w0emg3btism1hbtbb1fabes n mgtcamrm ram i my c ll- llban or fl ttuld you tirf imv wllt tto tthe rman rtmester central library iln imy pro- imlaus lartlcle fltiay tf want tto ttoll ou srrniothlng of britains labor tprainlng centres ono of tthese centres ill located iln fmanchester unil tthe thnuri fl spent ucdlng ithrouuh ttlib school woroiamong tthe tmost i inter eating and i pleasant ll spent oviwjft3 mot oaonmud tmtth ihmu 3mltnm ifirat ll i must explain ithat tthtntc ilabor training centres tare mot in iftny vway connected vwlth olrltnln sahoo systorn ibut wroro ian outgrowth idf ithi meed of tbeltbh i industry rfor trained llabor it hike tto itttlnk or tthom ihowevox ia ipaet of ttho isahool system land continue tto iform in eon- nectlng llmk i between tthe ntralaltu centre land tthe imanual itntllng dlna- s personally ll should hike ttu see sot ilfp iln ivery small ttown iln ganndu ikor yonrs ll i have dnvoted ia itimul deal of apace iln tmy ipqper iln ion f- fart tip l bestir our ipoqple tto tthe waluo of such ttmlnlng rfor aur ynunc ipeqrtt tbut tthe meed ihore thas mever tboon so igprectt ion lit wai ln ibvltaln iln ithoae teatfiy day of tthe wnr wmen lit was mo miltally essential tthat people num iand vwomen ibe ttaught tto work willti tthelr lhands tit imay tbe tthat iln tthe dinyn tthat llleiahend of wthldhwelheai so itnuch imnnual i training will be lac- rfiented tin i our school on tthe same tbtuls ias ttho ithroe ittu uto mlu ttfce war at wdl iln tlunt h1 ithnt lemofll ibovan minister of i labor summed mi rthe situation iln ibcltaln iln tthese wntu uthls war cannot ibe won tljy our flighting rf nrce idlone lit imuat ibe wun iln every ahlnyard voty rfuotory tv- ory workshop iln tthe country ikor wlatory ttho isaree moot intore sltpjt more tatrmit imore equipment whey count on ihruuh industry to iprodtloe ithom ionu ipvduco ithmmqulokby wf inre ohallanrod luy ittic rfulb imoblluod ifonnurqetj of itho loontlnnnt- tbhlfi iim in tfottntlhnble dhtdlnnue umtl vwe tmunt efiuil oursoluoi ito imont ill t itho tnutlirouk of war ibttltdhi eifpandetl output of imattltine itmiln small ttoulij mnuitud uik mnd ifixtut and other amau ntiuhunnnt wiw itotul hy ilnndofiuato ttt mioot tthe moulwt- imont of the iproduntlue ipkojjrom meedttd on tthe mthor llmnd tthey wetre aanlrontofl wlth m iduatrtli of isklllitd tlabartand ttholr ttraldlnc sohome mat lundnr wuoy jit utau oatlmatitd ithut ibnpromlmnttily ttmhooo tnorsons rniui1 ibe tttmlnad rfor war uuarik io- ithe nor ailaes of tthe imoire ihljjhjy aklltod mould tbe ireaulvod rfor tthe ttodhnlcul tbranahes at rf uihiliut rforoas mhe igoatcnmmt itralnlnc scilumic mally inoeo ibaok tto hftluds iuhon no tmany iman vwere daft mntlt land un jible do tadapt ithomsoluob tto ipettno- itlmo ioonmnatlona tit mioj itlum uto gauotmrnent ttoak tauex duuaad rfant- toeles and ibulldlncn innd it p denteos tunetturipyad tman woe hater ticalned hfeainltu rfaallltloii ifh ilnto ttwo tmaln icaterorles tthe one cououed iby lemj camcy and jumluary wroinlnit fidhimim and tthe other iby tthe untuiei iand tmore