Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 8, 1945, p. 2

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9 aim two thb acton free press tiluimdav rebhuakv at a5 qjljp artnu 3frrr jjrfbb pwuufc varr taaair al avctaa oauita sumctlmion tatsa m f adviit11iho latuo a aaa la vuum caiaaa km4im- mm taa aisvrtlalac k lit u vumfuuui ifcst u u u4 w itaak ua ui affa to mr iwtummt mmfc imilf huh ink a4uaal is r to vruuf b ik tawoftlw rata ta ta r ftasa teskaaa mm alr toml tr aaj u4 mb wk ittub tvutolr a4l to wtiila- th 4 to ii mb 44tlimml tilxthunks tiuotui j aaiaaa attmr dii 11 e4uw nt tmibtv winter v tutor to central ontario during the next dc cade or two can depend on it that they ii he bored to vtoam by the native tales of the terrible winter of 4445 to a few facts may be handy as ammuni tion to fight off cxaggeratora no doubt most of the inventive tales will origin atein toronto which may not have been the hardest hit centre but certainly thinks it was actually by the standards of the prairie northern ontario and apots such as ottawa and montreal toronto had something like a semi tropical december and janu ry true toronto had 22 inches of snow decern ber 12 and some of n was mill on the sidewalks of downtown yonge street mi weeks later true the temperature did drop to 15 below zero during a january cold spell this made for bracing weather in con leant to toronto s usual dull rainy winter and the native just couldn t take it while transplanted snow urn tn from more igorous climes plowed through the locly atuff with noses upthrtfm into the cold clear air native torontonians enwend beside their hrcpuics i or hugged each other in sardine fashion in strict cars there are two schools of thought on why native torontonians couldn t stand the snow and cold ns well at outsiders from say ottawa the long under wear and the porridgefor breakfast schools proponents of the long underwear theory hold that torontonians can i expect to weather old fash toned weatheiin a new tangled idea like short cotton underwear puj thenall of them women included in long woollen underwear for the winter and torontonians will be almost as hardy as other folks they say rut the porridgefor breakfast school believe this is all nonsense that underwear doesn t majtc any difference the trouble with torontonians and the cold they contend is that the queen city natives cat cold breakfast food on cold mornings they p re scribe heaping bowls of hot porridge taken inter nalyatew ore bnvtng thcoutdoom while they argue torontonians keep shivering and explaining that is below in toronto is equal to 40 below in northern ontario s kirkland lake or saskatchewan s melfort the dampness you know v incw tn liquor consumption thoughtful people must be disturbed and alarm ed over the rapid increase in liquor consumption in canada and ihe united mttcs tn 1944 according m thlh information is presented for paruiu to an official statement emanating from washington h tl for pavers renrralk the people of the united states spent more than the pnicnts rc available us of right both to the even billion dollars for alcoholic beverages it aire- and the poorest family m the hind admitted that this is a record in fact roughu onr to hc e for pments the birth ot each billion dollars more than was expended for the same thks musl b registered unhr proper vital mntstics purpose in itvu thee is reason for alarm over the horits means provincial governments it izeof the expenditure and perhaps more reason for t hat some 0 ut n are not rerstered at a alarnuover the rapdtv with which it is increasing and ht must b to tnt laments appluatio h is estimated that the united states has a popu forms tor famh bc delvcr d tatlon or about 140 million people this works out lhe p oi househotdjn cinadi t a per capita cost of about s0 for cvcr man hire children under in arc knoun to be lvmg the woman and child in the counm leaving vouivg mra cstions asked are hllcd with name children and babies out or the xeckonmg would in nd generallv ves or no answers but in ill crease the per capita cost of liquor drinking to per- brths musl bc registered as noted ahov haps 70 if people woulffonty consider the mafur cnc ire l0 b rtadc t mothers and the act re reasonably there are few homes which would no that lhc m b p t the welfare of the ibimii diuiu s i i freely admit that there are many ways in which they could spend this money to much better purpose in a household of three persons 150 would buy quite age considerable amount of groceries and other family in europe and the growth of larfe industrial centre have been important contributing factors another factor has been the rapid expansion- of wartime