1 toptodat july jtbx mt hue acnom mibb inab8 joyce beanie of ebnlim la visiting in acton maw waoetta smith v vankoo fta jwimaylns at her honjrnece mr harris cook of grand rapid huch visited acton friends last wee jwuter elwln kentner is spending sua holidays with friends in aurora juusa margaret brown is bavins a holiday trip down the saguensty river misses inez mclellan and maraaret sonwrvlue are holidaying at wasaga beach this week biu clayton jr- ray arblc and ger ard karley houdayed at wasaga beach last week mra j r macarthur mrs h nor ton and miss ruth nelson visited in toronto this week mrs e a wansbrougn is holiday ing at her son cottage big cedar point lake slmcoe mr and mrs h locke of toronto visited with mr and mrs e e perry- man a day this week mr and mrs wm prior speju week with the latter father and bro ther mr allan and bert mrs charles uncoln of toronto visited on tuesday at the home of nor parents mr and mrs e crlpps mr and mm james maclntyre of toronto are spending the week at tho home of mr and mrs e crlpps mis gladys huffman has returned to toronto after upending two weeks holidays in hamilton and acton l cpl hugh graham has returned to camp bordon after spending two weeks furlough at his homo hero mr and mm walter wood and kathleen of islington visited mr and mrs john wood over tho weekend mr and mrs l w mason and mas ter howard mason of kitchener vis ited mr and mrs j c currlo on tuesday lonu ferryman joanna shortlll and betty i tiddler are attending sum mer school nt ttyorson beach slm coe ont mm alluu smith buy returned homo from ouelph genoral ilospltui after taking spot lal treatment far two wcoks misses joyce uml hetty may lum- bort tiro hollfluyltig with tlinlr grund- paronti mr and mrs wm hamilton centreinn mr kolwytt i urner of toronto who ha town holidaying in kincard ine u vlkltlng acton friends for a few day this woek mr and mm m c overholt utid merle of tordhto and verona john juoiuof acton art uixmrilng two weeks at monltoulln island mr thomas hnvage of winnipeg arrived this week ut the homo of hh futhor ami mother mr and mrs j w savgt where he joined mm snv- nge and muster tom mr j c welsh clnru eddie- mid ronuld ami donald of duncan uro visiting nt tho homo of mr and mi e crlpps on tho ocuuiltm of then ioth nodding pimlvorsary hot a1k furnaces i ho iomponr freeju of hot ulr furnoj now lifted tho wurtlmi prlwrniut trade board liavo an nounced homeowners mid hulldotri who oti tain cortifuntos of ontlulltv will bo nblo to secure now furnntos n stmiii mi delivery can ih arranged lh supplv of hot ulr furnucos is very lim it ml and ccm control of nil sale- must bo continued each person requiring n now hot air furnace must submit an uppllout- ion for n purt mc certificate in the aso of n homoowncr plnhnlng to re place an old furnace tho application must show that tho present furnace cannot bo repaired applications tun be made nt am roglonul or locul ot- flc of the board retailers ma not soil a hot ulr furnace unless a board certificate 1m presented with the order vseiosaaws the jtrtsmur church sunday july 30th 1m4 1000 am church school 11 00 am worship service irev c- l pool will be in cltartto no evenine service aug 20th h 30 pm john stirling come and worship everybody welcome f flltptrrh irlifllamlriui ikncnc 4mumh aconbt mrv foeuna miamtmmmnim mihssuis manse willow street sunday july 30th ism heopening services lloo b m morning worship iltev a c stewart of midland moder ator of the presbyterian church in canada guest soloists miss orpha parr and mr tthoraas sav age 7 00 p m venlrur worship rev a c stewart m a guest sol oist mr nell mcphall lys welcome kation books when inaramo fkiekdh everyone visits friends mare often during the summer vacation days than at any other time gucati take along their own ration books as their hostess may be short of ration ed supplies the prices board wams not to take loose coupons rani your book it is illegal to present loose coupons for the purchase of rationed commodities and juao illegal