thursday october mil 19m 1i1he acton ihreeipresb tuemlxuvgoowl hello homemaken skip thankft- jdvtng surely not now when it takes on new significance an a symbol at all we are fighting to preserve make it ai festive occasion but celebrate it too as a patriotic rite preserving the ideal of freedom and democracy invite a boy or girl in uniform ao they may carry away cherished mem ories of a happy thanksgiving at your home use uncovered roast pan add no water put butter wrapping paper over the breast of the fowl use a preheated electric oven at 300 deg allow 30 minutes per pound for 8 to 10 pound turkey allow so minutes per pound for a 10to 16 pound one 18 minutes per pound ior a is to 18 pound one arocxai vowl stwwno 4 cups diced celery 3 cups of water 4 cup diced onion tt cup butter u cap baking fat qts soft bread crumbs 6 lap sage leaves 1 than salt 1 up pep- per eup chopped peanuts simmer celery in water until tend er cook onion in fat mix ingred ient together along with celery uauld oouketf vtmraorf mb 1 9 unbaked pie shell ltt cups cooked pumpkin cup of granulated sugar 2 than flour ltap cinnamon u tap nutmeg a tap ginger m tap salt 14 cup corn syrup lly cupa milk 2 egg beaten hcai atralned pumpkin in a sauce pan over medium fire for 10 minutes stirring frequently meanwhile com bine sugar flour apices and salt stir in heated pumpkin and remain ing ingredient then beat with egg ibeater until smooth pour into pie shell and bake in electric oven oi 425 deg for 40 minute or until a knife inserted cornea out clean note 1 three pound raw pumpkin yield about three cups cooked mash ed pumpkin note 2 you may substitute 1 tap mixed cake spice for cinnamon nutmeg and ginger in this recipe or 1u tap- allspice may be substituted for clnnlmon and nutmeg variations oamnge sumpldtt we substitute vj cup orange juice for cup of the milk in the golden pumpkin pie add 1 tbsp- grated orange rind appl uoe pumpkin pie moke golden pumpkin pie just bo- fore serving spread with cup warm applesauce uquasfa pie mare golden pumpkin pie substi tuting cooked squash for pumpkin potato rurr 3 cup mashed potatoes 2 tbsp butter 4 tsp salt few grains of ommurles ol dinger farm written upaelaur ifas- the aeftoa itkm ipaeas by iwendqune lp mhnir cayenne 1 tup parsley4jl tup of onion chopiwd 3 eggs mix jwtatoes with butter parsley salt cayenne uttd onion add beaten egg olk fold in mlf fly beaten egg whites pour into g reused bilking dish and bent in electric oven at 350 deg- for jo minutes laaa pant pari egg pluht cut tn thin uhrx sprinkle with milt and let stand umfor u weight for 1 hours to cxtruct juice drain off liquid und let- sprin kle with flour dip in iteaten em dll uted with 1 tbsiis water nndd senm with y tsp milt nnd i tsp jupper cover with fine bread crumbs and fry in baking fat browning on both side tip top koxgkb cake i cup butter or shortening v cup molasses vtsp salt m cup white sugar 2 eggs ivj cups of pastr flour 1 tsp ginger mt cup coldwater 1 tap soda 1 tsp of cinnamon cream butter or shortening and sugar add beaten egg combine soda and molasses and add to egg mix ture sift flour with ginger cinna mon and salt and add alternately with water to egg mixture place a layer of peaches in s greased baking dish and sprinkle 2 tbsp brown sugar over them- pour batter ontop bait in electric oventt 350deg for 35 min utes serve upside down with cream the question box mrs j n c asks why does some kinds of pumpkin filling took very pale and others rich brown answer pie pumpkins and spices make the golden brown color field pumpkin and eggs make the light yellow colored tilings mrs d t asks recipe for pickled red cabbage answer 1 firm red cabbage salt 4 cups vinegar 1 tap whole black pepper h tbsp allspice wash cabbage remove outer leaves cut into quartan and remove heart than ahred finely place in dish sprinkle wuj salt and tot stand mr- night than drain through dishes are done ifloors swept bed made so 1 thought i might get a little time in at this column before thinking about our next meal but now il see ithe mailman at ithe igate and you know ithere is something about ithe mall something that make you feel you dust lhave tto got it when you know its there there may