tm mjogobt w 1 the acton free pbess psvgbsevetf a il atsnospl wr ri whh tbrostlescsagx ana ttght- rs mo ttetvar thai otter througfa so mopt andre juiiaaifia brant twentvyears ago n i lij tfl slat mr and mrs r ii waaaborough and mr and uril roy wanshorough ntunwd from their ut 1o the pac ific coast on saturday milton and acton rand held a teu- nlng in the park on friday the massed hand evctlons wes a feature of the- evecdng- mr noral park superintendent of guelph tens the judge for the- flower anon- yesterday- acton bowler won the- mercury cup in a keenly contested match be tween acton and guelph acton play ers were a buchanan e sweeney el j ilassard and w j cwld a disastrous fire broke- out in the ebeneer panonatr on the ouelph road nassagaweya on friday and the fine brick building was coon a mas of rub rev s- w and mrs mann who bad come to the circuit bi july lost most of their personal bags the prophet in the life of israel text he- that hath m let bun speak my word faitr- fully- jer 23 2- lesson text 1 sun 3 1931 7 3- 12 time 11cs ft c- ware sbuob expostlkm ood with samuel 3 1921 weekly newsmen to meet in west for anniversary 18 19 y m tau samuel wax de- l here aug 17 is and 19 for their an- while on voted to the lord- he rebuke to the wicked sons of eli there- wax a constant evidence- of lb lord presence with- bbn all ths was a preparation ror the special re velation of cod whlok ha turn wax lb be the authorty for samuel eotn- brown at bis home in acton on monday august 13 19cm robert brown in bis gsth year currie at oampbehrtlle on sun day august 10 1921 margaret an derson beloved wife of david cur- rie in her fclst year the berry pickers one of the summer occupations in many rural districts has itecn picking berries the growing uf these small fruits has been greatly dewloted as a commercial proposition when these berries are abundant on wlui land mam people still go out to pick them with labor scarce this year there will not probably be so mahy pickers- the okl timers tell how when these fruits tenv abundant many ownrn did not value them particularly and the public was free to pick ll ihelrjj for j evirected them wl d lam today this fruit u more o cnhw t xkh it was valuable ami the owner are well nwlfu lhnt thorc w nw outward justified if they post notice against niah unlty of trespassing or if they request people leohw of gm uatt 1b 10 20- ac hot to pick on their land such notice 2 1 1l hutmr ttuoy and requests should be strictly obey- nf mou pttcwknl om wab nwsjjir ed some province haw laws acalnsi ordor lha thow may ttw un plcklnc uch thlnm or private land jna 7 werv o without kettlm the owner pormlss- nd to discuss or make war hut to pray a national prayor moel- man country bs used to earn wiyf t lo lo considerable money kuckliii hms lm mnn lkc pftl xou sonu- nf them found it hard to re- w r sut the temptation to eat berrfea ami t uuter uui a rood many found 1 their wu- into the lt ftt movfli w of mouth instead of the pall it takes t- the umrr holpwness and the pour- tent ion and quick eyes nn1 hand to nc out of noar gw be a first cla berry picker thv 2 j l4 14 boy whose mnd is diverted by the 10 s 1 1s ns soofthrtlsumlthmovcwnts of h- hmnl of wf of wooclchucks and snakes will hot torn to f go1 dan ret so mans of them 3 ac 13 2 s they made con judsji ptiwlla load it speak the word of the lord u- israel returns to god 7 3tl for twenty ksatt years while the ark of the covenant abode in kir- lath jarim and israel languished bx their defeat and humiliation because jehovah vs 1 2 whom they had for saken bad forsaken them samuel kept on prayiiu for them in secret j and hiding his time they were years of bitter bondare and stern discipune for israel at lass israel lamented after jehovah this longing for hun was universal their sorrows brought them to this place luke is 17 jrr 2 9 v 119 c7 the universal long ing for jehovah was m hopeful sign and samuel quickly took advantage of it he got m g hearing now samuel told them that they could get deliverance from the fnlusllnes if they would return to jehovah with all their heart v 3 cf has g l jer 39 ix 14k in order to return unto him they must put away all other cods putting away mil sin and all idols he always the firs step in gen uine repentance having put away their raise gods they were to prepare their hearts un to the lord and serve him only v 3 when israel took to raalworshlp they bad no intention of giving up jehovahworship they sought to combine the two they were liberals in intention and wanted a congress of religions 4matt 6 24 1 jno 2 is jas 4 4 the people responded promptly and heartily to samuels call to repentance v 4 the reform- t atlon was hot very permanent 1 sam k israel v 111 have a reform ation some day that will be lasting lltom ii 26 in verses 59 we see samuel prill- cinally as a man of prayer the fact that he was a child of prayer pnuir- ed him to be u man of prayer cf ch 1 27t ills chler distinction in cods sight was that he was a mighty man of prayer is- 09 6 jer 15 1 we usually think of samuel a n type of christ as an intercessor x heh 7 25 as a preliminary to prny- alacont 17 at sast wccxviy