ilntenauio ittnlnlnc iuian nn tcauecnment tttralnlnf itienttres povtnnt ftenturo of ttlils ttrolniiu iu that eooh centra mot rnlvy laturnipb to specialize on itrulntntf rfor tthe itwds of tthe dlstlat iln whloh iumuj plndj hutiltilnvlte eniployumtto state it hen requirement utfar -fihrnabmcbn- amlrilt jatttee tfutwn sold atlthelb9nlnninaf tthu uirtlille tthe iftlanheettar tlfrninlnu centre wiu of umtstlaulur ilnurreat ibe cause wc rfolt lit wak so tdlosoly intlat- m tto ithe rmnnuul nrutnlnc tnuded iln nviry ttown iand lhanilflt tthrouithnut ithe jdomlnion tot canada ho ithu iimtrtlcubtr centre avnr utooo iboyxt tnnd rlttlij imnn iand vwomun wae ttralntd nvory rfnur lmonthn soimilei ml ttuj wntk tthny woro idalnif was idliplayud tfor tine land tiwtludad nll mnd ipluci iaaubtk9 spiral igaar wuhoolif woulaui dlroxalt iplastle tmoultl ihkhcul ispur and idntalu shuot imotal vwotfk loscano intent imavnmentii iand m ttwoithrow qtmnkshaft at wtut lharcl tto ibtditue ilhnt ithowvaak i had i boon donelby pcrj wiiui vilth ilo tthnn sbttoon weolii itralrtlni in tthe tdimiuthtliu troam iwutahed other stutlonth int woitk llleu the atudnnt ffrfennrod ihin or ihor tdrawl llnc of ome ipartlnular iplooetof imadli- llnnry iand wuhrni tthry lhad coniplotod lit i they wore nfluan ithe uiehiufme of pvooualttc ithe jaittldle out iln tthe rshqp iaoaln 0 found lit lhard tto ibdllavo ithat jwonk of lauah quality eould tbe doue wulh uojuttle itmlrtloc i dudyhoj j one mnd ilnnvenod on tmtoilln ithe plant wjlth ilts ttldlntma iand tthe rtloonl lllnesf of ithe tmndhlnory ut vwas ouid- ont ttoq tthat tthe contfotrt of tthe wooker lhad ibean wmll llorikod laftnr lewerywheire df vwont ill vias icaimmit ithnt tthe studonbt ttoiik m idoqp ilntmrofll in ithe wuoiik tthey weire iddlnif wl mwe bwdkwulojt tthe 1kmc olbwi at wa ifwjldnnl ithat iln waua fiootlu itmbty vwte intre ffdllnvulnpr uomo ittxth huati iatt tthey i have jn oelitltulu a flimto- ildl ictourse i1k maw mualldhlo int tout tcudiinlcal cdllone wnuoh idlonc tho uiime lllno mb int manehehtor vtt can- ndn ilfl tto imdlntaln ihnr ipoaltlon iln tthe jnwuwnr vvuonld dhe vullll mood imoue nntl imore ttrnlnnd oeafumon imnny of ithnsc uihi leame itaum our tltadhnlcdl cdllfipoh uthetre ithe iteolrilnc lliiwilthhi ithe itroiuili of mueryona tve tiltjrfcnsl a tthlttk imy rflrat itreal ilntniroiit nn ithlh ityiwj of ttraldltit winn mtrnautd ilnl ttftlo wthon ton irpy wuov ito cjmnnn vmuii ithe icimdlan jflnniy h vutus llilluit- ttnd utlblt tthe utleadmohtnr of in unltuul int iodetihuiu on tthe ffishine glne dy ll wtttt ilnxlltnd tto ilnqpnnt tthe sdhoiil tkntl ti ton itomember wdll tmy lanuutnment uthm uie vumnt tto tthe ibaanmnnt tto rflnd ilt iextnnsuidy oqutmol rfor 3dun- ludl intalnln televe u lauld tto imyunh ttho gntmnan idhlldtinn inito ttnalnttd tto vuinitk vutlth tthrir lhandti kit tthu tniitj uthnt iln meftdod iln icjnnadfl vunry itftwin und vxtulose kn tthe llast ttwionty ifiixi jl fl ihntto ittiled tto will tthe ildaa ithttotujh lb inewhpapom utlthaut imurth nunoe uj shut u ibollcute tthe iday ils mot rfor mwiy