meat kicm- the acton free press thursday rxbkuxry is see snimi la titta miia ii i eejes a w ii i hmiraa nta wj a e nee enssneaaj far eeerrr ckeas ef tfcia patrick on tueedny february a ims at crete st ltoatjtal toron to lo mr and kit hurt patrick ft daughter dearee joen j4oill on sunday february jllk ims at the hostjtal cornwall to mr and mralt k alecul una laabal gwttaer a daughter ilatan laabal jqtxirpemx and mrs e b jol- lmfe are happy to announce the ar rival or a aan john charles r at lha toronto waatam hnapltal wadnaaday febraary tin lee vkakkat cuelph an saturday february 10th 1m5 samual frank baepved huahand af alexandra brad ford la hla at h year mrdougausttddanly at wlnnlne man on tuesday rabruary uut ims t u eletjeugau beloved hua- bano of sarah martin dbaaanaana vt a crawshaw in loving aneeaary of a kind huahand and falhar jeea crawahaw who passed away felajfe ruary lath lmi ood railed him hom it waa hu will but la our haarta w tov him etlll wua and daugfcler drysdaxx in loving immnry of our daar eon thomaa who passed away rabruary lh 1 today recalls aad mejnertee of our war eon gone to raat and tha onaa who ii ink of htm today ara tha onaa who loved him brat lovingly remembered by ills mother and dad slater and brothara and hla llrothar john in kngland maiisiiaij in loving mamory of my daar mother who pam away rabruary th 1m1 and my dear fathar thomas marshall wro paaa ad away march 12u ims reenernberance la a golden rhaln daath tiiaa lo break but all in vain to hava to lov and than to part la tha greatest sorrow of onaa heart- the year may wtpa out many things but uvla they wlpa out never tne mamory of troaa hapy daya whan wt wra all together ever ramambarad by son william daughtertataw laura and grandson clifford card or tiiavim mra ftobt allan wuhaa lo thank dr kannay dr rroud tha maters and nurara of st joaapha lloapltal hv david 7 patton kev l c cock tha w a of chalmara llaltad church and all who ami sowers and ing bar lunaaa in lha hoapltal alao cmrda to brighten and cttr rer dur- netghbors and frtanda for kindness mr rumlayk halprra and thosa who halpad during kobt allan lunaaa in tha general lloapltal mrs martha holmes born in acton and living hara all bar ufa except tha past- laavyeejts mra martha holmaa died on thursday february lat at the f of bar aon r e holmaa 170 ruby street winnipeg man sha vu nusatytwo yaara old sha it awmt lay rer aon- robert a brothar mr alan ball and a hater mra j cargtu both of acton alao thraa grmndrhlldran and two grant grandchildren liar huaband tha lata robart holmaa predeceased har thirtynine yaara ajo and daughlar tha lata mr minnie moor for many yaara a valuad mambar of tha aus of acton public school and tha irhoora brat musical dtractraaa dlad in acton alavan years ago and another aon rtulp ovar twanty yaara ago tha ftmaral aarvtca waa hald on saturday pabruary 3rd in clark laetherdal funaral chapal with bur- tal in brookalda camatary wlnnlpag rav philip barkar osauluctad tha aar- wecklwar cottmenlarv by mkxaix muia crmjui u now caught tn a kicaa- ur vtw with tha rualanb attaklaf toward turlln from tha odar rlvar krcttliirfklaaat tms tha jultatf forr inciudinc thr ut canadian army cost figures reveled by halton hog producers in a racvnt ntirvlw with agrtcuj- tunc raprcwntatlvv j e whit lock boma intervmtnir flfturva axtalng out tit atwmy tha rad army kaj a4- vancad to tha art of tha quau rlvar 10 mil on tha way to saxony rtja- ttaju tvtrtklnf out of sllatia from buniuu on tha bobar arc aiming at tha anamy ttronghold of rlu on thanlaasa rlvar in italy amartran infantrv imd au- ftortng armor wrrv savrraly maulad in an ahortwa attack on tha liguriu coastal tctor in which no gain m of pro tponmmd try ttrtaln wara nuda but ctuualltla and 1 1 lw onurto dapartmant of agrlcul tank low war rlauvay hagh t j r t j 7 provlnc wara ravaalad and th wt on the juoornauc tauta u b uttarto ohrvra lnurprlng tha l rum cadart tha jualor parn- luunmtn at amy poatllon ww 2 zjtsz uv ln vm rf tha rhln on tha waatrn pront- 