ibussdat ocronrai iae ism the acton free press paob skvsm if robodjr naual aad aabady am nntiwty adaed abaan it oca every baksfteai booked alter i jbmmi ikeae all weat la the 11 n aa rare jast a miw lor jow p aoboay thoaeat aboa am aal we an stood aiai la ta tattle of ate ulaanirouuiutau be- us is mo just bnw of the frtoaaa we have mawa aa the tmagr ud aa conn we w to t aot becaaae of bat nih of tbe people wao rare fta aaaar aad ajuiaa aw mmmr on that au hlwa iiiliaftca cfceeaak aad the jay of that wort aha vcafva aaejaed ft aft ap vktou h sl cfl rttaara aav aaa thfat laiaiaai la hi a areeer- aaa rraif lm aa the water wvel fab a the hot weather fa aeartoy atara- oetnlde tnllnl far the font tbae a aoaeara were aaahh to eet w jl the sunday school lesson nvraakftt ocmmmm tat tm jksvst undebstand1ng of man gotten test lie needed not that evahiatlobi off man la fiven alter connct with the ml to- the syna gogue- it was his custom to freyeent 4 1s hat sanlwr canjfe awaited n it wan introduced by the qnv a la it nvtial to mai on tan taahalh day- 1mb enj was informauon but to it natelal i an arrasstlim but tan jynamia it la tearful to on soon on la an day marty and lave or than ctrimonha aejs though tareaanwlss an of hn nanotnl- god will nave mercy and no sacrifice ljnve ta the divines thine in the universe 1 jno 4 8 ihtte- fore the demands of divinely appoint ed ceremonies muat live way before the activities and esjhjencies of tare which is itself divine lower law must yield to higher law the pharisees themselves tctcd up on this principle when it sheen hot not when it men they had not w that n man is of much mote value than a sheep a good many have not yet learned it the pharisees had- no pity for the poor fellow with the withered hand all they saw in his misery was a chance to entrap christ they were very religious crest atica lers- for the letter but withered in heart there are many such today jesus was angered at them and at lev ed at the haftenmg of their hearts ms 3 5 it la just the same to day the pharisees attended to the minute and neglected the mammoth matt 33 33 for the pharisees of all nee i cor 13 la especially they could not was any se it the word of prayer so were completely me htn of work day for if there done god must have and that was not contrary even to the pharisaic- interpretation of the sab- hath law even though the pharisees wer silenced they were not satisfied they went out and took counsel how they might destroy ilim the method of the cure was deeply significant he commanded the man to do what quite likely it was naturally impossible for him to do hut wltb the will to obey came the power to act jesus christ often commands the impossible but if we will just believe ilim he will give the power to do the impossible talk 9 23 the command was simply a test of faith the man acted his failh and the deed was done the hand was restored whole it is a beautiful illustration of what faith is simply stepping on christs word ii the son of man suffering for men lai although jesus had healed the man with the withered hand the pnart- a gave no sign of rejoicing beaten by his superior power they resorted to mane and plotted his death they placed the technical observance of the sabbath above the dire need of a sufferer and beca jesus made the man whole they were fovea wrong their pride and popularity were hurt- la revenge they appeared to be dis pleased with jesus disregard of their idea of keeping the sabbath ami charged him with breaking the sabbath which was by law a capital crime ex 35 2 ills hour being uot yet come jno 7 6 jesus retired from their presence followed by a great crowd among whom were many with diseases who he healed ills charging them not to make ilim known v i6 was for the purpose of preserving himself from popular ity on the basis of miracles rather than of faith jno 12 37 the activities of jesus cause the recorder to see in them the fulfill ment of prophecy reference is made to the prophetic statement of isa 42 14 in vs 1ft- 21 the saviour is referred to as the lords servant in the mighty undertaking of redeem ing n lost world jno 3 though he were n son yet learned he obed ience by the things that be suffered uleo s 8 the son humbled him self to become n servant phil 3 681 but lie was the choaen of god tpa 89 19 matt it 3 heo 5 st christ was chosen to be the head of an elect people 1 pet 3 9 10 in this he is the one la whom the father is well pleased jesus is the only man that ever lived of whom god could say that as the revealer of grace and truth jno 1 14 jesus was the incarnation of lle shall not strive nor cry he- was mild and quiet but successful when sinners came to him he dtd not cast them out jno- 6 38 they were not repelled by any show off austere power the blind toan by the roadside felt he could call out to htm and be heard mk 10 48 ost racised lepers knew he could lean them and so they cried out abov the noise- of the multitude and tnatlmt ills sensitive ears 4luke 17 1314 a foreign woman of a desplred raoe felt there was no barrier to her ap proach to ilim and so she came ask ing for the healing of her daughter mk 7 2430 the approachableness of jesus la one of the most amazing revemtlona of his earthly ministry all mm come to him testified his enemies jno 11 47 48 12 19 no matter who they were or what their state jesus received them indeed it veaa aa true today as then whosoever will may come no one underataavm our needs better than jesus there la no state of sin he u not able to redeem ileb 7 25 john said that every time hv kissed me it made him a better man perhaps so but there was no need for him to try to get to heaved all in one evening canadas veterans hi aoatmef aetata of ajiiiatiin mi a br a m j avawasawmw so buxoms w tmu t rj r hum aanaal waraarfaotcai ta get the tall avtaab m w complete infcrntion write fcck to civil life- jsi ii j rh come home wtn aey lv t krv vict up thr li w t lsf ww b tlzls to help hem into the world s nmi p taoo or loog yer gp jtj a continue cjvik where they urf jjjjils wim they have c- y fc the thmp they wafted to do hecore tr m home owmng or to i- sllnr they tw re question which concern jjgd u answer rfl which tms of adverttsetnenra is vfldia awsniirn is he ttjecinc ma ercvioe they wji ben- 1 aciotldjl alter aug a tneir py to ate of yiachaar- enlistment a fvnrnjenu iu leceivei uepejcni j maaaroe to ute 1 their nonnj dependento iuowanoc of dischiny 1mignrf p continuous service ttfzc njed tratment tor a yfcu after j continuingtrotanduhetokl lhbekrl or with tervce in the aleuumi for m additional sever day pay u gratuity wll pven m a lestullumeit ctetlt diuon to d war eteach thirty day rvice overau t he buying of s jgz which lift insurance and for certain otner wiu sst your boy or your v ss ctahlished thucredt wk underae enlisting and was efxxisu qready in the forces and if the p it it the and your boy or girl f rf g employer- duty under h otdtcharge from the forces or from hospital yimiim mm enchioi issw to permanent uf neetl avu either at r vhile trainings continung educate vww hiina of es autiooad jt hay it b hhhaiaw ajtabaj ahw udtvooox h ahilimfao ante iwiim am fmmmm tjtu patto ais city and while commercial ushermer may aii lm elisible for free treatment hapul tand aluwances for any condoon even rf no rlt of service pensioner are enutled to d srutfcr their pensioned insahlry sllvtann act is adminured bv rps must be a result of nce vwirf walfan pensions ani national health lyeatssbmekt to som maw ok woman ov i a ssffwts-