iiiiiiiln aad waft tfceactmucsartuibarauli cd mr lnpotaat past tm immh ckm- a w umital vradnctlok 5 kat tt ims teem m nlcmy rthflrtft ottawa ilbwgvmat host of as win be sending christ mas ptmb to the tads no inw miimi lat oumani ower umouai sha off parcel mail was des patched this year the postmaster gcneral figures lime win be ft great une dates sept is for the far kkd india bunu oykn etc oct 5 tor middle em are le- ken iran syria oct 10 for central mediter ranean forces and oct 25 for the united kingdom nd france dont let the boy and girts be disappointed through late mailing the spotm rate hi 12 cents a pound for the maxi mum weight of 11 is ta proper ly address carefully fat the advice plant hontones cut nnjnr cbop the acton free press tmmsdat septramgr mat it the agricultural drrslon of the dominion bureau of slgtluva ilvj an interesting cosspartsos of the net 1mo 1m1 19q 1m3 v53faulj000 ss32js22j0ou j1154j13j00o s974jomjooo m from ottawa are thai the different allied sjovtrameats will take all the sarplus poultry off the higher grades that canada ran- offer the export price is the retting price- in qanadn at point of shipment oar- rent shipments are going forward in the form off fresh frozen poultry to nde for iin of the surplus to 1 poultry tula is all farmers and specialized poultry g who hope for a continuous canada gazette carries a proclam ation setting monday october 9th 1941 a trianksgtvlng day ai a day of general thanksgiving to al mighty cod for the blegdngs with which the people of our dominion of ca have been favored during this year and we do hereby invite nil our people of canada to observe the said day as a day of general thanksgiving the honey season presents a variety of unexpected problems to canadas rural housewives the consumer branch in ottawa has had enquires for instance do v heed to collect pre coupons at the rate of one for every two pounds when i supply my doctor with honey in lieu of money for his bill does my feed dealer need to surrender coupons when i send him honey instead of money to settle my account t the answer is that coupon must he collected from the doctor to rover the amount of honey he takes and the tame holds true for the feed dealer these may be turned in lo the local ration board at the end of the month however farmers wives dont surrender cou pons for honey consumed in their own homes the chief of the fur grading and inspection service in ottawa reports that fur farming is really a big bus- tnes in canada representing an in vestment of some h0000000 in 1913 the value of canadian raw fur pro duction from fur farms and caught by trappers hit a new record 27- 694000 mink topped the list with nearly 6 million muskrats second with a value of 5 million then sil ver fox with 4vt million and coyote or prairie wolf 43 million tie states that with lifting of restrictions recent ly persian lamb promises to be i leader for womens coats this coming winter pelts coming principally from southwest africa and persia before the war britain marked about css- of the output of canadian silver fox pelts but that market being closed since 1939 the u5a market has been open for about 70000 pelts per year we produced about 385000 silver fox pelts in 1939 but production was down to 140000 last year quality however was definitely hlgtjer despite the drain of young people from the form due to wars exigencies interest in junior farm club work is being maintained- the annaul tint lonal championships events for 1041 will be held at toronto during tlv week beginning november 19 with cantesu or dairy cattle beef cattle swine poultry seed grain and potulo projects fallowed by educational tours ending in ottawa friday november 24th books by the thousand have been packed and shipped by canadian army personnel in toronto for can solan prisoners of war in germany the german government of course stipulates what they can or cannot read jvlany prisoners request hook providing food for thought many are meeting shakespeare and dickens for the first time favorites are the stories of sabatlnl galsworthy buch- ariv dumas prisoners watch eagerly for canadian writers and works the june report of the wartime bureau of technical personnel shows there is a continued shortage of tech nical persons in certain specialized lines this situation has existed for the past three years an example of tha problems facing the bureau was the sudden need for scientists and technical workers to produce a large supply of the wonder drug penicillin before these needs were fully met shell production was unexpectedly stepped up again resulting in a further search for persons with scientific training an important factor affect ing supply of technical persons is the limited extent to which women are qualified la tha required xecfuilcal toowtodga asaona the 330 woman who paduata attest year and become bout marketing of christmas trees wdj be more difficult than ever this year according to a joint statement from departments of labor transport ma ims and the wjtjb cutters dealers shippers and retailers have been given early warning they will he handicapped by shortage of railway equipment scarcity of man power and restrictions in use of trucks the now well known wrens i womens royal canadian naval ser- vie celebrated the organizations second birthday last month their strength has grown to 5000 from the first class of ct they served in thirty different categories of work from hal ifax to victoria from washington to london and newfoundland organ- bed to release men for duty at sea they work in naval offices driving cars and trucks sending signals plot ting convoys checking supplies cook ing meals nursing the wounded and iii and on special research duties in their stride they went through the london blitz and now the bombs gallant canadians all the end of august marked the deadline for release of domestic use of electric refrigerators a limited number were released lost year from stocks built up before manufacture was stopived and since april 1 of 1944 release have been about 100 a month at the present there are only 223 new domestictype left in slock in this country these to be held for hospitals that is the equivalent of one days production in normal times bureau of statistics item for the llrst half of 1944 the index of physical volume of business was 2427 index an advance of 51 x- over the compar able figure for 1943 industrial pro duction volume gained 2s the national income estimated at 414 bil lions an increase of 95 over 1943 period ssfnllj osed to ldd ituj siouj rxitoiiat at aiui- tare says spraying off apples at har- thne to d tha drop off fruit from trees began in 1940l very beginning of the harvest drop