Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 15, 1945, p. 3

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thursday nttutuamy ltklma the acton free press of interest to women r the mixing kowl lulto hommtbn one mora we approach another imiub jleason her alded by shrove tuesday with ha tra ditional pancake rinrtkw may be terved in any number of was at breajtfast lunrheon or supper tor light a a feather panrakea r eed these directions 1 mr 1 1 fat and then measure 2 beat eggs well d ml with melted fa i and liquid 3 stir liquid into measured dry ingredients until baiter u unouth 4 put prepared mtslure inlu a pitcher for pouring conveniently 5 have the griddle pan lightly trm and hot but not smoklng hot add a una 1 1 amount of hatter 1 about v cup and let it cook until hubbies are prominent 6 tse a rk turner flip over and t tier aide 7 serve pancakes ai aoon as poa ubtc ao they will be at thrlr baa aliifc pancakes 1 tablespoon shortening 1 tarueapoon sugar 3 egg ls cup flour 1 teaspoon taking powder 1 up apple hopped one cinnamon milk cream the short en in and sugar add the beaten eggs the flour sifted with the baking powder and a sprlnk ling of cinnamon and the chopped apple then gradually add milk to make a medium batter dak on riddle as for ordinary pancake and kerve in an overlapping row around platter of pork chop or servo separately with roast pork either hot or cold cooked apples or a dry apple sauce mav he used with batter in the same wa pratilrll pancakes is cujw pastd flour 1v ups baking powder 1 than augsr 1 egg well healen cup milk thapa melted 1st s tsp salt add milk and fal to egg mir into dry ingredlenta vlgoroualv until flour particles disappear add one mltlng spoonful or hatler to hoi greased heavy frying pan when cakes are cooked at the edge turn and cook on other aide makes 10 to 12 pan cakes vascaxf lammrct losing prepared pancake flour mix and our tnlo a itrrer hake cakea as directed on pakak niatfe hatter as directed for fealht r pancakea i nit piaiuaket together in pairs with pip ing hot thin hnmhurj between serve un healer platev a rompnnled b m1i sauce or relish and a rlsp vegetable salad oilantf pvncakks is rupa prepared pancake flour few gratlnk nutmeg is to 2 thsph grate orange rind i thsp ujsr opl lonal 1 s p milk or water to nam ake flour add oran rind nutmeg and sugar add liquid stir until hatter is amooth turn into a pitcher lrv a directed for fealher pahcakca on vour elettrt ianke 4voi wuhbullcr and hancy tiif srncrstton no l moll chops strlpn of hacon etc chronicles ol ginger farm urtltea hoeriallr in tlurnimiijnr i ijtbhe family of ten dunn uniform iaiiallont manitoba wowan su uaeurtl or watea cauda mere are the answers to a few qui fctlons that have tome m way mm reader of this column mr p you were inquiring as to the kind of fuel we uae in our fur- naie vh answer i al with the required amount of nik mixed n and note ills we have heated the whole house thla ear eleven room and by the end of the winter we etec we shall have used onlv on ton more of coal than would have i teen required by our three slaves rnd which would have healed onlv half the house and let nte tell ou we trlak the comfort and convent ence we enoyed this winter ha well repartd tjargotthat etttb tori of rot ho you are undecided about inatall ing a furnarw well i could luirdl take it on myself to advls ou so much depends upon the slie and com part n ess of your houe a small plte leaa furnace la often found to give splendid results in a small houe ours la a hot air furnace wllh pi tea in fart there are so many pipe sprouting from the top of it that it looks to me like a huge permanent urave machine of course if money ir no object a hot water healing sys tem is juat about lops for an kind of rouse since you have plent of wood lucky you i am sure joti would find it quite a satlsfalnr aa coal for a furnate providing you uir dlae1 a ow1 plumlker ai to the beat 1pe of furnace to install fir that purpose mm w s i was slmpl thil11et hear uur son chnrlle h on hi home i am so hip for ou nod fur charlie and hla wife and the amall daugliter sharon l certatnlv