jhut 1 bm the acton fsee psess pack snm the sunday school 1 idtwmlmh ii n i nt n ea mm 31 s ik l ukbl aam kj t iiiahfc jilamair ua be ckaaap l oku aaiad mal 3jt 1 jna tsij na jbl 11t 4ernqy u ham and be fourth prise letter tn county conncil contest for halton raft this k the letlrr fowrth prise in the ootaiy by dusk artoa ttbere were jem prises ratrst cor an essay jon nty visit to haun gocouy ooua- il ttnrrewul dp oa in what state god other work snay few in thei own tasks nil their power tone attain the asfehty bfe you every dear a ery like thine in mine ikw resolve to be thyself and be vtfao bod umwtf loan fafts mbery twenty yeaisgo off tboradnr jnfly tftv ik it was hot and dusty naarcbln tor the orangemen on saturday than who counted u the ffffa bane number cram u38o to 1700 five rinks foam cuetph came to acton tor bowling matches on the rinks of the acton athletic associat ion on wednesday evening the annual community service held on sunday in aid of the armenian home at georgetown was well at tended the collection and saibscrip- tion hi mia at the hwrtne amounts to cuclph andgeorcetown royal arch at iw bekjja big picnic last wed nesday at blue spring parte between three and tour hundred people at tended ball games tor both ladles and men were enjoyjed end tugofwar and races tor everybody ktorevclaniuixe at st john church kingston road toronto on friday jury 11th 1924 by rev captain j f tusker myrtle w oarridge eldest daughter of mr and mrs a- g cfarridse of acton to robert a storey son of robert storey acton afclntyre- at the home lot 5 erin township on saturday july 13th 1934 emma jane gamble beloved wife of john mclntyre in her 57th year helpful information on farm fence posts for many years studies in testing jl materials for preserving homegrown fence post for farms have been car ried out at the dominion forest nur sery station indian head sask tlte methods of treatment are of practical application on any farm the more commonly known wood preservatives creosote xinc chloride and copper sul- the writer knew the exact spot where fae was buried in the expression used tor death in v la there b a hint of ufe beyond the crave- the next gj eratlon was of another sort ibey knew not jehovah- they were ag nostic doobtleac they rosnadered themselves much superior la infelu- their ancestors and ii phllo- opfalcnl than the old they knew not the work wfalrfa he oefaovah had xt israel perhaps they dk- ihent with a superior way as it wa- not so bnncfa that they had never beard of jefaovah a that they had too if ii l bearlacqualntan wifb ilim ex s 2 i sam 2 12 1 chrost1 28 9 jer 22 1gk n israel forsaking jehovah 11- j 16 israeli evil history subsequent to the death of joshua is summed up in one- terrible sentence v 11 tbe cause of this awful apostasy was that j they mingled with the heathen and adopted their practices tfv 2 12 p- log 34x 2 cor c 14 17 1s it was in the sight of jehovah that that which they did was evil ttluke is 151 men doubtless applaudvj israelis crowing liberality nf ilewh it was not evil in their own suiht they congratulated themselves that they wiser and more procresslve than their fathers they served the horrid cods of the people about them many twentieth century cfart- lans do the same it took strong faith to believe the jehovah was the true and only god when everybody around was worshiping ihm they next forsook jehovah god of their fathers they beean by trying to combine his worship with the of wim evil practices lead inevitab- to forsaking the cod of the bible it was an act of cross ingratitude to thus forsake god for he had brought them out if tbe land of esypt ttkt 2 m 2 pet 2 i they went with the crowd they followed the cods of the people that were around about them that is what the average man the ancer nf jehovah who is a god of love but also a holy and a jealous god uho will tolerate no in fidelity toward himself was aroused and dark days for israel followed in throwing off the yoke they took upon themselves a more grievebus one that of banl and ahtaroth 2 chron 2ft 2 3 deut 28 47 48k gods anger toward ungrateful and backsliding israel was most intense the light they had enjoyed magnified their guilt he delivered them into the hands of spoiler that spoiled them the result of gods withdraw ing his help was that they could not an any of tbe other faa the u as cbrf cttlor farm and i roatntry rushed to of tbe hcarse recruttnient pjocram is ued to the uniformtrim cray nanaem cray wad white