he chemicals have p apples from dropping to the gro and becoming bruised so they would hsrve to be marketed as cults or made into cider in a bulletin the department says that napthalenearetlc add e and the ws salt off napthalenenrjettc add are equally ef fective la retarding frost drop- when properly used at the right thne no direct effect off the spray on fruit maturity has been re the new york e station at geneva ny- has with kluing weeds by using the sowtbproduciag substances us suf ficient concentration a spray was used on bindweed the experimenters said that within 31 hours the wa weredull green and lying flat on the ground within ten days the parts above the ground were dead will need horses for europes farms canadian breeding stock may play large part in rebuudtog the live stock herds of europe when tha war bt over particularly in the restora- tij of farm power the hocxo w be required and some idea off the cran ing demand for hones may be avksed from the estimates off the numb of horses in the countries since the war began it is estimated that the numbers off horses la britain holland and belgium have been reduced by half in russia by onethird and that only onethird of the original numbers of been left in poland czechoslovakia jugoslavia and greece germany by plundering the other na is lleved to have as many horses it not more than when the war began how ever say the authorities the task off supplying farm power to help in the restoration of agriculture in the dev astated countries is going to be a tre mendous one and is expected to result in a strong demand for horses for some time to on huc man deweixlfs huge i new westminster cp btne- wrtes the stse off small pssnaa win be available in the fatare as the result of experiments carried oat by b w he dev two btue- fcerrles on one bush this yeareach berry measured one inch b of the secrets of blueberry cultivation is to grow plants from cuttings instead of serdhngs and to prune shortly after the new year mr johnson said fresh vegetables can be sources of vitamin if care is taken to chill them as soon as they come out of the field aucheb hit snag llnbtibbestsraatch syb44ey cp the hunt far nab- ber raised hopes in australia that tna m ar robber sine which groats freely in northern q cnum plotted in some towns it la used for decorative hedging and m other places it has become a pest bec of its rapid growth and extensive root deve the department of organic cnssa- tstry at sydney university investigat ed but found the viae too low a isb- her content to be a practical proposi tion under australian economic eon ditlona of the future manpower rills gency off the pre the depart ment was disappointed because us plant is disease free is avoided by livestock and responds quickly to ratn- canctconlbols revocation of ten more standardiza- atlon and simplification orders affect ing both wood and metal products has been announced by the wptb this makes a total of s3 such orders re voked last week the list includes administrators orders a131 furniture arlxt stand ardization of school furniture a16s manufacture of caskets a20 as am ended asbestos products a3d5 as am ended venetian blinds made of wood a371 wood pencils and penholders a559 office furniture and ac07 as amended incandescent fluorescent and other electrical discharge lamps gob starts farm in tlffi aleutians an aleutian island base ci just leave it to red said ihe mesa officers of a navy unit here as the livestock they had ordered from th slates began to arrive so red erstwhile ohio farmer whom war has changed to a seaman returned to bis element as the first farmer in these northern islands theres a real barn- yakd now with a small ayrshire dairy cow and two dozen chickens already here and a sow with a mixed litter en route red says hes better at hu new job than he i swabbing decks a tablespoon of salt added to every gallon of drinking water for poultry is regarded by some poultrymen as a deterrent to feather picking new zealanders in italy picture shows canvas water tanks used by new zealanders at the divisional water point on the banks of the sanaro river- picture fcaken with new zealand unit on the 8th army front a meal a minute may be new order expert predict new estttronic p to make cooling new york cp tho day may come soon when cooking a roast will be a matter oi seconds instead of hours when potatoes may be popped into the oven and baked instantane ously high speed cooking n warborn el ectronic process known as mesa- therm heating is still in its experi mental stages but proponents of the idea predict it will be the next step in the evolution of the culinary art using hlch frequency energy as lis heating medium electronic cooking penetrates uniformly and klmultune- ously all parts of the food subjected to it rather than cooking through ap plication of heat from the outside the method already is being studied an a means of speeding up ihe cooking of commercially canned fruits and vegetables we may logically expect to intro duce cooking with megatherm heat to the lunch counter the restaurant the hotel and even the home kitchen in the poutwar orn vernon w sher man manager of the industrial elec tronic division of federal telephone and radio corp said will look different i certain amount of reeducation may be needed before megatherm cooking will be generally accepted sherman said because of the altered appearance of foods cooked by that method bread crust and other crisp food surfaces searing and carmollxlng would be a thing of the past but the food would remain nutritious and ac ceptable to the taste greatest immediate value of the new cooking technique will be in the field of shortorder cookery sherman predicts there it can speed up the handling of lunch counter customers as much as 25 per cent because of its ability to heat rapidly cuts of pie dishes of beans soup or similar foods sherman amid the manufacture of small tnegauierm oven units was en tirely feasible the device operates on ordinary lighting current and quires no more skill to operate than a toaster or waffle iron you cant have one without the other you cant share in the victory unless you are ready and willing to take your place with the boys who are earning it the fight is overseas in the face of the enemy and you must be an vcreas soldier to get into it so get that gs badge on your arm right away theres btill time and theres a place for you in the canadian army for all the young men who want to he fighting soldiers and when you come home again youll be one of the boys to lead the victory parade join up note and go gs 4wsimjwm ms- voiunteer today join the canadian army for overseas service 5r i6aimxx mill nsaaaaani wirs