the acton hub fttess 3itrariim3fterirbb ittl ml ty tw dwvi- mm a svcl r cmdui wly sj t a aklof puis edltw tklerilones pw in spite of the fact that much material is issued and on the surface all questions would seem to be answered regarding the rehabilitation of the armed forces it docs seem very necessary that a local com mittee function to have the plan work smoothly many on being discharged from the services in their hurry to get settled back in civilian life may not take the timo to find out the advantages which are due them they may not even take the trouble to read the booklets and instructions given them here is where the local committee can bo of service it should now be accumulating a file of all literature issued so that when a problem arises the answer may be readily given the committee will no doubt be supplied with the officers of the general committee where problems of a special nature muy receive the proper attention we all hope it wont bo long until the job of die local rehabilitation committee will be plum now is the timo for preparation for that work und und village across the dominion to tfco united states we have talked with have a pretty fine opinion of canadian war ntaaaajeaaent in compariaon with that in the neighboring republic we have had restrictions we didnt like but the main thing is that they have proven the best in the long run canada is doing as fine a war ob as any nation run canada is doing fine a war job as any nation las been guided by sound principles elections point to a confusion in the minds of the electorate at the present time it is a time when clear thinking is needed and when every voter should study not only his own ends but the methods that will make a better postwar world clear thinking now will mean the ability to render a decision wbew the opportunity is given at no time have canadians as individuals laced a greater responsibility an election will be held before next april give your own affairs some straight thinking in the next few months v the heat make 11 tcaaytlaff in these warm summer days we often feel like letting all the folks who wan i to edit the paper jusl go lo it wheu we get the morning mail we receive enough propaganda from all sorts of organizations individuals and governments and the various depart ments to fill one edition from one mail most of them are doing a pretty good job and sometimes if it could be made shorter wo could publish some of it but most of it lacks local interest unlike a half column or no one of our own correspondents would give us and so there is only one place we can use it in the paper salvage these arc days of many obstacles if it is possible to get the paper to print upon it is often impossible to get the help to print it that is one of the reasons back of stopping publication of presentation addresses wo like to keep the items condensed and cover as much terri tory and give as much local interest as is possible in the fortyeight columns usually available so we brush aside the easy way of editing a news paper and use the pen and the wastepaper basket and hope the heat will be more moderate the week fol lowing local papers like local news and welcome all help in getting it propaganda gets careful scrut iny when sent in from outside the district and espec ially in mimeographed form in unsealed envelopes a few years back we used to get a lot of sug gestions on how to win the war now that the war is being won we hear much of theories for postwar period sometimes were not jusl sure it is the heat that bothers us v caiiada and culture a group of canadian people got together recently to work tut a plan whereby cultural interests such us music art und drama can he promoted in towns to further the the first duty would seem to be a tile of authentic information to be set up lr t v the war at home these are anxious times in many homes in can ada the reports of the casualties in many local homes the past few weeks huve brought the french and italian fronts very close to many here every week the list grows until it sometimes seems as it the community had more than its share it seems but yesterday that many of these lads joined up then there was the training period hero and there in canada and the embarkation leave and then the cablegram announcing safe arrival overseas then came the period of training and waiting letters back home noted the impatience at the seem ing inactivity and the desire to get the job over with and back home now these lads arc purt of the canadian army the first such to operate in uny theatre of wur they are pushing the huns back to the fatherland and the casualties come in week after week some of them will return bearing the scars of battle some will never return but have given their all the war is closer to canadians these days those overseas und those who wait at home should be in the prayers and thoughts of all often in the troubled hours v time for clear thinking the provincial elections are over in albcrtu und quebec und those who hoped for decisions to guide them in forecasting dominion elections have little guidance one thing seems sure and that it that nowhere outside of onturlo is the progressive con servative party u tuctor true the liberals were defeated by the duplessis nutionule party in quebec but certainly they were not obliterated in western canada neither of the old parties appear to hold at traction for the voters the social credit govern ment seems to have been satisfactory enough in its trial tenure of office to have found little opposition from the new ccf movement while the ccf made a sweep of saskatchewan it made no headway in the latest two elections quebec is in much the same position as ontario with an elected government with just barely enough to carry on and always on the eve of being overthrown what of the dominion election in view of these results quite evidently voters are loathe to change if they consider a good job has been done witness the return of social credit in the west but there is also an urge for new groups and new ideas are interesting but still a little doubtful provincial goverments are important but not nearly as important or as farreaching as the de cisions made by the dominion government visitors work of this huge undertaking they suggested that the federal und provincial governments establish u 10000000 