newspaper b 25th winpopfjg ct with the con vention theme lf we dont stand for something wetj fall for e member of the weekly newspaper association be gathering at the end of may canadian pris oners of war numbering 5218 re scattered through 7 camps in ier- many and 11 camps in the far east of these prisoners 8 are from the navy 3je29 umy 149s air force 143 merchant navy men and noncom missioned officers work in stone quar ries on river work brick laying lunr ering agriculture beet factories anything that is not directly connect ed with the prosecution of the war they work usually nine or ten hourj a day usual pay being to pfennings a day the first parcel a prisoner get is a red cross vapture parcel pack ed in canada and stocked in london nasi ooattofcbam udcbt london cp tl going to get rgtt mone for their wartime song tju markue tom mies brought it back with them from the desert and nozmypald for per forming rights in britain is to bo put aside and split after the war b the publishers and the german casn- nual meeting marking the 25th anniv ersary of the founding of the organ- many adults used to consider it n of their sin prov 5v 7 1 pleasant excursion to tnke valb and j i- o baskets and gi out in tlie country for an afternoon or dn nf brry-plik- ing ulueberry p hn been u favorite canadian diet and uortrcous pies ar still made hv clever housekeepers berry pl huv n ploasant fruit 3 tang and contsuute a most admirable dessert hapbevo jam htk also bet a ver favorite food and it adds nlce flavor ttie emle ar greatlv pleased when blueberrie- huckleber ries raspberries and blackberrtes are abundant thv phil- iii israels victor ov utlnes 712 when codk pthple rturn unto hint with nil thlr lienrtt and nre un- hihi and in prayer the nomus of cod will fight them no wonder that nf- tr twenty nr of defeat unci band- mil israel was afraid of the phfllst- ftttt ituf there wns no heed of fear j wrrwuti 20 t4 in their extre- mllv thev tiokhl to samuel to u what tt do with ult in a world so ingeniously orianlmd that every last man woman and child would be properlv housed cloth ed and fed the problem still would be what to do with lire for example social worters have come to see that what the poor need more desperately than even material aid is a new grip on life a new attit ude toward the world something spiritual physicians have long recognized that many of the deepaeated malad ies of mankind are actually diseases of the ego rather than of the body ministers of religion constantly re mind people that to be transformed in estate means first a transformat ion of mind and heart and motive the difference between a sick and aound ctvtthtatlon is more often mea sured by the absence of these spirit ual factors than it is by the absence of material factors it is for lack of vision that 1 people perl not for lack of mat rial resouross silver anniversary convention speakers include premier canon of manitoba alexander christie presid ent of the winnipeg grain exchange gra fthwera governor nf the bank of and general chair man of the war finance committee and ferry pbthp new- york trw n corespondent at ottawa president w j rowe editor of the western canadian manitou man- will give the welcoming adddres un the first day of the meeting greeting fromrepresentatlve on the oversea pres trip will be brought by r i macleon editor of courier kel- owna c and c j allbon editor of the springhlll record spnnghlll n k following the appointnent of com- miltrs carl c carson publisher of the iong lrairie leader and ivesid- ent of the minnesota ihress asoriat- ion will brmg greetings to the deleg ate from the united states later a luncheon will be tendered to the editors and their wives hy the manitoba government premier gar- son will be the chief speaker an nouncement of winners of the bet ter newspapers competition will bo made followed by group conference phimlia sveiaaw on friday august 1r five discuss ion periods will be led by or floyd willoughby of the canadian teach ers federation or p a macoon- ald executive director of the manit oba cancer relief and reoarch in stitute ralph w keller manager or the minnesota press asodation g- warren brown president of cvk- fleld brown and co ttd and john atkins of the prices board national administrator for publishing printing and allied industrie climax of the convention on satur- tlay will hi presentation of the com munity service aunnk golden ideas prizth mui introduction of the presidentelect skeiinl entertainment for the ladies include n trip to akidnlhoine pnrk under the auspices nf the winnipeg city council n vlut to the red cross prisoner -of- war parcel packing plant and afternoon ten ns guewts of the llufhons ba company thursday evening dinner will i tendered by the winnipeg- grain ex change with iti president alexander christie the speaker kr towers nd- dressei fridays luncheon while mr philip will lie speaker nt friday dinner sumaner cottages and cabins come under the same wptb rental regul at ions as city properties itontiaten rph bkavebt huix england cp the amy johnson gold cup fur courage ha been awarded to bernard roy butler ix of hull as the british boy