Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 8, 1945, p. 6

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wrtpaxx the actoh free press thurspy rebuaby 8th ltt the week al ottawa by dououui okskn riniilin pnh 840 writer ottawa cp whether another ion of parliament will be held be fore diaplutlon wu one of the prtn tinal questions engaging the at lent loo political observers here last it wu rumored that a session would tie held this month whether or not uetenra minister mojsauhlon gov eminent candidate jn the tr y north byelection was sent to the llouw or cmmmons nndlcatkm uu given wlen nar i lament va prorogued last wwjni day that another aeasion would he held before 1u five year term expire april 17 some member expert however that general election will ha held tn april and othen hold to the opinion that prime minister mar icenzle king a administration will go to the country in june parliament u required t meet at least one a year trough the govern inent la not legally required to fix an electlan date either after dissolution or the expiration of tie life of patlln tnent by lapse of time llenrr it nereaaary only to hold a rian thi year and elect a new parllamrnt in time for a nujon in lh dvhion of the polltlal hide f the ii1 em at affair department mtothne aerlkma ameeiean and ear tlawru ilrltlah commonwratiii and i- u mi ten n affair and special tht affair li an indira ion of the comptax duiu which have rome under iu jurlsdwtl n during the war eara the political nidi dealt with mat ten of policy and relation will other countries it la uiervled by hume wrong who holds the rank of asso elate under secretary of state he formerly held rank of assistant e re tary of atale and headed thp com monwealth and y u rope an dlvltton tr hugh keenlcylde now canadian ambassador to mexion formerly held equal rank with mr wrong el head ed the american and ear faslrrn division am ifiprtauh market importance of the latln american market to canada posl war econ omy is emphasized b the fact that tre trade department which no has representatives in columbia peru chill argentina brahll and mexico clt has under consideration the establishment of additional off ice it is noteworthy that some of the wealthier latln a mar iran count rlrs have built up enftrmous reserves in the dollar area and that at the end ofluu the gold and foreign excliang reserves of 16 of these countries amounted to almost 3 000 000 ofxl double the 1943 total mackinnon has salt previously canadian goods enjoy an excellent reputation in statin america the external affairs department an last week that while the official ban on trading between pramv and canada will h lifted ahortl actual trading will he all tttlt im rioanietot lorn totse to come because of a shortage of shipp ing and foreign exchange problems in lifting the trading restriction without waiting for the possibility of actual resumption of trade the canadian vgovetnmant u follo a i different course from that taken b the united kingdom and the united states which prefer to ualt for con dl lions under whkh trade coil be carried on deal surgeon braves seas saving lives mildmutmrtd doctor does un ique worli answering mad leal calb fiwm skip in down roadstead jam job lukiyi hnland icp k uter dr hall looked m re like than a human bring a he climbed wearily put of the im boat tn the wlndswet quayside his lothe litre frozen stiff from tie snow squall and driving rain a ea kj ray icicle glinted on his felt shpul bhau james s snowman chronicles ol ginger farm kji wruua naw4ajly far tb aataa praatr ly jwfmmiljne p utsuue huntbat dihcovebh hrabb snow bug a hunter in quaat of a wary rab bit came upon a startling dlacowry he founif a number uf small long legged inmls walking over 4 ha uow at hrl he thought ihem to be aril maled partlilr of wood baj on doser examlnatltm he found that tley poa mwl l leu j a txidy and a small had he traced a frw of ihem in a ptew of ai r and stuffed them into the mm art of hk hunting ja kel lite following day he took the in h tojjic llal onlaito museum lit re he leaned fr m the insect rhlalutx that he had found a ratter re kind of crane fly and that littl ral hard wosk utjn for two whle rojj j day it was no less lhlin nuking injd it is surprising the trtng one can find to do around the house in stormy weather 1- or uulanct last week 7- v- o i nrtoriofthis i hey a ear ta dult file in iha coldest months of the yiar but what ha pen o them when the warmer weather a r rt ves no one seem t t o k now i n mentally ite lnse ts were dead by search for ship flying the w fct j giving away no junk dealer would tlmp rrrhr lh muaeum take it in its entirely its case i apparently thu erullar little snow of no particular value and nom- of lis uk j rn neat inside could he used for repair ny other type ol piano uare piano a i la k j i that had long ine heiume a uh if he was returning