5211 ihsnitss- now r u rm rem rooaaval eam hatjnltad btataa now wranlng m ru to mukxl hai commlttad haaaalf to a part in tha post war raformatton of europa australian drought appbcts uvkstock production but daaplu ua mounting t praaaura it aaanu unukaly that tha j- wlu pact pltgda anuatanca loaty suddan or soon tha concantratlon mlbaratad or formar asia uullltr na ing tuna and kaap an axact racord of tha walght incraaaa tha amount and kinds of toad usad tha ooat of faad rontumad tta racalpta for tha me concantrauon o all power ta fonmn intartm governmente 1 j zzl jzz illmmtar group and lla ruthlaaa am rloymatit in raorgantiing amunyi j economy undoubtedly help lha amartcw and kuaalan roralgn tarratarta evary racord of thaaa hogs ooa hundrad tha big jhraa agraad on rvgular j farmara want to work onun proarl flva in aach of twanty duvar- o untry to survlva tha crtdi of lat tummrr thara u conkldrabta avl tnc to tvhow that lha graat mat of tra afmvtn naon agraa with tha tr w rd yugotlavta thr arovltiona ew propaganda lln fad tham by oab- t lrsirslnc wrrenda and total 7z lv ttv dl alike involve 0 dlructlon fi mttm i i5 thraa ot four months fra alactlanai arato h t id in tha llbaratad natloni at toon as pomalbla and in both poland r those countrtee and mambrrs of ihrlr of germany ii la belter to go on w p fighting and ao prerve lh idea o national aidslta far n unconimon wrren- u hhtrto herman wllbr3tlraoty urtt anca of tha doctrine that inara u no auatrau is eptencln the j amative but to go m lo ih hitler tctx worst drought in her history as end i caste will ae wiped out and rfroiin auatril la on of the import thl rauhi iar industrie will be ellmlnatad or meat producing and sporting coun- t conlrolfed walcrimlnkl would be trie of the world and the drougtl n this connection it ujlgn i puntlhml r exacted nnue iar nartlona of uiatith ss iluck guardi hava ham now covar urga portion of m from m political in tha air allied bombar lupport ottha naj rt- country tha conditlofu thara may hava important altacti on futura purl meat tuppllaa tha follow nj raport from a racant australian nawa i at tar which appaarad in tha ottawa journal u ramlnlamnt of similar conditions axpartastrad in southern a i harts in ltls and 1911 and in souiharn saakatchawan in 1m6 and 1007 but appararttly on a much targar acmla farad with tha prohlarns of an abnormal incraaaa in food damands from tha pacific front and from britain australia is in tha midst of tha worst drought for yaara tn tha coming saason thara will army for th support glma into a dominant military force to which tha wehrmacht is subserv ient bailable informants say thst in december alone 75000 soldiers chos en for their fighting qualities were transferred from tha wehrmacht to the s s thus trll force has super seded the old prussian military caste as the determining factor in german detttny ttajl ooartfta warfare k tensive preparatloni have been made for guerilla warfare ln central austria part of southern germany wsgfhlhitf february is half gone there cant uoh mora of wlntar ash wadnaaday and tha flatt of tha lantan season yesterday yaa there was a day during tha past weak when it thawed a httw yesterday was valentine dy those ugly old onecenters aim to have disappeared and no one will be orry issue of your home paper will gtva you a statement of jour account all subscriptions must be dated tn vance splendid crawd attended and t continuation school last thuraday night in the town hall the music was supplied b thi- modern aires orchestra two large cartons of used cloth ing were shipped to thr russian be lief the past week by the women institute from the generous response by citizens following tha urgent ap peal no more donations are asked for at present pending an action by the government board making national appeal r areas tha germans hava itabllshed slrongholcts built fortlf jjj rat ion and made comprehentjve- plant for a lengthy at and be rjrtaas droln tha mlu f lj north iuy aat the australian wheat boarra in hr arr estimate