Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 1, 1945, p. 1

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jnj i v- jws ti avetttlth year no-3i- acton ontario thursday february 1st ims four homeprint pages pia casta dr f g hutes president ol acton fair tor two years luptrtm af all ikbavtamrtli show good vw and fair hurpju thar was a good crowd on hand wit ratdtdly affertioon at th an- auj uf of a ion fair ana r- petit ladseata th pair mad progress ha apll ol th handicap under which it was sfwraod th loaa of the trtm for hall aihlhlt and a tint bight parfamanc hav had an affact alt baton th ahow af ims relit mum th board ar hopeful thaf thai will b overcome total raralnu lait year amounted to m tha concert and danca hack home again corp gao bayuss atar dfnc brought la s4s0 pits mony paid tnn of tha 1us30 acton champion gorntactjsjia speaker i and other reuturea i jsthr at the ymca party artoa i j 1 despite evere wealbfv coortltlitns attending various meetings and friday evening last a large number conversing wkt many uldlvlduau and of persons were present at the ym anally sitting in the- other day with ca party a committee of one of actona indus- 1 ona of the main attraction for tht local paper tm fsrj pass ran b of j tranfumlon with motion picture reryle in another wax with moat j mr karl maynard of toronto tech- of those from acton overseas recelv- 1 nlcal expert for ingram and bell the j inn coplei of the home paper regu- distributors of baiter leboratorlm larry through th courtaay of aoroa product wa in charge of tha film lot our industrial plant and through tre picture howed the various stage i individual auhsrrtptlona th homeof blood transfusions from th time paper will conduct a contact column the blood was taken from the donor i each week to tell th service men a until ii was admlnlatered to tly pat- little of something of particular in- j lent the second dim showed tha tvreat to them from th horn town t various products made and marketed to make this column the aucoss by ingram and bell whorsale dls- it should be and the servta it can trlbutors of medical supplies across render we suggest that in earn in- canada ii showed making msdidne duttrlal plant a small committee be tooth paste and surgical instruments paid sui remk sacrifice lcpl ierrymaii now reported killed in action wounded in july ami back la ik uiwa- again later- waa rfbortcd mlaaiac finhcecorp aitan karl perryman ieply regret to inform you that b133kk iancecorp allan earl ferryman previously reported mtas- ing is now officially reported killed in action fifth august 1044 that was the tragic measag re ceived january 27th by ur and mrs e perryman sixth line just north of acton another bright young man of thli dltrlct has given hi all in tre tight for freedom- in their hour cf trial mr and mrs perryman the brother pte elwood in italy and th slaters mrs campbell cuelph and jiifs t f rnlsr w -rlrm- pptrtnud the uu film shown wa one taken hoa pnt mr and perry- j fmmt vlaofk3 which wu allgthtly b intvrmtmlate u llorky twun whoiir u win b to tend in on by ut mbj rii ihi h- e who mrtiv4 ho on uobdjv jor bttor satuhtay noon uv hem- of ilmino hortw m ovrii for hn nd particular interwi from that punt inhibition blona with part of lawvr than yr o domd th y4ir wtth a bank balance f 167711 tha auditor report wai y by uaaara a t drown m r u wrltht who compltfrmntcml mcrhrytrmrr c b bwsrk- hamar en tha atrallent condition of till raraf kaw direct on ctcd war uaaar oordon lnh wallace swackhamer and a rablrbon ur d licdouffal w4a mad an owaatrmry director and uaaarm s woadhau and r w lowrl were aaa4w ufa member report war received from th various department and the dlaap- polntlng feature of the year was tha asjowt of horaea in sorthon cattle poultry and sheep the entry waa rrater aaaorlate direct on addd were afeaars oo wallace pred wni clarence coles fred kentner h ii elliott and b d ilachltn delegmte to the falrv convention ar dr and mrs t g oakes mrs ceo somervtlle and secretary c b swackhamer maynard himself showlnjt years and belnc twice wounded