amhon tthls ttjtpe of ttralnlnc wmlll ibe m imunh 10 ijuttrt of ttho dhlldn utducotliin ins tthe tthtroe tr ttoo honjr lluxve vute hmmio titonoentratlmr on ithe ihlchnr td- lucntlon mthlah iu iauallude tto wo ifeu and mo ilt utaa tthat imy lhut to tutanaheidor vum tone rrf tthe ihlchllchtu of inj ttnp tto ibttltain tmetehcy ttroinlnc iu duilded ilnto two icvompti rfeatunlnc ttroinlnj usluon tut teoohnlcal icalleneb iand ttralnluc igluen rfor tthe mlnuttty iby employer who ihawe sultabli mosaumek iauall- iiuile iln tthelr own tfantades nine ttralnlnc ooumea jrt teeahtlluul tcouqnes and unstltutea iace conducted iky llocal educational lauthotiltles iundtr jurmnsontenu imade ibntuiaen tthe mln- ilstry of llabor and tjlotlonnl enulue nd ithe board of education huie rftaume jme arfftnbwd an similar ulncd ito those at gouetmment ttrnlnlui ccentnes juid an jienernl uoxicr tthe jtamo itcades ihut tuauulb hast on 8 vmiotiku whe same decree of tffldleney iu not attained u tthou ttaklnc the tlull nourae jit ithe titrauilnj contitot eonie 0w aaun lve ithu iklnd of itralnlnc whew aim uuui mpleytr wtho ihavc ithe neaourue jvvallabl ito tstwe courses similar to tthat of the teeohnlcal collesos tfcr fliwmaiwit ifcmtntats osttn ithexe are tthlrtyiflv couornment ittralnlnj centnefc situated in xarlau ipant of ithe oountr here ithoroufih nd ilntomiiue uourses are jlvtn jua ittlhlw oaume in irani four ito elcht koek ibut stikwited itcalneec aw iclv- cm ithe ifour months course althoush the course tfor drauchtamem may luort av ao toine nnonths at ithe oentres tthe ttrjilnees one fliaid while ithe lleann tthe irate ajut- iim accoxduv tto aa ut one is iboaad- itau ithese iu an tallowanae ito ttoke cane af itt ttow gomumment irrsjulnx canlnc to not arttexaapt ftbe aubftr tiata oav mkmo ttottnintlpp w 4o by aon- who ttodatito ttllojaw says tthct ditlnk tmay uncajutate in tmototiuit mhu doe mot mppear ulxiunk fljaurt fieniember m xuessal stranded int ttho fit uiautnmce mtkth tthe tdeaultaint aanuute lamountlnjr tto fcvuioftfl tthe commission vwnhlch iuvamitlcalitd itthc oimumtenae lhaw rfound ift iude tto ithtj rfsci tttwt ttlu ipllot lhad ibnen tuilnkaur ibefone lassumlnj ihli dutlet on iluui yt ithomsh tthe condition of tthe punl iliad such in dlaosfcfau meault ibis tato moa mot lanpariont tllhe oommuwltir found tthat tthone vjul tno emlaenoo lo show ithht tthe captain tthe rflwrt imnto tthe w1h0elsman or on of ithe otom ikneu ttlutihe ihud tboon drinking or ithat ibe wa ilncapahlo mf anrjinj on ihls dutlett vmihen ihe came aboard p an a inesuw o1 ttho ilnpult itlw tpilot uumntm wuui summtnded commentlnc on it hi case ttho ault te marie star iitumankii tthat irf u iposalbu for m tman rto ibe dcunk u- ouch ito cause a ibnd jteoldem ithnujh ihi variation tfram monmal u so slbht tthat tthose in this ootapam uould mot tnntltn it t5he sault oiapcir draws a jmrallel ibotwioen itht ipuatu of m shu and tthe driving of a tmotur car ipolntlnx out tthat iboth ttteouln dose ttlmlnjc and jbdfiemenf of dist ance and tthat iboth juw ajxpareirhy amoox the first tthincs