from the down tlej hant tfure wa no othrr way roadsttad after a frultlex five houtof gelling rid of it it wasn t worth osl the medical aid signal after a brief tw i hange f dry lot he a hot meal a julk visit to his surgery and a hui ried round of his more urgent pat lents re was bat k lo jil utile boat again hradlng out into the squally raf bombers attack steel factory itrture shows raf bombers of the 2nd tactical air porce making the attack on the steel works at jten- this photograph wu taken by a cameraman of the h a h film production unit shown bomb bunting tn the target area t work on i hi piano you may remember w uj iel a big cornrr of the room we ved into when we went aoutt sea and the keen cutting snow wind n to continue the searth i imami the state of our tmsdroom thl lime he was succvuful ue 1vounh lxsinc iii u ind lie ship he found the iatlenl d five hour later he wav hack for xhort bleep before taking up hi normal routine midiral work n1 ore slncr the lieinnlng of tie war ixlnr hall affectlonalely kniwn a le hid m ur ha made if 7 trip to sra in llfrhoals motor boats and tiny little ojwn rowing boats to bring medlrnl nkl to sick in jured and wounded sailor time after lima he ha fared nnw nnd lo and even inn miles an i oui ks battling hi way out in hi l t tossing in the dnwrt roadstcn i tt conlratuind control base or lo wre k on the dangerous toodwln sand he i a mild mannered man mous tac hed sleek haired and keen eyad f v en w hen he has tjient hours at sea in tr e onldesl v llest weather there is a quiet cnftdent smile on his face itoetor u modest although the doctor bloke ha become famous among the crews f thr ships which pass through the down roadstead contraband control itas although tta seamen hemsrtvi lell hair raising talrs of the way he tights his way to them in ah s wllh hr wav p running 40 to v feet high a m although they talk vividly of the way i e climbs cal like up rope ladder with high seas threatening to wash him awav at any moment doctor hall himself does not think his work in any way spectacular there s reallv nothing o it he as i don t want to talk about it and really i don t thinks there s any thing in my work w mcr could make interesting reading its just a job of work that s all at home doctor hal is a real fam ily man he ha six rhlldren three- hoy and three girls he likes noth ing more than to be able to seize an odd hour or two to play wllh them in the large loft at his home whch he ha titled up with a auperh electric rallua in his- vpre time he i i for two whole day almost the flr ttung i arlnrr did wa to uruttlng ikc iiihlrument have you ever examined the works of n piano have you noticed i ow taut ate i he w lie and huw ea h nt tightly twlst 1 around an inn l i7ne eg tat tn im tumid hv brutr forte to n hi- the hiring and paitner fthnrts aie nil son from trc struggje we belieye my job was disullng the icryhcvant aatav mr awetarrnr h made sfrreral d t iverhs haven t you often wonder cd what make j inno key come up ngnln directly your insert rebate thi m or miirw kihi why so mi time they ilml well i can give you thi answer away at the end of ea h ki y i a tiny hrau ring which contnl he action of tie key and of course on know w hat happen w r en a prlng lmetim w eak or breaks kently 11 wan uulte favinnting this j job in fart ii xemed almost a crime lo dehharately destroy the marvel lout and intricate workmanship that ha gone into the making of this aged piano dear knows how much glue was used for j uai everywhere not one nail did we find anywhere nothing but screw wooden peg nd glue and vet with workmanship tre wood was poor nothing more than pine with a covering of thin veneer th only tarts wprth reaving were the lit the hinges and the crev we wont peed o huy anv screws for years of course the iron frame and bra peg will go to help beat hitler and if from the melting pot ihere emerge a few shells to go singing through the air in a death dirge for naxl devilv then the lat music of our old piano may yet be its het and now to change the sul jet t are you interested in rheumatism or arthritis call it what you will an aching joint by any other name would hutt at much arthritis is an awful thing to he wro has it and to the doctor who tries to cure it partner ears in fact it is a hangover from rheumatic fever contracted during the last war there are almost u many cures as there are type of arthritis onr of the newest is treat lffik32asbjb pettunoitouch ont t i i a rifle khol brought down a i unnwity bull jilixjmifi lwnl ipnmnll mcored n bull eve nfti r tht nninint i i ewraiwd from a slnuht r lujusi wn m tht resent war had been t r recaptured and tht n jumed through jm doed four timt had twite bet n re the window of n two storev barn onto imrted missing or dead nnd his wid the roof infnrmnl of his dtath had nmniritd i cnmpoaer a well known amateur pnotagrapher and at the moment