or the 1m445 crop s fifi 000000 bushels the smallest for 35 years the 10year averagers 16x000 000 bushels australian requirements canadians attaah are estimated at 70000000 bushels iatdkat weekend dlipatrhe from which means that exports 111 have lhe western front in europe said te be drawn from reaerves whkmv canadian and nrltlsh troops had however are fairly substantial treamed through the msln siegfried the meat position u serious pa j and into the leronri line of en ctfic forces utll require an additional rtrfenac m th drie into the 1so000 tons a year which may mean ti forest unt of kleve earlier that the civinan mnt ration will riv iow nf itead stream of have to be considerably reduced reinforcement- moving into lha field particularly beefwhlfjuis already a to j jvid marshall mnntgomeo long wav below mutton and lamb nev offensive in the first 31hour in the quotas supplied to rctailera j period of the drive on the northern producers eatlmate that fat lambs for m of the western front the can- export will be onethird of the pre- adtan lit army widened lis sector to war number many breeding ewes mllei and advanced mi cbp have been killed for canning and j turlng 14 towns ed the russian drive on dresden with a 1 too- plane raid on that rlty cap ital of saxony aa a diversion brit uh bombers alao struck at a tynthaud nil plant at rohlen south of leipzig and undisclosed targets at magdebury dresden was chosen fortnjlauck because of lti value to the enemys defence agalnat the russlan advance soviet armies were 6fl miles from tha ancient provincial capital wednesday tha japanese dome agency re ported that a fairly strong force of american bombers and fighters truck at southern formosa the enemy hroadcait said about go planes took part in the raid but damage wi there w as no allied con fir mat ion of the raid moat evident that we must do a bet ter job ln quality in hi opinion there li not vary much wrong with the majority of our hogs from a typa standpoint a tremendous improve ment in our quality voutd be affected by feeding a balanced ration and by getting our hogs out at the proper weight which of course under prea- ent road conditions is a real contract a lot of us added mr whitelorlt have been kidding ourselves that a b hog is a pretty good hog b hoga are not good hoga at eaat not good enough to hold out position ln ugn- ly competitive market there u ty onarsd he stated which will aaka canadun bacon famous and that la aggrade bq lets cease copumeauna ouratlves on the high errentsfe of hamon hogs in the two top gradas and concentrate on producing more of the top grade otarino auction sale in thr township of fkamoka farm htoot impurmentts etc thousands of lambs are not id fit condition for killing application of rationing and the quota system have helped price- fixing and the com pulsory acquisition of a portion of carcass for canning have enabled the accumulation of locks in cold stor age and in cans tranaport for stock from drought- striken areas is another headache a glance at our label on thitbaeau ol mortage of rollingstock war having halted construction and repairs there u an overalt t short age of manpower many producers meanwhile the american 3rd army drove to within threequarters of a mile of the important road hub of pruem united states 1st army troops have lunged to within a mile of the most important dam on the roer river the german opened the spillways of the sc imam manual dim flooding the lower roer river in an attempt to halt the american drive to the rhine the russiani continue to prepare for their frontal assault on berlin with tha red army troop on the are faced with heavy losses many ara i northern flank within 23 mile of in danger of losing their equities injstettln the great naltlc seaport mos- thrlr properties irrigation has help ed to produce mora stock feed but so great reduction has taken place in flocks and herds that it will take icale manoeuvring years to build them up again be- 1 caine thu la the tcond drought jrarj there is