in duatnes which give strawy employment and payjitgh wages many thousand of citnens have had more ready money than they were accustomed to having before the war they have not been able to spend this money as thy wished hecaute of warlitnc rirs frictions 1iad their spending nut betn restrained fhey might hsve thrown away miirr if jhfr surplui cash on cart motoring and gaselme and poktibly usa on liquor they would almost certainly have heom- possessed of luxuries that ihey were unable to buy during the war these are no doubt factors that have tended to increase the amount of liquor drinking we have m doubt that there are many good cihens who will nut see any reason for alarm in the growth of the drink habit they prohably believe that drinking will dr crease in volume after the war when coiidmons re turn to normil and the average eiturn has less money in his poekela than he has at the present tinir those who take this position overlook two nn ports n l factors one is that drinking brioine habil that gradually strengthens lis hold on the drinker x the other i the aggressiveness of the liquor interests ttrewcra ant distillers have a really profitable business and like any other industry the are doing anything andvrytttiug thcjaw will allow them to do to increase that business and assure hut it will be a permanent business that they eanlhways count on to give a good return on t tic ir money investment orangcvillc itanncr v snow luulpnirnt inadequate ihis unusual winter in ontario has dt monstratcd that snow lighting equipment is inadequate there is not enough or it and much of it is both worn nut and primitive townships arc learning that ordinary gravel trucks are too light for effective snow plough ing and for the county roads big fast equipment with blower attachment is highly desirable in southern ontario where heavy snowfall is the exception rather than the rule there is not eiwiugh equipment of any kind for the mileage to be cleared more effective work under emergency conditions could probably bc done if townships and county would co operate more allocate the roads each would undertake to keep clear and have adequate ninchiu cry in that locating for the purpose open road to market are of number ohc imp rt ance tn these times o almost daily marketings ninth of which is sold on a graded basis and paid tor un cording to quality hanmrs musl have constant access to markets and supplies but there arc roads in southeastern ontaiio that have not been open since prior to hrtstmas loss in farm tntome under these conditions is inevitable municipal goernmcnt would bc well iidvised lo purchase enough equipment of the right kind to keep the roads- cle ir and after this winter it ill not be difficult to lonvinlc property owners that the in i creased tdx be en use of the e xpense mi urn d is cheap i insurance against isolntlon mid interrupted market j ings farmers advocate j v regihterlng now for kamll allowance m hen famtt allowances come into effect on july i ims it is estimated thai some is id 000 children under itl years of age will be eligible for pavments the budget passed by the government for these pay ments is 2m millions with an average cost pervhild per year of 72 4h outside of administrative costs and without deduction of income tax rebates the scale of payment is 5 a month for children up to s years t from fi to 0 years 7 from 10 to 12 ears and 8 trom m to is years in farpilics of more than 4 children there are these deductions 1 less for the hfth child 2 less for the sixth and seventh and fathers and sons i to wimplalnt ts ofttn inad thai wm fathers to not lalf rnuuh in torvst in tlirlr aorta in wtiat thesr hoys are dolus what ljy arv ihiak i na au1 tliv prlmqdm tliry ar firm ing i1ic imir i xtlr to thrr fathrra fir eutniianloiiatili ami in mint the 4uir pruttahly artmi wiw hltal tlkfalit prauo t ittvm ratliai rfiiiota from tlirlr tlvrs and intrrfsta ii 1- vrry hrlpfut to lys ir tbi futlivr la ronatanlly watti1har to htl ma boy out of dlfflrultlrs and lo ny int him vvlirn hf gvta wrung lib a hoa may talk la an indrtkmiilant way i ui moat of tbvm liava a alner ad miration for tbolr fatlirr and arr sa uhnaj to talk with hltn whan th falhrr gtvaa advlr trmit tba youn trra protilanit arul dralrrs mueli in runt act bimn father and son a ureal fador in ihr yiutha dvvl inifnt minon a silat train d- itthri by tha raal waatarn hall way frutu a town in tha ililluh mid lamia iarrlfsl tannanl tuiui fir 111m nlfd rr9ti in 17 4w iim walgtitna rt tons canikkh abk mohth to acton uiftjhtkn umxn l v artlan army rnumlt clit ft in lmtn lal snla lututu imj f tiililini ut aiwitislrlcl wlo pal imi imiiiiimmi fill t thlt itimiirt