twphklkay amctatt ml iftfc the action pkee press page seven it mobodbr cared jod little for you ab smfao thought about me wmadnvyouworidthltwoau be ufe nt bccaaw of lb flrieasb ne nnc nude asms the uttngs which to ammaa aaare wa wtto uve on not b of but because of the pronto who care wm skaan awl gfvtng for ok that all tuttm splendor denead and the joy of thla world when jroov arnami il it all up la fnaail la the niilrn ef frlanda twenly years ago a hl bishop exhibited a connnhff a two and quarter pounds mir j h boyd who has had bus- intaa connections with australia for a t of year arrived at victoria on july 25- the school board has encaged atra edna mew as the new principal to aocceed afr james macdonald at at salary of c2j00 aid patrick gibbons of vancouver b- cu accompanied by his daughter pent a few daya with his outtber and agnewat the family residence park avenue acton on wednesday attjntt 13 19m alary robiason wkfow of the late robert agnew intended for last weelo i aff the free t 7th latta the price of wheat u up to w5q the salvation army band and song ster of cuelph are giving an open air concert in acton this evening mis royal highness the duke of york will accompany his brother the prince of wales on his visit this fall fo hi alberta ranch mr and lira walton purcell of cloversvllle n y made a very en joyable visit to acton during tne week alra purcell wss fells maggie ramsay who spent her childhood here mr and mrs ii p moore arrived home from their trip to real brit ain and the continent after tuo month of travel haley in burlington on tuesday july 29 1924 martin haley aged 59 years gardens also rbquiwe food by t1ie canaihan prbs3 with the government warning idont waste food victory garden should amplify that admonition to dont waste food for people or for garden crops save every hit of organic matter from the garden it can be treated to provide an excellent mulch or fert ilizer for the fall or for next spring a compost heap or pile of plant refuse is a handy aid to victory gar denlng save beet tops carrot green grass clippings bean and pea vine weeds cornstalks fallen leaves and vegetable waste pile the material in an outofthe way corner of the back yard using a apace about four feet square dig a pit about a foot deep pile the mat erial down in flat layers and keep the aides a straight as possible sprinkle lime thinly and add some victory garden fertiliser to speed decay if it la available a little garden soil may be sprinkled onto the layer to supply bacteria and thus hasten de cay the decaying matter may be used as a mulch for crops in excessively hot weather and after it ha become thoroughly rotten it may be dug into the soil to enrich tt the compost material is as good a fertilizer as you can obtain occasionally hose the pile it generally takes about two months for the vegetable matter to rot thoroughly in the summer fabmino 18 big business farming in canada u really big business total cash income from the sale of farm products in 1943 was 13966 millions against 7653 mil lions in 1944 an increase of two per cent while the increase in the in dex of farm prices from 1940 to the spring of 1944 waa only 554 per cenl the increase in the total cash income in the four year was 82 per cerit this being accounted for by the heav increase in volume of farm products put on the market the increase in volume of produce sold was in much greater proportion to the increase in prices for the products in the same period increase in farm wagaa per month with board averaged for all canada waa 136 per cent thla shows a jump from s302 in may 190 to sx3b in may 1944 the sunday school f4rson svxbay aitgubt is 144 the p in the life of israel golden text- for every high priest being taken from a mm is ap pointed for men in things pertaining to god heb 5 1- lesson testj 1 sam 2 2730 35 4 1218 time 116541 b c placcshiloh exposition x eu the priest who failed 1 sam 2 273q 35 eu is an example of a careies fath er who indulged the sins of ida sons by reproving them loo gently their offenses lu stiff and stern re buke but eu was evidently one of those fathers who find the cnsthplinlng of their wrongdoing children too palnful in gotts sight this is a hein ous stn the scriptures re warn fathers f too great an in dulgence of ihetr fjdhretrs tendencies to do evil the father of fool has no joy iprov- 17 zd fathers are respo for the right upbringing of children prov 23 13 eph 6 4 heb 12 9 ell refused to threaten his sons for their evil ways and sc he was himself threatened by god god shows ell that from the day of aaron the priestly line was appointed to serve him ex 4 27k the suc cession from aaron was dignifies with the favor of god vo 27 each family that entered the priesthood had been providentially cared for out of offering brought to god by the people v 28 this was true of levi household and yet fjt son engaged in complaints against the quantity and quality of the sacrifices their aim was to make profit out of the priesthood gods cause in our re demption was not planned for llttf aggrandizement of men and institut ions all that is given to god belong to him and those who are called to live off the peoples sacrifice to god are hot expected to make themselves rich jesus did not go to calvary to furnish a means through the gos pel for human exploitation mlc 10 45k god will care for those who serve him and has provided the means 1 cor 9 13 the judgment of god on the house of ell waa that he would raise up a ralthful priest v 35 no mat ter how tome of gods servants ma fall him he will hot leave hi min istry without servants to fill it no man is indispensable and the unwor thy arc not wanted in gods ministry he secure hi own succession he reward ralthrulnes and obedience he reject the selfish