who performed the bravest deed of 1943 ttfnard volunteered to attempt to rescue a girl who had fallen through the ice of a pond and succeeded al though the ice broke as he walked across ou raix r aim agricultural fairs throughout ada have been a gieat factor in otat social and economic progress and chances are that after thewar they will be bigger and better than ever some of canadas fairs are rfs out oldest institutions the first occsn- used agricultural falr in y fa was held at windsor nova scotia la 17cs- the first fair at flctou n 3 was held 127 years ago in ontario ttsb niagara agricultural society held fair in 1791 centenary of the fairs are this year planned at vankleek hill ontario and richmond ontario ok a atelaummh ttntn vernon b c cp wood peck ere rliewed so many shingles off thai spire of si james catholic church hre that extensive repairs had to be made v post war problems of women 011 farms the final rvmrt of the canadian house of commons tubcommttee on posdwar problem of women contains a section on the problems of farm women indicating that under present conditions young women ore leaving the fiirmw nnd older women are bear ing intolerable burdens says frank shefrln economics department of agriculture lp the economic annal ist accordingly the taincommittee hoi lktel some special needs of the farm women it u recognized that the woman on the farm hoi special prohlonu du to the fnct that kite u a homemaker engngetl in productive work it wa on this basis that re- tommendatlons were made with re gar to tin extension of electricity to the furm home farm housing pro vumn for n plentiful supply of run ning water and provision for farm their intercessor he wo a good on j sanitation tlie report urged the es- hut we hnve even n better one 1 ino 1 tiihllshment of adequate health cr- j i hen 7 2 rom s 34 they flt the need of unceasimr rer v- il ef 1 the 5 17 p 5fi- 15 they speak of jehovah it whom they hid returnel as our cod they had o right to sav that now they trutl ed in ills strength and not their own to vtve them we too should cry un- ceasingly to him to save us out of the hand or all our enemies fluke 1 71 74 75 samuel offered sacrif ice as a preliminary to prayer he approached cod on the only ground upon which a holy god can be ap proached by sinful man the ground of shed blood heb 10 19 our samuel intercessor entered into cods presence for us by his own blood heb 9 11 12 having found a ground of approach to cod samuel cried unto the lord for is rael cf jno 17- 9 the lord card hm the practical proof that ksod heard was that he did what sumt 1 uel asked cf 1 jno 5 15 israel would have had great trouble in dis comfiting the philistines but jehov ah had none at all hannahs proph ecy was fulfilled literally ch 2 10 israel accomplished more by praying than by fighting that day 11si in rurul ureas a rather striking recommendation oltserves mr sh frln was the one list ing a number of remunerative enter prises in agriculture su h as mush room culture dehydration of fruits and vegetables boarding houses and other projects that might attract young women back to the farm it uoj recommended that where neces sary some sort of assistance should be given to help establish young women in small enterprises defence minister takes over cpr hospital car defence minister j i ralston up on the ladder m this pic ture to look over one of the upper beds in the 2hbed casualty ward had high praise for the third hospital car turned out by the canadian pacific railway com pany at its angus shops in montreal when he inspected tt at ottawa this month and released it for immediate service in canada and the united states the air- conditioned hospital on wheel was mx nearly perfect an it can be the defence minister said ami he congratulate ttioso ro- sponsible or the thought as well mi the work which made possible the most comfortable accom modation for canadian casualties the car was the first of two released this month and two more are underway at angus shops to bring to six the number of these wartime units of rolling stock provided by the cplc to speci fication of the royal canadian army medical corps back of the- defence minister in thbt picture is a l kauve general mgent fori the cpie1a passenger depart munt at ottawa who took lilm through the car ami standing by lu col c s currie deputy minis ter of national defence urmy at little cost you cuii meet more people and contact more prospective buyers through a condensed advertise ment in the free press than in any other way as little as 25c will put your message before 2000 readers and get you in contact with all the pros pects in your community dont take our word for it ask those who have used condensed advertise ments for buying or selling lost or found strayed an imals etc the modern market is through the advertising columns of the acton free press where you can put your hand 011 all the buyers in acton and district costs are moderate 25c for twentyfive words or less if cash accomp anies the advertisement otherwise minimum charge is 35c per insertion additional word charge leper word the acton free press acton ontario g a dills publisher