man havr rivtml word that h was now hated a klllrd in action on aug ut 5th 1044 corp g baylisb arrives home from overseas have the aympathy of all leancecorp allan perryman enlist ed in november hm2 and went over tuas the following- june he waa wtta the invasion forces on d day on july 25th he wai woundd in action but returned to his unit three days were fragments in the throat and cheat in th army four and a half years he hai hrn overseat for three and a half years before mllttlng he wa employed with beardmore m co not only his parent mr and mrs ben bayllss and hli slit en here patricia and dorothy but a host of friends here are delighted to see him at jh board of direct on meeting return he was a star defence man which followed the following officers on the 103h39 acton championship wlll pjmheocattldv attton jiinior war elctd intermediate b hockey team and of tht plr padupir hoi ii president dr f g oakes palar young man here incident- n wl rakmuw ihiu1 1st vice president arthur suarkafly when we met him on the street u f j 11 rbgiiiar meetinc harner csterday he assured us he was glad 2nd vice president howard to be home too 8wltwr shown in report i for instance we and that on of north york hunt club meeting mr the chief difficulties facing walcom- j maynard gave brief running com- i jn c la to cm out when mentary on each or these films sj5 09 raistcl v the boys are coming home reuhwa j mr wm benson infmdiuvsd ur du ru u- ma unu and mends or returning men can maynard and mr w j beatty riwor bervlce latw 1trrmlttw a letter help in thli connection tended a vote of thanks to him at f him dated august 3rd in ww we understand the womens in- the conclusion of the films stltut has a welcoming committee fit officer joe cbnnell pai i for overseas brides the name of i president of the international ys m the head or that committee might j mens club spoke briefly ills ulk j total c p i1s4w0o another one of actons soldier aons be given in this column and tn wm very timely ii spreasd his i w ihow n the halance sheet of has returned after three and a half telephone number hope that a teen age clau of tolhl aron and vicinity war servle j ears overseas corp geo bayllaa we learn that in some of our local boy and girls would be formed at the f nrewnted at the mei ng in came horn on monday industries committee have been sett acton y fit officer connelratalk v r j wounded on june 2h with shran- u to mem returned man and had to do with improving the juvenile brou ln j ervtrnd ohflm inf w juj their plan pnmmn o how to greet veter- 1 mounded a atcond time in october h arr wa invlt all ans just back from the war other vourves w490 50 trmyuriestlm were uch group to use thl columii to tell mr we wolfe introduced flt rlng the period the league h the injuries this time were b bou h- pu y otd vtml ha been spent in clg- then of course there is the welcom- tendered a vote of thanks arette and comforts nto the sol ing committee in connection with danrlng was the concluding altrsc- the war servlre league and legion hon on the program and of course a rioui war charl ilen overmeav yarn jt575fk enter alnment jh97 expenses 34048 the column might help contact the very dainty buffet lunrh was served ji lo men overseas and tell them about this in the game room by the committee work prior to their coming home in charge of arrangements there in brief this u the idea men and was also card in the card room for women in the armed forces have hern those desirous of plalng told about the general plans for their hahltlltatlon we hope this column from him dated august 3rd ln which he hated he wa wall and glad to be back with hi platoon again he was a couple of days later re ported missing and no further word was received until the measag given above cme last week tire and wheels stripped from cars parked at norval secret arytreasurer c b swack hamer ln retiring from the chair avotc of thanks was accorded r 1- david son for the splendid way he had con ducted the work of the past year dr f oak presidency said to maintain the splendid record of the past president and in