insincere and hypocritical tjno 15 110 2 tim 3 151 h israel smitten before the philu- tlnes 4 12hl often today a then the world fights and chrlstlsh run v 10k how little the ark of god availed when god was hot there how little the form of godliness avail when the power i gone 2 tim 3 5 instead of the ark saving israel the ark it self was taken the whole secret or thla awful defeat is revealed in pa 78 5664 one might have chased a thousand and two put 10 000 to flight exorpt their uocjc had sold them and the lord had delivered them up just a he said he would deul 32 30k there i no telling what may happen to the people when their cod forsakes them 2 chron 28 6 the philistines doubtless thought they had made a great capture when they took the ark of god but they aoon found out their mistake ch it was not without it compensations for israel they may have gained more by the death of hoptml and pincha than they lost by the death of 30000 very likely there were many found to lament the death of hophnl and pineha but god knew he was doing israel a kindness when he removed them 2 34 35k hit heart trembled for the ark of god tv13k well might ell heart have trembl ed for israel and his sons christian nowaday are unduly concerned about the honor of god and hi cause poor ell ninety and elsht years old and the last thing he heard wt the end of hi rule israel 1 fled before the philistine and there has been also great slaughter among the people and thy two son also hophnl and pinehas are dead and the ark of god is taken but ell had no one to blame but himself ch 2 2935 t 13k it is a lesson regarding the evil of laxity in the observance of god laws there is an indulgent attitude toward sin which even the supposedly devout servants of god frequently manifest it is the attitude of lot over again who vexed his righteous aoul day by day while he lived in sodom but he did nothing against the evil which surrounded him lest it affect his popularity the sons of eli followed the easy course of mod ernism with the idea that a new day called for new ways ell s indulgence only brought down his gray hairs in sorrow to the grave god is not mocked whatsoever a man sows that he shall reap also gal 6 7 8 the week at ottawa by dotoola all canada provinces will have a small japanese population in the post war era but fear was expressed b a w neill independent member for would dnft back to british columbia because they uled the climate i liberals monday night celebrated prime minister mackenzie kings 25th i f anniversary as leader of the party ottawa icpk the unanimity with a co dinner with which all parties in the house j and in his dinner address the of commons and senate agreed last prune minister indicated his belief week that tanners had not received that the war might end next year by a square deal m the past because rtating he intended to keep his hnder- tbey had obtained their share of the taking that there would be no elect nathwrl income only barely if at all provided a hopeful portent for can adian agriculturists the governments bill providing bile ihe war was on and that he would not have parliament extend its he added that given health and strength he would lead the liberal which would ensure that farmers t party la the next election and that he would be protected from price slumps himself would run in prince albert h sister now that youve finish ed school x suppose youll be looking for a job himself not on your life old dear let the employers scramble for roe for their products in the transit ion period between war and peace was accepted with minor criticism on all sldes under the plan outlined by the gov ernment fund of s20ajooolooo would be placed at the dj of a three- man board charged with supervising the prices of farm products the board would pr the prices at which it would buy agricultural pro ducts if the price of any dropped be low what was conldered a fair re turn to the farmer thereby prevent- big glutted markets the government then would dispose of these products and any losses en tailed would be imt from the fund the act to establish floor price for farm commodities will cover any ex cept wheat marketing of which l already looked after by the canadian wheat board msln criticism of the bill offered in the common came from john black- more social credit house leader who expresed doubt that s20u000000 would be anywhere near sufficient to maintain a floor under all farm products in the senate the only criticism from progressive conservative mem ber came from senator it b horner and j t halg of manitoba senator homer ssld he did hot think farmers would heed assistance during the transition period because in that time possibly three or four years there would be kuch a demand for their products that prices would hold up b any event wheat sltwallw it would be in the settled era of peace that protection would be re quired and senator horner said he thought the bill made no provision for such protection senator halg acting party leader expressed a like view senator duncan marshall liberal member of the upper chamber for ontario who ha served as minister of agriculture both in alberta and ont ario nave the floor price bill hi en tire endorcatlon and said great brit ain already had a somewhat similar hill and there was ho doubt the un ited states would eventually follow with the enactment of legulatloti modelled along the same lines he predicted that wheat farmers would find an entirely different situ ation facing them after the present war than they did after the first great wcr in the first great war wheat price soared and when peace returned al most every nation decided to insist upon growing its own wheat though this was a much more expensive pro cedure than to import it from canada the policy spread