striped reirruclfjtr tor n with j red epaulet and salver buttons the us- eoverninent point out 1 training for m career 2 a lifetime education free 3 an accelerated period of rain- lag 4 an attractive uniform for op- ional 5 a paid nursing assignment earl ier g national identification with war ity in carrying out liberation it was also my privikse to see tbe jail the recftstry obsc be court house and all tbe cu- ihe affairs of hauon county indeed a praviletoe v fill long remem ber in school studies i had leamd about amrw our forms ol pwwn- taifsl but this visits and actually see ing the council in session nwr kne more understanding of the cooduct of our public affairs than i would have cained from any long course o study seeing the jail was of course interesting but bearing the cron attorney mr dick dve some prac tical advice to children and telhnz how crime even if small can only end in punishment and a ruined lif- broujchf the truth of his address very dose i was also very much im pressed with my visit to the reentry oltlce and the system of iceeplng the poles on the 8th army front sector held by ready for action 7 girls can enter at the ages of 17 and w younxer than they can enlist in any of the military services they serve while they learn caavs k records there in hospitals through the nation of course i enjoyed the splendid i these alert efficient young cadvt meal and the fine outing provided nurses are training to relieve more the sessions of council were also very hlehly trained nurses for duly with interesting and among the discussion the army or navy or for more highly held and motions passed were that specialized civilian work j county councillors should et a more the shortage of nurse has been liberal allowance of gasoline that one of the gravest prohletns faced on help should be asked from the on- the us home front since the war i tario department about the starling enrolment of cadet nurses already menace and that ihghuay numher has relieved the situation greatly and 1 25 should be given more attention and is expected to continue in increasing improved w effectiveness i i hope that other pupils of halton in the first year the cadet nunc j schools will have a similar privilege corps far surpassed the quota i it gaining firsthand information gsjooo sought the ngure is now sel at llsjdou and more than sj0o0 glr already are wearing the gray and sil ver uniforms girls of 17 or la preferably not over 35 are elegible to enter ent rance requirements vary with schools ot nursing but usually hleh aclici graduation is adequate tuition from the date ot rec-strat- lon until graduation is paid and liv ing expenses provided the smart uniforms also are issued free to the students who in addition are paid an allowance of s15 per month as pre- cadets 520 per month as junior cadets and 30 per month as senior cadets under provisions of the corps the complete training can be finished in from 24 to 30 months about our county govcrnment- phate tbluestonefc being among the j tv j material tued om 800 treated and jr th rf different pede nave been under i g v the reulu of wmch and the pro- them deut per treatment of the variou aada 3 7 c h wuv nave been noted by john walker acninst them on every side thus r plrinlenyche h the humns of al the forest engineer of the station it has been established they say that superficial treatment of posts such as dipping for a few minutes or applying the preservative with a brush is not effective in preventing decay but tf preservatives are prop erly used some measure of preservat ion can be effected the durability of untreated posts is governed more by the period of seasoning before be ing net out slow seasoning is very important the time of cutting the posts also effects durability winter fat the best time to cut potts because the aeasonlng process is then welt ad vanced before decayproducing fungi become actlye in the sutnme untreated posts if thoroughly sea soned before being placed in the aground rlll last years longer than potts of partly seasoned or green cut wood the recent drought decade al so prolonged the service ufe of prair ie cum fence posts which under nor mal weather cotautlons would have raqulred replacing in that period with a return of normal moisture cattfruons say the experts a very nesvy dt for new u may k apsctad purpose of all this wa to bring i htm back to himself and lo their niches good hos 2 6 7 thl was all ex actly according to the word of god lev 2614 is 