his term of itica he askdfor continued co operation as in the past in the ilrst few weeks there will likely he a trent deal of information to impart nut we think as a rule a column of spare will prove suffl- jrlent to make it i torcess wtirra- itlulre a good deal of cooperation j we invite industrial committers to ibeihimr coeditors and make this their i the wms of st davids church column we are convinced it can fill it eld their january meeting at the definite place we will he glad if tires and wheels were stripped on saturday night from two cars whlrh had been if ft by skiers on a snow- blorktrd roadway half a mile from th y m c a ski camp nar nerval poll- reported police believe a bur- iflar alarm attachment on one of th ran frlghtrned the trheves and the tires on a third cur were untouched the aulos which were stripped of tires are owned hy donald e davis oakwood ave toronto and sidney ruell westminster ave toronto nn i provincial constable ray mason the acton junior farmer held miscellaneous tlillrrceulat montliu merlin m tie uim a rni x o1 j- campbellville un monday with n gond iorne sclv nltendnace after a halfhour of euchre miw kdna altken-uavea- refmtel wn4th weks short course in cooperation nd community iturnl leadership ilea j2797h salvage epen jwth dl mimllaneous extienses 7i 7 it will he interesting to learn altu that during the past year a total of jktoi was raised with 1 115 ofl from salvar donntion of t2fi24 67 entertainments 1152 1h the report for the year showed entertainment fxpcnwi of 9979 cigarette and i parcel jtoffih contributions to arlon nvetlgattid the theft th war charities 1417 45 salvage pcns- thc w at t limn mltcelinout wj ramp and were forced to leave their cars some dlitnc awav since iil v home of mrs s cairn wh th these group will luest a aultame t 77k e tn anumtnr the l w i in i j k at he had attended at the rtwouia h rmeuit ii in ch a cz t to the ut 6th ot jnur tmnk bnlnnrp of s22 93 i shown inatlin reoli nt nov 9 meet- n inrluriwi tv ti trum the duke or ivvnnlmr- ttisiiler i d t it ju4 x from henrrtmore foreman amocia- lllon 175 00 from arlon womens injrnnw walkl lilli the canip le oal mb k ruau ownrnt slltute and s2g13 mm k minds weather wa mtremelr cold fwenty it wth anpear each week 7 v hleo trp 12200 from ijkeln live ladle were present the scrip- all or us sincerely hope many of l chapter ione 76m from duke of iture lesson was read hy mrs cha those overseas will he reluming to 1 j jlj hm ih pvonsllre iodk i000 rbim ion iture lesson was read hy mrs clmsthose overseas will be reluming to i v wevonanire -iuua- iiimsi ijuoi hoben and prayer wa offered by canada this year some of them to co tlnt -r- xk w tllue s00 mr pet mrs cllmour hack to civilian life if not too early rom j to 4 this wa the wlll acton contlnuatk i v i i i i conference of l hi kind mrc tenon cndin wool sj4gks salvage it was decided to hold the 1943 i ii nrst conference or im kind vrr- ljtnn rnsrfisn wool a heltn wd h 1 jzzz h boy 1 s ut its hou tpeld compelre mo encouraging showing zzsfts i 5 jiivshjrs j inivlr- a h next melng lw wr b cohcs alhert muk enllsl link khemerou amusing games and cop- allrn w wm and r nrlda wrrr enjoyed after which j tte demonstration of the nell tele- keeping with iv e artove outline keep club will give a more detailed account j n nmmr lnr ovfiwu another change wa made and hy lllr oversuhsctlhed motion the term of tre president i menrles gave a report of the annual was estended from one to two years presbyterlal meeting held in st an- in office burns supper held in knox church on friday drews cr uh cuelph h ductlon tn the stitdy hook for this year- th prayer from th filad tidings was reed hy mrs george inglls the roll call wa answered hy pament of members fees the the ladles aid of knox church meeting clol by the national an- held their annual burns supper last i them and the lords prayer friday evening owing to condition i refreshments were served by mrs of roads and weather the crowd wa mcphedran mrs king and mrs no as large a uusl piper joe find- calms and all enjoyed a pleasant lay of