be only a paper and after alt that mean a lot these days on ithe other hand there may ibe letters and what letter mean ito a mother you dont ineed me ito itell you some families wait until ithe men come iln from the field before getting the mall that la something 1 canlt do of course jt must admit ilt does irather interrupt onea morning wars hf there are letters then you dust lhave to read them dont you ibut if there- are none then you work that much harder ito forget your disappointment thla morning x wonlt lhave ito walk to the road i see partner walking up the lane wlth mall tucked under his arm excuse jne one moment do you mind well x may a well get on with my work theres 4t flatter itoday maybe tomorrow yes that l what we always tall ourselves isnt it maybe tomorrow but ttomorrow la twentyfour hours away last week was quite a week tues day morning i got up wondering which of the many jobs on my wait ing list 2 should tackle iflratso much depended on the weather flbut soon after breakfast there came a knock at the door it was the paporhangor would it be convenient to have the celling dono today he ihad paint ing to do across the road but tit look ed so much like rain he was afraid to start come right on in was my answer j am not ready for you but x very soon can ibe and that my friends was no idle boast- the livingroom furniture found itself in the hall and bedroom in almost less time than it takes io tell lite next day the weather was still threatening so we got the hall danoupstatrs and downstairs sldewalls and jcelllng too thats what comes of having paper in the house ahead of time tie pre pared ik u real good motto donh you think imagine belw no lucky at to get a paporhangor these days friday and saturday our local fair was the big excitement x was to help place the exhibit of ten articles for our womens institute we were a committee of three for the job one member already had work to do at the fair and then the other one took to her hod i sent out mi sos ior help and a friend responded we collected the exhibits and did our ivest the entry was n on competitive so we didnt want to let the institute down but you know how it tn one never feels sutlklled with u rush job suturdny wan the big day tine and wurm and u splendid attend ance hoitu nnd livestock entries were mood- fancy work almost con spicuous by its absence hut baking entries chawed that the canadian housewives have not lost the art of baking- shortage of sugar notwith standing- v daughter and a friend came from toronto to attend the big fair hut we didnt see them nt all until after we got home meet your friends at the fair sure that a line idei if you can tlnd them sometimes i think one sees more by staying put than by walking around there was one time during the afternoon when partner and x were resting our weary feet ww were fairly close to the entrance und we saw two men and a woman making their wuy towards the track they were hillbillies un less i am very much mistaken at first we thought they belonged to some of the sideshow but soon we noticed they were somewhat nervous of the traffic und a little doubtful as to where they wonted to go one of the men was dirty and had about two weeks urowth of beard the othecr was younger and slightly cleaner and the woman shuffled after the men clutching a shabby purse tightly to her jierson apparently they were quite sober and harmless but as i watched them i couldnt help wond ering what prompted them to come to the fair but they went their way and we went our so i guess ill never know iliewccfc t ottawa otieawa top llabor minister mitchell i has announced ithat aocxod0 canadian ifarm workers vwlll ibe asked j to accept jobs iln essential industries as soon as the fall tfarm work lb completed dr mitchell said that some of ithe workers were ireuulred for plants ibut the llargest group 6q000 tm were meeded in ithe wood on cutting sawlqgs and puhwood and rather for est operations care would ibe taken mat tto encour age tmen ito ileave dairy or luveatock forms where ithey are tneeded during the winter qthcr workers will ibei lurgod tto fill vacancies iln other itypea of employment a soon as fall farm work ils completed moetlngs of national