for the storekeeper to accept tbera aoion aucv w jl waixatn sunday july 30th 1044 11 00 a m the minister 1216 p m- sunday school 700 m the minister evoiyone welcome nrumsi lawj osbbbbaf lamt tvaams- os4sjfc ssftsfmu a floyd smitih jeweler wttnues oumks jdbwbujokv 7 quulwc street west glteuph ont 40rmawii winnipeg cp for the first tin in the history of the orange lodge in winnipeg there was no par ade in the dty to commamorate th battle of the borne most of the or- iigsnmi who would hare partlclpat- ooooooqoaacs3oaoaoos3oaoooc adonbranrhcan leon picnic the auton branub caniul- inn lujion wlnltow to invite nil ux5ittrvluiiiott utid tholr fumll- h to n p lciilc to bo held in tho at ton iurk on saturday utr- tioon august fith aluo the fnmilhh of nil won now uorvlng uhothor nt home or nbtoad nro hoattllj invltul to come and ou- jo tho uftoi noon with tho juig lou lliiniyoui own luunh lia- ktw and wo ulll mipplv tm tioft drlnkt ou taoto ulll be mcc and priios for ovoiyono wo mo ver aidvlnus that no ont ki ml i lit nilod ami nto tryltiir to invito ovotvoito in mall if honiooiio be ovot lookod the ulll plenw at opt thh a an in vitation l ho hovh hand under tho lojxlemhip of mr c matr on will lw in attondanoc the pt ot oodingi vi ill i omntotilo ut j jo pm sharp please he on time the picnic cununiiiee acton urunch can jlcirion gregory theatre ntntav tvvx e the fighting sea beeh komonco of the iteven tas ulth john waiu susan hay- ward sport- field j rial chumr- lollii obr toon yokel puck chapter s- durudevlbi of the west tialfjsdav svmjx 8 honeymoon juodgct david bruce harriet hluard romance on the mlanget roy rogers fox mewa mohdav juur ftj heavenly body if akyhllarlous with fiedy iaraarr wlllian pmrall curies on air novelty m man in trorn behind walls of eanaorahlp thavibunt stories of ipoimcormintary crises at either end of the embattled axis which may conceivably old in hortenlntf tne war the reported ibombln ajviault on ihulerrlatest attempt on tine life of the german dlctatorrlenry was mot the work of an isolated antltnaxl ifan- up or even of a small group of em bittered iftrusslan ffunornu as goi- man ileaders lhave i tried to auhveot lit i is symptomatic of an unrest with in ihetbelcbithatihasibeen character ized in i recent weeks ihy constant shuffling of ihuth military command and atrantio dlsanpoarance of import ant officers who lhave i been relieved of their posts the ibomblrut incident ihas ibeen ifol- i lowed i by an oldfashioned nasi purs reminiscent of ithe bloody days of il934 indications at ithe wplfcnd pointed toward ihltler and his immed iate aides utalnlnjf on even ituthter control of tlhe oerroan armed iforces thanitheyhadibeforebut a ilesenlntf ktjp on ithe sympathy and support of army and ipubllc trhb present revohrmaanuudo of which cannot ibe properly urauffed hy distorted propakonda reports ibid wild roundabout rumorswlll illkely bo put down an it ibns iflared unto itho open ibut it will not ibe ithe ilast mrisiln ibumui ay startling as the revelation of ithe lrkdowii in discipline within roomo stepping germany was ithe sudden re- nlbiiation and npparont political ec- mpho of ipremlor ttojo wnriord of jnlwn am the all low fluht aloser to ithe m- emya ihomolnnd in ithe ilaclflc with amphibious forceu completing ithe mopup of 5iapan in ithe marianas unil ilandlnc in i force on stolen guam with uouthwestorn pacific junjelf- flgliton methodically euttlng itmppod jajjoheso dlulalanfl ito ipleces and ipre- liarlng for a jurnpiback into ithe irhu- jpplnuij with a resurgent and luncon- ouerable china driving ibaek ihnrd nt her invndoro and with tbrltlsh amor- lean urul ohlnoue troopn conslntently hllceouhfui in tho ilnter htiujoa of the hi mm utmpnlgn f ftmiln to luot its own nidlo groat trepid ation and uo tojo jult ntttl ihln place ban ihon tnkon h con kuulnkn kofso ihe ohango is ftom onomun tule to ttovormmmt hy u nttlltarist croup but it in tin name clique from wbloh lojo mnnrjwd and tlio now inhlnnt ih urllktdv to invoke now pollnion cause of