next to no hay or chaff i in lh philippines the battle cow dispatches say marshal zhukov will ktrike directly for berlin one hit fcont it wide enough for larga- vajued program at february meeting of acton instititte the f hruan meeting or the alton women x institute was held at the home xf mrs krancu wild and the president mr iippln was in thtrr the motto of the month wat civ en bv mrs k leambcrt on l uxurics d thrv bring happlies the roll call in keepta with st valentine dav was anxucrihl bv each one giving a valentine wlwh were ditriluud later in tla program teneral business included the plan for the mrcikl activities for the net for most farmers have had to sell etfenj manila seemi far from over jap- thelr house cows and fall back on an resittance on the south side condensed and powdered milk for ot tn city it still tlrong radio dl- thelr famtllea produce stores are palrhe from the philippine capital supplying chalt at th rata of a bag d american commentators ax- each three weeki for each cow only prassed the opinion it would tale it alonetenth of the fodder needed was considerable time to drive the japan- available a farmer came for a few e from the cltv bags of chaff to keep his horses all another superfortress mid on the until he could grt them away by rail japanese homeland was n ported at ttgrasa country in the south but the lh week end hive aerial giartt took chaff shed was empty the farmer i ln thu attack on iho northern took a broom swept up the floor and p of the knnto area on the mil n took the weeping em my tome llhand of honshu domil over the next four or five week lhajapamse new agcnc snll k fodder supplies are needed most poslveti and incendmrle wen- dro deimtatelv until all the ttrxk thai can 1m moved have been got away jor nle or adjustment sheep lav dt ad in imdlxk after nddh k for mile- ouru lnml upnhle to pick am- thinr ftmm the anlv gtound w 1 ei their mother still jot ph vines sutk- ed the ewes wheat is aim st the oulv fasinl left twelve huhdrrd bans vv nt out from one town tn one dav a- rhe underxluned st ructions from mm tino uhter tn ttell by public auction at the farm situated on no 7 highway 1 mile south of itqckwood on uat1today fkrrt akv it ima commenrtng at 12 w oclock thf fol lowing hoilsks mark iv rr heron celd ing aged bay clyde mare aged bay carriage gelding aged cows shorthorn jersey cow due in march shorthorn cow due in marcl shorthorn cow due in march shorthorn cow due in april red heifer due in april roan heifer due in april red cow due in may red cow due in april 2 heifers 2 old in calf ent count lea in halton tha follow ing junior farmers enrolled wm alexander 8th una of kaqueslng laud incket kaqueslng hru a reld kaqueslng rons gordttn naasa- gaweya and glen campbell nelson rownshlp the return art not as et complrte but tufftclent informs t ion has been secured to indicate that by rarcful attention to balanced rat lont and marketing at the iiropei weights that tre ontario hog mark etlng picture could le r hanged mat erially it all ontario producer would adopt the methods fullhwed by these young men of th halton young men the first two named have com pleted the project and in the figure- released by the province ten of the riundred litters are completed in the provincial figures v graded a arl fer the two halton litters marketed m ar a neither of tlesa two figures are particularly high si mo flgurea from the hng sultsldy branch of the ontario iepartment reveal that some oral- entittnt ly get from 70 to 75a grade a both figures are however approximately 60g higher than he average for the county and province in ch returni for the ten lluert- rrported by the province 101 pig brought 1552 64 over cost of feed putting a value of 7 00 or each of the pigs kt weaning there li an 3v erage of jh36 per pig left to rover labor orrhead and proqt h was interesting to learn that thli flcure u within 1 cent of the average profit on the two halton lit tern whi h n rldentallly were both grade yorkvhhc it should he realized thnl the