with the result that nation which formerly purchas ed great stock of wheat from canada bought only a small amount for mix ing purpose price have been held down by con trol measures in the present war and there is a general sentiment against tariff barriers prime minister mackenzie king announcement of a fourpoint plan designed to deal in the postwar per iod with canndlani of japanese orig in involving transportation to japan of all those found to be disloyal and any other who wish to leave drew howard green progressive conserv ative member of parliament for van couver woulh the comment that the japanese should be excluded from british columbia altogether a a measure of national defence british columbian have made l clear since the start of the present war that they do hot wish the japan ese to return to the province th plan outlined by mr king involve an investigation to determine which person k of japanese origin now in canada are loal and which are dis loyal exclusion of japanese immig ration and dispersal of those who are loyal and wish to remain throughout canada with safeguards against their concentration in any one area the plan appears to indicate that if mck of tosacco kooestast in o pipe constituency in smtjuitchewan how small your feet ark grandmother visitors to the costume gallery of the koyal ontario uuseum are usual ly amazed at the small size of most of the old shoes certainly many of the white kid boots and silk slippers that were worn in grandmother time are surprisingly liny in those days feet were not supposed to be seen but when the crinoline did swing out giving a fleeting glance the mailer the foot was the more alluring it was co f glrla in the 19th century ware de finitely smaller in every way than they are loda and they did not de velop their feet by taking part in act ive sports also probably aptandnioth- er suffered considerably from tight shoes in order to attain the tiny root that was such a mark of beauty in her time nazi coasrobkma urxmy london cpk the germans are going to get english money for their wartime sonr liu marlene tom mies brought it back with them from the desert and money paid for per forming rights in britain is to be put aside and split after the war ba the publishers and the german com posers loxouei fob bbaveby hull england icpk the amy johnson gold cup for courage has been awarded to bernard roy busier 13 of hull mm the british boy who performed the bravest deed of 1943 bernard volunteered to attempt to rescue a girl who bad fallen through the ice of a pond and succeeded al though the ice broke as he walked first cairo to cape spitfireflight the first spitfire to fly from cairo to the csjte completed the journey successfully it went in re sponse to request from the south african government for exhibition in the union the pilot of the air craft ftyiruz officer g e her complin of cleethorpnt unci is one of the most experienced terry pilots of mediterranean group of transport command out of hb total of 1500 nylns hours soo have been spent in spitfires escorting the spitfire on its lone journey was a ventura bomber piloted by squad ron leader j k flower of stratfordonavon picture shows the spitfire telling out from cairo on its journey to the cape hum i lustks iumtnu nanmf etfcoi aviatlom saioliai havu was zbesf6ka66rrtectffa vuthen war demand have been v filled when invasion huwline aviation gssolitie navy fuel otl petro leum for the uuwtixacture of explosives synthetic rubber and gasoline tor war industry farming and essential truck ing all have been taken from canadas oil aupply it joesmt tmvs at lot for figure it out for yourself it take 525oj00o gallons of gasoline to fuel 5000 bombers and fighter for mission over germany ic takes enough oat for one fueling of a battleship to heat an average house for 350 years it takes ibjooo gallons of gasoline to keep one armoured division on the move for one hour from petroleum and petroleum gases we obtain the gasoline and fuels needed to power planes and ships and tanks as well as the raw material for acetone ammonia and toluol for ex plosives organic chemicals for an aesthetics naphthas for camouflage paints and plastics and resins for war weapons production this is why civilian gasoline is bore this is why its up to every motorist to every owner of an oilheated home ass tin lay to esyrwsri the ail i tes economy in gasoline or fuel oil usage every gallon we can do without here at home is one gallon more for the fighting men and they need every gallon they can get two full years of gasoline rationing and fuel oil control in canada have saved 393000000 gallons of gasoline and 175 million gallons of fuel oil m total saving of 568000000 gallons of petroleum products yet despite this saving gasoline stocks on hand in canada as of march 31st tbit yr were ttjooojdoo gmjjoms uis than at the oonaroenccinent of rationing april 11942 ou has mighty war folttodo- yet supplies are short and are constandy dwindling oil powers the attack on every front oil can mean the difference between success or failure b light casualty lists and heavy oil is vital unmuni- tion not to be wasted not to be needlessly frivolously pent answering your questions about the gasoline shortage wb t0 cav total vesry r- a of asa gmso apormrlmatelr soooojooo a of asa gmso apprmrlmatelr soooojooo gal lons do thowm wwqmirmmtmil mm swam- sc irsf saaw smpph ewasreasv total hsss auppua are ia- adaqusat to oasw both the cclosaj war demand aad dvilau needs there is not enough oil there are not enough uuuesra for both if ear aass fan v irtifna lawi 4 ze from faawfaa trolls oal eaort is being ssade to do so mora aewwsilsamlialbgdruiedorpre- paredbwdrlllkagrcau sadw aaaory otwestara caaade faranr ysbeywac vat m asm a aew war avna aot wak