temporary organist at st thomas roman catholic church tn deal no matter what he is doing plav ing the organ romping with hu frtrtwreec- atteemtne jatlenti r no m h nukr do of v d j ing his surgery he always knap n ady ut ont as prescribed by a doctor or instant use his sou wester and partner has been taking it for months rubber boots i but without any appreciable results lie is still taktnc it but the dosag has been changed and the result is now quite encouraging if vou have an kind of acute or ihronlc nrthrlls wh not consult our doctor as to l whether he thinks vou might respond favorably to itnmin d treatment that is just a suggestion take it or we in the life insurance business believe that life insurance is a vital instrument of social service and haj made a great con in but i on to the wtlfare of mankind we belifcve that through the promotion of thrift and the safeguarding of the future of our policyholders wc have helped to build a self reliant people and have contributed to the stability of our economy we uelieve that the practices of life insurance have proven to be bothv equitable and just and that on the whole our business has been conducted both wisely and efficiently we believe that while rendering useful and indispensable public service wc have given honorable employment to a great body of workers both at home office and in the field we beuve that the agency system does noc increase the overall cost of life i an further that it is the- only known system that has been devised to gtvc the wide life insurance coverage that the people of eur cou ha a t to demand he never know when he is going to need them court war irvitvr lindsay ont tcim tsi w n dismissed bv magistrate- r a gee whin n inborn charged aviui dlmird prefabricated tugs from i tru tondutuiold a grada a hard icbk jt as jau ytlll but know in k slorv he had served ft ur venrs fmethlnk alxut rheumatism mvself 1 i have an idea that you w illwejcnmt anvthlng that promises some surcease from conslnnt nacink pnln so we aie into february already past the second dav of the month nnd tht ground hog hn decreed thai tin re stall be ixwcek of winter oh oh sl more weeks can w lake it whether we can or not 1 supikse wt shall jum have to rhnt i if it cornea ilut maybe the ground logs like eople are prone to t rror i am just wondt rink what condition iur caxwlll m in bv the time it in possible to drive it nntn it win supposed to be winttritd but i tun wondering if it was w mtt ri7el nouh lliwever i don t inlt nd to try it on tht road ct rtninlt it would seem that the wtathermnn is entitled to i vet another title that i f on cm trojler and a vrrv efficient our itl that we believe that the permanent character of the business with its long record of solvency is due to the sound and scientific principles upon which it is founded as well as to the high standard of management w hich it has received wt believe that life insurance funds while being invested with primary concern for their safety should be and arc being usefully employed in the most effective way possible to further the countrys interests we believe that there it much ill informed and unfair criticism of the business and that it is the duty oflhe companies to give the public the facts so that an intel ligent judgment can be formed further that the business should uelcome valid and honest criticism in the interests of advancement and improvement we believe that life insurance is a democratic business because its policyholders participate in the management of the companies through the directors they elect rrft jrm tt jjrrn inm l uv tail inmt mors i hi mill vt prefabricated fugs are now being aernbled fn bri tilth ship yard from the material sent by etmvrican rcrms of constructional enjimeers alt the ahlpyardt have to do it put the parti together picture ihowv a tug which wtlh be ready for launching in four days w hen engines and boiler which are delivered from anpther contractor are installed and final touches put to the auperatructur lewes pi lpit to rin tver london icp rev r a tood vrln has left the pulpit to take over a pub the shift in jobs caused sorn lifting of eyebrows hutthu prtacm-r- turned publican aid busines wast kood at his 4vver old lion hotel and that he was enjoying himseu 1 i always dreamed of retiring and owning a pub and now i m completely hopp m wire enjoy the change too mr goodwin admitted that he uasj no jonger officiating at any church servicev because that would shake i tomt people around here tob much highlights from the 64th annual report premiums collected 5 91125333 policy benefits paid 32 1 ncu business effected 40922429 business in force 334671797 total assets held 89594277 special reserves and surplus 786735 north american life assurance company t a mj t u a l c o m p a ny toronto howard graff representative ui7it

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