tho japanco shuffle seems to have bhm frlntlon ihitwoon the im- pitrlal itrmy and navy with docentral- uutlon of power tho onomy wnr- muohlne mny run mom ttmuothly for u time but as in riormutiy tin nttws mount timt there wh crowing roal- 1atlon that tho war was not being won imrhnps oven that it now can not bo won and from thoie it may lie only a short stop to admitting ithe uni is hwt and surrendering lueld tip by ftulns after hoav flchtinc eat her in tho wook opoiations of allied forces in the nornintu im nslon urtn wi e held up tomporarik h had woathor at tho wookontl bi itluli tanks and infantry hud smashed into tho hfiong- hotd of tioain oirht mllet enst of cuon ublle other british and cunad- ins fotmations had fanned out south- eitk of south of the ancient norman tout along the hiihuavs runnlui to vlmont and ralaise tiirther to the uost american farc- o woie operatlnc lietwoon st lo and terlers the flglttlng thme follow inir i apture of some 10 ltn alltlow n the previous elcht days in this area sir bernard montgomery is making intitlous atkanto before undertaking vi lle etonson of anterii an cuius which would entail houvv fichtinc ov ot open tunk country mtnnwhllc i italy auiod armies wore reported advancing all ulong the front as tho british 8th arm t lotutd in for an nttnrk on kai gothic line stronghold in central and eiiatirn ul cus fifth urmv patrols probed en emy outposts on the north bank of the arno river north and west of ancona in tho adriatic sector tho gormans are put- tine up strong resistance but furth er inland allied forces are closing in on tho ancient clt of flarem e ad vance infantrj elements were onl id miles from tho city nt tho weekend on the west coast american unit have thrust to within four miles of piss along virtually the ntire length of the eastern front german forces aeem powerless to haft the advancinj rus sian armies the threat to warsaw was intensified at the weekend and some moscow dispatch said that ad vance soviet troops were ordy 90 miles from the italian capital tneae troops had smashed the bug river on a front more then 3t xntlea wide the bug is the last big water barrier before the wjata vist ula river which flow through war saw tlie advance in this area is ma- nther threat to igernaa tundes in the battle untrtaa stf ready taopcrtuod by ihe nafiuire otfostrov 1s mllea nortb nf then ipactflciuland otguam where ithe ibn- lied atotaamatatalnediaifmbil atatton before mim to tcachnia jj ealanushed after ithe iksland ihed ibean hammered if or days ifrom air and sea admiral cvw nlmlttu 8 pacific fleet ecomnriander i reported ithat itbe landing wai imade lagalnat illght ire- tstance ibut american i troops advanc ing inland lhave aubaaauently imet atronger opposition tin some quavters muis for ithe second time within five weeks american imarlna and ijnj ifantry lhave carried tthe attack ilnto unpans i inner i island defences the marianas he i invasion came ilea then itwo weeks after organized re sistance ended iln sajpan or only a week after njmltz said ihls iforces would capitalise on sajpan with all ithe means available military observen ibelleve it hat ithe forces operating ilnjthe western ipaa- iflctwiii soon strike nt ithe iphlmnplnos hut a ihure iflow of supplies wilt ibe neceeuary ifrom ithe ifthlllnpines ithe allies would ibe able ito strike at ttap- ans supply i route ito ithe mntberlands east indies tfhe ilslands would mlso provide a springboard ifor an lattack tin iformosa as preliminary tto ilend iniet onitheichlna coast or ifor an not ual invasion of tlapan after a itwoday ihalt alllod forces in normandy iresumed ithelr offensive ttuesday and early renoirtji said jgood pmcross was i being made art itho caen soelor ibrltlsh and canaduiu troflij drove ifnrwnrd at dawn i along the road iloadlng ifrom the ancient town iloward ifalahur american itrooim ilaunohod an nt- tiek tm itho richt iflunk nt ithe norm andy ifront an offlolnl announce ment wild ithe ipew amorlt n tlrive wio moving i forward against ihonvy