a native fruitful life drawing towards its close he summons the people and their rulers before him to give them his farewell counsels ch 24 1 under joshuas leadership jehovah had giv en rest unto israel from all their en emies joshua in this was a type of our lord under whose leadership god gives us rest but joshua was now old four joshua never grows old heb 7 25 13 18 and must leave the people whom he bad led and to whom he had been so great a blessing therefore he calls them for these words ot counsel he begins by re hearsing the story of jehovahs sav ing goodness to israel thu be does more fully in ch 24 113 all that had happened to the nations who had formerly occupied the promised land had been jehovahs doing it vas je hovah elr god who had fought for them and therein lay the whole secret of their victory we are no match for the mighty hosts arrayed against us eph 6 12 but jehovah is eph 6 10 11 13 16 richard cote st joseph du lac que and la soclete cooperative a- ricole de st eustache st euttache que appeared recently in police court at sl jerome que in a charge of violating regulations under the dairy industry act both sold creamery print butter in wrappers marked w grade when actually the quality was third grade on pleading guilty each defendant was fined 950 and costs the charges were laid by aa offic er ot the dortdnlon department ot agriculture 41 pick op tobacco ttppgfqttb good in o pipe seapire trials on hms illustrious during recent tilals with seeflrc aircraft on board the british aircraft carrier iimi illustrious pilots were ery impressed with the extremely short run needed to take off picture ivhows flight deck party puh a sea tire nfl for a second take off on h mi illustrious its agin the law to use a gun the best way to hunt customers is to use your local newspaper it wouldnt do to take a gun to go out for cus tomers hunting customers requires a clever tech nique but some business men are blind in their search for more business c they are blind to the fact that advertising is good business the investment in space in the col umns of your local paper is an investment which will return quickly and many times over in an increased sales volume form die habit of keeping the news of your bus iness before the public through your local paper our readers are quick to take advantage of shopping opportunities your business will increase and more trading will be done at home by the shoppers it is more convenient to trade at home readers of the hometown paper patronize our advertisers you dont need a license toadvertise just phone us well be glad to help you solve your advertising problems the acton free press