ito ibe atleat- ed iby alcohol lw unnflcpn jsct jhwmfmb sawff- gdldan otomt ibecnuaetthoulhnatiw iiatd tthe wotd af tthe oarrt ihe math also tnjjectod it hoe ffratn ibtitnc ikbl a gam an jsa aeaxon iteott a fiam ufi h0i23 nrimeaom oj c miaae hciiuxoi nsjtosttlon fl gods idlsnnpolrit- mont vwtlh haul nfh12 at woj itobnmmi tthat god rf lrt i- wmtlutl illbt nmnw itotmilko haul iklnc nntl ilt waii tto bamudl ithnt ole first rkv ulut aibi iimtrpoae tto tuiltuwr bnul vmlaoaai tfohnvdlntonsldnnrd bunv- udl wntfthy elf illbt tronfldonc nth ulianit iln godh doullncs witli bnul did mot limply nnydhnnkeilhclod lii id n got irvmntiu teuor ttht same thirlfoenjiimcnrthnnuerfwom ttho at- ttltutk tthat ibj rpleasmc ito one tthat iu dbrptenslnc tto god ia igod nramrtliui ithe same ihui mttltude ttnwnrd tthmti imustdhnnne inhnnyway tthatgnd uttltudeltnwavdohnnnlnj imon cnuld ivnmdln ttho same wauld ibe ihy clod chnnitins iln illbt tmlnd iand oharnntnt utbidh hie mnuor fdoeu othe tnmson wthy god irthtmjrod tfvom ithe putipoxe tto mukc haul iklnc tto tthe rpuifpose tto do- ittrrone ihhn watf ibncnuse bnul thud ttucmrd ibaitk rfvom rfdllnwiln ihim iand not inmrfonmed anitfaommandmnnts tiv mil ible lhad thlossnd boul ias llaxu as haul ihnd obeyed isilm hamuol wuua wirolh itv iia re wj eelr ihntl mood loucwdnn tto ibe vunroth wjlth hau bo ihnd inn occasion im ibe vwiroth wjlh flo- ihnunh ible dld itlie ibest it hint tai3 imnn can domlhnn ihe ibt iniujry ihe wont lthewhdle rttujht iln unrtiyor loluik tfi ojm ffito mowc tto tmnot haul iand tptrooldlm gods stotm imeaaiuje tto ihlm and tthls ihe did tan soon nut rpoaalble of oh a qhifl urn hx hurmnil irdhukoh raul hfkll haul unratttod fiamudl vuilth ia icimdi tpnrnae jf mloty tm uh homudl wo mat ihi ithe llnant deadluod iby haulv llnud ipttafottlotuj at ils ilmtmullble tio dead luc tthe imnn utho ibi iln gods oon- llldonoc ifiunthnrmmre itho ibleatinc of ithe shoop mnd ithe hauling of tthe omon llwitrnyed kuulw ifdliuihood ifv tl hlhouo in mo tutte ttrotlnc ho ihlfle our nlnk flfmov fl ail dlum j2 ftt mho orily wnv to mot our ithui ooudtnrd out of tthe hl0ht mf imnn iu ito mum ttlumi toithdiratteofigod op t12 u fi h no 1 ii fit hrhe ihtuutiit tilnnor can idlwnyh itvumi m mootl comitmiotlon of lbl xtll- ot fdncibi iv rtft hnul vwnultl imdkt nti uutt nf itiiroimmit idbiiibodumoe tto iho urn not nf devotion ut iln mot lunnom- imn rfor wilbdls nuruluht ttho ihdfv willl at cod tto doom ate tthe ixsrat iii ration nit itholr uuirt u1lth m iprotonno f mdlbihm w1by suu1 iand tthe ijwqjilp mcidfy hpar- iol itho cattle lis omltlont vu 1 uf tto ujbio m pant mf onrfi iminittiin modlth tto god utlll mot ant ronei idls- lolindlnntie utujht utth god wn 22 r hnmuudl did mot vunniutte tto tidll uul mtbnt iho ithoiuiht of lhb laotlonii ihe rtdld ihlm wtlurt god oaimwilf lhad isnld sau llbttonnd knmudl iriuaayji twmv- mandjs menetitful intlnntinn tbttcause imon lhad uoaimod tthat ihe updke mot ihlc own tmlnd ihut god wlv rskad mcnrilu tto saulk tmlnd tthe uiondonul icraoe iof god howairds ihlm 6v ut tphe iblhle constantly lonfoitoes