toronto piped in the haggis half hour lrd mrdougall carried in the llag- 11 murray mahon forestry corps la and hev f fof n t f huntvllle and m vlsl onto gave the hums blessing a horieiotrnera ptrrils mr and vi supper wasserved hy tie ijsdles aid james mahon on sunday a mualcal program followed in the m eleanor mclren ilamlllon auditorium of- the church wllh mr i i i he weekend wllh her arents wm burton a chairman itev fdgarmr and mrs vm mrlrcn rorsanan showed plrturcs of tha lite the young people of the village d home of bobby burn piper re xnjo ing trie ikstlng on craw t flndley playcsl couple of select- loid ond ions on ihe bagpipe solo were miss verio vansikle pent ihc sung hy limn wm burton oeorge weekend with her parants mr and musarllr alex mann and eldon ukm- mr wm vanrlckle bert mrs itotiertsbn and mrs will- j miss florence mcintosh las taken lams mr mrcron flayed piano up her new duties n toronto as a solo and mrs hall contributed a lenographcj- for mr william van- i guitar solo misses jean nd mag- sickle who is preldfnt of the feeli arcultohrrtson sang a duet oeorge dealer association illlotl and jlmmie splelmgel played mlx cairn ttas llie a comet duel mrs robertson ijave i on monday of her grand- scotch reading kno choir quar- mother mrs samuel calrna l tel sang the losing of the national i jame bradley ucaf pent the anthem closed the program wetkend with his wife mrs teresa wheellhan is hollday- tng at the home of mrs philip mats ger waterdown t ik mrs ormand morie has been visit ing at jhe home of her daughter mrs frank elus ol woodatoclr since christmas mr and mrs arthur markl lome jack harris roy chlahohn sam mlllgroyt and mr and mrjrobt mlss e j mrphsll gave an lntroj items hrler pack in and items yno want those overseas to know each week weil gladly welcome suggestions in w lunch was served and the remainder cl wm lrnin for april 4 the facts lh fv waspenl in dancing derate enjoyed at meetinc tuesday of knox y p-s- thls also completed the third series i cnl rn ttlnsxtxrrtn of three farm forum broadcast l listened to by the junior farmers and wedding at despite the weather they were all richmond hhj well attended very enjoyable even- t tngs were pent at the home of mr i s m anglican church rlfh- and mrs geo mcphall mr and mrs i mon lin ov wln whlu chry a altken and mr and mrs ii swlti- i adthemums was the scene of a pretty tt wedding on saturday january 27th the meetings for the series prev- wh khnr mary joan thomp- knox yps held ihelj- regular meet ing on tuesday m inei mcllan oenof1 ihe meeting 1o thlone were held atthe i on daughter of mr and mrs g l with the call to worship tre scrip- i nom of mr mr lambert mr i tu hecom th lure was read by joyce dessereault anj mri r t davldun arid mr and brrt william melfort col- mjt1sonconducjrdus wb m c time wa had by all am were made for th visit of the executive of the cuelph pres bytery y ps and the installation of officer lor sunday evening i arts and crafts an impromptu debate entitled the itij l f- thf present forms of recreation are ade- striritr iuitr for tlte need ofthc commun- ainmal nifctiint lt wa enjocl with the affirmative side minnink the road into the samp was blockasj by drift resting on their chassis hs ihe deep snow the cars were notlrjea hy bruce robinson r r malton mllklrurk driver at 9 am sunday w f wrlxon officiated mis lucy j terex prelded at the organ j the bride given in marriage hy her i father looked charming in a flnor- j length gown of white satin with lac j 1701 for an amount of su030mn insert fingertip veil with coronet i head dress tipped with pearls sho iibko tilsot bosvso 1 carried red roses her brtdesmald ii alton insurance company has successful year mr f f ford hornby was rlsrtast presldceit at th annual meeting tm mondayin acton of th llaltbn union farmer mutual fir ltuuranc co mr leslie kerns ol freeman waa elected vicepresident on tha- board ol directors mr arnbld mar shall of moffat la a new member an ceedlng mr geo finney who haa re moved from the district the financial statement and aum- lors report presented at th mtlng