fund it may seem to some a ttuggcring idea to spend 10000000 on something that many canadians have done without for generations but there is no rea son why all canadinns should not enjoy the pleasures of the muses if the opportunity is provided for them to develop u liking for the arts simply because they in some respects lacked the facilities people of the lesser populated areas of canada have not ulwuys hud aroused their artistic instincts possession of which they may have been unaware there may be many fine singers instru mentalists painters and writers whose dormant tal ents need the proper environment to uwaken and develop them into creative artists any cultural plun ulso would tend to ruise the standard of artis tic appreciation at that there are many performers and artists toduy contributing to the cultural life of this young nation who hail from the backwoods of cultuiul cunadu but it was not until they had the opportun ity to leurn or see or listen und study that their propensities were discovered and their tastes dc- eloped plans being drawn up for postwar reconstruction ure tuking into consideration a revival of community life in towns and villages us a necessity for the iuture happiness und prosperity of the people and it is such a program that would help the canudiun towns problem of losing its young people becuuse they go off to the big city v editorial notes iuky hen hoijks tiv australian offices somewhkite in new guinea cik an australian lu-uonant-co- cum1 enfortn tlu hut of an american general at a northern new guinea haw in tm room the kecond-lnxmti- mand wan busily typing in tur general the colonel hecntt the american officer hastily quiet ed llll he in lure today he whisper ed the australian blinked only uuitted to h said acaln tin american interrupted shes juit come in she usually eoea into tlte witeralti office quiet the coiollej stented outside a fat work orplncton hen came wmlfllirur after him cackling merrily sl ua followed by the american imldlnt n luwluld jj never fiillu in tald lay nn cf very morning here or in the irvrwriil office now sir jou were wutitlnu i tivasurviiuiitir bewafcie souvenir lruii the battlefields of kurofm already finding their way into the koyal ontario museum the ottur day a returned soldier brought in a huge coin which he had found in sicily a houmwall had blown up in front of him scattering big und little coins in his path tho largest wan two and nine sixteenths inches in diameter made of cast brauf on one ude it showed u sow suckling seven little plgn as it certainly ap- tbeared to he an old coin we at the museum promised to identify it dut we were rsult apparently museum ktuffii und museum bookit dont know everything for we couldnt find any thing like it high or low finally we got tlie american numismatic society on the trull and what did they uty that it wiiw h fake put over on tin innocent utldler by the wall had he tttumhled on the hnutu of it forger we hi ml never know but itu n warn ing to knuvenlrhtinterfc that nil that glitters unt even undent hraw thursday august it 1m4 business directory dr w g c kenney to dr j a ftlcniv offw in symoo illocfc mill straac dr wm g collen ljdcc itbjalilai susst hinin office i fours- 2 and 79 pa except wednesday and sunday mill street near frederick sure rtlone iis dr t h wyl1e sttsrsass carrolls the twentyfilth convention of the canadian weekly newspapers association is being held this week in winnipeg we were not uble to attend this year hut we give notice now that un issue of the puper niay be missed next yrjuo enable us to at tend this gathering v the strike at montreal was finally settled by act ion of the dominion government provincial and city administrators took the usual role of forming the delegations to urge that something be done v last week the fergus newsrecord marked its ninetieth anniversary in those years the fergus newspaper has played a prominent part in the com munity and has given splendid leadership at ninety it is one of the leading canadian weeklies has won many trophiesin competition and today under its editor hugh tenvplin maintains a high place both in its community and the dominion we extend con gratulations to this over ninety member and wish the editor and journal continued auccess lemons tsktf 300 dozen juice oranges dozen silver skin pickung onions 2 lbs for ihtt aa aaatabla prion aakjact to aurkxt flaenallw nraax ri t 10 u t so 1 nusaxmvss i at rkaar0affmlu3azle sural 70 u 11 taking oiarce of dr buchanans practice for the duration vmt taw rreasat tftfflea llatsra us i pnm every tfcaraajr rtaaj aad nalairday okf1c12 tkleiuione 144 die hugh s austin tleatal rlurgei mill stmt corner frederick acton office hour uu am to sal put rvenlne by amlntmunt fcml a f leathehlanii ba wklw ud hmtlrtur ntan fuku luuer of murruuo licctue icuutrar of ulrtlui uurrlaa deatha avnts uffloe xx itn lmira mi kenneth m langdon buikbr houdtor notary fubu oirlc- coritown crvory theatre builds acton ovr t koynucfe cab kor aihlnlmenln ilione acton gtf or georgetown hh office llouni acton tuesday and thursday 111 pin to 400 pta vvettllls on khuet vktkiunarv b i young vs bvsc veterinary huraeotl office ilmokville ontario ilionn milton 140 r 4 f g oakes vs bvsc veterinary huraeon offlie ami heiildeiice knox avenue alton phone 111 ukm khtatr willougiiby fakm agency arut mid olrleut auency in canada hew office kent i11il toronto fcorielown itcprcselltotlve tom lleutolt lbone ieoraetowa s8t time tables canadian national railways olnrf uvl dully 1xmjit sunday 001 am hnturduy only ili p-m- duily 4txfpt suruluy 71u jn mondiiy only 1j08 ajiu dully fxcvit su klity 1 14 ajn flyer at rriotowri dully vxtept hat ami sun c35 pm flyer ut uilih dully ex cept sat unit sun 712 pjn going east dully 4xct sunday 649 un dully except hunduy 056 am dully vxcttpt sunday 650 pm sunday only a19 pra lv gcorutown 925 pjn klyr dully at cuulph 859 pm kay coach lines coach kg leave acton eastbouod if ii m 0 16 am 2 06 pm 626- pm ft if p ni b9m p m westbound yl0 53 am y2 3h pm a5 08 pan 7 13 p in i bh jh p ni x1128 pm a to london tv sundays and holidays only x to rtuelph dally to kltchnr sunday and holidays y to kitchener x to stratford trusses tra ja aaj bma e7afcatnv vll luf alex stewart ha 8c oasmrvs bqmrm w t paherson ro ilpareallal la ft r oa1laaaaat mamma iim compfcrmit amippaa olcam b