lohifllunco medium and illght ibomlhint oundtd tho german illnen in normandy as n preliminary ito ithe utlaoks and ithelr olhtrntlons were augmentthl iby n i ter rific artillery i barrage in ithe eacly hours of ithe tmornlng ciitiudlan ilnfuntrymon ifought ithelr wuy into itho onomydtold itowns of mnysurqm venrlers und itiiiy iln oampagne five and su miles south of chop whlie some canadian itroops ontored ithe villages others continue to advance against strong enomy op position a ifty miles sttnwrt 4mtaaw ihitrfly ithls wwik luushian itiooiw ad vancing in giant strides across iboi- nntl were mtiwrtod loss ithnn f0 miles fiom wnrsuw tlliov iluul split gor man armies in the heart of poland with the capture of iluhlln and iluk- r ws is ir ilhc irusslnns ibnvc bombarded gor- manhold i territory with copies of an npimul over the nanins of flf captuted nuil icononds the statement asks gernum officers and soldiers to fo noun co hitler and refuse to fight fur ther iungilniialy king george landed at nnplos sun day night after n flight ftom ibrltaln lie is making on inspection itour ithat will take him to forward hnttlofronts appioaohlng ipisa iflnronce and rim ini tho kings big plane with beau fighter and spitfire oseort lantled on n hombthattored airport ills majesty was gtootod by con sir ilmtry malt- land wilson modltori anemi theatec t ommnndor admli al sir john cun- n i nj hum alliml naval tommandor in the modltot raneau and other nol- ables moanu idle itkfontied irt los in lcnulon iiald oittlv this week that ct diltaln and tlw united states are louernll opooled to tontlnue to mii port the poiihii ioveumient in lon don dlplonmtlt atl n idle stnuding iead to glw mllltau hi lp to it iievi sovlotiero nled polish liberat ion committee j his position wut- said t ut view id as eonslhtent ullli the allied pohc of lending oupport to anvom fighting tlie cs rnialih jlowvir there w n- no at tempt to minlmfe tho deep con- tit rn itdt ov r t ta split umong i ho pohs and its possible repercussions 3 he london news chronitle said editorlullv that we cunnot afford to have our relations with russia pre judiced by failure of tho poles to ag tee among themselves jrom washington tamo a uport that u drltisii nugostlon that the allies wrltovjt prtwlalonal pttaoe with ital wns iuhopf amcrlt an authont- los tho plan was understood to await dineusklon with russia and oth r tountrits in italian settlement rllwn l fthls community was well anted at ithe rally idey of ithe tkwoer- allon of agriculture mt ibrodkullle imallllaat rruesday evening ihaeesiand games were enjoyed until datfk when all tgathered iln ithe lhall ito ihear tthi- guest speaker xv 8 imllbuon ec retary of iqntaxto federation of aa- culture i and in imuslcal iprogrommy bothof whltthworeanjaymt idonalnc with ithe lbloomshury orchestra miv plying ithe music move rfew imoro hours of ifun tto iflnlsh ithe days enu rrhojtoiln charge lhave reason do all ilt n nuutnws arthur youngest tion of wr iand mrs ibonry mnlood mt itlolonn imet with what i might lhave iboen n fatal accident at ibrookvllle hall llns tues day waning while attending the jkedj i rut loo of agtlaulture rally atj tempting to cross ithe irond ngnlniit his ihrothors vwlsh when m imotoeist was pawl log ithrougli mat seeing litis danger iho ioscnhhl ifrom ihls ihrnthor and started across ito ibe icnught ihy the imolorut vwho bad mo ichanoe ito save ihlm ihe was caqrlod ito ithe ihome of mr iii le iblsloy vwhere itr mcdonald mdvlsod lloavlng ihlm tuntltj morning me vwas aide ithon tto ibe taken ihome ino woneithntt being lliad- lly ihtruliurd and shaken ilfho avoldnnt lnnuenftd ithe enjoyment of ithe ifetl- etatlon lhally iiintll vnryonc was u- surotl atrthur wasnltithen iln a wttiious condition no iblame was i given mr vvm andorxon oiiolph itho imtdottlht who wns unfortunate ito lite itbe one imshng through atttheitlme miss ihiuol ikinndy s no t tueolvitd ithhtl ipttuo in grade l ifoi poitttrs and ihoalth ilnmks done in iltiilillr school given ihy ballon counly