fif ml m full i nn j i imnri l4 war r ii mt m t ti l tin a 1 ini wr tiij mult llnti ma li t will waitr- ma r i lull i tn iuiim rt our um mit llv laltle an i lialrs aimt u ii- t ii- i wa tftrtv tnad u iu riwtiu and for iwu mttnlla alaff iiiv i hi ii ti an ly rati n so ii rjiilrt la tlatill utrd al a hie t i iitma ally onij4rlr wllli a imik- ii- aiut ai1 4 laua lo liaitrt out tfttrnts nu rj titr nurt n nittrin ixi n i i hlut n t lil ltal 1 kyi nrv i n iy y al ik wry lartl klail n f jik nil d 1 n w i t m 1 i nt i a 1 rli rip llina tnt irv ni- atuff in lltlmm fn in i a 1 ing w nh i l till l llo ll hvmi rarly ati t wlru h iifwtwrlli ra aj fraifrt wiili a in- wftiaal r 11m lliat dm in 1 la lif 1 1 rn w itn i i aiifli tin cia anl 1 1 wm 1 m ii atr nriil rrart thf nrw business directory medical u w o klinnliy hllrftmaa a4 hl ikurrvir to ir j a menlvr lflr in hymim iii ii xiii slrl act mi ikflw ikmu ta ruuw f umlt 91 itau im f ll wm ulll n imcc orfu- ltuui j i 7 0 pm t- iril wtnnvri ami huntay mill sui nr ilrlru hlr hionr lia uentaj iik iin iancaijtehs attack homil basks iiikii s ausi iimoaj hwrgs mill htfmt ornr iaflk artu im iiuun itl amu 3u pa vvtilfiat uy afmjlntiniil ukuai ill amthlani ha hvruur mm hmllrtut kiulf pbui luutr iif manlbjf urvnaaa hwimtfri lllrlln mar4aa laalh attln olflra tl fkwu hilla iu kl nni tumi anodon ufriaur jtoluiur naurf pnaju ollliri i fftrurhiwn iininy lliatra ilull4s a hin ovar i mynurk cal for aplmjinlirianla i liuna arton 4ft or taorgrlijwn am orrir hour ailon luaaday ana lliuraday ivjpm toloopm vatilnai un kafuaat vrrrjunaav i l youn vb uvbc valarlaary horgaa ortira mrijokvtlla ontario i i fihr mlltun 140 r 4 i jakis v s wybe yrtrrlnary fiurgaaai ml icillriii kniii avanu act n i lluna 110 o ln ilrndly tniltft in noillirm 1 1 an r urai emtate carrolls u ii i uijhhy 1akm al ncy laarifitl anil oldt al agmry fiada hi ii i jftltf kill hldk luiunto 1 1 1 i wit i i j it m nlatlva tmit tlowoon ihana c4raiawai sss j for each additional child the general breakdown is this some 40 2 per cent or i 424 000 will bc s cars or less hence will draw 5 per month the second class between b and is ms per cent or a0 7xl cliriblc for rt pc minth next comes t18 400 or 17 5 per cent be twecn 10 and 12 scars at 7 per tjionth rmall fis2lhx or ims per cent between l and lt dro k j per month wth the aboc dcducttons obtain roa waovt rursuv pancake flour jmhinu paf ma ata i if neeeasiliea at rfteen dqllara a week it would pro- vlaion a houaehofd ot three peraona tor tell weeks there are several factors that are contributing to this rapid increase in the expenditure for liquor dishwashers in new york are setting bitter there is undoubtedly a steady growth in- the habit gf wager than saxophonists leading the chr man beer drinking this has been evident for a number year immigration from liquordrinking nations children registration in ontario villbcrinr this month meantime births should be recorded no mst up to 16 years if not formeri registered v kucniriairninks spience monltbr to recall the adage abqut true worth being recognized in time j ft crust m x4 lt soap j roll t om tsa wl ssa wtaawrri fkui soap mi abxkt a wax ti rrii cocoa u ia s clkanskr a rmtiw puddinc is m vi ba lfhl ctjbat 4 4f a ssa sa ia murfets i 17t aunt dhuh 14a jar walnuts molasses tomato juice shredded wlteat 2 palmolive lt 2 53c 12c i7c 23c lie wi raaarrt tha rttat to limit qnutltlaa of all mtrrlianilut crisp fresh uettlce urge size s head juicy navel oranges sil 252 dozen bllk carrots 4 fba 10c 39c 15c fresh rhubarb grapes caullflawer radihea spinach tomatoen special prices time tables anai1ian national kaiiways oally r srtl unlay lially n monitay lolaa h i sunday only i sutulay inly lially rxr- i sun lay hyrr it nirkhuwn dally except sal and hun klyrr al uelih dally ax rpt mat and sutl ualnc raal dally mi sunday ijklly vrl sunday daily rxnpt sunday sunday only llpr dally orgatown dalle al ulph 901 am 7 48 pm 1208 anv 1j4 anv 33 p m t 12 pm 4s am sa ajb to pj s4 pjn 025 pjn asapji ray coach lines coacuks lkave acton railfcanad hfi am sicim 3 0 p m j pm 0 ir p m b9 m p m vvaattmias h1m am y238 p m ajob pa u1 pm ntwpm ilia pm a 1 ti iond n b sunda and holidays nly i xto uflph dally to kltchanai sunla and holiday to kiti hvnrr z to stratford w t patterson ro murrtajlal in rm m orthaplui tas uvndiiah 8t ot elttl pkaaa im complrtrly equipped offlisja balow uahrr shor start rrattam vatl4 ptieaa aakjam te anttm wasaahlaas rimsiai haaa pa ath suoaavwtosi pasanvxts huij atrrntia aetaas a- ctlnaiau n iii ii jj-tju-mi- w old chum nm mm ok aaaajat r ihw i a uianai t ijiali r kiiiati jcsj liibtftii

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