weetet w e think 1 hujte urn will all have a er i ap and saus fator reunion j we were j lensed lo receive our card although je were purpled for quite- while to the identlu of the sender finally partner recognized your wilting we still have ptentv of snow around here younj john has to hitch up the team eer morn ins to inke the milk to the road jid then k over for our netjhlhr milk can as well not much s nse two 1 1 am bring harnesied vvhrn one run do the job for both and apcaklng of taking milk to the toad remind me of a letter i received mm mt suter in toronto a few wceka o she wrote of the un pleasantness and inconvenience of tt trananortatlon thee winter dns so much snow sich nils and no wa of knowing when the next street iir will come along and then ahe add it ln t o hud for mu peot le in the countr hei aue ou alw hnvi vour homes to kct ou around ii iu little tlt nml c uitn te ple umdeimnnl t- thii luflnultlcsi no ittubt th lolni ha iwn pr ttv tough tl la win ml r l mrs a j can un of mrt teary man is a utlla wup of a woman with soft gray ralr and i winkling brown ees site las no latin to fame hut in her own way mrs t anlln has set a rexrd fur was inn canada r or her 10 ihildrvn all joined lite fighting forte mrs t anlln waa burn in parts he uif the turn of the rnlur befoi ihl pfovlnie was ttorn she am to anada at the age of nine and hied w ith hrr parents at siiieiket man rortv seven year agu site moved to mi reary loday hhlden in the una w hit h grace her fate is th story ux this piutlno and ttie story of her nln b s aitd daughters who having glow n up wllh it now are ilk lit ing on ii behalf slug still rrlalna thai trroiii lduui t t dignity and quietness with a sooth ing wa uf speaking with to tret trace of atctnl she is a woman uu would desi rlle as having gtuwn old gracefully i ve seen stime wondsiful improve no nt in this piovlnce w ii v in tlu town now and operate our farm from there it is now much different fiom what it used to be as for the ihildren tray nr w onderf u i and i hen she laughed i would say that anywa wouldn t 1 phree of her mtna have be n killed un active erv ire one was twice vtounded hut mis i anlln hlds her htarfhreak in planning for the future of anada she is keenly interealeil in itollllc and la vice pn aldent of the 1 ileral committee in me nary i he women in the t ant in famil me atko doing trlr shntt marie a tlrtukiter in law la n m mlnpr of the w a new drug madt in australia cobsimobwcmiui top prodocc of list new kulptt lvujc cani1erka rb cp a ar ago australia began largaarau prod uctlon of sulpha me raxln in the bop it would prove useful i agalnat certain tropical disease and now the oomm onwealtl- flnda llself the world leader in supplying the new drug i understood however thai ikertrtienta have not real lied the how- fur ttte new drug wtjh th result tliat australia may not want m for the treatment of irophal diseases hut it an be used wethe purmt manufacture of the drug lnvulvs in meor pru4u to produt 1 tun of ttie drug it is necessary to handle u tons of raw materials ntnre than 1m gallons of solvent and 10 tons of intermediate substance writing in ire medical journal the halrman of the mdl al kqulpment ontrol oamrnltte sir alan ntwton aald the work of production of this drug la prubahly th most at ri wing development in nynlheth organ it chemistry yet undeitaken on any ale in australia lhe prod i g lout and dramatic a hie vi ment of producing large quantities aeven m tha after the flrat skl wii turned on i if fi lory site spoke fir list f piodu tum lut said had bn trusted to imperial chemical induat id of australia and the plant lad hcn in full producllttn in e th be klnnlng of the year rat popiiation 1iwwh sain i john n ii u 1 steady intreaae in saint johns rat populat ion during the war vents faa iteen epirted ksternilnallon i oin panic unable lo cipe wllh the alt ua i ion aug- keatetl uniteil t lli ni lion lo t otnbat th mensi e rkvir oij mint srh i alt i on ns i lans to revive cool mining in nearby ihor- liurn by laplng the soooolloton mi llcnn seam untouched slnre 1kh0 wrie nnriitunced by minea mlntater 1 urile