e tire only preliminary figures released no 10 of the utters entered and tt i mill he interesting to learn i aw l compare wtth the averae of the ic- malnlng 00 lltteri al 111 not reaorted the point which mr w hltelo k ha receued in jw4ihed to stress particularly wa- iht necessity of stepping up our qua i it materlallv if we hope to retain i hi british market in the post war er ind in 191h our canadian hog maiv tings were 1 250 0oo hogs and in 1044 rkg1000 hogs our present domestic consurnptlon of pork which with full time emptovment and uh wages in industry can be fairly safely stated to be at its peak requires a- proxlmately 5 000 bogs pi r week or in the neighborhood of 1 million hogs per year at present product n levels we have a surnlun above do mestlc requirements of between 5 and fi million hogs how asked mr hertford cow with whllleock are eto nnd a mrkel grey cow farrow itohy beer at foo greycwurrow great britain tor this quantity or r cow i bacon once denmark reenters the young cattle shorthorn bull picture in the post war period in have put over 90 of h r exjvort ikacon to britain in ire top grnde sizable a lwt while the best canada could do was to get vi in the two top grades canadlnn farmers stated mi whit clock have done a tremendous johtnepp1ng up production ofe sentlal foodstuffs but he addel it it monslnhargvreoiimtttrot d t theielvhald7oth mr lovell mr f iku mr p l ij a ori mil the hioaihnst snid but thin w is no it port of the i vtent of damag ist minute ieeloittients lrk this ek the cnnndlans 0 the western front hid drlvn throu h the mlns if aptund kleve to within two milt s of the rhine induslrtal clt if i- mnit rii h nd within jt mile- if ihe ruhr vnu immunity of wvv i othir a11 d troops hnd pehetrted ntern edge mrs anderson and mrs marxhment a generous response to the appeal far the russian relief was reported by urs hunter a commit wa ap- in one of the worlds largest sheep raising areas wttr stiffening prices for finisrted lamb on all marketa- and with renewed governmept mlllt- polntadto prepare andihvp he biea j tp h u soon as possible mrs maodov f to the full maintenance of meanwhile i uxemtxurc hud be n chared vith the tapuire of the fron tier fown of vlandei giving gen flarnhower a continuous h5mlle kitchen cahlnet 4 rront inside ojermanv from karken burner coal oil stove with insulated near saarbrucken the northern oen cherry extension table kit angus butrher cattle pigs h shoats poultry 10 hens implements m ii binder 6 ft cut in real good repair deering mower 6 ft cut brant ford mower it ft dump rake drum hay load er m ii corn binder m ii corn cultivator xl 11 manure praadax new peter hamilton h spout seed drill mam spring tooth cultivator 4 section harrow steel roller double disc out and inthrow turnip sower i h c hamilton 2 furrow plow fleury 21 plow renfrew slrt bell cutting box i ii c i gas engine ana grain roller 3 scuf- flen anchor holt cream senaratoi i in pood runing order stoneboat mnssey harris pulper lumber wag- j on with box farm wagon hay rnck bench sleighs pi acton forks hoes shovils drain bags and other articles too numerous to mention harskss set of breeching har i neve nurd horse harness collars hatter lllankets i haygrain about 7 ions of hn and a quantity of grain if not r viously mild hoi sehold iffectsl hand carved oik dining room suiti 0k intng honm sume with leathir mmitih chilrs set of dishes j wicker hairs leather seated arm c hair watei 1 metiers glasses fruit djsh- ii morn- chair rocking chnir l i emuttelil chnir secretary aludin i nmp j courhes i ahles caldwell pluior piano utrola with two lmmks of iirst rlnss records ictor radio with hew hat i erics 2 iron bed with spring nd mattresses oak bedroom mnte cherry chest of drawers uuturriut cheit of drnwert herrv cahlnet commode wash stands diesrs toiltt set quilts pillows i- at her ticks rugs oilcloths un- ol urns raym saw machine auto knitter poreh- swing happv thought ranmjvitchen cahlnet how army newspapers btrgan before thu war it was mat tha prac