our duty ttowacd god iand our muut iln dumboylnf god iby ibnlnxjlnj tto tour on- rtmttton fgodlit moodnoss ttovatcd tus itt vuas wthnn fiaul wuas ihumhle rtlhat god exulted hum v tt7 iof ttauke tla flfli ilobnvah lhad unpalntod ihbn tto dbvt itilnne innd iho lhad mojuild mbn iby icmwu diaabttdinnne fiaulu mommlsslun woj tto dostnpy tthe jmdlnkkles ttthe vwow ia dm iof tfche titleult iand cod witu ihowe mo tmonry m rtho iflleuh hi tmust ibe tjurt tto tdnsrbh ttlu doath iof tthe lotto tgail t jml of rih r uh fintu ludl sutojrt auuty jill snulfi sojthurf- imlllth one quehtlpn wlbfitxtfotio tthim idldst tthou mot tdbey ttho uoloe uf tthe dloifd oh oqlaobedlenne iflunuthed jiojhl aul lhad tno mood tanavuer tto aw ilwlw question to ttst wad tthencrforic dodjjed ilt ibut ibis pum statement tf whvci lite lluid cdone ultous tthat ihe lhad mot done mhot tthe llord ttold ihbn tto hc iliad done somethlni sbntlar ibut mot rtho wnry tthin and goti idomantu obodlonoe aul ekectted tto ibe jihle ito lib ihimseh out of ihts drtf inuhy ibiit ihe did mot unohtd tbwfone god igot tthnouch uitth ihbn fiaul juj tfoimed ito minkv 41 utralcht eunfesalon u lluwc ulnned 4 tom fiaul auht tto rtihrou ithe whole ihlane on mhe smtojxle jmd itben k tto dusttfv tthelr acrtlon tv 21 ulbo one tthlng d tpleaaei cod l obedumno u 22 fiaortfloefc and otftwimj 0110 nil irlcbt iln ithetr tiunoek hut tthe iftrnt tthmg god demands erf ufc il that uc hall do at wi aw ttom if we do mot our sanntiioo jmd of- sttrlnx tn an nbomituiuoii t tthe ilond tlw wjtolf wool of sakj h tlrouble u ithat ibt lhad mejecutd ibe w oid of 1 he lord betaiue cd tthat god irejented ihbn tfitam ibeinc iking e1j7 mums 4letmy ttitens oukui vwihat ihe dm- mjcth god word jewu ohrurt ibrrt he ilncsimbte wl ord ituxr v- ennal destiny ttunns auton wbal do ttti htm tano 3 1 as 3l jb ganudais llnapsst qjo praaeashur niuint lhtietatnnttvvworrybg atbout jfilomnt onuv tthey don tthrilr untlsp wjhu smodks tnnd ttuithank tthny ffointt iribou wutttui tanil iironuontrate on tthrilr vdttdl- lly ihmwnrtnnt iproduntlnn job mhnvn rare unore tthnn mm ullnbi lh imd tthrilr jjdb ibi ttoisite tthe mtnmeti tfavo dlullhnu iand ihospltdl avnrseu tnrit amiplurtl wllth ipnudnvod iticn mimlr woitk ibmlt tut itlntllllnc inn lb c lit incline irotluf mnd tdcldinc itrnnst ipnntm ihut itfu uuflt ioj maumtidt jatpnn9dmaty jhiotmto tpnunn ut iftowdnr tavt ttuimod nut iln itht ipluut oadh tmonth mhe mnwdot luxjht yel how iand wdf t jo ttdlnum ll jdhinptrtl ttn ffitiltdm im ddpound tcntttnns uquantlt- ilo mf lllpdld ocrs ittiisti invo tmade rfor domestic luse wilth ttwo anonmouit ttnnkh ihousnut ufitoao ipounbv nf irdld on llinuld ibn luse loonstantky ibjjjrs 1 come tto ithe rniont lin cnrlondn of boo tond 7130 caseu hthey imm ttrik- m i hi to ia ttransfor uddth momoved if imm the icomo innd hllnasd ibi mall illhon tthey nsse vsthmllnd unto tthej llnroakbic monm an lauornne ibmidkor idoo lahnut 7n mall of fljilhi idowm in dayi mom tumol stjonrtt mil tor tthey tave ihvdken tthe iorr me ttdkon tto ian lminoatinn ttdlile mwllinv hjlrtli