of nova stla the old atnnt will le opemtt aa a new oper allon prov ided llnan lal arrangenienta i nn iw ompleteil hoattojujje buatntd delmont man tcpnlmont christ church bald a burning of th mohgag ceremony january 30 with mrs john horrorks una of the old est member of the coogrvgatlon burning the paper abnoautal hkast uouhkhly cheahlre cngund c pi mrs uary cash ftgad vi who collapsed and dlad her from emhal failure had a heart weighing 1h oumfi average weight of a womaa heart la eight to 10 ounccac e ml him his chance hwd ih m mit in fcllj h turh imi oroninuoa i at 1 ih j1 who ham niofm jz y luanaif e banic of nova scotia avaocjiaf rvom cowf to coot save i hut nl li nt m nit mi nt iw elter t nn lle n n- mil 1 mitt f getting their and milk hi a innl hi til lliveed ea h avoid dnv v lien aiin ttic ountrv here jronl wi r hi xkiu oni u t 1 t at iffnndertnv leven hcrewrrmktn fflae i 4s should he thorotikhlv mle1 with r w i lenlv of farm f ik who the rlnae water an i iwo nn at n kn getting advlseal v tl at none f it will n main i anvil in inh thr rtet hrd in fnhn when lothe are n t tun hlp we- t lttink mall it ih osjtaldo t i pit ttv imr 1 t it it h mile l n t it tried ratalhs ai i c wn win inv lw a xu tn the fork till the fat drips off fat for butter substitute 2 fold ironed pill iw ava areet initead of prevvlng to vear along the creases it 4 keep and pnum freh hv klas jam with lid tlghtl allow ekk atalna wvaklnk in cvdl water water in dr- ring t ar irv hefote i olt of kct ikimos show -hxueor-taljcnt- ttiat iviv of tour vviltlnk tt t fl uy and ahsotutrlv tint if will th wintir i kttlng mi in time if nit n pearan e rounl n dav i dvs an 1 hko link inl the sun u iult warm hen t d e jt me ut i enter lav wi i m n r ad a ti r vlikht thaw flrnt think we vnow there w ll ha ft reil thftv nut point ixarrow alaska cp manv fvklmva live as their forefath era did hut the village kskimos t itarrow are more m xlern and th r ihildren attend the publb s hol ttje head of the srhotvl i s in dent sav tat moat of th children show an intelligence atxiut on a par with the average amerh an voung- ster ilia own two children altepd the school almost every one of the eskimo children ha a rare talent for wlors and painting colcord truatjy heur- lln up here since 1915 to paint the arctic and the eskimo tay there re many promising- artists in the colon in e neer seen sqch ap- preciatlon of color he said 81 up spvdf to tyance cilarl ottetown cp-kegot- iatlons are under vvay to arrsncf for shipment of some 8000 tons of man- lime certified md potatoes to franc if shipping space can be provided the potatoes are to h obtained in 44aurbrunsuuk and prlnre rdwiirr1 taland pen there will hi snnliln li talk ihout unless i am virv niu h mi ttken 1 jist week i almoat thoukht w e uiri ha k in the w eat tgaln we were melting now to do th wavhmc i thought we would have to bring in al ihe snow around the hnuv to ket two bolters full of water it certain- lv takes an aw tut lot of snow to get a little hit of water not onlv thar but ou put fresh ilean snow to melt and what ou get is blackish looking water how anvthing fan look ao clean and he so dlrtv i don t know- but there it is our onlv consolation la that it is i levi dirt if you know what i mean r e kuixa it dltof waluaceburg ont cp while the home of their friend wil liam sortev on walpile island res erve was burning two ruikv indians rose to the occasion and carried hrm unusually rev piano to afet after the blaze hind down it took no leas han flve indians to move the lnstru- liquor control board of ontario notice to individual liquor permit holders hrnt in iin blmoi night- othl t do not destroy your present individual liquor permit liquor permits will be extended not re- issued tomarch 31r 1916 on application and payment of 100 at any liquor control board store on and after march 19th 19 15 the decision to extend the use of the present permits will effect a substantial saving in paper and printing costs and is in keepingwith present day conservation policies william g webster 7 chief commissioner i fci

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