selective aer- vlce officers and provincial atfialals arc ibelng iheld across canada to com- plate arrangements for ilocatinfi he workers and itranafexruig them ito the jobs the jqomlnlonipravilnciai farm farm ilabor agreements under vwhtch several thousands of imen were ob- italned for the farm industry for seed ing and iharvestlng also provide for ithe itranafer of tmen from the farms to other essential employment during the alack imonth luecrultlng of ithe imen for woods operations wul ibegln in early october in quebec and ontario while iln the western provinces the campaign wilt not ibe pushed until threshing ila moor ing completion in the maritime pro vinces as soon a the potato and apple crepa lhave ibeeo jaarveatedt efforts will ibe made to obtain the imen from the bleed men kfoam tsw aacnm meat packing plants ibase imetal mines foundries coal mine heavy ammunition and ahellillling irallwnyj track imalntenance work construction and feed and flour milling are all included in the industries ireuulrlng men from the farms during the win ter time in addition of course ito ithe i woods work in ontario the recruiting of form workers for the moot packing plants is already under way young farmers on postponement from military training because of oc cupation will have their postpone ments continued while thjy are an as- sentlal jobs during tlieslack season mr mltchall irecauftd ithat llaat yeax ithe ilabor situation was eased consid erably iby 100000 ifarmera taking other jobs temporarily ttlhla year ithe tneetl was even igreater men will of course ibe ifree ito ire- iturn ito tthe hand whenever tthelr ser vices are iagaln ineeeded ithere ithe minister said actually ithe vwork which awalts ithe formers iln other in dustries durlnc ithe offseason ibi of vital i importance tto the farmers them selves tin ipart ilt involves ithe processing uf ithelr own products iaa 1m imeat- i packing nnd ifoed and iflaur imllllng iln part ilt also ensures supplies ithat ithe farmers imust lhave generally the work for which the ifarmers are mow nooded lis wltal to canadas wemore and our war effort at this time the meed of workers iln other indus tries will i continue to ibe mrgent tre- gardleas of the course of the war iln igurqpe there waa mo indication of vmhen workers wlll lhave complated ihnrveat- ilng iln tthe ipralrles iraln lhas de- ilayed ithe work onsularably meantime ithe eomlnion7siureau of statistics imade the tfbat official es timate of ithe ttddd wtheat crops plao- inje ilt lot dc7jtdo000 ihuahels tcompated with jfflatoo000 ihuahels iln mw3 this mew crop when combined wlth an estimated carryover t duly 84 q bsjtootooo ihuahels of raid wheat iglos a total avallahlllty supply nf mqktoo 000 ihuahels while this ils tlesa than the total available supply iln either 10d2d3 or u0d34d lit lis auf flclent rto imeet domestic ireqillrements provide for nil iproapeotlve export hsemand and still heave m substantial carry over the wlieat icrpp wo ihanueated des pite the shortage of farm ilmplements and ikrcpalr parts the ornloes iboard said that a study of farm implements iteuulrements mill ibe anode hater this year ihut ino arrangements lhave ibeen imade for abandonment of production controls unade inooesaary iby traeaf shortage carroll why should n horse ibe watered first and fed atterwardst the lanawer ila also of the ihorsoti atomach hf jgraln ibecause of tho comparatively small is given ibefore the horse ils watered the ilnrusli of water when ithe horse drinks washes tthe jgraln out of tthe stomach this causes colic and im paction in the digestive tract veter inarians paint out that the horse has such a small stomach compared with tho also of its ibody that proper feed ing is one of the most important fac tors to ibeor iln imlnd iln the core of work anlmals ibtty ibs tube daac aylmer zdbbyl or ibrlght tomato juic ause cfieeia celebv heabis jvicvvjujencu muncf8 le2his2cdot filar keet rwtatoes 2ttmar pepper and allspice tied in cloth bak tor 5 mlnutea pour owtr cabbage sealln starulxed jar mre c d aska la it necaasary to pael peara and crabapplaa bataa imaklnc pickled fruit t i anawer no atema may eras be lien on careful praponlloa ol ithorouch waablns la