17k god alwuy keeps to the very letter his wort of threatening as well a his word of promise doubtless many in israel fancied that cod is too cood to send such awful judgments upon lu hi in reality god is too good not to keep hut word however stern and awful it may be in all his wrath god rem embered mercy he raised them up judges which judged and saved them rom 8 this was on act of pure grace on god s part they de served nothing buj his wrath josh 927 ps 10v10 11 106 45 israel like the mass of men today despised jehpvnhs mercy they would not hearken unlo their judges jno 540 matt- 2137 turning from je hovah to other gods is spiritual har lotry v 17 rev 1715 but one thing ensured the divinely givetv judge of success against all opposition je hovah was with the judge the judges fidelity to god brought bleat ing and deliverance to the whole na tion as long as he lived jehovahs wonderful catnpaaslon appears in tbe dowv to earth guackwixy miss white told me that when malum wai fallin a free ly from the heavens a young girl on duty for the first time called to her rather anxiously what do we do now throw ourselves flat she re plied but neither realized for the mom ent what they were carrying one u tray full of tea cups the other n vast jug of milk so they had to be con tent with subsiding slowly like xep- pelins to the ground and not a drop ot tea or milk wa spilt you ii hardly need further evidence as to the nerw of the ladle who run your excellent cif canteen tfthc hon h u bermon hodge broadcasting from london about tw o mobile canteen presented l zanzibar and nyoxakuid dairy pizoimktiov drop capet town cp in order to convene butter and cheese supplies the dairy industry control board re stricted kale to 75 and so per cent respectively of average purchases durlnkfebrunry and march the re striction was due to a sudden and ab normal drop in production urlremest anntnctr3 biclfast cp lieut col sir wilfrid spender permanent secnlary of the northern ireland ministry of finance nnd liead of the northern ireland civil service will retire june 2a he will be succeeded by w d scott permanent secretary of the ministry of commerce since 1929 of ton ftmrhtrng ixtantr ksara hanalcnl calls i wnscli woom represetnt an increas over tbe foil year of fry r jw i so yon see weve not oat of too woods yet anj wont be until tbe 1 moira4a delays can cost tsveaf kemmbrwght raes now begin at c rmj sc fmm ayvayat a itwssfs new cjpjl locomotive class to be postwar model engine no 1200 the first loco motive o be built by the angus shops of the canadian pacific railway company montreal to the rompsnyv own design since 1931 is pictured above on the trial tracks before being taken over by w 51 meal clbe the viceprcident from h b bowen chief of motive power and rollinjr tockr under whose direction the engine was built and who worked at angus shops as on apprentice in 1905 on the etasses of locomotives it will replace an entirely new class designed for that part pf the cornpsny a program for postwar power re placement dealing with more than 600 of the older locomotives engine no 1200 wol go to west- dhn canada eventually while ebgjne no 101 of the seme haas due from angus shops in jaws will stay in the east responsible for the design of the 1200s was f a bender chief mechanical engineer locomotive and his staff while the work at angus shops was under the con trol of h r nay lor works man- ajjer there and the supervision of d l thornton assistant works manager locomotive in the pic ture with mr neal during his inspection left to right ore mr thornton mr naylor mr ben- ger mr bowen and mr neal mr neal was particularly in terested uvthe cab in which he is pictured in the inset for it was here that 1g00 pounds was lopped off the total weight of the engine by reducing the portion of the cab overhanging the boiler at the hack and by using aluminum instead of steel in the upper structure the overall weight re daction was from 8000 to 10j000 pounds on the 1200s compared to the next nearest class in the cpb power lineup thereby en suring the widest running rights over bridges and other restricted txackage material for the construction of the locomotives at angus shops- was arranged for and work com- menced before restrictions upon such material were put into effect the actual work of build ing these engines was made to fit in with the genera maintenance and monitions program so as not to interfere in any war with the war effe aagtea mismmfm aki4i3sfe