ygulth in tknen uonse of smill pus on tttunm bflcom tthotn tthey jjnuenny tto 111 mottling ttmtk iand iuuo ipunrtpndtto m wolghing bcdle m mtorane ttorik or ttroy ll rohe me jt ntqp esmre tthey tone unosum tin bo ipound imoulds iknodkiril out iand jiilhrtl luway tfor wj utter npncidlnn uthon tdfu laooiill ia inummmuh tphe i indmlt ithe uuuoiik ibi ihur llibyslcally tbut mitt uunntih ilt mmtllm tftdtitldk ttvmti tnnnr fituikntoon iiaitl my uihouldnr mdho ibut u doriu tmlnd jahriline iutson ifonmoiljy ot odurnr urns xuoilko4l int ttho name ljitb ifor tthooe imontih mnd still tlntl id llo- hcncfltlng cille 03oim of nwllnnhdg hipomiwir wv ithe ighil imdke eicptlonaitv moot wotlkori tllheylw ndqttdlil und unry oasy tto ttrnln leuon tthe tlhlfit worik doendt ibdthor iou mot used do iki iln ttlmo tthey wt land ianyup tthltik of ulhat ith ibtthltdt wuomoti miie doing flmvc esat 1s tsarv twabffltlavy uhncllano op ji urm- an ihntte ortyy llias one ear uor ison utho vwuui unjunod iln ran tacdldenl inns tthe mthor one uthe nnathnr meallsed tthat lias taf ian toar vutodld mutlkr ihnr on mtotf immanlou mnd ate twmtt tto tthe ihospktal tsmd ihnd cone of ihnr tti iceatted con tto tthe iboy cjimadlvnl 0jitiribijttkj inffirra uaouihint uit lunnmim uiltintdtor gmnnd lf tthe icidktud tmutlons lllt- illilf mnd aidhdhllltatlnn jdnilnbttntelnn tmiiitnlh witiiilbitr tsmini iu iu aiiiarson imbiuitnrgounsillloriirf nihetcinnadian tehruuwiy mnd iclhalim m of ttitettrettghaigommlttth on hmil idulhndk rf or ltd mm ntnirt nit till ie jfjitnattten ttnnttilbutlon rif tptfrlhhhimm rtuwrnttl tflhf vwinlk mf tclii ihltin mutlond rrfillof inoonisy mhe toanndlan irontiilhutlim llndlvide tlifflldia tnhiu ipuitmiittt imith llinymont hnpaihottl im icjonadlan mtmdns wtlilith willl ll umirtl tto muiht rftmd cdlothhig tond othnr nriillin tmatmildlft iln clunnllu vdl dlma amd the im 1 1 knt lllhe vouth iuf ghma ibu lkmoatn vvunr lfur mnmtb muwii uf lltt tfnnmafabio jynnmi mm tthe uiulctnctimd uutfttlle tnnnafi untd tun ttllte thome iand imduaiilijl finorrt clhlna vung triltbmn bud rahtrftttlbkng ttltey lluute ilntto tthe mutumal tf igbt taxalnmt jlnnoneoe taxusin uubm tblqy omfl idbtl tin tthe bui tc h w tc m ftttm q youth clam clhmsw awulili mncanuv- lotlun do ia tthouuund umd ime idkstntmsd utair lidbi iium tallsw uoeej tthomwlbuo tflh lift ulltytilndl emnriute iand ttoaming uo ttllurt kibes itll ibe istoanj ibt ibstttlle iand o tttlud ttlm wilu ibe mnatty tto ibuud ta tar cauns ulbon tthe mmdldont vmlbldh hum wmadllvwed wo tnuiilh if olbcor ttiama ll umdod mncb to elmvlioveks als tslbib hale empiaveei by wm jkr ma mm h 13 19m ly tin jul it imlrr imlnithj mrikdl xxmm hm s eaoy mu m mm tar far w iiih mk mul mmr flhantjtse ftf itifiw lor rtllifitilnii jpur- ikkmuk air tfanoe icntwm snt nam mfaae rac- axmay mjxfa ttthr xamp fi ap wd- ll hniwh i i t moar it u itiatai oare a dv tt mil sitrntlm yrg m tm wliwbirl ik 7 swsi s9sstssfsr isbtavb tfssifbsosvstf svnv ssbssajsnasl h9 sssocsk ssa mtu fc ii i f l jj in j fcy mmf tm ivm mm i fa ttmtm aatiiat 40bmsw matiomal skuscnvb sbatvicb