tice of british generals to espial ta their men the plan of campaign and tha kind of fighting likely to eventu ate they do if now toe uay rognue that the titlsan army of to day it made up of intelligent man- men who know what they ara fight ing for and who want to understand how they are to fight for it far that reason army newspapers ara brought into the front llnea a hor1 time hack captain hugh cudltpp formerly an editor in daat street told overseas listeners in a bbc radio news reel about soma of the army journals he has been eon nected wilh tha first one ha stattad was printed at sea within an hour or leaving the shore of britain th first copy of ocean news appaarad the troopship was a converted luxury liner and throughout the voyage tha men were able to have their qswa- i papers printed in the machine room where the peacetime menu cards had been run off those who prdduead the paper had no easy task they wnrtred wriptrt to the waist down in the hold with the walls sweating wtth moisture their diflcuttles increased while rounding the cape furious weafher cutedition knocked out some of the compositor and flung type hone to thr floor and ony those who know what type is can appreciate what it means to pit k it up in a storm tossed ship cudllpp descrthed how during lha journey of several months tha troops were ahle lo follow despatches from libya r ight army withdraws tohruk i- alls rommel croaaaa igyptian frontier and so on until just as the ship was about lo anchor came word that ftotnmel was held at last v british soldier who walk ed down the gangway knew how grave thr position waa every man waa armed wtth knowledge as wall as w fa ions what followed is world history amtaikk a la cabtt vancouvmt ktl a tap dance cost logger murray williams h3 in police court he was ordered to pay s300 plus j5 fine for damaging d sh ea a plateglass window and a show case when he danced along the lunch counter in a cafe here k quaufted corsetiere for betterciaas foundation garmanu reasonably priced anyone wishing a fitting or further information phone 33 or call at tha house mrm w mendiiam 4 gualph hi caorg tae skoe that ashed millions of feet zima the work of tha commit- t lo inr iu m oi part of the front it so hndlv flooded fjien chajn ice box pota pans raported on the work of ina uttelf flocks during 1943 there la j h turned knu forks spoons cooklnir imen- taa in charge of war brides recep- ined bv the in antp4 l v l v slu cliurn pails crocks washing llt- pv t-re- nh k- vm lo gained by tne in iwq naval operation doug am- machine tubs wringer and stand ut i oury aron canadian press war corrasnon- tramps lanterns dent reported tfrmscash iced exowcrs foat quaten m tha east arn front berlin ra- so article to be removed until t bbrt 0 nicd for no reserve as the farm red cross lunch booth on tlon the aecretmry announced the combined meetlngnit acton and dub- un iiurtltutea wbanrtha- spadal apaakar wouia be miss uattara the president entertained with an aajoyabl contest mrs marchment and mrs lambert wera tha winner tha aocusl mmltte convanad by mra lkbanby assisted by mrs mc- hugru mra blanche and mrs hollo- ajrmy svdat3alic4ous ruiwc health spot shoes foe men and women a wlien you map into heowi spot shoat ycnii root it tapporiae oa nature int llhad at rka lanai kaal towort a conwattouo umlbla ejreh wild a conlouratj bad for boll and rota ratlllrona lujva toldeoad- bya to foot waotlnaai bv mtai haohkspotslioaa baouhrullysrytad fori 1 iiortikl that tha nasi anrrison of london cp gardenias sent nbtrdnpeit had finallv evamited the 4ui u r ice rom australia toth queen longnclrcled hungarian canlul after fnrsrctlf alvfhtcontenu praaant from tha ctunmonuaalth btaaklnu through the tlufaan llqe ofsh hjuw to bi sold f con emmant ware lnrfnrt eandtuaa around thalty the germans ad- 1 albert cray clark whan arranged in tha queans private milled a soviet break through ol the i tbsfnt hobar rlvar una where according to jjj ssjrjtt ascuanaar bd rachliist i acnhy i imii jbt iffikilbirtlife