w c li il mr and mrs iwm irony uoronto wierththojguohls of mr untl mm mtnn iltttlilnson ihtht wmtkkind miss dean irnhlnson ikitehmei is visiting her uncle mr and mrs nell martin mr nnd mrs vtetrnon cole guoph hiwint itho weekend iat ithe ihome of itho hatters ipatents mr and mrs c il ieavcnlktttt sympathy is ifmt ifor hit ilt and mrs ilumes ikvnns in itho ilosu of itho foi mars ihrothor ihlylng qfflcor ittdtu t ifcicuns menm saie un imblaom mowidhinp nrlie tundnrslaned ilias ivmmuisa iln- ntruntlons rtrtim vwlf what dllt nae tomu re a another uf ldunnal vwthatt vuit must ibe sottm there anather awmllaer auction sle an auction of 60 ihead nf oattle jgs ipuwhted rtwfl grade wlll ibe iheldiat ithe ifavm trf hod konkahrft lllqgs ipuiented on fno llllahway just east af actnn on hajnnkmaft mkmhbt asm commencing at two lodock 1bov tlllmqugy ii a ibbiilotra autttlonenfe to tvull llty public nuntiou mt ihla ifatrm llot flu con 0 twai of inrtlson on 3uoblh ikoad uti i miles south ot cnmitlhihulllo and jii imlle matrth idf ilowvllle on mebsiuv muar m amu ait jitut oclock ithe if ol lowing lhdirhkiil mwy iperiibmnin igeld- ittg il vonrs wall ihnihm 1 ibey clyde imiro 0 icntit tihl igood vwouk- r icatnilut 1 llltlifutd tloer ittbout llimml lllw 1 if ed sieiirs udhilit thm lib 1 iroati ii mn i ui it h ml or lahout bflo i1m a idlevefortl steer uhout 700 lib it wthlto ifaeotl iholfer almut too libs h ihtllndle ibeifm ultont fmmi lllis limhtjimcntlm lint lliuv lloiulor if and w jgialn ihlndnril nt lint imaw- itr oil llmfcli in itt iltit hide dtillvery rako i hoy iteddir dump itnko jj lliay irticks if hit llhittonis m m igraln drill lit hiw tt m flpring ituatli eul- itlvator dri iphito in throw disc ji sec- itlon drag ourluntor stnol hand trailer il dnum ii sontlnu illght seed lliar- irowk wulkjug iidow klimn iboatt grnln lllftors ipulleys itake ttihttb iltumltor of iitttlnr igrap iihutls tithls stock und ilnudentoiits latm iln all sliaiio innitmkicahm no lueserue as ithe iptrpptiletor lluu stdd ihls ifatrm iand ihas mo ifuttther tuae ifor ithnite chattel ull it a leliuotnt auntltmear mm party and dance ia1vlic ipjuuc mum wednesday august 2 imiiautwuinr 4iuthfii ttld obime jlittdlerw and sjuuoert hnuuiv uulrwo ouillyluikij s l audio tsli in wfe urns 4c ielsb iaud eutolitl chtteiaus musubammis 00 muauor- lumusmmmw so arnmim aujluji an nharji ustmimiiou js in ear uf ifcaist ijmhigraiutim lluild iln itsrm real estate and insurance hum iix ihe time ii tuiy ji iuxuuc tor jiaur turn mue or tw an imi knjuy ihe uutujunaei antt tmmtemiaux sxf inf our emu ifaume u fume tsoua smidenluil fmixtiie 3d air jirioe aii uuialile ifur linvadjuenl wml oomuiti awll k l wright ttealtok and uisuhasce member imju mod ouarlrf teal fr- basuxl i vaeoums tfjadadssa s prril ifctsttl i tssnekrte jstnuiunr ontario 1i ilnal t rf tritm sud riaeualiy i oakville mi g m flnnemox has been em ployed an public health oum to suc ceed miss mildred jorvls who m unes her new duties as supervisor if public health services in brampton aa august 1st lieutenant john patrick paf blackham 2g was jellied in action in normandy an june 29th according to ward received by bis parents mr and mrs charles blackham imiaion st carofrn ryan daughter of mr and mra cecil aan won the title mia toronto in saturday night beauty oontest- carolyn was nndeclded about entering the contest but was finally persuaded to do so by her another a large crowd attended tthe halton county c c f picnic art bronte beach park atuflny iuring che aftatikmn raoes jumi gasoes wwne in pi atod tim notice to water consumer the actmb pmilic viilum your mtmtnm tmte at the la toaster 7ite consumer further acrees to take all ordinary precautions in usin- tne commlaslotra soeters and appu- anees jmd to insure same r loss toy ire or otiier icansumere mx responalnle snr 1amse s either by frost fire or other caueea- tbr cozobutuoti will enforce hie pmniom of tnw coa- jract and may meter vlucti n 6tmyra will be rtiirard to ike boncaaouer sbe wishlsll acton nnhjcydnunk