showed the company in its fiftyfifth year to have had succeas and kpaasv lon losses paid during th yaar amounted to s33h4ll4fl th total aaasl of the company ar given aa s10447454 with a sur plus of aaaests over mablutlaa of s74ko07o which is an inrmn of s7o04 49 during the ye t book value of bond and debentures held b the companyla sm00 at ihe end of th year th onmp- any bad direct policies in fore o proticonser nominee acton rutrtments tm wt brunell and gora turkoaa hav nllated in th canadian army and ar sutlonsd atbondon i- jutolhat group of attha young itjua hav jolnl thwr c n s svsviiaiwartfoftimlaind knrtlyvnsay- ajmlts riorahc salt daughter of mr and mrs fred salt miss mar- grtsomrvlll daughtar at mr and lira gao somarvul and miss psc tticja saytls daughtar of me and mn 8 bayllai inglla and audrey donaven or ham ilton wan gusst of mr and mrs 6org inglla sunday on the vnt otlolsthlrd birthday i mrs a mcphedran has not bwn ar glad to hear sh is improving mn mary moor is visiting- felanda at toronto and balcvlll miss catharina mcphdranrn u nursing mr thomas meetvan at mil- tin prlyat hoapltal the business meeting of th aru nils lily swanworr a floorlength montreal cp an investigation and crafts for the year 1044 was held f ul blue lieer wllh should- conduuted jointly by the royal ca- at the home of mr cyril bradford rr veil and her flowers were yellow i dlan police montreal and provlnc- ieorgelown thursday january 4klh ro tte eronm wearing the kilt il police helped uncover part of a mnny of themembers from ceorge f h 4s highlander as attended loot of s73000 in drugs report town and acton were in attenilance b ordinary seaman oeo ben stolen here at ottawa and in nw the president mrs mover opened thompson brother of the bride the brunsvslck men allempte1 to sail the meeting with a review of the uhers were cpl frank elliott and ihe drugs her st s0 an ounce year work which proved to have jac basil fox both of the rcaf i been year of conilderahle progress dunne the signing of the reglur i i throughout the organliatlon miss n flher sang because i mrs moyer thanked the commhtrc th hrldalparty left the church to j and all who assisted for their excel- ire strain from the pipes of sergt lent handling of the november ex- j major hamilton mccaxroll playing hlblt held in georgetown she iten he march of the isles spoke of ihe growtmj interest shown j the reception was held a balna- in handicraft especially in the public gnwan farmmaple the home of schools of the fall fair convention i mr- and mrs s fltcht tha brides to be held later in toronto th mother received th guests wearing georgetown group of hanrtlrrmfters gown or duskyroae with gold sequ-f- in trim with corsage of amarlran i knoajphurch choir concert trldajr beauty rosea th grooms mothr february 33rd crba a dark hrowir coatum with af corsag of yellow rtvsm m 1 dane ballinafad hall on tuaaday mr a s nltholsob of waa will b tha prngraailva conaaf vatlva caadldat for halton county st th ait fadaral auctloh comini evnt anmunrmmi ol lie is c rrl or ihil kt slr li k4l cbrerf rest bwc ms os a vsratvaum si 1 sr sssauersssi of jet having been asked to aend a small exhlbll reports rere reid jkltd offlcararorthe romlris yarlctd th ru as follows mrs uoyr praaldsnt mrit ann twson vie- prjsjdent mrs w j beatty acton rtpraaantatlv and vie preatdant treasurer mrs batlalhs aatlatant aseratary mrs juthompann librar ian tha maauhc andad with ganaral dlaiaslon arid taawai aervad oy thapiieatata for travailing cost urn the brld february th admission 5c pro- wore a froek of fuachla woo with ads or war work brown fur eoatwlth matching aceaa- l himtsvlll and other points th young croob convmltt of boy sosuta a- coupl wul llv at ortlha whar ha aoeutloa wtl b hald in th oouacil arraara if sutlonsxl followlnf his ralchambtr aetau tmday inibraary turn tram ovartaaj ouasta war at 8j0 pm ah eltlassuutaraotad ptxtntfrdjiijrorontoinsrmsriatn wtlfara of tha bwwttt ar fiivw ara artorilahd thasurroundlrui mttrlci- eordlalburtvua u3ry y jf f ju wrns

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